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Cover Story:
“Fiscal Cliff’ Bridged but Threat to
Working People’s Welfare Still on Track
are joining hands without regard to
political affiliation to
cut benefits that enjoy broad
bipartisan support among everyone who
not rich.
Cartoon - Where You Going Joe By Mr.
Fish, Philadelphia PA
The Power
and Convenience of the eBook By Peter
Gamble, BC Publisher and Chief
Technical Officer
next issue we are going to take what
we feel is a significant step
forward. Issue 500 of
BlackCommentator will be offered as an
Now is the Time for Maryland to Kill
its Death Machine
states - Texas, Arizona, Mississippi
and Oklahoma - accounted for
three-quarters of the 43 executions in
the U.S. in 2012
Anti-Union Sen. Tim
Scott Has Drunk Deeply of GOP Kool-aid
to work” laws are part of the
continuing effort to neutralize
labor and to quash any hope of
workers to gain their just rights
Anti-Capitalism: Learning from
Anti-Racism Struggles
and capitalism produce many of the
same tragic individual and community
Cartoon - Collateral Damage By Eric
Garcia, Chicago IL
Django Unchained: A
Look At Yesteryear To Better
Understand Today?
If you’re
intellectually curious about this
horrific era in US history, you’ll
have to read a few books
Celebrating the 150th
Anniversary of the Emancipation
named the day of Lincoln’s signing of
this historic document
Jubilee Day. Many African Americans
continue to celebrate Jubilee Day
with a New Year's Eve church service
called “Watch Night Service.”
Innocent Until They
American enterprise saw to it that
shipments of weapons and drugs
flowed into the Black communities
in the 1970s to further neutralize
resistance and dissent while
paving the way for the prosperity
prison building in the 1980s and
gentrification in the 1990s.
Emperor's Gifts - Guantanamo, Drone
Missiles, Afghanistan and the NDAA
government does to people in other
lands – it will not hesitate to
practice against its own citizens and
other residents within the
borders of this nation.
Why They Owe Us!
a historic responsibility to demand
reparations from those forces
of white supremacy that continue to
benefit from what they did to us
Political Cartoon - Bad Ol' Boys By
Chuck Siler, Carrollton TX
Art: Smile By Ray
Ferrer - Urban Wall Art &
Murals, New York NY
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Cover Story:
Why Raising the Medicare Eligibility Age
Is a Very Bad Idea
eligibility age is going in
the wrong direction. We
should be
trying to lower the
eligibility age, not raise
it. What we need is
Medicare for everyone.
Political Cartoon - The Twelve Days
Cliffmas By Mark Fiore, San
Francisco CA
is Anthony Fletcher on Pennsylvania’s
Death Row?
of missing and fabricated
evidence, sketchy witnesses,
prosecutorial misconduct and
crappy lawyering.
Agriculture Secretary Says Rural Areas
are “Irrelevant”
people can overcome
the wealth and power of the few, when
they vote intelligently in the
interests of all.
Senator: Tim Scott, Republican
cannot make their racism more
palatable or open black ears to
false solutions.
Cartoon - Israel’s Other Occupied
Territory By Zapiro, South Africa
Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale’s Call
For Change
we at
least recall what Huey P. Newton
and Bobby Seale asked of this
almost half a century ago?
The Unusual Spiral
Would this
of incidents lead us to believe there’s
an epidemic or are these merely
Cartoon - Maria Santos
Gorrostieta, 1976 - 2012 By Eric
Garcia, Chicago IL
Top Ten Signs That
Let Me
Know Americans Have Transcended
a white woman from Wisconsin returns
from a trip to New York City and
announces to me: “There are Black
people with dreads
in New York!”
Barack Obama -
Destroying the Legacy of Black
America's Struggle
Obama does not "identify" with the
"black radical tradition" of
struggle in this nation. He is, in
fact, the antithesis of it.
Kwanzaa Season and Economics
American people should do business
each other during the Kwanzaa season
and continue this practice
throughout the year.
- Ascendant By Kadir Nelson, San
Diego CA
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Cover Story:
Blaming the Workers until the Bitter End
- Company has a Long History of Not
Being the Hostess with the Mostest
To add
insult to injury, the company
announced it intended to pay $1.75
million in bonuses to 19 of its
Cartoon - Iron Dome By Eric Garcia,
Chicago IL
Workers Win
a Living Wage Victory in Texas
this living wage concept has come up,
it has been tied directly to
unions and the union movement by the
powers of Corporate America.
Marvin Miller,
Curt Flood and the Baseball Hall of Fame
players, in this ‘game,’ were
blessed to have had the leadership
of Marvin Miller.
Weary of the War on
Puritan Parliament banned Christmas
from 1659 until 1681.
the Real Meaning of Kwanzaa Being
is above all a cultural practice
not a commercial one.
Enslaved People Built
finding requires answers to the
question of what has been the
of U.S. economics in relationship
to individual effort and
witnessed the Republican’s idea of
“working together” and it is not
working together.
Class Warfare and
Victories for the Everyday People
It is a
struggle based upon the needs and
human rights of the many versus the
insatiable greed and lust for power
of the few.
Cartoon - POTUS Bops By Chuck Siler,
Carrollton TX
Let The White People
those Whites who want to live
separately the entire state of
Texas, and if that’s not enough let’s
give them South Carolina.
Neoliberalism: “The Nation of an
American Empire”
business of “freeing of people”
flourished with the flames from
Little Boy and Fat Man.
Political Cartoon - Pay Attention By
Mark Fiore, San Francisco CA
Grandma's Love By London Ladd,
Syracuse NY
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Cover Story:
Lincoln and Race: Not So Simple
should remember that it was Lincoln
and the Republicans (in a Congress
without advocates for a southern
route) who championed the
transcontinental railroad that with
Federal support lead to the rise of
the national railroad barons,
progenitors of the corporatist
Cartoon - Secesssion By Chuck Siler,
Carrollton TX
Who Rules?
$46 million pot of advertising money
magically appeared, dwarfing the
mere $8 million that was raised by
supporters of labeling, and the
result is old news.
Climate Change Gathering Awaits
Obama Response
may be the last great opportunity
for the United States to avoid
permanently falling behind China.
Walmart’s Black Friday
and “Convict Leasing” of the 99%
Black life and the business of
maintaining racial segregation codes
has gone global.
Still Hang Black Women in America...
was simply summarizing the
information provided to her from the
experts and authorities on the
horrific matter, there’s a growing
chorus of good ol’ boys who’ve no
qualms about pronouncing her, in
essence, a “dumb-ass colored girl”.
Fixing Up America - By
Larry Matthews
know whose liberty and opportunity
we’re talking about and it’s not the
Americans on the margins.
Is A Hundred
Walmart protestor, who courageously
stands for justice in his or her
workplace, stands for 100 who are
too intimidated to do the same.
Cartoon - Help Out Then Get Out By
Eric Garcia, Chicago IL
King Can Help Build the Palestinian
Nonviolent Resistance Movement
Palestinians are sick and tired,
echoing the days of the Jim Crow South
or South African apartheid.
Petition to US White
House and State Department: Condemn
Israeli Aggression in Gaza
than taking a stand against
Israeli’s onslaught and issuing an
unambiguous demand for an end to the
bloodshed, the Obama
administration has condemned alleged
Palestinian terrorism, repeating
the dishonest line that this violent
attack is merely in defense of
Israel (a position reinforced by the
one-sided coverage of the
corporate news media).
the Indefensible
collectively, can no longer make
genuine claim to being in
opposition to the systemic
injustices, tyranny, and ravages of
the U.S.
Empire at home and abroad while
simultaneously supporting the head
the Empire - for to do so would not
only be hypocritical but also a
vain attempt to defend the
AP’s Discouraging
“Homophobia” is Discouraging
of our liberation is in our strength
to call out acts of homophobia.
the History of Haiti
three centuries the crime of being
Black was punished by torture,
rape, and murder.
Is Eric Holder Being
Punked by Two County Sheriffs?
There have
always been penalties for doing your
job too well in Buffalo government.
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Cover Story
- Defeating A 3-Headed
Monster - By Dr. Steven Pitts, PhD
is not over because there is not a
clear opposing vision deeply
rooted in the neighborhoods and
communities of the country.
Cartoon - Sandy By Mark Hurwitt,
Brooklyn NY
Ground Operation 2012: Fusion Of
Information Technology And Grassroots
analyze the ground operation for
victory in 2012 and seek to draw
lessons for the progressive forces
as the contradictions deepen between
the one per cent and the 99 per
The 2012 U.S.
Elections and the Future of the Left
angered by the attacks on their
rights, turned out in even greater
force in favor of Democratic
The Election of
The illusion
was that nothing else mattered,
except the economy.
Pluribus Unum
descriptions of our unity are more
often misleading blather than
indications of reality.
Obama and the New Plantation
‘masters’ of this present-day New
Plantation are the corporate elite
and their minions; the field slaves
are the ordinary people.
EXPOSED: Why The Republicans Can’t
Figure Out How They Lost
couldn’t bring themselves to see the
new realities in America’s culture
Cartoon - Snack Shops By Chuck Siler,
Carrollton TX
U.S. Continues to Outlaw Versatile
Forest-Saving Hemp
can buy hemp twine and rope, but
American farmers cannot grow hemp.
Compliance Is A Bitch!
Accomplices at the “Edu-Factory”
university came to be seen as a
tool, not just for elites, but for
the public good.
Malawi’s LGBTQ’s
Short-Lived Freedom
contend that homosexuality is an
anathema to an African identity,
cultural and family values.
Taking a Deep Look at
of the African community in the
United States are disconnected
from the
moral and ethical traditions that
have characterized relationships
among African people in the past.
Cartoon - By Any Means Necessary By
Eric Garcia, Chicago IL
Art - Collard By
Kadir Nelson, San Diego CA
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Story: The Worst Didn’t Happen;
Now another Danger Lurks
reactionary rightwing suffered a
clear setback and for that the
nation and the world can be
Cartoon - Barack and Michelle By
Zapiro, South Africa
on the 2012 Elections
There was
something akin to a popular revolt
by the African American and Latino
Election Sham in Police-State
dollars were spent by Barack Obama
and Mitt Romney in this
‘election’ sham even as
joblessness, home foreclosures,
austerity, corporate hegemony, and
perpetual U.S. wars continue -
Obama Wins; The Sky
Done Fell
advocating armed revolt, the Party
of Angry White
folks rising
up against...everybody else
Cartoon - Shades of Al Capp By Chuck
Siler, Carrollton TX
President’s Re-election Reality: He’s
Got 99 Problems And Mitt Ain’t One
President punched through that paper
tiger with a base that was larger than
Big Wins on
Marriage Equality for LGBTQ
choice and the moral high ground on
an issue derive from
struggling groups trying both to be
seen and heard among the cacophony
of dissenting voices and opposing
Cartoon - Empowered Voters By Eric
Garcia, Chicago IL
Nonexistent, Toothless Middle
He is
not listening to the depth of
existential fear contained in their
blind hatred of him
Satan and the Election
- By Larry Matthews
must give up their tendency to sit
around arguing, fearful of the
consequences of acting boldly
Chance to Change
periphery is rife with congressional
and local races that are equally as
Political Cartoon -
Obama Wins and Netanyahu Waits By
Carlos Latuff, Rio de Janeiro Brazil
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Cover Story:
This Election Is Not A Pathway To
activists must know that it takes
concerted action from the bottom to
make sustainable change happen!
Cartoon - Gynecology Theology By Eric
Garcia, Chicago IL
Activists and the 2012 Elections in
the United States
challenge will be to defeat Romney
while building a movement that is
based on reversing the priorities of
the militarists so that the
society can make a break with the
power of the financial aristocracy
and the traditions of racial
Obama Or Romney Save Our Planet?
have President Obama and former
Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney
addressed human-caused climate
change in their campaigns?
The Hurricane and the
Postal Service
yourself if you care whether or not
you receive the mail that the
Constitution promises.
the Blood Gushes the People Die!
is a serious, long, hard, and
protracted struggle to replace
this rotten, filthy, unjust, and
corrupt political system.
The Story of Resistance
shift in symbols had been “invented”
by a novelist, would the
information be considered “worthless”
while the same narrative,
authenticated by a historian would
have more value?
Cartoon - The Importance of Voting
By Chuck Siler, Carrollton TX
November 7th, 2012, A
Day Which May Live In Infamy
election will prove if the “Left” can
“hold-the-line” against the
“Reagan Revolutionaries” who yearn to
return the land, its people, its
way-of-life to “yesteryear,” America -
circa 1952.
Were Told What They Would Do and We
Paid No Attention
money does not flow as freely to
the bureaucratic agencies of
government; it goes to
corporations that presume to carry
on the work.
Election Day 2012:
Test of America’s National Character
really want get rid of Obama so badly
that they will ruin the
recovery for ideas that will proven
ruinous to the country?
for Disinformation
the 1950s, many people didn’t
believe efforts were underway to
stop Blacks from voting.
and the American Dynamic
American-European dynamic is made
up of people of many nations who
migrated to this country and
continued to fight for and develop
national interests, inside this
Art: "The
First Vote” By A.R. Waud, Wood
engraving 1867, Courtesy of the
Library of Congress
The Mass Line and the
Struggle Against the Obama
Administration By Saladin Muhammad
arena is one of the arenas of struggle
for political democracy.
Unfortunately, it is too often viewed by
the Black and general masses
as the only arena of struggle for
Why Support Obama in
2012? By Joe Navarro
would view involvement in the
current elections as a temporary
to forestall the right-wing’s
ability to control this nation
and use this time as a period of
struggling to defend the rights of
Art: Votes for Women
Photograph, U.S. Women’s Suffrage
Quote to
Ponder: "I knew that I could vote and
that it wasn't a privilege; it was my
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Cover Story:
Who Do You Want Picking The Next Supreme
Court Justices?
Supreme Court justices based on
various factors, not the least
being pressure from within THEIR own
Cartoon - Rest in Peace
Candidate By Mr. Fish,
Philadelphia PA
Vote Smart
and then Prepare for the Next Stage
I like
going to
the polls and seeing my neighbors there
and having them see me and
wearing the little badge reading “I
voted” on my lapel as I shop or
enter the neighborhood bar.
Do You Believe? The
Growing Acceptance of
Deception and Deceit in
Our Society
movement must raise the bar
and set the standard by
valuing truth in our own
politics and conduct.
Prop. 34 Will Stop the Execution of the
Given the
threat of executing the innocent,
California would be well served to
put its death penalty system to
Cartoon - Tea Party Reflection By Mark
Hurwitt, Brooklyn NY
War on Democracy
Prepping for
their delivery to the “host,” they
have been vetted and groomed for the
corporation that will have them!
Diversity Work
2005, the GLAD Board asked the
executive director to develop a
diversity plan.
Cartoon - Trick or Treat By
Eric Garcia, Chicago IL
Tribute To Russell Means - Whose
Spirit Shall Never Die!
tirelessly sought to raise the
consciousness of the people.
In Newspaper Contract
Talks, Persistence Pays Off
took care of each other and
continued to build the union and,
that, they learned well what it
means to be united and a unified
in the workplace.
Cartoon - Women’s Vote By Chuck
Siler, Carrollton TX
The United States of
Disappointment - A Voters’ Guide By
Larry Matthews
are levitating in a space created by
focus groups and professional
Adult in the Room
deliberative intelligence can be
integrated with our soaring
Animated Political
Cartoon - Undecided Flakes By Mark
Fiore, San Francisco CA
Mantra-When They Win-They Win, When
They Lose-They Win: Now That We Know
What We’re Up Against - GET OUT THE
he’s “angry” or “condescending,” code
words for “uppity”.
Never Saw It Coming
These men have been in solitary
confinement since April 17, 1972.
Cartoon - Hope Less By Zapiro, South
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Cover Story:
Latino activists join with marriage
activists. Will it work?
advocates and LGBTQ rights
groups have long tried to get
its constituencies working
Cartoon - Jim Crow’s Baby By Mark
Hurwitt, Brooklyn NY
The Storm of Change
uncomfortable. The outcome alters
perspective, sometimes charring,
almost always painful and often
accompanied by rage or anger.
GOP War On Workers Is
Traditional…And Going Well
is not about money in a contract.
It’s about whether the
U.S.A. becomes a nation of (a few)
haves and (lots of) have-nots.
The Scurvy Little
Obamas of the Betrayer Judas
it's totally cool to be a corporate
puppet, a war monger, and a bloody
Cartoon - Voting Hurdles By Eric
Garcia, Chicago IL
Elections and the
Quakers Who Repudiated the Doctrine of
immoral doctrine remains at the root
of most of our present day
difficulties in the US!
Fired at Denver Obama Office; How
Angry are Angry White people . . .?
been standard-fare for hostile White
folks to attack Black women, the
elderly . . . and children, no?
Cartoon - Bandit By Chuck Siler,
Carrollton TX
on Measure J(acking): Time To Stop
Ballot Initiative Exploitation in LA
every other community that has been
impacted (or will be impacted)
by permanent transportation
infrastructure, the Crenshaw
should be heard, listened to and
cooperated with on something that
effect their lives, the lives of
their children and their children's
The Intellectual
When we
use the term intellectual, we
are talking about people who
struggle around ideas - writers,
poets, scholars, researchers,
teachers, students, and
activists. Intellectuals are
people who grapple
with ideas
and who function in the
cultural, political,
educational, and economic
domains of the society.
Voting Literacy Test By Bill
Mauldin, St. Louis Post-Dispatch
(1964), Courtesy of Spartacus
Educational Website
Quote to
Ponder: Malcolm X, Ballot or the
Bullet Speech April 3rd 1964
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Cover Story:
Chavez does it again!
are those who are
committed to turning the clock
backwards and they are not simply in
operation at election time.
Cartoon - Private Party By Eric
Chicago IL
California: Still Another Plot Against
members of labor unions would be
unable to contribute to
political campaigns while large
corporate financiers would be exempted
from any restrictions at all.
(R)evolution of
Capitalism: No End to Terrorism!
U.S., citizens, no evil doers
themselves, want to see a
“smoke ’em out and hunt them down.
Terry Williams Case
Highlights the Need for Death Penalty
misconduct was the second most
common factor associated with murder
exonerations in America, occurring
in 56 percent of cases.
Boxer Knocks
Out a Stereotype
is not only
fierce in the ring but he is also fierce
for having the courage to come
Is The NAACP Now Just
Another Republicrat Corporate Front?
It appears
that appeasing the NAACP’s corporate
sponsors takes precedence inside the
NAACP over principles.
Political Cartoon - Voting
with Right-Wing Ralphie By Mark
Fiore, San Francisco CA
on Workers Would Begin on Day One of a
who it is they think would be left to
vote for them if the
people knew their opinion of them and
their intentions for the working
class and the middle class.
Only Conservatives Dare to Make
Children’s Show Icons into Political
Far be it from
me to question the conservative deep
Supports Obama... The KKK Endorsed
Ronald Reagan
you go the KKK official
Confederate-flag-waving site... you’ll
not surprisingly find they’ve
endorsed the Republican Party.
was a political/societal/cultural,
conversational form using a
jump-back to rebound with greater
force in the continuing campaign
Analysis: Trying to Make Sense Out of
It was a
“low-information” debate made to appeal
to low information voters in
the swing states.
The Maroon Within Us
Far too
African people in America are getting
away from the essence of family
Cartoon - Muppet Mitt By Chuck Siler,
Carrollton TX
Art: Voting Rights
History - Two Centuries of Struggle,
Courtesy of Civil Rights Movement
Veterans Website
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Cover Story
- The Denver Presidential Debate: Obama
vs. the Empty Corporate Suit Who Would
Kill Big Bird
the media are worth their salt, they
will make Romney account for the
stories he concocted.
Cartoon - Remembering Jim Crow By Mark
Hurwitt, Brooklyn NY
Survival of
the Kindest
of the fittest” model is now starting to
collapse. With its collapse it
is subtly undermining many of the most
powerful political, economic,
and social systems in the West,
including capitalism.
the Western Sahara Blow Up?
youth are increasingly dissatisfied
with the stalemate and are tending
to look for a renewal of the armed
Cartoon - Politically Incorrect By
Chuck Siler, Carrollton TX
Obama: Ghetto Uprising Insurance –
We Must Get This Blood Off Our
is absolutely no such thing as the
of the evils’.
American Education:
Reform or Revolution
those at the bottom worry about
survival and remain silent, those at
the top of this order look away - but
never down.
Month to Begin Anti-Bullying
harm from bullying and the toll it
takes is far greater than people
Cartoon - Campaign Distractions By
Eric Garcia, Chicago IL
Will We Go For Drinking Water?
month, a court suit is opening over
the pollution of the Chesapeake
Bay which, for decades, has been
continually degraded by runoff
Is Obama a Militant or
a Sex Symbol...?
is “more man” then most of these
political punks and fabricated
businessmen... and they know it.
the “Great Debate” Really the Great
Set-Up? The Expectations of Obama to
Please Everybody
expectations seem to be even more
unreasonable, given the environment
and the realities of the nation’s
economic and social indicators.
Where Is Our Priority?
Scott Walker showed support for the
unionized referees, but
ignored, ridiculed, and then lambasted
the unionized public servants of
his state.
Must Listen to the Spirit of our
time to time, movements have
unfolded that have picked up on the
ideas of these thinkers and
Cartoon - Free Bradley Manning By
Carlos Latuff, Rio de Janeiro Brazil
Fire Hydrant By Ray Ferrer - Urban
Wall Art & Murals, New York NY
Quote to
Ponder: The Scab - Jack London
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Cover Story:
Romney & His Homies - All-Out for
stock market is up and the people
Romney was addressing are lining their
pockets quite well.
Cartoon - Mitt's Blind Trust By Chuck
Siler, Carrollton TX
Rogue Prosecutors Accountable: It’s
past time to prosecute their crimes
jubilance of exoneration generally
blurs the criminality of the system
even when it’s the exposure of its
failures that sometimes lead to
Century Black America: MisEducated
and Sleeping?
common sense, and intellectual
honesty have been replaced by
absurd rationalizations and a
pathetic mockery of our common
Native American Voters
Exploited by Brown and Warren
has successfully latched on to
Warren’s claim of Native
American roots as a rallying tool to
deflect attention away from
pressing issues facing Massachusetts
residents, but also to attack, in
a more insidious way, the hotly
contested issue of affirmative action.
Cartoon - Foreign Policy By Eric
Garcia, Chicago IL
The Poor and Low-Wage
Workers May Pay More Taxes Than Romney
rich are going to be swimming in the
same pool as the rest of the country
if the whole thing collapses.
The Crenshaw-LAX
Rail Line and 2013 Mayor’s Race: The
Black Community Will Decide the Next
Mayor and Won’t Be Played Again
will separate themselves based on
what they can really do and what
they’re prepared to commit to do.
No Badge of Honor
need to see that these people are
human - and act less than such on too
many occasions.
Redistribution of
really does not take a nuclear
physicist to determine who’ll
succeed and who’ll struggle to
merely survive.
Cartoon - Arab Spring 2012 By Zapiro,
South Africa
to the Anti-War Movement By Raha:
Iranian Feminist Collective
and Havaar With an Introduction by
Bill Fletcher, Jr., BC Editorial
regime that frequently uses
anti-imperialist rhetoric also
internal opponents, be they
ethnic minorities or political
The Iranian regime will preach
against the threats to Iran’s
sovereignty, but undermines
the right of workers to form
and join labor
Mind Damage and Dr.
Bobby Wright
and destruction of African lands,
bodies, minds, and spirits
over these 2,000 years is the basis
for our on-going struggle for
African Liberation worldwide.
Political Cartoon - The House
Science & Ladyparts Committee
By Mark Fiore, San Francisco CA
Quote to
Ponder: "We have been basically
persuaded that we should not talk about
racism." - Angela Davis
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Cover Story:
"The past is never dead. It's not even
past." - Nafsi ya Jamii By
Wilson Riles, BC Columnist
emotionally, has difficulty holding
on to the past being present in the
now. He falsely wants to believe
that the future can start now, in
present, without any reengagement
with the past.
Cartoon -Strangling Chicago Teachers
By Eric Garcia, Chicago IL
What Would Be Gained
Terry Williams is Executed?
jurors were unaware
of the history of sexual abuse
Drawn in the Constitutional Sand
weren't two elderly antebellum
holdouts driving the pickup truck
pulled the effigies of government
officials with their campaign signs
underneath; it was two strapping
young men.
Thomas Cromwell on
Jobs -
a Message for Today - Left Margin - By
Carl Bloice - BC Editorial Board
aren’t we making a
massive investment in infrastructure,
which is ultimately an investment
in our future?
Media’s Obsession with
Venezuela - The African World - By
Bill Fletcher, Jr. - BC Editorial
and his party wish to move the
country along a very different
path of
development than is approved by
the political elite in the USA.
Escobar Shocked “Fag”
a Slur
professional male sports cultures
unabashedly denigrates and goes
after lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender and queer (LGBTQ) people.
Ignorance And
The Hypocrisy Trap
everyday ordinary people of the
United States are not the enemies of
the world.
Rosa Luxemburg and
Capitalism’s Spectacles - Represent
Our Resistance - By Dr. Lenore J.
Daniels, PhD - BC Editorial Board
does it happen that the interest of
the capitalists becomes the
interest of the poor and working
classes, of the activists and
leadership on the Left?
- “Innocence of Muslims”: The film
that KILLS! By Carlos
Latuff, Rio de Janeiro
Land Grab Techniques
Useful In U.S., As Well As Third World
- Solidarity America - By John
Funiciello - BC Columnist
grabs for the
growing of food is a rather new
phenomenon, having begun in the last
They Don’t Lynch
Negroes, Do They?
Mitt Romney’s elected, this nation
will be taking a deliberate step
backward towards a country where the
lynchings of Black people is more
Failure to Compromise
already tried
sitting down with Republicans, who
then chose to obstruct anything he
tried to accomplish.
current climate of so-called
educational reform very little
discussion has taken place regarding
the continued racism and white
supremacy of American public school
Animated Political
Cartoon - Explosive Employment By Mark
Fiore, San Francisco CA
With Me By Margaret Warfield,
Atlanta GA
Quote to
Ponder: "Ignorance is a cure for
nothing. - W.E.B. Du Bois
recommended news items chosen by BC on
twitter and facebook
When Shopping - Do it here - Pay the same
prices & support BC
select, click on the dot to the left
of your choice
Cover Story:
The 2012 Elections Have Little To Do
With Obama's Record … Which Is Why We
Are Voting For Him By By Bill Fletcher,
Jr., BC Editorial Board and Carl
Davidson, BC Guest Commentator
Cartoon - Union Killer By Eric Garcia,
Chicago IL
& the Democrats Sending Mixed
Messages about the Catfood Commission -
Left Margin - By Carl Bloice - BC
Editorial Board
The GOP Policy: Making
a Woman’s Body Illegitimate - A View
from the Battlefield - By Jamala
Rogers - BC Editorial Board
Will Obama’s
Support of Marriage Equality Keep Some
Blacks Home on Election Day? – Inclusion
- By The Reverend Irene Monroe - BC
Editorial Board
What Does Being A
Black ‘American’ Really Mean? -
Keeping it Real - By Larry Pinkney -
BC Editorial Board
“Black” Romance and the U.S. Empire’s
Policing and Control of Memory -
Represent Our Resistance - By Dr. Lenore
J. Daniels, PhD - BC Editorial Board
Cartoon - CNN Whitewashing of
Bahrain Dictatorship By Carlos
Latuff, Rio de Janeiro Brazil
Suppression is an Old Game - Solidarity
America - By John Funiciello - BC
Have We Humbled Yet? -
The Other Side of the Tracks - By
Perry Redd - BC Columnist
Another Person Adrift in Their Culture -
Nafsi ya Jamii By Wilson Riles, BC
Political Cartoon -
James Crow Militia By Chuck Siler,
Carrollton TX
Politics By Larry Matthews, BC Guest
Art - Lioness By Kadir
Nelson, San Diego CA
to Ponder: "I believe that banking
institutions are more dangerous to our
liberties..." - Thomas Jefferson, 3rd
U.S. President
recommended news items chosen by BC
on twitter and facebook
When Shopping - Do it here - Pay the same
prices & support BC
our August hiatus, we’ve prepared
something special for you,Ten
Years of BC: A Contemporary
History. This is recent
history as viewed through the
some of the best writers and thinkers
of our time.
were theBCwriters
saying in the run up to the 2008
elections? What were their concerns?
Have we as a country and a people and
the human race addressed them? What
themes continue today? What is
different and what has remained the
events unfold, it is easy to see the
direction an issue has taken through
the lens of what has actually
occurred. For example, do you remember
when BCcommentators
called for Single-Payer, Universal
Health Care? There was a time when
that was the direction the US could
have taken. What you will read will
give you insight into how we may yet
make it a reality in the US.
Years of BC: A Contemporary
into the plight of working people; the
continuance of war and the prospect
for peace; the issues surrounding how
we educate our children; how we, as a
people, respond to catastrophe in New
Orleans, Haiti, Africa, or in the
lives of the 99%. You will explore the
growth of the prison-industrial
complex and how that growth impacts
your own life. InTen
Years of BC: A Contemporary
History, you will find the
definitive companion to enhance your
own understanding of issues concerning
economic justice, social justice and
hope you enjoyTen
Years of BC: A Contemporary
History. Please click here
to let us know what youthink.
To select, click on
the dot to the left of your choice
Years after Furman, the U.S. Death
Penalty is in Disarray - The Color of
Law - By David A. Love, JD - BC
Executive Editor
Romney and the Right:
They hate him...but they hate Obama
more... - The African World - By Bill
Fletcher, Jr. - BC Editorial Board
Lean Forward, Now! - Nafsi ya Jamii By
Wilson Riles, BC Columnist
Now, the Catfood Party - Left Margin -
By Carl Bloice - BC Editorial Board
Support the
Occupation Movement Even As We Clarify
& Address Its Inevitable
Contradictions - Keeping it Real By
Larry Pinkney, BC Editorial Board
Politics 101: For the Corporations and
Financiers or the Politically Conscious?
- Represent Our Resistance - By Dr.
Lenore J. Daniels, PhD - BC Editorial
You, Mrs. Cunningham By Nancy
Littlefield, BC Managing Editor
Black Women - Support Reproductive
Justice for All Women - A View from the
Battlefield By Jamala Rogers, BC
Editorial Board
“Shoot ‘Em Up, Lock ‘Em Up” Mentality Is
Its Undoing - The Color of Law By David
A. Love, JD, BC Executive Editor
Day Revival - Cindy Sheehan’s Soap Box
By Cindy Sheehan, BC Columnist
Left - Part 2 How Do We Bring Obama
Home? How to Respond to Obama - By Bill
Fletcher, Jr. - BC Editorial Board
a Movement For a Better Future (The past
ain’t comin’ back!) By Ethel Long-Scott,
Executive Director Women’s Economic
Agenda Project, BC Editorial Board
Will By Larry Matthews, BC Guest
Presents Opportunity - A Luta Continua
By Chuck Turner, BC Editorial Board
In Honor of Manning...
By Steven Pitts, BC Editorial Board
Thurgood to No-Good - Point Blank By
Chris Stevenson, BC Columnist
TRUTH About The FBI Case Against
Boston's Chuck Turner By Quentin Davis,
Greg King and Duncan McFarland of the
Committees of Correspondence, Boston
Chapter, BC Guest Commentators
Pirates: The Republicans vs. The Public
Sector - The African World By Bill
Fletcher, Jr. - BC Editorial Board
Very Recent War On Us - The Other Side
of the Tracks - By Perry Redd - Columnist
revolution was televised. . . .I hope
folks took notes By Desi Cortez, Guest Commentator
ME? By Joe Navarro, BC Guest Commentator
Community Or Chaos By Elinor Bowles, Guest
Day 2010 - Give Peace a Chance -
Leftward-Ho By Peter Gamble, BC
Too, Want My Country Back!!! By Lewis
Merrick, BC Guest Commentator
Discrimination, and Black Poverty By
Algernon Austin, BC Guest Commentator
In Memory
of Ron Walters... By Lenora M.
Jennings and James Jennings, PhD, BC
Editorial Board
Standard: BP and Bhopal - Justice Watch
By Bill Quigley and Alex Tuscano, BC
Crow in a Teabag - The Color of Law
By David A. Love, JD, BC Executive
Queen of the Chessboard - The Gambit By
Nathaniel Turner, BC Editorial Board
Healthcare: A
Series - Part 43 - Why the new health
insurance law is so short-sighted By
Ethel Long-Scott, Executive Director,
Women’s Economic Agenda Project, BC
Editorial Board
Healthcare Reform
We Deserve - Leftward-Ho By Peter
Gamble, BC Publisher
Protests and the Threat to Public
Education - Left Margin By Carl Bloice
BC Editorial Board
Call It Murder By Cynthia McKinney, BC
Guest Commentator
Surprises - Leftward Ho! By Peter
Gamble, BC Publisher
Haiti Earthquake: TransAfrica Forum -
Four Immediate Recommendations By Imani
Countess, BC Editorial Board
Things the US Can and Should Do for
Haiti - Justice Watch By Bill Quigley,
BC Columnist
Supermax Prisons Do Torture By Kiilu
Nyasha, BC Guest Commentator
Struggle for Worker Rights and
Empowerment: Key to Building People’s
Democracy! By Saladin Muhammad, BC Guest
Healthcare: A
Series - Part 40 - Universal
Single-Payer Not-For-Profit Health
Care For All, A Step Toward
Eliminating Poverty By Ethel
Long-Scott, Executive Director Women’s
Economic Agenda Project, BC Editorial
of a Lost Arab World By Nadia Hijab, BC
Guest Commentator
Obama Visits Africa’s
"Oil Gulf" By Emira Woods, BC
Editorial Board
Transformers 2: Why Hollywood Movies Are
Racist - The Substance of Truth By Tolu
Olorunda, BC Columnist
Trouble in High Water
By The Reverend D. D. Prather, BC
Guest Commentator
Bois’S Revenge: Reinterrogating American
Democratic Theory... Or Why We Need a
Revolutionary Black Research Agenda In
The 21st Century By William (Bill)
Strickland, BC Editorial Board
Our House Is On Fire,
Part 1: Now the Robber Barons Replace
the Welfare Queens (and Rightly So) -
Color of Law By David A. Love, JD, BC
Editorial Board
History Month: Lantern of Liberty -
Harriet Tubman Wall Mural Photograph
Time to Fix the Safety
Net By Dr. Julianne Malveaux, PhD /
Progressive Media Project, BC
Editorial Board
Black History Month:
Remembering Huey P. Newton: A People’s
Warrior For REAL Change - Keeping it
Real By Larry Pinkney, BC Editorial
No B.S.: We Need
REAL National Healthcare! - The
African World By Bill Fletcher,
Jr., BC Executive Editor
In Struggle Spotlight:
Helen Hampton, Educator With a Message
and an Assignment for President Obama
By Nancy Littlefield, BC Managing
Obama And The
Revolutionary Moment Without
Revolutionaries - Reflections On
The Electoral Victory Of Barack
Hussein Obama By Dr. Horace G.
Campbell, PhD, BC Guest
Commentator, Part I of a 3 part
Reparations for
African People Will Never Die! -
Worrill’s World By Dr. Conrad W.
Worrill, PhD, BC Columnist
The Time for a
Revolution - African American
Leadership By Dr. Ron Walters, PhD, BC
Editorial Board
‘Tis The Season to be
Obama: Merchandise Cottage Industry
and its Impact on the Economy -
Between the Lines By Dr. Anthony
Asadullah Samad, PhD, BC Columnist
An End to the Southern
Strategy, But No Post-Racial America -
Color of Law By David A. Love, JD, BC
Editorial Board
Thoughts On Barack
Obama's Election To The American
Presidency By Dr. Martin Kilson PhD,
BC Editorial Board
President-Elect Obama:
History, Challenges &
Possibilities - The African World By
Bill Fletcher, Jr., BC Executive
An Obama Victory: Joy
and Pain By Jamala Rogers, BC
Editorial Board
Who Woulda Thought? -
Left Margin By Carl Bloice, BC
Editorial Board
Are We a Winner? I
Think We Are - Color of Law By David
A. Love, JD, BC Editorial Board
Will He (President
Obama) Stand Up For The Righteous
Cause? - The Substance of Truth By
Tolu Olorunda, BC Columnist
Wall Street Is Still
Very Much In Charge - Keeping it Real
By Larry Pinkney, BC Editorial Board
Solidarity America By John Funiciello,
BC Columnist
Electoral Path to The White House (Part
I) By Dr. Martin Kilson, PhD, BC
Editorial Board
Art: Survivors -
Katrina Series By Larry Richardson,
Valencia CA
Street’s Finance Capitalists: Blood
Suckers of the People - Keeping it Real
By Larry Pinkney, BC Editorial Board
U.S. Transfer of
Wealth to the Few Continues -
Solidarity America By John Funiciello,
BC Columnist
Obama: Black Rage on the Auction Block -
The Substance Of Truth By Tolu Olorunda,
BC Columnist
Cynthia McKinney &
Rosa Clemente: Building a Movement For
REAL Change - Keeping it Real By Larry
Pinkney, BC Editorial Board
Must Claim the Political Center - Color
of Law By David A. Love, JD, BC
Editorial Board
No attack on Iran! -
The African World By Bill Fletcher,
Jr., BC Executive Editor
Liberation Schools, The Children’s
House, The Intercommunal Youth Institute
And the Oakland Community School By
Ericka Huggins, BC Guest Commentator,
The BlackCommentator In Struggle
Art: John
Henrik Clark - Documentary Photography
By Jim Alexander, Atlanta GA
Katrina Meets Kucinich
By David Swanson, BC Guest Commentator
- Includes full text and Video of all
35 George W. Bush articles of
impeachment presented by
Congressperson Kucinich
Political Cartoon:
Obama Puppet By Mark Hurwitt, Brooklyn
Times, Complex Organizing: The Black
Radical Congress at 10 By Dr. Rose
Brewer, PhD, BC Editorial Board
and the Essence of Critical Support By
Bill Fletcher, Jr., BC Executive
What Obama’s
Democratic Party Nomination Victory
Means - Election Analysis By Dr.
Martin Kilson, PhD, BC Editorial Board
Daughter - Inclusion By The Reverend
Irene Monroe, BC Editorial Board
Bullets By Jessica Watson-Crosby, BC
Guest Commentator
Barack Obama’s Problem
- And Ours - Along the Color Line By
Dr. Manning Marable, PhD, BC Editorial
Art: Lady Day By
Larry Richardson
Political Cartoon:
Outsourcing Iran By Mark Hurwitt,
Brooklyn NY
Men are Dying in Philly - Color of Law
By David A. Love, BC Columnist
World - Self-Determination and
Nationalism By Dr. Conrad W.
Worrill, PhD, BC Columnist
- The "Joshua Generation" Candidate -
Defending ALL of America Is Our Hope -
Represent Our Resistance By Dr. L. Jean
Daniels, PhD, BC Columnist
How the Imus Affair
Shows Why We Should Jettison the
Phrase ‘Political Correctness’ By Dr.
Howard Brody, MD, PhD, BC Guest
Democracy - A Legacy Of Hypocrisy And
Deceit By Larry Pinkney, Guest
The Debt Crisis is
Deep and Ominous - Left Margin By Carl
Bloice, BC Editorial Board
Fighting the War
at Home in the Military - Inclusion By
The Reverend Irene Monroe, BC Columnist
Between Blacks, Latinos, and Asians:
A Retrospective Look for the Future
of Economic Democracy in the U.S. By
Dr. James Jennings, PhD, BC
Editorial Board
"Black Politics" By Bill Fletcher, Jr.,
BC Editorial Board
Political Wrath of Hurricane Katrina
By Paul Tiyambe Zeleza, BC Guest
A Strategy For
Seeking A National Single-Payer
Healthcare System That Will Cover
Everyone In The United States by Marilyn
Clement, National Coordinator,
Pretence of Hip Hop Black Leadership
By Dr. Martin Kilson, PhD
BC Fright Wig
Cartoon Steals Show at Senate Hearing
Colin Powell: The Gangster of Haiti
Vietnam: A Time To Break Silence - Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr
Chaos to the Boardroom
N-Word 3-Ways
Common Threads Wall
recommended news items chosen by BC on
twitter and facebook
Shopping - Do it here - Pay
the same prices & support BC
select, click on the dot to the left
of your choice
Story: How Did The Problem Of
Poverty Disappear? - Solidarity
America By John Funiciello. BC
Cartoon - Mitt on the Move By Mark
Hurwitt, Brooklyn NY
Financial System’s Rotten Heart -
Left Margin - By Carl Bloice - BC
Editorial Board
Moving Towards a
Worldwide Moratorium on the Death
Penalty - The Color of Law - By
David A. Love, JD - BC Executive
We The
People - What Does That Really Mean
Today - Keeping it Real By Larry
Pinkney, BC Editorial Board
Star Frank Ocean Comes Out and
Exemplifies the Community’s
Rejection of a “Gay Identity” –
Inclusion - By The Reverend Irene
Monroe - BC Editorial Board
and Transcript - Guest Appearance -
BC's Bill Fletcher, Jr. On Moyers
& Company
Political Cartoon -
Campaign Fire By Eric Garcia,
Chicago IL
and Fight - Nafsi ya Jamii - By Wilson
Riles - BC Columnist
Lynch Mob Rides Again - Sharp n’
Blunt - By Desi Cortez - BC
Work Disappears: The Silent Reality of
Chronic Black Unemployment - Between
The Lines - By Dr. Anthony Asadullah
Samad, PhD - BC Columnist
Child’s Rage - The Other Side of the
Tracks - By Perry Redd - BC
Listening to
the Ancestors - Worrill’s World - By
Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD - BC
Cartoon - GOP Achilles By Chuck
Siler, Carrollton TX
of the Times in Haiti - The
Military, Money, and the Meaning of
an Occupation By Dr. Nia Imara, PhD,
BC Guest Commentator
Am Trayvon Martin By Dr. Richard
Sheldon Koonce, PhD, BC Guest
Americans Need Apply - 100 Want Ads
Exclude Americans From Us-Based
High-Tech Jobs By Donna Conroy,
Director, Bright Future Jobs, BC Guest
Miles Davis, Jazz Photography by
Herman Leonard
Quote to
Ponder: "The challenge remains. On the
other side are formidable forces:
money, political power, the major
media..." - Howard Zinn
recommended news items chosen by
BC on twitter and facebook
Shopping - Do it here - Pay
the same prices & support BC
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of your choice
Story: Corporate Brand Obama
- The 'Kill List' Assassin - Keeping
it Real – By Larry Pinkney - BC
Editorial Board
Cartoon - Heathcare for All By Eric
Garcia, Chicago IL
"What to
the Slave is the Fourth of July?" -
Speech by Frederick Douglass July 5,
4th and "The Immeasurable Distance
Between Us" - By Bill Fletcher, Jr.,
BC Editorial Board - Sharon Morgan -
Thomas Norman DeWolf
A Few Good Women:
Response to “Why Women Still Can’t
Have It All” - Represent Our
Resistance - By Dr. Lenore J.
Daniels, PhD - BC Editorial Board
Cartoon - Affirmative Action By
Khalil Bendib, Berkeley CA
Warning on SCOTUS Health Care
Decision: “Needs Still Unmet” -
Solidarity America - By John
Funiciello - BC Columnist
Conservatives - The Other Side of
the Tracks - By Perry Redd - BC
Red in Tooth and Claw - Nafsi ya Jamii
- By Wilson Riles - BC Columnist
Court Decision on “Obamacare:” Why
Roberts May Have Changed His Mind -
Between The Lines - By Dr. Anthony
Asadullah Samad, PhD - BC Columnist
Cartoon - Democracy in Egypt By
Zapiro, South Africa
Morning Politics” - By The Reverend
D. D. Prather - BC Guest Commentator
Bill Fletcher,
Jr. to be a Guest this Weekend On
Moyers & Company
Summertime Groove By Kadir Nelson,
San Diego CA
Quote to
Ponder: "The blessings in which you,
this day, rejoice,are not enjoyed in
common..." - Frederick Douglass Speech
"What to the Slave is the Fourth of
July?" July 5, 1852
recommended news items chosen by
BC on twitter and facebook
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the same prices & support BC
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of your choice
Story: “Can’t we all get
along?” By Dr. Carlos E. Russell, PhD,
BC Guest Commentator
Cartoon - Enlist By Eric Garcia,
Chicago IL
There Is
No In-Between: Stand with the People
or with the Oppressors - Keeping it
Real - By Larry Pinkney - BC
Editorial Board
Children are
Targeted by Good Ole’ Americans and
Obama Drones - The Black Bourgeoisie
is Blessed to be the Empire’s
Bourgeoisie! - Represent Our
Resistance - By Dr. Lenore J.
Daniels, PhD - BC Editorial Board
Baptist Convention Elects its First
African American President - Will He
Push an Anti-Gay Agenda? – Inclusion -
By The Reverend Irene Monroe - BC
Editorial Board
Cartoon - New Movement By Chuck
Siler, Carrollton TX
Hard Can It Be to Count Marks on a
Piece of Paper? - Solidarity America -
By John Funiciello - BC Columnist
Patience - Nafsi ya Jamii - By
Wilson Riles - BC Columnist
What Will Rodney King Really Be
Remembered? - Between The Lines - By
Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD - BC
Justice - The Other Side of the
Tracks - By Perry Redd - BC
Does Republican
TEA Party Presidential Nominee, Mitt
Romney, Know the Price of a Loaf of
Bread? - Sharp n’ Blunt - By Desi
Cortez - BC Columnist
Cartoon - Ireland & Palestine
Political Prisoners By Carlos
Latuff, Rio de Janeiro Brazil
- Department of Defense By Eric
Garcia, Chicago IL
to Ponder: "America will never be
destroyed from the outside..." -
Abraham Lincoln
recommended news items chosen by BC
on twitter and facebook
Shopping - Do it here -
Pay the same prices & support BC
select, click on the dot to the left
of your choice
Story: Right Wing Gloating
Over Wisconsin is Par for the Course -
Solidarity America - By John
Funiciello - BC Columnist
Cartoon - Obama's Drone Gladiator By
Eric Garcia, Chicago IL
and the Right: They hate him...but
they hate Obama more... - The
African World - By Bill Fletcher,
Jr. - BC Editorial Board
These Low
Information Voters Will Be Our
Undoing - The Color of Law - By
David A. Love, JD - BC Executive
Africa’s “Corrective Rape” of Lesbians
– Inclusion - By The Reverend Irene
Monroe - BC Editorial Board
The Wisconsin Recall
Vote: Another Wakeup call for the
Left in the United States of America
- Emancipation from Mental Slavery -
By Dr. Horace Campbell, PhD - BC
Editorial Board
Response to the Jobs Crisis is Still
Too Lame - Left Margin - By Carl
Bloice - BC Editorial Board
The Movement Pimps:
Blaming Republicans for Being
Republicans - Keeping it Real - By
Larry Pinkney - BC Editorial Board
Cartoon - Mitt - The Soft Racist By
Chuck Siler, Carrollton TX
Stinky Research
Study - Nafsi ya Jamii - By Wilson
Riles - BC Columnist
Justice - The Other Side of the Tracks
- By Perry Redd - BC Columnist
Black Family as the Foundation -
Worrill’s World - By Dr. Conrad W.
Worrill, PhD - BC Columnist
Hurwitt Cartoons In "Legalize
Freedom, Art is Activism" Exhibit
One In Dance Note Card By Margaret
Warfield, Atlanta GA
Quote to
Ponder: "I'm scared of this anti-Wall
Street effort...” - Frank Luntz, Top
GOP Strategist
recommended news items chosen by
BC on twitter and facebook
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the same prices & support BC
select, click on the dot to the left
of your choice
Story: Everybody, Lean
Forward, Now! - Nafsi ya Jamii By
Wilson Riles, BC Columnist
Cartoon - War With Women By Chuck
Siler, Carrollton TX
Luxemburg: “Proletarian Women, the
Poorest of the Poor, the Most
Disempowered of the
Disempowered…Hurry to the Front
Lines, into the Trenches!” -
Represent Our Resistance - By Dr.
Lenore J. Daniels, PhD - BC
Editorial Board
How’s Your “Gaydar”?
– Inclusion - By The Reverend Irene
Monroe - BC Editorial Board
to the Masses: Link the Issues or
Perish! - Keeping it Real - By Larry
Pinkney - BC Editorial Board
Cartoon - Carlos Fuentes, 1928 -
2012 By Eric Garcia, Chicago IL
Parties Converge to One Path When
Receiving Corporate Largesse -
Solidarity America - By John
Funiciello - BC Columnist
Nasty and Very, Very Funky - Sharp
n’ Blunt - By Desi Cortez - BC
The Power to
Lie - The Other Side of the Tracks -
By Perry Redd - BC Columnist
Maafa and Other Terms - Worrill’s
World - By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill,
PhD - BC Columnist
Political Cartoon - Either Way By
Mark Fiore, San Francisco CA
This Land is My Land By Shepard
Fairey, Los Angeles CA
Quote to
Ponder: "I discovered very quickly
that criticism is a form of
optimism...” - Carlos Fuentes, Author,
Scholar & Diplomat
recommended news items chosen by
BC on twitter and facebook
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the same prices & support BC
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of your choice
Story: American Trifecta -
Broken Political, Economic and Justice
Systems - The Color of Law By David A.
Love, JD, BC Executive Editor
Cartoon - Stand Your Ground By Mr.
Fish, Philadelphia PA
Wisconsin Recall - The African World
- By Bill Fletcher, Jr. - BC
Editorial Board
Targeting Seniors, Again … &
Again - Left Margin By Carl Bloice,
BC Editorial Board
Media and the Dumbing Down of
'America' - Keeping it Real By Larry
Pinkney, BC Editorial Board
Political Cartoon -
Kirtland Air Force Base Spill By
Eric Garcia, Chicago IL
Luxemburg: What Say the Citizens of
This Business as Usual Narrative of
Change? - Represent Our Resistance -
By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels, PhD - BC
Editorial Board
NC Cleric Wants Gays
Behind Electric Fence – Inclusion -
By The Reverend Irene Monroe - BC
Editorial Board
Cartoon - 1491 By Chuck Siler,
Carrollton TX
Political Cartoon - Dronetopia By
Mark Fiore, San Francisco CA
is the Empire to Go? - Solidarity
America - By John Funiciello - BC
Turé, A Great Ancestor - Worrill’s
World By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD,
BC Columnist
Trial Before the Trial - The Other
Side of the Tracks - By Perry Redd -
BC Columnist
Review of The Constructive
Extermination Of Women Of Color By
Larry Pinkney, BC Editorial Board
The Apprentice By Jim Alexander
Photography, Atlanta GA
to Ponder: "Liberty is the right of
every man..." - Jose Marti, Cuban
patriot, freedom fighter and poet
recommended news items chosen by BC
on twitter and facebook
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of your choice
Story: Obama Comes Out on Gay
Marriage – Inclusion - By The Reverend
Irene Monroe - BC Editorial Board
Cartoon - Congrats Graduates! By
Eric Garcia, Chicago IL
Liberation Day 2012: Part II -
Worrill’s World By Dr. Conrad W.
Worrill, PhD, BC Columnist
WAR: The “Mutual
Butchery” of the Poor and Working
Class - Represent Our Resistance -
By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels, PhD - BC
Editorial Board
U.S. Moving
Toward Abolition of the Death
Penalty…Slowly - Solidarity America -
By John Funiciello - BC Columnist
Political Cartoon - Politicizing
Politics By Mark Fiore, San
Francisco CA
‘Left’ Has Left - Keeping it Real - By
Larry Pinkney - BC Editorial Board
Young Voters President Obama was the
Change Candidate Obama Promised -
Between The Lines - By Dr. Anthony
Asadullah Samad, PhD - BC Columnist
No Such
Correctness - The Other Side of the
Tracks - By Perry Redd - BC Columnist
Cartoon - Abolish Divorce By Chuck
Siler, Carrollton TX
Vengeance is
Mine, Says… - By Wilson Riles - BC
Guest Commentator
Black Skin Alone Just a Political
Statement? - Point Blank - By Chris
Stevenson - BC Columnist
The Five Graces (Why War) By Larry
Richardson, Valencia CA
to Ponder: "Nothing should be
overlooked in fighting for better
education...." - Roy Wilkins
recommended news items chosen by BC
on twitter and facebook
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of your choice
Story: Will the GOP Add Color
to the Presidential Ticket? - The
Color of Law - By David A. Love, JD - Executive Editor
Cartoon - U.S.S. Healthcare By Eric
Garcia, Chicago IL
Marable Memorial Conference:
Continuing the Discussion About
Movement Building - View from the
Battlefield - By Jamala Rogers - Editorial Board
Did You Notice That
India Just Launched a New Missile? -
The African World - By Bill
Fletcher, Jr. -
Editorial Board
Cartagena Summit Failure Marks the End
of an Era - Finally - Left Margin - By
Carl Bloice -
Editorial Board
On Keeping the
People Divided, Distracted and
Controlled - Keeping it Real - By
Larry Pinkney -
Editorial Board
How Anti-Sodomy
Laws Were Sunk - Racism, Jealousy, and
a False Police Report – Inclusion - By
The Reverend Irene Monroe - Editorial Board
Political Cartoon -
Atlantic Yards By Mark Hurwitt,
Brooklyn NY
the Education, Stupid! - Solidarity
America - By John Funiciello - Columnist
When Justice is Not
Served - The Other Side of the
Tracks - By Perry Redd - Columnist
for Malcolm X’s 87th Birthday -
Worrill’s World - By Dr. Conrad W.
Worrill, PhD -
Political Cartoon - The Jesus Budget
By Mark Fiore, San Francisco CA
Anew Again - By Wilson Riles - Guest Commentator
Say We, The People! - By The
Reverend D. D. Prather - Guest
A Visit to 10 years
of BC Archives
Democracy - A Legacy Of Hypocrisy
And Deceit By Larry Pinkney, Guest
Debt Crisis is Deep and Ominous -
Left Margin By Carl Bloice, BC
Editorial Board
Fighting the
War at Home in the Military -
Inclusion By The Reverend Irene
Monroe, BC Columnist
Frederick Douglass - The Lion By
Kadir Nelson, San Diego CA
Quote to
Ponder: "But there are certain very
practical things American Negro
writers can do. And must do...." -
Langston Hughes
recommended news items chosen by
BC on twitter and facebook
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the same prices & support BC
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of your choice
Story: Obama and Romney Can’t
Fence Sit on Marriage Equality –
Inclusion - By The Reverend Irene
Monroe -
Editorial Board
Political Cartoon - Restrain
Yourself By Mark Fiore, San
Francisco CA
Stuck on
Stupid Supporting Democrats and
Republicans - Keeping it Real - By
Larry Pinkney -
Editorial Board
Rosa Luxemburg: “The
Revolution Will ‘Raise Itself up
Again Clashing,’ and to Your Horror
It Will Proclaim to the Sound of
Trumpets: I Was, I Am, I Shall Be” -
Represent Our Resistance - By Dr.
Lenore J. Daniels, PhD - Editorial Board
Cartoon - Undocumented and Alien By
Eric Garcia, Chicago IL
Raising Crops in
Poor Countries to Feed the Rich or
to Fuel Their Cars - Solidarity
America - By John Funiciello - Columnist
Clouds - The Other Side of the Tracks
- By Perry Redd -
Help! Save Us! Help! The Black
people are going to eat us! - Sharp
n’ Blunt - By Desi Cortez - Columnist
The Maroon
Within Us - Worrill’s World - By Dr.
Conrad W. Worrill, PhD - Columnist
Cartoon - Silence By Chuck Siler,
Carrollton TX
Slavery on the
New Plantation (updated March, 2012) -
By Kiilu Nyasha -
Guest Commentator
A Visit to 10 years
of BC Archives
Between Blacks, Latinos, and
Asians: A Retrospective Look for
the Future of Economic Democracy
in the U.S. By Dr. James Jennings,
PhD, BC Editorial Board
"Black Politics" By Bill Fletcher,
Jr., BC Editorial Board
Strategy For Seeking A National
Single-Payer Healthcare System
That Will Cover Everyone In The
United States by Marilyn Clement,
National Coordinator,
Best Friends Forever By Margaret
Warfield, Atlanta GA
to Ponder: "Find out just what any
people will quietly submit to
and..." - Frederick Douglass
recommended news items chosen by BC
on twitter and facebook
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of your choice
Story: Lethal Injection as
the Death Penalty’s Last Stand - The
Color of Law - By David A. Love, JD - Executive Editor
Cartoon - Suspicious By Chuck Siler,
Carrollton TX 10th
Anniversary - Best Wishes from
Jamala Rogers, Larry Pinkney and
Desi Cortez
3, Many Trayvon Martins? - The
African World - By Bill Fletcher,
Jr. - Editorial
Carnage at Yahoo
& the Lopsided Economy - Left
Margin - By Carl Bloice - Editorial Board
Standing Up for
American Workers Can Bring
Punishment of Its Own - Solidarity
America - By John Funiciello - Columnist
Martin: Moving from Outrage and
Rhetoric to a Strategic Plan and
Victory - A View from the Battlefield
- By Jamala Rogers - Editorial Board
Political Cartoon -
Elizabeth Catlett By Eric Garcia,
Chicago IL
You Like STEALTH Bombers You’ll Love
Barack Obama - Keeping it Real - By
Larry Pinkney -
Editorial Board
The Hunger Games’
Young Racist Fans – Inclusion - By
The Reverend Irene Monroe - Editorial Board
Political Cartoon - Abraca-Tax-Cut
By Mark Fiore, San Francisco CA
Does Obama Deserve
Women’s Votes? Some Considerations -
Women of Color - By Suzanne Brooks - Columnist
Tulsa, 2012 -
When Push Came to Shove - Sharp n’
Blunt - By Desi Cortez - Columnist
a Deep Look at Ourselves - Worrill’s
World - By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill,
PhD - Columnist
Cartoon - Syria: Clinton’s Moral
Grounds By Carlos Latuff, Rio de
Janeiro Brazil
Opportunity: a Black Church By
Wilson Riles,
Guest Commentator
A Visit to 10 years
of BC Archives
The Pretence
of Hip Hop Black Leadership By Dr.
