comes in all colors and perhaps nowhere is this more apparent
than in the area of “landlord”/property owners and the concomitant
plight of apartment unit tenants.
is being witnessed throughout the United States, including in the
state of Minnesota, which unfortunately is in addition to being
“the land of 10,000 lakes,” is rapidly becoming a haven for greedy
landlords whose sole motivation is profit, at the expense of common
decency and the human rights of tenants.
are an increasing number of people in this nation losing their homes
and their hopes to the unscrupulous and avaricious purveyors of
mortgage scams. Additionally, apartment unit tenants are the constant
victims of greedy and unprincipled so-called “landlords” and their
ever willing legal counselors, who like street corner pimps and
hustlers, eagerly serve the profit interests of their landlord
clients. These unsavory “landlord” activities are becoming increasingly
vicious, with tenants as the victims.
most vulnerable tenant victims of landlord greed are the
economically poor, the disabled, the elderly,
and/or those who suffer from life-threatening medical problems.
In Minneapolis, Minnesota, for example, there are certain
Somali, Vietnamese, and Ecuadoran landlords all of whom are naturalized
U.S. citizens, but who are also blood sucking vultures
upon economically poor and disabled tenants, and who are landlords
that violate housing codes, and who collect rent without
first having obtained rental licenses, etc. Any tenant who
dares stand up legally to these greedy, vulture-like landlords is
retaliated against, often with the able assistance of well paid
lawyers who are the double-talking mouth pieces for the wealthy.
Greed knows no color lines, and the systemic terrorism against the
poor does not adhere to decency or human rights.
is not a natural phenomenon. It is in fact aided and abetted
by the greedy wealthy elite “landlords” of all colors, and their
surrogates. These are persons who have no substantive or
real concern for the “health, safety, and security”
of tenants. Their primary motivation is profit.
time is here and now for home owners who are losing their
homes, and for apartment unit tenants who are being blood sucked
by unscrupulous “landlords,” to stand up and fight against this
despicable, avaricious exploitation.

Homelessness in America is aided and abetted by greed. It is the greed of the few against the many.
must insist that our humanity and human rights be substantively
respected by this society and nation, and this includes the
right to having a decent place to live.
The Obama Presidency: A Nightmare Fulfilled
is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake.”
---James Joyce—
too very long ago, in the 1960s, the United States Government, as
documented in many pages of the infamous and bloody COINTELPRO [Counter
Intelligence Program] files, made it crystal clear that the likes
of Malcolm X and Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. would never be
allowed to become political “messiah[s];” and that if ever a Black
so called “messiah” came into being he would have to have been manufactured
and “created” by the U.S, Government itself. As some readers
already know, COINTELPRO was (and no doubt still is in one form
or another) a despicable internal U.S. Government program to “discredit,
frame, imprison and murder” and thereby “neutralize” U.S. citizens,
particularly Black (and yes, even some White) political activists
who stood (and stand) in opposition to certain unjust and hypocritical
policies of the U.S. Government at home and abroad.
are some, indeed far too many in this nation, who tout Barack Obama
(this latest incarnation of U.S. oppression, imperialism, Zionism,
and hegemony) as some kind of “messiah” when in reality he is a
de facto Judas, a shameless creation of the U.S. corporate/military
apparatus, supported by its ever eager lap dogs and cronies—the
U.S. corporate media. As the relatively recent top cabinet appointments
by emperor-elect Barack Obama clearly demonstrate, the Obama presidency
represents continuity of empire and a gigantic nightmare
come true for Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow peoples both
inside and outside of the United States. Yes, a nightmare, “a dream
deferred” yet again.

only is Barack Obama not politically akin in any real
sense whatsoever to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., he is the actual
antithesis to all that Dr. King struggled and died for. He
is the ultimate cynical opportunist. Presently, the same U.S. corporate
“news” media that despised both Malcolm X and Martin Luther King,
Jr. are championing Barack Obama. Yet, this is the very same
slimy U.S. corporate media that continues to be purveyors of massive
disinformation and misinformation, just as it was
doing in Malcolm and Martin’s day.
Obama’s deafening and overwhelming public silence and lack
of a clear and strong condemnation pertaining to the recent intensified
slaughter and genocide by the Israeli apartheid (U.S. supplied)
Zionist military machine of the Palestinian people in Gaza and elsewhere,
is wholly reprehensible yet very informative. In this case, the
East African Swahili adage, “Much silence makes a mighty
noise;” is most applicable. What better way to ensure continued
war and mayhem than by Obama’s tactical and strategic public silence,
at the very time that public condemnation is so strongly necessary
and called for?!
extremely important appointments by Barack Obama of Rahm Emanuel
and Robert Gates, etc., leave absolutely no doubt as to the Obama
presidency’s proclivity for the continuation of U.S. empire and
perpetual war. These aforementioned appointments were a deliberate
signal to the apartheid Zionist to step up their illegal and inhuman
offensive against the Palestinian people. As two well honed political
observers, who happen to be Jewish, poignantly and correctly wrote
to this writer re the real objectives of the Obama presidency:
“…the real goal is to strengthen Hamas…who (and whose allies)
will predictably strike back with suicide missions inside of Israel,
and...a massive attack against the USA, which will
be exactly what Obama/Rahm/Gates/Clinton WANT …Obama
can then with deep apologies install unfortunate but necessary
policies.” Their analysis is quite correct. It’s time to remove
our heads from the proverbial sand.

