“I tell you this much, it’s up to
every one of you/
from the past or the future will punish you/
flows to those who remember/”
at this very moment, Grand-Author, Toni Morrison, is recanting
her 1998
words, suggesting that Bill Clinton was the embodiment of
the “first black president,” because he displayed “almost every
trope of blackness: single-parent household, born poor, working-class,
saxophone-playing, McDonald’s-and-junk-food-loving boy from Arkansas.”
For what good is it to be an esteemed culture critic, and have
the memories of an ill-conceived statement lurking behind your
every mention and declaration. But upon a moments’ reflection,
Ms. Morrison is merely a mirror-image of the heartfelt conviction
of millions of Black folks who, having being mesmerized by the
allure of a president who went the extra mile in rendering unfulfillable
promises, had become emotionally overdosed and dwarfed by political
immaturity. One thing is for certain however: 99% of the Black
population which believed Bill “Bubba” Clinton to be the first black president holds no such sentiment
anymore. With Barack Obama’s emergence as the new Messiah,
most of those Black voters have little need for the “counterfeit”
Black president, when the possibility of a “real” Black president
is more tangible than ever before.
Clinton has, of recent, had to confront a reality most familiar
to Black folks: A feeling of usage and exploitation. In Bill’s
mind, it was virtually unimaginable to be relegated to the sidelines
– all in the name of the materialization of a long-sought dream:
The fulfillment of a bonafide Black president. Much of this ongoing
struggle to acknowledge reality is playing out in dramatic fashion
on the national political field. In recent appearances on both,
The View, and Late Show with David Letterman, Bill
Clinton has appeared to be, at the very least, uneasy about accommodating
the prospect of Barack Obama attaining victory in November – by
way of Obama’s skill, charisma, character and intellect. Clinton
has cited numerous fanciful and coincidental rationales why Barack
Obama will win; which included tribalism, political exasperation
and sheer luck. No doubt President Clinton is still reeling from
the painful, public rebuff he received from the Black Community
– a community he considered to be a second home (albeit he never
earned such credit). Chris Rock, the grand comedian, noticed this
hardly hidden expression. In an immediate
appearance following Clinton’s
feature on David Letterman, Rock noted, “Is it me, or he
didn’t want to say the name Barack Obama?” Whether Bill Clinton
is capable of conceding the Baton to Barack Obama or not, one
thing is for certain: The Black Community has moved on.
But what does “moving on” delineate? Is the Black Community more
politically knowledgeable and literate as a result of this encounter
with the Clintons, or are we back to the same old childish games
of embracing the lesser of two evil, which, to paraphrase Ralph
Nader, would only yield us “evil” and “less.”
the same high level of unconditional loyalty to corporate politicians
– a la Obama – would only guarantee more and more disappointments
– even if a Black face is accepted as fit for the highest place,
come Nov. 4th. In the Clinton
administration, many Blacks underwent economic ascendancy (up
a ladder now shortening from the bite-wounds of George Bush’s
termites), but issues of Black concerns accelerated to pandemic-like
rates and statistics. A few of them include:
Mass Incarceration Of Black Men (Brought Courtesy of Sen. Obama’s
running mate, Joe Biden, who authored the infamous, “Violent
Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994” a/k/a the “1994
Crime Bill,” which helped facilitate the establishment of
100,000 more cops on the streets, and the imprisonment of more
Blacks than in any other administration).
A “Welfare-Reform”
legislation, which owed its supreme inspiration to Ronald Reagan
and his vituperative usage of the acidic terminology, “Welfare
Queen,” to characterize Black female welfare recipients. Not
surprising, however, coming from a president whose solemn
vow to “end welfare as we know it,” it seemed to be bubbling
into fruition. In Death
Blossoms, political prisoner and prophetic leader, Mumia
Abu Jamal, described the “legislative obscenity” as a “chilling”
plot, drafted to dash “the hopes of millions of the poor, all
in order to protect his political ass.”
- The
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). An “agreement” coming
at the expense of 900,000 jobs – disproportionately, as one would
expect, from within the Black Community.
legendary civil rights activist and author, Kevin Alexander Gray,
debunked Bill Clinton’s “symbolic” relationship with the Black
Community as a cheap political stunt and a means to an end – whose
last bus stop was in 2000. In a 2002 article
titled, “Clinton and Black Americans Soul Brother?” Gray exposed
the silliness of Black celebrities who – through the culpability
of naďve Black masses – had hopped on the bandwagon to celebrate
President Clinton as an honorary Black
Man. “… What makes Clinton’s
race act so successful is that black America never asked him to do much to begin with…
For 12 years before Clinton,
Ronald Reagan and George Bush insulted and ignored black people.
Consequently, when Clinton
wooed African Americans, most were just happy someone was finally
paying attention… The notion of Clinton
as a great friend of the black community or defender of civil
rights is… crazy.”

In 2008, if progressives would candidly admit, Barack Obama’s unusual
relationship with the Black Community is eerily reminiscent of
that from which Bill Clinton benefited. In fact, as late as October
2007, Barack Obama still – according
to polls – trailed Sen. Clinton by 13 points in the Black
Community. Not until recently, was there the 90% percent phenomenal-like
sustainment that helped deny Hillary Clinton the Democratic Presidential
nomination. It was widely reported that Blacks had withheld support
from Obama because they never perceived him as a realistic
candidate. Let’s explore that for a minute. Black folks pride themselves with
the false-assertion that the only reason they withdrew their endorsement
from Hillary, was as payback for Bill and Hill’s racially inflamed
and denigrating statements toward the Black
Community and their slain
leaders. Nevertheless, many Black voters would readily admit
that if not for the overwhelming amount of White voters in Iowa who poured out their support for Obama, Hillary Clinton would
have, more than likely, clinched the Democratic Presidential Nomination.
This clear insinuation that the exemption of White Iowan’s validation
of Sen. Obama’s candidacy would have done very little to damage
the relationship between the Black Community and the Clintons
– Bill and Hill’s acerbic remarks notwithstanding – is simply

such a precedent, the future is at best bleak for a people who
stubbornly refuse to develop the political
maturity for which Malcolm X so strongly advocated. When choosing
a running mate, Sen. Obama opted for a man whose portfolio on
the Black Community – and financially
disempowered folks of all color – reeks of unmitigated
indifference and static
folks of conscience must, at this moment, WAKE UP, and resist
the satanic beast of acquiescence. Now
is not the time to revel in the inept pleasure of seeing “one
of our own,” in the highest seat of the land. If we cannot lend
credence to our conscience, and all we pursue is the felicity
of an historical moment, we would have to explain to the next
generation – and the one coming after them – why their livelihood
was traded for the comfort of the historicalness of Obama’s presidency.
As far as I can tell, it’s not just Black folks engaging in quid
pro quo.

BlackCommentator.com Columnist, Tolu Olorunda, is an 18-year-old local activist/writer and
a Nigerian immigrant. Click here
to reach Mr. Olorunda.
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October 2, 2008
Issue 293 |
published every Thursday
Executive Editor:
Bill Fletcher, Jr. |
Managing Editor:
Nancy Littlefield |
Peter Gamble |
Est. April 5, 2002 |
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