Martin Kilson, PhD
BC Fright Wig
Cartoon Steals Show at Senate
Colin Powell: The Gangster of Haiti
Eat the Rich By Shepard Fairey, Los
Angeles CA
Quote to
Ponder: "Colin Powell is the most
powerful and damaging black..." –
TransAfrica founder Randall Robinson
recommended news items chosen by
BC on twitter and facebook
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the same prices & support BC
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of your choice
Story - Building an
Institution: Ten Years of -! - The African
World - By Bill Fletcher, Jr. - Editorial Board
Cartoon - Breeding Violence By Eric
Garcia, Chicago IL
Women of
Color are Being Extinguished Right
Before Our Eyes - 74% African
American and 75% Latina senior women
over 65 cannot meet basic living
expenses - Women of Color - By
Suzanne Brooks - Columnist
Systemic Madness:
What in the Hell Is Going On?! -
Keeping it Real – By Larry Pinkney - Editorial Board
Luxemburg: The Case for a Mass
Workers’ Strike - Represent Our
Resistance - By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels,
PhD - Editorial
Recollection - The Other Side of the
Tracks - By Perry Redd - Columnist
A Book We
Should All Read - Worrill’s World - By
Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD - Columnist
Cartoon - Big Payback By Chuck
Siler, Carrollton TX
A Visit to 10 years
of BC Archives
Vietnam: A Time To Break Silence -
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
Chaos to the Boardroom
N-Word 3-Ways
Common Threads Wall
Cartoon - The Profit By Mr. Fish,
Philadelphia PA
Review – Dorothy Roberts: Fatal
Invention: How Science, Politics,
and Big Business Re-Create Race in
the 21st Century - By Kiilu Nyasha - Guest
- Marvin Gaye By Kadir Nelson, San
Diego CA
to Ponder: "I think I’ve got a real
thing going. I love people..." -
Marvin Gaye
recommended news items chosen by BC
on twitter and facebook
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of your choice
Story: The Hoodie Debate -
Suspicion is in the “Shoot First” Law
and in Negrophobia - Between The Lines
By Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD - Columnist
- Skitt:9mm By Chuck Siler,
Carrollton TX
Trayvon Martin
and the Execution of the Innocent -
The Color of Law - By David A. Love,
JD - Executive
National Tragedy Of Violence And The
Opportunists Who Exploit It -
Keeping it Real By Larry Pinkney - Editorial Board
Cartoon - Threatened? By Mark Hurwitt,
Brooklyn NY
for Trayvon Martin - Indict
America's Justice System By Joe
Navarro, Guest
Open Season on
Ni**ers - Sharp n' Blunt - By Desi
Cortez -
Cartoon - KKK Hoodies By Chuck
Siler, Carrollton TX
I Am Trayvon
Martin; Who Are You? - By Wilson Riles
- Guest
Actors, Different Stage - The Other
Side of the Tracks - By Perry Redd - Columnist
Cartoon - Florida's "Stand Your
Ground Law By Mr. Fish, Philadelphia
to Ponder: "Violence is a part of
America's culture..." - H. Rap Brown
[Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin]
Cartoon - Education Cuts By Eric
Garcia, Chicago IL
Educational “Reform” Proposal Misses
the Mark - Left Margin - By Carl
Bloice -
Editorial Board
Presentation on “MX” To the Left
Forum in New York City, Saturday,
March 17, 2012 [edited version] -
The African World By Bill Fletcher,
Jr. - Editorial
Massachusetts 3 Strikes Crime Bill
By Dr. James Jennings, PhD, Editorial Board
An Accumulation of
Contradictions - Represent Our
Resistance By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels,
PhD - Editorial
Women's History
Month - Fannie Lou Hamer (1917-1977)
Testimony Before the Credentials
Committee, Democratic National
Convention Atlantic City, New Jersey
- August 22, 1964 (includes audio)
Political Cartoon - iWhine By Mark
Fiore, San Francisco CA
recommended news items chosen by
BC on twitter and facebook
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of your choice
Story: Trayvon Martin:
Suspicious Person in the U.S. Empire -
Represent Our Resistance By Dr. Lenore
J. Daniels, PhD,
Editorial Board
Political Cartoon "Pension Stealing
One Percenters" By Mark Hurwitt Used
by Occupy Düsseldorf
One of the Tallest Trees in our
Forest: Bayard Rustin – Inclusion By
The Reverend Irene Monroe - Editorial Board
History Month - Sojourner Truth
Ain't I A Woman? - Delivered 1851,
Women's Convention, Akron, Ohio
Book Review
- Body and Soul: The Black Panther
Party And The Fight Against Medical
Discrimination - Keeping it Real - By
Larry Pinkney
Cartoon - Nuclear Brats By Eric
Garcia, Chicago IL
A God of Politics -
The Other Side of the Tracks By
Perry Redd,
Black Folks Leave Tomorrow, White
America Won’t Shead A Tear - Sharp
n’ Blunt By Desi Cortez, Columnist
Council Redistricting in Los Angeles:
What Will Be the Price of
Belligerence? - Between The Lines - By
Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD - Columnist
Crisis and Harold Cruse - Worrill’s
World By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD
- Columnist
Cartoon - AIPAC and the Push Toward
War By Carlos Latuff, Rio de Janeiro
Derrick Bell: “Radical Humanist” -
By Dr. Vinay Harpalani, J.D., Ph.D.
- Guest
Weapons Of Mouse Destruction By
Shepard Fairey, Los Angeles CA
to Ponder: "If women want any rights
more than they's got..." - Sojourner
recommended news items chosen by BC
on twitter and facebook
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Story: What Is “Improved” In
The New Anti-Free Speech Law? -
Solidarity America By John Funiciello, Columnist
Political Cartoon - On the Table By
Mark Fiore, San Francisco CA
is happening with the Republicans? -
The African World By Bill Fletcher,
Jr., Editorial
History Month - The Legacy of
Congressperson Shirley Chisholm By
Congressperson Barbara Lee, Guest
On Both Side of the
Pond: Bad news for Young Black
Workers - Left Margin By Carl
Editorial Board
Just A Spoonful Of
Novocaine Helps The Medicine Go Down
- Keeping it Real By Larry Pinkney, Editorial Board
Luxemburg: “Occupation of All
Positions of Power!” - Represent Our
Resistance - By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels,
PhD - Editorial
Cartoon - Rush's Sex Video Request
By Chuck Siler, Carrollton TX
Review of Garvey’s Lessons - Worrill’s
World By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD, Columnist
Cartoon - Bad Aim By Eric Garcia,
Chicago IL
out Neil deGrasse Tyson By Wilson
Riles, Guest
Shirley Chisholm By Kadir Nelson,
San Diego CA
Quote to
Ponder: "I want history to remember me
not just as the first black woman..."
- Congressperson Shirley Chisholm
recommended news items chosen by
BC on twitter and facebook
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the same prices & support BC
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of your choice
Story: International Women’s
Day and Black America - Women’s
History Month By Bill Fletcher, Jr., Editorial Board
Cartoon - International Women's Day
& Rick Santorum... By Mark
Hurwitt, Brooklyn NY
Bye bye
Dennis By Larry Matthews, Guest
We are a Nation of
Bullies – The Color of Law - By
David A. Love, JD - Executive
on Missouri’s Death Penalty System:
Can it Stand the Scrutiny? - A View
from the Battlefield By Jamala Rogers. Editorial Board
Political Cartoon -
Teapublicans By Chuck Siler,
Carrollton TX
with Netanyahu at AIPAC - Left Margin
By Carl Bloice,
Editorial Board
Does Black History
Month Need a New Model? - The
Invisible Woman By Sharon Kyle, JD, Editorial Board
Black America Reawakening? - Keeping
it Real By Larry Pinkney, Editorial Board
Does Oppression Look Like? -
Represent Our Resistance By Dr.
Lenore J. Daniels, PhD - Editorial Board
What and Not Who Killed Whitney
Houston – Inclusion - By The Reverend
Irene Monroe -
Editorial Board
Cartoon - Apple Slave Jobs By Eric
Garcia, Chicago IL
Of Gutter Politics
and Mainstream Commentary -
Solidarity America - By John
Funiciello -
Channel’s Discourse Problem Just
Doesn’t Stop at Rush, John and Ken -
Between The Lines - By Dr. Anthony
Asadullah Samad, PhD - Columnist
Must Go Down - Sharp n' Blunt - By
Desi Cortez -
Concepts for African People
Revisited - Worrill’s World - By Dr.
Conrad W. Worrill, PhD - Columnist
Cartoon - Bashar al-Assad By Carlos
Latuff, Rio de Janeiro Brazil
Freedom Came And After - The Museum
of the Confederacy Part 4 of 4 By
Edward H. Sebesta, Guest
"Dream of Passion" By Larry
Richardson, Valencia CA
to Ponder: "Emancipate yourselves
from mental slavery..." - Bob Marley
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on twitter and facebook
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Story: The White Working
Class was Bamboozled - The Color of
Law By David A. Love, JD, BC Executive
Cartoon - Affirmative Action By
Khalil Bendib, Berkeley CA
Remembers Atlanta's White Race Riots
of 1906 - Black History Month
The Other Meaning of
February 21st For Me - The African
World By Bill Fletcher, Jr., BC
Editorial Board
History, the Black Panther Party,
& The Ongoing People’s Struggle
Today - Keeping it Real – Black
History Month - By Larry Pinkney - BC
Editorial Board
Wounded Knee: U.S.
Government and Military - Capitalist
Hate Crime: Review - Represent Our
Resistance - By Dr. Lenore J.
Daniels, PhD - BC Editorial Board
Cartoon - Elephant in the Room By
Eric Garcia, Chicago IL
China: The Times
They Are A-Changing - Solidarity
America By John Funiciello, BC
Political Cartoon - Woman's Right By
Chuck Siler, Carrollton TX
Sin of ‘Entitlement’ - By Wilson
Riles - BC Guest Commentator
Confrontation By Jim Alexander
Photography, Atlanta GA
to Ponder: "A people without the
knowledge of their past history...”
- Marcus Garvey
recommended news items chosen by BC
on twitter and facebook
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of your choice
Story: Reggie Clemons is Troy
Davis - The Color of Law By David A.
Love, JD,
Executive Editor
Cartoon - Dismantling of Chicano
Studies By Eric Garcia, Chicago IL
World View on the Revolutionary
Ruptures And the Pace of Change in
2012 - Emancipation from Mental
Slavery By Dr. Horace Campbell, PhD, Editorial Board
The “Macho Concept
of Struggle” Is Not Revolutionary -
Represent Our Resistance By Dr.
Lenore J. Daniels, PhD, Editorial Board
Occupying To Liberating - Keeping it
Real By Larry Pinkney, Editorial Board
Lauding a Black
“Reconciling and Inclusive” Church -
Inclusion By The Reverend Irene
Editorial Board
Cartoon - Meanwhile, in the Ben
Gurion Airport By Carlos Latuff, Rio
de Janeiro Brazil
“Right to Work” A
Euphemism for Workers Who Are Not
Free - Solidarity America By John
What is the
Real Meaning of Education? - Worrill’s
World By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD, Columnist
Cartoon - Egypt's Revolution By
Zapiro, South Africa
Paul Cuffe:
Pioneering Black Entrepreneur - Black
History Month By Dr. Marion Kilson,
PhD, Guest
Political Power, Neo-Colonialism and
the Road Ahead - Black History Month
By Dr. Muhammad Ahmad, PhD, Guest
An American
Aristocrat By Joel Miller, Guest Commentator
Soldier Syndrome: A Bedrock Barrier
By Wilson Riles, Guest
Possibilities By Larry Richardson,
Valencia CA
to Ponder: "I want to live in a
country where freedom means
something." - Assata Shakur
recommended news items chosen by BC
on twitter and facebook
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Story: Medicare, Social
Security & Medicaid Still Under
Threat in 2012 - Left Margin By Carl
Bloice, Editorial
Cartoon - Happy Bithday New Mexico
By Eric Garcia, Chicago IL
and its Blood Suckers, Where are her
true friends? - A View from the
Battlefield By Jamala Rogers, Editorial Board
Do We Still Need to
Celebrate Black History Month? -
Inclusion - By The Reverend Irene
Monroe -
Editorial Board
Predator Drone
Missiles and Political Repression from
the ‘Community Organizer’ - Keeping it
Real - By Larry Pinkney - Editorial Board
Book Review, David
Gilbert - Love and Struggle: My Life
in SDS, the Weather Underground and
Beyond - Represent Our Resistance -
By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels, PhD - Editorial Board
Political Cartoon - Lefties By Mark
Fiore, San Francisco CA
Newt Gingrich and
What Black People Need:
Intellectualizing Racism - Between
The Lines By Dr. Anthony Asadullah
Samad, PhD,
Governor Brewer... - Sharp n' Blunt -
By Desi Cortez -
Lu Palmer and African American
History Month - Worrill’s World - By
Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD - Columnist
Kind of Changes for America And How
Will Those Changes Come? - Solidarity
America - By John Funiciello - Columnist
Cartoon - Newt's Baggage By Chuck
Siler, Carrollton TX
Schools and America's Foundation of
Genocide, Racism and Ethnic Repression
By Joe Navarro,
Guest Commentator
Hopeful By The Reverend D. D.
Prather, Guest
High Stepping By Margaret Warfield,
Atlanta GA
to Ponder: "The basic confrontation
which seemed to be colonialism
versus anti-colonialism, indeed
capitalism versus socialism..." -
Frantz Fanon
recommended news items chosen by BC
on twitter and facebook
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Story: I’m Really Trying to
Understand Black Conservatives - The
Color of Law - By David A. Love, JD - Executive Editor
Cartoon - Life Guard By Eric Garcia,
Chicago IL
Revolutionary Jose Maria Sison on US
Imperialism and a Way Forward for
the Philippines - The African World
By Bill Fletcher, Jr., Editorial Board
The Economy,
Indefinite Detention and the Drums
of War - Keeping it Real - By Larry
Pinkney -
Editorial Board
Tucson’s Unified School District! Now,
Confiscate Shakespeare’s Plays! -
Represent Our Resistance - By Dr.
Lenore J. Daniels, PhD - Editorial Board
Hazing or Hate
Crime? - Inclusion - By The Reverend
Irene Monroe -
Editorial Board
Cartoon - Egypt's Revolution - One
Year Later By Carlos Latuff, Rio de
Janeiro Brazil
Sending the Military
to Put Down Workers: Is This
America, or What? - Solidarity
America - By John Funiciello - Columnist
State Of The
Union: The Only Time Congress Deals In
Virtual Reality - Between The Lines -
By Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD - Columnist
Woodson and African American History
Month - Worrill’s World - By Dr.
Conrad W. Worrill, PhD - Columnist
Envy is the
Illusion - The Other Side of the
Tracks - By Perry Redd - Columnist
Cartoon - A Moment of Danger By
Mark Hurwitt, Brooklyn NY
Quilt Story:
Black Rural Women, White Urban
Entrepreneurs, and the American Dream
By Linda Hunt Beckman, Guest Commentator
- John Coltrane By Chuck Siler,
Carrollton TX
Quote to
Ponder: "I’m worried that students
will take their obedient place in
society..." - Howard Zinn
recommended news items chosen by
BC on twitter and facebook
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the same prices & support BC
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of your choice
Story: Uplifting Dr. Martin
Luther King’s Legacy: His Challenge to
the Labor Movement -A View from the
Battlefield By Jamala Rogers, Editorial Board
Cartoon - Dragging the World Into
Another War By Carlos Latuff, Rio de
Janeiro Brazil
What are we to
make of the USA, Israeli, Iranian
dance of death? - The African World By
Bill Fletcher, Jr., Editorial Board
Vietnam: A Time To Break Silence -
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Riverside
Church, New York City, 4 April 1967,
(Full Text & audio of Speech)
Abu-Jamal, Solitary Confinement and
Indefinite Detention USA - Keeping it
Real By Larry Pinkney, Editorial Board
The Day of the Broom
is Over: Indefinite Detention for
Enemies of the U.S. Empire! -
Represent Our Resistance - By Dr.
Lenore J. Daniels, PhD - Editorial Board
Sister Outsider in "Pariah" -
Inclusion - By The Reverend Irene
Monroe -
Editorial Board
Cartoon - Keith Little - Navajo
Code Talker By Eric Garcia,
Chicago IL
Changing Gears
to Fight the Endless Wars Without
Troops - Solidarity America - By John
Funiciello -
On - The Other Side of the Tracks -
By Perry Redd -
Genocide, and Reparations - Worrill’s
World - By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD
- Columnist
Cartoon - The Weenie By Mr. Fish,
Philadelphia PA
Martin Luther’s
Lost Message By Wilson Riles, Guest Commentator
OWS By Shepard Fairey, Los Angeles
Quote to
Ponder: “Wall Street owns the
country.. . .Money rules.. . ." - Mary
Elizabeth Lease (1890)
recommended news items chosen by
BC on twitter and facebook
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Story: Obama’s Ominous Arming
of Despots in the Gulf - Left Margin
By Carl Bloice,
Editorial Board
Cartoon - Still in Iraq By Eric
Garcia, Chicago IL
Unfinished Business in 2011 Means
Handling Our Business in 2012 It’s a
new year but will it be a new day? -
A View from the Battlefield - By
Jamala Rogers -
Editorial Board
It’s the Old South
vs. the New South - The Color of Law
- By David A. Love, JD - Executive
Our Dear Leader
and Indefinite Detention or What is
Universally Known as American
DEMOCRACY! - Represent Our Resistance
- By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels, PhD - Editorial Board
'Beyond Vietnam'
Into Afghanistan and Indefinite
Detention of U.S. Citizens - Keeping
it Real By Larry Pinkney, Editorial Board
LGBTQs Finding Voice for the Future -
Inclusion - By The Reverend Irene
Monroe -
Editorial Board
Political Cartoon - The Year in
Crazy By Mark Fiore, San Francisco
Farewell to the Occupy Movement -
Solidarity America - By John
Funiciello -
The Ballot or the Bullet - Sharp n'
Blunt - By Desi Cortez - Columnist
A Wolf Is Not A Wolf - The Other Side
of the Tracks - By Perry Redd - Columnist
Politics and Black People -
Worrill’s World - By Dr. Conrad W.
Worrill, PhD -
Cartoon - Tea Without Sympathy By
Chuck Siler, Carrollton TX
Disparities in Air Quality By James
E. Harris, President, NAACP New
Jersey State Conference, Guest
Dance Class By Jim Alexander
Photography, Atlanta GA
to Ponder: "We continually set
before us the successful rich man as
more typical of what America means
..." - W.E.B. Du Bois
recommended news items chosen by BC
on twitter and facebook
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Story: Rick Santorum Has
Become a Master at the Science of
Nutrition - The African World By Bill
Fletcher, Jr.,
Editorial Board
Cartoon: Invented People By Carlos
Latuff, Rio de Janeiro Brazil
A Pall
over the Holidays - the Joblessness
Crisis Intensifies - Left Margin -
By Carl Bloice - Editorial Board
The Mockery Called
'Democracy' in the USA - Keeping it
Real By Larry Pinkney, Editorial Board
Community Doesn’t Support Its Own -
Inclusion By The Reverend Irene
Monroe, Editorial
Imagine Victories in
the New Year! - Represent Our
Resistance - By Dr. Lenore J.
Daniels, PhD -
Editorial Board
Cartoon - Wizard of Odd By Eric
Garcia, Chicago IL
The Fraud of “Free
Trade,” Part II - Solidarity America
By John Funiciello, Columnist
Commentaries - Worrill’s World - By
Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD - Columnist
... Where Rich People Are Simply
"Better" Than Poor People - Sharp n’
Blunt - By Desi Cortez - Columnist
Words Matter
for Our Progress - The Other Side of
the Tracks - By Perry Redd - Columnist
I The Only One That Think The Lakers
Are Trippin’? - Between The Lines By
Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD, Columnist
Cartoon - Republican Rollback By
Chuck Siler, Carrollton TX
Life is a Song By Margaret Warfield,
Atlanta GA
Quote to
Ponder: "If building more prisons for
those of us who are unlike yourselves
..." - Leonard Peltier
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BC on twitter and facebook
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Story: Bull Connor 2.0: The
Police Response to #OccupyWallStreet -
The Color of Law By David A. Love, JD, Executive Editor
Cartoon: New Anti Immigrant Laws in
Alabama By Eric Garcia, Chicago IL
We are
the 99%... Because We Are Black in
the U.S.... - Represent Our
Resistance By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels,
PhD - Editorial
Barack Obama and the
Growing Fascist-Corporate State -
Keeping it Real By Larry Pinkney - Editorial Board
Messology of Bishop Eddie Long
Continues - Inclusion By The Reverend
Irene Monroe -
Editorial Board
Cartoon: The Good Old Daze By
Chuck Siler, Carrollton TX
New Culture of Making Nothing Out of
Something - Between The Lines By Dr.
Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD, Columnist
Fraud of "Free Trade," Part I -
Solidarity America - By John
Funiciello -
Policy On the Fly - The Other Side of
the Tracks - By Perry Redd - Columnist
Bobby Wright and the Mentacide
Concept - Worrill’s World - By Dr.
Conrad W. Worrill, PhD - Columnist
Political Cartoon: ContagionEx By
Mark Fiore, San Francisco CA
Disability in Occupy Space - By
Wilson Riles,
Guest Commentator
Cartoon: The Secret Power of Gulf
Dictators By Carlos Latuff, Rio de
Janeiro Brazil
to Ponder: "I believe that there
will ultimately be a clash between
the oppressed and those who do the
oppressing..." - Malcolm X [el-Hajj
Malik el-Shabazz]
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Story: U.S. Headed Back To
Child Labor Of The 1800s? Yes, If It’s
Up To Newt- Solidarity America By John
Cartoon: Pension Stealing One
Percenters By Mark Hurwitt, Brooklyn
From Mystery to Revelation to
Closure - A View from the
Battlefield - By Jamala Rogers - Editorial Board
Bad Form: Dividing
the Occupy Movement - Left Margin By
Carl Bloice,
Editorial Board
MOVEMENT: Another Collective Step By
the Exploited Against the Exploiters -
Keeping it Real By Larry Pinkney, Editorial Board
Queer Politics for
the Birds - Inclusion By The
Reverend Irene Monroe, Editorial Board
Post Brothers at Rittenhouse Hill
Apartments - Represent Our Resistance
- By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels, PhD - Editorial Board
Cartoon: What Uncle Samta Brings
to Egypt By Carlos Latuff, Brazil
It or Leave It...? OK - Sharp n’ Blunt
- By Desi Cortez - Columnist
It’s Racism, By God - The Other Side
of the Tracks - By Perry Redd - Columnist
Grenada - Worrill’s World - By Dr.
Conrad W. Worrill, PhD - Columnist
Cartoon: Now Where Was I By Eric
Garcia, Chicago IL
Matters in the 2011 Decolonize/Occupy
Moment - By John Hayakawa Torok, JD,
PhD - Guest
Corporation By Doug Minkler,
Berkeley CA
Quote to
Ponder: "Corporation, n. An ingenious
device for obtaining individual profit
without individual responsibility." -
Abrose Bierce
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Story: The Death Penalty and
#Occupy Wall Street - The Color of Law
By David A. Love, JD, Executive Editor
Cartoon - OWS Pepper Spray Policy By
Mark Hurwitt, Brooklyn NY
the Occupation Movement Even As We
Clarify & Address Its Inevitable
Contradictions - Keeping it Real By
Larry Pinkney,
Editorial Board
Plotters Still at Work - Target
Social Security, Medicare &
Medicaid - Left Margin - By Carl
Bloice -
Editorial Board
Homophobic Horror Flicks - Inclusion -
By The Reverend Irene Monroe - Editorial Board
Political Cartoon - Zero - Zero -
Zero Tax Plan' By Mark Fiore, San
Francisco CA
Confluence: Trade Unionists And
Environmentalists Oppose
Transcontinental Oil Pipeline -
Solidarity America - By John
Funiciello -
of Oppression - The Other Side of
the Tracks - By Perry Redd - Columnist
The Cream
of the White Crop - Sharp n’ Blunt -
By Desi Cortez -
for Self and Education - Worrill’s
World - By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill,
PhD - Columnist
Cartoon - Fat Cat Food By Eric
Garcia, Chicago IL
Books You Should Read for
Fall/Winter - Point Blank - By Chris
Stevenson -
It’s Still
"Magic" 20 Years Later - Between The
Lines - By Dr. Anthony Asadullah
Samad, PhD -
Michael By Kadir Nelson, San Diego
Quote to
Ponder: "The revolution is not an
apple that falls when it is ripe..." -
Che Guevara
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of your choice
Story: Black America and
Obama’s Foreign Policy By Editorial Board
Members Carl Bloice, Bill Fletcher,
Jr., and Jamala Rogers
Cartoon - After Gaddafi By Zapiro,
South Africa
Execution of Gaddafi and the
Attempted Humiliation of Africa -
Emancipation from Mental Slavery By
Dr. Horace Campbell, PhD, Editorial Board
We Are the 99% -
Which Side Are You On? - Represent
Our Resistance By Dr. Lenore J.
Daniels, PhD -
Editorial Board
Cartoon - Fat Cat Feeds Fat Cat By
Eric Garcia, Chicago IL
On Principled
Struggle for Systemic Change -
Keeping it Real - By Larry Pinkney - Editorial Board
Not Easy Being
Black and Transgender - Inclusion - By
The Reverend Irene Monroe - Editorial Board
Political Cartoon - Thanks for
Nothin' By Mark Fiore, San
Francisco CA
Public Space Belong to the Government
or the People? - Solidarity America -
By John Funiciello - Columnist
In Real Life Is Not Television -
Between The Lines By Dr. Anthony
Asadullah Samad, PhD, Columnist
Just A Bump In
the Road - The Other Side of the
Tracks - By Perry Redd - Columnist
Self-Hatred & One pretty Smokin'
Ad - Point Blank By Chris Stevenson, Columnist
the Curriculum - Worrill’s World -
By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD - Columnist
Cartoon - Political Mascots By
Chuck Siler, Carrollton TX
Art As A Weapon - Video
to Ponder: "The white man knows how
to make everything, but..." -
Sitting Bull (Tatanka Iyotake)
recommended news items chosen by BC
on twitter and facebook
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Story: The Occupy Together
Movement is Great! - The African World
By Bill Fletcher, Jr., Editorial Board
Cartoon - Occupy By Mark Hurwitt,
Brooklyn NY
People’s Occupation: Making Demands
and Building Democracy - A View from
the Battlefield By Jamala Rogers, Editorial Board
When We All Are
Doing Better - Left Margin By Carl
Editorial Board
Critics of
"Occupy Wall Street" Jumping the Gun -
Solidarity America - By John
Funiciello -
Political Cartoon - Then Meets Now
By Mark Fiore, San Francisco CA
Manifest Destiny on a Global Scale -
Sharp n’ Blunt By Desi Cortez, Columnist
The 2011
Occupy/Decolonize Moment By Dr. John
Hayakawa Torok, JD, PhD, Guest
Cartoon - Occupy & Seal Team 6
By Eric Garcia, Chicago IL
Has the Fighting
Spirit of Black America Been
Co-opted & Neutralized? -
Keeping it Real By Larry Pinkney, Editorial Board
Resist! No
Imperialist Discourse on Defense! -
Represent Our Resistance By Dr. Lenore
J. Daniels, PhD,
Editorial Board
Church’s Ordination of Gays
Bittersweet - Inclusion - By The
Reverend Irene Monroe - Editorial Board
Cartoon - Occupy Wall Street By
Carlos Latuff, Brazil
The King Memorial On
The National Mall - Now More Than A
Scar On The Nation’s Conscience -
Between The Lines, By Dr. Anthony
Asadullah Samad, PhD, Columnist
and Slide 9-9-9 - The Other Side of
the Tracks By Perry Redd, Columnist
Ken Bridges - Worrill’s World By Dr.
Conrad W. Worrill, PhD, Columnist
Day Dream By Kadir Nelson, San Diego
to Ponder: "Capitalism is a stupid
system..." - Stokely Carmichael
(Kwame Ture)
recommended news items chosen by BC
on twitter and facebook
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of your choice
Story: Why Conservatives Need
to Support the #OccupyWallStreet
Movement - The Color of Law - By David
A. Love, JD -
Executive Editor
Cartoon - No More Bull By Mr. Fish,
Philadelphia PA
"Free Market" Cannot Bring You the
Revolution - Represent Our
Resistance - By Dr. Lenore J.
Daniels, PhD -
Editorial Board
‘Columbus Day’ and
the Indomitable Spirit of Everyday
People - Keeping it Real - By Larry
Pinkney -
Editorial Board
from Behind the Wall - The Roots of My
Life's Work and Faith in the Future -
A Luta Continua By Chuck Turner, Editorial Board
Remembering Malcolm
- A Personal Critique of Manning
Marable’s Non-Definitive Biography
of Malcolm X By William L. (Bill)
Editorial Board
Cartoon - Capital Punishment By Eric
Garcia, Chicago IL
"The Jobs, Stupid,"
It’s Also "The American Wages" -
Solidarity America - By John
Funiciello -
The Death
Penalty AD (after Davis) - Point Blank
By Chris Stevenson, Columnist
from Haiti: Where’s the Money? -
Justice Watch - By Bill Quigley - Columnist
Search of "The Great White Hope"
(Again) - Between The Lines - By Dr.
Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD - Columnist
Occupation - The Other Side of the
Tracks - By Perry Redd - Columnist
Cartoon - Rick Perry Related Issues
By Chuck Siler, Carrollton TX
Documentary Portrait Photography -
Pete Seeger By George Keswick,
Philadelphia PA
Quote to
Ponder: "A community is democratic
only when the humblest and weakest
person..." - A. Philip Randolph
recommended news items chosen by
BC on twitter and facebook
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the same prices & support BC
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Story: The World can be Fed
with Seeds and Hard Work, But... -
Solidarity America - By John
Funiciello -
Cartoon - Capitalism Macing Justice
By Eric Garcia, Chicago IL
The Euro
Zone Crisis - Worse than it Appears
- Or So We’re Being Told? - Left
Margin - By Carl Bloice - Editorial Board
The Past is Never
Dead with the N-Word - Inclusion -
By The Reverend Irene Monroe - Editorial Board
the Bastille! - Represent Our
Resistance - By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels,
PhD - Editorial
Cartoon - Statehood for Palestine
By Zapiro, South Africa
Black America:
It’s Time to Collectively Rejoin the
Developing Revolution - Keeping it
Real - By Larry Pinkney - Editorial Board
Review: The Best of "The Way I See
It" and Other Political Writings
(1989-2010), by Jamala Rogers - The
Color of Law - By David A. Love, JD
- Executive
Bill's Busy
Writing a Book About Labor Unions -
The African World By Bill Fletcher,
Jr., Editorial
Political Cartoon - TEMA By Mark
Fiore, San Francisco CA
The Cain Mutiny
- Sharp n’ Blunt - By Desi Cortez - Columnist
of Contradiction - The Other Side of
the Tracks - By Perry Redd - Columnist
Politics in America - Worrill’s World
- By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD - Columnist
Cartoon - Tear Down This Wall By
Mr. Fish, Philadelplhia PA
Our Africa: The
U.S. Moral Obligation To Address
Global Hunger By Rev. Derrick Boykin
and Bishop Charles E. Blake, Guest
a Matter of Life or Death" By Dr.
Mei-Ling Malone, PhD, Guest
Defend Rights Of Women And Girls By
Shepard Fairey, Los Angeles CA
to Ponder: "It is impossible for
capitalism to survive..." - Malcolm
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on twitter and facebook
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Story: Political Cartoon -
Lynching 2011? By Chuck Siler,
Carrollton TX
to Ponder: "To take a life when a
life has been lost is revenge, not
justice." -Desmond Tutu
Death Penalty as Ritualized Mob
Violence - The Color of Law By David
A. Love, JD,
Executive Editor
What kind of
society? - Solidarity America By
John Funiciello, Columnist
the Meaning and Ramifications of the
STATE Assassination of Troy Davis -
Keeping it Real By Larry Pinkney, Editorial Board
The Execution of
Troy Davis - It’s Time To Ban The
Death Penalty - Between The Lines By
Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD, Columnist
With History of
Resistance - Represent Our Resistance
- By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels, PhD - Editorial Board
While Gay - Inclusion - By The
Reverend Irene Monroe - Editorial Board
Cartoon - Jobs in the U.S.A. By 29,
Call It Change, Call
It Revolution - When It Leaves Women
of Color Out, Call It Off - Women of
Color By Suzanne Brooks, Columnist
I am not my
brother's keeper - Sharp n' Blunt By
Desi Cortez,
So Sleight of Hand - The Other Side
of the Tracks By Perry Redd, Columnist
Intellectual Crisis - Worrill’s
World - By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill,
PhD - Columnist
Cartoon - New Mexico Poverty By
Eric Garcia, Chicago IL
Leaders Of The Confederacy As Heroes -
The Museum of the Confederacy Part 2
By Edward H. Sebesta, Guest Commentator
Inspiring Life of Eddy Zheng - A Bay
Area Community Leader Facing
Deportation - A Video Interview with
Ben Wang By Angola 3 News
Footprints and Shadow of LBJ By Daniel
N. White, Guest
Political Cartoon - SolyndraGate
Pocalypse By Mark Fiore, San
Francisco CA
recommended news items chosen by BC
on twitter and facebook
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Story: We Could Use A Little
Class Warfare Right Now - The Color of
Law By David A. Love, JD, Executive Editor
Cartoon - Palestinian Kids' War Art
By Eric Garcia, Chicago IL
On Jobs
& Deficit Obama Requires the
Wind at His Back - Left Margin By
Carl Bloice,
Editorial Board
Identity Politics
101: For the Corporations and
Financiers or the Politically
Conscious? - Represent Our
Resistance - By Dr. Lenore J.
Daniels, PhD -
Editorial Board
of DADT for LGBs but not Ts -
Inclusion - By The Reverend Irene
Monroe -
Editorial Board
The Irrelevance of
the Corporate-Stream 'News' Media -
Keeping it Real By Larry Pinkney, Editorial Board
Political Cartoon - Fillin' In By
Mark Fiore, San Francisco CA
If We Can Create
Jobs Now, Why Haven’T We Done It? -
Solidarity America By John
Taking on “the
Rich” and the Politics of Shared
Sacrifice - Between The Lines By Dr.
Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD, Columnist
Illusion of Democracy - The Other
Side of the Tracks By Perry Redd, Columnist
Just Another Day, at the White
Supremicist Office - Point Blank By
Chris Stevenson,
Is Here and So Is the Revolution -
By Suzanne Brooks - Women of Color -
By Suzanne Brooks - Columnist
African People Should Know - Worrill’s
World - By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD
- Columnist
Cartoon - Color Blind Justice By
Khalil Bendib, Berkeley CA
- Video: Let the Children Play and
Heal By The Middle East Children's
to Ponder: "There is always
something to do...." - Nikki
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on twitter and facebook
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Story: Obama Job Plan: the
Promise and the Drawbacks - Left
Margin - By Carl Bloice - Editorial Board
Political Cartoon - Tea Party
Tradition By Mark Fiore, San
Francisco CA
Obama as a
One Term President: Implications for
the Progressive Movement By Dr. Ron
Daniels, PhD,
Guest Commentator
Hershey Factory and State Department
vs. The "Mighty, Mighty" Foreign
Student Workers! - Represent Our
Resistance - By Dr. Lenore J.
Daniels, PhD -
Editorial Board
Homophobe Tim
Hardaway’s Change of Words -
Inclusion - By The Reverend Irene
Monroe -
Editorial Board
and Political Prisoners in the
United States - Keeping it Real - By
Larry Pinkney -
Editorial Board
from Behind the Wall - Anatomy of a
Frame Up - Chapter 9 - Postscript - A
Luta Continua By Chuck Turner, Editorial Board
Cartoon - John Walker Lindh By
Eric Garcia, Chicago IL
Flags, Fools
and Fanaticism - Sharp n' Blunt By
Desi Cortez,
a Time of Anniversary - Observances,
Remember Attica - Solidarity America
- By John Funiciello - Columnist
Job Speech: Will it Put an End to
Political Gamesmanship? - Between The
Lines - By Dr. Anthony Asadullah
Samad, PhD -
the Curriculum - Worrill’s World -
By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD - Columnist
Cartoon - C Students By Chuck Siler,
Carrollton TX
Real Agenda of the Museum of the
Confederacy and Why I Don’t Want Our
Book to Receive an Award from Them -
By Edward H. Sebesta - Guest
Lynch Mob By Kadir Nelson, San Diego
to Ponder: "These capitalists
generally act harmoniously and in
concert, to fleece the people." -
Abraham Lincoln
recommended news items chosen by BC
on twitter and facebook
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Story: Maxine for President -
Sharp n' Blunt By Desi Cortez, Columnist
Cartoon - Don't Even Ask By Mr.
Fish, Philadelplhia PA
Will It Take to Bring Obama Home? -
Creating a Force for Progressive
Change African Americans at the
Forefront of the Struggle - Moving
Left – Part 20 By By Dr. Ron
Daniels, PhD,
Guest Commentator
Chaz Comes Out
Dancing - Inclusion - By The
Reverend Irene Monroe - Editorial Board
US Credit
Downgrade: The Chickens Coming Home to
Roost? - Emancipation from Mental
Slavery - By Dr. Horace Campbell, PhD
- Editorial Board
Island Prisoners Were Left Out Of
New York’s Evacuation Plan - The
Color of Law - By David A. Love, JD
- Executive
Gleaning: "A Form of
Resistance" - in the Home of the
Brave? - Represent Our Resistance -
By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels, PhD - Editorial Board
United States, Israel & Very
Little of the Rest of the World,
United - Left Margin - By Carl
Bloice -
Editorial Board
Peltier: In the Spirit of Crazy Horse
- Keeping it Real By Larry Pinkney, Editorial Board
from Behind the Wall - Anatomy of a
Frame Up - Chapter 8 - I Warned You
- A Luta Continua By Chuck Turner, Editorial Board
Insurance and Other Disappointments -
Leftward-Ho By Peter Gamble, Publisher
Cartoon - Jim Crow By Eric Garcia,
Chicago IL
New York Fracking in
Context - Don’t Wonder Why the
Planet is in Mortal Danger -
Solidarity America - By John
Funiciello -
Black America: A National Debate on
Obama "Accountability" - Between The
Lines - By Dr. Anthony Asadullah
Samad, PhD -
Maroon Within Us - Worrill’s World -
By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD - Columnist
Cartoon - What You Deserve By
Chuck Siler, Carrollton TX
Obama and the Congressional Black
Caucus (CBC) Lack Empiricism By
Wilson Riles,
Guest Commentator
US-Colombia Free Trade Agreement: A
Partnership in Black Land
Dispossession - By Charo Mina Rojas
- Guest
Reflections on the WCAR - By Jehan
Abad - Guest
About Racial Identity - By Dave
Myers - Guest
Malcolm X By London Ladd, Syracuse
to Ponder: "The country is governed
for the richest..." - Helen Keller,
recommended news items chosen by BC
on twitter and facebook
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Story: In the Debt Ceiling
Machinations Democracy is Also Up for
Grabs - Left Margin By Carl Bloice, Editorial Board
Cartoon - Why We Have Debt By Eric
Garcia, Chicago IL
Will It Take to Bring Obama Home? -
Be Alert And Get Busy - Moving Left
– Part 19 By Wallace Nixon, Columnist
Kamikazes, Nazis and
the Problem of Republicans in
Government - The African World - By
Bill Fletcher, Jr. - Editorial Board
In Congress and
the Knesset, Rightwing Extremism Wins
- The Color of Law - By David A. Love,
JD - Executive
Cartoon - Eavesdroppers By Mark
Hurwitt, Brooklyn NY
October 6, 2011
- The Experience of Living the
Struggle! - Represent Our Resistance -
By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels, PhD - Editorial Board
NPR’s Foxification
of Ex-Gay Rhetoric_Inclusion_By The
Reverend Irene
Editorial Board
from Behind the Wall - Anatomy of a
Frame Up - Chapter 7 - Ladies and
Gentlemen of the Jury - A Luta
Continua By Chuck Turner, Editorial Board
Bait & Switch Game - Otherwise
Known As B.S. - Keeping it Real By
Larry Pinkney,
Editorial Board
Political Cartoon - Debtmageddon By
Mark Fiore, San Francisco CA
Working Class on Losing End of a
Generations-Long Battle_Solidarity
America_By John
The Civil Cold
War is Becoming Uncivil - Sharp n’
Blunt - By Desi Cortez - Columnist
it Takes to Bring Democrats and
Republicans Together: Maybe a White
President? - Between The Lines - By
Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD - Columnist
So Serious Syria - The Other Side of
the Tracks - By Perry Redd - Columnist
State of White Trash v. Obama -
Point Blank By Chris Stevenson, Columnist
Dr. Jacob
Carruthers and Intellectual Warfare -
Worrill’s World - By Dr. Conrad W.
Worrill, PhD -
Cartoon - Famine By Carlos Latuff,
Chicago IL
My Heart Bleeds
Wine: Ruminations on the Life and Loss
of Amy Winehouse - G. la Belles-Lettre
- Guest
Cartoon - Everything Must Go By Mr.
Fish, Philadelplhia PA
Quote to
Ponder: "The basic confrontation which
seemed to be colonialism versus
anti-colonialism..." - Frantz Fanon
(The Wretched of the Earth)
recommended news items chosen by
BC on twitter and facebook
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Story: What Will It Take to
Bring Obama Home? - Home is where the
heart is . . . . Moving Left – Part 18
By Desi Cortez,
Cartoon - Nelson Mandela - 93 By
Zapiro, South Africa
Malan and Crimes Against Humanity in
Africa - Emancipation from Mental
Slavery By Dr. Horace Campbell, PhD, Editorial Board
When Elephants Fight
- A View from the Battlefield - By
Jamala Rogers -
Editorial Board
and Union-Busting Repackaged as School
Reform - The Color of Law By David A.
Love, JD,
Executive Editor
Cartoon - Right-wing Vouchermobile
By Khalil Bendib, Berkeley CA
the Murdoch News Corporation
Apologize for the Damages Done to
Black Americans? - Represent Our
Resistance - By Dr. Lenore J.
Daniels, PhD -
Editorial Board
Throw-Away Kids - Inclusion - By The
Reverend Irene Monroe - Editorial Board
A Slightly Different
Take on the HBO Documentary on Curt
Flood - The African World By Bill
Fletcher, Jr.,
Editorial Board
Reflections from
Behind the Wall - Anatomy of a Frame
Up - Chapter 6 - A Three Ring Circus
- A Luta Continua By Chuck Turner, Editorial Board
Listen to Mark
Thompson Interview Sharon Kyle, JD
about "Prison-Based Gerrymandering"
Political Cartoon - We are the
Whirled By Mark Fiore, San
Francisco CA
Foreigners Invest in
African Land As Famine Continues -
Solidarity America - By John
Funiciello -
Redistricting "Power Grab" of
African American Seats: No, We’re
Not Being "Too Sensitive" - Between
The Lines - By Dr. Anthony Asadullah
Samad, PhD -
Constituency - The Other Side of the
Tracks - By Perry Redd - Columnist
the Legacy of Marcus Mosiah Garvey -
Worrill’s World - By Dr. Conrad W.
Worrill, PhD -
Cartoon - Facundo Cabral 1937-2011
By Eric Garcia, Chicago IL
to Ponder: "Today, the media
dictatorship..." - Danny Glover,
Actor, producer and humanitarian
recommended news items chosen by BC
on twitter and facebook
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Story: What Will It Take to
Bring Obama Home? - The Visual Obama
and the Actual Obama Disconnect -
Moving Left – Part 17 By Barbara
Maddox, Guest
Cartoon - Chiquita Terrorista By
Eric Garcia, Chicago IL
is an occupation!” - The African
World By Bill Fletcher, Jr., Editorial Board
Gerrymandering - The Invisible Woman
- By Sharon Kyle, JD - Editorial Board
Unraveling Empire and the Need for
Civic Engagement - The Color of Law By
David A. Love, JD, Executive Editor
First Lady and the
Monsanto-Washington Unification
Process Vs. Our Human Rights -
Represent Our Resistance - By Dr.
Lenore J. Daniels, PhD - Editorial Board
What "Shared
Sacrifice" Means in Fact - Left Margin
- By Carl Bloice - Editorial Board
Bi-phobia placed on Sheryl Swoopes -
Inclusion - By The Reverend Irene
Monroe -
Editorial Board
Is It Time to
Impeach Barack Obama? - Keeping it
Real By Larry Pinkney, Editorial Board
Marx In Soho: A Play
On History By Howard Zinn - Video of
Performance by Brian Jones
from Behind the Wall - Anatomy of a
Frame Up - Chapter 5 - What First
Amendment? - A Luta Continua By Chuck
Turner, Editorial
Listen to Mark
Thompson Interview Dr. Conrad W.
Worrill, PhD about "Education and
Doing for Self"
Cartoon - Government of South Sudan
By Zapiro, South Africa
GOP’s Starving of
the "Beast" (Government) -
Solidarity America - By John
Funiciello -
Curious Case of Curt Flood: HBO
Documentary Misses The Point -
Between The Lines By Dr. Anthony
Asadullah Samad, PhD, Columnist
Must Honor Our Culture - Worrill’s
World - By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill,
PhD - Columnist
Progress - The Other Side of the
Tracks - By Perry Redd - Columnist
Cartoon - David Duke By Chuck
Siler, Carrollton TX
American and Latina/o Unity - By Joe
Navarro - Guest
Obama-bashing and the urge to
intervene in Libya By Nu'man Abd
al-Wahid, Guest
the Students are Failed - By The
Reverend D. D. Prather - Guest
Be Encouraged By Margaret Warfield,
Atlanta GA
to Ponder: "If we as citizens start
out with an understanding that these
people up there..." - Howard Zinn
recommended news items chosen by
BC on twitter and facebook
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Story: What Will It Take to
Bring Obama Home? - The Stockholm
Syndrome and Change We Can Believe In
- Moving Left – Part 16 By Larry
Matthews, Guest
Cartoon - The Black Prison Gulag By
Bachmann: Children in Slavery - The
Invisible Woman By Sharon Kyle, JD, Editorial Board
The Jobs Crisis is
About People’s Lives - Not the Next
Election - Left Margin By Carl
Editorial Board
the People’s Struggle Against
Corporate Hegemony Really Worth It? -
Keeping it Real By Larry Pinkney, Editorial Board
Dr. King is Needed
in China, Although His Work Isn’t
Done in America - The Color of Law
By David A. Love, JD, Executive
Enlightenment 101: We Bring Jackboot
Lickers to Light! - Represent Our
Resistance By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels,
PhD, Editorial
Reflections from
Behind the Wall - Anatomy of a Frame
Up - Chapter 4 - A Jury of My Peers
- A Luta Continua By Chuck Turner, Editorial Board
to Mark Thompson Interview The Rev.
Irene Monro about "Obama Harkens Back
To Slavery With 'States' Rights' For
Same-Sex Marriage"
Cartoon - Corporate Safety Net By
Khalil Bendib, Berkeley CA
and Doing for Self - Worrill’s World
By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD, Columnist
Bachmann: A Fool Or A Racist . . .
Or Perhaps Both? - Sharp n' Blunt By
Desi Cortez,
and Delay Eroding Confidence -
Solidarity America - By John
Funiciello -
in the Temple - The Other Side of
the Tracks By Perry Redd, Columnist
Los Angeles
County’s Prisoner Release Dilemma:
Letting Law Enforcement Supervise
Parolees Creates Constitutional
Conflicts - Between The Lines By Dr.
Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD, Columnist
Political Cartoon -
Yes We Can By Chuck Siler,
Carrollton TX
for Palestine - A Call to Action
From Indigenous and Women of Color
Morning Patrol By Kadir Nelson, San
Diego CA
Quote to
Ponder: "Wall Street owns the
country..." - Mary Elizabeth Lease,
recommended news items chosen by
BC on twitter and facebook
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Story: What Will It Take to
Bring Obama Home? - Obama Harkens Back
To Slavery With “States' Rights” For
Same-Sex Marriage - Moving Left – Part
15 By The Rev. Irene Monroe, Editorial Board
Cartoon - Los Alamos Fireworks By
Eric Garcia, Chicago IL
Marable and the Malcolm X biography
controversy - A response to critics
- African World By Bill Fletcher,
Jr., Editorial
At What Point Does
the GOP Become a Hate Group? - The
Color of Law - By David A. Love, JD
- Executive
Stronger Words from the White House?
Hold the Euphoria - Left Margin - By
Carl Bloice -
Editorial Board
Bangladesh: A
Project for "Liberated" Women in the
U.S. - Represent Our Resistance - By
Dr. Lenore J. Daniels, PhD - Editorial Board
War, Corporate Greed, & Austerity
for the Masses - Keeping it Real - By
Larry Pinkney -
Editorial Board
Reflections from Behind the Wall -
Anatomy of a Frame Up - Chapter 3 -
The Big Lie - A Luta Continua By
Chuck Turner,
Editorial Board
Listen to
Mark Thompson Interview Dr. Anthony
Asadullah Samad, PhD about
"Manipulating Obama"
Cartoon - Living Wage By Khalil
Bendib, Berkeley CA
Happening to the "Least Among Us?" -
Solidarity America - By John
Funiciello -
Immigration In My Back Yard -The
Other Side of the Tracks - By Perry
Redd -
32nd Annual
National NBUF Convention - Worrill’s
World - By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD
- Columnist
Cartoon - No Taxes By Chuck Siler,
Carrollton TX
Cain . . . Negro, have you lost your
cotton pickin' mind?! By Desi
Cortez, Guest
- Veteranos By Eric Garcia, Chicago
Quote to
Ponder: "The labor movement means just
this..." - Wendell Phillips
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BC on twitter and facebook
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of your choice
Story: What Will It Take to
Bring Obama Home? - Manipulating Obama
- Moving Left – Part 14 By Dr. Anthony
Asadullah Samad, PhD, Columnist
Cartoon - The Death of the Mythology
of Optimism By Mr. Fish,
Philadelplhia PA
Policies are Giving All Americans A
Black Experience - The Color of Law
By David A. Love, JD, Executive
A Warmongering
Transgressor in the White House? -
Represent Our Resistance By Dr.
Lenore J. Daniels, PhD, Editorial Board
of the Absurd: We Have to Stop Being
Caged Hamsters! - Keeping it Real By
Larry Pinkney,
Editorial Board
Tracy Morgan's
Homophobic Rant is About Black
Manhood - Inclusion By The Reverend
Irene Monroe,
Editorial Board
from Behind the Wall - Anatomy of a
Frame Up - Chapter 2 - Keystone Cops
Strike Again - A Luta Continua By
Chuck Turner,
Editorial Board
Listen to Mark
Thompson Interview Suzanne Brooks
about "Consider the Power Of
Write-In Voting For 2012"
Cartoon - Immigrants Start Fires By
Eric Garcia, Chicago IL
Bachmann Sees U.S.
Low Wage Workers Part of Nation’s
Woes - Solidarity America By John
Court Has Lost Your Mind - The Other
Side of the Tracks - By Perry Redd, Columnist
Brown’s Research and Reparations -
Worrill’s World By Dr. Conrad W.
Worrill, PhD,
Cartoon - The Walmart Monster By 29,
Must Reject Us-Colombia Free Trade
Pact By Charo Mina Rojas, Guest
The Last Mountain By Shepard Fairey,
Los Angeles CA
to Ponder: "Imperialism leaves
behind germs of rot..." - Frantz
Political Cartoon - Obama Declares
Thingamajig! By Mark Fiore, San
Francisco CA
recommended news items chosen by
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Story: What Will It Take to
Bring Obama Home? - Consider the Power
Of Write-In Voting For 2012 - Moving
Left Part 13 By By Suzanne Brooks, Columnist
Cartoon - The Anti Abortion Issue By
Chuck Siler, Carrollton TX
Going Beyond Wisconsin: Thinking About
Strategy Some Months Later - The African
World By Bill Fletcher, Jr., Editorial Board
You, Mrs. Cunningham By Nancy
Managing Editor
Americans Ever Become Sane? -
Keeping it Real By Larry Pinkney, Editorial Board
NATO: What is it
good for? - Left Margin By Carl
Editorial Board
Narrative of Warfare in a Kill Culture
- Represent Our Resistance By Dr.
Lenore J. Daniels, PhD, Editorial Board
Provincetown's Not
Safe for Black Lesbians - Inclusion
By The Reverend Irene Monroe, Editorial Board
from Behind the Wall - Anatomy of a
Frame Up - Chapter 1 - A Lifetime of
Service - A Luta Continua By Chuck
Turner, Editorial
Cartoon - Madame Secretary By Mr.
Fish, Philadelplhia PA
There’s Only
One Solution to the Court Decision
Against Walmart Women: Unionize! -
Solidarity America By John Funiciello, Columnist
Unbelievable - The Other Side of the
Tracks By Perry Redd, Columnist
Spirit of Patrice Lumumba Lives On -
Worrill’s World By Dr. Conrad W.
Worrill, PhD,
Pratt, Only in America - Point Blank
By Chris Stevenson, Columnist
Cartoon - Who's the Cowboy? By Eric
Garcia, Chicago IL
Tsunami By Wilson Riles, Guest
Taj Mahal By Jim Alexander
Photography, Atlanta GA
to Ponder: "I will not take "but"
for an answer." - Langston Hughes
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Story: What Will It Take to
Bring Obama Home? - Consider the
Alternative - Moving Left Part 12 By
Roger Madison,
Guest Commentator
Cartoon - When You’re Right, You’re
Right By Mr. Fish, Philadelplhia PA
History Lesson Sarah Palin Really
Needs - The Invisible Woman By
Sharon Kyle JD,
Editorial Board
A Note for My Father
- The African World - By Bill
Fletcher, Jr. ,
Editorial Board
With Double Layers of Grief and Joy on
Father’s Day - The Color of Law By
David A. Love, JD, Executive Editor
from Behind the Wall - Preview of
Anatomy of a Frame Up - A Luta
Continua By Chuck Turner, Editorial Board
Couching the Truth in Perpetration -
Keeping it Real By Larry Pinkney, Editorial Board
Earth Democracy Not
the Farce of the Political Process -
Represent Our Resistance - By Dr.
Lenore J. Daniels, PhD - Editorial Board
Pride Events Honored The Late Rev.
Peter Gomes - Inclusion - By The
Reverend Irene Monroe - Editorial Board
to Mark Thompson Interview Sharon
Kyle about "Bringing Obama Home Is
Not Enough, We Need a Culture Chang"
Cartoon - United States Justice By
Eric Garcia, Chicago IL
My Annual Graduation
Message - Worrill’s World - By Dr.
Conrad W. Worrill, PhD - Columnist
Union Movement? It’s Been a Long Time
Coming - Solidarity America By John
to the ROOTS of What and Who is
Relevant in Our World Today -
Between The Lines By Dr. Anthony
Asadullah Samad, PhD, Columnist
When Gay Ain’t
Your Bag? - The Other Side of the
Tracks - By Perry Redd - Columnist
Cartoon - Bashar al-Assad Official
Portrait By Carlos Latuff, Rio de
Janeiro Brazil
Free At Last? By Ryan Paul Haygood, Guest Commentator
Luper, a Name Within a Name, In
Civil And Human Rights By The
Reverend D. D. Prather, Guest
Joy - A Soft Sculpture Doll By
Margaret Warfield, Atlanta GA
to Ponder: "In the name of peace,
They waged the wars..." - Nikki
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Story: Bringing Obama Home Is
Not Enough, We Need a Culture Change -
Moving Left – Part 11 By Sharon Kyle,
Publisher, LA Progressive & Columnist
Cartoon - Too Many Projects By Eric
Garcia, Chicago IL
The Reality Behind the Jobless Stats
and Politics of Inaction - Left
Margin By Carl Bloice, Editorial Board
Geronimo Pratt,
COINTELPRO and why we were not
paranoid - The African World By Bill
Fletcher, Jr.,
Editorial Board
Pratt, The Spirit of 'Geronimo
Ji-Jaga' Lives On - As the Struggle
Continues - Keeping it Real By Larry
Editorial Board
Convictions, Like
Rivers, Run "Deep" and "Ancient" -
Represent Our Resistance By Dr.
Lenore J. Daniels, PhD, Editorial Board
Jobs Crisis Is Obama’s Kryptonite -
The Color of Law By David A. Love, JD, Executive Editor
Pride celebrations?
Haven’t we assimilated? - Inclusion
By The Reverend Irene Monroe, Editorial Board
Cartoon - Camouflage By Mr. Fish,
Philadelplhia PA
Created the "Fiercely Competitive"
Global Job Market? - Solidarity
America By John Funiciello, Columnist
Tale of One City - The Other Side of
the Tracks By Perry Redd, Columnist
Years of The O(prah) Effect: Will
Oprah-mania Turn To Oprah-ssion -
Between The Lines By Dr. Anthony
Asadullah Samad, PhD, Columnist
N`Cobra and the Reparations Movement -
Worrill’s World - By Dr. Conrad W.
Worrill, PhD -
Freedom of Speech By Shepard
Fairey, Los Angeles CA
Quote to
Ponder: "What happens to a dream
deferred?..." - Langston Hughes
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Story: What Will it Take To
Bring Obama Home? - Obama vs. The
Left: There’s Enough Criticism to go
Around - Moving Left – Part 10 By
Jamala Rogers,
Editorial Board
Cartoon - Sealing American Borders
By Mr. Fish, Philadelplhia PA
Good-bye to Gil Scott-Heron -
African World By Bill Fletcher, Jr., Editorial Board
(includes video)
The Revolution STILL
Will Not Be Televised - Keeping it
Real By Larry Pinkney, Editorial Board
(includes video)
the Question of Palestinian Statehood
- The Color of Law By David A. Love,
JD, Executive
The Invisible Hand:
"You’ve Been Took" - Represent Our
Resistance By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels,
PhD, Editorial
We Writers or Gay Writers? - Inclusion
By The Reverend Irene Monroe, Editorial Board
to Mark Thompson Interview Carl
Bloice about "What Will it Take To
Bring Obama Home? - His home is not
my home!"
Cartoon - Israel and the U.S.
Congress By Zapiro, South Africa
Eyes Off the Ball -
The Other Side of the Tracks By
Perry Redd,
Why Can’t U.S.
