on a wave of hope for change and promises of reform, the Obama administration
is leading a wave of national, state and local efforts to improve
conditions and service delivery in schools, prisons, health care
delivery, politics, employment, business, government and the environment.
Unfortunately, though unstated and perhaps at least partly unconsciously,
the overriding strategy is to proceed with “all deliberate speed,”
using acceptable innovators who can be trusted not to make “unacceptable”
changes - those which would make elite people in positions of power
uncomfortable. This
continues the practice of persuading those in the suffering and
dying grassroots / working class to keep waiting for their turn
at bat - the turn which never comes because of the strengthening
draconian measures which ensure the ongoing exploitation, rejection,
retaliation and even extermination each time attempts are made by
the people at the bottom to rise and overcome.
for example, though the overwhelming majority of American citizens
and medical professionals want a single payer-health-care-for-all,
the Obama administration in capitulation to the insurance and pharmaceutical
industries has blocked almost all single-payer advocates from being
heard and has not included single payer advocates among those invited
to the so-called “open,” national discussions of the issue (except
for the few with enough political clout of their own, like Congressman
John Conyers who forced his own inclusion). There is an incredible
arrogance in all of this, underlying a clearly demonstrated belief
by those currently and recently in power that the American public
is ignorant, easily fooled and easily intimidated. This overly confident
view was addressed by Abraham Lincoln: “You
may deceive all the people part of the time, and part of the people
all the time, but not all the people all the time.”
Think of all the empires, monarchies, dictators, juntas, oligarchies
and armies that have come to power and have tried to stay in power.
They do not last any more than Shelley’s Ozymandias.
met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert ... Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which still survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal these words appear:
“My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!”
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
disconnected from the masses, people of ruling classes seldom see
the end coming. Their strategies ultimately fail because they are
not smarter than the rest, even with their advantages and tools
of the moment, and they are few in number. The core issues of life
are unavoidable for any society to truly flourish and last.
is not time and space enough to point out all of the possible examples
of the inability to resolve any major social or government issue
without addressing racism and the intersection of racism and sexism,
so a few will have to suffice. To start: all despotic governments,
whether elected or in power, or based on heredity, single rulers
or oligarchies, maintain their control through propaganda which
begins with basic vocabulary. Words like honor, duty, responsibility,
accountability, morality, hero and traitor are uttered over and
over again in a brainwashing technique that works by associating
repeated lies and distortions with these words until their definitions
are accepted without question and believed by many as truth by virtue
of their repetition. The intentions of the propaganda, of course,
only applies to the “governed” masses which, in the US, includes
all but a few men and women of color and white women, but does not
apply to the legally exempt governing class. So honor means
obeying the ruling class without question; duty means being
willing to sacrifice one’s own resources, even life, to keep the
ruling class in power with no expectation of reciprocity of any
kind; responsibility means adhering to the rules set down
by the ruling class to assure surrender of any hope of equitable
circumstances; accountability refers to assuring that no
morsel of resource or self worth is denied to the ruling class,
along with the willingness to point out any other grassroots / working
class people who violate these rules; morality refers to
standards of behavior held out as deriving from a supreme being
who is presented as the origin of the right to power of the ruling
class; hero names the individual willing to betray, deceive,
or deprive others in the grassroots / working class of any resource,
possession or life desired by the ruling class, even at the price
of one’s own life; and, traitor identifies any person who
disagrees in any way with the ruling class, especially any person
seeking freedom, equality, justice or shared power.
have been some in the governed masses, who appear to others outside
the ruling class, to have higher status or positions which appear
to be powerful. Their power is illusory in much the same way that
overseers on slave plantations were. There function is to defect
hostility from those really in power onto themselves so that the
ruling class can control absolutely, yet feel beloved. Recent examples
of this role can be seen in people like Ward Connerly, Clarence
Thomas, Condolezza Rice, Linda Chavez, Alberto Gonzales, who are
known for their loyalty to those in control and for their willingness
to disassociate themselves from the masses people of their own ethnic
/ cultural groups. This exemplifies one strategy by which the governing
class maintains its grip on the masses by convincing some token
individuals that they are part of the power elite, though they are
not; and by holding up examples to the masses that there is a chance
to become part of the ruling class - without mentioning the price
to be paid. Tokens, however, like all others outside the ruling
class are often subjected to tactics to make sure they stay in their
poignant examples of keeping people in their places are the treatment
of Martha Stewart who was tried, convicted and sent to prison for
allegedly lying to the FBI. By contrast, President Richard Nixon,
who lied about authorizing criminal behavior, not only to the FBI
but to the nation, an incomparably greater offense, was pardoned
without having to face a single allegation or be subjected to any
punishment. Martha Stewart, though white, is still female - a person
of lower status in the US
power hierarchy - no matter how smart or how much money she has.
