You know, I�ve been thinking about a story that cropped up in the news over
the weekend and it�s been in my craw today. Yes, it�s about
race and politics - the two things that can wake me from
a dead sleep. I
read that Israel
is recruiting American Blacks to champion their cause of
Zionism. I�m not so bent that Israel
would do that, but that Blacks would allow themselves to
be exploited by Israelis.
those of you who are Christians and are reading this, you�re
probably already appalled that I could say such a thing;
then there are those who know me and wonder why I haven�t
gone off the chain? Actually, I�m off the chain, but civilly
off the chain.
was a recent meeting in Brooklyn billed as �A Gathering
of Solidarity with the State of Israel,� sponsored by Christians
United for Israel, the biggest Christian Zionist group in
the country. That is their American-born right to assemble
on any issue imaginable. My issue is that Black Americans
would entertain Zionists plea for their support after the
atrocious history that Euro-Zionists have compiled over
the past century and a half.
the late 1800s, a group in Europe decided to colonize this
land called Palestine. Self-proclaimed as Zionists, they represented an extremist
minority of the Jewish population. Their goal was to create
a Jewish homeland, and they considered locations in Africa
and the Americas, before settling on Palestine.
first, this immigration wasn�t problematic. However, as
more and more Zionists immigrated to Palestine - many with the express wish of taking
over the land for a Jewish state - the indigenous population
became increasingly alarmed. Eventually, fighting broke
out, with escalating waves of violence. Hitler�s rise to
power, combined with Zionist activities to sabotage efforts
to place Jewish refugees in western countries, led to increased
Jewish immigration to Palestine,
and conflict grew to what we know today.
1947, the United Nations, led by the United
States, decided to intervene. However,
rather than adhering to the principle of �self-determination
of peoples,� in which the people themselves create their
own state and system of government, the UN chose to revert
to the medieval strategy whereby an outside power divides
up other people�s land. This is the seed of occupation.
the 2012 elections on the horizon, President Barack Obama
is positioning himself as an unwavering friend of Israel
- to the peril of people of color in the region and around
the world. In May, Obama spoke to AIPAC, giving an explicit,
emphatic �no� to the �67 lines and Hamas, while expressing
boundless support for the State of Israel as a Jewish and
a democratic state whose security is ensured � even though
Israel does everything antithetical to America�s principles.
this article is published, the Palestinian bid for statehood
hangs in the balance. It shouldn�t. The Palestinian people
have had their lands occupied, their humanity diminished
and their people bombed from the air by the state we know
as Israel. Their democratically-held elections have
been nullified by the western world. To ask support of Black
Americans, in light of a racially-driven occupation is,
at the very least, insulting.
Michael Stevens, the African-American outreach coordinator
for Christians United for Israel, is on a mission to build
a bridge between the nation�s black and Jewish communities,
based on support for Israel, partly by pointing out what
he calls parallels between the two groups. Stevens isn�t
alone in promoting the alliance. The American Israel Public
Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has begun building relationships
with rising leaders at historically black campuses like
Spelman and Morehouse College, both in Atlanta.
outreach comes at a time when Israel
has become increasingly isolated on the international stage
and is looking for new allies. What�s often missed is that
Israel has caused its own alienation. Israel
has refused to cease building settlements on Palestinian
lands, despite repeated US requests to do so - although
half-hearted requests at best. It has also continued to
block shipments of human aid to Gaza,
as well as threaten the flotillas delivering that aid as
they sailed international waters.
This outreach to Blacks reminds me of the 1960s Life cereal commercials with
its familiar tagline: �Let�s give it to Mikey; he�ll eat
anything.� When you�re running out of allies, then run to
the Black community�they go for anything. Pastor Stevens�
is willingly doing the subtle but desperate bidding of Israel,
whose �friends� list is dwindling. Isn�t it funny how Israel never enlisted Blacks
as friends before now? Just examine its historically dismal
track record at building bridges and you�ll understand why.
I hope that Brooklyn church listened intently, listened
politely to Pastor Stevens, and then resoundingly responded
�If you believe that [that we believe you, Pastor Stevens],
I�ve got a [Brooklyn] bridge to sell
leaders like Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan and Jesse Jackson
have been sharply critical of Israel, decrying
its treatment of Palestinians. Despite that fact, American
Evangelical Christian groups have been zealous in carving
out a segment of the Black community to rival the more defiant
leaders. This is a �divide & conquer� strategy that
I am here to warn of.
Many Blacks see themselves as kindred to the Israelis. I have found amusing
Black Americans who cling to the notion that Israel is their ancestral
home. This is the picture of successful brainwashing, and
not some newfound phenomena. This is a conditioning that
took place over hundreds of years, implanted via slavery.
Blacks who embrace modern-day Israel (Zion)
as their kin mistakenly confuse Zionists for Old Testament
land - Palestine.
Different people--Europeans, different time - Zionists,
2011. Increased alienation on the world stage calls for
innovative tactics for winning. Israel will staunchly defend its right to invade,
occupy, and ultimately erase every trace of Palestinian
sovereignty from Palestine.
To achieve its goal, Israel
is seeking new allies. One�s imagination needn�t be too
vivid to capitalize on the sympathy of Black Americans toward
for its desire to return to its �original� homeland of Palestine, and I already mentioned the Old Testament, Bible-based notion
of a Black American-Israel kinship - even if the notion
is erroneous.
They say it�s God�s will. The Israeli occupation of Palestine is led by white-skinned Jews; the darker-skinned
Palestinians are the subject. This is the epitome of racism,
by God.
Columnist, Perry
Redd, is the former Executive Director of
the workers rights advocacy, Sincere Seven, and author of
the on-line commentary, �The
Other Side of the Tracks.� He is the host of the internet-based
talk radio show, Socially Speaking in
here to contact Mr.