Media Get a Grip on the Nation’s
Racism? - Solidarity America By John
Turé, A Great Ancestor - Worrill’s
World By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD, Columnist
MTA and The
Mayor On The Leimert Park Stop Vote:
This City’s Reluctance To "Bet on
Black" - Even When We Win, We Lose -
Between The Lines By Dr. Anthony
Asadullah Samad, PhD, Columnist
Cartoon - Another President from
Texas? By Chuck Siler, Carrollton
or "Race" Which is the Trump Card? -
By Dr. Carlos E. Russell, PhD, Guest
- Evil Trinity Of A Chicano By Eric
Garcia, Chicago IL
Quote to
Ponder: "The Revolution Will Not Be
Televised..." - Gil Scott-Heron - "The
Revolution Will Not Be Televised"
recommended news items chosen by
BC on twitter and facebook
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of your choice
Story: What Will it Take To
Bring Obama Home? - His home is not my
home - Moving Left – Part 9 By Carl
Bloice, Editorial
Cartoon - Gitmo Blemish By Eric
Garcia, Chicago IL
Foreign Policy, Israel’s
Indefensible Stand - A View from the
Battlefield - By Jamala Rogers - Editorial Board
Two Things We Need
the NAACP to Do in the Midst of the
Current Economic Crisis - The
African World By Bill Fletcher, Jr., Editorial Board
Riders Were Then; BMW Riders Are Now!
Memorializing Resistance - Represent
Our Resistance By Dr. Lenore J.
Daniels, PhD,
Editorial Board
18 Years Later, Will
Justice Come for Stephen Lawrence? -
The Color of Law By David A. Love,
JD, Executive
Political Parasites
Pimping the People - Keeping it Real
- By Larry Pinkney - Editorial Board
In "Hot-Lanta" You
Stay "In The Closet" As CNN’s Don
Lemon Did - Inclusion By The Reverend
Irene Monroe,
Editorial Board
Cartoon - Support Our Quagmire By
Mr. Fish, Philadelplhia PA
Power - Cindy Sheehan’s Soap Box -
By Cindy Sheehan, Columnist
Attack On Black Beauty - Rooted In
Ignorance and Racism - Between The
Lines By Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad,
PhD, Columnist
the GOP Have a Clue About America’s
Energy? - Solidarity America - By
John Funiciello - Columnist
The White
Supremacy System - Worrill’s World By
Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD, Columnist
Legislative Influence For Sale By
Shepard Fairey, Los Angeles CA
Quote to
Ponder: "A white face goes with a
white mind...." - Nikki Giovanni
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Story: What Will it Take To
Bring Obama Home? - Remember Our
Roots, Moving Left – Part 7 By John
Will it Take To Bring Obama Home? -
Discord On the Left Won’t Do It,
Moving Left – Part 8 By By Peter
Cartoon - He's Dead and We're Staying
By Eric Garcia, Chicago IL
and 2012: What Too Few Progressives
are Prepared to Discuss - The
African World By Bill Fletcher, Jr., Editorial Board
Voter ID is the
GOP’s "Block the Vote" Effort for 2012
- The Color of Law By David A. Love,
JD, Executive
Fascist Paradigm & the Myth of
Democracy - Keeping it Real By
Larry Pinkney, Editorial
Marley and Emancipation from Mental
Slavery - Emancipation from Mental
Slavery By Dr. Horace Campbell, PhD, Editorial Board
Stop Complaining By
Lola Adesioye,
Editorial Board
Cartoon - Facts & Truth By Chuck
Siler, Carrollton TX
Trust US(A)? - The
Other Side of the Tracks - By Perry
Redd, Columnist
Trump, Arnold
and Gingrich: The Republican Mantra is
One of Continual Deceit - Between The
Lines By Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad,
PhD, Columnist
Liberation Day 2011: Part II -
Worrill’s World - By Dr. Conrad W.
Worrill, PhD -
Common Gets
a Bad Rap on Assata Shakur - The 5th
Column By Jonathan David Farley,
Cartoon - Get Your Peace On By Mr.
Fish, Philadelplhia PA
Comforting By London Ladd, Syracuse
to Ponder: "Before you have a
government, you must have the
people..." - Marcus Garvey
Malcolm X -
Two Video Speeches
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of your choice
Story - What Will it Take To
Bring Obama Home? - Bringing Obama
'Home'? Get REAL! - Moving Left – Part
5 By Larry Pinkney, Editorial Board
Will it Take To Bring Obama Home? -
An Obama Alternative in 2012 is
Unimaginable, Moving Left – Part 6
By Tom Hayden,
Guest Commentator
Cartoon - Tweeting for Democracy By
Zapiro, South Africa
Black Women - Support Reproductive
Justice for All Women - A View from
the Battlefield By Jamala Rogers, Editorial Board
“Shoot ‘Em Up, Lock ‘Em Up” Mentality
Is Its Undoing - The Color of Law By
David A. Love, JD, Executive Editor
Does Official
Washington Care about the Jobless,
Really? - Left Margin - By Carl
Bloice -
Editorial Board
The Other
Killing: NATO Demonstrates Why It
Needs to Stay Out of Libya - The
African World By Bill Fletcher, Jr., Editorial Board
American Eagle: The
Notorious Symbol of the Corporate
Warlord - Represent Our Resistance -
By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels, PhD - Editorial Board
Liberation - A Luta Continua By
Chuck Turner,
Editorial Board
to Mark Thompson Interview Cindy
Sheehan about "Mother’s Day Revival"
Cartoon - War and Peace By Mr. Fish,
Philadelplhia PA
Beware: Newt
Gingrich is Running for President -
Solidarity America By John
You Can’t Do
What They Do - The Other Side of the
Tracks By Perry Redd, Columnist
Liberation Day 2011: Part I -
Worrill’s World - By Dr. Conrad W.
Worrill, PhD -
Cartoon - Brave Arab Women By Carlos
Latuff, Rio de Janeiro Brazil
Pine Ridge (We Are Still Here) By
Shepard Fairey, Los Angeles CA
Quote to
Ponder: "History can never be made by
one man..." Stokely Carmichael aka
Kwame Toure
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Story: Mother’s Day Revival -
Cindy Sheehan’s Soap Box By Cindy
Mother Reading to Daughter By London
Ladd, Syracuse NY
Quote to
Ponder: "Our sons shall not be taken
from us..." - Juliet Ward Howe,
Mother's Day Proclamation - 1870
Left – Part 4 - What Will it Take To
Bring Obama Home? - We Need Radicals
Not Reformists By Jonathan Nack, Guest
Assured Terror: 'America's' New Day
of Distraction, Bloodshed and
Hypocrisy - Keeping it Real By Larry
Editorial Board
Rights Without Economic Rights Makes
the Constitution a Tool for
Oligarchic Control (Part 3 of a
Series) - A Luta Continua By Chuck
Editorial Board
Cartoon - Osama is Dead By Carlos
Latuff, Rio de Janeiro Brazil
and the Kunta Kinte Syndrome "Show
me your papers!" - A View from the
Battlefield By Jamala Rogers, Editorial Board
Placing Their Blind Faith in
Capitalism - The Color of Law By David
A. Love, JD,
Executive Editor
Everything and
Everyone the Property of Fascists:
Power by Any Means Necessary! -
Represent Our Resistance By Dr.
Lenore J. Daniels, PhD, Editorial Board
Carriles, “The Bin Laden of the
Americas” - Emancipation from Mental
Slavery By Dr. Horace Campbell, PhD, Editorial Board
Political Cartoon -
Welcome to the USA By Mr. Fish,
Philadelplhia PA
to Mark Thompson Interview David A.
Love, JD about "Bringing Obama Home by
Making Him Realize There’s No Other
Cartoon - Father Michael Phleger
By Eric Garcia, Chicago IL
Bait and Switch
Polling - The Other Side of the
Tracks By Perry Redd, Columnist
Determined to Administer Death of a
Thousand Cuts to Workers -
Solidarity America By John
Cartoon - Royal Wedding By Zapiro,
South Africa
X, the United Nations, and African
People - Worrill’s World By Dr.
Conrad W. Worrill, PhD, Columnist
Challenging The
President’s Credibility: Justice Was
Done on Both Fronts (Trump and Bin
Laden) - Between The Lines By Dr.
Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD, Columnist
Cartoon - Robbing Hoods By Chuck
Siler, Carrollton TX
recommended news items chosen by BC
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Story: Moving Left – Part 3
What Will it Take To Bring Obama Home?
Making Him Realize There’s No Other
Choice By David A. Love, JD, Executive Editor
Cartoon - Asleep at the Wheel By
Eric Garcia, Chicago IL
of the Racial Demagoguery & and
the “Middle Ground” - Left Margin By
Carl Bloice,
Editorial Board
Film Review of The
Forbidden Subject: The Cointelpro
Disruption of Radical Social
Movements and The Undermining Of
Democracy - The African World By
Bill Fletcher, Jr., Editorial Board
from Behind the Wall: Without Land A
People Perish - A Luta Continua By
Chuck Turner,
Editorial Board
American Democracy -
The Best Form of Fascism Money Can
Buy - Keeping it Real By Larry
Editorial Board
Bones, Dry Bones, Rise: EFMS is
Fascism in the Making! - Represent Our
Resistance - By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels,
PhD - Editorial
Listen to Mark
Thompson Interview Ethel Long-Scott
about "Building a Movement For a
Better Future"
Cartoon - Economic Boom By Mr. Fish,
Philadelplhia PA
Taxing the Rich is a
Tough Sell for America’s Press -
Solidarity America By John
Eradication of
the Competition - The Other Side of
the Tracks By Perry Redd, Columnist
Contributions of Malcolm X -
orrill’s World By Dr. Conrad W.
Worrill, PhD,
Cartoon - A Volcano Called Syria By
Carlos Latuff, Rio de Janeiro Brazil
the Occasion of Obama's Visit to San
Francisco, An Open Letter to
Friends, Allies and Adversaries By
Roberto Lovato, Associate Editor New
America Media,
Guest Commentator
Sham Elections By Paul A. Moore, Guest
is the Link By George E. Stewart II, Guest
Saving Troy! By
The Reverend D. D. Prather, Guest Commentator
My Soul of a Time We were Great
before the Self Hate By J.R.
Caldwell, Jr.,
Guest Commentator
The End of
Black History Month By Charles J.
Evans, Guest
Joy In The Dance By Margaret
Warfield, Atlanta GA
Quote to
Ponder: "As the class struggle
sharpens in the U.S. Marxism will..."
- C. L. R. James
Question: What will it take to bring
Obama home?
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Story: Building a Movement
For a Better Future (The past ain’t
comin’ back!) By Ethel Long-Scott,
Executive Director Women’s Economic
Agenda Project,
Editorial Board
Cartoon - Terrorism Hypocrisy By
Eric Garcia, Chicago IL
X’s Message: Finish the Work that
Must be Done! - Represent Our
Resistance By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels,
PhD, Editorial
Moving Left - Part 2
How Do We Bring Obama Home? How to
Respond to Obama - By Bill Fletcher,
Jr. - Editorial
the Legacy of Thurgood Marshall at
Syracuse University College of Law -
Keeping it Real By Larry Pinkney, Editorial Board
Reflections from
Behind the Wall - A Luta Continua By
Chuck Turner,
Editorial Board
Defies Racial Stereotypes of Arabs in
the Media - The Color of Law - By
David A. Love, JD - Executive Editor
Listen to Mark
Thompson Interview David A. Love and
Peter Gamble about "Moving Left – A
Political Cartoon - Love for Sale By
Mr. Fish, Philadelplhia PA
Dr. Charshee
Mcintyre: A Great Black Woman -
Worrill's World - By Dr. Conrad W.
Worrill, PhD -
Who Speaks for
God? - The Other Side of the Tracks -
By Perry Redd -
Cartoon - April 12th By Chuck
Siler, Carrollton TX
American Will
By Larry Matthews, Guest Commentator
Justice - The Barry Bonds Case By
Dave Zirin,
Guest Commentator
Jackie Robinson By Gerardo Gomez, Guest Commentator
American Promise Beckons By Wanjiku
Mwangi, Guest
Uncle Sam's White Wash By Eric
Garcia, Chicago IL
to Ponder: "I believe that there
will ultimately be a clash..."
Malcolm X
BC Question: What will it take to bring
Obama home?
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Story: Moving Left – A
Conversation: A BlackCommentator
Series, Part 1 – Introduction &
Invitation By David A. Love, JD, BC
Executive Editor, Nancy Littlefield,
MBA, BC Managing Editor, Peter Gamble,
BC Publisher
Cartoon - Middle East Liberation By
Mark Hurwitt, Brooklyn NY
Military And Africom: Between The
Rocks And The Crusaders -
Emancipation from Mental Slavery By
Dr. Horace Campbell, PhD, Editorial Board
Presents Opportunity - A Luta
Continua By Chuck Turner, Editorial Board
A ‘Vision' for the
New Century. Or, a Nightmare - Left
Margin By Carl Bloice, Editorial Board
Using Blacks "For
Saving America from the Bondage of
Gay Marriage" - Inclusion By The
Reverend Irene Monroe, Editorial Board
Political Cartoon -
Discord By Chuck Siler, Carrollton
"Hope &
Change" Or the Rope & Chain? -
Keeping it Real By Larry Pinkney, Editorial Board
Marable’s Malcolm X,
A Representative for Hope and Human
Dignity - Represent Our Resistance
By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels, PhD, Editorial Board
Book Review - The
Other Green Movement: An Exciting
And Complicated Look At The Iranian
Opposition Movement - The African
World By Bill Fletcher, Jr., Editorial Board
Listen to Mark
Thompson Interview Bill Fletcher,
Jr. about "King, Obama and the Other
April 4th"
Cartoon - Latin Growth By Eric
Garcia, Chicago IL
Accomplish What King George Could
Not Do - Solidarity America By John
Great Defender of Fox Values - The
Other Side of the Tracks - By Perry
Redd -
of Government Shutdown Threat:
Everybody Blinked (And For Good
Reason) - Between The Lines By Dr.
Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD, Columnist
Important Concepts
for African People - Worrill's World -
By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD - Columnist
Cartoon - Wash Me By Mr. Fish,
Philadelplhia PA
is an Evolving Science (Or at least
it should be) By Joe Navarro, BC
Guest Commentator
Curtis Mayfield By Jim Alexander
Photography, Atlanta GA
to Ponder: "We have defeated Jim
Crow, but now..." - Rev. Al Sharpton
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This issue is
dedicated to the memory of Manning
Story: It’s Been Real: Saying
Good-Bye To An Old Friend - Along The
Color Line By Bill Fletcher, Jr., Editorial Board
Cartoon - Remember Manning By Eric
Garcia, Chicago IL
In Honor
of Manning... By Steven Pitts, Editorial Board
Quote to Ponder:
"Simply because one is Black or
Latino or lesbian or gay or
whatever..." - Manning Marable
Manning Marable and the March Towards a
Socialist America - Emancipation from
Mental Slavery By Dr. Horace Campbell,
PhD, Editorial
Manning Marable:
Consummate Black Scholar-Activist -
The Color of Law - By David A. Love,
JD - Executive
Video of
Manning Marable Plenary Speech to the
Green Party 2000 Convention
Manning Marable -
Angry, Militant and Impatient -
Leftward-Ho By Peter Gamble, Publisher
The U.S.’s
Romantic Remake of COINTELPRO in
Africa - Represent Our Resistance - By
Dr. Lenore J. Daniels, PhD - Editorial Board
Ode To Manning
Marable: Provocative Scholarship In
Life and Now In Death - Between The
Lines - By Dr. Anthony Asadullah
Samad, PhD -
Video Interview about Manning Marable -
Bill Fletcher, Jr & Michael Eric
Dyson on Democracy Now
Work will Live On - Point Blank By
Chris Stevenson, Columnist
Marable - Our Great Scholar-Activist
By Kristen Clarke, Guest
Marable: A Brother, A Mentor, A
Great Mind By Dr. Michael Eric
Dyson, PhD,
Guest Commentator
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on twitter and facebook
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Marable, African-American Studies
Scholar, Writer, Lecturer, And Civil
Rights Activist has Died at 60
Story: King, Obama and the
Other April 4th - The African World By
Bill Fletcher, Jr., Editorial Board
Beyond Vietnam: A
Time To Break Silence - Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr - Riverside Church, New
York City, 4 April 1967 (Full Text and
Audio of Speech)
History Month: How Does Change Happen?
- Video of Speech by Angela Davis
Cartoon - Back From Latin America By
Eric Garcia, Chicago IL
Overreach: The Mess That Greed and
Ignorance Made - The Color of Law By
David A. Love, JD, Executive
Demagoguery about Social Security -
Left Margin By Carl Bloice, Editorial Board
Austerity & Another War - Ho
Hum... - Keeping it Real By Larry
Editorial Board
Political Cartoon -
Nuclear Disaster By Carlos Latuff,
Rio de Janeiro Brazil
Gandhi None of Us Knew - Inclusion -
By The Reverend Irene Monroe - Editorial Board
America and the Good Slave of the
Hour! - Represent Our Resistance -
By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels, PhD - Editorial Board
Prosecutorial Terrorism - A Luta
Continua By Chuck Turner, Editorial Board
Listen to Mark
Thompson Interview Chuck Turner
about "Heading to Prison Unbroken
and Fighting Back!"
Cartoon - Bachman's Run By Chuck
Siler, Carrollton TX
America is Backing Wal-Mart In its
Class Action Lawsuit On Behalf of
Women Workers - Solidarity America
By John Funiciello, Columnist
Mixing Greatly Exaggerated - RACE-Y
Topics By Dr. Algernon Austin, PhD, Columnist
Kills - The Other Side of the Tracks
By Perry Redd,
People of
African Descent and the United Nations
- Worrill's World - By Dr. Conrad W.
Worrill, PhD -
Dark Wave / Rising Sun By Shepard
Fairey, Los Angeles CA
Quote to
Ponder: "I think the importance of
doing activist work..." - Angela Davis
recommended news items chosen by
BC on twitter and facebook
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Story: Heading to Prison
Unbroken and Fighting Back! - A Luta
Continua By Chuck Turner, Editorial Board
Cartoon - Legisdolls By Chuck Siler,
Carrollton TX
History Month - In Depth Interview
with bell hooks, CSPAN Video May 5,
I Was Wrong: Obama
Actually Carried Out The Attack On
Libya! - The African World By Bill
Fletcher, Jr.,
Editorial Board
Cartoon - Nobel Peace Prize Winner By
Carlos Latuff, Rio de Janeiro Brazil
Attack on Libya - A Bad Idea and Not
What it Seems to Be - Left Margin By
Carl Bloice -
Editorial Board
Barack ‘Grima
Wormtongue’ Obama: Lies, Lies, &
More Lies - Keeping it Real By Larry
Pinkney -
Editorial Board
Political Cartoon -
How We Choose Who To Help By Eric
Garcia, Chicago IL
Japanese Dogs Teach Americans a
Lesson in Humanity - The Color of
Law By David A. Love, JD, Executive
Corporate State Budgets: Outsourcing
Thinking to No Place at All! -
Represent Our Resistance By Dr.
Lenore J. Daniels, PhD, Editorial Board
Energy Is No Alternative When
Profits Always Trumps Safety - A
View from the Battlefield By Jamala
Editorial Board
Seeks to Move U.S. Back Beyond
Collective Bargaining - Solidarity
America - By John Funiciello - Columnist
to Mark Thompson Interview John
Funiciello about "Farmers Join Workers
In Wisconsin - A Good Sign"
Cartoon - You Bet Your Sweet Gas
By Mr. Fish, Philadelplhia PA
the Gun Debate Candle - The Other Side
of the Tracks - By Perry Redd - Columnist
Bobby Wright - A Great Black Thinker
- Worrill's World By Dr. Conrad W.
Worrill, PhD,
Hope - A Soft Sculptured Doll By
Margaret Warfield, Atlanta GA
to Ponder: "I will not have my life
narrowed down..." - bell hooks
recommended news items chosen by BC
on twitter and facebook
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Domestic Terrorism
And Communities That Support It:
Should We Investigate White America?
- The African World By Bill
Fletcher, Jr.,
Editorial Board
Constitution Developed as Response to
Demand by Massachusetts Farmers and
Others for Economic Rights - A Luta
Continua By Chuck Turner, Editorial Board
Like Black Church,
St. Patrick's Day Parades Are
Anti-Gay - Inclusion By The Reverend
Irene Monroe,
Editorial Board
Cartoon - Can You Dig It By Mr.
Fish, Philadelplhia PA
Liar, Liar! Your
World's On Fire! - Keeping it Real
By Larry Pinkney, Editorial Board
Would Doom an American Reconstruction
Effort To Failure - The Color of Law
By David A. Love, JD, Executive Editor
Ray-Ray, Boo, Chico,
Pookie and Today’s Political Economy
- Left Margin By Carl Bloice, Editorial Board
Cartoon - Lybia Intervention By
Carlos Latuff, Rio de Janeiro Brazil
Farmers Join Workers
In Wisconsin - A Good Sign -
Solidarity America By John
Race-y Topics -
Why Do Blacks Earn Less? By Dr.
Algernon Austin, PhD, Columnist
Black Movement And Loving African
People - Worrill’s World By Dr.
Conrad W. Worrill, PhD, Columnist
From Thurgood
to No-Good - Point Blank By Chris
the Voting Bloc - The Other Side of
the Tracks By Perry Redd, Columnist
Cartoon - Voluntary Slavery By
Chuck Siler, Carrollton TX
Big Political Question of the Day By
Jane English,
Guest Commentator
- Shirley Chisholm By Kadir Nelson,
San Diego CA
to Ponder: "When you put your hand
to the plow..." - Alice Paul,
Feminist, Suffragist and Political
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on twitter and facebook
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Story: The TRUTH About The
FBI Case Against Boston's Chuck Turner
By Quentin Davis, Greg King and Duncan
McFarland of the Committees of
Correspondence, Boston Chapter , Guest
Without Economic Rights Is a Tyranny
of the Rich By Chuck Turner, Editorial Board
Cartoon - Governor Walker's History
Lesson By Mark Hurwitt, Brooklyn NY
History Month: Fannie Lou Hamer:
Speech To The DNC 1964 (includes
Limits of Tyrants Are Prescribed By
the Endurance of Those Whom They
Oppress - The Color of Law By David A.
Love, JD,
Executive Editor
Fight In The NFL is Just Another
Side of Wisconsin - The African
World By Bill Fletcher, Jr., Editorial Board
Cosmetics Marketed to Black Women -
Inclusion By The Reverend Irene
Monroe, Editorial
Political Cartoon -
Freedom Oil By Carols Latuff, Rio de
Janeiro Brazil
Liberals and
Pimping the Pain of the People -
Keeping it Real By Larry Pinkney, Editorial Board
Mississippi 1955 to
Wisconsin 2011: We Have Pioneered
the Concept of ‘Field of Dreams’ -
Represent Our Resistance, By Dr.
Lenore J. Daniels, PhD - Editorial Board
Cartoon - True Democracy By Eric
Garcia, Chicago IL
Citizen’s Truth In Returning - The
Other Side of the Tracks By Perry
Redd, Columnist
Unions Destroys Rights of American
Workers - Solidarity America By John
a Great Ancestor - Worrill's World -
By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD - Columnist
Cartoon - Balanced Scales By Chuck
Siler, Carrollton TX
Fatal Flaw - Review Of Steve Early’S
Definitive New Book By Paul
Rockwell, Guest
Cartoon - Stereotype for Peace By Mr.
Fish, Philadelplhia PA
- Sleeping Giant By Eric Garcia,
Chicago IL
Quote to
Ponder: "I revolted in spirit against
the customs of society..." - Emily
Collins, Suffragist, Abolitionist and
recommended news items chosen by
BC on twitter and facebook
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Story: Rising Of The American
People (Or, At Least, Some Of Them) -
Solidarity America By John Funiciello, Columnist
Cartoon - Wisconsin Recall By Chuck
Siler, Carrollton TX
Warfare Is Ugly but Necessary to Get
Rid of the Bad Blood - The Color of
Law By David A. Love, JD, Executive
A View from the
Battlefield It’s Union Busting Time!
Public Sector Workers Under Attack -
By Jamala Rogers - Editorial Board
Justice, Law,
and the Struggle for Change - Keeping
it Real - By Larry Pinkney - Editorial Board
Cartoon - Women of Saudi Arabia By
Carols Latuff, Rio de Janeiro Brazil
Force of Non-Violence" - Not Really! -
Represent Our Resistance - By Dr.
Lenore J. Daniels, PhD - Editorial Board
Black History Month
- The 1958 Wichita Sit-in By Dr. Ron
Walters, PhD,
Editorial Board
The Arab
Democratic Revolt, 21St Century
Pan-Arabism And Potential Implications
- The African World By Bill Fletcher,
Jr., Editorial
Listen to Mark
Thompson Interview Bill Fletcher,
Jr. about "Hidden Lessons in the
Arab Democratic Revolt"
Cartoon - Bieber Riots By Eric
Garcia, Chicago IL
Maybe Egypt‘s Youth
aren‘t Silenced, but Who‘s Silencing
Egypt‘s Blacks; the Original
Egyptians? - Point Blank By Chris
The Very Recent
War On Us - The Other Side of the
Tracks - By Perry Redd - Columnist
Problem That Lingers - Worrill’s
World - By Dr. Conrad Worrill, PhD - Columnist
Cartoon - Wanted By Mr. Fish,
Philadelplhia PA
Exceptionalism By Wilson Riles, Guest
- The Invisible Class By Shepard
Fairey, Los Angeles CA (includes
to Ponder: “Freedom is never given;
it is won." - A. Philip Randolph
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on twitter and facebook
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Story: Hidden Lessons in the
Arab Democratic Revolt - The African
World - By Bill Fletcher, Jr., Editorial Board
Cartoon - It'sNot Easy Being Green
By Mr. Fish, Philadelphia PA
revolution was televised. . . .I hope
folks took notes By Desi Cortez, Guest Commentator
Makes Black History with Black Media
- Inclusion By The Reverend Irene
Monroe -
Editorial Board
Journalism and The Girl with the
Dragoon Tattoo - Left Margin By Carl
Bloice -
Editorial Board
Egyptian Uprising: A
Part of the Journey to Democracy By
Jamala Rogers,
Editorial Board
Cartoon - Congrats Egypt By Eric
Garcia, Chicago IL
To Fellow Travelers
Who Have Considered Suicide When
Resistance is Enough - Represent Our
Resistance By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels,
PhD, Editorial
Revolution Continues: Egyptian
Peoples’ Power Persists - Emancipation
from Mental Slavery By Dr. Horace
Campbell, PhD,
Editorial Board
Is Not Democracy: Time for Change
- Keeping it Real By Larry
Editorial Board
Cops Are
Missing the Bad Guys While Profiling
the Black Guys - The Color of Law -
By David A. Love, JD - Executive
Listen to Mark
Thompson Interview Hany Khalil about
"To Support Democracy in Egypt,
Suspend U.S. Military Aid"
Cartoon - End of Mubarak By Carols
Latuff, Rio de Janeiro Brazil
the Pretense by Corporate America of
Being "American?" - Solidarity
America By John Funiciello, Columnist
is in Africa - Worrill’s World By Dr.
Conrad Worrill, PhD, Columnist
You Feel American? - The Other Side
of the Tracks - By Perry Redd - Columnist
Cartoon - Mary Ellizabeth Bowser - The
First Spy Named Bond By Chuck Siler,
Carrollton TX
Review - Barack Obama and
Twenty-first Century Politics: A
Revolutionary Moment in the USA By
Eusi Kwayana,
Guest Commentator
America’s Unrequited Love By Dr.
Algernon Austin, PhD, Guest
- "Icons of Faith" By Larry
Richardson, Valencia CA
Quote to Ponder: “If a race has no
history, if it has no worthwhile
tradition..." - Carter G. Woodson
recommended news items chosen by
BC on twitter and facebook
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the same prices & support BC
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of your choice
Story: To Support Democracy
in Egypt, Suspend U.S. Military Aid By
Hany Khalil,
Guest Commentator
Cartoon - Democracy in Egypt By Mark
Hurwitt, Brooklyn NY
the Bastille - in Egypt - Represent
Our Resistance - By Dr. Lenore J.
Daniels, PhD -
Editorial Board
America Is the
Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the
World Today - The Color of Law - By
David A. Love, JD - Executive
War &
Missiles: Obama’s Requiem for the Dead
& Dying - Keeping it Real - By
Larry Pinkney -
Editorial Board
Political Cartoon -
Always in the Mix By Eric Garcia,
Chicago IL
Acceptance of Gays - Inclusion - By
The Reverend Irene Monroe - Editorial Board
Book Review - Fusing
Global Justice and Pan Africanism -
The African World By Bill Fletcher,
Jr. - Editorial
from Tunisia and Egypt: Revolutions
Without Self-proclaimed
Revolutionaries - Emancipation from
Mental Slavery By Dr. Horace Campbell,
PhD, Editorial
Cartoon - Zimbabwe Elections By
Zapiro, South Africa
Entitlements? Whose Entitlements Do
You Cut? - Solidarity America By John
Bad Doctor and the Ambiguous
Dictator - Point Blank By Chris
Cartoon - Walk Like an Egyptian By
Mr. Fish, Philadelphia PA
for African People Will Never Die! -
Worrill’s World - By Dr. Conrad
Worrill, PhD -
Comparing Apples to Oranges - The
Other Side of the Tracks By Perry
Redd, Columnist
Cartoon - Egyptian Violence By David
Logan, Denton TX
History Month - Sarah Parker Remond’s
Tale: Letter from London, 1866 By Dr.
Marion Kilson, PhD, Guest Commentator
Reagan: The Great White Redeemer - Archives
Cartoon - Black History Month By Chuck
Siler, Carrollton TX
History Month - Poem about Harriet
Tubman By Langston Hughes
- Lantern of Liberty - Harriet
Tubman Wall Mural Photograph
to Ponder: “I had crossed the line.
I was free..." - Harriet Tubman
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Story: The Enduring Nature of
Haitian Hope By Jamala Rogers, Editorial Board
Cartoon - Bad Egypt Puppet By Eric
Garcia, Chicago IL
History Month - The Equality of All
Men Before the Law, A Speech By
Frederick Douglass
The Tunisian
Revolution - A Process of Self
Organization for Self Emancipation -
Emancipation from Mental Slavery By
Dr. Horace Campbell, PhD, Editorial Board
Just Crack a
Joke, Mr. President! - Represent Our
Resistance - By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels,
PhD - Editorial
Davos and the
Wretched of the Whole Earth - Left
Margin - By Carl Bloice - Editorial Board
U.S. Hypocrisy Detonates Around the
World - Keeping it Real - By Larry
Pinkney - Editorial
"Womanist" and
Saying Who We Are - Inclusion - By
The Reverend Irene Monroe - Editorial Board
Foes Don’t Care About Women’s Rights
or Civil Rights - The Color of Law
By David A. Love, JD, Executive
spark becomes a flame: Uprisings
shake the Arab World! - The African
World By Bill Fletcher, Jr., Editorial Board
to Mark Thompson Interview Bill
Fletcher, Jr. about "Duvalier,
Aristide and the Crisis in Haiti"
Cartoon - Middle East Topple By
Zapiro, South Africa
The Faces
of Obama - The Other Side of the
Tracks By Perry Redd, Columnist
in Economics, U.S. Has To Have an
Adversary, If Not an "Enemy," But
China Doesn’t Fill the Bill -
Solidarity America - By John
Funiciello -
Cartoon - Celebration T-Shirts By
Chuck Siler, Carrollton TX
American Economic Growth and
Competitiveness By Dr. Algernon
Austin, PhD,
Guest Commentator
- Frederick Douglass By London Ladd,
Syracuse NY
to Ponder: “The South was fighting
to take slavery out of the Union..."
- Frederick Douglass
recommended news items chosen by BC
on twitter and facebook
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Story: Duvalier, Aristide and
the Crisis in Haiti - The African
World - By Bill Fletcher, Jr. - Editorial Board
Cartoon - State of the Union By Mr.
Fish, Philadelphia PA
The State
of the Union, Everybody Knows That the
Dice Are Loaded - Leftward-Ho By Peter
Gamble, Publisher
Iterations of Assassinations in
Africa: The Burden of History Fifty
Years after Patrice Lumumba -
Emancipation from Mental Slavery By
Dr. Horace Campbell, PhD, Editorial Board
Finally, Black
Civil Rights Movement is Dying -
Inclusion - By The Reverend Irene
Monroe -
Editorial Board
The International
Movement That Would Bring Peace to
the Mideast - The Color of Law - By
David A. Love, JD - Executive
Only the
Pigs Invited! All Animals Are Equal
But Some Animals Are More Equal Than
Others - Represent Our Resistance - By
Dr. Lenore J. Daniels, PhD - Editorial Board
‘America’: An
Experiment In Terror - Keeping it
Real - By Larry Pinkney - Editorial Board
to Mark Thompson Interview Larry
Pinkney About The Hypocrisy of
'America's' Democracy
Cartoon - The Trickle Down Effect
By Eric Garcia, Chicago IL
Was More to Eisenhower’s Farewell
Speech Than Just the
Military-Industrial Complex -
Solidarity America - By John
Funiciello -
Dr. Woodson and African American
History Month - Worrill’s World - By
Dr. Conrad Worrill, PhD - Columnist
The President Who "Makes Nice" And
Lacks Judgment - National Affairs -
By Lawrence R. Velvel, JD - Columnist
Cartoon - Domestic Terrorists By
Chuck Siler, Carrollton TX
MLK's Dream in
Jeopardy By Wanjiku K Mwangi, Guest Commentator
At Home - The Other Side of the
Tracks By Perry Redd, Guest
The Second
Half of the First Term - By The
Reverend D. D. Prather - Guest Commentator
Cartoon: Don't Reload, Retreat By
David Logan, Denton TX
Quote to
Ponder: ""When the Missionaries
arrived, the Africans had the land..."
— Jomo Kenyatta
recommended news items chosen by
BC on twitter and facebook
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Story: The Hypocrisy of
'America's' Democracy - Keeping it
Real By Larry Pinkney, Editorial Board
Aristide Is Ready To Return To Haiti
- Former President Sends Email
Message to BC
Cartoon - 2nd Amendment Solutions By
Shepard Fairey, Los Angeles CA
Terrorists Are Us: Arizona, U.S.A. -
Represent Our Resistance - By Dr.
Lenore J. Daniels, PhD - Editorial Board
The Jasmine
Revolution - Testing Time for the
White House - Left Margin - By Carl
Bloice -
Editorial Board
Book Review - The
African World - By Bill Fletcher,
Jr. - Editorial
Cartoon - Arizona Out of Control By
Eric Garcia, Chicago IL
GOP Austerity Plan
is an Assault on Blacks and Latinos
- The Color of Law - By David A.
Love, JD -
Executive Editor
Listen to
Mark Thompson Interview David A.
Love, JD About "Arizona Goddamn"
Cartoon - My Dream By Mr. Fish, Los
Angeles CA
Many Americans Chasing Too Few Jobs -
Solidarity America - By John
Funiciello -
Shooting of A Naked Black Man -
Can't Wait To Hear What He Had In
His Hand This Time - Between the
Lines By Dr. Anthony Asadullah
Samad, PhD,
and Freeing the African Mind -
Worrill’s World - By Dr. Conrad
Worrill, PhD -
Cartoon - Priorities By Chuck
Siler, Carrollton TX
By Joe Navarro,
Guest Commentator
Last Word on Tucson - The Other Side
of the Tracks By Perry Redd, Guest
Joe Williams By Jim Alexander
Photography, Atlanta GA
to Ponder: "It is impossible for
capitalism to survive..." - Malcolm
recommended news items chosen by BC
on twitter and facebook
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of your choice
Story: Arizona Goddamn - The
Color of Law By David A. Love, JD, Executive Editor
Cartoon - The 1811 Slave Revolt By
Chuck Siler, Carrollton TX
I Have A
Dream Speech By Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr. - 28 August 1963,
(Includes Video)
The Making of the
TucsonTerrorist - By Jamala Rogers, Editorial Board
Omar Qawasmeh - The African World - By
Bill Fletcher, Jr. - Editorial Board
Huck Finn’s N-Word:
Preserving Artistic Integrity Or
Ethnic Property Rights? - Inclusion
- By The Reverend Irene Monroe - Editorial Board
and the Cycle of Violence - They Beget
at Home and Abroad - Keeping it Real -
By Larry Pinkney - Editorial Board
To Do What You
Gotta’ Do - Represent Our Resistance
- By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels, PhD - Editorial Board
to Mark Thompson Interview Carl Bloice
About "Saving Social Security &
the Poisonous Chalice"
Cartoon - Coming Out By Eric
Garcia, Chicago IL
Tucson Tragedy:
When Radicalized Political Rhetoric
And Anti-Intellectualism Meet -
Between the Lines - By Dr. Anthony
Asadullah Samad, PhD - Columnist
in the Wikileaks Case Appears to be
Suffering Torture - Solidarity
America - y John Funiciello - Columnist
United Nations and People of African
Descent - Worrill’s World - By Dr.
Conrad Worrill, PhD - Columnist
- MLK - Let Freedom Ring By 29
The Powder Keg
of Capitalism By Paul A. Moore, Guest Commentator
1811 Slave Revolt - 200 Years Later
By Edmund W. Lewis, Editor,
Louisiana Weekly, Guest
Cartoon - Reparations - Sho'nuf! By
Chuck Siler, Carrollton TX
to Ponder: “From the prodigious
hilltops of New Hampshire, let
freedom ring..." - MLK
recommended news items chosen by BC
on twitter and facebook
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of your choice
Story: Saving Social Security
& the Poisonous Chalice - Left
Carl Bloice,
Editorial Board
Cartoon - I Want My Country Back By
Mark Hurwitt, Brooklyn NY
GOP Plan to Steamroll Workers
is No Secret By Jamala Rogers, Editorial Board
When infection is
not eliminated: Contemporary
Politics & the legacy of the
States of America - The African
World By Bill Fletcher, Jr , Editorial Board
GOP Strives
To Make Hate Groups Look Respectable
- The Color of Law By By David A.
Love, JD, ,
Executive Editor
Is the United States
A Nation of Psychological Androids?
- Keeping it Real - By Larry Pinkney
- Editorial
Independent Investigation or Will
There Be Silence? The Hanging of
Frederick Jermaine Carter - Represent
Our Resistance - By Dr. Lenore J.
Daniels, PhD -
Editorial Board
Say What? Lesbian
priests marrying each other! -
Inclusion By The Reverend Irene
Editorial Board
Cartoon - Congo Gang Rape By Eric
Garcia, Chicago IL
EFCA, Unions,
Workers Face Uncertain Future in
America - Solidarity America - By
John Funiciello - Columnist
The Party of
“NO” Is About To Get Their Chance -
Between the Lines By Dr. Anthony
Asadullah Samad, PhD, Columnist
for Self and Education - Worrill’s
World - By Dr. Conrad Worrill, PhD - Columnist
- Peace Poster Child By Shepard
Fairey, Los Angeles CA
Bob Feller – He laid out the welcome
mat for Black players in the major
leagues By Jean Damu, Guest
Community Or Chaos By Elinor Bowles, Guest
to Ponder: “But there are certain
very practical things American Negro
writers can do..." - Langston Hughes
recommended news items chosen by BC
on twitter and facebook
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Story: SEIU In Disarray By
Beverly Griffith, Odell Hunter, Sandy
Mims & Alta Bates
Cartoon - We're Not Going Anywhere
By Eric Garcia, Albuquerque NM
Read breaking news
stories chosen by BC on twitterand
Is Killing Us - The Color of Law By
David A. Love, JD
Can Blacks Rid
Themselves of the Use of the N-word? -
Inclusion By Rev Irene Monroe
OBAMA, LAUGH! - Keeping it Real By
Larry Pinkney
Unite! - Represent Our Resistance - By
Dr. Lenore J. Daniels, PhD
Cartoon: Combat Troops Out of Iraq
By David Logan, Denton TX
Lesser People,
Unite! You Have Much to Lose -
Solidarity America - By John
Real Meaning of Education, Part 1 -
Worrill’s World - By Dr. Conrad W.
Worrill, PhD
Obama: "Worst
President Ever" Are You Kidding? By
Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad
Woody Guthrie Canvas Print By
Shepard Fairey, Los Angeles CA
Un-Abolishable N-Word By Ezrah Aharone
Have A Dream Speech By Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr., 28 August 1963
(Includes Video)
Art: Butterfly
in Amazon Forest Photograph By Carlos
Latuff, Brazil
to Ponder: "No, no, we are not
satisfied..." - MLK Aug 28 1963
19, 2010 - Issue 389
Summer Hiatus Issue #3 of 3 Best of BC
This is the third
of three best of BC issues. We return
from our summer hiatus next week on
August 26th. Meanwhile, please enjoy
what we think are some of the best
items published in the past. If you
don't have a subscription, we invite
you become a subscriber right now. You
may also take advantage of special 30-Day
Free Trial. If
you have a subscription and can spare
a few extra bucks right now, please do
- during the summer months our cash
flow is very slow. We hope you enjoy
our selections.
select, click on the dot to the left
of your choice
Exxon &
BP: The Corporate Continuum of
Ecological Destruction By Jamala Rogers
My hope is that
we look at our energy problem in a
holistic and comprehensive way. It’s
not solely about alternative energy
sources; it’s about a collective
lifestyle change; it’s about green
policies on a global scale; it’s
about enforcing regulations and
creating new ones that address
evolving issues; and it’s about the
accountability of corporations to
the planet.
Cartoon: The Wal-Mart Monster By 29
Read breaking news stories chosen by
BC on twitterand facebook
Lie, and Then Distract Some More
By Larry Pinkney
horrible economic and social pain
and legitimate rage of everyday
people of all colors, will boil
over and neither the government,
its corporate allies, nor the
corporate media will be able to
cap or hide it any longer.
What does an
“illegal alien” look like? By Bill
Fletcher, Jr.
Do these “illegal
aliens” look like the undocumented
Irish who flooded major cities of
the USA in the 1980s when people
were the major export from Ireland?
Do they look like the undocumented
Eastern Europeans who I increasingly
see in restaurants and construction?
Grant & Bureaucrats of Torture
- By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels, PhD
U.S. does not consider itself
under the spell of fascism. The
history books tell us that the
U.S. and its allies crushed
fascism in 1945.
Why Not Blame
It On A Black Man? By David A. Love,
Black self-esteem
is a lingering, unresolved issue in
a racist nation that cannot grapple
with the whole race thing - even
with a black president of biracial
parentage named Barack Obama.
Cartoon: The Death of AquaMan By
Eric Garcia, Albuquerque NM
Riches on the Great Rare Earth
Highway By Carl Bloice
wealth can hold out the
possibility of meaningful economic
development, including employment
for the young.
Motherhood Lost at the Oscars By
The Reverend Irene Monroe
image of Mo’Nique as the bad
black mother and Sandra Bullock
as good white mother is not new.
Discrimination in the Gulf
Reconstruction By Dr. Ron Walters,
BP believes that national adds
showing an Africa American male
who lives in the area and is “in
charge” of claims will suffice to
show that they are sensitive to
the problem.
Cartoon: Black U.S.A. Prison
Population By Carlos Latuff, Brazil
Will the Gulf
Oil Spill End Talk of Alaska
Drilling? By John Funiciello
Proponents of
drilling claim that the “footprint”
of oil operations is much smaller
than they used to be. It’s much
cleaner and neater, they claim, now
that the technology is so improved.
Children Still Victimized by
Savage Inequalities By Elena
Blacks are hemmed into
jurisdictional wastelands that
are utterly cut off from the
outside world.
Trail of
Heritage and Tears - Black Indians
in Oklahoma Claim Their Rights By
Because the
Emancipation Proclamation during the
Civil war did not affect African
descendants of Indian Territory, the
Treaty of 1866 between the Five
Civilized Tribes and the United
ended "slavery" in the Indian
Cotton By Kadir Nelson
Quote to Ponder:
"An old African leader on
leadership..." - Jamil Abdullah
Al-Amin (H. Rap Brown)
12, 2010 - Issue 388
Summer Hiatus Issue #2 of 3 Best of BC
BC is on summer
hiatus until August 26th. We invite
you to enjoy what we think are some of
the best items published in the past.
If you don't have a subscription, we
invite you to take advantage of
special 30-Day
Free Trial. If
you have a subscription and can spare
a few extra bucks right now, please do
- during the summer months our cash
flow is very slow. We hope you enjoy
our selections. This is the second of
three Best of BC issues.
select, click on the dot to the left
of your choice
A ‘Birmingham’
for Palestine? - The African World
By Bill Fletcher, Jr.
world was willing to speak up on
Israel’s pirate attack on the
humanitarian flotilla headed to
Cartoon: Cartoon: The Wal-Mart Monster
By 29
Read breaking news
stories chosen by BC on twitter and
Obama Shifting
Responsibly for "Don’t Ask, Don’t
Tell" By The Reverend Irene Monroe
and discharges for being an openly
LGBTQ service member continue on as
Queen of the Chessboard - The
Gambit By Nathaniel Turner
Black Woman is like the queen on
the chessboard.
Climate Change
Is a Civil Rights Issue - Living at
the Intersection By Jacqui Patterson
We must
engage in the "green economy" and
see it as our economy so that this
is not yet another wave of change
in which we are left scrounging
for scraps.
Healthcare Forum Screamer By George
Keswick, Photography
The Texas GOP
Is A Grand Old Piece Of Work - The
Color of Law By David A. Love, JD
culmination of bad political
decisions that have turned the
Republican Party into the hot mess
it has become.
Whitening of Black Culture By Dr.
Lenore J. Daniels, PhD
us out with gunpowder and lock us
up behind prison bars. Teach our
children to chant, “get rich or
die trying.”
Otherworldly Attack on Public
Education - Left Margin - By Carl
The crisis in
U.S. public education is beginning
to read like something out of the
theater of the absurd.
Cartoon: Statue of Arms By Sifiso
Yalo, The Sowetan, South Africa
Why Is There
Perpetual War? - Keeping it Real -
By Larry Pinkney
Wars are
essentially a deliberately
perpetuated lapse in human sanity.
They are not inevitable.
the Tea Partiers even know what
socialism is? By Lola Adesioye
video commentary
Let’s Take
Back Our Jobs - African American
Leadership - By Dr. Ron Walters, PhD
Black leaders
must stop waiting on Obama to
deliver jobs and challenge those
with the financial resources to
distribute them fairly in creating
Peace of the Rock By Kadir Nelson
SNCC: What We
Did By Julian Bond
If you wanted to
scare white people in Southwest
Georgia, MLK & the SCLC wouldn’t
do it. You only had to say one word
Reports of Massey Energy Mine
Disaster Were Too Kind - By John
“spotty" safety record was the
grossest of understatements.
The White
Supremacy System - Worrill’s World -
By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD
Far too many
African people in America believe
that the problem we face as a people
is “us.”
Rage, Barack’s Redemption - The
Substance of Truth By Tolu
distinctly condescending attacks
on Black consciousness are
merely a product of the
overwhelming, disproportionate
influence his White mother and
White grandparents had on him.
Obama And The
Revolutionary Moment Without
Revolutionaries By Dr. Horace G.
Campbell, PhD
Messages of
change, hope and peace during the
election campaign had resonated with
a population that wanted an end to
war, militarism, fear and economic
Men Can Jump - to Conclusions - By
Rev. William E. Alberts, PhD
segregation persists in the United
States, and people of color are
relegated to more precarious
low-wage jobs.
Quote to Ponder:
"You can kill a man but you can't kill
an idea." - Medgar Evers
5, 2010 - Issue 387
Summer Hiatus Issue #1 of 3 Best of BC
As we take a little break until
August 26th please enjoy what we
think are some of the best items
published in the past. One of our
choices goes back to the first issue
of BC in April of 2002. If you don't
have a subscription, we invite you
to take advantage of special 30-Day
Free Trial. If
you have a subscription and can
spare a few extra bucks right now,
please do - during the summer months
our cash flow is very slow. We hope
you enjoy our selections. This is
the first of three Best of BC
select, click on the dot to the left
of your choice
Jim Crow in a
Teabag By David A. Love, JD
The Tea Party
movement is a fundamentally racist
one - Issue 377: May 27, 2010
Cartoon: Oil Doom By Eric Garcia -
Issue 377: May 27, 2010
Read breaking news
stories chosen by BC on twitter and
New Jim Crow in the Age of
Colorblindness By Dr. Lenore J.
Daniels, PhD
and Sacrifices Equals a Racial
Caste System Not Democracy! -
Issue 372: April 22, 2010
Silence: The
Fifth Column of Complicity By Larry
Worst than those
who blatantly trample upon justice,
are those who are silently compliant
in its demise - Issue 353: December
3, 2009
Community in Toronto Demanding
Justice By Yohi Mersha
intervention goes beyond
stopping ‘suspects’ for
questioning and searching -
Issue 377: May 27, 2010
Art Photography:
Fathers By Syreeta McFadden, Brooklyn
NY - Issue 380: Jun 17, 2010
Myth of the Sensible Center By
Carl Bloice
The “moderate Republican” has gone
the way of the typewriter - Issue
369: April 1, 2010
The US Social
Forum: The Anti-Tea Party Experience
By Bill Fletcher, Jr.
select, click on the dot to
the left of your choice
Story: Mandela on
My Poster - The African
World By Bill Fletcher, Jr.
Political Cartoon: Happy
90th Birthday, Comrade
Mandela! By Zapiro, South
The Obama Narrative He Can
Believe In - Represent Our
Resistance By Dr. Lenore J.
Daniels, PhD
Must Claim the Political
Center - Color of Law
David A. Love, JD
McKinney & Clemente:
Building a Movement For REAL
Change - Keeping it Real By
Larry Pinkney
History of Centrism: A
Cautionary Tale for Obama
By Paul Rockwell
Cartoon: Maze of Justice
By Angel Boligan, Cagle
Cartoons, El Universal,
Mexico City
to Ponder: "If the United
States of America or
Britain is having
elections..." - Nelson
Kenya & Zimbabwe:
Challenges and Opportunities
in the Path to Democracy By
Briggs Bomba
Don’t Hate
The Playa, Hate The Game -
Between the Lines By Dr.
Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD
Remembering Dr, Charshee
McIntyre - In Struggle
Spotlight By Dr. Conrad
Worrill, PhD
Sister Love - Documentary
Photography By
Jim Alexander
Am I
African Enough? - Poetic
Black Fusion By Poet
Blackman Preach
McKinney Carries the Cross -
Student Writers’ Corner By
Tolu Olorunda
Obama’s Plan for Iraq By David
Guest Commentator
Prosecution of Bashi:r
Africa Action Calls on US,
UN to Support Accountability
for Darfur
Political Cartoon:
Alternative New Yorker
Cover By Simanca
Osmani, Cagle Cartoons,
July 10, 2008 -
Issue 285 Cover Story: What
Is Patriotism Really About? - Between the
Lines By Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD, Columnist
Political Cartoon: Obama Patriotism By Daryl
Cagle, Rev. Pinkney,
Activist, Sent to Prison! - Class Warfare in
the U.S. of Amerikkka! - Represent Our
Resistance By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels, PhD, Editorial Board
Voter Protection - The African World By Bill
Fletcher, Jr., Executive
Editor Handgun Madness at
the U.S. Supreme Court - Color of Law By
David A. Love, JD,
Editorial Board
It Makes You Want to Cry: Economy Hits Seniors
Hard - Left Margin By Carl Bloice, Editorial Board Freedom Really is
a Constant Struggle - Keeping it Real By
Larry Pinkney,
Editorial Board
Political Cartoon: No Bid Oil Contracts By
Mark Hurwitt The Zimbabwean
Working Peoples: Between a Political Rock
and an Economic Hard Place - Think Piece By
Dr. Horace Campbell, PhD, Guest Commentator
A Few Thoughts on Patriotism By Joe Navarro, Guest Commentator The Twenty-Ninth
NBUF Convention: The Next Generation Taking
The Lead - Worrill’s World By Dr. Conrad
Worrill, PhD Columnist
Ask Not What... By Cindy Sheehan, Guest Commentator Art: Fallouja Wall
By Larry Richardson
Sketches of Our Culture: Apathetic, Going on
Pathetic - Student Writers’ Corner By Tolu
Olorunda, Student Guest
Commentator Hope - Poetic
Black Fusion By Poet Blackman Preach, Spoken Word Columnist
(includes MP3 audio)
The Oakland Community School, Oakland, CA /
The Hope Is Our Young People - In Struggle
Spotlight By Larry Pinkney, Editorial Board Quote to Ponder:
"For the black man with the attaché case..."
- James Baldwin
Africa Advocacy & The Zimbabwe Factor By
Netfa Freeman, Guest
Commentator Political Cartoon:
South America Food Crisis By Nerilicon,, Mexico City
July 3, 2008 -
Issue 284 Cover Story:
Mugabe Sworn in Officially...Simultaneously
Loses his Legacy... - The African World By
Bill Fletcher, Jr.,
Executive Editor
Political Cartoon: Mugabe By Deng Coy Miel,
Singapore "The Meaning of
July Fourth for the Negro" - Speech by
Frederick Douglass, July 5, 1852
Reading Slavery By Another Name in the
Obama-Mania Era - Represent Our Resistance By
Dr. Lenore J. Daniels, PhD, Editorial Board COSATU Demands
Democracy in Zimbabwe - A Statement by the
Congress of South African Trade Unions, Guest Commentators
Can Gun-toting Solve Gay-bashing? - Inclusion
By The Reverend Irene Monroe, Editorial Board Sometimes / Why We
Cannot Give Up - Keeping it Real By Larry
Pinkney, Editorial
Political Cartoon: Iraq Status of Forces
Agreement By Mark Hurwitt More Happy Talk
From This Administration - Smoke and Mirrors
By Lloyd Wynn,
Will A Black President Dispel The Need For
Diversity? - Between the Lines By Dr. Anthony
Asadullah Samad, PhD,
Columnist Wrestling with a
Strange Reality: Barack Obama and the
Impossibility of a Black V.P. - Student
Writers’ Corner By Tolu Olorunda, Student Guest
Where Black Power Meets Progressive Politics
By Charles J. Evans,
Guest Commentator Art: Frederick
Douglass By London Ladd
Quote to Ponder:"What, to the American slave,
is your 4th of July?..." - Frederick Douglass
Black August 2008
By Kiilu Nyasha, Guest
Building Me A Home - Poetic Black Fusion By
Poet Blackman Preach,
Spoken Word Columnist (includes MP3 audio) Political Cartoon:
Metamorphosis By Nerilicon Antonio Neri
Licón, Milenio, Mexico
June 26, 2008 -
Issue 283 Cover Story:
Solidarity with the People of Zimbabwe By
Nunu Kidane, Guest
Political Cartoon: South Africa - Proudly
Xenophobic By Tony Namate No attack on Iran!
- The African World By Bill Fletcher, Jr., Executive Editor
The Economic Meltdown; Who Pays and Who
Doesn’t - Left Margin By Carl Bloice, Editorial Board Banishing the One
World Order of Numbness - By Any Means
Necessary: The Leadership of Karen Salazar -
Represent Our Resistance By Dr. Lenore J.
Daniels, PhD, Editorial
In Philly, They’ll Cut Off Your Gas For A
Laugh - Color of Law By David A. Love, JD, Editorial Board A Time for
Reflection - Keeping it Real By Larry
Pinkney, Editorial
Political Cartoon: Tour of South African
Townships By Tony Namate Quote to Ponder:
"Fighting for peace is like screwing for
virginity. - George Carlin
On the death of George Carlin - In Struggle
Spotlight By Bill Fletcher, Jr., Editorial Board Black Media Fails
Its LGBTQ Community - Inclusion By The
Reverend Irene Monroe,
Editorial Board
Black Orchid in the White House Garden:
Assailing Michelle Obama By T. S. Aschenge, Guest Commentator Continuing Fight
to Protect the Voting Rights Act By Ryan P.
Haygood, Guest
Welcome Home, Soldier: Now Shut Up By Paul
Rockwell, Guest
Commentator Art: I Am Free By
Margaret Warfield
Wisdom - Poetic Black Fusion By Poet Blackman
Preach, Spoken Word
Columnist (includes MP3 audio) Two Fathers By
Nicholas Powers, Guest
If The Opposite of Pro Is Con, Then The
Opposite of Progress... By David Swanson, Guest Commentator Prosecuting For
War Crimes: as Lincoln Said, The Battle of
Today is not for Today Alone, but for A Vast
Future - National Affairs By Lawrence R.
Velvel, JD, Columnist
Why Barack Took The Money (And I’m Glad He
Did)? - Between the Lines By Dr. Anthony
Asadullah Samad, PhD,
Columnist Pan Africanism and
Reparations - Worrill’s World By Dr. Conrad
W. Worrill, Columnist
Political Cartoon: The Phoenix By Tony Namate
June 19, 2008 -
Issue 282 Cover Story:
Cynthia McKinney's Call to Action in Support
of Dennis Kucinich's Articles of Impeachment
Against Bush From Cynthia McKinney,
Presidential Candidate
Political Cartoon: Oil Addicted By Olle
Johansson, Sweden Political
Strategy: What Are We Going To Do? Part 3 of
a 3 Part Series A Political Agenda for
Change at the Federal Level By Chuck Turner,
Boston City Councilor,
Editorial Board Member
Black radicals and the Crisis of Black
leadership - The African World By Bill
Fletcher, Jr., Executive
Editor If You Support the
Pro Apartheid Zionist Barack Obama: Stop
Complaining About Racism Or Economic
Exploitation Here and Abroad - Keeping it
Real By Larry Pinkney,
Editorial Board
From the Perspective of the Betrayed: An
Organizing Strategy - Represent Our Resistance
By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels, PhD, Editorial Board Breaking Down the
Far Right’s Attacks on Michelle Obama -
Color of Law By David A. Love, JD, Editorial Board
Arrests for War Resistance Increase Again -
Justice Watch By Bill Quigley, Columnist Demanding the
Resignation of EPA Administrator Stephen
Johnson - An open letter from the Rev.
Walter E. Fauntroy
Political Cartoon: Poverty By Michael
Kountouris, Greece Biracial is the
New Black - From the Fringe By K. Danielle
Edwards, Columnist
Obama and McCain on Immigration: Life vs.
