us explore for a moment the notion that the Catholic Church is a
safe haven for criminals� if not a criminal organization itself,
or at least an organization whose leadership engages in criminality.
Such a topic goes beyond the comfort level of some people
because it is interpreted as an attack on religion, or specifically
the Catholic Church. �People are entitled to their own expression
of faith, to express God in the manner in which they choose, and
if they do not want to acknowledge the existence of a higher power
or Supreme Being.� With that said, religious organizations, of which
the Catholic Church is an example, are merely social constructions,
entities devised by human beings to meet certain goals.� No institution
is sacrosanct and beyond the laws of nations.� There is no mysticism
involved, no divine hand sweeping down to make the rules, just people
with their selfish motives.� Their policies for self-preservation,
including maintaining power and the status quo, may or may not coincide
with the needs of their followers.� In fact, the followers be damned
so that the corporation can remain intact.
The recent news coming from the Catholic Church does not
bode well: when he was a cardinal, the current Pope refused to defrock
a Wisconsin priest who molested as many as 200 deaf boys.� A priest faces extradition to Ireland for raping a 15-year-old boy 40
years ago.� European politicians are calling on the church to hold
sex abuse inquiries in Ireland and Germany.� Germans want to know what the
Pope and his brother knew about the decades-long abuse in an elementary
school, including a German boys choir the pope�s brother once led.�
And new abuse scandals also crop up in Switzerland, Austria and
Brazil.� Once viewed as solely an American phenomenon, the problem
is going worldwide.� The Vatican tells its bishops to cover up the sex abuse cases or risk being thrown out of the
church.� Child victims are forced to sign statements vowing they
will remain silent about the abuse they suffered.� Pedophile priests
are not fired or turned into the authorities, but are transferred
to other parishes, where they continue to prey on children.

In a game of bait and switch, the Vatican has pushed back
at the criticism, attacking the media for a �conspiracy� against the Church,
for focusing on allegations of the Pope�s role in covering up the
abuse.� Meanwhile, those who themselves are engaged in a criminal
conspiracy are in no position to blame their accusers of a conspiracy.
That�s just getting to the facts.
Surely, some will point to the good deeds of the church,
and good deeds exist, to be sure.� A track record of charity, of
helping the poor and improving society exists alongside a troubling
history of participating in slavery and colonization, and an indifference towards the Holocaust
in Nazi Germany.�
All institutions are human and therefore flawed.� But to whitewash a systemic problem of child
sex abuse
and pretend it doesn�t exist?� What is there to fear in the truth,
and whose interests are protected by covering up the scandal?� The
children?� Certainly even the most ardent parishioners cannot excuse
the inexcusable, and must realize that there is no wiggle room when it comes to the rape and torture
of children.��
I have concluded that any nonreligious organization with
such a track record of abuse would have been indicted under the
RICO Act a long time ago, for acts performed as part of an ongoing
criminal organization.� Racketeering, pedophilia, rape, assault,
and criminal conspiracy to cover up all of the above�these are the
things for which prisons were made.�

The Vatican and its agents are a major worldwide repository
for child abusers and pedophiles.� Surely, part of the reason for
this is the environment of secrecy and sexual repression.� Another
part of it is a vow of celibacy that encourages an unhealthy attitude
towards human sexuality.� And it always comes back to sexuality,
doesn�t it?� A policy of homophobia forces gay priests to remain
in the closet, in a church where a sizable proportion of priests
is likely gay.� The church condemns contraception, an irresponsible
stance given the rampant spread of AIDS in Africa and elsewhere.�
And the subjugation of women allows an all-male club of crusty old
dudes to dominate the Church hierarchy.� Certainly, one can envision
a more open atmosphere if women were allowed to become priests and
provide leadership to a church badly in need of new leaders.
Catholic Church is hemorrhaging money because of the billions of
dollars in compensation to settle the sex abuse claims.� And no
one wants to become a priest for obvious reasons.� This is an anachronistic
institution that refuses to change to meet the realities of a modern
world.� Such institutions eventually die under the weight of their
own irrelevance, intransigence and corruption.� And if their top
priority is saving the church rather than saving lives, protecting
children or weeding out the criminals in their midst, then it is
a fitting demise, indeed.� Ultimately, those who truly care about
the future of this or any other church should strive to change it.�
Executive Editor, David A. Love, JD is a journalist and human rights
advocate based in Philadelphia, and a contributor to The Huffington
Post, theGrio,
The Progressive
Media Project, McClatchy-Tribune News Service, In These Times
and Philadelphia Independent
Media Center. He also blogs at davidalove.com,
Daily Kos,
and Open Salon.
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