following is Part 2 of an interview in late June 2008, with Ericka
Huggins, former national Minister of Education for the Black Panther
Party. [Click here
to read Part 1] As the interview of Sister Ericka broadens in
scope, she continues to elucidate brilliantly the historical beginning,
objectives, and accomplishments of the Oakland
Community School in Oakland,
the interview, Sister Ericka pointed out that early on it was recognized
by certain members of the national leadership of the Black Panther
Party, in conjunction with various members of the community, that
“it was great for our children to have an educational program but
we needed a full school with teachers and classes and a curriculum
and a building that was designated for it.” Thus it was that Brother
Huey P. Newton “immediately went about finding a way to develop
a nonprofit corporation and to secure funding to buy the
building that the Oakland Community School sat in for almost ten years.”
This, in and of itself, is an important part of the not-so-distant
history that is little known and even less understood.
Ericka herself was one of the “teacher[s] in the Oakland Community School”
and had attended college to become an elementary school teacher,
though in later years she has also become a university instructor
/ professor. Sister Huggins explained that she “was profoundly moved
by the quality of life of African American children but not only
that – African American disabled….and the children who were
called educationally retarded…Children with cognitive disabilities
and I wanted to start a school for children with disabilities.
That’s why I went to college.” At that time however, (in the late
1960s), Ericka’s college education was interrupted due to her simultaneous
commitment to the Black liberation struggle which led her to join
the Black Panther Party. Nonetheless, in 1979, Sister Ericka returned
to college and explained in this interview that she has “recently”
again returned to school to get yet an “additional degree” so that
she can “open another school like Oakland Community School.”
Sister Ericka went on to emphasize that the Oakland Community School
was initially created in order “to be a replicable community
program” and that it was “the most exciting educational forum” that
she “ever participated in” because “the children were not hand picked
[and] the parents could not afford to pay tuition and the [Black
Panther] Party did not request tuition from them.”

teachers at the Oakland Community School came from the community and
were Black Panther Party members as was the administration of the
school. Sister Ericka indicated that she recently interviewed a
former student of the Oakland Community School and asked her, “what could
have been improved about the school?” The former student “became
very quiet”, looked at Ericka with a “delightful smile” and said,
“Nothing could have been improved about that school!
If I needed a hug, before the day was out someone would figure it
out and give it to me. If
I was hungry and didn’t even know I was hungry, snacks would appear.
When I was sad and brought that sadness to school from home because
we were poor you all knew it and you devised ways in the curriculum
to make my academic day exciting and to make the day spacious
and full of great things.”
intensely to Sister Ericka Huggins discuss the Oakland
Community School
brought chills of joy, sadness, and hope to me. Stay tuned for the
third and final part of this interview with Ericka Huggins on the
Oakland Community School
in an upcoming edition of The Black Commentator.
Editorial Board
Member, Larry Pinkney, is a veteran of the Black Panther Party,
the former Minister of Interior of the Republic of New Africa, a
former political prisoner and the only American to have successfully
self-authored his civil/political rights case to the United Nations
under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
In connection with his political organizing
activities in opposition to voter suppression, etc., Pinkney was
interviewed in 1988 on the nationally televised PBS NewsHour, formerly known as The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour. For more about Larry Pinkney see the book, Saying No to Power: Autobiography of a 20th Century Activist
and Thinker , by William
Mandel [Introduction by Howard Zinn]. (Click here
to read excerpts from the book). Click here
to contact Mr. Pinkney. |