Death By Roberto Lovato,
Guest Commentator I’d Rather See a
Sermon Than Hear One: A Testament to Ms. Pat
Tobin - Between the Lines By Dr. Anthony
Asadullah Samad, PhD,
The Continuing Impact of White Supremacy -
Worrill’s World By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, Columnist Art: John Henrik
Clark - Documentary Photography By Jim
The Liberation Schools, The Children’s House,
The Intercommunal Youth Institute And the
Oakland Community School By Ericka Huggins, Guest Commentator
The BlackCommentator In Struggle Spotlight Quote to Ponder:
"Up You Mighty Race, You Can Achieve What
You Will" - Marcus Garvey, Black
Nationalist, Pan-Africanist
Killing the Messengers - Poetic Black Fusion
By Poet Blackman Preach,
Spoken Word Columnist (includes MP3 audio) Juneteenth: Free
At Last? By Ryan Paul Haygood, Guest Commentator
Resident Evil 5: A Travesty on All Counts -
Student Writers’ Corner By Tolu Olorunda, Student Guest Commentator Political Cartoon:
Cost of Oil Vs the Cost of Food By Petar
Pismestrovic, Kleine Zeitung, Austria
June 12, 2008 -
Issue 281 Cover Story: The
Black Jobless Picture - From Bleak to
Bleaker & Out of Sight - Left Margin By
Carl Bloice, Editorial
Political Cartoon: Obama Puppet By Mark
Hurwitt Political
Strategy: What Are We Going To Do? - Part 2
of a 3 Part Series - Organizing Objectives
and Strategies By Chuck Turner,Boston City
Councilor Editorial
Board Member
Katrina Meets Kucinich By David Swanson, Guest Commentator
(Includes full text and Video of all 35 George
W. Bush articles of impeachment presented by
Congressperson Kucinich) Senator Obama and
the Constituencies - The African World By
Bill Fletcher, Jr.,
Executive Editor
The Bishop's Bittersweet Day - Inclusion By
The Reverend Irene Monroe, Editorial Board Bring on the
Elephants: It’s Time for Action By Jamala
Rogers, Editorial Board
Political Cartoon: Precious Oil By Deng Coy
Miel, Singapore Rebel Without a
Cause: The Movement to Reclaim and
Radicalize Hip Hop By MK Stallings and
Montague Simmons, Guest
Republicans Would Chisel the Anger Out of Dr.
King’s Face - Color of Law By David A. Love,
JD, Editorial Board Echoes of
History’s Nightmares - Represent Our
Resistance By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels, PhD, Editorial Board
Art: Blessed with Color By Larry Richardson The People’s
Struggle Vs Reform: Time for Systemic Change
- Keeping it Real By Larry
Pinkney, Editorial Board
Quote to Ponder: "We, as individuals, are fast
losing our reputation for honest dealing. Our
nation is losing its character. The loss of a
firm national character, or the degredation of
a nation's honour, is the inevitable prelude
to her destruction." - William Wells Brown,
Abolitionist, Author, Playwright Stray Bullets:
Poetic Black Fusion By Poet Blackman
Preach Spoken Word
Columnist (includes MP3 audio) My Annual
Graduation Message - Worrill’s World By Dr.
Conrad W. Worrill,
On This Day...In This Time - Between the Lines
By Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD, Columnist Political Cartoon:
Bush's European Goobye Tour By Rainer
Hachfeld, Neues Deutschland, Germany
June 5, 2008 -
Issue 280 Two Cover Stories
Coverl Story #1: What Obama's Democratic Party
Nomination Victory Means By Dr. Martin Kilson,
PhD, Editorial Board Cover Story #2:
Obama and the Essence of Critical Support By
Bill Fletcher, Jr.,
Executive Editor
Political Strategy: What Are We Going To Do?
Part 1 of a 3 Part Series -
Spiritual/Psychological Dimensions of Our
Struggle By Chuck Turner, Boston City
Councilor, Editorial
Board Member Political Cartoon:
GOP - New Candidate - Same Politics of Fear
By Mark Hurwitt
McCain’s Christian Zionist, Subprime Mortgage
Pimping Problem - Color of Law By David A.
Love, JD, Editorial Board Complicated Times,
Complex Organizing: The Black Radical
Congress at 10 By Dr. Rose Brewer PhD, Editorial Board
Why Reverend Edward Pinkney is so Important to
Black America - Keeping it Real By Larry
Pinkney, Editorial Board It’s a
Battlefield, Please! - Represent Our
Resistance By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels PhD, Editorial Board
Quote to Ponder: “I made 'Bo Diddley' in '55,
they started playing it...” - Bo Diddley Why They Call It
"The Catastrophe" - The African World By
Bill Fletcher, Jr.,
Executive Editor
Single-Payer Healthcare: A Series Part 39 -
Healthcare Future Shock: It’s Closer Than You
Think By Donna Smith, American SiCKO, Guest Commentator Black Pride
Parties to a Different Beat - Inclusion By
The Reverend Irene Monroe, Editorial Board
Art: Underground Railroad By London Ladd Psychological
Warfare on The Notion of a Black President -
Playing on Black Fear and White Lunacy -
Between the Lines By Dr. Anthony Asadullah
Samad PhD, Columnist
Responsibility By Amy Branham, Gold Star Mom
for Peace, Guest
Commentator Coffins - Poetic
Black Fusion By Poet Blackman Preach, Spoken Word Columnist
(includes MP3 audio)
The "Noose" Media: Strange Fruits, Bloody
Leaves, and Swinging Bodies - Student Writers’
Corner By Tolu Olorunda,
Student Guest Commentator Garvey and
Economic Independence - Worrill’s World By
Dr. Conrad W. Worrill,
State and Local Prosecutors Can Take Down Bush
- Think Piece By David Swanson, Guest Commentator Political Cartoon:
2008 - The Extinction Election By Doug
May 29, 2008 -
Issue 279 Cover Story:
Assassination Talk Shows Hillary’s True
Colors - Color of Law By David A. Love, JD, Editorial Board
Cartoon: Hillary Victimhood By Sandy Huffaker,
Cagle Cartoons Political Analysis
- Dynamics of the Obama Campaign’s Historic
Achievement By Dr. Martin Kilson, PhD, Editorial Board
The Empire’s Hypocritical Politics -
Reflections of Fidel Castro, Retired President
of Cuba On the speech by Barack Obama To the
Cuban American National Foundation Barack Obama On
Cuban Liberty and the Americas - Address to
Cuban American National Foundation, May 23,
A Note to the New President of the NAACP - The
African World By Bill Fletcher, Jr., Executive Editor Taking the Train
to a Clean Environment, a Sustainable
Economy & Jobs - Left Margin By Carl
Bloice, Editorial Board
The BRC’s 10th Anniversary: A Time to Reflect
and Rebuild By Jamala Rogers, Editorial Board Won’t Reform:
Memorial Day is Everyday - Represent Our
Resistance By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels, PhD, Editorial Board
Political Cartoon: Dubya Administration
Memoirs, By Mike Lane, Cagle Cartoons African Liberation
Day - Worrill’s World By Dr. Conrad W.
Worrill, Columnist
U.S. Empire: The Republicrats and Their Deadly
Contradictions - Keeping it Real By Larry
Pinkney, Editorial Board STATE OF THE
GHETTO ADDRESS - Poetic Black Fusion By Poet
Blackman Preach, Spoken
Word Columnist (includes MP3 audio)
Criticism Of The Integrity In The (Black)
Press: I Write for "The People," Not for "A
Paper" - Between the Lines By Dr. Anthony
Asadullah Samad, PhD,
Columnist Quote to Ponder:
"Today, the United States has nothing ..." -
Fidel Castro
Political Cartoon: Gas Gassillions By Vince
O'Farrell , The Illawarra Mercury, Australia Can a Morehouse
College Man be Openly Gay? - Inclusion By
The Reverend Irene Monroe, Editorial Board
What To Do in a Recession - Part I - Smoke and
Mirrors By Lloyd Wynn,
Columnist Art: Joyful Moves
By Margaret Warfield
May 22, 2008 -
Issue 278 Cover Story: A
Tale of Two Storms - Myanmar (Burma) and New
Orleans - The African World By Bill
Fletcher, Jr.,
Executive Editor
Political Cartoon: Malcolm X - "By Any Means
Necessary" God’s Judgment of
White America (The Chickens Come Home to
Roost) Malcolm X speech of December 4, 1963
Happy Birthday, Black Left! - Still Voting for
Malcolm! - Represent Our Resistance By Dr.
Lenore J. Daniels, PhD,
Editorial Board Malcolm X’s 83rd
Birthday - Worrill's World By Dr. Conrad W.
Worrill, Columnist
Quote to Ponder: "The press is so
powerful...." - Malcolm X To Remake Our
World: Forging Black - Brown Unity in the
Age of Immigrants By Steven Pitts, Editorial Board
Cynthia McKinney: That Audacious Black Woman
Standing with the People! - Keeping it Real By
Larry Pinkney, Editorial
Board Political Cartoon:
Global Economic Dispartity By Mark Hurwitt
A Fleeting Moment of Democracy for
California’s Same-Sex Couples - Inclusion By
The Reverend Irene Monroe, Editorial Board A Book Review of
Prison Profiteers: Who Makes Money From Mass
Incarceration, By Tara Herivel and Paul
Wright - Color of Law By David A. Love, JD, Editorial Board
What Befalls a Man, Befalls Him by His Own
Hand - Smoke and Mirrors By Lloyd Wynn, Columnist Invasion - Poetic
Black Fusion By Poet Blackman Preach, Spoken Word Columnist
(includes MP3 audio)
Art: Blues Jam II - Documentary Photography By
Jim Alexander Los Angeles County
Board of Supervisors Race: A Choice of
Substance Over Symbolism (&
Trick-aration) - Between the Lines By Dr.
Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD, Columnist
Whose War? Is it Yours? By Cindy Sheehan, Guest Commentator We Will Not Die! -
Ushairi By Anthony Gayle, Guest Poet
Damage Control: In the Aftermath of Last
Week’s Ruling on Gay Marriage - Gays, the
Black Church, and the Mainstream Media -
Unapologetically Young, Black and Female By
Jasmyne A. Cannick,
Columnist The Tragic Legacy
of the "Two Firsts": Why Hillary Won't Talk
About Gender the Way Barack Will Talk About
Race By Jewel Woods,
Guest Commentator
Political Cartoon: Speculators and the Food
Crisis By Patrick Chappatte, Le Temps,
Switzerland We Fought
Apartheid; We See No Reason to Celebrate It
in Israel Now! By End The Occupation South
May 25: Celebration of An Aspiration By Netfa
Freeman, Guest
Commentator Idiot-in-Chief!! -
King-of-Fools? By Playthell Benjamin, Guest Commentator
The Hillary Myth and the Good Reverend Wright?
By John S. Phillips,
Guest Commentator A Dissent: No More
"Race" Talk By Alex Walker, Guest Commentator
May 15, 2008 -
Issue 277 Cover Story: The
Working Class is Back. And Guess What. It’s
White - Left Margin By Carl Bloice, Editorial Board
Political Cartoon: Bank Bailout By Mark
Hurwitt Single-Payer
Healthcare: A Series -
Part 38 - Working for Health Justice &
Economic Security! By Ethel Long-Scott,
Executive Director Women’s Economic Agenda
Project, Editorial
The Hard-Working White Americans - Color of
Law By David A. Love, JD,
Editorial Board Calling Black
Activists to St. Louis: The Black Radical
Congress Turns 10 - The African World By
Bill Fletcher, Jr.,
Executive Editor
Race Conversations for Comforting Whites and
Employing Head Negroes - Represent Our
Resistance By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels, PhD, Editorial Board On The Importance
of Reparations and Self Determination -
Keeping it Real By Larry Pinkney, Editorial Board
Art: The Five Graces (Why War) By Larry
Richardson Obama And
Superdelegate Accountability: What Are Reps.
Maxine Waters and Diane Watson Waiting On? -
Between the Lines By Dr. Anthony Asadullah
Samad, PhD, Columnist
Quote to Ponder: “But there are certain very
practical things American Negro writers can
do...." - Langston Hughes, Writer, Poet and
Essayist, 1902-1967 Death March:
Poetic Black Fusion By Poet Blackman Preach, Spoken Word Columnist
(includes MP3 audio)
The Future of Foreclosures - Smoke and Mirrors
By Lloyd Wynn, Columnist Juan Crow in
Georgia By Roberto Lovato, Guest Commentator
On Hillary: "And I Am Telling You I'm Not
Going, I'm Stayin', and You're Gonna Love Me"
Clinton - Unapologetically Young, Black and
Female By Jasmyne A. Cannick, Columnist Political Cartoon:
Oil Addict By Manny Francisco, Manila, The
Unpaid Debt=Anger By Wilson Riles, Guest Commentator Bubba in the
Backyard: The Politics of Race and Gender in
Campaign 2008 By T. S. Aschenge, Guest Commentator
I Am BLACK Not black By Kingsley, Guest Poet The Virgin Maryam
of Surah - Student Writers’ Corner By Maryam
Sharron Muhammad Shabazz, Student Guest
Sabotage, Division, or Sedition By Brother
Bede, Institute for Advanced Cultural Studies, Guest Commentator Weapons of Mass
Distraction: Mind Control, Zombification and
the Neutralizing of Black People - Student
Writers’ Corner By Tolu Olorunda, Student Guest
Political Cartoon: Israel at 60 By Deng Coy
Miel, Singapore
May 8, 2008 -
Issue 276 - Special Mother's Day Issue Cover Story:
Nobody’s Daughter - Inclusion By The
Reverend Irene Monroe,
Editorial Board
Art: Mother Reading to Daughter By London Ladd Quote to Ponder:
"Grown don't mean nothing to a mother. A
child is a child. They get bigger, older,
but grown. In my heart it don't mean a
thing. " - Toni Morrison, Winner of The
Nobel Prize in Literature, 1993
My Thoughts About Mother’s Day By James
Jennings, Editorial Board
Member A Black Mother’s
Day Story in the Age of Post-Race in
Amerikkka - Represent Our Resistance By Dr.
Lenore J. Daniels, PhD,
Editorial Board
“Is That Your Child?”: Successful Strategies
for Mothering Biracial Children By Marion
Kilson, PhD and Florence Ladd, PhD, Guest Commentators Mom & 1968 -
The African World By Bill Fletcher, Jr., Executive Editor
On the Criminalization of Black Motherhood -
Color of Law By David A. Love, JD, Editorial Board Political Cartoon:
Precious Oil By Angel Boligan, Cagle
Cartoons, El Universal, Mexico City
Mothers’ Day: Rooted in Peace By Nancy
Littlefield, Managing
Editor Marriage Equality
Movement Mother Dies - In Struggle Spotlight
By The Reverend Irene Monroe, Editorial Board
Have You Seen Her? - Poetic Black Fusion By
Poet Blackman Preach,
Spoken Word Columnist (includes MP3 audio) I Get It from My
Momma(s) - From the Fringe By K. Danielle
Edwards, Columnist
A Tribute to My Mother on Mother’s Day -
Worrill’s World By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, Columnist The Re-Education
of Jay Leno: A Mother’s Day Reminder to
Respect Black Women (and all Women) -
Between the Lines By Dr. Anthony Asadullah
Samad, PhD, Columnist
Women, Race and Economic Security By Shirley
J. Wilcher, Guest
Commentator Born with a Skin
Disease?! - A Mother’s Whitewash By David
Myers, Guest
Ms. Burneice Avery: An Eight Mile Struggle -
Smoke and Mirrors By Lloyd Wynn, Columnist Political Cartoon:
Bush`s Image Shadow By Petar Pismestrovic,
Kleine Zeitung, Austria
Rev. "Icarus", the Obama Campaign & the
Left - Think Piece By Bill Fletcher, Jr., Executive Editor The Republicrats:
A Plague on Both Their Houses - Keeping it
Real By Larry Pinkney,
Editorial Board
Hillary and McCain: The White Bloc That Must
be Stopped By Eric Mann,
Guest Commentator Political Cartoon:
High Oil Prices By Deng Coy Miel, Singapore
May 1, 2008 -
Issue 275 Cover Story: Get
Carter!: The Attack on Jimmy Carter's Middle
East Peace Efforts by Bush & Olmert -
The African World By Bill Fletcher, Jr., Executive Editor
Where is Justice Hiding? By Jamala Rogers, Editorial Board Sean Bell Verdict
Complicates Things for Obama: Special
Edition - April 25, 2008 By Roberto Lovato, Guest Commentator
Political Cartoon: For Food or Fuel By Manny
Francisco, Manila, The Phillippines The Real Issues:
Hunger, Housing, Heating Oil...and the War -
Left Margin By Carl Bloice, Editorial Board
Obama’s Chickens Have Come Home to Roost -
Inclusion By The Reverend Irene Monroe, Editorial Board Society’s Bullets
By Jessica Watson-Crosby, Guest Commentator
Statement on the Sean Bell Verdict From
Cynthia McKinney, Presidential Candidate The Second Death
of Sean Bell By Nicholas Powers, Guest Commentator
Student Writers’ Corner: 31+11+4+3+1 = 50
Shots of Rage! By Tolu Olorunda, Guest Student Commentator Political Cartoon:
Rebate Check By Adam Zyglis, The Buffalo
Zimbabwe’s Elections: Who Are “The Real
Revolutionaries”? By Dr. Keith Jennings, PhD,
Guest Commentator Zimbabwe: More
Than Complicity of Silence By Netfa Freeman, Guest Commentator
Mainstream Media Serve Up Garbage As
Legitimate News Coverage - Color of Law By
David A. Love, JD,
Editorial Board May Day, Cynthia
McKinney, and the Rejection of Systemic
Collaboration - Keeping it Real By Larry
Pinkney, Editorial
The Powell Memo: Saving American Free
Enterprise One Voice at a Time - Represent Our
Resistance By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels, PhD, Editorial Board Political Cartoon:
Oil Price By Deng Coy Miel, Singapore
Moral Hazard: Economists and Policymakers
(Liberal and Conservative) Leading Homeowners
Down A Blind Financial Alley - Smoke and
Mirrors By Lloyd Wynn ,
Columnist Camden: Poetic
Black Fusion By Poet Blackman Preach, Spoken Word Columnist
(includes MP3 audio)
The Relative Truth Of This Presidential
Election - Is "WWWPD" (What Would White People
Do?) - Between the Lines By Dr. Anthony
Asadullah Samad, PhD,
Columnist Education and
Economic Independence - Worrill’s World By
Dr. Conrad W. Worrill,
The New Affirmative Action: Implications in
Education and the Workplace By Milton
Hollar-Gregory, Guest
Commentator Confessions of a
Mega-Church Member By Kandise Lucas, PhD, Guest Commentator
On Personal Responsibility and Social Justice
By David Memnon, Guest
Commentator Economic Stimulus
to Cultural Empowerment: The National Museum
of African American History and Culture By
Charles Blatcher, III,
Guest Commentator
Art: Waters Edge By Margaret Warfield
April 24, 2008 -
Issue 274 Cover Story: Obama
Camapaign in the Pennsylvania Primary -
Political Analysis By Dr. Martin Kilson,
PhD, Editorial Board
April 20, 2008 Special Edition: Senator
Hillary Clinton Must Explain The Praising of a
Group of KKK Supporters - A Investigative Report By
David . Love,
Editorial Board and Peter Gamble, Publisher
Cartoon: Oil Prices Cause Suffering By Angel
Boligan, El Universal, Mexico City
Painting Terrorists: Further News from Somalia
- The African World By Bill Fletcher, Jr., Executive Editor Stop Gambling with
your Health - Build a Health Justice
Movement - Single-Payer Healthcare - A Series - Part 37 By
Ethel Long-Scott, Executive Director Women’s
Economic Agenda Project, Editorial Board Member
Absent the Badge of Honor - Keeping it Real By
Larry Pinkney, Editorial
Board Rising Fascism:
Debates into Civilizing Decadence -
Represent Our Resistance By Dr. Lenore J.
Daniels, PhD, Editorial
USA Role in Haiti Hunger Riots - Justice Watch
By Bill Quigley,
Columnist Cartoon: Happy
Earth Day By Tab, The Calgary Sun
Are Peace and Impeachment Possible? - Think
Piece By David Swanson,
Guest Commentator SEIU Officials
Have a Blast By Ken Paff, Guest Commentator
Mammas, Wear Your Hair Natural - From the
Fringe By K. Danielle Edwards, Columnist Bitterness in
America: The Truth Isn’t Always Pretty -
Between the Lines By Dr. Anthony Asadullah
Samad, PhD, Columnist
Art: Blues Jam - Documentary Photography By
Jim Alexander Bumpy Tymes -
Poetic Black Fusion By Poet Blackman Preach,
BC Spoken Word Columnist (includes MP3
Why We Should Support an Ex-Doofus By U-Savior
Washington, Guest
Commentator Reparations and
Loving African People - Worrill’s World By
Dr. Conrad W. Worrill,
Courts Should Insist the Political Branches Do
Their Jobs Carefully and Thoroughly, Instead
of Shoddily - National Affairs By Lawrence R.
Velvel, JD, Columnist The Empathic Power
of Images: Civil Rights, Vietnam and Today
By Gary Olson, PhD,
Guest Commentator
A Liberating Hope By The Reverend D. D.
Prather, Guest
Commentator Those Who Care
About Baseball Should Protest the
"Blacklisting" of Barry Bonds! By Mike
Gimbel, Guest
Political Cartoon: Texas Taxes By Mark Hurwitt
April 17, 2008 -
Issue 273 Cover Story 1: "Z"
is for Zimbabwe: Turmoil & Silence as a
Country Potentially Unravels - The African
World By Bill Fletcher, Jr., Executive Editor
Cover Story 2: Justice for Zimbabwe - Message
of Solidarity By Imani Countess, TransAfrica
Forum, Editorial Board Political Cartoon:
$upport the Military By Mark Hurwitt
Obama and Bitterness - Analysis By Editorial Board Members
Bill Strickland, James Jennings, Martin
Kilson, David A. Love An Uncertain Time
for Capitalism - Left Margin By Carl Bloice, Editorial Board
Why Clinton’s Jeremiah Wright Strategy Failed
- Color of Law By David A. Love, JD, Editorial Board "Racializing
Obama" - Along the Color Line By Dr. Manning
Marable, PhD, Editorial
Democratic & Republican Parties Propping
Up Capitalism: Systemic Terrorism Against the
Poor - Keeping It Real By Larry Pinkney, Editorial Board Political Cartoon:
The Pope Sees Bush By Rainer Hachfeld, Neues
Deutschland, Germany
Black Men, Don’t Be No "Punk": Get Your Colon
Checked Before And After Age 50 - Between the
Lines By Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD, Columnist Let Jack Bauer Do
It! - Represent Our Resistance By Dr. Lenore
J. Daniels, PhD,
Editorial Board
The Birth of Redlining: The Real History of
the Homeowners Loan Corporation - Smoke and
Mirrors By Lloyd Wynn,
Columnist Decades of
Documented Health Care Disparities Have Not
Brought About Policy Changes By Kathlyn
Stone, Guest Commentator
Art: Madonna of Darfur By Larry Richardson PowerLess - Poetic
Black Fusion By Poet Blackman Preach, BC
Spoken Word Columnist (includes MP3 audio)
Two Relatively New or Novel Ideas: Starting
Today with the Question of Prosecuting Guilty
American Leaders for Torture - National
Affairs By Lawrence R. Velvel, JD, Columnist Crimes Against
Humanity and Reparations - Worrill’s World
By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, Columnist
Senators Could End the Iraq War This Spring By
Nancy Lessin, Military Families Speak Out
(MFSO), Guest
Commentators Prison Gang
Drop-Outs Being Threatened...If They Refuse
to Snitch By Harold Austin, Guest Commentator
Special Order 40 Not the Problem...Just
Another Distraction - Unapologetically Young,
Black and Female By Jasmyne A. Cannick, Columnist The Myth of
Partner, the Lie of Poodle: British
Imperialism and Neo-con America - Think
Piece By Nu'man Abd al-Wahid, Guest
Whirlpool's Divisive Development By Eartha
Jane Melzer, Guest
Commentator Political Cartoon:
Look at the Bright Light By Olle Johansson,
April 10, 2008 -
Issue 272 Cover Story:
African American Peacemakers: Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr., Brack Obama, and the
Struggle Against Racism, Inequality and War
By Dr. Manning Marable, PhD, Editorial Board
Political Cartoon: Halliburton Tax Check By
Mark Hurwitt After 30 Years,
the MOVE 9 Must be Paroled - Color of Law By
David A. Love, JD,
Editorial Board
Cornel West Calls Obama Out for Dissing King
Tribute - Inclusion By The Reverend Irene
Monroe, Editorial Board The Judas Factor:
Barack Obama and a Movement Betrayed (or
‘for Those Who Have Joined the Empire’) -
Keeping It Real By Larry Pinkney, Editorial Board
An Open Letter to the Major League Baseball
Players’ Association on Curt Flood - The
African World By Bill Fletcher, Jr., Executive Editor Art: Satchel Paige
By London Ladd - Illustrator
Rogue Ideology: They Love You If You’re Dead!
- Represent Our Resistance By Dr. Lenore J.
Daniels, PhD, Editorial
Board Business as Usual
- Smoke and Mirrors By Lloyd Wynn, Columnist
The King Assassination: Forty Years Later...
and This Country Still Hasn’t Gotten Over It -
Between the Lines By Dr. Anthony Asadullah
Samad, PhD, Columnist Senator Clinton
and Senator Obama: Use Your Leadership Now
to End the War in Iraq! By Military Families
Speak Out (MFSO)
Political Cartoon: Petraeus Iraq Report By
Rainer Hachfeld, Neues Deutschland, Germany Reflections on
King, Candidates and Movements By Dr.
Barbara Ransby, PhD,
Editorial Board
Hip Hop Framed - Poetic Black Fusion By Poet
Blackman Preach BC Spoken Word Columnist
(includes MP3 audio) There Is Little
Charity In Wealthy Charitable Hospitals -
National Affairs By Lawrence R. Velvel, JD, Columnist
Crisis of the Negro Intellectual Revisited -
Worrill’s World By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, Columnist Hillary is a
Sorcerer, an Out-Sourcerer By Paul Rockwell, Guest Commentator
Response to Pat Buchanan’s Rant By Vincent
G.Thomas, Guest
Commentator Energy Days at the
University of Texas By Daniel N. White, Guest Commentator
Political Cartoon: Let My Pistols Go By John
Darkow, Columbia Daily Tribune, Missouri
April 3, 2008 -
Issue 271 - 6th Anniversary Issue Cover Story: A
Word From Our Executive Editor - Black
Commentator's 6th Anniversary By Bill
Fletcher, Jr. Executive
My 60th Birthday: A Statement from Assata
Shakur, Guest Commentator Thinking About
Birthdays: You're Two By David Swanson, Guest Commentator
Political Cartoon: Iraq Under Construction By
Emad Hajjaj, Jordan Bush & Cheney
keep talking about Iran... - The African
World By Bill Fletcher, Jr., Executive Editor
April 3, 1968 - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. -
I've Been to the Mountaintop Basra, Baghdad and
Beyond - Left Margin By Carl Bloice, Editorial Board
The Economics of War: From King to Obama -
Along the Color Line By Dr. Manning Marable,
PhD, Editorial Board Will Clinton
Repudiate Her Ties to the Christian Right? -
Color of Law By David A. Love, JD, Editorial Board
Political Cartoon: Housing Crisis By Mike
Lane, Cagle Cartoons "Amerikkka" -
Functionaries at Your Service! - Represent
Our Resistance By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels,
PhD, Editorial Board
Barack Obama: Faithful Tool of U.S.
Imperialism and Empire - Keeping It Real By
Larry Pinkney, Editorial
Board If the Democrats
Can’t Win This Time Around, They Should
Cease Calling Themselves a Party - Between
the Lines By Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad,
PhD, Columnist
The Senator, His Pastor and the Israel Lobby
By Ali Abunimah, Guest
Commentator Post Racial
Conflict: America to Enter Heaven Without
Confessing Her Sins By Lloyd Wynn, Guest Commentator
Art: Glad About It - By Margaret Warfield Invasion - Poetic
Black Fusion By Poet Blackman Preach, BC
Spoken Word Columnist (includes MP3 audio)
'Damming the Flood' Powerful [Book Review]:
Welcome Examination of Haiti's Criminally
Overlooked Recent History By Benjamin Terrall, Guest Commentator Return Aristide to
Haiti - Try Bush as a Global Pirate -
Dismantle Structures of Subversion
The Purpose of Education for Black People -
Worrill’s World By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, Columnist Candidates’ Fear
and Reporters’ Scripts: The DA Race in
Austin, a Microcosm of the Bigger Races By
Daniel N. White, Guest
Rutgers University Annual Women's Month
Symposium - "Is Power Redefining the Politics
of Women?" By Cynthia McKinney Prodigal Petraeus
By David Swanson, Guest
Political Cartoon: April Showers By Adam
Zyglis, The Buffalo News
March 27, 2008 -
Issue 270 Cover Story:
Without Empathy or Remorse By Jamala Rogers, Editorial Board
Political Cartoon: 4000 US soldiers dead in
Iraq By Paul Zanetti, Australia The Iraq Winter
Soldier hearings: A Cry in Silence? - The
African World By Bill Fletcher, Jr., Executive Editor
Barack Obama: The Empire Strikes Back -
Keeping It Real By Larry Pinkney, Editorial Board Re: "If Obama Can
Throw His Pastor Under the Bus, What Will He
Do to Us?" - Inclusion By The Reverend Irene
Monroe, Editorial Board
Progressives for Obama By Bill Fletcher, Jr,
Tom Hayden, Danny Glover and Barbara
Ehrenreich Political Cartoon:
Hillary's Record By Adam Zyglis, The Buffalo
Be or Be Damned: Don’t Give Up Your Lifeline
to Fear - Represent Our Resistance By Dr.
Lenore J. Daniels, PhD,
Editorial Board Losing Ground?
Recent Trends in Black Higher Education -
Along the Color Line By Dr. Manning Marable,
PhD, Editorial Board
One Raid at a Time: How Immigrant Crackdowns
Build the National Security State By Roberto
Lovato, Guest Commentator
Obama’s Speech on
Race: Not Just Empty Words, or Another
"Eloquent Speech" - Between the Lines By Dr.
Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD, Columnist
Attorney for Rev. Edward Pinkney Demands
Constitutional Rights Violations Be Stopped - Acquires Letter To
Sheriff Art: African
Liberation Day 72 - Documentary Photography
By Jim Alexander
Education and Economic Independence -
Worrill's World By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD, Columnist Obama’s Denial:
The fear of a Black Messiah - Part 2 of
Barack and the "End" of Racism By Juan
Santos, Guest
Building an Activist Movement to End the
Occupation of Iraq and May Day: A Call To
Action By David Swanson,
Guest Commentator Jane Predicts the
Fall of America: Not With a Bang but a
Whimper - Sidetracked By Jane Stillwater, Columnist
The Time (Yet Again) Is Now By Nancy Harvin, GuestCommentator A Discussion of
Race Worth Having By Cynthia McKinney,
Presidential Candidate
Political Cartoon: U.S. Soldiers At Home By
Paresh Nath, National Herald, India
March 20, 2008 -
Issue 269 Cover Story: Obama
Race Speech Analysis By 14 Editorial Board Members
Barack Obama’s Speech on Race - March 18, 2008
- Philadelphia PA Political Cartoon:
Bush Baptizing Prisoners By Riber Hansson,
Svenska Dagbladet, Sweden
The Problem with Feminist Icons By Dr. Maya
Rockeymoore, PhD,
Editorial Board Nearly 4000 Dead
and All is Well??? - The African World By
Bill Fletcher, Jr.,
Executive Editor
Obama: The Attacks Have Only Just Begun - Left
Margin By Carl Bloice,
Editorial Board Incarceration vs.
Education: - Reproducing Racism and Poverty
in American - Along the Color Line By Dr.
Manning Marable, PhD,
Editorial Board
Try To Make It Real: Compared to What? -
Keeping It Real By Larry Pinkney, Editorial Board Political Cartoon:
Banker Bum By Pat Bagley, Salt Lake Tribune
Ignorance for the Blissfully Educated -
Represent Our Resistance By Dr. Lenore J.
Daniels, PhD, Editorial
Board Book Review - All
Things Being Equal: Instigating Opportunity
in an Inequitable Time - Edited by Brian D.
Smedley & Alan Jenkins Color of Law By
David A. Love, JD,
Editorial Board
Comparison of Obama & Cynthia McKinney: -
Who is the Real Progressive Candidate? By The
Editors of The Organizer Newspaper Lebron James,
Starring as King Kong - From the Fringe By
K. Danielle Edwards,
Art: End of the Day By Larry Richardson Recession: The
Federal Reserve Issuing Welfare Checks at
Discount Window - Taxpayers Not Eligible Due
to Moral Hazard By Lloyd Wynn , Guest Commentator
Remembering a Great Ancestor: Lu Palmer - In
Struggle Spotlight By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill,
PhD, Columnist Has Race Finally
Trumped Hope AND Change In The Democratic
Presidential Primaries? - Between the Lines
By Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD, Columnist
The Marines: They're Killers and Attack Dogs
but They're OUR Killers and Attack Dogs -
Sidetracked By Jane Stillwater, Columnist Chicago’s Trinity
UCC is ‘Great Gift to Wider Church Family’By
J. Bennett Guess, United Church of Christ
Open Letter to Hillary Clinton By Syreeta
McFadden, Guest
Commentator Africa Steps Up
Efforts to Train Top Scientists By Megan
Lindow, Cape Town, South Africa
Political Cartoon: A 110 Dollar Bill By
Christo Komarnitski, Bulgaria
March 13, 2008 -
Issue 268 Cover Story: The
Clinton Monster, Unleashed -Color of Law By
David A. Love, JD,
Editorial Board
Cover Story: Election Analysis - Obama
Campaign Heads Toward Democratic Nomination By
Dr. Martin Kilson, PhD,
Editorial Board Political Cartoon:
Bush Vetoes Waterboarding Bill By Christo
Komarnitski, Bulgaria
Colombia’s Attack on Ecuador:Why Should We
Care? - The African World By Bill Fletcher,
Jr., Executive Editor LGBTQ Community
Too Sharp For Recycled Propaganda -
Inclusion By The Reverend Irene Monroe, Editorial Board
For The Love of My People - Keeping It Real By
Larry Pinkney, Editorial
Board Political Cartoon:
Guantanamo Bay By Doug Minkler
Pax Americana: Enemies ARE the People -
Represent Our Resistance By Dr. Lenore J.
Daniels, PhD, Editorial
Board Dr. Marable’s
statement about Obama, March 6, 2008 -
Single-Payer Healthcare: A Series - Part 36 By
Marilyn Clement, National Coordinator,
The Momentum "Spin" Between Obama and Clinton:
If the Shoe Were on the Other Foot - Between
the Lines By Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD, Columnist Clergy Killers -
Poetic Black Fusion By Poet Blackman Preach, Spoken Word Columnist
(includes MP3 audio)
Political Cartoon: Gazaernica By Michael
Kountouris, Greece Let's Get Our
Heads Out of the Sand - Part II By Lloyd
Wynn, Guest Commentator
The Big Mother By Nicholas Powers, Guest Commentator "Another Child is
Diagnosed with Autism Every 20 Minutes." And
Nobody Protests This? - Sidetracked By Jane
Stillwater, Columnist
Art: Waiting By Margaret Warfield
6, 2008 - Issue 267 Cover Story:
Barack Obama’s Problem - And Ours - Along
the Color Line By Dr. Manning Marable, PhD, Editorial Board
Political Cartoon: No To The Pain Of Death By
Arcadio Esquivel, La Prensa, Panama NAFTA, Immigrants
and the Discussion That is Not Happening -
The African World By Bill Fletcher, Jr., Executive Editor
Humphrey Hawkins Day on Capitol Hill - Left
Margin By Carl Bloice,
Editorial Board Thirty Pieces of
Silver: 2008 - An American Revolutionary
Opportunity Betrayed - Keeping It Real By
Larry Pinkney,
Editorial Board
The End of the American Empire: Rotting From
Within and Without - Color of Law By David A.
Love, JD, Editorial Board Political Cartoon:
President Bush Disconnected By Nate Beeler,
The Washington Examiner
Reading The Great Gatsby in the U.S.: A
Response to Azar Nasifi’s Reading Lolita in
Tehran - Represent Our Resistance By Dr.
Lenore J. Daniels, PhD,
Editorial Board Uneven - Poetic
Black Fusion By Poet Blackman Preach, BC
Spoken Word Columnist (includes MP3 audio)
Single Payer Election Stress Syndrome? -
Single-Payer Healthcare - A Series - Part 35 By
Marilyn Clement, National Coordinator,
Healthcare-NOW The King, the
Knave and the Knight By Philip A. Bassett, Guest Commentator
Let's Get Our Heads Out of the Sand By Lloyd
Wynn, JD, Guest
Commentator Political Cartoon:
Gaza Massacres By Emad Hajjaj, Jordan
Obama’s Farrakhan - Jeremiah Wright Dilemma:
Race, Religion and the Politics of Repudiation
- Between The Lines By Dr. Anthony Asadullah
Samad, PhD, Columnist Half New Orleans
Poor Permanently Displaced: Failure or
Success? - Justice Watch By Bill Quigley, Columnist
The Needed Mental Attributes of a President;
The Presidential Campaign and Forthcoming
Appointments to the Supreme Court; A Bail Out
for Homeowners; And Bloomberg’s Game -
National Affairs By Lawrence R. Velvel, JD, Columnist Teaching the Truth
and Reparations - Worrill's World By Dr.
Conrad W. Worrill, PhD,
Art: MusicMaker II By Alva
February 28,
2008 - Issue 266 Cover Story:
Obama, Enthusiasm & Movement-building -
The African World By Bill Fletcher, Jr., BC
Executive Editor
Political Cartoon: Hypnobama By Eric Allie, Thinking Outside
the Box: Economics and Party Building -
Keeping It Real By Larry Pinkney, BC
Editorial Board
Readers Corner: The Obama Discussion/Debate -
From Adoration to Revulsion By BC Readers J. Edgar Hoover,
Enemy of the People - Color of Law By David
A. Love, JD, BC Editorial Board
Political Cartoon: Dubyas New Library By Monte
Wolverton, Cagle Cartoons Black History
Month: Honoring a First in African American
History - William Cooper Nell and The
Colored Patriots of the American Revolution
By Dr. Marion Kilson, PhD, Guest Commentator
Black, Queer and in Nazi Germany?! - Inclusion
By The Reverend Irene Monroe, BC Editorial
Board Imperialism Black:
United States Today, United World Tomorrow -
Represent Our Resistance By Dr. Lenore J.
Daniels, PhD, BC Editorial Board
Michelle Obama and Patriotism In America: When
Has National Pride Come Before Racial
(In)Dignity? - Between the Lines By Dr.
Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD, BC Columnist Art: Alvin Ailey
By Jim Alexander Photography
Musings on U.S. Judicial Repression By Jalil
A. Muntaqim, Guest Commentator Barack and the
"End" of Racism By Juan Santos, Guest
Clarence Thomas, His Autobiography, and
Related Matters Pertaining to America and the
Supreme Court - National Affairs By Lawrence
R. Velvel, JD, BC Columnist Military Tribunals
and You By Cindy Sheehan, Guest Commentator
I Wonder If My Vote Will Count? By The
Reverend D. D. Prather, Guest Commentator The Rise and Fall
of the Civil Rights Movement By Roland
Sheppard, Guest Commentator
Political Cartoon: Bush in Africa By Adam
Zyglis, The Buffalo News
February 21,
2008 - Issue 265 Cover Story:
Reporting Bush’s Safari. Not Exactly as
Scripted - Left Margin By Carl Bloice, BC
Editorial Board
Political Cartoon: Oil Price Hike By Manny
Francisco, Manila, The Phillippines BC Fundraising
Update - A Long Way To Go By Peter Gamble,
BC Publisher
Election Analysis: Obama - Between Super
Tuesday and The Ohio and Texas Primaries By
Dr. Martin Kilson, PhD, BC Editorial Board Barack Obama,
Fractals and Momentum in Politics - Think
Piece By Dr. Horace Campbell, PhD, Guest
Is Obama on the "Down Low" with the LGBTQ
Community? - Inclusion By The Reverend Irene
Monroe, BC Editorial Board Goose-Stepping
Behind Barack Obama: The Absence of Critical
Thinking - Keeping It Real By Larry Pinkney,
BC Editorial Board
Political Cartoon: Recycled Wall By Nerilicon,, Mexico City The Abandoned
House Around the Corner - The African World
By Bill Fletcher, Jr., BC Executive Editor
All We Want is Justice! By Jamala Rogers, BC
Editorial Board GOP Jesus is No
Friend of Mine - Color of Law By David A.
Love, JD, BC Editorial Board
Call to Creative (Critical) Thinkers and
Warriors - Represent Our Resistance By Dr.
Lenore J. Daniels, PhD, BC Editorial Board Art: I Wish I
Could Believe By Larry Richardson
Look How Long - Poetic Black Fusion By Poet
Blackman Preach, BC Spoken Word Columnist
(includes MP3 audio) Black History
Month: What the Black Man Wants - A Speech
By Malcolm X
The Biggest Lie Ever Told: Today’s Republicans
Need to Stop Claiming to be the Party of
Lincoln - Between the Lines By Dr. Anthony
Asadullah Samad, PhD, BC Columnist A Reminder of Why
They Owe Us! - Worrill's World By Dr. Conrad
W. Worrill, PhD, BC Columnist
A Black Man as President of the United States!
What’s Going On? Why Barack Obama might become
President! By Dr. George Wright, PhD, Guest
Commentator Political Cartoon: Do
Something Now, Bill! By Olle Johansson,
February 14,
2008 - Issue 264 Cover Story: And
Now, Obama? - The African World By Bill
Fletcher, Jr., BC Executive Editor
Political Cartoon: Duel By Olle Johansson,
Sweden The Challenge of
Diversity -'s Guiding
Principles By Bill Fletcher, Jr., Executive
Editor And Peter Gamble, Publisher
Bush Defends America’s Indefensible Human
Rights Record - Color of Law By David A. Love,
JD, BC Editorial Board The Black Left is
the Left! - Represent Our Resistance By Dr.
Lenore J. Daniels, PhD, BC Editorial Board
Huey P. Newton and the Intrepid Legacy of the
Black Panther Party - Keeping It Real By Larry
Pinkney, BC Editorial Board Obama’s Biggest
Opposition is Not Clinton: It’s Overcoming
Voter Suppression - Between the Lines, By
Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD, BC
Political Cartoon: Superdelegates By Sandy
Huffaker, Cagle Cartoons Black History
Month: What the Black Man Wants - A Speech
By Frederick Douglass
Iraq Moratorium Day #6: February 15, 2008 -
STOP the War - Bring the Troops Home Iraq Occupation
Worse Than Ever By David Swanson, Guest
Political Cartoon: Dubya's Work of Conviction
By Dario Castillejos, El Imparical de México Am I African
Enough? - Poetic Black Fusion By Poet
Blackman Preach, BC Spoken Word Columnist
And Poet Erica Hawthorne (includes MP3
Gem of St. Louis By Jamala Rogers, BC
Editorial Board Work a Day for
Freedom! - A Short History of the Free South
Africa Labor Committee By David Bacon, Guest
Undermining Bolivia By Benjamin Dangl, Guest
Commentator And the Oscar Goes
to... By Cindy Sheehan, Guest Commentator
Art: A Time to Remember By Margaret Warfield
February 7, 2008
- Issue 263 Cover Story:
Barack Obama and the Euphoria of Madness -
Keeping It Real By Larry Pinkney, BC
Editorial Board
Cover Story: Obama's Campaign After South
Carolina and Super Tuesday By Dr. Martin
Kilson, PhD, BC Editorial Board Political Cartoon:
Hillary or Barack By Olle Johansson, Sweden
Palestine Matters - The African World By Bill
Fletcher, Jr., BC Executive Editor More Bad News from
the Job Market - Left Margin By Carl Bloice,
BC Editorial Board
From Negro History Week to Pan-African
Historical Context - Black History Month By
Netfa Freeman, Guest Commentator Political Cartoon:
Bush Energized Voters By Mike Lane, Cagle
Community Activist, Obama and the Few Bad
Apples on the Night Shift - Represent Our
Resistance By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels, PhD, BC
Editorial Board Book Review: Come
On People: On the Path from Victims to
Victors, By Bill Cosby & Alvin F.
Poussaint, M.D. - Color of Law, By David A.
Love, JD, BC Editorial Board
The Black Community’s "Change Killers" -
Between the Lines By Dr. Anthony Asadullah
Samad, PhD, BC Columnist Beyond the Mama’s
Chi-chi Theory: Latino Vote Lust Previews
Growing National Sophistication By Roberto
Lovato, Guest Commentator
Political Cartoon: Weeping in Blood By Manny
Francisco, Manila, The Phillippines Hope - Poetic
Black Fusion By Poet Blackman Preach, BC
Spoken Word Columnist (includes MP3 audio)
Dr. Woodson and African Centered Education -
Worrill's World By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD,
BC Columnist Civil Rights
Movement Gets Real - St. Louis Mayor Booed
Off MLK Platform By Don Fitz and Zaki
Baruti, Guest Commentators
Can Your Town Ban the Military from Recruiting
Anyone Under 18? By David Swanson, Guest
Commentator Art: In The
Presence of Angels, By Alva Mc Neal
January 31, 2008
- Issue 262 Cover Story: The
Democratic Race for the White House and Dr.
Martin Luther King, Jr. - The African World
By Bill Fletcher, Jr., BC Executive Editor
Political Cartoon: Hillarybama By Frederick
Deligne, Nice-Matin, France Barack Obama:
Bamboozling America - Keeping It Real By
Larry Pinkney, BC Editorial Board
Obama’s Playing Us, Stupid - Inclusion By
The Reverend Irene Monroe, BC Editorial
Ward Connerly’s Super Tuesday for Segregation
- Color of Law By David A. Love, BC Editorial
Board Political Cartoon:
Big Daddy Oilbucks By Mike Lane, Cagle
A Freedom Movement Begins with a Black Agenda
for Change! - Represent Our Resistance By Dr.
Lenore J. Daniels, PhD, BC Editorial Board Is Barack Obama a
Contemporary Don Quixote? - Think Piece By
Dr. Carlos E. Russell, PhD, Guest
Building Me A Home - Poetic Black Fusion By
Poet Blackman Preach, BC Spoken Word Columnist
(includes MP3 audio) Art: Second Line
By Jim Alexander Photography
Letter to the Nationwide "Black Community:"
This is the Opportunity for Which Our
Forefathers Died - Now is the Time to Maximize
the Black Vote - Between the Lines By Dr.
Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD, BC Columnist Rebuilding Black
Family Life - Worrill's World By Dr. Conrad
W. Worrill, PhD, BC Columnist
The Relative State of the Union By The
Reverend D. D. Prather, Guest Commentator Political Cartoon:
Uphill Slope By Olle Johansson, Sweden
January 24, 2008
- Issue 261 Cover Story:
Edwards’ Strategic Mistake - The African
World By Bill Fletcher, Jr., BC Executive
Political Cartoon: The Corporate Media By Mark
Hurwitt People of Color
Sacrificed on the Altar of Predatory
Capitalism - Color of Law By David A. Love,
BC Editorial Board
A Liberation Narrative - Not More Imperialism
with a Black Face! - Represent Our Resistance
By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels, PhD, BC Editorial
Board The Elite Huddle
in Davos - Meanwhile, in Stockton,
California - Left Margin By Carl Bloice, BC
Editorial Board
Political Cartoon: Democrats Chess By
Nerilicon, Antonio Neri Licón, Milenio, Mexico Critical Thinking:
It’s Not Just Important, It’s Essential -
Keeping It Real By Larry Pinkney, BC
Editorial Board
Everyone's an Expert on the Latino Vote,
Except Latinos By Roberto Lovato, Guest
Commentator Breaking With
Tradition: Why Two Young African American
Professors Support Barack Obama - Think
Piece By Salim Faraji and Jahi Issa, Guest
Hunger for Home; Darfur Refugees Live with
Endless War By Nicholas Powers, Guest
Commentator Art: Lady Day By
Larry Richardson
The Democratic Presidential Nomination: True
Change is Playing Against a Stacked Deck (and
it still might win) - Between the Lines, By
Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD, BC Columnist In Honor of Baba
Jake - Worrill's World By Dr. Conrad W.
Worrill, PhD, BC Columnist
The Names Read Like a Census of the Fallen -
From the Fringe By K. Danielle Edwards, BC
Columnist Political Cartoon:
US Economy By Adam Zyglis, The Buffalo News
January 17, 2008
- Issue 260 Cover Story: Why I
Got Angry After New Hampshire - The White
Curtain and the Possibility of Hope - The
African World By Bill Fletcher, Jr., BC
Executive Editor
Political Cartoon: Fairy Tale By Bob
Englehart, The Hartford Courant Evaluating What
New Hampshire Means for Barack Obama By
Martin Kilson, BC Editorial Board
Media Gone Mad By Jamala Rogers BC Editorial
Is Change Still "Being Whatever is Necessary?"
- Represent Our Resistance By Dr. Lenore J.
Daniels, PhD, BC Editorial Board The Pimping of
Black America: Why Much of the Corporate
Media Supports Barack Obama - Keeping It
Real By Larry Pinkney, BC Editorial Board
Political Cartoon: Our Saudi Friends By Mike
Keefe, The Denver Post King’s Vision on
Healing Injustice - Inclusion By The
Reverend Irene Monroe, BC Editorial Board
Clintons, Your Black Pass is Hereby Revoked -
Color of Law By David A. Love, JD, BC
Editorial Board Wisdom - Poetic
Black Fusion By Poet Blackman Preach, BC
Spoken Word Columnist (includes MP3 audio)
Political Parties and African Americans -
Worrill's World By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD,
BC Columnist Art: Seize The
Moment - An Original Hand Crafted Fan By
Margaret Warfield
Being True to King’s Last Fight: Today’s
Security Officers are Yesterday’s Sanitation
Workers - Between the Lines By Dr. Anthony
Asadullah Samad, PhD, BC Columnist Presidential
Candidates Take the "Social" Out of "Change"
- Martin Luther King Jr.'s Legacy and the
Primaries - Think Piece By Roberto Lovato,
Guest Commentator The Former Mr. Willie Jones Meets
Nkrumah: The Nation of Islam and
Pan-Africanism - Student Writers’ Corner By
Maryam Sharron Muhammad Shabazz, Guest Student
Commentator Political Cartoon:
The Dictator By Emad Hajjaj, Jordan
January 10, 2008
- Issue 259 Cover Story:
Flames in Kenya - The African World By Bill
Fletcher, Jr., BC Executive Editor
Political Cartoon: Drive a Pollster Crazy By
Mike Keefe, The Denver Post Confronting New
and Even Bleaker Job Prospects - Left Margin
By Carl Bloice, BC Editorial Board
Double-Speak, Barack Obama and Continuing U.S.
Hypocrisy - Keeping It Real By Larry Pinkney,
BC Editorial Board Obama and the
American Dream - Represent Our Resistance By
Dr. Lenore J. Daniels, PhD, BC Editorial
Political Cartoon: Media Excitement By Mike
Lane, Cagle Cartoons Update: Reverend
Edward Pinkney Remains Behind Bars - No Date
Yet for Hearing About Calling God To Curse
I Have A Dream: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.-
Jan 15, 1929 - April 4, 1968 America’s Racism
is a Human Rights Violation - Color of Law
By David A. Love, BC Editorial Board
Bloody Revolution - Poetic Black Fusion By
Poet Blackman Preach, BC Spoken Word Columnist
(includes MP3 audio) Art: Prison Life 1
By Adrian Guzman Espinoza
I Didn't Wake Up Dead! - Inclusion By The
Reverend Irene Monroe, BC Editorial Board Slow LAUSD Reform:
Defending the Indefensible - Between the
Lines By Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD,
BC Columnist
We Should Listen to the Wisdom of our
Ancestors - Worrill's World By Dr. Conrad W.
Worrill, BC Columnist Locked Outside the
Gates: Tasers, Pepper Spray and Arrests In
the Struggle for Affordable Housing in New
Orleans - Justice Watch By Bill Quigley, BC
Political Cartoon: From the New World to the
New World Order By Doug Minkler
December 20,
2007 - Issue 258 Cover Story:
Reverend Pinkney Arrested For Exercising
Free Speech,On Hunger Strike In Berrien
County Jail By David A. Love, D and Larry
Pinkney, BC Editorial Board
Political Cartoon: Sub-Prime Mortgage Crisis
Manger By Mark Hurwitt Reflections On
Black Group Will & Identity in the 21ST
Century (An Evaluation of the Pew Survey of
African Americans) By Dr. Martin Kilson,
PhD, BC Editorial Board
Can Anything Be Done in the Name of Safety? A
Few Thoughts About Torture - The African World
By Bill Fletcher, Jr., BC Executive Editor McKinney, Green
Party and the Reconstruction Movement -
Represent Our Resistance By Dr. Lenore J.
Daniels, PhD, BC Editorial Board
Political Cartoon: Affordable Health Care By
Sandy Huffaker, Cagle Cartoons Get Ready for
Kwanzaa 2007 - Worrill's World By Dr. Conrad
W. Worrill, BC Columnist
By Poet Blackman Preach, BC Spoken Word
Columnist (includes MP3 audio) The Mitchell
Report: Baseball’s Steroid Era is Official
And Part of a "Win At All Costs" Culture -
Between the Lines By Dr. Anthony Asadullah
Samad, PhD, BC Columnist
In-Terror-gation, Cover-up and Distraction -
Part 2 By Chris Stevenson, Guest Commentator
Art: Chuck Berry By Jim Alexander Photography Did the White
House Force the Indictment of Barry Bonds? -
The Barry Bonds, Strom Thurmond, Piggly
Wiggly Connection - Think Piece By Jean
Damu, Guest Commentator
First-hand View of Army Integration By Dr.
John Berteaux, PhD, Guest Commentator Political Cartoon:
Santa Sees Air Pollution By Olle Johansson,
December 13,
2007 - Issue 257 Cover Story: Why
Have We Become A Nation of Sheep? - Musings
of A Movement Veteran By Dr. Carlos E.
Russell, PhD, Guest Commentator
Political Cartoon: CIA Tapes By Pat Bagley,
Salt Lake Tribune This Era of Black
Women and HIV/AIDS - Inclusion By the
Reverend Irene Monroe, BC Editorial Board
On the Horn: A Humanitarian Crisis Rivaling
Darfur & a Threat of War - Left Margin By
Carl Bloice, BC Editorial Board Katrina and the
2008 Elections - The African World By Bill
Fletcher, Jr., BC Editorial Board
Political Cartoon: Party of the People By Mike
Lane, Cagle Cartoons AG Jerry Brown,
the San Francisco 8, and The Big Chill -
Represent Our Resistance By Dr. Lenore J.
Daniels, PhD, BC Editorial Board
Reverend Pinkney’s Fight Against Racism,
Gangsterism and Land Stealing - Color of Law
By David A. Love, BC Editorial Board Capitalism,
COINTELPRO, and the Torture of Justice -
Keeping It Real By Larry Pinkney, BC
Editorial Board
Stray Bullets - Poetic Black Fusion By Poet
Blackman Preach, BC Spoken Word Columnist
(includes MP3 audio) Art: Still
Searching for My Sovereign Self By Larry
The "Oprah Effect": Since When Did Celebrity
Not Matter? - Between the Lines By Dr Anthony
Asadullah Samad, BC Columnist In-Terror-gation,
Cover-up and Distraction By Chris Stevenson,
Guest Commentator
'Tis The Season: Buy A Book - Unapologetically
Young, Black and Female By Jasmyne A. Cannick,
BC Columnist Strategic Usage of
Arts Activism: AFRICOM Policy Review -
Student Writers’ Corner By Chioma Oruh,
Guest Student Commentator
Political Cartoon: Santa Claus Busted for
Damaging Free Trade By Mark Hurwitt
December 6, 2007
- Issue 256 Cover Story: Mumia
Abu-Jamal - Evidence of Innocence and an
Unfair Trial - Color of Law By David A.
Love, BC Editorial Board
Political Cartoon: Iran Not a Nuclear Threat
By Patrick Chappatte, The International Herald
Tribune The Politics of
Symbolism - The African World By Bill
Fletcher, Jr., BC Editorial Board
San Francisco 8: The Spirit of Richard Brown -
Represent Our Resistance By Dr. Lenore J.
Daniels, PhD, BC Editorial Board America and
Corporate Capitalism Gone Stone Mad -
Keeping It Real By Larry Pinkney, BC
Editorial Board
Political Cartoon: Useless Gift Buying Season
By Mart Hurwitt Healthcare - Who's
Problem Isn't It?: How Do You Get To
Universal Healthcare? Get On the Bus! -
Single-Payer Healthcare - Part 34 By Haddie
A Eulogy for Inaction in the Aftermath of
World AIDS Day - From the Fringe By K.
Danielle Edwards, BC Columnist COFFINS - Poetic
Black Fusion By Poet Blackman Preach, BC
Spoken Word Columnist (includes MP3 audio)
A Brother Goes to China - Student Writers’
Corner By Marcus Gadson, Guest Student
Commentator Art: Boy With
Raised Arm Wall Mural By Sidney Goodman
Kucinich: I Am a Candidate of the Mainstream -
These Other Candidates Are More Like
Republicans By Jayson Whitehead, Guest
Commentator HUD Sends New
Orleans Bulldozers and $400,000 Apartments
for the Holidays - Justice Watch By Bill
Quigley, BC Columnist
The Pew Study: Black Pathology or the
Legitimization of Mainstream Colorblindness? -
Between The Lines By Anthony Asadullah Samad,
PhD, BC Columnist Political Cartoon:
Santa Bush and Iran By Daryl Cagle,
November 29,
2007 - Issue 255 Cover Story: The
Runaway Politics of Insanity: After Iraq,
Iran Too? By Bill Strickland, BC Editorial
Political Cartoon: Mideast Summit By Christo
Komarnitski, Bulgaria Black America’s
Legacy of Struggle - Keeping it Real By
Larry Pinkney, BC Editorial Board
The Other Story the Times Overlooked - Left
Margin By Carl Bloice, BC Editorial Board Attacks on the
Historical Knowledge of Struggle - Represent
Our Resistance By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels,
PhD, BC Editorial Board
Political Cartoon: Cheney and Aggressive
Interrogation Healthcare By John Darkow,
Columbia Daily Tribune, Missouri STATE OF THE
GHETTO ADDRESS - Poetic Black Fusion By Poet
Blackman Preach, BC Spoken Word Columnist -
(includes MP3 audio)
A Cradle to Prison Pipeline for Children of
Color - Color of Law By David A. Love, BC
Editorial Board The Western
Sahara: Hidden Conflict - The African World
By Bill Fletcher, Jr., BC Editorial Board
Art: Lantern of Liberty - Harriet Tubman Wall
Mural Remembering Dr.