writer vividly recalls the not too distant past (in the 1960s and
1970s) when the political nation state of Israel boldly, and with
contempt for international law and human rights, openly and secretly
militarily and economically supported the racist, murderous,
apartheid Government of South Africa. In reality little of substance
has changed, except that the apartheid Zionists have now managed
to actually install the pro apartheid Zionist Barack Obama as the
emperor-elect of the U.S. Empire.
what of conditions under the Obama presidency inside the
United States itself?
a certainty, the U.S. corporate mass media of disinformation will
continue to shamelessly swoon on behalf of Barack Obama - the U.S.
empire’s latest double-talking chameleon in Black face. Unfortunately,
for the masses of every day Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow
peoples in this nation, the Obama presidency will be all about what
Obama himself has always been all about: opportunism and smoke &
mirror politics.
be sure, the Obama presidency will put forth a number of
so-called “stimulus” incentive packages for the U.S. economy, but
they will ultimately fail. They will fail, despite the swooning
U.S. corporate media support, because like Barack Obama, they are
fake. The people of the United States will need to closely study
the fine print of these so-called stimulus packages and they/we
will inevitably find that “five, ten, fifteen, or twenty percent”
of the money in these so-called stimulus packages will in fact be
going to prop up Obama’s real constituency, the U.S. corporate/military
apparatus. It was and is no mere coincidence that among Barack Obama’s
biggest corporate financial supporters are Goldman Saks and Lockheed
corporations. These are corporate/military money making enterprises
whose primary concern is about profit at the expense of the
every day health and welfare of people of this nation.
will see no universal, single payer health care system under
the Barack Obama presidency, but they will get more Obama
rhetoric, and more smoke and mirrors from Barack Obama
and his minions.
the Obama presidency the peoples of this nation will experience
increasing and enormous job losses and corporate welfare
[i.e. welfare for the rich].

the Obama presidency the peoples of this nation will lose their
homes at an ever increasing rate while his officials attempt to
cover over and down play the increasing pain and suffering of the
people in this country.
issue of the millions upon millions of wrongly imprisoned people
in this nation will not be seriously addressed and get better
under Barack Obama. It will get worse.
should be borne in mind that what compelled Barack Obama to become
the latest U.S. emperor is a love for power and his own ego, not
a love for the suffering peoples of the United States and the world.
He shamelessly used “hope” against the people of this nation
like a dope dealer uses drugs against the addict that he
has hooked. This colored emperor is the fulfillment of a well planned
and executed nightmare upon the peoples of this nation and world.

man, Barack Obama, is the ultimate personification of F. Tupper
Saussy’s words: “Since governments live by virtue of helpless
people, governments invest in keeping people helpless.” The
Obama rhetoric of “hope” is not new or profound. It is however,
a cheap and pathetic investment “in keeping people helpless” in
the very name of fake “change.”
task is to not be fooled again. We must organize against
oppression and oppressors whether such oppression emanates from
male or female, be they Black, White, or an off shade of turquoise.
the late, great poet Langston Hughes so aptly put it, “What happens
to a dream deferred…Maybe it just sags like a heavy load. Or does
it explode?”
then…All Power To The People. Editorial Board Member, Larry Pinkney, is a veteran of the Black
Panther Party, the former Minister of Interior of the Republic of
New Africa, a former political prisoner and the only American to
have successfully self-authored his civil/political rights case
to the United Nations under the International Covenant on Civil
and Political Rights. In connection with
his political organizing activities in opposition to voter suppression,
etc., Pinkney was interviewed in 1988 on the nationally televised
PBS NewsHour, formerly known as The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour. For more about Larry Pinkney see the book, Saying No to Power: Autobiography of a 20th Century Activist and
Thinker, by William Mandel [Introduction by Howard Zinn]. (Click here
to read excerpts from the book). Click here
to contact Mr. Pinkney. |