nearly four decade-long effort to restructure public education along
Neo-Liberal guidelines has accelerated since President Barack Obama
assumed office. Neo-Liberalism is an ideology that calls for
�limited government� and a market-driven economy. This project
is being carried out on the federal, state, and local levels, while
targeting publicly-financed K-12 schools and higher education.
Some of the objectives for restructuring public education include:
shifting the cost of education on to students, while increasing
their debt burden to the benefit of banks;
promoting the expansion of privately-managed charter schools;
deepening the access to public educational resources for corporate-interests;
smashing teacher unions, thus weakening the political power of
those unions, and cutting the cost of teachers; and,
eliminating multicultural, revisionist, inter-nationalist, and
critical perspectives from the school curricula.
the K-12 level, this agenda has been promoted under the guise of
�competitiveness;� �national standards;� �accountability,�
�basic skills,� �excellence,� and standardized testing; while the
assault on higher education includes budget reductions, �assessments,�
�merit pay,� and curriculum reform. The 2008 collapse of the
financial system, amplified by chronic overlapping federal, state
and local budgetary crises, has provided a �window of opportunity�
to intensify this assault.

What are the roots of the assault on public education?;� How has
that assault been manifested?; And, Why has that assault accelerated
in the past two years?
During the late-1960�s industrial-based corporations began to experience
falling rates of profits. The reasons for this decline are
complex, but at the core were:
1) exhaustion of the automobile-industrial-complex profit accumulation
model; and,
deficit spending the Johnson administration carried out fighting
the Vietnam War and promoting �Great Society� reforms.
resultant structural economic crisis caused both stagnant growth
and inflation.
Simultaneously, United States� post-World War II global economic
dominance was being weakened. Causes for this weakening include:
the United States defeat in Vietnam;
the emergence of West European and Japanese economic competition;
the rise of Third World economic nationalism.
This structural economic crisis led to state and local governments
experiencing chronic deficits, leading to recurring cuts for public
services, including public education.
This reality was felt in California as early as the late-1960�s.
In fact, in 1967 Governor Ronald Reagan made cuts in education
spending, impacting both higher education and K-12. In response
to the chronic fiscal crisis the University of California, the state
colleges, and the community colleges began to increase tuition and
rely on non-union part-time teachers. The University of California
also sought more corporate and government funding for research purposes.
K-12 schools had to regularly lay teachers off; expand teacher-student
classroom ratios; and cut curriculum offerings, such as art and
physical education. The education crisis in California would
become chronically acute after 1978 when Proposition 13 was passed,
significantly reducing the local property tax base.
Furthermore, the structural economic crisis led corporations to
search for a new accumulation model to generate acceptable profits.
The profit accumulation model between 1932 and 1970 was based
on government managing and regulating the industrial-based economy,
while promoting redistribution of wealth to the working class. The
hegemonic ideology which shaped that period was Corporate-Liberalism.
The accumulation model settled on by the late-1970�s consisted of:
shifting the manufacturing sector to the United States Sun-Belt
and the Third World, where labor was non-union, costs were cheaper,
and there were no labor or environmental regulations;
restructuring the country into a non-union service-based economy;
promoting the expansion of credit;
carrying out conglomerate mergers;
expanding real estate speculation; and,
intensifying financial speculation.
model was underscored by massive military spending, providing profits
for arms producers and commercial banks.

Implementing the new accumulation model also involved constructing
a new hegemonic ideology that would rationalize the new model.
Thus, Neo-Liberalism was constructed during the 1970�s to serve
that purpose. As David Harvey explains in Neo-Liberalism:
A Brief History, this �consensus building� process involved corporations,
foundations, media, public relations firms, and Republican politicians,
combined with the emerging Right-Wing forces, including the Sun-Belt
wealth, �free-market� economists, anti-tax activists, the Religious-Right,
and Neo-conservatives.
The policy guidelines Neo-Liberalism established are:
reducing the public sector;
cutting taxes for the wealthy;
privatizing public services; and,
smashing unions.
political implementation of these guidelines aimed to transfer income
from the public sector and the working class to the wealthiest people
in the country. The Reagan administration institutionalized
Neo-Liberalism, a hegemonic ideology which has shaped United States
politics since.
The move to restructure public education in the interests of corporate-dominated
Neo-Liberalism came into fruition in 1983 when the Reagan-appointed
National Commission on Excellence in Education issued A Nation at
Risk. The report assessed the decline in student achievement
scores and warned that that decline was an �internal threat that
was more serious than Soviet Union communism.� Using language
not unlike Reagan�s Cold War rhetoric, the report added that, �the
educational foundations of our society are presently being eroded
by a rising tide of mediocrity that threatens our very future as
a nation and as a people.� The report aimed to restructure
the governance, organization, and curriculum of public education.
This would be accomplished by changing educational values and curriculum
Significantly, ANAR blamed the performance of public high schools
for the economic crisis, while ignoring global and national economic,
political, social, cultural, and technological factors that, in
fact, were more to the point.
The report called for: �excellence;� making schools and teachers
�accountable;� national curriculum standards; �core courses;� and
standardized testing. The report also called for federal leadership
and more corporate involvement in public education; confronting
educators (and a public) who wanted to promote more democracy and
ANAR established an outline for a nationwide educational reform
movement which would permeate schools at all levels. Very quickly
most states and local school districts began to formulate and incorporate
ANAR recommendations. Also, numerous educational associations
and unions endorsed aspects of the report.