John Henrik Clarke as a Source of Wisdom -
Worrill's World By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill,
PhD, BC Columnist
Dying To Be Ageless And Beautiful: Lessons We
Must Learn In The Death Of Dr. Donda West -
Between The Lines By Anthony Asadullah Samad,
BC Columnist Why Diversity
Matters - Student Writers’ Corner By
Rasheedah Phillips, Guest Student
Political Cartoon: Bush Loyalist John Howard
Loses By Paresh Nath, National Herald, India
November 22,
2007 - Issue 254 Cover Story: The
End of American Thanksgivings - A Cause for
Universal Celebration
Political Cartoon: The Spoils of War on The
Holiday Table By Mark Hurwitt Thanksgiving: The
National Day of Mourning - Text of 1970
speech by Wampsutta, An Aquinnah Wampanoag
November 15,
2007 - Issue 253 Cover Story: Back
From the War... and Into Homelessness - The
African World By Bill Fletcher, Jr., BC
Editorial Board
Paying for the Wars' Wounded By Col. Daniel
Smith, U.S. Army (Ret.), Guest Commentator The Buffalo Soldiers
By Frederic Remington
Black America in Struggle: The Pursuit of Unity
and Solidarity - Keeping It Real By Larry
Pinkney, BC Editorial Board Human Rights
Activist Returns to Radio - "Make It Plain"
With Mark Thompson Debuts on SIRIUS Satellite
Radio - Program to eature
Writers Every Thursday
The Dangers of Feinstein’s S 456: Gang Abatement
and Prevention Act 2007 - Represent Our
Resistance By Dr. Jean L. Daniels, PhD, BC
Editorial Board Political Cartoon:
The New U.S. Attorney General By Mark Hurwitt
Less Safe, Less Free: Why America Is Losing the
War on Terror By David Cole & Jules Lobel-
Color of Law - A Review By David A. Love, JD, BC
Editorial Board Bumpy Tymes - Poetic
Black Fusion By Poet Blackman Preach, BC
Spoken Word Columnist (now includes audio)
Remembering Two-Spirits This Thanksgiving -
Inclusion By the Reverend Irene Monroe, BC
Editorial Board Art: Common Threads
Wall Mural By Meg Saligman, Photograph by
Peter Gamble
We've Got To Save Our Black Males At Black
Colleges By Tom Joyner, Guest Commentator Pakistan's
Dictatorships and the United States By Dr.
Stephen Zunes, PhD, Guest Commentator
When Do Acts of Irreverence Become Signs of
Despair? - Between The Lines By Dr. Anthony
Asadullah Samad, PhD, BC Columnist Political Cartoon:
Oil Is Gold Now By Emad Hajjaj, Jordan
November 8, 2007
- Issue 252 4 New
BlackCommentator Editorial Board Members
Cover Story: American Puppet Power in Pakistan
- Color of Law By David A. Love, JD, BC
Editorial Board Political Cartoon:
Democracy in Pakistan By Olle Johansson,
Thoughts on the Jena 6 Mobilization and New
Movements - The African World By Bill
Fletcher, Jr., BC Editorial Board Dead Lawns &
For-Sale Signs - Where’s Alfonzo Jackson? -
Left Margin By Carl Bloice, BC Editorial
Justice American Style: As The Toilet Flushes
- Keeping It Real By Larry Pinkney, BC
Editorial Board Political Cartoon:
Slum World By 29
Invasion - Poetic Black Fusion By Poet
Blackman Preach, BC Spoken Word Columnist Julia Agnes
Washington Bond: Librarian, Educator,
Administrator Dies at 99 - The
BlackCommentator In Struggle Spotlight
Malcolm X: 40 Years Then and Now - Represent
Our Resistance By Dr. Jean L. Daniels, BC
Editorial Board Gays Unfairly
Blamed for Episcopal Church’s Problems -
Inclusion By the Reverend Irene Monroe, BC
Editorial Board
Why Kucinich Should Concede Nothing By David
Swanson, Guest Commentator Art: Stars and
Bars By Jim Alexander Photography
Is It Wrong to Belong? - From The Fringe By K.
Danielle Edwards, BC Columnist Self-Determination
and Nationalism - Worrill's World By Dr.
Conrad W. Worrill, PhD, BC Columnist
Codetalkers: .How to Win Friends &
Influence People in Iraq... Sidetracked By
Jane Stillwater, BC Columnist A Lesson In The
Absence Of Conscience And The Politics Of
Placation - Between The Lines By Dr. Anthony
Asadullah Samad, PhD, BC Columnist
Political Cartoon: Chrysler Job Cuts By Tab,
The Calgary Sun
November 1, 2007
- Issue 251 Cover Story: Bush
& Cuba: Here he goes again! - The
African World By Bill Fletcher, Jr., BC
Editorial Board
Political Cartoon: The Big Foot of Corporate
America By 29 Liberals, Racism,
And The English Language In 21st Century
America - Keeping It Real By Larry
Pinkney, BC Columnist
Nooses: A Wake-Up Call to Save Our Children -
Represent Our Resistance By Dr. Jean L.
Daniels, BC Columnist The Intelligent
Racists Are the Most Dangerous Kind - Color
of Law By David A. Love, BC Columnist
Political Cartoon: Rich Government, Poor
People By Dario Castillejos, Dario La Crisis We Have Dead
Bodies, So Where’s Our Outrage? -
Single-Payer Healthcare - Part 33 By Donna
Smith, American SiCKO, Founder of American
Patients for Universal Health Care
The Concept Of "Transferring Knowledge":
African Americans Need This Now More Than Ever
- Between The Lines By Dr. Anthony Asadullah
Samad, PhD, BC Columnist Death March -
Poetic Black Fusion By Poet Blackman Preach,
BC Spoken Word Columnist
Art: A Time to Think By Margaret Warfield A Reminder of Why
They Owe Us! - Worrill's World By Dr. Conrad
W. Worrill, PhD, BC Columnist
Criminal Justice Meltdown in New Orleans? -
Justice Watch By Bill Quigley, BC Columnist Rendition: The
Disinformation Campaign - A Film Review By
Marc Norton, Guest Commentator
Political Cartoon: Feel the Fear By Olle
Johansson, Sweden
25, 2007 - Issue 250 250 Issues of BC:
And Going Strong With Your Help By Peter
Gamble, BC Publisher
Cover Story: Condi on the Ropes? - Left Margin
By Carl Bloice, BC Editorial Board Political Cartoon:
Sports Statium As Housing By Mark Hurwitt
The Race Question and Building Labor Power In
the Context of the Immigrant Upsurge By Dr.
Steven Pitts, PhD, BC Editorial Board I Met a Mercenary!
- The African World By Bill Fletcher, Jr.,
BC Editorial Board
Which Way Black America? - Keeping It Real By
Larry Pinkney, BC Columnist Obama the
Vote-Whore With ‘ex-gay’ at His Side -
Inclusion By the Reverend Irene Monroe, BC
Beyond America to Our Ancestors - Represent
Our Resistance By Dr. Jean L. Daniels, BC
Columnist Political Cartoon:
Dr Strange By John Darkow, Columbia Daily
Tribune, Missouri
While Congress Breaks for Holidays, 2,300 More
Sick Americans Will Die - Single-Payer Healthcare - Part 32
By Donna Smith, American SiCKO. Founder of
American Patients for Universal Health Care
Black (W)hole - A Poem - From The Fringe By K.
Danielle Edwards, BC Columnist Philly’s 10,000
Men Must Join a Broader Movement for Social
Justice - Color of Law By David A. Love, BC
On Lesbians and the Sagging Pants -
Unapologetically Young, Black and Female...By
Jasmyne A. Cannick, BC Columnist CAMDEN New Jersey
- Poetic Black Fusion By Poet Blackman
Preach, BC Spoken Word Columnist
Garvey’s Birthday And Lessons In Learning -
Worrill's World By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD,
BC Columnist Art: Peace, Mercy
& Joy By Alva
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa’s "Negro
Problem":It’s Not In The Community - It’s In
His Office - Between
The Lines By Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad,
PhD, BC Columnist
All-White Jury Fumbles Ball on Boot Camp
Verdict By Chris Stevenson, Guest Commentator Tyler Perry and
Black Cyber-Activism in the 21st Century By
Dr. Robin R. Means Coleman, PhD, Guest
Affirmative Action, a Global Issue - Think
Piece By Dr. John Berteaux, PhD, Guest
Commentator Strange Fruit -
Not a Meaningless Signal By The Rev. Douglas
Demetrius Prather, Guest Commentator
Political Cartoon: Clear Connection By RJ
Matson, Roll Call
October 18, 2007
- Issue 249 Cover Story:
Photos Bolster Claims of Mumia's Innocence
and Unfair Trial - Color of Law By David A.
Love, BC Columnist
Political Cartoon: Dubya in Outer Space By 29 Priests Protesting
Torture at Fort Huachuca Jailed for Justice
- Justice Watch By Bill Quigley, BC
Where's the Outrage, White America? By Jamala
Rogers, BC Editorial Board Where’s Lovinsky?
- Activist Was Kidnapped While in Haiti -
The African World By Bill Fletcher, Jr., BC
Editorial Board
Jiggaboo's and Wannabe's Revisited: For
Light-Skinned Only - Unapologetically Young,
Black and Female... By Jasmyne A. Cannick, BC
Columnist PowerLess - Poetic
Black Fusion By Poet Blackman Preach, BC
Spoken Word Columnist
Art: Angela and Me (a part of history) By
Larry Richardson American
Democracy: The Masquerade Is Over - Keeping
It Real By Larry Pinkney, BC Columnist
We Remember Che Too! On the 40th Anniversary
of His Execution - Represent Our Resistance By
Dr. Jean L. Daniels, BC Columnist The Parable of
National Health Care: Single-Payer
Healthcare - Part 31 By Jamie and Pamela
Voras, Guest Commentators Muhammad Nasserdeen: A Life Dedicated
To Black Economic Empowerment - The
BlackCommentator In Struggle Spotlight By Dr.
Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD, BC Columnist Political Cartoon:
Michael Mukasey By Bob Englehart, The
Hartford Courant The Revenge of The "Good" Blacks: John
Ridley, Eugene Robinson, Juan Williams By
Thought Merchant, Guest Commentator The Iraqi Book of
the Dead - Sidetracked By Jane Stillwater,
BC Columnist Reflections on Cairo: Blackness, Black
Pride and the "Arab" Part of the Muslim World
- Student Writers’
Corner By Maryam Sharron Muhammad Shabazz,
Guest Student Commentator Nobel Al Gore? A Prime Time Hypocrite
By Joshua Frank, Dissident Voice, Guest
Commentator Political Cartoon:
Saving the Planet By Olle Johansson, Sweden
October 11, 2007
- Issue 248 Cover Story:
American Hegemony - The Goal To Control All
Highly Valued Resources - Represent Our
Resistance By Dr. Jean L. Daniels, BC
Political Cartoon: Privatization of the Iraq
War By Patrick Chappatte, NZZ am Sonntag The Cancellation
of Bishop Tutu's Speech: Is Critical
Discussion of Israel's Palestinian Policy
Off Limits? - The African World By Bill
Fletcher, Jr., BC Editorial Board
When All is Said and Done: It’s the Occupation
- Left Margin By Carl Bloice, BC Editorial
Board Hip-Hop Framed -
Poetic Black Fusion By Poet Blackman Preach,
BC Spoken Word Columnist
Is the Road to Prison Reform Paved with Good
Intentions? - Color of Law By David A. Love,
BC Columnist America: What Was
That About Justice And Democracy? - Keeping
It Real By Larry Pinkney, BC Columnist
McCain promotes his "Christian Nation" -
Inclusion By the Reverend Irene Monroe, BC
Columnist Political Cartoon:
We Don't Torture By Mike Keefe, The Denver
Single-Payer Healthcare - Part 30: When Will
the Patients Be Invited to Dine? By Donna
Smith, American SiCKO, Founder of American
Patients for Universal Health Care Sexy Dimes/Sexist
Tools: Whittling Down Black Feminist
Consciousness - Student Writers’ Corner By
Hananie Albert, Guest Student Commentator
Activism and Darfur: Divestment: Solution or
Diversion? By Kevin Funk and Steve Fake,
Foreign Policy In Focus, Guest Commentators Art: Determination
By Jim Alexander Photography
Readers Corner: NAACP Leadership and Vision,
Reaction and & Encouragement for BC
Student Writer, Cautious Obama, The N-Word and
more....By BC Readers Constitution,
Flag, and Leaving Iraq - Think Piece By
David Swanson, Guest Commentator
Political Cartoon: Diplomacy on Iran By Paresh
Nath, National Herald, India Reparations and
Repairing Ourselves - Worrill's World By Dr.
Conrad W. Worrill, PhD, BC Columnist
US Aid Dependency: The Road To Ruin By Hicham
Safieddine, Electronic Lebanon, Guest
Commentator Mayor
Villaraigosa, It’s Time To Ask The Question:
Are You Friend Or Foe To The Black
Community? - Between The Lines By Dr.
Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD, BC Columnist
October 4, 2007
- Issue 247 Cover Story:
Senator Obama, Black America and the War(s)
- The African World By Bill Fletcher, Jr.,
BC Editorial Board
Political Cartoon: Outsourcing Iran By Mark
Hurwitt Hillary Clinton’s
Corporate Healthcare Plan: Single-Payer
Healthcare - Part 29 By Marilyn Clement,
National Coordinator, Healthcare-NOW
Clarence Thomas Gets Caught Trying to Reinvent
Anita Hill: A Summary of the Thomas Autobiography
And the Hill New York Times OP-ED Column
Three Cheers for the NAACP By Dr. Ron Walters,
PhD, Guest Commentator Know Your Enemy:
Co-optation, Discreditation, Elimination and
The "N" Word - Keeping It Real By Larry
Pinkney, BC Columnist
Cartoon: Backwater Blowback By Pat Bagley,
Salt Lake Tribune Student Writers'
Corner: People Need to Ignore the
Stereotypes of Black Males By Ashley Bates,
Guest Student Commentator
Academic McCarthyism Threatens Democracy -
Color of Law: By David A. Love, BC Columnist Banned Books,
Banned People, and A Return to Our Cultural
Value System - Represent Our Resistance By
Dr. Jean L. Daniels, BC Columnist
Republican’s "Big Tent" Inclusion Theory Goes
"Boom": Thanks for the Warning - Between The
Lines By Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD, BC
Columnist Political Cartoon:
The Dollar In Trouble By Manny Francisco,
Manila, The Phillippines
Straight... No Chaser The GOP Contenders and
Their Scheduling Conflicts - Think Piece By
Desi Cortez, Guest Commentator The Cruel Reality:
A Personal Story - Beneath The Spin By Molly
Secours, BC Columnist
Death Where Is Thy Sting: Funerals in an
African Village - Sidetracked By Jane
Stillwater, BC Columnist African People
Should Not Forget Grenada - Worrill's World
By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD, BC Columnist
Art: Fabric Market By Margaret Warfield
September 27,
2007 - Issue 246 Professor Martin
Kilson Joins the BlackCommentator Editorial
Cover Story: The Role of the Black Elite in
Outreaching to the Black Lower Class And How
It Relates to the National Leadership Level of
the NAACP By Dr. Martin Kilson, PhD, BC
Editorial Board Cartoon: Auto
Industry Health Care By Mark Hurwitt
Imprisoned for Opposing Terrorism? By Bill
Fletcher, Jr., BC Editorial Board We’re an "Emerging
Market" in Big Trouble - Left Margin By Carl
Bloice, BC Editorial Board
Jena 6’s Black Leadership Splits Gay Community
- Inclusion By the Reverend Irene Monroe, BC
Columnist O.J. "Dumb Sh*t" -
Do We Really Need This Right Now? - Between
The Lines By Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad,
PhD, BC Columnist
Got Questions? Ask a Smart Black Guy - Color
of Law By David A. Love, BC Columnist Art: The Wish By
Larry Richardson
The 21st Century American Nightmare And The
Necessity Of DE-Colonizing Our Minds - Keeping
It Real By Larry Pinkney, BC Columnist Egyptians Were
Black, Not White - Worrill’s World By Dr.
Conrad W. Worrill, PhD, BC Columnist
We Hold These Truths... Healthcare - An
Inalienable Right - Single-Payer Healthcare -
Part 28 By Scott Thursby, Jena Six - Another
Lesson in the Role of Race and the School to
Prison Pipeline By Ted Shaw and Damon
Hewitt, NAACP Legal Defense Fund, Guest
The Problem Here and the Problem There -
Healthcare Here and in Rwanda By Dr. Josh
Ruxin, PhD, Guest Commentator Think Piece: Dying
for Clean Air - Why Black Mayors Should
Support Tougher Ozone Standards By Robert D.
Bullard, Guest Commentator
Cartoon: No Child Left Alive By Monte
Wolverton, Cagle Cartoons
September 20,
2007 - Issue 245 Cover Story:
Getting Back to Community Organizing and
Building Local Power By Dr. James Jennings,
PhD, BC Editorial Board and Ricardo Torres,
Guest Commentator
Cartoon: Self Made By Doug Minkler Two Fools: Ignore
Them And Get On With The Struggle - Keeping
It Real By Larry Pinkney, BC Columnist
Free The Jena Six: And A New Generation Of
Activists Are Engaged In The New Jim Crow
Struggle - Between The Lines By Anthony
Asadullah Samad, PhD, BC Columnist The Unbridled Free
Market Suffocates Democracy - Color of Law
By David A. Love, BC Columnist
Art: Nelson Mandela By Jim Alexander
Photography The "Black
Community" in the American Dark Ages -
Represent Our Resistance, By Dr. Jean L.
Daniels, BC Columnist
More Garbage About Iraq From The Pols And The
Media Plus, Stupid Is As Stupid Does -
National Affairs, By Lawrence R. Velvel, JD,
BC Columnist Remembering Ken
Bridges - The BlackCommentator In Struggle
Spotlight By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD, BC
Cartoon: Wal-Mart Produce By RJ Matson, The
St. Louis Post Dispatch Backwoods Court
Ruling Overturned By Chris Stevenson, Guest
A New Day Begun: Jena’s Tentacles of Racism By
The Rev. D. D. Prather and Ms. Denisha M.
Delane, Guest Commentators Palestinian
Diaspora: With or Against Collaboration? By
Laith Marouf, Guest Commentator
More Than One Million Iraqis Murdered Since
2003 Invasion By Opinion Research
Business,Members of the British Polling
Council Despite Improving
U.S. Current Account Deficits, Risks of
Financial Crisis May Be Growing By Dr.
Robert E. Scott, PhD, Guest Commentator
Cartoon: Running Out of Time By Olle
Johansson, Sweden
September 13,
2007 - Issue 244 Cover Story: Let’s
Go Bomb Iran - Left Margin By Carl Bloice,
BC Editorial Board
Cartoon: Tax Cuts for the Rich By Mark Hurwitt Nothing Good Comes
Out of Texas - Color of Law By David A.
Love, BC Columnist
Black Face in the Halls of Higher Education -
Represent Our Resistance By Dr. Jean L
Daniels, PhD, BC Columnist Academia, White
Racism, and the Miseducation of Our Youth In
America - Keeping it Real By Larry Pinkney,
BC Columnist
Art: Blessings, Rain Down On Me By Margaret
Warfield A Study on the
Effects of Methamphetamine: a Review and
Critique - Jones for Justice By Dr. John
Calvin Jones, PhD, JD, BC Columnist
Oprah's Bid for Obama Oppresses Gays -
Inclusion By the Reverend Irene Monroe, BC
Columnist The Return of Jim
Crow in The South: It’s Time We All Pay
Attention To Jena, Louisiana - Between the
Lines By Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD, BC
Cartoon: Corporation By Doug Minkler Marion Stamps:
In-Your_face Activism At Its Best -
Worrill’s World By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill,
PhD, BC Columnist
Zogby Poll: 51% of Americans Want Congress to
Probe Bush/Cheney Regarding 9/11 Attacks; Over
30% Seek Immediate Impeachment - 67% Also
Fault 9/11 Commission for not Investigating
Anomalous Collapse of World Trade Center 7 By
Pollster John Zogby, Guest Commentator Why Black Radio
Continues to Abandon Its Own Community By
U-Savior Washington, Guest Commentator
Cartoon: George The Puppetmaster By Christo
Komarnitski, Bulgaria The Obama-Edwards
Ticket By David Swanson, Guest Commentator
Lucas Mangope: One of South Africa's Living
Legends - Sidetracked By Jane Stillwater, BC
September 6,
2007 - Issue 243 Cover Story: JOB
CHICAGO, AND NEW YORK By Dr. Steven Pitts,
PhD, Center for Labor Research and
Education, UC Berkeley, BC Editorial Board
Cartoon: Labor Day Picnic By Mark Hurwitt Iraq Moratorium:
The THIRD FRIDAY of every month beginning
Friday September 21st By Bill Fletcher, Jr.,
BC Editorial Board
Black Men are Dying in Philly - Color of Law
By David A. Love, BC Columnist We Beg Your Pardon
America: Excuse Us While We Puke - Keeping
It Real By Larry Pinkney, BC Columnist
A Call to Action for Healthcare Equality!:
Single-Payer Healthcare - Part 27 By Onleilove
Alston, Cartoon: Labor Day
Worker By Mark Hurwitt
Labor Day Hypocrisy By Stephen Lendman, Guest
Commentator Keep Your Tokens -
No Black Passes Accepted Here - From The
Fringe By K. Danielle Edwards, BC Columnist
A Reading of Teeth, A Reading of Resistance -
Represent Our Resistance By Dr. L. Jean
Daniels, PhD, BC Columnist Art: Fallouja Wall
By Larry Richardson
" Young B" And The New Women’s Empowerment
Movement: A Peek Inside Women Running the
World - Between The Lines By Dr. Anthony
Asadullah Samad, PhD, BC Columnist The Newark
Schoolyard Killings And False Assumptions of
Black on Black Crime By Ryan P. Haygood,
Guest Commentator
Slavery, Iraq, and Justice Delayed - Think
Piece By David Swanson Cartoon: Kiss The
Frog By Olle Johansson,Sweden
A Simple Thank You to Movement Makers -
Worrill's World By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD,
BC Columnist National Affairs:
We Desperately Need A New Electoral System,
New Methods Of Campaigning, And New Types Of
People Running For Office - National Affairs
By Lawrence R. Velvel, JD, BC Columnist
August 16, 2007
- Issue 242 Cover Story:
Accountability, John Conyers and the
Impeachment Controversy - Impeachment
Strategy Debate Part 3 By Bill Fletcher,
Jr., BC Editorial Board
Cartoon: Border Fence By Mark Hurwitt Color of Law:
Disobeying Bush's Unjust Laws By David A.
Love, BC Columnist
Left Margin: The Debt Crisis is Deep and
Ominous By Carl Bloice, BC Editorial Board Inclusion: Popping
the Question to the Candidates By The
Reverend Irene Monroe, BC Columnist
Cartoon: "In What Country?" By Doug Minkler Keeping It Real:
It's Not The Sixties Anymore By Larry
Pinkney, BC Columnist
Single-Payer Healthcare - Part 26: On Faith
and Universal Health Care - Half Measures
Availed Us Nothing By Donna Smith, American
SiCKO, Founder of American Patients for
Universal Health Care The
BlackCommentator In Struggle Spotlight: Dr.
Asa Hilliard, Teacher, Psychologist and
Historian Dies at 73 By HAWK (J. D.
Jackson), BC Columnist
Art: Dance Class - Documentary Photography By
Jim Alexander Between The Lines:
For President Of The United States, Is
Anybody "Black Enough" To Lead The Nation
And Black People? By Dr. Anthony Asadullah
Samad, PhD, BC Columnist
" The Problem of the Color Line" By The
Reverend Douglas Demetrius Prather, Guest
Commentator Worrill's World:
Teaching the Truth and the New School Year
By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD, BC Columnist
Cartoon: Karl Rove Quits By Patrick Chappatte,
The International Herald Tribune
August 9, 2007 -
Issue 241 Cover Story: Rep.
John Conyers - Friend or Foe? - Impeachment
Strategy Debate Part 2 - Featuring: BC
Columnist Larry Pinkney, Cindy Sheehan, The
Rev. Lennox Yearwood, Jr., David Swanson And
BC Readers
Cartoon: The Dubya Spy Bird - Look Out Below
By 29 Tuskegee: The
Experiment That Haunts Black Health By
Jamala Rogers, BC Editorial Board
" Talk To Me" About the Problem With Black
Radio - Color of Law By David A. Love, BC
Columnist Art: Kiss Me -
Wild Side Clay Pin By Margaret Warfield
Understanding Our Specialness And Role In
Humanity's Struggle - Keeping It Real By Larry
Pinkney, BC Columnist Barry Bonds Hall
Of Fame Career: Baseball’s Past Eras Are No
More Credible Or Any Less Controversial -
Between The Lines By Dr. Anthony Asadullah
Samad, PhD, BC Columnist
Cartoon: Reach Out And Tap Someone By Mark
Hurwitt Reparations and
the African Centered Curriculum - Worrill's
World By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD, BC
Jena Louisiana - The Struggle Sharpens By Li
Onesto, Guest Commentator, Revolution
Newspaper Cartoon: U.S. Arms
Aid in Middle East By Paresh Nath, National
Herald, India
August 2, 2007 -
Issue 240 Cover Stories: 2
Views Of the Conyers/Impeachment Issue
John Conyers: What Of Impeachment? - Keeping
It Real By Larry Pinkney, BC Columnist Race is the
Tripwire for the Progressive Movement: John
Conyers and Impeachment By Rev. Lennox
Yearwood, Jr., Guest Commentator
Cartoon: How Many War Fronts By Mark Hurwitt Denying Poverty
Amid a ‘Looming Economic Crisis’ - Left
Margin By Carl Bloice, BC Editorial Board
AFRICOM: Wrong for Liberia, Disastrous for
Africa By Ezekiel Pajibo, Liberia-Based Center
for Democratic Empowerment and Emira Woods, BC
Editorial Board, Foreign Policy In Focus Art: Madonna of
Darfur By Larry Richardson
98th Annual NAACP Convention: The NAACP's
Battles Are Much the Same as 100 Years Ago By
Julian Bond, BC Editorial Board The Media’s
Problem With Black Lesbians - Inclusion By
the Reverend Irene Monroe, BC Columnist
" We" and "The Struggle" and Immobilizing
Words - Represent Our Resistance By Dr. L.
Jean Daniels, PhD, BC Columnist " Hot Ghetto Mess"
AKA "We Got To Do Better" - BET’s Sambo
Programming Should Be Criticized - Between
The Lines By Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad,
PhD, BC Columnist
Cartoon: TV Cide By Doug Minkler Marcus Mosiah
Garvey: Birthday Tribute - Worrill's World
By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD, BC Columnist
July 26, 2007 -
Issue 239 Cover Story:
Another Side to Race and Immigration By Bill
Fletcher, Jr., BC Editorial Board
Cartoon: Big Box Stores By Mark Hurwitt America: The
Blood-Soaked Ahistorical Ostrich - Keeping
It Real By Larry Pinkney, BC Columnist
Single-Payer Healthcare - Part 25: Chairman
Conyers Builds Passion for HR676, House
Testimony on Medical Debt and Bankruptcy By
Donna Smith, One of the "Stars" of SiCKO Feingold and
Impeachable Offenses - Represent Our
Resistance By Dr. L. Jean Daniels, PhD, BC
Art: Discussion By Jim Alexander Photography The Right Side of
the Tracks? - From The Fringe By K. Danielle
Edwards, BC Columnist
An Open Letter To the African World Family: My
First Trip to the Motherland - The Hawk's Nest
By HAWK (J. D. Jackson), BC Columnist Getting Black Boys
To Read Books: Hip-Hop Enters The Fray -
(and that might not be a good thing) -
Between The Lines By Dr. Anthony Asadullah
Samad, PhD, BC Columnist
Report Card on Prejudice in America: New
Zogby/GSN Survey By Pollster John Zogby, Guest
Commentator Cartoon: Report
Police Crimes By Doug Minkler
July 19, 2007 -
Issue 238 Cover Story: GWB,
Africa and a New African American General -
Left Margin By Carl Bloice, BC Editorial
Cartoon: Protection Racket for Oil By Mark
Hurwitt Black Community’s
Throw-away Kids - Inclusion By the Reverend
Irene Monroe, BC Columnist
Barking Up the Human Rights Tree - Color of
Law By David A. Love, BC Columnist Waving The Flag
And Losing Their Minds - Keeping It Real By
Larry Pinkney, BC Columnist
Cartoon: Human Rights By Pavel Constantin,
Romania Waging War
Everywhere: Good Reason to Impeach! -
Represent Our Resistance By Dr. L. Jean
Daniels, PhD, BC Columnist
"Post Black" Thought In Art and Culture: The
Continuing Effort To Make Race Irrelevant -
Between The Lines By Dr. Anthony Asadullah
Samad, PhD, BC Columnist Art: Let Joy Over
Take You By Margaret Warfield
Vicki Garvin, African-American Activist, Dies
at 91 - The BlackCommentator In Struggle
Spotlight Single-Payer
Healthcare - Part 24: Healthcare-NOW
Activists Redoubling Efforts Linking
Healthcare to Other Issues By Marilyn
Clement, National Coordinator,
Cartoon: Homeland Insecurity By Mike Lane,
Cagle Cartoons Unemployed: The
Fate of Richmond Shipyard's Black
Rosie-the-Riveters - Sidetracked By Jane
Stillwater, BC Columnist
March for Impeachment:Arlington to Capitol
Hill July 23rd - BC Notice Board
July 12, 2007 -
Issue 237 Cover Story: Why
YOU Should Be Concerned About Big Media -
Color of Law By David A. Love, BC Columnist
Cartoon: Impeachable Stains By Mark Hurwitt Bush
Administration Keeps the Kerosene on the
Somali Flames By Bill Fletcher, Jr., BC
Editorial Board
With Tears and a Journey: The King’s Reign
Ends with Impeachment! - Represent Our
Resistance By Dr. L. Jean Daniels, PhD, BC
Columnist Lynne Stewart And
Ralph Poynter: Stalwart Cohorts In The
People's Struggle - Keeping It Real By
Larry Pinkney, BC Columnist
Art: Survivors - Katrina Series By Larry
Richardson More Than A
Picnic: Black Family Reunions Help Heal
Wounds From Slavery By Jamala Rogers, BC
Editorial Board
Commuting Scooter Libby: Another Act of
Gangsters In The White House - Between The
Lines By Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD, BC
Columnist Real Gangsters:
The Hawk's Nest By HAWK (J. D. Jackson), BC
Cartoon: Promotion to Supervisor By Mark
Hurwitt Overview of
Reparations Movement History - Worrill's
World By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD, BC
The Israeli Police State By Avigail Abarbanel,
The Electronic Intifada, Guest Commentator
July 5, 2007 -
Issue 236 Cover Stories: 3
Views of the Supreme Court Ruling On Public
School Integration
Color of Law: My Letter to Clarence Thomas -
The Man Who Desecrates the Legacy of Thurgood
Marshall By David A. Love, BC Columnist Inclusion: Supreme
Court Decision Limits All Student Rights By
the Reverend Irene Monroe, BC Columnist Between The Lines:
Thanks To The U.S. Supreme Court - "Separate
But (Un)Equal" Is Legal Again In Public
Schools By Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD,
BC Columnist Cartoon: Uncle
Thomas - Lawn Jockey for the Far Right Travesty of Justice: The
Elio Carrion Case and the Acquittal of Ivory
Webb By Bill Fletcher, Jr., BC Editorial
Board Art: Repression
Destroys By Jim Alexander Justice Watch: Injustice
in Jena, Louisiana as Nooses Hang from the
White Tree, All White Jury, White Judge,
White Prosecutor, All White Witnesses,
Convict Black Youth By Bill Quigley, BC
Columnist Cartoon:
Outsourcing U.S. Jobs, By Mark Hurwitt Left Margin: A Breath of
Fresh Air in Berlin By Carl Bloice, BC
Editorial Board Keeping It Real:
Mental Consciousness By Larry Pinkney, BC
Columnist Worrill's World: Patrice
Lumumba and the 28th NBUF Convention By Dr.
Conrad W. Worrill, PhD, BC Columnist Cartoon: Statue of
Libby Liberty By Pat Bagley, Salt Lake
June 28, 2007 -
Issue 235 Support Black
Commentator’s Inclusive Voice By the
Reverend Irene Monroe, BC Columnist
Cover Story: Justice Watch - How to Destroy an
African American City in Thirty Three Steps -
Lessons from Katrina By Bill Quigley, BC
Columnist Cartoon: The Dubya
Mandate By Mark Hurwitt
Color of Law: Hamas, Mideast Apartheid at 40,
and the Hopes of the Israeli Peace Movement By
David A. Love, BC Columnist Keeping It Real:
Definitions Do Matter: Is It Anti-War Or Pro
Peace With Justice? By Larry Pinkney, BC
Cartoon: Medical Tests in Africa By Rainer
Hachfeld, Neues Deutschland, Germany The Hawk's Nest:
Harlem Knights By HAWK (J. D. Jackson), BC
Single-Payer Healthcare - Part 23: Great
Events This Week for Healthcare-NOW - Campaign
"SiCKO" and the US Social Forum By Marilyn
Clement, National Coordinator, Healthcare-NOW Art: Angel's Touch
By Margaret Warfield
Between The Lines: The "Choose Black America"
Anti-Immigration Ploy - Is Ted Hayes The New
Ward Connerly? By Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad,
PhD, BC Columnist National Affairs:
A Central Paradox of American Politics By
Lawrence R. Velvel, JD, BC Columnist
CNN's Lou Dobbs - The Minister of "Propaganda
and Enlightenment" By James Opiko, Guest
Commentator Cartoon: USA
Border Wall By Dario Castillejos, Dario La
June 21, 2007 -
Issue 234 Support The Black
Commentator: A Vital Resource In Troubled
Times By David A. Love, BC Columnist
Cover Story: Choices for Black Labor By Bill
Fletcher, Jr., BC Editorial Board Color of Law: When
Do We Get To Choose Our Own Heroes? By David
A. Love, BC Columnist
Art: "Lower Ninth Ward" By Larry Richardson Hurricane Katrina
Will Be As Much A Defining Moment As 9/11
Terrorist Attacks By John Zogby, Guest
Inclusion: Gulf Between Black, Gay Communities
Narrowing By Rev. Irene Monroe, BC Columnist Left Margin: The
Mortgage Crisis - Out of Sight, Out of Mind
By Carl Bloice, BC Editorial Board
From The Fringe: Young, Gifted?, and Black By
K. Danielle Edwards, BC Columnist Represent Our
Resistance: Disappeared in the U.S.A. By Dr.
L. Jean Daniels, PhD, BC Columnist
A Jones for Justice: Truth, Beauty, and
Injustice By Dr. John Calvin Jones, PhD, JD,
BC Columnist Keeping It Real:
Taking A Pause For The Cause By Larry
Pinkney, BC Columnist
Kwamé Turé (a.k.a.) Stokley Carmichael: June
29, 1941 - November 15, 1998 - The Black Power
Speech - October, 1966, Berkeley, CA Worrill's World:
Kwamé Turé (a.k.a.) Stokley Carmichael - A
Birthday Tribute to a Great Ancestor By Dr.
Conrad W. Worrill, PhD, BC Columnist
Single-Payer Healthcare - Part 22: What 'WE,
The People' Are Saying About the Current
Healthcare System By Claude V, Webdesigner,
Healthcare-NOW NYC Public Schools
and the Criminalization of Students: What
Kind of System Does This to Its Children? By
Linda Flores, Guest Commentator
The Light at the End of the Gaza-Ramallah
Tunnel By Omar Barghouti, The Electronic
Intifada. Guest Commentator Between The Lines:
For The Sake Of All Lakerland: Please Trade
Kobe By Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD, BC
Juneteenth: Free At Last? By Ryan Paul
Haygood, Guest Commentator Cartoon: "Draw
Columbus" By Doug Minkler
June 14, 2007 -
Issue 233 Contribute To Our
Collective Voice By Supporting The Black
Commentator By Larry Pinkney, BC Columnist
Cover Story: Keeping It Real - The US Mass
Media - Tool of Disinformation And Control By
Larry Pinkney, BC Columnist Cartoon: Snooping
By Doug Minkler
Represent Our Resistance: The Empire Building
Equation and the Incarceration of Africans and
Blacks By Dr. L. Jean Daniels, PhD, BC
Columnist Color of Law: On
the Pope, Paternalism and Purifying the
Savages By David A. Love, BC Columnist
Inclusion: The Anglican Communion’s Fall Guy
By Rev. Irene Monroe, BC Columnist A Jones for
Justice: Gitmo Pretzels - Justice NOT By Dr.
John Calvin Jones, PhD, JD, BC Columnist
Art: Determination By Jim Alexander
Photography Between The Lines:
Hilton, Washington and Celebrity Justice -
Race And A Day In The Life of Hollywood By
Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD, BC
The Other Side of the Rainbow: Visiting A
Friend Who Has AIDS By K. Danielle Edwards,
Guest Commentator Beneath The Spin:
Let's Get Over It - Racism That Is - Part 4
- Defining Racism and Explaining It Away By
Molly Secours, BC Columnist
National Affairs: The Times' News Judgment In
Its Obits Of June 7th By Lawrence R. Velvel,
JD, BC Columnist Worrill's World:
The National Black United Front -
Twenty-Eight Years, Alive and Well By Dr.
Conrad W. Worrill, PhD, BC Columnist
Cartoon: Joe Lieberman By Bob Englehart, The
Hartford Courant The Franchise of
Deception: Triple Ploy and the Lie of
Competition By, Guest
Message To Black Dads: A New Father’s Day
Tradition By Harold Lee Rush, Guest
Commentator Special
Announcement: Diversity and Nonviolent
Communication Workshop
Issue 232 - June
7, 2007 Please Keep BC
Going and Growing. By Carl Bloice, BC
Editorial Board
Cover Story: Left Margin - Lebanon: A Media
Cover-up? By Carl Bloice, BC Editorial Board Cartoon: Last
Hiding Place By Petar Pismestrovic, Kleine
Zeitung, Austria
Keeping It Real: Terrorism's Hidden Meaning
For Black America By Larry Pinkney, BC
Columnist Represent Our
Resistance: Cindy Sheehan and the American
Democratization of Silence By Dr. L. Jean
Daniels, PhD, BC Columnist
Art: Celebration By Margaret Warfield Color of Law: The
Perfect Smokescreen - Illegal Immigrants as
the Scapegoat du Jour By David A. Love, BC
A Jones for Justice: Spanking In Schools -
America’s Lust for Abuse and Violence By Dr.
John Calvin Jones, PhD, JD, BC Columnist Single-Payer
Healthcare - Part 21: A New Possibility Is
Emerging In Atlanta By Adrienne Maree Brown,
ED, Executive Director,The Ruckus Society
& Healthcare-NOW Board Member
The Hawk's Nest: Black Folks, Wake Up! By HAWK
(J. D. Jackson), BC Columnist Cartoon: George
Walker Milhous Bush By Vince O'Farrell, The
Illawarra Mercury, Australia
Between The Lines: Moving Past Black America’s
"Talented Tenth" - Can The Black "Bourgeoisie"
Do More? By Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD,
BC Columnist Worrill's World:
My Annual Graduation Message - Join The
Reparations Movement By Dr. Conrad W.
Worrill, PhD, BC Columnist
National Affairs: The Current Intersection By
Lawrence R. Velvel, JD, BC Columnist Bush's Economy Is
Poverty Stricken, Bleeding Jobs and Ready to
Crash By Dan Merica, Guest Commentator
Cartoon: Bush Realty By Dan Merica
Issue 231 - May
24, 2007 Why You Should
Support the Black Commentator By Bill
Fletcher, Jr., BC Editorial Board
Cover Story: Anti-Immigrant in Black Face? By
Bill Fletcher, Jr., BC Editorial Board Cartoon: Devaluing
Immigrant Families By Monte Wolverton, Cagle
Inclusion: The King Family’s Mixed LGBTQ
Legacy By Rev. Irene Monroe, BC Columnist A Jones for
Justice: What If There's a Time Bomb
Ticking? By Dr. John Calvin Jones, PhD, JD,
BC Columnist
Single-Payer Healthcare - Part 20: "Sicko" A
Contrast of What Is and What Could Be By
Marilyn Clement, National Coordinator,
Healthcare-NOW Cartoon: The Big
Foot of Corporate America By 29
Represent Our Resistance: Madison Wisconsin
Where Progressives Fear The Unfamiliar By Dr.
L. Jean Daniels, PhD, BC Columnist Keeping It Real:
The Importance Of Collectively Defining
Ourselves By Larry Pinkney, BC Columnist
Art: Sea Island Woman By Larry Richardson Between The Lines:
What’s The Greater Obstacle To Black
Progress - No Black Agenda, or Too Many
Blacks With An Agenda? By Dr. Anthony
Asadullah Samad, PhD, BC Columnist
Worrill’s World: Reparations, African
Liberation Day and Malcolm X By Dr. Conrad W.
Worrill, PhD, BC Columnist The South African
Presidential Debate: A Market Taliban Versus
A Populist Taliban By Andile Mngxitama,
Guest Commentator
Cartoon: The Un-Holy Trinity: God - Flag - Oil
By Doug Minkler
Issue 230 - May
17 2007 Cover Story:
Worrill’s World - The Legacy of Malcolm X By
Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD, BC Columnist
God’s Judgment of White America (The Chickens
Come Home to Roost) - Malcolm X speech of
December 4, 1963 Cartoon Tribute to
Malcolm X: 05/19/1925 - 02/21/1965 "By Any
Means Necessary" By 29
Left Margin: Cheney’s Agenda in Baghdad &
Beyond By Carl Bloice, BC Editorial Board Jackie Robinson
and Bitterness By Bill Fletcher, Jr., BC
Editorial Board
Art: Second Line By Jim Alexander A Jones for
Justice: Unbalanced Justice and Wannabe
Fascists By Dr. John Calvin Jones, PhD, JD,
BC Columnist
The Hawk’s Nest: Stay Strong, Sisters By HAWK
(J. D. Jackson), BC Columnist Color of Law:
Where Have All the Brother Lawyers Gone? By
David A. Love, BC Columnist
Represent Our Resistance: The Invisible Chains
of Higher Education By Dr. L. Jean Daniels,
PhD, BC Columnist Cartoon: British
Petroleum Gives UC Bad Gas By Doug Minkler
Keeping It Real: Leonard Peltier - A Time For
Justice And The Rejection Of Genocide By Larry
Pinkney, BC Columnist Single-Payer
Healthcare - Part 19: No Human Being is
Illegal - The "Undocumented" Must Have
Healthcare Too By Ajamu K. Sankofa, Esq.,
National Staff of Healthcare-NOW
Between The Lines: Face-Off For The
Millender-McDonald Seat - More At Stake Than
Just Politics As Usual By Dr. Anthony
Asadullah Samad, PhD, BC Columnist A Patient's Right
to "No" By Timothy R. Cagle, Guest
Cartoon: Drug Lobby By Sandy Huffaker, Cagle
Issue 229 - May
10 2007 Cover Story:
Questions for Candidate Obama By Bill
Fletcher, Jr., BC Editorial Board
Cartoon: Dubya - Commander Guy By Scurv The Real Truth
About Snitching By Jamala Rogers, BC
Editorial Board
Single-Payer Healthcare - Part 18: Benefits of
a National Single-Payer Health Care Plan for
People With HIV/AIDS By Eric Sawyer, National
Steering Committee, Healthcare-NOW Art: The Power
With-In By Margaret Warfield
Color of Law: Justice on the Cheap - Without
Counsel, the Captives Must Go Free By David A.
Love, BC Columnist Keeping It Real:
Benton Harbor 2007 - A Case Study Of State
Sanctioned Suppression Of Black Voting
Rights By Larry Pinkney, BC Columnist
Cartoon: Emigrants By Pavel Constantin,
Romania Between The Lines:
LAPD’s MacArthur Park Melee-A New Southern
Resistance - Rubber Bullets Replace Hoses
and Dogs By Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad,
PhD, BC Columnist
Denounce the LAPD Rampage on May 1st - We
Demand a Better World By Travis Morales,
Revolution Newspaper, Guest Commentator Worrill’s World:
Education and Black Power By Dr. Conrad W.
Worrill, PhD, BC Columnist
Cartoon: Wolfowitz Girlfriend and the World By
Daryl Cagle,
Issue 228 - May
3 2007 Cover Story: BC
Beefs Up Connection to the WWW Providing A
Faster & Smoother Ride On the
Information Super Highway By Peter Gamble,
BC Publisher
Cartoon: McGhetto By Scurv Left Margin:
Somalia: the Other (Hidden) War for Oil By
Carl Bloice, BC Editorial Board
Keeping It Real: The Time Is Upon Us:
Reclaiming Our Blackness In Humanity's
Struggle By Larry Pinkney, BC Columnist A Jones for
Justice: Prostitution, Dehumanization and
War By Dr. John Calvin Jones, PhD, JD, BC
Single-Payer Healthcare - Part 17 - Organizing
for Healthcare for Everybody By Marilyn
Clement, National Coordinator, Healthcare-NOW Cartoon: W
Cornered By Christo Komarnitski, Bulgaria
Represent Our Resistance: Resisting the
Deployment of the Pirates Tropes By Dr. L.
Jean Daniels, PhD, BC Columnist The Hawk’s Nest:
Unsung Heroes: The Dedicated Classroom
Teacher By HAWK (J. D. Jackson), BC
Between The Lines: What Has Changed Since
1992: On One Hand... Not Much, On The Other
Hand...The Whole World By Anthony Asadullah
Samad, BC Columnist Art: Escape By
Fulani Carter
Beneath The Spin: Deadly Silence - Proof of an
Innocent Man on Death Row By Molly Secours, BC
Columnist Former Haiti
President Graduates At University of South
Africa: Jean-Bertrand Aristide Earns
Doctorate in African Languages
National Affairs: On Being "Off The Air" Of
The Internet For A Period, On Imus, On
Blacksburg, And On Bill Moyer’s Show About The
Mass Media’s Complicity In War By Dean
Lawrence R. Velvel, JD, BC Columnist Cartoon: Chateau
De Gas By Cam Cardow, The Ottawa Citizen
Issue 227 -
April 26 2007 Cover Story: A Guy
Named "Bob" - Life In This Brave New World
Without Health Care and Job Security By Bill
Fletcher, Jr., BC Editorial Board
Cartoon: Wolfowitz and World Bank By Paresh
Nath, National Herald, India Raped And Then? By
Jamala Rogers, BC Editorial Board
Color of Law: Those Who Live By the Gun... By
David A. Love, BC Columnist Cartoon: Gonzales
Testimony By Mike Keefe, The Denver Post
Through Barbed Wire: Riding With the Devil By
Arnie King, BC Columnist Inclusion: The
Other N-Word By Rev. Irene Monroe, BC
Between The Lines: "Ain’t No Such Thing As A
Black Santa Claus" - My Tribute To
Congresswoman Juanita Millander-McDonald By
Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD, BC Columnist Art: Mascullus
Icon #1 By Larry Richardson
Worrill’s World: Overview of Reparations
Movement History By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill,
PhD, BC Columnist How the Imus
Affair Shows Why We Should Jettison the
Phrase ‘Political Correctness’ By Dr. Howard
Brody, MD, PhD, Guest Commentator
Cartoon: Medicare Drained By Jeff Parker,
Florida Today
Issue 226 -
April 19 2007 Cover Story: Left
Margin - Racism At Home & Abroad - Don
Imus, Tony Blair & Ann Coulter - Who In
Our Society Is Permitted To Say What? By
Carl Bloice, BC Editorial Board
Cartoon: Virginia Tech By Lance Scurvin Between The Lines:
Imus, Repentant and Fired - Rappers,
Unrepentant and Uninspired - Now Comes The
Real Challenge By Dr. Anthony Asadullah
Samad, PhD, BC Columnist
Why Imus Had to Go... & What It Says About
This Racist, Sexist System By Revolution
Newspaper, Guest Commentator Single-Payer
Healthcare - Part 16: Get Ready To Work For
Guaranteed National Healthcare! By Marilyn
Clement, National Coordinator,
Art: Variety Shop By Jim Alexander Photography A Jones for
Justice: The Unbearable Likeness of Being
Black By Dr. John Calvin Jones, PhD, JD, BC
Pat Robertson's Justice Department: The Undue
Influence of Regent University By David A.
Love, Guest Commentator Racial Slur On
Furniture Wrapping Stuns Toronto Family -
Mother Had to Explain To Daughter, 7 -
Origin of Words "Nigger Brown" On Sofa Label
By Jim Wilkes, Guest Commentator
Cartoon: Death Toll News By Christo
Komarnitski, Bulgaria Beneath The Spin:
Let's Get Over It - Racism That Is... Part 3
- Oops we did it again! Everybody sing "I’m
not a racist"...By Molly Secours, BC
The Hawk's Nest: Remember "Robeson of Rutgers"
By HAWK (J. D. Jackson), BC Columnist " Compromised
Justice" - The Duke University Lacrosse Team
By Rev. Douglas Demetrius Prather, Guest
Are We Carrying Around the Baggage of Black
Codes? By Michele Mitchell, Guest Commentator To Be Black In
America: An Unflinching Necessity By Larry
Pinkney, Guest Commentator
Cartoon: Shootings at School By Olle
Johansson, Sweden Worrill’s World:
African People And Repairing The Damages By
Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD, BC Columnist
The CorporaState Eating America By Melinda
Pillsbury-Foster, Guest Commentator
Issue 225 -
April 12 2007 Cover Story: Imus
- 3 Views on BC
Unapologetically Young, Black and Female...
Strange Behavior: Don Imus and the Case of the
"Nappy-Headed Hos" By Jasmyne A. Cannick, BC
Columnist Inclusion: Last
Laugh Not Worth the Price By the Reverend
Irene Monroe, BC Columnist
Between The Lines: Don Imus: Who You Calling
"Nappy Headed Hoes"? By Anthony Asadullah
Samad, BC Columnist Cartoon: Imus and
Sharpton By Daryl Cagle,
Art: Alleluia By Margaret Warfield The Hawk's Nest:
Adam, Where Art Thou? By HAWK (J. D.
Jackson), BC Columnist
A Jones for Justice: Connecting the Dots: Law,
Slavery, and Immigration By Dr. John Calvin
Jones, PhD, JD, BC Columnist Cartoon: Bush and
Iraq By Alexandr Zudin, St. Petersburg,
Represent Our Resistance: Resistance Despite
Government Spy Programs By Dr. L. Jean
Daniels, PhD, BC Columnist Worrill's World:
Garvey's Lessons in Learning By Dr. Conrad
W. Worrill, PhD, BC Columnist
Cartoon: Global Warming Ark By Michael
Kountouris, Greece Our Ideology Is
Marxism-Leninism-Maoism - Our Goal Is the
Emancipation of All Humanity - Part 4 of 4
By Bob Avakian, Guest Commentator
National Affairs: Reactionary Federal
Appellate Judges, And What Can Be Done About
Them By Dean Lawrence R. Velvel, JD, BC
Issue 224 -
April 5 2007 - 5th Anniversary Issue Cover Story: Obama
- The "Joshua Generation" Candidate
Defending ALL of America Is Our Hope -
Represent Our Resistance By Dr. L. Jean
Daniels, PhD, BC Columnist
Cartoon: Clinton Obama Fundraising By RJ
Matson, The St. Louis Post Dispatch April 3, 1968: Dr.
Martin Luther King, Jr.- I've Been to the
Between The Lines: Finishing King’s Fight -
Re-igniting "The Poor People’s Campaign" and
the War On Poverty By Anthony Asadullah Samad,
BC Columnist A Milestone
Birthday with Thanks to All BlackCommentator
Readers By Peter Gamble, BC Publisher
Coalitions Between Blacks, Latinos, and
Asians: A Retrospective Look for the Future of
Economic Democracy in the U.S. By Dr. James
Jennings, PhD, BC Editorial Board Cartoon: Guest
Worker Auction By RJ Matson, The St. Louis
Post Dispatch
Left Margin: The Mortgage Crisis & Its
"Ugly Geographic Pattern" By Carl Bloice, BC
Editorial Board Single Payer
Healthcare - Part 15 - We Need Medicare for
All: The Call for an Expanded and Improved
Medicare for All US Residents - (HR
676-Single Payer) By Ajamu K. Sankofa, Esq.,
National Staff of Healthcare-NOW!
A Jones For Justice: Enslaving Hearts and
Minds By Dr. John Calvin Jones, PhD, JD, BC
Columnist Think Piece:
George W. and the Whitewashing of the
Federal Courts By David A. Love, Guest
Art: Dreadful Days By Fulani Carter The Call to
Boycott the Beijing "Genocide Olympics": How
the "Stop Darfur" Movement Aids the US Drive
for Hegemony By George Wright, Guest
Mamdani the Darfur Genocide Denialist? By
Andile Mngxitama, Guest Commentator
Cartoon: No War By Emad Hajjaj, Jordan I Know a Fella By
Arnie King, Guest Commentator
Worrill’s World: Remembering Dr. Clarke as a
Source of Wisdom By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, BC
Columnist National Affairs:
The Presidency Has Become A Great Business
Opportunity By Dean Lawrence R. Velvel, JD,
BC Columnist
After the Revolution: Dealing with "Racial
Divisions" Part 3 of 4 By Bob Avakian, Guest
Commentator Bring Down Your
Airfares or Get Out of Africa - American and
European Airlines are Bilking African
Passengers By Jacques Sotero Agboton, Guest
Issue 223 -
March 29 2007 Cover Story: Why
Black Folk Should Care About the U.S.
Attorney Controversy By Dr. G. Derek
Musgrove, PhD, Guest Commentator
Cartoon: U.S. Foreign Policy By Doug Minkler Sidetracked: The
Great American Dream Still Exists - In Iraq!
By Jane Stillwater, BC Columnist
Inclusion: McMillan Pummels Plummer for Being
Gay By the Rev. Irene Monroe, BC Columnist Beneath The Spin:
Let's Get Over It "Racism That Is" - Part
Two, Diagnosing Whiteness By Molly Secours,
BC Columnist
Between The Lines: Problems Blacks Can’t
Escape From By Anthony Asadullah Samad, BC
Columnist Cartoon: Shrinking
President By Mike Lane, Cagle Cartoons
National Affairs: Birmingham and Baghdad: The
South In 1963 and the United States in 2007 -
African Americans and Iraqis By Dean Lawrence
R. Velvel, JD, BC Columnist Neoliberal
Policies of the '90s Have Worsened Rust
Belt's Black Ghettos By Andrea Lynn, Guest
Art: Corvus Corax (common raven) By Larry
Richardson Statement of
Protest Concerning the Unreasonable Bail
Imposed by the San Francisco Court, re: The
San Francisco 8 By Three Former-Panthers:
Larry Pinkney, Eddie Williams, and Gerald
Sanders, Guest Commentators
Worrill's World: Why I Stand with Alderman
Tillman By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD, BC
Cartoon: All Ear By Mike Keefe, The Denver
Issue 222 - March 22 2007 Cover Story: Left
Margin - Bush’s Latin Reality Show By Carl
Bloice, BC Editorial Board
Cartoon: Latin America First Aid By Dario
Castillejos, Dario La Crisis Why I Don’t Hate
Asians By Dr. Eugene Stovall, PhD, Guest
Inclusion: Fighting the War at Home in the
Military By The Reverend Irene Monroe, BC
Columnist Single-Payer
Healthcare - Part 14 - Two Visions of
Healthcare By Adrienne Maree Brown,
Healthcare-NOW Board Member, Executive
Director of The Ruckus Society
Art: Dance Class By Jim Alexander Beneath The Spin:
Let’s Just Get Over It - Being Racist That
Is... Part One By Molly Secours, BC
Columnist Between The Lines:
Exploitation of the Patriot Act - "The
Devil’s On The Line", All The Time Now By
Anthony Asadullah Samad, BC Columnist
Worrill's World: Self-Determination and
Nationalism By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD, BC
Columnist Sidetracked: How
Runaway Inflation Has Slipped Under Our
Radar By Jane Stillwater, BC Columnist
Cartoon: Iraq - Four Years By Cam Cardow, The
Ottawa Citizen Think Piece: The
War on Drugs is Still Unconstitutional By
Dr. John Calvin Jones, PhD, JD
How This System Has Betrayed Black People -
Crucial Turning Points Part 2 of 4 By Bob
Avakian, Guest Commentator Never Ending
Loans... By The Reverend D. D. Prather,
Guest Commentator
FBI Hunting the Dead: Can John Bowman Ever
Rest in Peace? By Soffiyah Elijah, Guest
Commentator Cartoon: Good
Neighbors By Simanca Osmani, Brazil
221 - March 15 2007 Cover Story:
Between The Lines - The Bruce Gordon
Resignation - You Can’t Know The NAACP If
You’ve Never Been In The NAACP By Anthony
Asadullah Samad, BC Columnist
Cartoon: "Terrorists Wear Suits" By Doug
Minkler Unapologetically
Young, Black and Female... The Relevance of
the NAACP To Someone Under 40 By Jasmyne A.
Cannick, BC Columnist
My Friend Was Raped By Bill Fletcher, Jr., BC
Editorial Board Worrill’s World:
Don’t Forget the Sharpsville Massacre and
Reparations By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, BC
Art: Beyond The Mask By Margaret Warfield Sidetracked: Where
is Tookie Williams When We Need Him! By Jane
Stillwater, BC Columnist
American Democracy: A Legacy Of Hypocrisy And
Deceit By Larry Pinkney, Guest Commentator
The Oppression of Black People And the
Revolutionary Struggle To End All Oppression -
Part 1 of 4 By Bob Avakian, Guest Commentator Cartoon: Fired US
Attorneys By Bob Englehart, The Hartford
Think Piece: What If the FBI Hired Someone
Honest to Look Into 9-11? By David Swanson Obama, Clinton and
"Bozaunga" By Minister (Dr.) Gyasi A.