Indeed, it might be argued that she was put in her place because
her intelligence was recognized and to neutralize any power she
might try to exercise based on the acquisition of wealth.
second example occurred when Oprah Winfrey remarked on her show,
that she would not eat beef because of the ongoing concerns of many
with the effects of mad cow disease, and was sued by the Beef Industry.
This was a direct assault on the most powerful African American
woman of all time, as well as one of the “richest people;” an opportunity
to put her in her “place.” However, it should be recognized that
such Machiavellian endeavors are generally sinister in more than
one way. The suit against Oprah Winfrey was also part of an effort
to institute a judicial practice which had begun earlier in the
United Kingdom - a scheme by which activists can
be silenced from speaking truth by ruling them libelous even when
their remarks are factual.

reported in the Center for Media and Democracy PR Watchdog article,
“Shut Up and Eat: The Beef Industry’s Lawsuit Against Oprah Winfrey
… a British judge had already ruled
that two environmental activists had committed ‘McLibel’ when they
criticized the McDonald’s restaurant chain for serving fatty, unhealthy
foods, damaging the environment, paying low wages and mistreating
animals. Although Justice Rodger Bell acknowledged that there was
a factual basis for all of these criticisms, under Britain’s reactionary
libel law he ruled that activists Helen Steel and Dave Morris were
guilty anyway and ordered them to pay $96,000 in damages
... In the United States, meanwhile, the food industry is working
overtime to enact British-style libel laws that make it easier to
silence American activists and journalists.”
lawsuit against Oprah Winfrey and Howard Lyman of the Humane Society
of the U.S. was the first effort of its kind in the United States where previously
the legal system usually claimed to place high value on freedom
of speech. In fact, freedom of speech is reserved for members of
the ruling class and for people like Don Imus, Rush Limbaugh, Geraldine
Ferraro, Dick Cheney, and sports teams with names like Red Skins
that are offensive to Native Americans. Michigan State University
said that MSU professor Indrek Wichman was protected by his right
to free speech when he described Muslims as “brutal and uncivilized”
and told Muslim students to go back to their homelands. Even the
racial slurs attributed Britain’s
Prince Harry were excused. But in the case of African American Oprah
Winfrey and activist Howard Lyman, this First Amendment right to
freedom of speech was not viewed in the same manner. Instead, a
focused effort was made to implement new “agricultural product disparagement
laws” to make examples of them to silence critics of the food industry
through intimidation.
states to date have enacted “food disparagement” laws. Under previous
laws, the food industry bore the burden of proof. In order to win
a libel case, it had to prove that its critics were deliberately
and knowingly circulating false information. Under the new laws,
however, it wouldn’t matter that Lyman believed in his statements,
or even that he could produce scientists supporting his statements.
The plan was to enable the industry to convict him of spreading
“false information” if it could convince a jury that his statements
on the Oprah show deviated from “reasonable and reliable scientific
inquiry, facts, or data.” In other words, truth would no longer
be a defense to libel.
in the cases of Martha Stewart and Oprah Winfrey, race and gender identities distinguish those with actual rights, such
as the free speech utilized by the governing power elite, and those
with the “phantom” rights of the governed. “Phantom” rights disappear
at the pleasure of those in control, sort of like constitutional
fine print written in disappearing ink. However, phantom rights
are necessary to an unjust process. In order for unjust social systems
to operate with the majority of people being ruthlessly ruled by
a power elite, there must also be mechanisms through which the masses
accept, participate in and perpetuate the unjust systems of control
under which they live. Those under control must be persuaded that
the system is basically good and that working within the system
will achieve the desired outcomes of freedom, equality and justice.
