I attended the 12th Annual March to Abolish the Death
Penalty in Austin, Texas.� Participants included death
penalty abolitionists, and members of Witness to Innocence
- over two dozen freed death row prisoners who spent years
in prison, and once faced certain execution for crimes they
did not commit.� The day�s events included a walk past the
governor�s mansion, and a rally on the Capitol steps.�
One thing that struck me about the event in Austin was the
presence of Occupy
Austin protestors who were present to speak and lend
their support.� Clearly, they get it.� They understand the
link between the struggle for economic justice and the fight
to end the death penalty in America.� Perhaps you don�t.�
Allow me to explain.
Both movements seek to reform an unjust, rigged system that
stacks the deck against poor and working people.� The Occupy
movement rails against greed and corruption on Wall Street,
and unprecedented wealth inequality brought about by policies
of theft that transfer resources from the have nots - the
99 percent - to the have alls - the top 1 percent.�
They�re angry that they must subsidize the lifestyles of
the big bankers who caused our misery, as nearly 46
million are on food stamps, and almost 50
million (16 percent) are mired in poverty.� And a lost
generation of college graduates saddled with mortgage-sized
student debt is jobless and living at home with their parents.
Meanwhile, the anti-death penalty forces would end a practice
that discriminates against people of color and poor whites,
those who lack high-priced lawyers and often cannot afford
to buy justice.�
punishment operates under a pretense of justice, when in
reality it represents pure vengeance and mob retribution,
favoring expediency and finality over finding the real killer.�
Those who administer the death penalty seem to care little
about evidence and actual guilt or innocence.� We all witnessed
this with Troy Davis in Georgia, and with other problematic
capital cases, including Cameron Todd Willingham and possibly
now Hank Skinner in Texas.�

men and women have been executed in the face of police coercion
and jailhouse snitches, evidence tampering, incompetent
court-appointed defense counsel, prosecutorial misconduct
and racism sanctioned from the bench.�
139 innocent people have been exonerated since 1973, according
to the Death
Penalty Information Center.� We will never fully comprehend what these people
experienced in their personal Hell� as they suffered for
years behind bars while the state planned their murder.�
Many of them have told me their stories.� The exoneration
of these innocent victims provides no proof that the system
works.� Rather, many of the wrongfully convicted were freed
with outside help, including dedicated lawyers, activists
and journalism students, despite the best efforts of certain
judges and prosecutors to block crucial exculpatory evidence
and put them to death.� It is a scathing indictment of the
U.S. justice system.�
Court Justice Antonin Scalia once said, �This court has never held that the Constitution
forbids the execution of a convicted defendant who has had
a full and fair trial but is later able to convince a court
that he is �actually� innocent.�
America�s economic and justice systems thrive on winners
and losers, and someone is made to pay in the end.� America�s
government has been sold to the highest bidder in the form
of concentrated and unchecked corporate power.� In the eyes
of many, the political system is working for the few and
against the vast majority of everyday people.� Unlimited
campaign finance is a scourge upon the land, operating as
a legalized bribery scheme for the rich and famous.� And
the death penalty is part of a kangaroo court system in
which poor and working class people become scapegoats for
society�s ills.� These scapegoats are utilized to help deflect
attention from the nation�s problems, as we are all promised
that their imprisonment and/or execution will make our problems
For years, the public had been sold on broken institutions
that breed inequality, insensitivity and injustice.� But
there is ample proof that the people are no longer buying
it.� And the death machine - not unlike American-style capitalism
with its socialized risk and privatized gain - is so inherently
flawed that tweaking around the edges simply will not do.�
Fundamentally broken, it must be scrapped and replaced.�
What is needed is what Dr. King called a radical revolution
of values, so that this nation emphasizes human rights over
property rights, and upholds people over money.
Now that is why the death penalty abolition movement has
so much in common with the Occupy Wall Street folks.� Both
know the fix is in.
(David A. Love wrote this commentary as the Executive Director of Witness to Innocence,
The mission of Witness to Innocence is to empower exonerated ex-death
row prisoners and their family members to become effective
leaders in the movement to abolish the death penalty. Executive Editor, David A. Love,
JD is a journalist and human rights advocate based in Philadelphia, is a graduate of Harvard College
and the University of Pennsylvania Law School. and a contributor to The Huffington Post, theGrio, The Progressive Media Project, McClatchy-Tribune News Service, In These Times and Philadelphia Independent Media Center. He also blogs at, NewsOne, Daily Kos,
and Open
Salon. Click here to contact Mr. Love.