Foluke, Guest Commentator
Polarized: Bi-Polar Disorder and the Ghosts
That Haunt By K. Danielle Edwards, Guest
Commentator Cartoon:
Hallelujah Halliburton By Pat Bagley, Salt
Lake Tribune
Issue 220 -
March 8 2007 Cover Story: The
Decline in African-American Representation
In Unions and Manufacturing, 1979-2006 By
John Schmitt and Ben Zipperer, Center for
Economic and Policy Research
Cartoon: Hottest Places in Hell By Doug
Minkler Left Margin: After
Terrible Tuesday By Carl Bloice, BC
Editorial Board
Single-Payer Healthcare - Part 13: Pull the
Plug on the Private Health Insurance Industry
By Ajamu K. Sankofa, Esq., National Staff of
Healthcare-NOW Between The Lines:
Conforming To The Status Quo - Knowing When
It’s Not Okay To Accept The Lie By Anthony
Asadullah Samad, BC Columnist
Unapologetically Young, Black and Female...
Clinton Pledges to Support Gays - Can Obama Do
the Same? By Jasmyne A. Cannick, BC Columnist Art: The Juice is
Loose - White Amerikkan Screams and Cries -
Black Amerikkan Laughs With Open Eyes - It'a
Amerikkan as Apple Die By Fulani Carter
Represent Our Resistance: Suffering at Walter
Reed and High School Military Recruiting By
Dr. L. Jean Daniels, PhD, BC Columnist Beneath The Spin:
Tennessee Death Sentence Moratorium - For
Real? By Molly Secours, BC Columnist
Inclusion: The Battle of Homophobia in Sports
By The Reverend Irene Monroe, BC Columnist Worrill's World:
Reparations and Political Prisoners By Dr.
Conrad W. Worrill, PhD, BC Columnist
Cartoon: Walter Reed - Portrait of a Disgrace
By Jeff Parker, Florida Today New Orleans
Survivor Council Turns to Venezuela for
Support By The New Orleans Survivor Council,
Guest Commentator
Mass Deportations, Vigilantes, Government
Supression: STOP the Fascist Assault on
Immigrants!! My Small Act of
Civil Disobedience By Michael T. McPhearson,
Guest Commentator
Cartoon: Kims New Oil By Harry Harrison, Hong
Issue 219 -
March 1 2007 Cover Story:
Inclusion - What Defines Being "Articulate"?
- Biden Messed Up By the Reverend Irene
Monroe, BC Columnist
Cartoon: The Ultimate Test Of Allegiance By
Lance Scurvin, aka S.C.U.R.V. Have You Been
Thinking About November 6, 2008? By Nancy
Littlefield, BC Staffer
Single-Payer Healthcare - Part 12: Why
Hillary, Obama, Edwards, Romney and
Schwarzenegger Don't Support Single-Payer
Healthcare - An Interview With Dr. Steffie
Woolhandler, Healthcare-NOW Board Member By
Corporate Crime Reporter Unapologetically
Young, Black and Female... Has the Black
Leadership Become the New White Moderate? By
Jasmyne A. Cannick, BC Columnist
Worrill's World: Rebuilding Black Family Life
By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD, BC Columnist Between The Lines:
The Violence Prevention Test In Los Angeles:
- There Is Another Answer (Besides
Suppression) By Anthony Asadullah Samad, BC
Art: Falconers Faith By Larry Richardson Beneath The Spin:
The "New Black American" On The Prosperity
Train By Molly Secours, BC Columnist
Sidetracked: What Do I, Strom Thurmond &
50% Of All Americans Have In Common? By Jane
Stillwater, BC Columnist Political
Apartheid in America By Jeff Milchen, Guest
Cartoon: Dr Mugabe Controls Zimbabwe By Paresh
Nath, National Herald, India About the Rape of
Sabrine in Iraq By Yanar Mohammed, Guest
Cindy Sheehan, George Will, and Loving Your
Enemies By David Swanson, Guest Commentator Feeding Eighteen
Thousand Families Each Month in One
Neighborhood in New Orleans: The Right to
Return Eighteen Months after Katrina By Bill
Quigley, Guest Commentator
Black History Month in Britain - The African
British Experience By Delroy
Constantine-Simms, Guest Commentator Cartoon: Corporate
Earnings By Daryl Cagle,
Issue 218 -
February 22 2007 Cover Story: Left
Margin - The Double Whammy -
Industrialization Down - Home Foreclosures
Up By Carl Bloice, BC Editorial Board
Cartoon: United States Senate By Bob
Englehart, The Hartford Courant ‘One Step at a
Time’: An Interview with Jean-Bertrand
Aristide, Former President of Haiti By Peter
Hallward, Guest Commentator
The Unspoken Truth About Gangs in Haiti By
Kevin Pina, BC Associate Editor Single-Payer
Healthcare - Part 11: Imagine A Healthy
Caring Nation By Marilyn Clement, National
Coordinator, Healthcare-NOW
Between The Lines: Uplifting Black America -
Looking For Change In All The Wrongs Places By
Anthony Asadullah Samad, BC Columnist Cartoon: Little
Money, Little Law By Doug Minkler
Wealth Gap Between Blacks and Whites Has Grown
Larger By Dr. Melvin L. Oliver, PhD and Dr.
Thomas Shapiro, PhD, Guest Commentators National Affairs:
The Couch: Bush Is On It And Congress Should
Be By Lawrence R. Velvel, JD, BC Columnist
Think Piece: The Fierce Urgency of Impeachment
By David Swanson Art: Miles Davis
By Jim Alexander
Worrill's World: Chinweizu, War, and
Reparations By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD, BC
Columnist Unapologetically
Young, Black and Female... Why Norbit Sent
Me Into Orbit By Jasmyne A. Cannick, BC
Sidetracked: COPS: America's #1 employment
agency goes headhunting By Jane Stillwater, BC
Columnist Unjust and
Undeserved By Rev. Douglas Demetrius
Prather, Guest Commentator
Cartoon: War As Chess Game By Michael
Kountouris, Greece
Issue 217 -
February 15 2007 Cover Story:
Report from World Social Forum 2007 Nairobi,
Kenya - Where Do We Go From Here? - Africa,
the African World and the WSF By Dr. Rose
Brewer, PhD, BC Editorial Board
Cartoon: Equal Pay for Comparable Work By Doug
Minkler Between The Lines:
Virginia Legislature’s "Profound Regret" -
Semantics Over Apology For Slavery Keeps Eye
On Reparations By Anthony Asadullah Samad,
BC Columnist
Single-Payer Healthcare - Part 10 - Why I
Support H.R. 676 - Prescription Drugs Made Me
Do It By Billie M. Spaight, Healthcare-NOW Obama Cannot Hear
Us! - Represent Our Resistance By Dr. L.
Jean Daniels, PhD, BC Columnist
Inclusion: Love Knows No Bounds By the
Reverend Irene Monroe, BC Columnist Beneath The Spin:
A Sweetheart Deal or Showin some love to
North Korea - Dubya's Valentine to Kim
Jon-il By Molly Secours, BC Columnist
Art: Consoling Touch By Margaret Warfield Worrill's World:
Education and Economic Independence By Dr.
Conrad W. Worrill, PhD, BC Columnist
Slavery On The New Plantation - American
Torture Chambers: A Report on Today’s Prisons
and Jails - Part 2 of 2 By Kiilu Nyasha, Guest
Commentator Barak Obama:
Trojan Horse and A Great White Hope? By
Larry Pinkney, Guest Commentator
Obama vs. Giuliani - America's Real Struggle
By Chris Owens, Guest Commentator Cartoon: Fan of
Bush By Nerilicon, Milenio, Mexico
Civil Rights Issues Are Never Simply Local:
The DC Voting Rights Act Corrects an American
Problem By Ilir Zherka, Guest Commentator Voices of Moral
Consciousness - Black History Month Message
By Imam Zaid Shakir, Guest Commentator
We’re Headed Towards Separate Americas! By
William Hughes, Guest Commentator Exhibition On
Legendary City Of Port Royal, Jamaica By
Institute Of Jamaica and Historical Museum
of Southern Florida
216 - February 8 2007 Cover Story: Left
Margin - Bush’s People By Carl Bloice, BC
Editorial Board
Cartoon: War - It's Not My Fault By Doug
Minkler Two Walled Cities:
Jerusalem and Johannesburg, Apartheid and
Palestine By Bill Fletcher, Jr.BC Editorial
Single-Payer Healthcare - Part 9 - Medical
Apartheid By Marilyn Clement, National
Coordinator, Healthcare-NOW The Hawk's Nest:
Dr. King’s Freedom-fighting and
Philosophical African Ancestors - A Short
List By HAWK (J. D. Jackson), BC Columnist
Art: Tupac Wasted Life By Fulani L. Carter Beneath The Spin:
Swimming in Racial Backwater of Washington -
Barack Navigates Sharks By Molly Secours, BC
Between The Lines: The State of Black
California - "Three-Fifths Compromise" Is
Alive In The Sunshine State By Anthony
Asadullah Samad, BC Columnist Unapologetically
Young, Black and Female... The White Man Who
Didn’t Know February Was Black History Month
By Jasmyne A. Cannick, BC Columnist
100 Senators Quietly Vote: Majority Oppose
Escalation and Two things you can do to stop a
war on Iran By David Swanson, Guest
Commentator Cartoon: "Justus"
- Cannedidates - Must Be Clean By Reginald
Butler 'rnb'
Think Piece: How to Revive a Spiritually Dead
America in One Easy Lesson! By William Hughes Sidetracked: The
Rich African-American History Of the
Richmond, California Shipyard By Jane
Stillwater, BC Columnist
The Blackness of Obama By Kimberly Jade
Norwood, JD, Guest Commentator National Affairs:
The Preternaturally Prolific Posner on
Plagiarism By Lawrence R. Velvel, JD, BC
Cartoon: Neocon Death Throes By Monte
Wolverton, Cagle Cartoons
Issue 215 -
February 1 2007 Cover Story:
Single-Payer Healthcare - Part 8 - Our
Healthcare System - Based on Avoiding Sick
People By Marilyn Clement National
Coordinator, Healthcare-NOW
Cartoon: Halliburton H.M.O. By Barbara Smaller Along The Color
Line: The Iraq War and America's Economic
Imperialism By Dr. Manning Marable, PhD, BC
Editorial Board
They Speak About and For Us, But Will They
Speak About and Represent Our Resistance By
Dr. L. Jean Daniels, PhD, BC Columnist Between The Lines:
Shirley Q. Liquor and the Long Beach Ten -
For Those Who Don’t Believe Jim Crow Is Back
By Anthony Asadullah Samad, BC Columnist
Unapologetically Young, Black and Female... So
Who Exactly Is to Blame For The Negative
Stereotypes of Blacks? By Jasmyne A. Cannick,
BC Columnist Art: Famella Icon
#1 By Larry Richardson
Panther Arrests Evoke Disturbing Legacy of
Torture By David A. Love, Guest Commentator American Torture
Chambers: A Report on Today’s Prisons and
Jails - Part 1 of 2 By Kiilu Nyasha, Guest
Think Piece: What about the Bio-Weapons Labs?
By Sherwood Ross The Bills That Can
End the War By David Swanson, Guest
Black NJ Organizes Against the War By Jon
Levine, Guest Commentator Cartoon: Truth
Justice and the American Way By Vince
O'Farrell, The Illawarra Mercury, Australia
A Message from the members of African
Americans for a Better Society (AAFABS) By
Lyle G. Russworm, Guest Commentator Reluctant
Remembrances By K. Danielle Edwards, Guest
Aristocrat Aplomb vs Bourgeois Indiscretions:
Superbowl XLI By H. Lewis Smith, Guest
Commentator Jonesing for a Hit
of Man Fuel: Of Pigskin Pushers, Football
(Fan)atics, and Blissful Blindness By Jason
Miller, Guest Commentator
Cartoon: Peace is Hell By John Darkow,
Columbia Daily Tribune, Missouri
Issue 214 -
January 25 2007 Cover Story:
Report from World Social Forum 2007,
Nairobi, Kenya - Another World is Necessary
for African Peoples By Dr.Rose M. Brewer,
PhD, BC Editorial Board
Cartoon: State of the Union By Bob Englehart,
The Hartford Courant Single-Payer
Healthcare - Part 7: National Health
Insurance - The Ethical & Efficient
Solution to the Healthcare Crisis in the US
By Dr. Jaime R. Torres, Latinos for National
Health Insurance
Left Margin: The Unreal World of
‘Counterinsurgency’ By Carl Bloice, BC
Editorial Board Along The Color
Line: Jamaica Today - The Legacy of Michael
Manley By Dr. Manning Marable, PhD, BC
Editorial Board
Between The Lines: The Rice Report - Exposing
The Lack of Coordination and Commitment To
Gang Violence Prevention By Anthony Asadullah
Samad, BC Columnist Cartoon: Justus -
HAIRDO MATTER! By Reginald Butler
Readers Corner - Email from Readers By Nancy
Littlefield, BC Staffer Art: Dancers By
Jim Alexander
Beneath The Spin: The Great Leap Backward or
Cat Fight on Capitol Hill By Molly Secours, BC
Columnist Sidetracked: Why I
am NOT in Iraq By Jane Stillwater, BC
State Law Schools in Metro Areas Lead in
Graduating Minority Lawyers, Study Shows: An
Interview with Dean Lawrence R. Velvel, JD By
Sherwood Ross, Guest Commentator Cartoon: Mister
Justice By Naranjo, El Universal, Mexico
Think Piece: How We Can End the Occupation of
Iraq By David Swanson Why The N-Word Is
Not Just Another Word By H. Lewis Smith,
Guest Commentator
Africa Without African Americans By Ezrah
Aharone, Guest Commentator Force Won't Bring
Peace to Somalia By Khadija O. Ali, Guest
Cartoon: The Puppet By Christo Komarnitski,
Issue 213 -
January 18 2007 Cover Story: World
Social Forum 2007, Nairobi, Kenya - Is
Another World Possible for African Peoples?
By Dr. Rose M.Brewer,PhD, BC Editorial Board
Cartoon: Cheney Reads Your Mail By RJ Matson,
The St. Louis Post Dispatch Single-Payer
Healthcare - Part 6 - A Revolution of Values
By Marilyn Clement, National Coordinator,
Healthcare-NOW 2007: A Sankofa
Year By Emira Woods, BC Editorial Board
Along The Color Line: Global Inequality and
Class Conflict By Dr. Manning Marable, PhD,
BC Editorial Board
Between The Lines: King’s Unfinished Fight -
Rightness, Justice and a "Poor People’s
Campaign" By Anthony Asadullah Samad BC
Columnist Cartoon: Hanging
Video By Alexandr Zudin, St. Petersburg,
If Beale Street Could Talk: Remarks at the
National Conference for Media Reform By David
Swanson, Guest Commentator Sidetracked:
Bottomless Pit - Jane's special
"What-will-fill-me-up?" diet By Jane
Stillwater, BC Columnist
Art: Blowing In The Wind By Margaret Warfield Think Piece:
People of Color Vote Blue, But Stay in the
Red By United for a Fair Economy
National Affairs: The Urgent Need for
Information on the Results of Medical Care By
Lawrence R. Velvel, JD, BC Columnist Roots of
Lation/Black Anger: Longtime Prejudices, Not
Economic Rivalry, Fuel Tensions By Tanya K.
Hernandez, Guest Commentator
One City's Firebrand: A Look Back At The San
Francisco Black Caucus By Larry Pinkney, Guest
Commentator 1975 Redux By
Daniel N. White, Guest Commentator
Cartoon: Dubya Ignorance Is Bliss By John
Darkow, Columbia Daily Tribune, Missouri
Issue 212 -
January 11 2007 Cover Story:
Reconsidering "Black Politics" By Bill
Fletcher, Jr., BC Editorial Board
Cartoon: Bush Iraq Glossary By Pat Bagley,
Salt Lake Tribune Single-Payer
Healthcare - Part 5 - From Slumber To
Grassroots Political Action By Ajamu K.
Sankofa, Esq., National Staff of
Left Margin: More Blood for Oil By Carl
Bloice, BC Editorial Board BEYOND VIETNAM: A
King Jr, Riverside Church, New York City, 4
April 1967
Beneath The Spin: Til Death Do Us Part? By
Molly Secours, BC Columnist Between The Lines:
The "New" Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger -
Reformed Centrist, or Frustrated Ideologue?
By Anthony Asadullah Samad, BC Columnist
The Hawk's Nest: The African World Family -
Part 2 - Reclaiming Our Stolen Heritage By
HAWK (J. D. Jackson), BC Columnist Art: Junella's
Memories By Fulani L. Carter
A Funny Phenomenon Among White Liberals and
Progressives By Dr. L. Jean Daniels, PhD,
Guest Commentator Sidetracked:
Section 8 Housing - An important issue for
African-Americans By Jane Stillwater, BC
Unapologetically Young, Black and Female...
The Nightmare on My Street By Jasmyne A.
Cannick, BC Columnist Cartoon: Bushs
Backyard By Rainer Hachfeld, Neues
Deutschland, Germany
Issue 211 -
December 21 2006 Cover Story:
Empire, Racism and Resistance - Global
Apartheid and Prospects for A Democratic
Future By Dr. Manning Marable, PhD, BC
Editorial Board
Cartoon: A Christmas Carol With President Bush
By RJ Matson, The St. Louis Post Dispatch Single-Payer
Healthcare - Part 4 - How to Organize By
Georgette Kareithi, Healthcare NOW! Staff
And CUNY-Brooklyn College Senior
Blood Diamond: A Film Review By Dr. Barbara
Ransby, PhD, BC Editorial Board Can Obama Become
the Person Some of Us Envision? By Dr. L.
Jean Daniels, PhD, Guest Commentator
Cartoon: Obama - A Fresh Face By John Darkow,
Columbia Daily Tribune, Missouri Between The Lines:
Black Leadership Succession - Same Question,
New Generation By Anthony Asadullah Samad,
BC Columnist
Worrill’s World: Correcting White Supremacy
Distortions By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD, BC
Columnist The Hawk's Nest:
The African World Family - Part 1 - Brothers
and Sisters, Let's Pull Together By HAWK (J.
D. Jackson), BC Columnist
Art: Old Toussaint L'Overture By Larry
Richardson Sidetracked: How I
never heard Malcolm X speak By Jane
Stillwater, BC Columnist
Unapologetically Young, Black and Female... To
Live and Drive in L.A. By Jasmyne A. Cannick,
BC Columnist Cartoon: Darfur -
Asking Santa for a Chance to Live By Cam
Cardow, The Ottawa Citizen
Issue 210 -
December 14 2006 Cover Story: Left
Margin - Driving that Wedge By Carl Bloice,
BC Editorial Board
Cartoon: Chavez Re-elected By Rainer Hachfeld,
Neues Deutschland, Germany Why Unions Must
Support The Immigrant Rights Movement By
Karega Hart, Guest Commentator
Single-Payer Healthcare - Part 3: Healthcare,
Not Warfare By Marilyn Clement, National
Coordinator, Healthcare-NOW Curt Flood: Ten
years later and no closer to the Hall of
Fame By Bill Fletcher, Jr., BC Editorial
Between The Lines: Is America "One Nation
Under God, or Christians?" - The Keith Ellison
Quran Debate By Anthony Asadullah Samad, BC
Columnist Cartoon: Hillary
goes barACK By Mike Lane, Cagle Cartoons
BC Readers Corner: Email from BC Readers By BC
Staffer Nancy Littlefield National Affairs:
Sanity, Competence, And The Latest
Washington Crock About Iraq By Dean Lawrence
R. Velvel, JD, Massachusetts School of Law,
BC Columnist
Worrill’s World: The Impact of White Supremacy
By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD, National
Chairman, National Black United Front, BC
Columnist Beneath The Spin:
Cover Who? By Molly Secours, BC Columnist
Art: Sisters By Jim Alexander Sidetracked:
Putting America in peril - The deadly Toilet
Bomb By Jane Stillwater, BC Columnist
Think Piece: Speaking Of Leadership By Jasmyne
A. Cannick, Guest Commentator McKinney, Smith,
Bush, and Impeachment By David Swanson,
Guest Commentator
The Benedict Arnold List By H. Lewis Smith,
Guest Commentator Cartoon: Iraq
Study Dog By Larry Wright, The Detroit News
Issue 209 -
December 7 2006 Cover Story:
Race-Ing Justice, Disenfranchising Lives -
African Americans, Criminal Justice And the
New Racial Domain By Dr. Manning Marable,
PhD, BC Editorial Board
Cartoon: Bush And Iraq By Daryl Cagle, Single-Payer
Healthcare - Part 2 - Health Care Is A
Birthright By Ajamu K. Sankofa, Esq.,
National Staff of Healthcare-Now
Beneath The Spin: I Want To Be Black, Please
By Molly Secours, BC Columnist Between The Lines:
How America Made Niggas: Revisited
(Hopefully For The Last Time) By Anthony
Asadullah Samad, BC Columnist
Cartoon: Trash Bin of History By Cam Cardow,
The Ottawa Citizen Worrill’s World:
Get Ready For Kwanzaa 2006 By Dr. Conrad W.
Worrill, PhD, National Chairman National
Black United Front, BC Columnist
Stopping the N Word Starts With Blacks By
Jasmyne A. Cannick, Guest Commentator The Bride Wore
Black - The Shooting of Sean Bell and the
Resurgence of American Racism By
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Guest Commentator
Art: Dancing in the Clouds By Margaret
Warfield U.N. troops are
not the answer - Tragedy in Darfur:
Unraveling the Real Causes By Monica Hill,
Freedom Socialist Newspaper, Guest
Think Piece: George Will Finds New Crime
Category - Refusing To Shake George Bush’s
Hand By Sherwood Ross, Justice Journals:
Michael "Kramer" Richards And the Infamous
Racial "outburst" - Apology not Accepted! By
Thomas Palmer, Guest Commentator
Cartoon: Barak and Hillary By Mike Keefe, The
Denver Post
Issue 208 -
November 30 2006 Cover Story:
Single-Payer Healthcare - Part 1 - 1,000
Healthcare-NOW "Truth Hearings" Coming Up By
Marilyn Clement, National Coordinator,
Cartoon: cops and dodgers - 50 shots? By
Justus Left Margin: Will
Cheney Come Clean? By Carl Bloice, BC
Editorial Board
Is the Iraq War Winnable? By Jamala Rogers, BC
Editorial Board Cartoon: Iraq
Civil War By Lo Mejor Turn
the Tide: Martin Luther King Memorial
Groundbreaking By Dr. Julianne Malveaux,
PhD, BC Editorial Board Think Piece: Be
All That You Can Be: Leave the Army By David
Swanson Impeachment
Proceedings By Cindy Sheehan, Guest
Commentator National Affairs:
Pretending November 7th Never Happened - It
Is Time To Ask The Question Is George Bush
Sane? By Lawrence R. Velvel, JD, Dean of
Massachusetts School of Law Art:
JonBenet Meets Timothy McVeigh at Heavens
Gate By Fulani L. Carter 50 Shots &
Michael Richards - Racism Was The Vitriol
Lurking Under The Surface By Molly Secours,
Guest Commentator Blaming Kramer By
The Rev. Irene Monroe, Guest Commentator Between The Lines:
For A True Fresh Start - Remove The
Conviction Box by Anthony Asadullah Samad ‘Our
Fight Is Your Fight’: Civil Rights Leaders
Dolores Huerta & Julian Bond Speak Out
Loud and Clear for GLBT Equality From
Equality Magazine Petition to
respect the democratic electoral process in
Venezuela Cartoon:
Wages To Nowhere By RJ Matson, The St.
Louis Post Dispatch
Issue 207 -
November 23 2006 Cover Story: 4
More Dedicated Activists Join BC Editorial
Board - Bringing Total to 20 By BC Publisher
Peter Gamble
Cartoon: Thanksgiving in the Land of Plenty Thanksgiving: The
National Day of Mourning - Text of 1970
speech by Wampsutta, An Aquinnah Wampanoag
Cartoon: Rangel Proposes Draft By Mike Keefe,
The Denver Post Between The Lines:
Be Thankful! by Anthony Asadullah Samad
Art: Death of Harlequin By Larry Richardson Cartoon: Dubya's
Iraq Options By Mike Lane, Cagle Cartoons
Issue 206 -
November 16 2006 Cover Story: A
Strategy For Seeking A National Single-Payer
Healthcare System That Will Cover Everyone
In The United States By Marilyn Clement,
National Coordinator, Healthcare-NOW
Cartoon: Want Want Want By Jeff Parker,
Florida Today BC: Hanging On -
But Barely By BC Staffer Nancy Littlefield
My friends are being tortured in Zimbabwe By
Bill Fletcher, Jr., BC Editorial Board The Corporate
Looting of the Gulf Coast - Robin Hood in
Reverse By Bill Quigley, Guest Commentator
Gay Marriage Is Not The Threat To Black
America By Jasmyne A. Cannick, Guest
Commentator Cartoon: Joe
Lieberman By Bob Englehart, The Hartford
National Affairs: Let Us Now Throw Rumsfeld
Under The Bus By Dean Lawrence R. Velvel, JD,
Massachusetts School of Law Education: An
Afrikan World View By HAWK (J. D. Jackson),
Guest Commentator
Art: The Apprentice By Jim Alexander Between The Lines:
Republicans Out, One Warhawk Down And a
Bunch of Elephant Mess For The Democrats To
Clean Up! By Anthony Asadullah Samad
Worrill’s World: Reparations and Economic
Independence By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD,
National Chairman, National Black United Front Cartoon: United
Space Of America By Frederick Deligne,
Nice-Matin, France
Issue 205 -
November 9 2006 Cover Story:
Election Reaction & Early Analysis - A
BC Editorial Board Roundtable
Muslim and a Black Progressive, Keith Ellison
makes History in Minnesota by Dr. Rose Brewer,
PhD, BC Editorial Board The ‘I am fed up‘
Vote - A quick look at the November 7th
elections by Bill Fletcher, Jr., BC
Editorial Board
The Fight Is Not Over by Dr. Maya Rockeymoore,
PhD, BC Editorial Board Are Blacks
Dreaming Rather Than Working? by Carl
Bloice, BC Editorial Board
Musings on the Midterms by Dr. Julianne
Malveaux, PhD, BC Editorial Board The Day After by
Jamala Rogers, BC Editorial Board
Cartoon: Smirk by Mike Keefe, The Denver
What Are You Doing November 6, 2008? by BC
Staffer Nancy Littlefield Art: Constant
State Of Motion by Margaret Warfield
It's Time to Fund the Dream by Chuck Turner,BC
Editorial Board Left Margin:
Global Warming - People of Color Are at Risk
by Carl Bloice, BC Editorial Board
Cartoon: Fall of the GOP by Tab, The Calgary
Sun Between The Lines:
Turning Off BET - This Time, Cosby’s Right!
by Anthony Asadullah Samad
Worrill’s World: A Tribute to Attorney Lionel
Jean Baptiste For His Work on the Reparations
Corporate Lawsuit by Dr. Conrad W. Worrill,
PhD, National Chairman, National Black United
Front National Affairs:
Honesty, History, And A College Of History
And Law by Dean Lawrence R. Velvel, JD,
Massachusetts School of Law
Cartoon: George Bush - Lame Duck by Petar
Pismestrovic, Kleine Zeitung, Austria
Issue 204 -
November 2 2006 Cover Story: Where
Will Democrats Stand After the Party is
Over? by Dr. Maya Rockeymoore, BC Editorial
"Boxed-In"- What Do We Do If They Steal This
Election Too? by Bill Strickland, BC Editorial
Board Wishful
(Political) Thinking in Black America by
Bill Fletcher, Jr., BC Editorial Board
Cartoon: Run Obama Run New Poll: Women
Voters Will Say Yes To Candidates Who Say No
to Iraq In Every region, Americans -
Especially Women Want Troops Brought Home by
The National Council for Research on Women
Step Up And Be Counted - Supporting BC Is Like
Voting by BC Staffer Nancy Littlefield Cartoon: US debt
at Halloween
Art: Dressed to Kill by Fulani L. Carter Worrill’s World:
Reparations and Political Prisonsers by Dr.
Conrad W. Worrill, National Chairman -
National Black United Front
Cartoon: The Hand of the Dead National Affairs:
The African American Experience And George
Bush by Dean Lawrence R. Velvel, JD,
Massachusetts School of Law
Think Piece: Whites and Blacks Both See Face
of Power by Tim Wise Pollution of the
Mind - The Willie Lynch Syndrome by H. Lewis
Smith, Guest Commentator
Issue 203 -
October 26 2006 Cover Story: Black
People, George Bush and Overcoming the
Politics of Armageddon - Part 1 of a Series
by Bill Strickland, BC Editorial Board
Cartoon: The Dubya Slot Machine Still Reaching for
Our Goal by BC Staffer Nancy Littlefield
Left Margin: Return of the Bell Curve by Carl
Bloice, BC Editorial Board George W. Bush v.
The US Constitution by Rep. John Conyers
(D-Mich.), Guest Commentator
Art: Orion Freedom Horse II by Larry
Richardson Think Piece:
Impeachment Anyone? - The Case for Taking
the Tape Off Our Mouths by David Swanson
Between The Lines: Mamye Clayton Was Our
Schomberg by Anthony Asadullah Samad National Affairs:
A Conference On Presidential Powers And
Stealth Immunity For BushCo by Lawrence R.
Velvel - Dean, Massachusetts School of Law
Issue 202
- October 19 2006 Cover Story: The
Welfare Nanny Diaries by Rinku Sen and Gabriel
Cartoon: The Dubya Spy Bird - Look Out Below! Are you or aren't
you? by BC Staffer Nancy Littlefield
No fig leaf big enough for Foley by Jamala
Rogers, BC Editorial Board Bush as Brat:
Pretensions to Empire by David Swanson, Guest
Art: The Duke by Jim Alexander Photography Think Piece:
Sentimental Education: Academia Signs Up to
Track Down Dissent by Chris Floyd
Between The Lines: Will LAUSD’s New "Brotha"
Create "A Situation" For The Mayor’s Community
Cover? by Anthony Asadullah Samad 700 unionists ring
bells to knock out Santorum - Angry
steelworkers drive Bush brother into subway
closet by Denise Winebrenner Edwards. Guest
World Bank Called On To Cancel Liberia’s Debt As
Part Of The Campaign to Cancel Africa's Debt by
Africa Action
Issue 201 -
October 12 2006 Cover Story: Race,
the Democratic Party, and Electoral Strategy
By Bill Fletcher, Jr., BC Editorial Board
Cartoon: The Million Souls Black Prison Gulag Think Piece:
Building a Movement of the Unemployed by
Chuck Turner BC Editorial Board
Drinking the Kool-Aid at the U.S. Department
of Education by Maya Rockeymoore, PhD, BC
Editorial Board Art: War Babies by
Fulani L. Carter
Quote to Ponder - Ella Baker, Labor &
Civil Rights Activist Left Margin:
Foreclosing on Workers - Part 2 of Fleecing
Working People by Carl Bloice, BC Editorial
BC Readers Corner - Email from BC Readers Between the Lines:
Is It Time For America To Turn The Page On
The Republican Party’s "Family Values"
Charade? by Anthony Asadullah Samad
Governmental Derelicts - Moral Meltdown by
Lawrence R. Velvel, Dean of Massachusetts
School of Law, Guest Commentator
Issue 200 -
October 5 2006 Cover Story: BC
Celebrates Issue 200 as 16 Dedicated African
American Activists Join The New BC Editorial
Board by BC Publisher Peter Gamble
Cartoon: King Dubya Oil Trip: Rich
Pocket Profits - Poor Suffer Environmental
Consequences by Emira Woods, BC Editorial
Left Margin: Fleecing Working People Part 1 by
Carl Bloice, BC Editorial Board Between the Lines:
"The Devil" Is Alive-Recognize ‘Em Or Not -
The Ideological Battle For The Soul Of
America by Anthony Asadullah Samad
Art: A Chain Reaction by Margaret Warfield Mark Foley Scandal
Reveals Hypocrisy of Political and Religious
Leaders Who Claim To Have a Monopoly on
'Values' by African American Ministers in
Action and the African American Ministers
Leadership Council
Think Piece: "Queer Socialism" -
Intersections: The LGBTQ Role in Society, the
Struggle and Socialism by Badili Jones, BC
Editorial Board Hidden Costs of
the Iraqi War Exposed by William Hughes,
Guest Commentator
Issue 199 -
September 28 2006 Cover Story: No
woman, no cry - Black women not only have
more stressors than white women, they
manifest it differently, too by Ingrid
Cartoon: Hegemonic Pretensions by Mwandishi Gay Rights are
Civil Rights - Julian Bond sees a
frightening level of homophobia in the black
The Drive for BC Paid Subscribers Continues by
BC Staffer Nancy Littlefield CBC Foundation
blows another great opportunity by Roland S.
Martin, Guest Commentator
Between the Lines: Let The Preachers War Begin
by Anthony Asadullah Samad Art: Contrapposto
Madonna by Larry Richardson
A Review of Spike Lee's documentary "When the
Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts" by
Najee' E. Muhammad, EdD, Guest Commentator Think Piece:
George Bush vs. the Gospel of Matthew by
Sherwood Ross
Beginning To See the Light by Junious Ricardo
Stanton, Guest Commentator What's Wrong With
Calling Bush A Devil? by Jeff Cohen, Guest
Issue 198 -
September 21 2006 Cover Story: BC
Remembers - Atlanta's White Race Riots of
Cartoon: Homeland Security: Native Americans -
Fighting Terrorism Since 1492 Supporting BC is
the Progressive Thing To Do - We need your
support to survive! by BC Staffer Nancy
Between The Lines: Loss of an Original Sista
"Soulja" - Ode’ To Attorney Melanie Lomax by
Anthony Asadullah Samad Think Piece: The
Pretexter Stain: Let History Know You Want
To Be Included Out by Lawrence R. Velvel,
Dean, Massachusetts School of Law
Rise Up Against the Empire by Hugo Chavez,
President, Venezuela Who Killed Jimmie
Lee Jackson? by Benjamin Greenberg, Guest
Art: Confrontation by Jim Alexander Working to End
Taxation Without Representation in the
Nation’s Capital by Ilir Zherka, Guest
Regarding Blacks and Mexicans by John A Imani,
Guest Commentator What Do You Stand
For: Revolution or Rhetoric? by Carey
"Geechie Man" Bryant, Guest Commentator
Issue 197 -
September 14 2006 Cover Story: A
Tale of Two Genocides - The Failed U.S.
Response to Rwanda and Darfur by Africa
Cartoon: Terrorism in America - Nothing New
for Blacks Supporting BC is
the LEFT Thing To Do - Don't wait any longer
- Do it now! by BC Staffer Nancy Littlefield
Between The Lines: Five Years After 9/11: What
More Does The Public Know (or Still Doesn’t
Know) About Terrorism? by Anthony Asadullah
Samad Think Piece:
Dedicating September 11th to Bush by David
Iraq and 9/11: The Truth Is Out By Jason
Leopold, Guest Commentator Art: Who's A
Terrorist? by Fulani
Fidel Castro’s Health: Why the African
Diaspora should support revolutionary Cuba by
James Early, Board Member, TransAfrica Forum,
Guest Commentator Written in the
Blood: My genealogical quest to untangle
ancestry and heritage by Chris Rabb, Guest
Issue 196 -
September 7 2006 Cover Story:
Securing America's Future: From Farm to Fuel
- Biofuels Bring New Hope for Rural America
by U.S. Congressperson James E. Clyburn (D -
The LA Mayor’s School Reform Plan: Finally,
The Black Community’s Hand Is Forced... But To
Do What? by Anthony Asadullah Samad, Guest
Commentator Cartoon: Jobs in
the USA Slide Show
BC: Strong and Getting Stronger - BC
Contributors Increase Financial Momentum by BC
Staffer Nancy Littlefield Today’s Pig Is
Tomorrow’s Bacon - So Happy Labor Day. by
Greg Palast, Guest Commentator
Labor’s election plan: Turn up the turnout! by
Roberta Wood, Guest Commentator Art: Center Stage
by Margaret Warfield
Think Piece: Rationalizing the Irrational:-
Racism and the Fallacy of Personal Experience
by Tim Wise Follow the Prison
Money Trail by Silja J.A. Talvi, Guest
Meritocracy - used, misused and abused chaos
by Daniel Pryzbyla, Guest Commentator As Our
Neighborhoods Turn, Can We Turn With Them?
by Christopher D. Cathcart, Guest
Issue 195 -
August 31 2006 Cover Story: New
Orleans a Year After Katrina - New Orleans
is still in intensive care. by Bill Quigley
The Katrina Aftermath One Year: What are the
Lessons Learnt? by Anthony Asadullah Samad,
Guest Commentator Cartoon: And Yet
Another Promise from Dubya by Mwandishi
What is BC Worth To You by BC Staffer Nancy
Littlefield Art: Alas Poor
Icarus by Larry Richardson
Radio BC: Electoral Politics Must Become
Movement Politics by BC Co-Publisher and
Executive Editor Glen Ford Think Piece: 'An
unimaginable loss of life...' By Bill
Fletcher Jr
Where Were You When They Took Your Rights
Away? - Camp Democracy Begins September 5th,
2006 by David Swanson, Guest Commentator A Product of Deep
Poverty, Despair and Discrimination: AIDS in
Black America by Ralph Nader
Issue 194 -
August 3 2006 Cover Story
The Best of BC: Our choice of the best of
BlackCommentator - Summer reading while we
are on hiatus until August 31
Issue 193 - July
27 2006 Cover Story:
Cynthia McKinney: Our Brightest Light by BC
Publishers Glen Ford and Peter Gamble
BC Goal Closer Thanks to Regular Contributors
- 4-Ways to Help Us Reach our Goal: Make
Regular Recurring Contributions... Make
Occasional Contributions of Any Amount... Make
a Contribution by Personal Check or Money
Order... Make a Purchase at the BC Store... by
BC Staffer Nancy Littlefield Cartoon: Isreal
Uses Bush Doctrine by David Logan
Freedom Rider: Groping Killer Speaks at NAACP
by BC Editor and Senior Commentator Margaret
Kimberley Bruce's Beat:
Israeli Apartheid Denounced... An
Exploration of Male Privilege...
Reader-Author Exchange over Pimping... Email
from Readers by BC Editor Bruce Dixon
Art: A Child's Death by Fulani Radio BC: Black
Youth: Fired Up and Militant by BC
Co-Publisher and Executive Editor Glen Ford
Think Piece: White Lies, Black Mimics by Tim
Wise The Dumbing-Down
of Black America by Black Media by James
Clingman Jr., Guest Commentator
No Sleep for the Black Man by University of
Chicago Hospitals
Issue 192 - July
20 2006 Cover Story:
Israeli Apartheid by BC Editor Bruce Dixon
Still Reaching for the BC Goal: Become a BC
Paid Subscriber... Become a BC Contributor...
Make a Purchase at the BC Store by BC Staffer
Nancy Littlefield Cartoon: Prison
Nation by Mwandishi
Freedom Rider: Israel’s Terror by BC Editor
and Senior Commentator Margaret Kimberley Bruce's Beat:
Black America Dodges the Bullet on Voting
Rights... Barack Obama Lectures Progressives
for Insufficient Piety... Which Democratic
Party is Barack Obama Leading?... Email from
Readers by BC Editor Bruce Dixon
Radio BC: Bush’s Crazy Plan to Occupy Cuba by
BC Co-Publisher and Executive Editor Glen Ford Art: Phenomenal
Women by Margaret Warfield
CBC Monitor Report: What Good is the DCCC for
the CBC? by Leutisha Stills Mexico’s Elections
System Beat US, Hands Down by Tom Grayman,
Guest Commentator
Were Black ‘Terrorists’ Entrapped? by Wendell
P. Simpson, Guest Commentator
Issue 191 - July
13 2006 Cover Story:
Voting Rights - It’s Time To Think The
Unthinkable by BC Editor Bruce Dixon
3 New Ways to Support BC and a Goal Update:
Recurring Contributions by Credit Card...
Occasional Conributions by Bank to Bank
Transfer... Occasional Contributions by Credit
Card... A Progress Report on Reaching Our 20%
Goal by Nancy Littlefield, BC Staffer Cartoon: Vultures
Circling the Voting Rights Act by 29
Freedom Rider: American Infidels Rape Iraq by
BC Editor and Senior Commentator Margaret
Kimberley Radio BC: The
Degradation of Black Life and Politics by BC
Co-Publisher and Executive Editor Glen Ford
Art: Venus of the Ivory Coast by Larry
Richardson Re-Liberating
Zimbabwe by Dwight Kirk, Guest Commentator
Negro Subversion: Then and Now by Clinton L.
Cox, Guest Commentator Think Piece:
Little Man With a Gun in His Hand - An Open
Letter to Sheriff Jack Strain of St. Tammany
Parish, Louisiana by Tim Wise
Lessons in Avoiding Mass Ignorance: Black
People and Cell Phones by Kennedy Johnson,
Guest Commentator
Issue 190 - July
6 2006 Cover Story:
Imperial Racism by BC Publishers Glen Ford
and Peter Gamble
An Update On BC's 20 Percent Goal by Nancy
Littlefield, BC Staffer Cartoon: American
Bully by Mwandishi Henry
Freedom Rider: Obama Gets Religion by BC
Editor and Senior Commentator Margaret
Kimberley Think Piece: Ten
Months After Katrina - Gutting New Orleans
by Bill Quigley
Bruce’s Beat: Miami’s Real Terrorists... The
International Digital Divide... The Great
Corporate Theft... And Email From Readers...
by BC Editor Bruce Dixon Radio BC: The
Democratic Self-Destruct Mechanism by BC
Co-Publisher and Executive Editor Glen Ford
Think Piece: Progress and the Eye of the
Beholder - Reflections on Race, Class and
Truth by Tim Wise Don't Tread on Me!
An Open Letter to Senate Republican
Leadership by Walter Fields, Guest
Yet Another Hard Road To Glory: Examining
Shani Davis Through Black Female Perspectives
by Rhone Fraser, Guest Commentator
Issue 189
- June 29 2006 Cover Story: We Are
Targeted by BC Publishers Glen Ford and Peter
What Is BC Worth To You? By Nancy Littlefield,
BC Staffer Cartoon: Thou Shalt
Not Question My War
Freedom Rider: McKinney, Jackson Lee: Separated
at Birth by BC Editor and Senior Commentator
Margaret Kimberley Bruce's Beat: Voting
Rights Act Renewal Stalls In House... Cynthia
McKinney Absolved ... BC Reader Writes About
The CBC... The Senate Considers Its Own
Version Of The Telecom Bill... by BC Editor
Bruce Dixon
Radio BC: The Imperialist Mind by BC
Co-Publisher and Executive Editor Glen Ford Art: Never Forgotten
Holocaust Of Afrikan/Native Amerikkan Elders
by Fulani
Think Piece: Reclaiming Curt Flood; Reclaiming
Baseball by Bill Fletcher, Jr. Stop Snitchin’ On
Yourself by Andreas Hale, Guest Commentator
Health care is no joke for the poor by Byron
Hobbs, Guest Commentator "Poverty is no
excuse" is bankrupt by Daniel Pryzbyla, Guest
Issue 188
- June 15 2006 Cover Story: Black
Caucus Caves to Corporate Power - Two-Thirds
Vote Against Black Interests by BC Editor
Bruce Dixon
Now is the Time to Support BC Cartoon: Bitter Bill
Cosby's 'Call Out' Tour
Freedom Rider: Randall Kennedy Defends Racist
Violence by BC Editor and Senior Commentator
Margaret Kimberley Radio BC: Blacks
Need to Cull the Political Herd by BC
Co-Publisher and Executive Editor Glen Ford
Art: I Know - An original mask by Margaret
Warfield CBC Monitor Report:
Principles, Precedent and Solidarity and The
Lack Thereof by Leutisha Stills
Kevin Phillips’American Theocracy: A Study of
Late Stage US Capitalism by Anthony Monteiro,
Guest Commentator Bill Cosby Declares
War on ‘Hip Hop Hustlers’ by Dr. Marc Lamont
U.S. Supreme Court May Redefine Brown School
Desegregation Decision by Edward Lazarus Lobbyists Tag Along
on Civil Rights Tour by Marina Walker Guevara
Issue 187
- June 8 2006 Cover Story:
America's Endless Race Wars and Massacres by
BC Publishers Glen Ford and Peter Gamble
BC Can Be Silenced by the BC Publishers
Cartoon: Blood-Splattered Banner Freedom Rider: Baby
Killers at Haditha by BC Editor and Senior
Commentator Margaret Kimberley
Bruce's Beat: How To Help Africa... Bradley’s
Suckling Black Babies... Does Bush Ever Get His
Groove On?... Email from Readers by BC Editor
Bruce Dixon Radio BC: Slavery
Enforced by Microchip by BC Co-Publisher and
Executive Editor Glen Ford
Art: Young Kaduma by Larry Richardson CBC Monitor: Does
Black Enterprise 'Report Card' on Bush Make
the Grade? by Leutisha Stills
Who elected Ray Nagin? by Lance Hill Reflections On The
Life And Death Of A Manchild In The Promised
Land by Paul Moore, Guest Commentator
Ruminations on a Wounding and a Blinding by
Harold Bridgeman, Guest Commentator
Issue 186
- June 1 2006 Cover Story: In
Search of 'Liberation-Oriented Economics' -
Black Labor Fights 'Disorder' of Globalization
by BC Publishers Glen Ford and Peter Gamble
Cartoon: What We Demand Nagin’s Re-Election
As Mayor of New Orleans: Anatomy of a Civil
Rights Protest by Mtangulizi Sanyika, African
American Leadership Project, New Orleans
Freedom Rider: No Justice in New Orleans by BC
Editor and Senior Commentator Margaret Kimberley Bruce's Beat: Hate
Media is mainstream in America... DeWayne
Wickham is too kind to racists... Where are
the white baby-makers? Is something wrong?...
Email from Readers... by BC Editor Bruce Dixon
Radio BC: The World Will Outlive the Lies Told
On It by BC Co-Publisher and Executive Editor
11:9 by Mwandishi Henry
Mute Man Talking: Poetry Under Surveillance -
Foreword and Interview by Yahsmin M.B. BoBo,
Guest Commentator Black Deaths in
2005: Is Anybody Watching? by Sheryl Smikle,
PhD, Guest Commentator
Issue 185
- May 25 2006 Cover Story: The
Black Stake in 2006 Elections by BC Publishers
Glen Ford and Peter Gamble
Cartoon: The Incredibly Shrinking Black Caucus -
Caged by Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi Freedom Rider: Tar
Baby by BC Editor and Senior Commentator
Margaret Kimberley
Bruce's Beat: Hypocrites Hate on Barry Bonds...
To Bush Family: Give back Geronimo’s Bones...
Reps. Ford and Scott Want to Take Your Phone
Card... Email from Readers by BC Editor Bruce
Dixon Radio BC: Buy Citgo.
Do Your Bit for Peace at the Pump by BC
Co-Publisher and Executive Editor Glen Ford
Art: Afrika's children die for Fascist fools
greed on a world wide scale and no one cares by
Fulani CBC Monitor Report:
Rep. Cynthia McKinney to be Honored by Black
Progressive PAC by Leutisha Stills
Think Piece: Slaves Were Not Immigrants by Paul
Street Post-Colonial Blacks
by Mandisi Majavu, Guest Commentator
An Open Letter to the Class of 2006 by Paul
Moore, Guest Commentator
Issue 184
- May 18 2006 Cover Story: Which
Way for Black Labor? - Unionists Seek Path To
'Economic Development' by BC Publishers Glen
Ford and Peter Gamble
Cartoon: Imus watches Rep. Harold Ford, Jr. slop
the pig Freedom Rider: Nazi
Ties, Grave Robbing and the Bush Family by BC
Editor and Senior Commentator Margaret
Bruce's Beat: The CBC and "Post Civil-Rights"
Black Leadership... Shelby Steele and Ted Hayes:
The Not-So Odd Couple... Black Accomplices in
Digital Highway Robbery... Email from Readers by
BC Editor Bruce Dixon Radio BC: Warlords
on U.S. Retainer in Somalia by BC Co-Publisher
and Executive Editor Glen Ford
Art: Beyond The Mask by Margaret Warfield CBC Monitor Report:
A Plan to Save the Black Caucus by Leutisha
Malcolm X: By Any Means Necessary - A Portrait
by BC Cartoonisn 29 Think Piece:
Katrina’s Aftermath Transforms Work in the
Gulf Region by Mark Brenner
Being ‘The Covenant’ Watchdog: Does Tavis Smiley
Need Watching? by Rhone Fraser, Guest
Commentator Hating Barry Bonds
by Bob Wing, Guest Commentator
Issue 183
- May 11 2006 Cover Story: The
Black Stake in the Internet - Net Neutrality
is an African American Issue by BC Editor
Bruce Dixon
Cartoon: Star Spangled Hypocrite BC Survival - What
can you do? by Peter Gamble BC Co-Publisher
and Chief Technical Officer
Freedom Rider: Shelby Steele Loves White
Supremacy by BC Editor and Senior Commentator
Margaret Kimberley Bruce's Beat: BC
readers answer Michel Martin on civility... Do
defenders of civility defend Cynthia
McKinney?... Does civility's definition depend
on who is defining?... Back to the border...
by BC Editor Bruce Dixon
Radio BC: The Passing of A Great Black Organizer
by BC Co-Publisher and Executive Editor Glen
Ford Art: Twenty Two for
Diego by Larry Richardson
CBC Monitor Report: Caucus Members Scrubbed from
Voting Rights Bill by Leutisha Stills Think Piece: RNC
Attack on John Conyers Demands Action from
Democrats by David Swanson
Exploitation Without Borders by Eisha Mason,
Guest Commentator
Unprecedented tension within the modern world -
An Open Letter from a Black Minister by Rev.
Reynard N. Blake, Jr., Guest Commentator
Issue 182
- May 4 2006 Cover Story: Liberal
Bad Faith in the Wake of Hurricane Katrina by
Adolph Reed and Stephen Steinberg
Cartoon: A New Anthem for ALL languages BC Paid Subscriber
News by Nancy Littlefield, BC Staffer
Freedom Rider: Ted Hayes: Colored Minuteman by
Margaret Kimberley, BC Editor and Senior
Commentator Bruce's Beat: Rep.
Bobby Rush and privatization of the
Internet... Julianne Malveaux sets record
straight... Hutchinson and Cannick get it
wrong on immigration... Email from readers by
BC Editor Bruce Dixon
Radio BC: Bush Regime Hypocrisy on Darfur
Genocide by BC Co-Publisher and Executive Editor
Glen Ford Voice of the BC Paid
Subscriber: Y'all are the bomb... Critical
need for critical thinking... Dang if I ain't
FED UP... 72 year old Black Panther speaks...
Black Institutions deserve Black support by
Nancy Littlefield, BC Staffer Art: Breakdown Gearshift - Fine Art Print
by Mari Hall Think Piece:
Mexico’s Legacy - A Refuge for Fugitive Slaves
and Black Job-Seekers - New Perspectives on
the Immigration Debate by Prof. Ron Wilkins Lessons for Katrina: The Great San
Francisco Earthquake and Fire of 1906 by Bob
Wing Open Letter from a
Jailed Union Leader: Roger Toussaint vows to
continue fight for workers, community Open Letter from a Black Journalist:
Michel Martin calls for ‘civility’ - chides
critics and BC
Issue 181
- April 27 2006 Cover Story: New
Orleans: The Struggle Continues by BC
Publishers Glen Ford and Peter Gamble
Cartoon: Cory Booker - The Six Million Dollar
Puppet Cory Booker: The
White Right's Man in Newark by BC Publishers
Glen Ford and Peter Gamble
Freedom Rider: Abortion and Black America by
Margaret Kimberley, BC Editor and Senior
Commentator Bruce's Beat: Good
Race Relations Happen When Black People Shut
Up or Go Away... Cynthia McKinney Asks the
Questions We Want Asked... Tavis? Oh No He
Didn't?... Who's Afraid of Bobby Rush Now?...
Email from readers... by BC Editor
Bruce Dixon Radio BC: Backwards
Thinking on Black Economic Development by BC
Co-Publisher and Executive Editor Glen Ford
Art: Where The Stars & Stripes & The
Egos Fly by Mwandishi Henry CBC Monitor Report:
Rep. Bobby Rush - AT&T’s Million Dollar
Man by Leutisha Stills
Not Showing Up: Blacks, Military Recruitment and
the Anti-war Movement by Kenyon Farrow African-Americans,
Economic Well-Being, and Immigration by Chaka
A. K. Uzondu, Guest Commentator
Think Piece: Your Huddled Masses are my Wretched
Refuse - Enter the Golden Door to Subjugation by
Jason Miller
Issue 180
- April 20 2006 Cover Story: 'New
Orleans is our Gettysburg' - A Generation's
Defining Event by BC Publishers Glen Ford and
Peter Gamble
Cartoon: United We Stand Against Nuclear
Holocaust Freedom Rider:
America’s Last Days by Margaret Kimberley BC
Editor and Senior Commentator
New Orleans Elections Fever by Jordan Flaherty
Back from New Orleans by Nzingha Tyehemba, Guest
Commentator Bruce's Beat: The
White Discursive 'Force Field'... The
Immigration 'Crisis': A Consequence of 'Free
Trade'... Cynthia McKinney and the Cowardly
Caucus... Vouchers, Privatization, Stepping
Stones: The Real Issues in Newark... Email
from readers... by BC Editor Bruce Dixon
Radio BC: Separate Racial Districts for Omaha
Schools? by BC Co-Publisher and Executive Editor
Glen Ford Art: Queen Mother by
Margaret Warfield
How the Media Uses Blacks to Chastize Blacks -
The Colored Mind-Doubles by Ishmael Reed (White) Male
Privilege, Black Respectability, and Black
Women's Bodies by Mark Anthony Neal
Issue 179
- April 13 2006 Cover Story: The
McKinney Affair- Rampaging Racism and a
Cowardly Caucus by BC Publishers Glen Ford and
Peter Gamble
Cartoon: King Dubya's Trojan Horse - U.S. Offers
"Aid" to Iran Freedom Rider:
McKinney, DeLay and Distraction by Margaret
Kimberley BC Editor and Senior Commentator
Bruce's Beat: Black news on the road to
extinction... Black politicians who should go
extinct... But Black newspaper celebrates good
times... Email from readers by BC Editor Bruce
Dixon Radio BC: Immigrant
Militancy, Black Malaise by BC Co-Publisher
and Executive Editor Glen Ford
Art: Enigmatic Variations on Liebestraum by
Larry Richardson Think Piece: Back to
the Future - The U.S. in Iraq and the
Philippines by William Loren Katz
Urban League's Annual Death Report: The cynical
musings of an ignored black boy in America by
Dr. Alonzo Fleming, Jr. Racism Is Alive and
Well in the Academe by Abdul Karim Bangura,
Guest Commentator
Issue 178
- April 6 2006 Cover Story:
Portrait of a Negro Corporate Politician -
Kasim Reed: Lawyer for the Rich and Racist by
BC Editor Bruce Dixon
Cartoon: Happy 4th Birthday Freedom Rider:
Immigration and America’s Bad Karma by
Margaret Kimberley, BC Editor and Senior
Bruce's Beat: Cory Booker - Pimp My City...
NAFTA: Run to the border... McKinney: Don’t
profile me... Email from readers by BC Editor
Bruce Dixon Radio BC: Thoughts
on BC’s 4th Anniversary - Drawing ‘Bright
Lines’ for the Future by BC Co-Publisher and
Executive Editor Glen Ford
Art: African Poet by Mari Hall CBC Monitor Report:
When Being Silent Speaks Loudly - Part II by
Leutisha Stills
Think Piece: Race, Place, and Freedom - A
Katrina Classroom Memoir by Paul Street Who’s Pimpin’ Who? -
The Hip-Hop Generation’s Need to Rename
(Reclaim) Itself by Marjorie Fields Harris,
Esq. with Reverend Darren Ferguson, Guest
Drug Leniency for the Privileged - Draconian
Sentences for Blacks and Latinos by Anthony
Papa, Guest Commentator
Issue 177
- March 30 2006 Cartoon: Harold
Ford, Jr. Slanders His Grandmother's Name
Cover Story: Rep. Harold Ford, Jr. Insults His
Grandmother and Our People by BC Publishers Glen
Ford and Peter Gamble Freedom Rider:
Liberal Love for Right Wing Cory Booker by
Margaret Kimberley, BC Editor and Senior
Bruce's Beat: Anti-immigrant hysteria versus
common sense... The 'neutered' Black Caucus...
Crash and burn... Email from readers by BC
Editor Bruce Dixon Radio BC: The
Insanity of Black Anti-Immigrant Politics by
BC Co-Publisher and Executive Editor Glen Ford
A Rage of Disenfranchisement By Ryan Paul
Haygood, Guest Commentator Malcolm and Martin:
The Struggle Continues by Jason Bailey, Guest
Think Piece: Race Dialogue Is Back, But... Did
Racism Ever Go Away? by Anthony Asadullah Samad
Issue 176
- March 23 2006 Cover Story: The
Need for Struggle - Blacks at a Political
Impasse by BC Publishers Glen Ford and Peter
Cartoon: The Feeding of the Halliburton Pig Freedom Rider: Let
Iran Have the Bomb by Margaret Kimberley, BC
Editor and Senior Commentator
Bruce's Beat: Are some human beings illegal?...
Did immigrants shut down U.S. manufacturing
jobs?... What’s the meaning behind Tavis’s
smile?... Email from readers by BC Editor Bruce
Dixon Radio BC:
Transcontinental Theft: From Baghdad to New
Orleans by BC Co-Publisher and Executive
Editor Glen Ford
Art: It Is All About The Hat by Margaret
Warfield An Iraq War
Retrospective, from March 20, 2003: Bush’s
Road Leads to Ruin for Himself and His Pirates
by BC Publishers Glen Ford and Peter Gamble
CBC Monitor Report: When Being Silent Speaks
Loudly - Part I by Leutisha Stills House Katrina
Package: Much Too Little; Much Too Late by
Chris Kromm
Think Piece: ‘Crash’ and the Self-indulgence of
White America by Robert Jensen and Robert
Issue 175
- March 16 2006 Cover Story: Blacks
and Browns - The Need to Make Common Cause by
BC Editor Bruce Dixon
Cartoon: Look Out Below! - Dubya the
Surveillance Bird Freedom Rider: Civil
War in America by Margaret Kimberley, BC
Editor and Senior Commentator
Bruce's Beat: Walkin' to New Orleans ... Uphold
the Right to Return, Rebuild and Remain...