This keeps many people from fighting against the systems which actually
imprison them.
strategy of control is to persuade the “governed” that they are
inferior. The inferiority is communicated by portraying the “lower
classes” as ugly, ignorant, uncultured, barbaric, animalistic, uneducated,
crude, unreasoning, irresponsible, overly sexual, violent, noisy,
rude, unreliable, criminalistic, naïve, simple and incapable of
higher level thinking. These ideas infuse all aspects of art, education,
communication, and employment. While art and media presentations
show endless examples of these stereotypes applied to the grassroots
/ working class, especially to show women and men of color as valueless,
the ruling class is reinforced in its belief in its own superiority,
while the victims of the stereotypes are led to believe that they
are looking at mirrors and not at distortions created by the real
social deviants - those whose positive sense of self depends on
the destruction of the self esteem of others.
is it important to understand these pieces of history? Because although
truth is the counter to propaganda, it cannot help if it is not
known. Despite the easy access to almost unlimited information via
the Internet, more and more people have been conditioned to rely
on a few sound bites as sufficient knowledge. Tragically, the majority
no longer read books, newspapers and magazines which generate reflective
thinking. Neither do most people even take the time to visit an
Internet fraud site to see if preposterous statements in an email
from an unknown person are part of a scam. Instead, the scams are
repeated and over and over and lead people to give out information
like bank account numbers in the belief that millions of dollars
will be deposited into their accounts by strangers in Nigeria or
China or some unknown European country. Thus, identity thieves are
assisted by their victims whose bank accounts are robbed by electronic
debits and credit card are charged to their maximums.
of the many underlying assertions inherent in the propaganda utilized
by the power elite to maintain power is the idea that the “have-nots”
lack inspiration. The “haves,” who enjoy adulation, engage in a
pretense of helping the “have-nots” by inspiring them. The
“haves” love this activity because it doesn’t cost anything significant
in terms of time, commitment or resources. Nor does providing “inspiration”
require truth or integrity. All that is needed is for the haves
to lecture the “have-nots” on how to succeed in education,
careers and life. The “haves” tell the “have-nots” about the value
of getting an education and of hard work. This makes the “haves”
feel good about themselves as they buy into their own propaganda
that they are helping the downtrodden “have-nots.” Of course, the
“haves” do not have to have education to get ahead because they
have other “haves” who can open doors for them, buy their degrees
/ jobs for them, if necessary, based on their membership in the
“in-group” and no amount of education, intelligence, skill, experience
or talent can provide the same opportunities to the “have-nots.”
When the “have-nots” believe the propaganda of the “haves,” the
have-nots blame themselves for not being able to get more degrees
or better jobs or higher incomes. The “tokens” who work on behalf
of the “haves” reinforce the notion that the “have-nots” are failures
and attack other “have-nots who resist being controlled and refuse
to capitulate to domination. It is a brutal system which begins
at birth and conditions many “have-nots” to accept a modern, defeated,
slave-like state of mind.

important political leaders, and those associated with them who
claim to be social leaders, have been lecturing men of color on
how to be “responsible” fathers while failing to consider or address
in any way the centuries of racism that have deprived men of color
of education, employment, freedom and dignity. This is like attacking
a man and rendering him blind, deaf and without arms and legs, and
without access to education, employment, food and shelter, then
criticizing him for not going to school, having a job, being a good
parent and citizen and calling him weak for being depressed. Women
of color are more often marginalized to the level of invisibility
without recognition of their humanity or existence. To assert that
such people need to be inspired would be laughable if not so cruel.
What can inspire a person more toward getting an education or a
job than being homeless, than starving, or watching children being
physically and psychologically destroyed? It is absurd to suggest
that all that is needed by the homeless - many of whom are educated,
the unemployed, or the uneducated is to listen to a moralistic lecture
rooted in lies and distortion from the “haves.” It is especially
heartless for the haves to parade around in their finery, eating
and living lavishly in accommodations the “have-nots” will never
see in person. There is nothing comforting about seeing others eat
when you are without food. Nor are the charitable efforts
of the “haves” really helpful. They are activities which help the
“haves” to feel good about themselves but do not involve any real
sacrifices of their resources or lifestyles. The sacrifices of the
“haves” create some of their tax breaks and help them stay wealthy.
definitions of inspiration include: 1. stimulation of the
mind or feelings to activity or creativity; 2. a person or thing
that causes this state; 3. an inspired idea or action. Inspiration
is a term which has been used widely by those who “have” to demonstrate
their commitments to the “have-nots.” The “haves” offer what they
say is inspiration, by telling the “have-nots” that they are at
fault for their own dire circumstances which the “haves” say are
easily remedied by looking at the opportunities made available to
those who get an education, have morals and work hard. In fact,
most of the “haves” are born ahead, receiving money, property and
other resources which may have been stolen from “have-nots” at some
time past or recent; attending K-12 schools that are better funded
that those in “have-not” communities; getting preferential treatment
in admission to educational institutions because of legacies (family
members who attended) and especially as the consequence of racism
and the intersection of racism and sexism. The “haves” get the option
of achieving higher status in their classes through the repression
of grades of students of color, even gifted ones. The exclusion
of massive numbers of people of color and many white poor from educational
opportunities ensures maximum opportunity and resources for the
“haves.” Employment discrimination, the rigged system of hiring
less qualified whites who cannot compete successfully in fair competition
for available jobs, prevents widespread economic advancement of
the “have-nots,” just as the repeated assertions of inferiority,
failures, shortcomings, deficiencies, and undesirable traits of
the “have-nots” defeats so many emotionally and psychologically.