Thus, a new national consensus was being established claiming that
public education was in crisis and that corporate-oriented Neo-Liberal
reforms were necessary. Moreover, the uneven, but persistent,
state and local fiscal crises, which had begun in the 1970�s, continued
to starve public education for resources. The assault on public
education would occur on two-symbiotic tracks: the promotion of
national policy and restructuring owing to budget crises.
Presidents George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush expanded
on the outlines of ANAR. The role of Clinton in the education
reform movement reflects the Democratic Party�s shift from New Deal-driven
Corporate-Liberalism to �bi-partisan� acceptance of Neo-Liberalism.
Bush I proposed legislation, under America 2000: An Educational
Strategy, aimed to standardize curriculum, and embrace school �choice.�
The America 2000 legislation died in the Senate, but funding
for education under Bush I increased substantially.
The Clinton administration�s education policy was framed in Goal
2000: Educate America Act, issued in 1993. That report aimed
to further establish a national consensus on goals, curriculum,
and standards of achievement.
George W. Bush intensified the Neo-Liberal policies. This
was initially seen with Bush II�s massive tax cuts for the rich.
After 9/11 occurred, Bush II deepened that ideology in to
United States foreign policy. Moreover, Bush II�s education
policy, called No Child Left Behind, ratcheted up the assault on
public education.
NCLB legislated:
improved teacher training and test-based licensing;
annual testing in reading and mathematics in elementary schools;
the chance for children in �failing� schools to transfer.
the inadequate funding the program received and growing criticism
from the education community, NCLB was the law of the land.
The 2008 Presidential election occurred during the worse economic
crisis since the Great Depression. The economic shock devastated
state and local budgets, causing massive reductions in public services,
lay-offs, and housing foreclosures.
California, already dealing with deficits and structural political
impediments, experienced the most severe budget deficit of any state.
Since the crisis began in 2008 Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
and the state legislature have made deep education cuts.
A major reason for the 2008 financial collapse was Clinton�s repeal
of the Depression-era Glass-Steagall regulatory regime in 1999,
which allowed commercial banks to pursue unregulated mechanisms,
such as �sub-prime mortgages.�
Furthermore, corporate-interests recognized the crisis was so severe
that to accumulate profits they needed government to intensify the
transfer of public resources to them. This would mean that
funding for programs which benefit the working class, elderly, youth,
the disabled, and education would be transferred to the ruling elites
in the form of bailouts, subsidies, and debt servicing. This largely
explains why the assault on public education (as well as the rest
of the public sector) accelerated since fall, 2008.
Within that context Barack Obama was elected President. Obama
has intensified the Bush II revised version of Neo-Liberalism: �limited
government� except for Wall Street and the corporations.
education policy is a clear example. This is reflected in
a statement he made, in February, 2010, after the Central Falls,
Rhode Island school district fired 93 unionized teachers, alleging
that they were responsible for �failing� standardized test scores.
In what could be considered Obama�s PATCO Moment, he stated:
��if a school continues to fail its students year after year after
year, if it doesn�t show signs of improvement, then there�s got
to be a sense of account-ability,�� Just like Reagan opened
the door for the attack on unions when he fired 13,000 air controllers
in 1981, unionized teachers now are increasingly vulnerable.
Obama�s education policy is called �Race to the Top,� although its
objectives are no different than the aforementioned Presidential
educational policies.
policy also exposes the conundrum that teacher unions face supporting
the Democratic Party.
In conclusion, under the current hegemonic ideological and economic
framework, there is no end in sight to the assault on public education. Guest Commentator George Wright , PhD is the author of The Destruction of a Nation: United States' Policy Toward Angola
Since 1945 (Pluto Press, 1997) and Stan Wright - Track Coach (Pacifica Sports Research Institute, 2005). He in Professor
Emeritus from the Political Science Department, California State
University, Chico. His research interests include: International
Political Economy, African International Relations, and the Politics
of International Sport. Click
here to contact Dr. Wright. |