Progressive Forces in Motion... by BC Editor
Bruce Dixon Radio BC: Big Money
Bites Itself in Ass by BC Co-Publisher &
Executive Editor Glen Ford
Art: Venture & Freedom by Larry Richardson Et tu Michael Eric
Dyson? - Fraternizing with the Devil by Dr.
Jared A. Ball, PhD, Guest Commentator
Revisiting King’s ‘White Moderate’ by Rhone
Fraser, Guest Commentator Think Piece:
Standing at the Crossroads - Race, Class, and
Art by Kevin Alexander Gray
Investigating the Crash Scene by Derik Smith,
Guest Commentator Justus - A conscious
comic for the unconscious world - A four panel
cartoon strip by Reginald Butler
Issue 174
- March 9 2006 Cover Story: "Bright
Lines" for Black America: Poverty - Peace -
Prisons by BC Publishers Glen Ford and Peter
Cartoon: The Smiling Negroes - All the Way to
the Bank The Voice of BC Paid
Subscribers: The BC Bottom Line... Email from
BC Paid Subscribers by BC Staffer Nancy
Freedom Rider: Subject: Drug Money Wins Olympics
by Margaret Kimberley, BC Editor and Senior
Commentator Bruce's Beat: Tavis
is a marketer, not a movement leader... Andrew
Young misspends the movement's moral
capital... BC answers a hater... and emails
from our readers by BC Editor Bruce Dixon
Radio BC: Is T.D. Jake's Deal Going Sour? Art: Cool Jazz by
Mari Hall
The CBC Monitor Report: Sorry, Heritage, I’m Not
For Sale by Leutisha L. Stills, CBC Monitor Nike: Borrowing From
The Dope Man’s Playbook by Rev. Reynard N.
Blake, Jr., Guest Commentator
Chitlin’ Jobs - Black Folks Get Diminishing
Scraps by Meizhu Lui, Guest Commentator
Issue 173
- March 2 2006 Cover Story: Andy
Young - The Shameless Son by BC Editor Bruce
Cartoon: Restore Her Seniority - Congressperson
Cynthia McKinney, Democrat - Georgia Freedom Rider:
Bush’s Arab Cronies by Margaret Kimberley BC
Editor and Senior Commentator
Bruce's Beat: "Brand Name" Black Folks...
Wal-Mart Worshippers and Acolytes... Katrina:
The Greatest Shock of All... and eMail from our
readers by BC Editor Bruce Dixon Radio BC: Iraqi
Chickens Come Home to Roost
Art: Life Is A Song by Margaret Warfield Why Is Tavis
Smiling? And Why Are We Watching? by Leutisha
Stills, Guest Commentator
Think Piece: Booker T. vs. DuBois: Retrospective
on the Washington/Duboisian Black Leadership
Paradigms, Part II by Martin Kilson, PhD Notes on Political
Education by Jonathan Scott, Guest Commentator
Letter to Shani Davis: Show ‘Em Your South Side
by Roger Brown, Guest Commentator
Issue 172
- February 23 2006 Cover Story: Katrina
Shock: Therapy for Black America by BC
Publishers Glen Ford and Peter Gamble
Cartoon: King Dubya and his impeachment poll Freedom Rider: Dead
Eye Dick Cheney by Margaret Kimberley
Bruce's Beat: Halliburton's ‘Immigration
Emergency’ Detention Centers... Legislative
leaders are campaign cash funnels... The
performance of Black leaders... and eMail from
our readers by BC Associate Editor Bruce Dixon Radio BC: Black
Children Left Behind - by Design
Art: Lady Day by Larry Richardson Turning Racism
Upside Down To See It Rightside Up by Dr.
Edward Rhymes, Guest Commentator
Think Piece: Retrospective on the
Washington/DuBoisian - Black Leadership
Paradigms: Part I by Martin Kilson, PhD Congress Betrays
Both the People and the Constitution by Pat
Gowens, Guest Commentator
Affirmative Action in Brazil - The Day of the
Lambs by Italo Ramos, Guest Commentator
Issue 171
- February 16 2006 Cover Story: A
‘Movement’ Against Wal-Mart? by BC Publishers
Glen Ford and Peter Gamble
Cartoon: Haiti Votes - Again! Freedom Rider:
Halliburton Detention Centers by Margaret
Bruce's Beat: First Annual Lawn Jockey Awards -
they're off and running... Rep. Harold Ford and
King funeral 'fabrications'...More on 'Failures
of the Black Leadership Class'... and eMail from
our readers by BC Associate Editor Bruce Dixon Radio BC: Uncle
Sam's Haiti Thugocracy
Art Form: Hot Jazz by Mari Hall Haitian Election
Sends World a Message by John Maxwell
Coretta Scott King Goes Home by Donald H.
Smith, PhD, Guest Commentator
Why Cynthia McKinney Lost Her Seniority and
Didn’t Get It Back by Jeff Blankfort Think Piece: Glory
Road, A Miscarriage of Glory by Dexter L.
Issue 170
- February 9 2006 Cover Story: Failure
of the Black Misleadership Class by BC
Associate Editor Bruce Dixon
Cartoon: New Orleans Election Freedom Rider:
Coretta and Endesha Ida Mae by Margaret
Radio BC: The Pirate Budget - Theft by the
Numbers Bruce's Beat: No
white 'victims of racism'... No more
'theories' of down-lowness... No peace for CBC
'derelicts'... e-Mail from readers by BC
Associate Editor Bruce Dixon
Art Form: "Like That" by Margaret Warfield The West's Debt to
Africa - An Argument for Reparations by
Courtenay Barnett, Guest Commentator
Milwaukee Voucher Ads Flunk Black History by
Daniel Pryzbyla Black Hip Hop
History by Akweli Parker, Guest Commentator
Issue 169
- February 2 2006 Cover Story: The
Good, Mediocre and Ugly of the Black Caucus -
CBC Monitor Releases New Report Card by BC
Publishers Glen Ford and Peter Gamble
Cartoon: Who Runs a Plantation - GOP or DLC? Freedom Rider: Bin
Laden’s Wasted Warning by Margaret Kimberley
Radio BC: The American Imperative to Steal Bruce's Beat:
Oprah’s protect-the-brand strategy... The two
Democratic parties... Mass incarceration and
economic development... Fetishizing the United
Nations... e-Mail from readers
Art Form: Icons of Faith by Larry Richardson Think Piece: Ray
Nagin, White Rage and the Manufacturing of
‘Reverse’ Racism by Tim Wise
Call for a Black Community Renaissance Movement
by Martin Kilson, PhDArt Form Art Form: Coretta
Scott King as Our Lady of Sorrows by Erin
Martin Luther King, Jr., Democratic Socialist by
Paul Street Justus - A conscious
comic for the unconscious world by Reginald
Issue 168
- January 26 2006 Cover Story: Black
Convention Tackles Economic Issues - Jobs and
Development to Dominate in Gary by BC
Publishers Glen Ford and Peter Gamble
Cartoon: King Dubya Is Watching Freedom Rider:
Hillary Clinton’s Plantation by Margaret
Radio BC: One Setback for Wal-Mart, One Small
Step for Mankind Bruce's Beat:
Belafonte: One of the Tallest Trees in the
Forest... More on 'Chocolate Cities'... A
Rent-A-Negro for the U.S. Senate... e-Mail
from readers
Art Form: RAH RAH - Haitian musicians by Mari
Hall Segregated Schools:
Shame of The City by Jonathan Kozol
The GOP’s Black Voter Suppression Strategy by
Dr. G. Derek Musgrove, Guest Commentator
Think Piece: Memo to Big Oil Companies -
Africa’s Oil Belongs to Africans By Mark P.
Issue 167
January 19 2006 Cover Story:
Fighting the Theft of New Orleans - The Rhythm
of Resistance by BC Publishers Glen Ford and
Peter Gamble
Cartoon: Katrina Black Removal Plan Freedom Rider:
Oprah’s Best Self by Margaret Kimberley
Radio BC: Harold Ford Jr. Sucks Up to Bush and
His War Bruce’s Beat: Does
‘Black’ medicine work for whites?... Bush
regime an ‘equal opportunity destroyer’?... Is
BC ‘harshly leftist’?... by BC Associate
Editor Bruce A. Dixon
Art Form: Dream Maker by Margaret Warfield Turning Democracy
Right Side Up by Ryan Paul Haygood, Guest
Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Expansive Dream by The
Rev. Irene Monroe, Guest Commentator Stalling the Dream:
Racial Gaps in the Car Culture by Meizhu Lui,
Guest Commentator
A Canadian Ban on U.S. Rapper? 50 Cent Solutions
to One Dollar Problems by Mesfin Aman, Guest
Commentator Justus - A conscious
comic for the unconscious world by Reginald
Butler - A three panel cartoon strip
Issue 166
January 12 2006 Cover Story: BC vs.
The Wall Street Journal by BC Associate Editor
Bruce Dixon
Cartoon: Lou Rawls (1935 - 2006) Freedom Rider: Lynn
Swann and Black Republicans by Margaret
Radio BC: Right On! Harry and Hugo Art Form: "To be
Sold" by Larry Richardson
Think Piece: Colin Powell, Liar Extraordinaire
by David Swanson America in Bush’s
Crosshairs by Rep. Cynthia McKinney
The Demise of Public Schooling by Patricia A.
Young, PhD, Guest Commentator
Cartoon: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - "Let
Freedom Ring" The ‘Promised Land’
- Why We're Still Waiting by Anthony Asadullah
Samad, Guest Commentator
Issue 165
January 5 2006 Cover Story:
Katrina: A Study - Black Consensus, White
Dispute by BC Publishers Glen Ford and Peter
Cartoon: Happy New Year: Truth to Power in 2006 Freedom Rider: Henry
Louis Gates and the Times: Unfit to Print by
Margaret Kimberley
Bruce's Beat: Do "War People" exist?... Does
Condi deserve loyalty?... Black Mayors don't get
a pass... e-Mail from readers by BC Associate
Editor Bruce Dixon
Radio BC: The Roots of Black-on-Black Crime Art Form: THE HIGH
A New Iraq or a New Orleans? by James Clingman,
Guest Commentator Think Piece: Racism,
Free Speech and the College Campus by Tim Wise
The War Against Civilization by John Maxwell
Issue 164
December 22 2005 Cover Story: The
‘Most Corrupt’ Congress Ever - Including
Elements of the Black Caucus by BC Publishers
Glen Ford and Peter Gamble
Cartoon: Santa Dubya's Christmas Gift Freedom Rider:
Australia’s Racism by Margaret Kimberley
Radio BC - Dec 15: The Bush Gang: Clowns with
Frowns Radio BC - Dec 30:
Samuel Alito: Reactionary Activist
Art Form: Patch Work Rhythms by Margaret
Warfield The CBC Monitor is
Watching: Making Black Politicians Accountable
by Leutisha L. Stills, CBC Monitor
Think Piece: The Double Standard of Righteous
Indignation by Edward Rhymes Condoleezza Rice: A
Death Trip by John Maxwell, Guest Commentator
Issue 163
December 15 2005 Cover Story: 2005:
The Year of Living Dangerously for Black Folks
by BC Publishers Glen Ford and Peter Gamble
Cartoon: Richard Pryor: December 1, 1940 -
December 10, 2005 Ode to Richard
Pryor: by Dr. Edward Rhymes, Guest Commentator
Freedom Rider: Condi, Torture and Christmas by
Margaret Kimberley Cartoon: Condoleezza
the Warmonger
Radio BC: The War Parties, Both of Them Bruce's Beat:
Obama’s Mushy Mouth... Condoleezza Rice’s
Torture Tour... Hispanic Ethnicity: What Do
Blacks Have To Say About It?...The Dogs of
War: Who Let Them Loose?... by BC Associate
Editor Bruce Dixon
Art Form: Still Searching for my Sovereign Self
by Larry Richardson The Harlem Project:
The Weapon That Ended the War by Jonathan
David Farley, D.Phil., Guest Commentator
Think Piece: Ole Massa Learns the True Meaning
of Christmas by Brooks Berndt History will Absolve
Fidel by John Maxwell
Issue 162
December 8 2005 Cover Story:
Corporate Plantation - Political Repression
and the Hampton Model: Heavy-handed Repression
of Recent Student Activism by John Robinson
and Brandon King
Cartoon: Mardi Gras 2006? Freedom Rider: Evil
Racist Children and the Media Who Love Them by
Margaret Kimberley
Radio BC: Iraq: Who The Let Dogs Loose? Bruce's Beat:
Spineless minions of the Democratic Party...
Preying on the vulnerability of the poor...
Losing moral courage to corporate bag
men...e-Mail from readers... by BC Associate
Editor Bruce Dixon
Art Form: Mambo by Mari Hall Think Piece:
Obituary: The Late (not-so-Great) King Sugar
by John Maxwell
Sharks, Elephants, Abandoned Puppies, and a
Tiger of a Total Man: Stanley ‘Tookie’ Williams
by Terry Lynn Howcott Guest Commentator Rosa Parks,
Constitutional Theory and the Role of
Government by Congressperson Jesse L. Jackson,
Justus - A conscious comic for the unconscious
world by Reginald Butler
Issue 161
December 1 2005 Cover Story: Obama
Mouths Mush on War by BC Publishers Glen Ford
and Peter Gamble
Cartoon: Trickle Down Bankruptcy Freedom Rider:
Republican Sex Freaks by Margaret Kimberley
Radio BC: Are Hispanics an Ethnic Group? Which is the Black
Oriented Media? by Alex Walker, Guest
Art Form: Ester by Margaret Warfield ‘Whiteness’ and
Other Lies - An Interview with David Roediger
by Seth Sandronsky
Storm Warnings for America’s Public Schools by
Paul A. Moore, Guest Commentator Voter Photo ID -
Legislators Should Look Before They Leap by
Alaina C. Beverly, Guest Commentator
‘Interview with Katrina’ by Rhone Fraser, Guest
Issue 160
November 24 2005
Radio BC: Civil Rights via Business Card Cover Story: Three
Who See the War Clearly - Reps. McKinney,
Serrano and Wexler by BC Publishers Glen Ford
and Peter Gamble
Cartoon: Thanksgiving in the Land of Plenty Freedom Rider: Bob
Woodward and the Media Liars by Margaret
Breaches of Trust - Stooges of Power and
Distortion by John Maxwell Art Form: Blessed
with Color by Larry Richardson
Condi Rice's Disdain for the Civil Rights
Movement by J.L. Chestnut, Jr. Think Piece:
Pigmentation and the Pigskin - The Politics of
Race in Professional Football by Matthew C.
In Peru, Afro-Descendants Fight Ingrained
Racism, Invisibility by Ángel Páez Justus - A conscious
comic for the unconscious world by Reginald
Issue 159
November 17 2005
Radio BC: Homo racist americanus Cover Story: What
Use Are Black Mayors? An Open Letter to the
National Conference of Black Political
Scientists by Jerry G. Watts
Cartoon: Thou shalt not question my war! Freedom Rider: Ohio
Vote Theft, Now and Forever by Margaret
Riots are a Class Act And Often They’re the Only
Alternative by Gary Younge Think Piece: Paris
is burning - Post-Industrial Social
Insurrections and the Wretched of the Earth by
Kwame Dixon, PhD
Let them Eat Merde by John Maxwell Art Form: TrueHeart
by Mari Hall
Wilma and FEMA vs. the Poor - The Underreported
Story by Joseph Phelan, Miami Workers Center
Communications Letter from a Black
Man in Canada: Rosa Parks v. Condoleezza Rice
by Norman (Otis) Richmond, Guest Commentator
Judge Constance Baker Motley: ‘A Significant
Life’ by Donita Judge, Guest Commentator
Issue 158
November 10 2005
Radio BC: France Writhes, America Backslides Cover Story: Whose
Plan for New Orleans? Blacks Need a Vision for
the Cities by BC Co-Publishers Glen Ford and
Peter Gamble
Cartoon: The Fate of New Orleans - Who Decides? Freedom Rider: Imus
and Andy by Margaret Kimberley
No Place to Call Home. People of the Dome,
Revisited by Mitchell Cohen Art Form: Dancing On
The Sheets by Margaret Warfield
Resisting the Pistons of Empire: One America for
Peace by Greg Moses Congressional Black
Caucus Katrina Relief Bill
On the Tenth Anniversary of Ken Saro-Wiwa’s
Exeuction by his son, Ken Wiwa Think Piece: What’s
the Matter with What’s the Matter with Kansas
or Why Liberal Whites Worry Black
Progressives. by Tyrone Simpson
Justus - A conscious comic for the unconscious
world by Reginald Butler - A three panel cartoon
Issue 157
November 3 2005 Radio BC: The
Sublime Presence of Rosa Parks
Cover Story: Dems Join GOP to Muzzle Black
Speech - Immunity Sought for Uncle Tom Behavior
by BC Co-Publishers Glen Ford and Peter Gamble Cartoon: There's
still plenty of stuff in the back of the bus
Freedom Rider: Bush and the Pirates on Trial by
Margaret Kimberley Post-Katrina New
Orleans: The Crisis of Black Leadership
Revisited by Francis A. Kornegay, Guest
An Open Letter to the Mayor of New Orleans: Flip
the Local Economic Development Script by Audrey
McFarlane, Guest Commentator Art Form: The Five
Graces (Why War) by Larry Richardson
Think Piece: The Spiritual Death of a Nation by
Paul Street GAO Report on 2004
Election: Results Could Have Been Flipped, by
Bob Fitrakis & Harvey Wasserman
Blacks Rated Lower Than Animals by Jonathan
David Farley, D.Phil., Guest Commentator
Issue 156
October 27 2005
Radio BC: New Poll - Most Iraqis Want US Out Cover Story: The
Battle for New Orleans - Only a Real Movement
Can Win This War by BC Co-Publishers Glen Ford
and Peter Gamble
Cartoon: The new New Orleans Freedom Rider:
Toledo, New Orleans and the Failure of Black
Leadership by Margaret Kimberley
A Moment of Silence for Rosa Parks - A Poem by
Rodney Coates, PhD, Guest Commentator Think Piece: Seeing
Ourselves Through Our Own Black Eyes by Darice
Art Form: Maxine - Dedicated to the memory of
Rosa Parks by Mari Hall Player Hating:
Setting Rigid Controls for ‘Nothing But
Africans’ by Terry Lynn Howcott, Guest
Morpheus Evolution by Morpheus, Guest
Commentator The Great Reward by
Brooks Berndt, Guest Commentator
Canada’s Crimes Against Haiti by Norman (Otis)
Richmond, Guest Commentator
Issue 155
October 20 2005
Radio BC: The GOP's Black Outreach Farce Cover Story: MMM -
The Quest for a ‘Movement’ by BC Co-Publishers
Glen Ford and Peter Gamble
Cartoon: Trouble in Dubya Dom Freedom Rider:
Education Apartheid Lives On by Margaret
Think Piece: Crack, Congress and the Million Man
March by Nkechi Taifa The Confederates of
Memphis (and Negroes who have more important
things to do) by D'Army Bailey, Guest
Art Form: Circle Of Friends by Margaret Warfield Voting Rights and
Katrina by Ryan Paul Haygood, Guest
Haiti, Imperialism, and the Treachery of
Liberals by Shirley Pate, Guest Commentator Elections in Haiti:
Papering Over an Illegal Situation by the
Haiti Action Committee
Issue 154
October 13 2005
Radio BC: White America - Black America Cover Story: Black
Mecca: The Death of an Illusion - Atlanta
Leads Nation in Child Poverty by Bruce A.
Dixon, BC Associate Editor
Cartoon: Islamo-fascism! Freedom Rider: Porn
in High Places by Margaret Kimberley
Think Piece: Black Civil Society’s Leadership
Burden by Martin Kilson, PhD Art Form: Searching
For Freedom by Larry Richardson
How Black Conservatives Hurt Their Cause by
James Thindwa, Guest Commentator The Millions More
March: Black America’s ‘Last Chance,’ or Just
The Next One... by Anthony Asadullah Samad
Guest Commentator
Haiti's Children's Prison - Hope is Fading by
Judith Scherr Displaced or a
Refugee? - The Legal Difference by Tamara K.
Nopper, Guest Commentator
Justus: A conscious comic for the unconscious
world - The Bright Side of Katrina by Reginald
Issue 153
October 6 2005 Radio BC: Press
Silence on Impeachment
Cover Story: Where the Left Lives - Black
America is the Core By Bruce A. Dixon, BC
Associate Editor Cartoon: Bill
Bennett's Final Solution
Freedom Rider: Bill Bennett’s Fantasy - Freak in
Life, Demon in Imagination by Margaret Kimberley Think Piece: Bill
Bennett and Other Runaway Ideologues by
Anthony Asadullah Samad
Art Form: Work of BC artist Mari Hall chosen for
"1964 Civil Rights Act" First Day Cover Postage
Stamp After the Deluge:
How Do Blacks Get to the Table? by Earl
Picard, PhD, Guest Commentator
'Castaways’ Above the Fold by Bernestine
Singley, Guest Commentator An Evolution of Lies
by Harold M. Clemens, Guest Commentator
Issue 152
September 29 2005 Radio BC: Black
Faces in High Places Don’t Mean Progress
Cover Story: Who is Serving Who? Congressional
Black Caucus Chief Rejects Need to Account by BC
Co-Publishers Glen Ford and Peter Gamble Cartoon: Roots of
War in Sudan: Oil
Freedom Rider: Andrew Young and Vote Theft by
Margaret Kimberley Think Piece:
Pro-Black Thugs, Pimpin' Revolutionaries &
Alien Conspiracies - Navigating the Underbelly
of the ‘Conscious’ Community by Morpheus
The Slave Master and the Devil by Brooks Berndt,
Guest Commentator Art Form: The
Alliance Of Soul And Dance by Margaret
Framing Katrina: Dominant Media and Damage
Control in the Wake of a Not-so Natural Disaster
by Paul Street Guest Commentator In Arkansas,
Grassroots Activists to the Rescue of Katrina
Evacuees by Seth Sandronsky Guest Commentator
A Personal Commentary on the Hurricane Katrina
Aftermath by Faye Kennedy Guest Commentator Minority Inclusion
is Diversity Diversion at the GOP: A View from
the Black Republican Side by Wamara Mwine
Guest Commentator
Issue 151
September 22 2005 Radio BC: The Black
Caucus is in Trouble
Cover Story: CBC Monitor: Watchdogs of the Black
Caucus - Harold Ford and David Scott Rated Worst Rescue Came from the
Grass Roots: The People, Not FEMA, Saved
Themselves by Bruce Dixon, BC Associate Editor
Cartoon: No Interracial Movement Without Shared
Resources Freedom Rider: Where
was Dick Cheney During Katrina? by Margaret
A Pitiable Response to Katrina: Citizens Swept
Aside by Government by Rep. Bennie G. Thompson,
Guest Commentator Think Piece: Vote or
Die: The Lessons of Katrina by Maya
Rockeymoore, Ph.D.
Art Form: The Axis of Life by Larry Richardson New Orleans Unmasks
"Apartheid, American Style" by Jason Miller,
Guest Commentator
Wade in the Water: Reflections on Race, Class
and Katrina by Alton B. Pollard, III, Guest
Commentator Brighter Prospects?
Ms. Bush and White America’s Rhetoric of
Limited Alternatives by Jacqueline Bacon,
Guest Commentator
Ready for Revolution: A message for Barbara Bush
by Toronto Jones, Guest Commentator
Issue 150
September 15 2005
Radio BC: The Congressional Black Caucus’s
Mission - Uphold the Right to Return, Rebuild
and Remain Cover Story: Hold
the United States Accountable - The
Internationally Recognized Rights of the
‘Internally Displaced’ by Ajamu Baraka
Cartoon: American Child Neglect Freedom Rider:
Judith Miller and Jayson Blair by Margaret
Katrina: Contemporary Screams of Agony by Terry
Lynn Howcott, Guest Commentator The Political Wrath
of Hurricane Katrina by Paul Tiyambe Zeleza,
Guest Commentator
Expulsion is Transfer: The Colonial Logic of
Bush’s Response to New Orleans by Jonathan
Scott, Guest Commentator Art Form: SHE AIN'T
HEAVY by Mari Hall
Jefferson’s Crime: Not Mitigated by the
Standards of the Time by Robert Jensen Think Piece:
Rethinking Superiority: Reflections on
Whiteness and the Cult of ‘Progress’ by Tim
The Great American Jobs Scam by Greg LeRoy Blacks of Native
American Ancestry Fight for Recognition by
Damario Solomon Simmons, Guest Commentator
Issue 149
September 8 2005 Radio BC - Read and
or Listen to the latest audio commentary: New
Orleans Population has the Right of Return
Cover Story: The Lowdown on the Downlow -
Looking For HIV/AIDS in All the Wrong Places -
An Investigative Report by Bruce Dixon, BC
Associate Editor Cartoon:
Million-Souls Black Prison Gulag
Freedom Rider: New Orleans and the Demise of the
Democrats by Margaret Kimberley Cartoon: New Orleans
- Genocide by Depraved Indifference
Unbearable Crime on the Mississippi by Thulani
Davis, Guest Commentator Think Piece:
Blasphemy About New Orleans - A God With Whom
I am Not Familiar by Tim Wise
America’s Pretenses Washed Away by Scottie Lowe,
Guest Commentator Art Form: Waiting On
My Blessing by Margaret Warfield
People for the American Way Blasts Black ‘Front’
Group - Project 21 Called "A Laughable Attempt
to Redefine ‘Civil Rights’" Wealth of West Built
on Africa's Exploitation by Richard Drayton
Back To School: A Letter to Teachers by Roger
Brown, Guest Commentator
Issue 148
July 28 2005
Summer reading issue Cover Story: The
Best of BC Cover Stories
The Best of Freedom Rider by Margaret Kimberley Best of our Guest
Issue 147
July 21 2005 Cover Story: Mass
Incarceration is an Abomination by Bruce
Dixon, BC Associate Editor
Freedom Rider: Questions for the NAACP by
Margaret Kimberley Cartoon:
Understanding Pickaninnies and Improving the
Race by Troy Peters, Guest Commentator Mystery of The Negro
Conservative by Charles Cinque Fulwood, Guest
Art Form: Passing Through Life by Mari Hall Think Piece:
Economic Decline and the Color Line, Part Two
- Pragmatic Black Radicalism by Marcellus
Slavery, Reparations, and the Uses (and Abuses)
of History by Jacqueline Bacon, Guest
Commentator Relishing Freedom in
the Face of Injustice by Kirsten Levingston
and Alan Jenkins, Guest Commentators
Operation Dixie: Notes on a Promise Abandoned by
J.H. O'Dell
Issue 146
July 14 2005
Cover Story: Ten Worst Places to be Black by
Bruce Dixon, BC Associate Editor Cartoon: Terrorism
Freedom Rider: British Treated Like Iraqis by
Margaret Kimberley Think Piece:
Economic Decline and the Color Line, Part One
- The Racial Consequences of Conservative
Economic Failure by Marcellus Andrews
Art Form: I Wish I Could Believe by Larry
Richardson Black Congressional
Leadership Drives Demand for Downing Street
Minutes Investigation by David Swanson, Guest
Tragedy or Farce? White Supremacy is
Incompatible with Civilization by Jonathan
Scott, Guest Commentator Terror and
Civilization by John Maxwell
‘Strange Fruit’ in Iraq - Journalist Who Probed
Torture and Executions is Murdered by Lizz
Brown, Guest Commentator Justus - A conscious
comic for the unconscious world by Reginald
Issue 145
July 7 2005 Cover Story: PBS
Shills for a Black Trojan Horse - The Cory
Booker Propaganda Show
Cartoon: King Dubya's Court Freedom Rider: Not
Another Clarence Thomas by Margaret Kimberley
Think Piece: America, the Violent (Part II) by
Ira M. Leonard Art Form: Humble
Praise by by Margaret Warfield
Knowing The Difference Between A Conscious
Black, A Negro and A Ni**a - Our Progress
Depends On It by Anthony Asadullah Samad, Guest
Commentator White Mexican Racism
Rears Its Ugly Head Again by Abdul Karim
Bangura, Guest Commentator
Haitian Elections: No Voters, No Problem by Sue
Ashdown and Olivia Burlingame Goumbri, Guest
Issue 144
June 30 2005
Cover Story: It’s Time to Build a Mass Movement
by Bruce Dixon BC Associate Editor Cartoon: Clarence
Thomas - Lord High Ececutioner
Freedom Rider: America’s Love of Empire by
Margaret Kimberley Still Separate,
Unequal: Race, Place, Policy, and the State of
Black Chicago by Paul Street
Think Piece: Violence is the engine of U.S.
history (Part I) by Ira M. Leonard Art Form: The day
that I saw into the Deported Muslim woman's
eyes by Pleasant
Psycho Americans by John Maxwell Never Too Late to
End Terror by Ron Scott, Guest Commentator
Pining for the Pistons by Dave Zirin, Guest
Commentator Justus - A conscious
comic for the unconscious world by Reginald
Issue 143
June 23 2005 Cover Story: Reject
the Language of White Supremacy
Cartoon: George Bush's Blacks Freedom Rider: RX
for Black Hearts by Margaret Kimberley
Slavery in the Third Millennium, Part III -
Human Bondage Revisited: the Return of the Chain
Gang by Randall G. Shelden, Guest Commentator Think Piece: The
Black Church: Now, More Than Ever by Rev.
Reynard N. Blake, Jr.
Art Form: Erzulie - The Goddess of Love in the
Haitian religion by Mari Hall Harold Ford, Social
Security, and Telling Lies by Charles Cinque
Fulwood, Guest Commentator
Clarence Thomas: Searching for Death While
Burying the Truth by Greg Moses, Guest
Commentator Who Appointed Tony
Blair as Africa’s Messiah? by Mark P. Fancher,
Guest Commentator
Issue 142
June 16 2005
Cover Story: The Meaningless Apology on Lynching Cartoon: Know for
Whom the Senate Apologizes
Freedom Rider: Racist Delivers Lynching Apology
by Margaret Kimberley Slavery in the Third
Millennium, Part II - Prisons and Convict
Leasing Help Perpetuate Slavery by Randall G.
Shelden, Guest Commentator
Think Piece: Condoleezza Rice, Slavery and the
Second Amendment by George E. Curry Art Form: Harlequins
Hands by Larry Richardson
If White America had a Bill Cosby by Jonathan
Scott, Guest Commentator The Lords of Dark
Town Rescue Us All by Martin de Porres, Guest
Issue 141
June 9 2005 Cover Story: Health
Discrimination - A 21st Century Civil Rights
Issue by Maya Rockeymoore, PhD
Cartoon: Healthcare is a Human Right Freedom Rider: John
Conyers and Deep Throat by Margaret Kimberley
Think Piece: Debate Over the Future of the
AFL-CIO - More Heat Than Light by Bill Fletcher,
Jr. Slavery in the Third
Millennium, Part I - Prisons and Slavery:
Seeking Cheap Labor and Control of
African-Americans by Randall G. Shelden, Guest
Art Form: The Dance of Joy by Margaret Warfield The Unfulfilled
Promise of Brown v. Board of Education by Ryan
Paul Haygood, Guest Commentator
The Legacy of the Bandung by Norman (Otis)
Richmond, Guest Commentator
Issue 140
June 2 2005
Cover Story: Black Labor Calls for New ‘Gary’
Convention - National
Gathering Planned on Broad Black Agenda
Cartoon: Bush's "Ownership Society" Freedom Rider:
Farrakhan and Foxman by Margaret Kimberley
Excuses, Excuses: How the Right Rationalizes
Racial Inequality (Part Three: Housing) by Tim
Wise Black Gay Pride:
Does Green Know the Difference Between Black
and White? by Jasmyne Cannick, Guest
Art Form: Endings in Dover by Pleasant Open Letter to
President Bush on Darfur: Specific Actions to
Stop the Ongoing Genocide
Open Letter to Human Rights Watch: Stop
Dismissing Victims of Haitian Police by Kevin
Pina, BC Associate Editor National Conference
of Black Lawyers - Demands: Hands Off Assata
Justus - A conscious comic for the unconscious
world by Reginald Butler
Issue 139
May 19 2005 Cover Story: Black
Labor’s Voice Amidst the Madness
Cartoon: Jobs in the USA Slide Show Excuses, Excuses:
How the Right Rationalizes Racial Inequality
in America, (Part Two: Criminal Justice) by
Tim Wise
The Color of Politics and the Idiocy of American
Racism by Rodney Foxworth, Guest Commentator Art Form: Malcolm X
- By Any Means Necessary - 05/19/1925 -
02/21/65 by 29
Punks Jump Up to Get Beat Down: The Permanence
of U.S. Mediocrity by Jonathan Scott, Guest
Commentator Song of a Never-Was
South - Will Disney re-release a twisted film?
by Hollis Henry, Guest Commentator
Malcolm X and the Music by Norman (Otis)
Richmond, Guest Commentator Justus - A conscious
comic for the unconscious world by Reginald
Butler - A four panel cartoon strip
Issue 138
May 12 2005
Cover Story: Black Caucus Conservatives Attempt
to Clone Themselves Cartoon: Send in the
Freedom Rider: Gwen Ifill and Hack Journalism by
Margaret Kimberley BET Nightly News
Cancelled - No Big Loss by Michael K.
Fauntroy, PhD, Guest Commentator
Art Form: THE HIGH PRIESTESS OF JACMEL Mari Hall The Browning and
Yellowing of Whiteness by Tamara K. Nopper
Think Piece: "Before we Can Claim our Future, We
Have to Confront our Past": On History and
Self-Defense by Paul Street Conquest &
Desire: A letter from West Africaby Devanne
Brookins, Guest Commentator
Confronting Empire: The Fight For Global Justice
Black Radical Congress to Meet in Atlanta
Issue 137
May 5 2005 Cover Story: Bad,
Bad Janice Brown is Back
Cartoon: A Female Clarence Thomas Freedom Rider: Five
Year-Old in Handcuffs by Margaret Kimberley
No Fools Allowed: e-Mail from readers... Fixing
the Congressional Black Caucus... An Offensive
"Pet Negro"?... Are the brown shirts around the
corner? Leadership in a
World of Change by Rep. Cynthia McKinney
51% Is Not A Mandate - Especially When All the
Votes Were Not Counted by Rep. John Conyers, Jr. Art Form: We Are
One...In Dance Margaret Warfield
Think Piece: Voting Rights and Photo IDs - The
Past As Present by Ryan Paul Haygood Excuses, Excuses:
How the Right Rationalizes Racial Inequality
in America (Part One) by Tim Wise
The Real Taboo? Hollywood, Race, and Romance by
Tom Grayman
Issue 136
April 28 2005
Cover Story: How to Fix the Fractured Black
Caucus Cartoon: The Unholy
Freedom Rider: The Fox News Pope by Margaret
Kimberley Analysis: Corporate
Biopiracy and the Terminator Seed by Bruce
Dixon, BC Associate Editor
Art Form: exhaust of thought by PLEASANT Think Piece: Why
Can’t Blacks Have Their Own Heroes (and
She-roes) Anymore? by Anthony Asadullah Samad
How New York City is Failing Black Kids by
Zahraa Abante-Hayes, Guest Commentator Justus - A conscious
comic for the unconscious world by Reginald
Issue 135
April 21 2005 Cover Story: Black
Caucus Losing Cohesion - It’s Time to Draw
Some ‘Bright Lines’
Cartoon: The Bankruptcy and Estate Tax Bills Freedom Rider:
Fascism: Are We There Yet? by Margaret
Probing the Black Elite’s Role for the 21st
Century (Part Three) by Dr. Martin Kilson Art Form: Rah Rah -
Haitian Musicians by Mari Hall
Think Piece: Is Condi Rice President Bush’s Pet
Negro? by Mark P. Fancher An African in Canada
by Charles Kinyua Ruthari, Guest Commentator
The passing of a legend: Rodolfo ‘Corky’
Gonzales by Jorge Mariscal, Guest Commentator
Issue 134
April 14 2005
Cover Story: Blacks Pushed Down and Out Cartoon: Affirmative
Action: In a Persistent Vegetative State
Freedom Rider: November 2008 - The Democrats
Lose by Margaret Kimberley No Fools Allowed:
e-Mail from readers... Jesse on the wrong
side... What does "Black Elite" mean... DC's
rank good-ol-boy stench
Black Like... Who? - A Look At Black Identity,
Black Unity & Black Studies - Part 1 by
Edward Rhymes PhD Art Form: Music In
The Air by Margaret Warfield
Probing the Black Elite’s Role for the 21st
Century (Part Two) by Dr. Martin Kilson MINUSTAH, US Proxy:
You can’t contain Haiti by Shirley Pate, Guest
Think Piece: Are Women Natural Allies by Lorene
Garrett-Browder "Justus" - A
conscious comic for the unconscious world by
Reginald Butler
Issue 133
April 7 2005 Cover Story: Death
by Design - The Plot to Destroy Social
Insurance by Maya Rockeymoore, PhD
Cartoon: King Dubya - Favor Life The Crying Need for
Black Journalism: Black Commentator’s Third
Anniversary by Glen Ford and Peter Gamble,
Freedom Rider: Why Jesse, Why? by Margaret
Kimberley Probing the Black
Elite’s Role for the 21st Century (Part One)
by Dr. Martin Kilson
Art Form: Optimism of a Light thru the Dark by
PLEASANT Think Piece: New
Revelations about Racism in the Military -
Army Reservist Witnesses War Crimes by Paul
A Riddle For Black Conservatives: What Would
Happen If Terri Was Toya? by Rev. Reynard Blake,
Jr., Guest Commentator Lawyers Against the
War are After Bush by Norman (Otis) Richmond,
Guest Commentator
Issue 132
March 31 2005
Cover Story: The Worst Black Congressperson:
David Scott Cartoon:
Congressperson David Scott and Corporate Cash
Freedom Rider: Self Hatred at Harvard by
Margaret Kimberley No Fools Allowed:
e-Mail from readers... America and its racist
system... Swallowing misinformation... Picking
on the worst of them... Enemies everywhere
like roaches
Art Form: LES MARCHANDES - Dedicated to the
women of Haiti by Mari Hall Credit, Conspicuous
Consumption and Crisis in Black America by
David Crockett, PhD, Guest Commentator
Debt Slavery: What the Bankruptcy Bill Could Do
to You by David Swanson, Guest Commentator Think Piece:
Incident on a Friday Night in Detroit by Ron
‘ Ghetto’ - The New N-Word by Harold M. Clemens,
Guest Commentator " Justus" - A
conscious comic for the unconscious world by
Reginald Butler
Issue 131
March 24 2005 Cover Story: The
U.S. is Becoming a ‘Failed State’
Cartoon: King Dubya's Government Privatization
Plan Freedom Rider: Bread
and Circuses by Margaret Kimberley
No Fools Allowed: e-Mail from readers...
Hoodwinked by outright lies?... Blacks must
confront unions... The machinations of Harold
Ford... Putting what counts on the table Art Form: We Lift
Our Hands by Margaret Warfield
Think Piece: Savage Morality - Selective Concern
and Dominant Media in an Age of Empire and
Inequality by Paul Street Beware Republicans
Bearing Gifts by Troy Peters, Guest
Redefining The Black Struggle: Where Is, And
Just Who Is On, The Frontline? by Anthony
Asadullah Samad, Guest Commentator Diff'rent Strokes
for Diff'rent Folks by John Maxwell
Issue 130
March 17 2005 Cover Story: Why We
Can’t Trust Harold Ford Jr.
Cartoon: King Dubya and Rep. Harold Ford Freedom Rider: Uncle
Toms and Turncoats by Margaret Kimberely
No Fools Allowed: e-Mail from readers... Naming
names and the red carpet... Painting the red
line, very carefully... Killing off the Voting
Rights Act... Does 100% agreement equal
craziness? Art Form: Negro by
Think Piece: Thirty-seven Years of Non-Struggle
Misleadership by James A. Warren PBS Slavery and The
Making of America - Producer Responds to
Wal-Mart: Race to the Bottom by Liza
Featherstone, The Nation Slices of Black
Life: Racial Profiling at JCPenney by Chris
Stevenson, Guest Commentator
" Justus" - A conscious comic for the
unconscious world - A three panel cartoon strip
by by Reginald Butler
129 March 10 2005 Cover Story:
Bush’s Grand Plan for Blacks - Put ‘New
Leaders’ in Charge
Cartoon: Huntin' with Dubya Freedom Rider:
Terrorists in Chicago
No Fools Allowed: A "hit list" for blacks who
"ho" around... Living next to Bush America is
dangerous... Looking for our national
conscience Art Form: Dancing
with Light by Mari Hall
Think Piece: Millions Still Can’t Vote by Ryan
Paul Haygood PBS Says American
Slavery was Natural: Eradicating Bacon’s
Rebellion from Popular Memory by Jonathan
Scott, Guest Commentator
Not Waving but Drowning by John Maxwell Racial Equity
Report Card Flunks Schwarzenegger by Libero
Della Piana, RaceWire
Issue 128
March 3 2005 Cover Story: No Real
Labor ‘Reform’ Without Blacks
Cartoon: Bush Retirement Benefits Freedom Rider: Don’t
Bomb Canada by Margaret Kimberley
Think Piece: Purchased Pulpits and Spiritual
Exploitations by Jasmyne Cannick Art Form: Symphony
Of The Dance by Margaret Warfield
The Harsh but Doable Economics of the American
City by Marcellus Andrews, Guest Commentator Hatian Police Open
Fire on Nonviolent March for Democracy by Bill
Quigley, Guest Commentator
Political Rape Rampant in Haiti by Lyn Duff,
Guest Commentator Reparations for the
Blues by Don Santina, Guest Commentator
Thirty-One States and DC Take Action on Minimum
Wage by David Swanson " Justus" A
conscious comic for the unconscious world - A
three panel cartoon strip
Issue 127
February 24 2005 Cover Story: What
is Bob Johnson up to? - A Exclusive Investigative
Cartoon: Secret Black Summit Freedom Rider:
Right Wing Dreams Come True
The Full Blown "Oprah Effect": Reflections on
Color, Class, and New Age Racism by Paul
Street, Guest Commentator Art Form: The Sun
Divas by Mari Hall
Think Piece: Can Labor Go Beyond Diversity
Lite? by Dwight Kirk The SEIU responds
to a BC article: Rebuilding the Union Movement
to Empower Communities of Color by Gerald
Hudson Malcolm’s
Contribution to Black Voting Rights by Ryan
Paul Haygood, Guest Commentator
Lets take Black History Month to the Next
Level by Norman "Otis" Richmond By any means
necessary - A Malcolm X remembrance painting
by BC digital artist 29
Issue 126
February 17 2005 Cover Story: Threat
of Draft Will Tame Warlike U.S. Populace
Cartoon: Uncle Sam is gonna get you! Freedom Rider:
Russell Simmons and Hip Hop Readers
The Future of Organized Labor in the US:
Reinventing Trade Unionism for the 21st Century Correction: In the
February 3, 2005 BC article, "Black Unionists
Warn: 'Don't Restrucutre Us Out’," the policy
position of the Communication Workers of
America was inadvertently mis-stated regarding
proposed reforms within organized labor.
Art Form: The Day a Blackman cried by PLEASANT African Americans
and Social Security - Why the Privatization
Advocates Are Wrong by William E. Spriggs
Think Piece: Understanding Black History by
James A. Warren "Justus" A conscious
comic for the unconscious world - A three
panel comic strip - Outerview
Issue 125
February 10 2005 Cover Story: The
Twilight Zone - Black History, Bush-Style by
Maya Rockeymoore, PhD
From Haiti to Iraq and Beyond - The Pirates’
Brand of ‘Democracy’ Cartoon: Cuba and US
Export Policy
Freedom Rider: Killing is Good The Silence of the
Blonds, John Maxwell, Guest Commentator
Art Form: Funny...Isn't It by Margaret Warfield
Issue 124
February 3 2005 Cover Story: Black
Unionists Warn "Don't ‘Restructure’ Us Out"
Bribes + Vouchers = Black Bush Supporters Cartoon: Karl Rove
the bribe maker
Freedom Rider: Race Wars Art Form: The Moment
Doubly Divided: The Racial Wealth Gap by Meizhu
Lui Can Freedom Wear
Jackboots? No human rights in Haiti by John
" Justus" A conscious comic for the unconscious
world - A three panel comic strip - Ebonics
Issue 123
January 27 2005 Cover Story: Rice
Arrives Just In Time To Oversee U.S. Decline
Cartoon: W and Condi: We have lit a fire! Freedom Rider: The
Condi and Colin Follies
Art Form: Ti Chou Fleur by Mari Hall Think Piece: The
Global Descent of America by Aijaz Ahmad
Putting the Movement Back into Civil Rights
Teaching by Jenice L. View
Issue 122
January 20 2005 Cover Story: Most of
Dr. King’s People Never Did ‘Get There’
Cartoon: Hail to the Thief Think Piece: Jim
Forman and the Liberal-Labor Syndrome by David
Freedom Rider: Crazy President, Crazy Nation by
Margaret Kimberley Art Form:
Connectivity by Margaret Warfield
The Invisible Asterisk: Reflections of What
Might Have Been by Dr. Edward Rhymes, Guest
Commentator An Asterisk for
Major League Baseball by Don Santina, Guest
Issue 121
January 13 2005 Cover Story:
Armstrong Williams - The Biggest Whore of All
Cartoon: Chief Black GOP Hustler Exposed Freedom Rider:
Banana Republic Margaret Kimberley
Dr. King Was Not a "Dreamer" by Paul Rockwell Art Form: Ignored in
the StarLand by PLEASANT
No Bush Mandate from Women of Color by Linda
Burnham, Guest Commentator Think Piece: African
Bush - Four more years of unfulfilled
promises? by Devanne Brookins
Issue 120
January 6 2005 Cover Story: Black
Point Man for the Right: Rep. Harold Ford, Jr.
Cartoon: Tearing Up Social Security Freedom Rider:
Tsunami of Ignorance by Margaret Kimberley
Think Piece: Gary Webb, African American
Paranoia and the Black Consensus by BC Associate
Editor Bruce A. Dixon Art Form: Three
Roses by Mari Hall
Affirmative Action, Cuban Style by Fitzhugh
Mullan, M.D. Haiti: Blood, Faith
and Tears - Democracy is Not Just a Word -
From the Haiti Information Project
Facing Our Own Tsunami by Walter Fields
Issue 119
December 23 2004 Cover Story: No
Holiday for Vote Thieves
Cartoon: Puppeteer of the Year Freedom Rider: Merry
Christmas, Damn It by Margaret Kimberley
Art Form: Between Friends by Margaret Warfield Black Wealth
Inequality 10-to-1 by Askia Muhammed
A Daughter Sullies Her Father's Legacy -
Misrepresenting MLK on Gay Rights by Earl Ofari
Hutchinson The Good Ol’ Days of
Slavery by William Jelani Cobb
Sam Cooke Still Resonates by Norman (Otis)
Richmond, Guest Commentator
Issue 118
December 16 2004 Cover Story:
Bamboozled - Destruction of Social Security
Would Harm Black Communities by Maya
Rockeymoore, PhD
Cartoon: GOP Vote Adjustment Unit Freedom Rider: The
Right Wing Hates America by Margaret Kimberley
Art Form: Rouge Vermillion by Mari Hall
Think Piece: Notes
on the Democratic Defeat - Conservative
Christian Atavism Ethos or "Christians From
Hell" by Martin Kilson, PhD
What Is The Future Of Black Advocacy In America?
by Anthony Asadullah Samad
Issue 117
December 9 2004 Cover Story: Haiti:
Colin Powell's Crime-in-Progress
Cartoon: Colin Powell's Legacy Freedom Rider:
Bhopal and American WMD by Margaret Kimberley
Art: Chasing The Dance by Margaret Warfield I remember Fred - A
Brilliant Leader Struck Down in His Youth by
Bruce A. Dixon, BC Associate Editor
The White Elephant in the Room: Race and
Election 2004 by Bob Wing Election Reaffirms
‘The South Won The Civil War’ by Minister Dr.
Gyasi A. Foluke, Guest Commentator
Art: Dream Icon 7262 B by Larry Richardson
Issue 116
December 2 2004 Cover Story: Black
Dems Must Clean Up Own House
Cartoon: Kerry in 2008? Freedom Rider: The
November 3rd Movement - Hell No, We Won’t Go
by Margaret Kimberley
Think Piece: The Color of Our Moral Compass by
Eisha Mason Art: Winter Song,
Moon & Tortoise by Mari Hall
Who We Be: Defining Black Identity in 21st
Century America by Ewuare Osayande Wanted: House
Negroes. Will Train. by John Reynolds III,
Guest Commentator
No Ray of Hope by Norman (Otis) Richmond, Guest
Commentator Berlin Anti-Colonial
Conference: 120 Years of African Resistance by
James Culver Jr., Guest Commentator
Issue 115
November 25 2004 The Black
Commentator has lost a founding member,
causing us to suspend normal operations for
this week’s issue. Susan Gamble, BC’s Art
Director and wife of Co-Publisher Peter
Gamble, succumbed to cancer after a five-year
battle. Her imprint on this publication is
Issue 114
November 18 2004 Cover Story: Greens
Shame Dems... Ohio Recount Set... Blacks Weigh
Cartoon: The George W. Bush Heroin Delivery
Service Freedom Rider:
American Terror by Margaret Kimberley
The 2004 Presidential Election: Another Pyrrhic
Victory for White Supremacy by Dr. Alvin Wyman
Walker, Guest Commentator Art Form: Sea of
Deres by Mari Hall
The Republicanization of America: An African’s
Observation on the 2004 U.S. Elections by Dr.
Paul Tiyambe Zeleza Think Piece: The Job
the White Left Won’t Accept by Mark P. Fancher
Was Colin Powell Used To Start Bush’s War In
Iraq? by Anthony Asadullah Samad Anemic U.S. Response
to Darfur Genocide by Ryan Paul Haygood
Issue 113
November 11 2004 Cover Story: Rule by
Theft - Reconstructing the Crime
Cartoon: Faith-Based Bribe Freedom Rider:
Democrats Can’t Win by Margaret Kimberley
No Fools Allowed: Feeling the Thunder...
Cherishing freedom, liberty and justice...
Living under dumb corrupt idiots... Waiting for
a non-white majority No Real Peace
Without Justice - A speech by Arundhati Roy
Art Form: "Dream Icon 7262 A" by Larry
Richardson RIGHTS: Calling
Racism By Its Name by Gustavo Capdevila
Ethnic Cleansing in Ethiopia: Tip of the ‘Golden
Spear’? by keith harmon snow Art Form: A Moment
To Reflect by Margaret Warfield
Issue 112
november 4 2004 Cover Story: Concede
Nothing to Bush - Black Consensus Remains
Cartoon: Get Back to Work - The November 3rd
Movement Freedom Rider: The
Real Boston Curse by Margaret Kimberley
Former Prisoners and the Franchise: "Those
people don’t vote they?" by Ernest
Drucker, PhD and Ricardo Barreras, PhD Art Form: "A Great
Game Called Life" by Mari Hall
No Exit in Black: Trapped by the Economy and
Politics by Marcellus Andrews, Guest Commentator
The African Christ
by Omar Swartz, Guest Commentator
Issue 111
October 28 2004 Election Eve
Special: Black Voters Stand Tall - The rest
of America is problematical
Cover Story: Black Vote Smothered by Electoral
College Cartoon: Bush 2 =
Chief Justice Clarence Thomas
Blacks, Whites Live in ‘Different Moral
Universe’ Freedom Rider:
Election 2004 - The Vote Theft Begins by
Margaret Kimberley
Art Form: "Kulanjan" (African crested
hawk-eagle) by Larry Richardson The Black
Collegian Debate: Bush vs. Kerry Debate on
We’ve Seen This ‘B-Movie’ Before: The New
Black Tokenism and American Empire by Dennis
Childs, Guest Commentator Art Form:
"Today... A New Adventure Begins" by
Margaret Warfield
Issue 110
October 21 2004 Cover Story: Wealth
of a (White) Nation - Blacks Sink Deeper in
Cartoon: Dangerfielded Freedom Rider: Gay
Rights, Civil Rights by Margaret Kimberley
Globalization Not New: Look at the Slave Trade
by Philip Emeagwali Art Form:
Generations by Mari Hall
Could Clarence Thomas be the Next Chief Justice
Under Bush II? by The North Star Network. Kerry vs. Bush,
Edwards vs. Cheney - Comparing Civil Rights
Records by George E. Curry
Issue 109
October 14 2004 Cover Story: Black
Anger, White Money - A Crisis for Black
Cartoon: World Health 3 Frame Slide Show A Clandestine
Interview from Haiti: Resistance in the Slums
of Port au Prince
Freedom Rider: A Desperate White House by
Margaret Kimberley Art Form: "Mesakin
Nuba" by Larry Richardson
No Fools Allowed: The November 3rd Movement...
The Myth of American Meritocracy... Identify
Race Traitors... Faith-Based Economics... A
Senator chooses hell over heaven How Can We Name the
Darfur Crisis: Some Preliminary Thoughts by
Mahmood Mamdani
Shark Tale Controversy: Are Italians the New
Anti-Racist Front? by Libero Della Piana Art Form: Ruby by
Margaret Warfield
Issue 108
October 7 2004 Cover Story: Kerry
on the 'Good Foot’ - Expect Push to Partition
Cartoon: The Lesser of Two Evils Freedom Rider:
African Town: Motor City Melodrama by Margaret
Kimberley Brownballed? - Desegregation Without Real
Integration is an Invitation for Dysfunction by
Edward Rhymes Ph.D, Guest Commentator Art Form: Alki Beach
Revisited by Mari Hall
Art at War: Revolutionary Art Against Cultural
Imperialism by Ewuare Osayande, Guest
Commentator Getting Beyond
Hypocrisy on Humanitarian Intervention by
Justin Podur
Issue 107
September 30 2004 Cover Story: Black
Voter Registration Breaking Records - But
white war schizophrenia will determine
Cartoon: Two Views of Bush Freedom Rider: The
November 3rd Movement by Margaret Kimberley
The Color of Justice by Ryan Paul Haygood, Guest
Commentator Art Form: Bountiful
Blessings by Margaret Warfield
The Tragedy of Haiti: Victims of the Storms by
BC Associate Editor Kevin Pina The Hapless and the
Wretched of the Earth by John Maxwell
Art Form: "Olympia" # 1 by Larry Richardson Poor, Black, and
Left Behind by Mike Davis
Issue 106
September 23 2004 Cover Story: Ethnic
Warfare as Policy: Sudan and the U.S. are
Cartoon: Kerry out of touch Freedom Rider:
President Arnold Schwarzenegger by Margaret
Art Form: Madonna in Gold Decorative Art Panel
by Mari Hall The Lynching of Dan
Rather: On British TV, Dan feared the price of
"asking questions" by Greg Palast
Racism and the Presidential Elections by Ted
Glick Suburban Sprawl and
Transportation Racism by the Environmental
Justice Resource Center
Issue 105
September 16 2004 Cover Story:
Democrats Counter GOP’s Black Radio Scam-paign
Cartoon: Voting Sick Freedom Rider: Race
Pride - Weapon of Mass Distraction by Margaret
One Man’s Democracy is Another Man’s Chains: The
Untold Story of Aristide’s Departure from Haiti
by Kevin Pina BC Associate Editor in
Port-au-Prince Art Form: Sarah
Freedom ll by Larry Richardson
Black Muslims and the Sudan by Salim Muwakkil Now Can the "Tiger"
Hating Stop? by Anthony Asadullah Samad, Guest
Issue 104
September 9 2004 Cover Story: Kerry -
A Painful Vote
Cartoon: Voting Unplugged Freedom Rider: The
Unthinkable - Bush Wins by Margaret Kimberley
No Fools Allowed: Disturbingly on target... No
legitimate hip-hop leadership... Cosby on the
Brain... It's only 9/11 stupid!... Opportunistic
postal boy Art Form: "Passing
Through Life" by Mari Hall
Message To Alan Keyes: Put On A Cowboy Hat! by
Rev. Reynard N. Blake, Jr , Guest Commentator Neocolonialism and
the Cap Anamur Refugees by James Culver, Jr.,
Guest Commentator
103 September 2 2004 Cover Story: Bush’s
Black Attack Dogs - Goal is Low African
American Turnout
Cartoon: The Issues Freedom Rider:
Stupid White Liberals by Margaret Kimberley
No Fools Allowed: Still upset with reactionary
tripe... The "Rosetta Stone" of your Computer...
Discovering Obama... Alan Keyes in his own
words... Question of the Week Art Form: The
Ascension of Frank Freedom #1 by Larry
Charity and Homeland Security by Patrice D.
Johnson Think Piece: The
Continuing Miseducation of the Negro by Edward
Rhymes Ph.D.
Art Form: More Than Dance # 2 by Margaret
Warfield Mumia and the NAACP:
Finally, a Call for Justice by Bill Bachmann,
Guest Commentator
What Do You Mean We Need a Movement? by David
102 August 5 2004 The Best of BC 101 -
Our choice of the best of 101 issues of
The Best of Cover Stories The Best of Freedom
The Best of Cartoons The Best of Guest
The Best of Art Forms
101 July 29 2004 Cover Story: Part V
of a series - Wanted: A Plan for the Cities to
Save Themselves - Seize the Initiative - Take
the Cities It’s Time for a Movement for
Democratic Development
Cartoon: Badmouthers The New American
Apartheid - Part 4 of 4 - by Randall Shelden
and William Brown
Freedom Rider: Arabs on Planes and White People
in the Board Room by Margaret Kimberley No Fools Allowed - A
new BC column - e-Mail from readers... Spike
Lee kicks young black butt... Building Bridges
with Cubans and more...