For millions of the grassroots / working class, every day is an
experience of being traumatized.
top of this, the “haves” then offer minority education and employment
programs in which people of color are further conditioned to accept
their own inferiority and the supremacy of the “haves.” Special
“diversity” programs teach the “have-nots” how to “adjust” in predominantly
white institutions, meaning how people of color must learn to accept
and adapt to perpetual exclusion and mistreatment silently in order
to “get ahead” for the chance of being one of the few “have-nots”
that are allowed into inner circles of the “haves.” No meaningful
actions in minority education and employment programs, nor the institutions
which implement them, really acknowledge and act forcefully against
racism and racism + sexism to the extent needed to eliminate discrimination.
No one is held accountable substantively. At the same time,
any acting out of anger against oppression and oppressors by the
oppressed is dealt with swiftly and generally with criminal law.
in the Saturday, May 30,
2009 issue of the Washington Post, Colbert I. King in his article “A Voting Rights Reminder for Clarence
Thomas” compares Myers “Daddy” Anderson
with his grandson, Clarence Thomas, wondering: “Would “Daddy” be
able to reconcile the steadfast support that he gave the local NAACP
chapter in Savannah, Ga., with his grandson’s
votes on race and civil rights-voting issues, which his black critics
have characterized as traitorous? As with many other newsmakers
whom I have met, Thomas and I have talked about more than I have
ever written about him ... But Thomas will get some well-deserved
scrutiny when ... the Supreme Court hands down its decision in a
crucial voting rights case, Northwest Austin Municipal Utility
District Number One v. Holder. At issue, whether
Congress can continue to require states with egregious past and
current discriminatory voting practices to first receive clearance
for changes in voting procedures from the Justice Department or
a federal judge … Critics have zeroed in on Section 5 of the Voting
Rights Act, the provision to guard against efforts to suppress the
access of African Americans and other minorities to the ballot box
... Questioning by Chief Justice John Roberts and justices Antonin
Scalia, Samuel Alito and Anthony Kennedy during oral arguments this
year has led court watchers to believe that the justices are likely
to split 5-4 in favor of striking down that provision, with Thomas
adding the fifth vote. There is no reason for Clarence Thomas to
vote that way. Recall his grandfather’s admonition: “Don’t shame
our race.” It would be a crying shame if a black man has a hand
in tearing the heart out of the Voting Rights Act.”
decision on this case is still awaited, though few expect Clarence
Thomas to decide in favor of supporting African American and other
minority voters in this case in which two African Americans of note,
Clarence Thomas and Attorney General Eric Holder now seem to be
on opposing sides of the issue. In his guest post on the website
of the American Constitution Society, “Awaiting, with Trepidation, High Court’s Decision on Voting Rights Act” posted May 5 2009, Mark A. Posner, Senior Fellow, Lawyers’
Committee for Civil Rights Under Law; Former
Special Sec. 5 Counsel, Civil Rights Division, U.S. Department of
Justice, discusses the case.
since July 2006, when Congress acted with overwhelming bipartisan
majorities to reauthorize the “pre-clearance” requirement of Section
5 of the Voting Rights Act, 42 U.S.C. § 1973c, the civil rights
community has waited with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation
for the day when ... {they} would stand before the Supreme Court
to argue its constitutionality. That day, April 29, 2009,
has finally come and gone, in the case of Northwest Austin Municipal
Utility District Number One v. Holder. The
Court’s decision is expected in late June, and until then one is
left to ponder and dissect the over 60 minutes of intense questioning
offered up by eight of the nine Justices. Unhappily, this review
strongly suggests that trepidation should be the predominant feeling
while we wait for the Court to rule.”
of this writing, the decision which was expected on May 30 is not
yet known. Whatever its outcome, the inherent desire of all human
beings, including Americans, for freedom and justice will not die.
is all-conquering, but its victories are short-lived.” -Abraham

BlackCommentator.com Guest Commentator Suzanne Brooks is the founder and
CEO of International Association for Women of Color Day
and CEO of Justice 4 All Includes Women of Color. Click here
to contact Ms. Brooks. |