Art Forms: TrueHeart by Mari Hall The Color of
Integration by Ryan Paul Haygood, Guest
Haiti After the Press Went Home by Thabo Mbeki,
President, Republic of South Africa
100 July 22 2004 100th Issue of The
Black Commentator
Cover Story: "Acting White?" - African-American
Students and Education by Edward Rhymes Ph.D. Cartoon: Ken Lay of
The New American Apartheid - Part 3 of 4 by
Randall Shelden and William Brown Freedom Rider: No
Civil Rights in Kentucky by Margaret Kimberley
Art Forms: Harlequins Hands by Larry Richardson Black Americans
Discovered by Democratic Party - Kerry
Mentions the ‘D’ Word by Greg Palast, Guest
The Myths of Bill Cosby by Earl Ofari Hutchinson Art Forms: More Than
Dance # 1 by Margaret Warfield
99 July 15 2004 Cover Story: The
People’s Dreams vs Wal-Mart’s Schemes
The New American Apartheid Part 2 of 4 Race and
the Drug War by Randall Shelden and William
Brown Freedom Rider: The
Nets, Jets and Corporate Welfare by Margaret
Cartoon: The Bush Octopus Dismantling The
‘Bling’- Another Look at Hip-Hop by Reynard
Blake, Jr., Guest Commentator
Art Forms: "MEMORY: NOTES TO MYSELF" by Mari
98 July 8 2004 Cover Story: Haiti
In Chains
The New American Apartheid, Part I by Randall
Shelden and William Brown Freedom Rider:
Fahrenheit 9/11 - Less From Moore by Margaret
Cartoon: Vouchers "Leaders" Manufacturing Inc. Rape, Racism and
Victim Advocacy by Lisa M. Calderón, M.L.S.,
J.D., Guest Commentator
Art Forms: "Cleopatra" by Larry Richardson A Mexican American
General in the Service of Empire by Jorge
Mariscal, Guest Commentator
Art Forms: "The Decision" by Margaret Warfield
97 July 1 2004 Cover Story: Hip Hop
Generation Agenda - "More than music and
Cartoon: Brothers on the Block Freedom Rider: The F
Word by Margaret Kimberley
The Miller Beating and LAPD's Culture Of Abuse
by Anthony Asadullah Samad, Guest Commentator Art Forms: Call of
Spirit by Mari Hall
The Small and Minority Business Game by James
Clingman 2004, United Nations
International Year to Commemorate The Struggle
Against Slavery and It’s Abolition
96 June 24 2004 Cover Story: There
Needs to be a Movement - Political Action in
the Hip Hop Era
Cartoon: The Rich Gang of 8 Freedom Rider: Ralph
Wiley, 1952 - 2004 by Margaret Kimberley
Mr. Cosby, my name is Kiah by Kiah Thomas, age
13 Art Forms: Hope For
The Future by Margaret Warfield
From Public Housing to Homelessness - The horror
of displacement out of San Francisco Public
Housing by Tiny and Linda William, Poor News
Network (PNN) The Problem with the
Special Court for Sierra Leone by Abdul Karim
Art Forms: The Fish Mongers Wife by Larry
95 June 17 2004 Cover Story: Mass
Incarceration and Rape - The Savaging of Black
Cartoon: Embracing Their Own Commodification Freedom Rider:
American Extremists by Margaret Kimberley
Art Forms: "Mambo" by Mari Hall If I Get Shot By The
Police by Adam Bahner, Guest Commentator
Black Job Loss Déjà Vu by Betsy Leondar-Wright
Hip Hop's Gender Problem by Mark Anthony Neal
94 June 10 2004 Cover Story: Reagan:
The Great White Redeemer
Reagan, Race and Remembrance - Reflections on
the American Divide by Tim Wise Cartoon: Human
Rights Violations in U.S. Prisons
Freedom Rider: When White People are Treated
Badly by Margaret Kimberley Past Imperfect: The
Cosby Show by William Jelani Cobb
Art Forms: "Dream of Passion" by Larry
Richardson Juneteenth: Free At
Last? by Ryan Paul Haygood, Guest Commentator
ABC Challenged on ‘Gang’ Coverage - An Open
Letter from Davey D
93 June 3 2004 Cover Story: Bill
Cosby’s Confused Notions of ‘Responsibility’
Cartoon: Jobs in the USA Slide Show Labor Media Could
Learn from Black Media by David Swanson
Freedom Rider: Wanted - Black Millionaires by
Margaret Kimberley e-Mailbox: Black
church sexually challenged... Bush men
obsessed with genitalia... Armstrong Williams
“blinded by money”... Millions prematurely
Raptured, feared insane...
Art Forms: "The Art Of Music" by Margaret
Warfield Lethal Weapons:
Guns, Gangs, Politicians & Preachers by
Harold Bell, Guest Commentator
The Acholi of Uganda Face Starvation and
Genocide by Peter Okema Otika, Guest Commentator Terror Town by Tram
92 May 27 2004 Cover Story:
Vouchers - The Right's Final Answer to Brown
Cartoon: That Dirty Old Voucherman Think Piece:
Educational Apartheid - Why We Are In No Mood
for a Brown v. Board Birthday Bash by Paul
Freedom Rider: Wrapped Up in the Rapture by
Margaret Kimberley Soul Plane by
Art Forms: "Sacred Tree" by Mari Hall
91 May 20 2004 Cover Story:
Wal-Mart Threat Fuels New Urban Politics -
Part IV of a series - Wanted: A Plan for the
Cities to Save Themselves
Cartoon: Malcolm X - By Any Means Necessary God’s Judgment of
White America - (The Chickens Come Home to
Roost) - Malcolm X speech of December 4, 1963
Analysis: Black Power Tools on the Internet -
Key Voter Data Available to the Grassroots by BC
Associate Editor Bruce A. Dixon Freedom Rider:
Emmett Till and Abu Ghraib by Margaret
Art Forms: "Little Wing Plays Liebestraum" by
Larry Richardson The Broken Promise
of Brown by Julian Bond
South African 10th - A Decade of Democracy - A
New Generation of Struggle by Andre Banks and
Devanne Brookins, Guest Commentators Art Forms: "Stepping
To The Beat" by Margaret Warfield
90 May 13 2004 Cover Story:
Haitians Seized, Abused by U.S. Marines -
Women, Children Subjected to Hood Treatment -
A Special Report from Port-au-Prince by the
Haiti Information Project
Cartoon: We Have Changed The World Freedom Rider: Hate
Speech: OK for Some, Not for Others by
Margaret Kimberley
e-Mailbox: Farrakhan’s assessment of America...
The Senate’s "Dog and Pony" Show... "Blowback"
from the Law-Free Zone... The naked truth about
white supremacy Art Forms:
"Windsong" by Mari Hall
From Texas to Abu Ghraib - Doesn't It Ring a
(Prison) Bell? by Alexander Zaitchik Apology Unacceptable
- Rumsfeld Continues Tradition of White
Indifference by Walter Fields
Trickle Down Racism by John Maxwell Mandela Blasts US,
Britain on Iraq - Statesman bids farewell to
South African Parliament
89 May 6 2004 Cover Story: America
- Unfit to "Change the World"
Freedom Rider: White Supremacy in Iraq by
Margaret Kimberley Cartoon: Resistance
is not futileRe-Print:
Racism at Core of Iraq Invasion by Firas
Al-Atraqchi Art Forms: "True
Angels" by Larry Richardson
Re-Print: Distorting the Civil Rights Legacy -
Vouchers Undermine Hard-Won Gains by Barbara
Miner Re-Print: The Odds
are Against Them - The Black Male Education
Debacle By Jenel Few
Art Forms: "Reviving The Spirit" by Margaret
88 April 29 2004 Cover Story:
Genocide in Africa...Again
Cartoon: Slum World Freedom Rider:
2004 - The Year of Civil Disobedience by
Margaret Kimberley
A Different Global Vision by Cynthia McKinney,
Guest Commentator Art Forms:
"POLARITY" by Mari Hall
Re-Print: Planet of Slums - The Third World’s
Megacities by Mike Davis Re-Print: Plan
Haiti Emerges by Anthony Fenton
Issue 87 April 22 2004 Cover Story: Kerry’s
DLC versus The Pirates
Re-Print: Return to Haiti - The American
Learning Zone by Tom Reeves Cartoon: The State
of Black America
Freedom Rider: The Poconos Scam - Buy a House
and Lose Everything by Margaret Kimberley Art Forms:
"Melodies" by Margaret Warfield
Dr. Rice Playing in the Key of C by James
Culver, Jr., Guest Commentator Re-Print: Rice and
Powell - Bush Racial Window Dressing? by Earl
Ofari Hutchinson
Art Forms: "Peace" by Larry Richardson What have our
weapons done to help the Iraqis? by Maddi Bee,
Guest Commentator
Issue 86 April 15 2004 Cover Story: Bush
Pirates Shipwrecked in Iraq
Haiti’s Sacrifice is Uniting the African Union,
CARICOM - and the World by Marguerite Laurent Cartoon: American
Freedom Rider: John Kerry: Snatching Defeat from
the Jaws of Victory by Margaret Kimberley e-Mailbox: In search
of the Jesus Phenotype... Colin Powell’s
"blatant betrayal"... Condoleezza’s
"exaggerated" credentials... Wal-Mart,
vouchers, and Tavis Smiley
A Black British View: ‘Colorblind
discrimination’ - the new racism? by Clare
Xanthos,Guest Commentator Art Forms: "Maxine"
by Mari Hall
Re-Print: A Curious Backdrop for the 9/11
Hearings - Richard A. Clark, Rwanda, and
‘Narcissistic Compassion’ by Paul Street Re-Print: Glorifying
the Fight for Slavery in Texas - Forget the
Alamo! by Don Santina
85 April 15 2004 Cover Story:
Wal-Mart Prepares to Bury the Left Under a
Mountain of Money
Cartoon: The Waltons
News from BC: Enters 3rd
Year - Readership Doubles Freedom
Rider: No Fetus Left Behind by Margaret
Think Piece: Skipping Past Structural Racism -
Center Trumps Left in a Recent PBS Series on
Race in America by Paul Street Art Forms:
Still Searching for my Sovereign Self by Larry
From Schoolhouse to Jailhouse - Doing Hard
Time in Public Schools by Annette Fuentes,
Guest Commentator Re-Print:
Hate American Style - Iraq Trees Bearing
Strange Fruit by Walter Fields, Publisher, The
NorthStar Network
Issue 84- April 1 2004 Cover Story:
Condoleezza's Crimes
Cartoon: The True Caribbean Pirates Analysis: McKinney
Foe Majette Runs Away - for the Senate by
Bruce Dixon, BC Associate Editor
Freedom Rider: America - Protector of Minorities
By Margaret Kimberley e-Mailbox: Three
views on the race of Jesus... An Indian on
outsourcing of jobs... The U.S. as an exporter
of racism... A defense of mass Black
Art Forms: "A Glorious Celebration" by Mari Hall Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr.- April 3, 1968 - I've Been to the
Issue 83 - March 25 2004 Cover Story: Haiti’s
Troika of Terror - Thugs, a Buffoon, the
Cartoon: The Hanging Judge Freedom Rider: Black
New York - Out of Work and Off the Radar
Screen By Margaret Kimberley
Report from an Urban War Zone: Can the Altars of
Violence become Memorials to Victories? by
Daphne Muse, Guest Commentator Art Forms: Angela
and Me (a part of history) by Larry Richardson
Re-Print: Why Black Leaders Are Stone Silent on
Wal-Mart Abuses by Earl Ofari Hutchinson African Union
Chairperson's Statement at the Inauguration of
the Pan African Parliament
Issue 82 - March 18 2004 Cover Story: Time
for Kerry to Step Up on Haiti by Stan Goff
Commentary: US Builds Gangster State in Haiti Commentary: Mass
Black Incarceration is White Societal
Cartoon: Disparity in Prisons Think Piece: Those
Who Deny the Crimes of the Past - American
Racist Atrocity Denial 101, 1776-2004 by Paul
Art Forms: SUMMER, ALKI BEACH by Mari Hall Freedom Rider: Vote
Theft in 2004: Déjà Vu All Over Again by
Margaret Kimberley
e-Mailbox: Belafonte was right about Powell...
The color of Jesus - and Simon... The death of
TV journalism... Bush burgers with lies
Issue 81 - March 11 2004 Cover Story: Return
Aristide to Haiti - Try Bush as a Global
Pirate - Dismantle ‘Structures of Subversion’
Let Haiti Hear Us! by Daphne Muse, Guest
Commentator Reprint:The Killers
Of Haiti's Street Children by Johnny
Cartoon: The Entertainer - Rod Paige Analysis: Obama’s
‘Bright Lines’ Bid for the Senate by Bruce A.
Dixon, BC Associate Editor
Freedom Rider: Jayson Blair - Return of the
Prodigal by Margaret Kimberley Art Forms: Blessed
with Color by Larry Richardson
Think Piece: The Passion of the Whites by Miles
Willis Is Building a Burger
Manufacturing a Product? by Congressman James
E. Clyburn (D-SC) Guest Commentator
Issue 80 - March 4 2004 Cover Story:
Godfather Colin Powell: The Gangster of Haiti
- Kevin Pina’s notes on the ‘killing fields’ Cartoon: The Big Foot of Corporate
America National Conference
of Black Lawyers Blasts Kidnapping of Aristide
e-Mailbox: The Rape of Haiti... Congressman
Ford’s faux pas... Funding, not vouchers, for
education... Subsidizing Wal-Mart poverty wages Freedom Rider: The
Attack on Social Security by Margaret
Art Forms: ERZULIE - The Goddess of Love in the
Haitian religion, VouDou. By Mari hall Race, Racism and the
Law by Vernellia R. Randall, Guest Commentator
National Black Agenda Convention in Boston - "
Focused Minds for Action and Change"
Issue 79 - February 26
2004 Cover Story: Bush
Assaults Teacher Standards to Boost Staffing
of Voucher Schools
Cartoon: The Demolition of U.S. Public Education Bush, Call Off Your
Dogs! - US can end the killing it started in
US House Members to Bush, Powell: Don’t Usurp
Aristide’s Powers Washington's Hand
Against Democracy and for Extra-Constitutional
Regime Change in Haiti by Marguerite Laurent,
Esq., Guest Commentator
Art Forms: End of a Nocturne by Larry Richardson e-Mailbox: Haiti
democracy must go - ‘cause US says so...
Condoleezza Rice "don't really have no
power"... What’s really "new" in the vouchers
scams?...Wall Street hopes to break grocery
Freedom Rider: Harold Ford Jr: Don’t Know Much
About History By Margaret Kimberley
Issue 78 - February 19
2004 Cover Story:
Remaking America in Wal-Mart's Image - Grocery
strikers fight for all of us
Cartoon: Condoleezza the Warmonger US Goal: Declare
Haiti a "Failed State"... Rep. Maxine Waters
on "Opposition Thugs"... Stan Goff: "Time for
conciliation is past"
Freedom Rider: George W. Bush - The Master of
Low Expectations By Margaret Kimberley Art Forms: The River
by Mari Hall
Selective Outrage and Hidden Injuries of Class
and Race: A Governor’s Speech by Paul Street Condoleezza Rice and
the Politics of Personal Power by Lloyd Cata,
Guest Commentator
Issue 77- February 12
2004 Cover Story: New
Scheme to Sell Suburbanites on School Vouchers
- Scaring whites with taxes and fears of
minority influx
Cartoon: Prison Nation A Call to Action on
Imprisonment and Communities of Color
e-Mailbox: Sharpton answers GOP-collusion
charge... "Post-Traumatic Slave Syndrome"
cited... Big Media "punked" Howard Dean... Two
views of Hip-Hop culture Freedom Rider: Trust
No One by Margaret Kimberley
Art Forms: The Five Graces (Why War) by Larry
Richardson Cynthia McKinney
Calls for Unity, Concerted Activism, Black
Ballot Power
RE-PRINT: Haiti Opposition Attempts "Naked Power
Grab" - Rep. Maxine Waters and Randall Robinson Sex, Drugs, &
Cash: The Hypocrisy Of The National Football
League And The Media by Reynard Blake, Jr.,
Guest Commentator
76 - February 5 2004 Cover Story:
The Problem with Al Sharpton
e-Mailbox: Charting Bush’s "Osama Surprise"...
Confronting the corporate media... Beware
electronic disenfranchisement... Freedom
Rider’s War on Platitudes Cartoon: Bush
in Outer Space
Freedom Rider: No More Souls to the Polls by
Margaret Kimberley Art Forms:
" But He’s a Chicken!" - Affirmative Action,
George W. Bush and Why White Males Love Him by
Reynard N. Blake, Jr, Guest Commentator RE-PRINT: Why
the Right Hates Public Education by Barbara
RE-PRINT: Chump Change for Minority Business -
The NEC - Mitsubishi Corporation Thinks You
are a Fool
Issue 75 - January 29
2004 Cover Story: The
Awesome Destructive Power of the Corporate
Cartoon: The Wal-Mart Monster The Wal-Martization
of Education - An heir to the fortune dreams
of private school empire by Edithe A. Fulton,
President, New Jersey Education Association
e-Mailbox: The Rise of the Black Trojan Horse...
Wal-Mart locks the world in a Box... Talking
back to the preachers... Interpreting MLK’s
vision Freedom Rider: Black
Families: A Glass Half Empty and Half Full by
Margaret Kimberley
Art Forms: Harlequin Returns as Pierrot -
Painting by Larry Richardson African Americans
Crucial to Democratic Victory by Donna
Brazile, Guest Commentator
EEOC 'Diversity in Law Firms' Report: A Heap of
Stones by Abdul Karim Bangura, Guest Commentator
Issue 74 - January 22
2004 Cover Story: Black
Labor Seeks ‘Game Plan’ for Victory
Freedom Rider: Sex Abuse, Corruption, and the
Boys Choir of Harlem by Margaret Kimberley SICKNESS IN THE
BELLY - Bush: Nexus of Nausea, Axis of Anxiety
by Maddi Bee
Cartoon: Two-Faced Colin Powell RE-PRINT: Racist
Antecedents of US Haiti Policy: 'Imagine!
Niggers speaking French!!!' by John Maxwell
Art Forms: Rah Rah - Haitian Musicians Painting
by Mari Hall RE-PRINT:
Environmental Racism PCB Landfill Finally
Remedied - But No Reparations for Residents by
Robert D. Bullard
Issue 73 - January 15
2004 Cover Story: Dr.
King’s Global Vision: Today’s Missing
Cartoon Tribute: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr - Let
Freedom Ring Freedom Rider: The
Death Penalty: Justice - or Just Us? by
Margaret Kimberley
Art Forms: I Wish I Could Believe - Painting and
prints by Larry Richardson Haiti's Cracked
Screen: Lavalas Under Siege While The Poor Get
Poorer. by Kevin Pina BC Associate Editor in
U.S. Monetary Imperialism and the War on Iraq by
Arjun Makhijani RE-PRINT: ‘America,
You Must Be Born Again’ - How Martin Luther
King Jr. moved from reform to revolution by
Stewart Burns
72 - January 8 2004 Cover Story:
The Serpent in the Garden - Spreading lies
about Black voters
Cartoon: The Serpent in the Garden e-Mailbox:
Baltimore ain’t Tel Aviv... Crime: having sex
while Black... Rev. Mercedes and Bishop BMW...
Lies about Haiti, silence on White Terror
Art Forms: LES MARCHANDES - Dedicated to the
women of Haiti - Painting by Mari Hall Freedom
Rider: Wal-Mart and the Economic Destruction
of Black Communities by Margaret Kimberley
RE-PRINT: War, Race and Elections by Stan Goff
Issue 71 - January 1
2004 Cover Story: Black
America Must Prepare for the Long, Deep Slide
Art Form: Just Like Living on Mars - Oil
Painting by Von C. Caberte Freedom
Rider:Shoshana Johnson and the Gangsters of
War by Margaret Kimberley
Honor Ourselves; Forget Haiti, Forget Ourselves
by Randall Robinson Sex Across the Color
Line: Marcus Dixon, Emmett Till and the
New/Old Tim Wise
70 - December 25, 2003 Cover Story:
White Terror
Art Form: Solstice: Oil Painting by Mari Hall Freedom
Rider: Reverend Henry Lyons: Repentant or
Still Scheming? by Margaret Kimberley
RE-PRINT: The "Food Justice" Movement: Trying
To Break the Food Chains by Mark Winston
Griffith To Hell with
the British Commonwealth by Mark P. Fancher,
Guest Commentator
69 - December 18, 2003 Cover Story:
The Trial of Saddam - Brought to you by CMM -
Corporate Mindless Media
US-Backed Haiti Opposition Emboldened -
Student "Revolt" Unmasked By Kevin Pina BC
Associate Editor in Port-au-Prince Cartoon: The
Right Reverend Dr. Greedygut
e-Mailbox: Strom Thurmond’s Black
Grandchildren... BC Raked Over Coals for Dean
Commentary... Checkbook Gospel: The Right Rev.
Dr. Greedygut... White Empowerment Through
Black Imprisonment Freedom
Rider: Congressional Black Caucus: Target of
Pro-Israel Lobby?by Margaret
The Attack on Black Leadership - A speech by
Cynthia McKinney RE-PRINT:
Special Registration: It Ain't Over 'Til It's
Over By Shelana deSilva, ColorLines magazine.
Issue 68 - December
11, 2003 Cover Story: Dean
Makes Racial-Political History
" Those People in That Prison Can’t Vote Me Out"
- The Political Consequences of Racist Felony
Disenfranchisement by Paul Street Cartoon: Prison
e-Mailbox: Black faces in wrong places... "
Tarbaby" General promoted... Voucher "movement"
a fraud... Lynching movie: Without Sanctuary Freedom Rider:
Nathaniel Jones - 350-pound Black Man by
Margaret Kimberley Paramour Rights and Reparations Issues By
C. Arthur Ellis, Jr., Ph.D., Guest Commentator The Conning of Black
America by Dedrick Muhammad, Guest Commentator RE-PRINT: Filipinos Remember Another U.S.
Occupation by Renato Redentor Constantino
67 - December 4, 2003 Cover Story:
Bush’s Phony "Grassroots" Voucher "Movement" -
School Funds Diverted to Subvert Public
Cartoon: Right-Wing Vouchermobile e-Mailbox:
Too Black, Too Proud Brit Poet... Black Ethnic
Cleansing in Florida... Kimberley: Neverland,
Nevermore... Shallow Nonsense from Columbia
Freedom Rider: Bush to Central Casting: "We
Need Black People" by Margaret Kimberley The Bush
Administration’s End Game for Haiti - Part III
of a series by Kevin Pina
Think Piece: DC Feels the Pimphand by State
Rep. Erik R. Fleming (D-MS) Pretty Soon
We’ll All Be Green by Donna Jo Warren with
Jonathan David Farley, D.Phil., Guest
Anniversary of the execution of Black Panthers
Fred Hampton and Mark Clark
66 - November 27, 2003 Cover Story:
The End of American Thanksgivings - A Cause
for Universal Rejoicing
Cartoon: Right Wing Turkey Thanksgiving 2003 Freedom
Rider: No Michael, No Peace! by Margaret
The Land Question in America: The Issue That
Nobody Wants to Confront by Mark P. Fancher,
Guest Commentator RE-PRINT: The
Trail of Tears Continues for Black Indians by
Saeed Shabazz,
65 - November 20, 2003 Cover Story:
Black Voters and White Racists Frustrate
Louisiana GOP
Dean's New Southern Strategy - Blacks and
Whites Together Focused on Education and
Health Care By Congressman Jesse L. Jackson,
Jr. (D-IL) Cartoon:
White Supremecy - Old School and New School
e-Mailbox: BC too rough on Sharpton...Sharpton
brought all on himself... Seeking Black safety
in the South... Army defeated in Dayton Freedom
Rider: John Ashcroft and the Black serial
killers - The Blood-thirsty actions of a bible
quoting prosecutor by Margaret Kimberley
RE-PRINT: Starve the Racist Prison Beast by
Paul Street RE-PRINT:
African Americans in Further Peril under the
Patriot Act by Tammy Johnson, ColorLines
RE-PRINT: GOP racial rhetoric during Senate
judicial talk-a-thon shameful by Roland S.
Martin, Editor,
Issue 64 - November 13,
2003 Cover Story: Al
Sharpton’s Political-Emotional Breakdown
Cartoon: The Confederate Flag = White Privilege e-Mailbox: Resist
Black expulsion from cities... Beware of
southern white males... Bring back Black radio
news... Put BC in the lesson plan
Freedom Rider: A Time to Break the Silence -
Reclaiming Dr. King by Margaret Kimberley Think Piece:
Southern White Male Democrats Part II - Dean’s
Folly by State Rep. Erik R. Fleming (D-MS)
How a Neighborhood Defeated the U.S. Army:
People Power Rolls Back Environmental Racism by
Mary Breslin, Guest Commentator We Demand
Reparations! - A Speech by Cynthia McKinney RE-PRINT: Dems Right to Fight Bush’s
Judicial Nominees by Roland S. Martin
63 - November 6, 2003 Cover Story:
Part III of a Series - Wanted: A Plan for the
Cities to Save Themselves - Black and Urban
Power Under Siege
Cartoon: Corporate US Trade Policy e-Mailbox:
Janice Brown’s caricature debut... Moyers
glosses over Hatch ploy... Europe not home of
"civilization"... Four more Black Eunuchs of
Freedom Rider: Should We Bring Back the Draft?
by Margaret Kimberley Think Piece:
Southern White Male Democrats, Where Ya At? by
State Rep. Erik R. Fleming (D-MS)
Ghettos are Not a Game, Part III: The
Far-From-Harmless Consequences of Race and
Class Stereotypes by Tim Wise US Corporate
Media Distort Haitian Events - The Ambulance
Chasers or How Many Journalists and AP
Photographers Can Dance on the Head of a Pin?
Part 2 of a series by Kevin Pina
Issue 62 - October 30,
2003 Cover Story:
Testi-lying to the Senate and the People - The
Janice Brown, Orrin Hatch, BC cartoon furor
Cartoon: Janice Rogers Brown = Clarence Thomas Freedom Rider: Third
Party Candidate with a Difference by Margaret
e-Mailbox: The Good, Bad and Ugly: Letters on
the Clarence-Janice fright wig cartoon... A
"constructive" Black board game... Sharpton’s
Playboy conversation... Rep. Jackson backs Dean Propaganda War
Intensifies Against Haiti as Opposition Grabs
for Power - Part 1 of a series by Kevin Pina
RE-PRINT: Chicago Hearings Report Rise in Racial
Profiling by Anmol Chaddha, ColorLines RaceWire Terror, Imperialism
& the Meaning of Faith by Ahmed M.I. Egal,
Guest Commentator
Issue 61 - October 23,
2003 Cover Story: Janice
Brown Worse Than Clarence Thomas - BC "fright
wig" cartoon steals show at Senate hearing
Freedom Rider: "Proof of Racism" by Margaret
Kimberley e-Mailbox: Chang
curses Ghettopoly foes... Blacks marshal
forces for peace... Bush America becoming
pariah... Marriage no cure for social ills
RE-PRINT: Sharpton on Media - "They are going to
wake up shocked." - The candidate’s interview
with Playboy magazine RE-PRINT: Philly
politics: It’s all about race - FBI inquiry
puts race factor at campaign's forefront by
Thomas Fitzgerald, Philadelphia Inquirer Staff
Ghettos are Not a Game, Part II: Racism and the
Perpetuation of the Urban Poor by Tim Wise RE-PRINT: Racial
Profiling in Indian Country - Police abuse
"everyday experience" in Oklahoma By Geneva
Horse Chief, correspondent, Indian Country
RE-PRINT: Racist War in Philippines Revisited -
Bush mangles history of Pacific conquest by
Renato Redentor Constantino
60 - October 16, 2003 Cover Story:
The Global Redlining of America: Bush plunges
U.S. into rapid decline Cartoon: Iraq - Not
another Vietnam O.J.
REVISITED: Kobe Bryant, Marv Albert &
Latrell Sprewell - Race, Athletes and Public
Perception by Ellen Rosner, Guest Commentator
RE-PRINT: Silicon Valley Immigrants Say "Do
Not Take Advantage of a Foreigner" by Tram
Nguyen, ColorLines RaceWire Freedom
Rider: "The Threat to Black Families" by
Margaret Kimberley
e-Mailbox: Ghettopoly vs Monopoly... Rush
Limbaugh vs melanin... Wesley Clark vs his own
book... Civilization vs the United States
59 - October 9, 2003
Cover Story: Wesley Clark: Dishonest To The
Core, and Probably Nuts Cartoon: The
Message to the Programming Pimps Who Hired
Limbaugh at ESPN by Reynard Blake, Jr., Guest
Commentator Ghettos are
Not a Game - Making Money off the Misery of
Others by Tim Wise, Guest Commentator Journalists Agree:
Media Coverage of Africa is Horrible - African
and African American media plan annual forum
by Malik Russell, Guest Commentator Freedom
Rider: " I’m Proud of What I Did in Tulia" by
Margaret Kimberley e-MailBox:
Occupation as Reparations?... Clark supporters
protest... Kucinich troops defiant... Graham
58 - October 2, 2003
Cover Story: Two Civilized Men Among the
Barbarians:Democrat debate reveals vast
moral deficit Cartoon:
Bush Flag Covers All
1930s Movement Planted Seeds of Civil Rights
by Bill Fletcher, Jr., Guest Commentator John Kerry:
Fence Sitting on the War and Race by Ron
Walters, Guest Commentator
Re-Print: Where’s Our Talented Tenth: Over A
Million Black Men In Prison by William Reed e-MailBox:
Wesley Clark: liar, loon, or both?... Walter
Mosley on Blacks and "terror"... Legal
lynching in Georgia revisited... Letter to a
57 - September 25, 2003
Cover Story: Rangel Carries Clark’s Water for
Clinton - Hype trumps facts in Empire of
Babble-On Cartoon: Our
Hat in Hand Military
Apartheid Still Matters:Framing an
African-American Internationalism by Peter
Hardie, Guest Commentator RE-PRINT:
Blacks and Immigrants Speak Out Against War on
Terrorism By Tammy Johnson, ColorLines
e-MailBox: Bush bombs at UN... Annan eyes fork
in the road... France champions Iraq
56 - September 18, 2003
Cover Story: What's up with the French?...
The "Not-American" strategy Cartoon: DC
School Voucher Treachery
RE-PRINT: What Can $87 Billion Buy? From RE-PRINT:
How the U.S. impoverished Haiti by J. Damu
e-MailBox: Public housing demolished for
profits... The bottom stands up in Cancun...
Condoleezza's pandering style... Return of
political Hip Hop
55 - September 11, 2003
Cover Story: DC Voucher Passage is Huge Defeat
- Right-funded Black "leadership" ascending Think Piece:
"Everything Changed"? - Hidden Continuities of
Urban Racial Inequality Before and After 9/11
by Paul Street
Cartoon: Before and after 9/11 Interview:
Hip Hop’s Sonic Jihad - An artist declares war
on the "killing machine"
e-MailBox: Clarence in a Fright Wig... Purging
Blacks from the cities... Bubble bursts,
Pirates unprepared
54 - September 4, 2003 Cover Story: Part II of a
Series - Wanted: A Plan for the Cities to Save
Themselves... Black labor’s role in
transforming the urban landscape A Female Clarence
Thomas for the DC Federal Court? - A statement
by People for the American Way and the NAACP. Cartoon: A Female Clarence
Thomas? e-MailBox: When will
the U.S. quit Iraq?... Where is Condoleezza’s
shame?... Why not control predatory
lenders?... What’s wrong with Magic Negroes? " Reconstructing" Baghdad:
The Promise and the Threat - An Iraqi woman’s
account of life under occupation Black Immigrants are
Prime Targets for Deportation by Tamara Kil Ja
Kim Nopper, Guest Commentator
53 - August 28, 2003 Cover Story: Predators in
the Neighborhood - Brand name lenders join the
bottom feeders Racist
"Transformation" Strategies: The Pirates have
already lost in Iraq Cartoon: Underfunded
Schools Beware the Trojan
Horse - A speech by Cynthia McKinney e-MailBox: Condoleezza’s
blasphemous mouth... Ward Connerly’s wimpish
ways... Trifling Black city leaders...
Zimbabwe debate
52 - August 14, 2003 Cover Story: Wanted: A
Plan for the Cities to Save Themselves - Black
labor's role in transforming the urban
landscape Ward Connerly’s
Crusade to Erase Black People: The Racial
Privacy Act - Pure Racist American Illogic Cartoon: Ward Connerly Imperial Racist
Fantasies and The Digitalization of
Colonialism by Kweli Nzito, Ph.D. e-MailBox: The IRS sweats
the poor... Rich, secessionist white men...
AIPAC’s long political hit list... African
Americans and Zimbabwe Condoleezza Rice and
the Birmingham Bombing Victims by Margaret
Kimberley, Guest Commentator
RE-PRINT: Racism and the heartland reparations
drive by Derrick Z. Jackson
51 July 31, 2003 Cover Story - Analysis:
The Debate on Zimbabwe Will Not Be
Throttled... African Americans must debate the
issues of human rights and economic
development in Africa among themselves The DLC’s National
White Man’s Conversation - Let the rich rump
of the Party go where they belong Cartoon: Halliburton
Coming and Going Bush Uses IRS To
Push Around Poor People - ACORN fights fed's
proof-of-poverty scheme e-MailBox: Hip-Hop Hits
Back... Killing Africans as Policy... Bush
Mental Disorder Catalogued... Obama’s name off
DLC list No safety without
peace, no peace without change - A speech by
Cynthia McKinney, Former U.S. Rep. (D-GA)
50 July 17, 2003 Cover Story: Barefoot,
Sick, Hungry and Afraid - The real U.S policy
in Africa The Consequences of
Believing Your Own Propaganda by Mamadou
Chinyelu Cartoon: Hollywood's
Magic Negro Think Piece: The
Pretense of Hip-Hop Black Leadership By Dr.
Martin Kilson Affirmative Action
as a Tool of Imperialist Expansion and
Aggression by Mark P. Fancher, Guest
Commentator One Bush Too Many in
Africa by Kweli Nzito, Ph.D., Guest
49 July 3, 2003 Cover Story: The Slow and
Tortured Death of Affirmative Action - Redress
of racial wrongs no longer public policy Cartoon:
Supreme Court Affirmative Action Decision
A message from Clarence Thomas to all African
Americans - View the BuzzFlash Cartoon by Eric
Harrison. Commentary:
GOP Bullies DC on Vouchers - No democracy for
Black city
e-Mailbox: Strom Thurmond survived by Black
daughter... Can the world survive "bubble"
America?... DLC could be fatal to Democrats RE-PRINT:
Movies' 'Magic Negro' Saves the Day - but at
the Cost of His Soul by Rita Kempley
RE-PRINT: Fear of a Black "Street" Army By
Glen Ford, Co-publisher, The Black Commentator The New York
Times’ Racist Lies about Africa by Milton
Allimadi, Guest Commentator
The "Enronization" of America by Ahmed M.I.
Egal, Guest Commentator
48 - June 26, 2003 Cover Story: Obama to Have
Name Removed from DLC List: Says "New
Democrats" acted "without my knowledge" Commentary: Blind,
Deaf, Dumb and Deluded: White America unfit
for global role Cartoon: Bubble USA e-Mailbox: If it’s
true, is it Black male-bashing?... Dixon
confronts Georgia professors... "Bright lines"
and the DLC Republicans Go to Bat for
Predatory Lenders by Maude Hurd, National
President of ACORN Up Close - Zimbabwe:
A Speech by Cynthia McKinney
47 - June 19, 2003 Cover Story: Not
"Corrupted" by DLC, Says Obama - Black U.S.
Senate candidate responds to BC critique Commentary: The
Pirates' Blunt, Useless Instruments - The Iraq
occupation cannot possibly succeed Cartoon: Borg Queen e-Mailbox: Two too
many Powells... McKinney on comeback trail...
Black male-bashing syndrome... The GOP, the
DLC, and hyenas Re-Print: Disrespect,
Distortion and Double Binds: Media treatment
of progressive black leaders by Jacqueline
46 - June 12, 2003 Cover Story: Muzzling the
African American Agenda - with Black Help...
The DLC’s corporate dollars of destruction by
BC Associate Editor Bruce A. Dixon McKinney Seems Set
For Comeback Bid by The Publishers Cartoon: Tweedle DLC &
Tweedle GOP e-Mailbox: Many ways
to pressure Black radio... The Powells: A
congenital problem?... A Black candidate’s DLC
dilemma Right Hook at the Bell!...
Bell Hooks’ Black male-bashing by Joseph
Anderson, Guest Commentator The Weapons of Mass
Destruction Hoax by Dwight Welch, Guest
45 - June 5, 2003 Cover Story: Bringing
Chaos to the Boardroom - Attack on Stock
Value Is Key to Union Victory In Search of the
Real Barack Obama: Can a Black Senate
candidate resist the DLC? By Bruce A. Dixon,
BC Associate Editor Cartoon: Union Victory e-Mailbox:
Far-right freaks out on BC cartoons... Black
Harvard and the power matrix... Jayson Blair
lingers, story not yet dead... Radio One’s
role in killing local Black news Commentary: "Who Killed
Black Radio News?" A letter to BC from Todd
Burroughs, Ph.D.
44 - May 29, 2003 Cover Story: Who Killed
Black Radio News? Issues: Blacks
poorest of all, says Census... African famine
prompts Bush sales pitch... SEIU declares
health key presidential issue Cartoon: Like Father ...
Like Son e-Mailbox: The last
word on Jayson Blair... Victory declared for
Danny Glover... Harvard not full of house
Negroes Dad's Diploma: Overcoming
Injustice by Rep. James E. Clyburn (D-SC),
Guest Commentator
43- May 22, 2003 Cover Story: Permanent War
and "The Color Line" - Iraq on the 100th
anniversary of the Souls of Black Folk Cartoon: The
Morality Csar's New Clothes Issues: Bush cuts deeper
into affirmative action... Call for a New
Civil Rights Movement... Poor Clarence Thomas
feels rejected e-Mailbox: Blair/NYT
reader response... The dollar’s inevitable
slide... Malcolm’s urgent message The Blair Affair: A
Punishing Bias by Pamela Newkirk, Guest
Commentator Fault Blair and The
Times, Not Affirmative Action by Amos Jones,
Guest Commentator
42 - May 15, 2003 Cover Story: The Jayson
Blair/New York Times Affair: Blaming
affirmative action for white folks’ mistakes Malcolm X -
05/19/1925 - 02/21/65 Cartoon: Neighborhood
Chemical WMD How Much Money Does
a Great White Virtue Magnate Need? Class,
Race, and Legalized Gambling in the Casino
Society by Paul Street Issues: Sex less a factor
in African AIDS... U.S. plots "regime change"
in Haiti... Danny Glover targeted as MCI
41 - May 8, 2003 Cover Story: Bush's
Harvest of Shame - One Million Black Children
in Extreme Poverty Cartoon: Welfare
Safety Net Commentary: Black
Spinelessness in High Places: DC Mayor sells
out on vouchers - for nothing! The Issues:
Lieberman seeks crossover GOP in SC...
Ashcroft targets Haitians as threat... The
quickest route to death row e-MailBox: The forbidden
word, revealed... Enduring effects of "deep
racism"... Can love bloom in the White House?
40 - May 1, 2003
Cover Story: "How You Gonna Export Something
You Ain’t Even Got At Home?" - By Paul Street Cartoon:
Shock and Awe USA
Commentary: Treat Corporate Media Like the
Enemy - and no free pass for Black radio The Issues:
Sharpton: Going the distance with low
finance... JC Watts, in it for the money...
Section 8 housing threatened... The doomed
e-MailBox: Run Black, or don’t run at all...
Condoleezza cartoon insults women...
Conspiracies of the many against the few...
Peace of the Shaman Guest
Commentary: The Lena Baker Story: Execution in
a small town - By Lela Bond Phillips
39 - Apr 24, 2003 Cover Story: Conspiracy
Theories 2 - The Great Unraveling of U.S.
Global Power Cartoon: Condoleezza
The Gatekeeper Commentary: What the Black
Presidential Candidate Must Do The Issues: Black
frontrunner for Illinois Senate Seat... U.S.
Education chief favors church schools... Lucy
calls Bush Blacks "ornaments"... The Global
Race War e-MailBox: Prison
data is understated... The proper time and
place for looting... Comparative "Skeeza"
analysis... Real and theoretical conspiracies Guest Commentary:
When Major Powers Stage a Coup by Randall
38 - Apr 17, 2003 Cover Story: Conspiracy
Theories The Issues: The
stealth war on the poor... Philly bomber’s son
makes good... Black casualties surprisingly
high... Depraved indifference to the species e-MailBox: Tracking Black
youth to prison... Torturing Black Tulia...
The Redlining of America... "Common Threads"
of humanity RE-PRINT 1: HIP
mwandishi gadlin RE-PRINT 2: Bush’s Other
Declaration of War By Tammy Johnson, director
of Race and Public Policy at the Applied
Research Center
37 - Apr 10, 2003 Cover Story: From Soul
Power '68 to Pirate Power '03 The Issues: The 2
million-person Gulag... Racists flood northern
Utah... Black opinion dissected... Tulia’s
long ordeal e-MailBox: Will Colin
Powell eat his own words?... An International
Edition of BC?... Too much talk about
"racism"?... How many reasons for skeezin’? News From BC: Enters 2nd Year I've Been to the
Mountaintop: April 3, 1968 speech by Dr.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
36 - Apr 3, 2003
Cover Story: Racist War and Pirate Plunder The Issues:
Harlem to Rally for Peace... Lieberman’s Black
booster... Rep. Jackson rocks the gunboat...
Affirmative action is payback
e-MailBox: "Skeeza" is as "Skeeza" does...
Countdown to impeachment... U.S. journalism’s
corporate death Guest
Commentator: Is the US Funding Haitian
"Contras"? By Kevin Pina, Port au Prince,
35 - Mar 27, 2003
Cover Story: Onward Embedded Soldiers - The
corporate media’s deputized war coverage Analysis: War
and the Great White Disinformation Machine by
Dr. Kweli Nzito
The Issues: Baraka: "Condoleezza’s a
Skeezza"... Affirmative action hangs in the
balance... The inevitable clash with Iran Guest
Commentator: Are Black People Pulling Their
Anti-War Weight by Donna J. Warren
Guest POET: Operation Putrid Smell By Rodney
D. Coates, Ph.D.
34 - Mar 20, 2003
Cover Story: They have reached too far -
Bush’s road leads to ruin - for himself and
his Pirates 3 Guest
Commentators: 3 Faces of Shock, Awe and
Death... 1 - Jimmy Mack, When Are You Comin'
Back? - The real price of war - By Jorge
Mariscal... 2 - Colin Powell: A hawk with
smooth talons - By Paul Rockwell... 3 - Nos
Morituri Te Salutamus: Salute of Iraqi
Citizens to the Coalition of the Willing - by
Anthony Judge
The Issues: Cynthia McKinney on patriotism...
Conyers studying impeachment... Marching for
action, affirmatively e-MailBox:
Frederick Douglass denounces Bush... Dream
Black ticket for '04... Phony, funny Black
"fronts"... BC a hit in UK, Greece
33 - Mar 13, 2003
Cover Story: Racism & War - Perfect
Together The Issues:
Why Blacks are under-represented at peace
rallies... Supreme Court ponders another
capital case... Pardon sought for executed
e-MailBox: The Unchristians... Onward Sharpton
soldiers... Randall Kennedy exhumed
32 - Mar 6, 2003 Commentary: All About
Clarence:Self-loathing on the High Court The Issues:
Condoleezza vs Schwarzenegger for Senate...
Africa’s "Right to Health"... Turks: "Stick it
up your backside" e-MailBox: The
disappearing 2004 election... Delousing the
Democrats... TV’s "Meet the Prejudiced" and
"Face the Fool" RE-PRINT: Persistent
Peril: Why African American babies have the
highest infant mortality rate in the developed
world By Ziba Kashef, ColorLines RaceWire
31 - Feb 27, 2003 Commentary 1: Al
Sharpton’s Battle to Transform the Democrats Commentary 2: In the
Time of Disappeared People - Patriot II means
Permanent National Emergency The Issues:
Clarence Thomas and his Latino clone... The
dollar's global death-grip... Bush must
co-sign for Turkey money e-MailBox: Dying for
the almighty dollar... The "new" Colin
Powell... The Moseley-Braun - Sharpton debate Guest Commentary:
Fear, Loathing and Laura Bush: Reflections on
the Functions of Mass Panic - By Tim Wise
30 - Feb 20, 2003 Analysis: Why African
Americans Should Oppose The War By Dr. Sonja
Ebron Commentary:
Moseley-Braun and the Game to Contain Sharpton
The Issues: Massive affirmative action
endorsements... War to defend the almighty
dollar... Who owns the streets? e-MailBox:
Inside Crazy George’s head... Powell as war
criminal: 1968, 2003... The Cave Man calleth
from the Marble Jungle: Testing Head Start to
Death by Mark S. Johnson-Lewis
29 - Feb 13, 2003 Commentary: Osama is
Calling… e-MailBox: Toward a
Black Democratic primary... More faith-based
foolery... A benediction for BC The Issues: Blacks favor
peace, whites opt for war... Affirmative
action's heavy-hitter allies... Shoving
vouchers down DC's throat Interview: Behind
from the Start: Black kids begin school
28 - Feb 6, 2003 Commentary: Send in the
Clowns: The GOP’s two-ring Black "outreach"
circus e-MailBox:
Condoleezza: Appointee-in-Chief... Shock, awe
and revulsion... Plain language on Blacks and
The Issues: Desegregating U.S. African
policy... Haitian poor ignore capital
"strike"... A more colorful anti-war movement Guest
Commentary 1: "Shrub" Bush's Pathological
Focus On Saddam Hussein by Alvin Wyman Walker,
Guest Commentary 2: ...AND THE LAST SHALL BE
FIRST: Shunned DC Demands Full Voting Rights,
First Primary By Sean Tenner
27 - Jan 30, 2003 Commentary 1: The Mother
Of All War Shows Commentary 2:
Rumsfeld - Dead Soldiers Count for Nothing e-MailBox: Condoleezza -
Traitor, or not?... Letters from the anti-war
front... Rev. Dr. Greedygut redux The Issues:
Desegregating U.S. African policy... Haitian
poor ignore capital "strike"... A more
colorful anti-war movement
26 - Jan 23, 2003 Commentary: Condoleezza
Rice: The Devil's Handmaiden The Issues:
Bush honors Jefferson Davis... World welcomes
death commutations... An anti-racist peace
e-MailBox: Armstrong William's coup de
grits... Deep South demographic
disturbances... Piratical political plots Guest
Commentary: Bush's Ugly America by John
RE-PRINT: Institutional Racism and the
Censorship of Kohl Fallin by Wythe Holt
25 - Jan 16, 2003 BEYOND VIETNAM: A TIME TO
BREAK SILENCE - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr -
Riverside Church, New York City - 4 April 1967
Armstrong Williams' Big Move - Black Personnel
Director for GOP Inc
The Issues: Death takes a (brief) holiday...
Mississippi justice goes national... Black
Voices for Peace e-MailBox:
Draft immunity fuels war machine... BC labeled
"right wing"... Mediocre whites cry bias
Guest Commentary: A Chicano Looks at the Trent
Lott Affair by Jorge Mariscal
24 - Jan 9, 2003 Commentary: No Draft, No
Peace - Rangel and Conyers are right e-Mailbox:
The buying of Rev. Dr. Greedygut... More
Confederates in GOP closet... It’s a bitch
being rich
Briefs: GOP says Democrats fund loafers...
Democrats charge game is rigged... Pacifica
station looking for a GM RE-PRINT:
High Stakes:Black and Latino parents are
demanding better schools and fewer tests By
Eric C. Wat
23 - Jan 2, 2003 Commentary: De-funding the
Right Rev. Dr. Greedygut - Faith-based
bribery's sleazy constituency... e-Mailbox: Reports
from the war on Milwaukee's poor, Bling bling
politics for the young, The drug money trail,
past and present... Briefs: Bush plans more
gifts for rich, Rangel raises draft issue,
Brazil-Venezuela solidarity... RE-PRINT: A Lott
Missing - Rituals of Purification and Deep
Racism Denial, By Paul L. Street
22 - Dec 26, 2002 Commentary 1: Lott,
Thurmond and Duke - Three Kings Bearing
Gifts - Lessons to re-learn from the holiday
"festivities" Commentary 2: Hip
Hop and the Hard Right - Media-made
illusions of power by BC Co-publisher Glen
Ford e-Mailbox: Faith-based
path to the jailhouse, Anti-war Lite &
and Hard-core, Trojan Horse TV Briefs: George
Bush Blacked-out, Africa must wait - U.S.
seized Iraq corporate client list - Rich
man’s "strike" in Venezuela RE-PRINT: African
Venezuelans fear new U.S. coup against
President Chavez - Written by Professor
Alejandro Correa of Barlovento, Venezuela
with assistance from Willie Thompson,
Professor emeritus City College of San
21 - Dec 19, 2002 Commentary 1: Trent Lott
Furor Threatens Faith-based Bribery Scheme,
Program to woo Black clergy at heart of
2: Anti-War Hard Core and Anti-War Lite -
Privilege, comfort and fear cause schisms...e-Mailbox: Black Rightwing
Forum’s "media whores", Lott uproar should
have come sooner, Harvard graduates troubled
by commentary, Bush-Cheney "pirates" are
Trent Lott’s racist momma, Preachers on the
take, Poor insufficiently taxed, Non-existent
benefits abolished...RE-PRINT:
Strom Thurmond’s Black Daughter - Common
knowledge about a "special relationship". By
Ken Cummins...Guest
Commentary: IS WAR INEVITABLE? By Dr. David
Graham Du Bois
20 Dec 12, 2002 Commentary 1 - America’s
Black Rightwing Forum: The grotesque
devolution of a Black news program - by BC
co-publishers Glen Ford and Peter Gamble...Commentary 2:- The
Living Legacy of White Minority Rule: Lott,
Thurmond remain, but millions gone from the
Unemployment Ravages Blacks, States going
broke, Lights get dimmer at BET...e-Mailbox: Pirates at
the helm, SATs spell doom for Blacks,
Certified Black "intellectuals", AIDS cure
Selling Sloppy Statistics. By Tim Wise... and
19 - Dec 5, 2002 Commentary 1: Rule of the
Pirates: The $200 billion payday...Commentary 2: College
SATs Incompatible with Black Mobility -
Abolish the racial tyranny of the tests...e-MailBox: Feast of the
Parasites. Don’t feed the English. Murderous
Frog Rising.Guest
Commentary 1: Harvard - The Strange Career of
a Troublesome Institution. by Shelton AmstrodGuest Commentary 2: AIDS -
Discrimination is Deadly. by Salih Booker
18 - Nov 28, 2002 Commentary 1:
Bush’s Domestic Enemies List - Preparing for
"National Emergency" Commentary
2: Black Democrats Urge Media Counteroffensive
- But media is no substitute for substanceCommentary 3: Secret
Bomber to Probe Secrets of Bombing e-MailBox: Tom Paine
challenged, Young Congressman spurned,
Reputable publication tomfoolerized GuestCommentary: Trail of
Heritage and Tears - Black Indians to meet in
Oklahoma to claim their rights. By Eleanor
"Gypsy" WyattRe-Print:
Iraq's Nuclear Non-Capability - Iraqi
scientist tells of impoverished colleagues,
defunct program. By Imad Khadduri
17 - Nov 21, 2002 Analysis: Poll Shows Black
Political Consensus Strong. Analysis of JCPES
survey reveals consistent class, gender, age
from BC: goes weekly...Commentary: The Harold
Ford Show vs Serious Democratic Business...e-MailBox: THE
CRISIS, ongoing... Homosexuals singled out?...
Disgruntled readers’ revenge...Briefs: War for Private
Profit... Bush’s Drugs of Choice
16 - Nov 14, 2002 Trojan Horse Watch: Bush
Funds Black Voucher Front Group...Debate: Does THE CRISIS
Editor Valentine undermine the NAACP?... e-MailBox: Atlanta
Journal-Constitution exposed... The Trojan
Horse in CBC...The Simple Sayings of Harold
Ford, Jr....Briefs:
Sad and silly remarks from Sharpton, Rangel...RE-PRINT: Environmental
Justice for People of Color...Guest
Commentator: The Sniper & the Nation of
Islam and more...
15 - Nov 4, 2002 The Atlanta
Journal-Constitution’s Bogus Election
Harvard Professor Lambasts THE CRISIS
Editor... Land
Struggles and Democracy in Zimbabwe... Wellstone: The best of
them all...
Permanent war, permanent Uncle Toms... Politics Trumps Religion... Belafonte’s courage... Race and war hysteria...
Baraka’s verse... Unpaid debt in Zimbabwe
and more...
14 - Oct 17, 2002 Permanent
War:Permanent State of Emergency...Trojan Horse Watch...:Bob
Johnson’s message invades Black radio... The
Trojan Horse TV show... Briefs:
The Four Eunuchs of War...
COLOR RACISM: By Dr. David Graham Du Bois,
Guest Commentator...A Jewish Peace Activist
on Baraka’s Poem: Urban Legends by Rachael
Kamel, Guest Commentator...
e-MailBox...RE-PRINT:Harry Belafonte
on Colin Powell... Interview:
Educate and Advocate - Henry Nicholas on
social justice in America and more.......
13 - Oct 3, 2002 Lantern of Liberty:
Harriet Tubman Mural Replaced by a Parking
Lot... BET's
Black Billionaire Trojan Horse: "Democrat" Bob
Johnson Fronts For GOP...Black
Children Still Victimized by "Savage
Inequalities": Public education amid racism
and isolaion by Elena Rutherford, Guest
Commentator...A letter to our readers:
Black America and Bush's New World Order... e-MailBox: Black political
self-financing, Senator Ed Brooke mislaid, Hip
Hop and heroin, Anglo-Saxons beware...
12 - Sep 19, 2002 The Trojan Horse Watch:
Identify, expose and defeat Black stealth
Sister McKinney Lost and what we can learn
from it...Misreading
the Zimbabwe Crisis... e-MailBox:
Watergate, South?... Move over, Oprah...
Return to sender...A
letter to our readers: CIA-Crack website is
back... Coca-Cola kills... Smallpox: none of
the nurses' business...Victory
in St. Louis, Setback in New Orleans
11 - Sep 5, 2002 Cynthia McKinney's
Honorable Defeat: The Hard Right's New Black
Strategy rolls on…. America
Held Hostage - by Bush: Public safety doled
out for a political price…
e-MailBox: Randall Kennedy and bad whiskey,
McKinney: pain, sorrow and anger, Dr. Onyeani
challenged on Zimbabwe, Offer to buy out The
Black Commentator…A
letter to our readers: Mugabe in the
Issue 10 - Aug
22, 2002 The N-Word 3-Ways:1
- N-Word author asks for apology 2 -
Harvard colleague says apology not
warranted 3 - BC says SHUN him... Zimbabwe's Mugabe and
White Farmers... The
Promise of Reparations...DC's
Measure 62: A
Green Light for Drug Treatment and
letter to our readers: Fight on,
Sister McKinney... Afghan dope on U.S.
streets... Don't bet Black futures on
the market... Rep. Clyburn bears
witness to racist crime
9 - Aug 8, 2002 National Urban
League State of Black American
- Plus a Living Wage and Benefits...
Burger King digested... Ashcroft
stalks librarians... Cory Booker roams
A Hero in Need of Money... Rep.
Hilliard Rebuked on Ivy League
Warning... Forget About Randall
8 - Jul 25, 2002 Hilliard Calls for
New Institutions to Protect Black
Interests: Defeated Congressman
expresses deep distrust of Ivy League
- A Black Commentator interview... Peace and
Justice Forces Rally to McKinney, By
Frances M. Beal, Guest Commentator... A letter to our
readers: Reparations - The Value of
White Privilege, Highly Suspicious
Christian Soldiers, Neighborhood Watch
in Havana, Binges and Wars Over Wall
Street... e-MailBox:
Troublesome author wants BC space,
J.C. Watts claims his face helps Black
people, Vouchers cure "uncivilized"
behavior, enhance brain, Moderate
Republicans blame for woes...
7 - Jul 11, 2002 Voucher
Tricksters: The Hard Right Enters
Through the Schoolhouse Door... Randall Kennedy:
The Strange Career of a Troublesome
How the NAACP Handled the N-word... J.C. Watts, Gone
in a Flash...
Race and National Security: "Tar Baby
Outrage" Update
6 - Jun 27, 2002 The N-word as
Therapy for Racists: Harvard's Randall
Kennedy's Idiotic Assault on Black
People's Honor, By Dr. Martin Kilson,
Guest Commentator... A
Monument to George Washington's
Picking favorites among Black
heroes... What
a real man said on the 4th of July... CIA Trumps FBI:
Forget about a War on Drugs... Goin’ South: To
save itself, organized labor must
capture Dixie...
Issue 5 - Jun
13, 2002 National security
news alert ... a special edition and
BC exclusive... President is warned
race bias threatens national security
4 -Jun 7, 2002 Tar Baby Outrage:
Racism and Corruption at the Redstone
Arsenal... Condoleezza's
Complaint & Paratroopers in the
Basement -
Condie's image and the Venezuelan
the Green Party Betray Black America,
Dr. Jonathan David Farley, Guest
Commentator... A
Law That Gives Racists Something to
Fear, Chief Deputy U.S. Marshal
Matthew Fogg, Guest Commentatorment
3 - May 16, 2002 Hard Right Cash
Defeated in Black City - This Time:
Ultra-Conservative Favorite Cory
Booker Loses in Newark, New Jersey -
What city will be the next target of
the right wing's New Black
How to Spot a Black Trojan Horse:
Don't allow the enemy into your house,
A Letter from Harvard's Dr. Martin
Condoleezza & Geraldo: A Fine
Pair: As we used to say, they’re both
"a credit to their race"... Reparations,
Part One: The True Value of Some Land
and an Animal - Today's Blacks could
have inherited powerful advantages
over foreign-born whites, if only... The Living Wage
Movement: A New Beginning - Bread,
Power and Civil Rights in 19 Languages
- A force for change sweeps the
nation... A
Statement on the Events of September
11, By Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia
2 - May 8, 2002
Newark The First Domino? - The Hard
Right Tests Its National Black
Strategy... How
to Spot a Black Trojan Horse: Don't
allow the enemy into your house, A
Letter from Harvard's Dr. Martin
Condoleezza & Geraldo: A Fine
Pair: As we used to say, they’re both
"a credit to their race"... Reparations,
Part One: The True Value of Some Land
and an Animal - Today's Blacks could
have inherited powerful advantages
over foreign-born whites, if only... The Living Wage
Movement: A New Beginning - Bread,
Power and Civil Rights in 19 Languages
- A force for change sweeps the
nation... A
Statement on the Events of September
11, By Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia
1 - Apr 5, 2002
Fruit of the Poisoned Tree: The Hard
Rights Plan to Capture Newark NJ... Make the
Amendment: How to Get the U.S.
Government Oou of the International
Drug Trade... Psychologically
Unfit: The U.S. Can't Handle the Death
Penalty... Linguistic
Profiling, By Patrice D. Johnson,
guest commentator