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Est. April 5, 2002

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Cover Story: "The past is never dead. It's not even past." - Nafsi ya Jamii By Wilson Riles, BC Columnist

Obama, emotionally, has difficulty holding on to the past being present in the now. He falsely wants to believe that the future can start now, in the present, without any reengagement with the past.

Political Cartoon -Strangling Chicago Teachers By Eric Garcia, Chicago IL

What Would Be Gained if Terry Williams is Executed?

The jurors were unaware of the history of sexual abuse

 Lines Drawn in the Constitutional Sand

Those weren't two elderly antebellum holdouts driving the pickup truck which pulled the effigies of government officials with their campaign signs underneath; it was two strapping young men.

  Thomas Cromwell on Jobs - a Message for Today - Left Margin - By Carl Bloice - BC Editorial Board

Why aren’t we making a massive investment in infrastructure, which is ultimately an investment in our future?

 Mainstream Media’s Obsession with Venezuela - The African World - By Bill Fletcher, Jr. - BC Editorial Board

Chavez and his party wish to move the country along a very different path of development than is approved by the political elite in the USA.

 Escobar Shocked “Fag” is a Slur

Hyper-masculinity in professional male sports cultures unabashedly denigrates and goes after lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) people.

Ignorance And The Hypocrisy Trap

The everyday ordinary people of the United States are not the enemies of the world.

 Rosa Luxemburg and Capitalism’s Spectacles - Represent Our Resistance - By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels, PhD - BC Editorial Board

How does it happen that the interest of the capitalists becomes the interest of the poor and working classes, of the activists and leadership on the Left?

Political Cartoon - “Innocence of Muslims”: The film that KILLS! By Carlos Latuff, Rio de Janeiro Brazil    

 Land Grab Techniques Useful In U.S., As Well As Third World - Solidarity America - By John Funiciello - BC Columnist

Land grabs for the growing of food is a rather new phenomenon, having begun in the last decade.

 They Don’t Lynch Negroes, Do They?

If Mitt Romney’s elected, this nation will be taking a deliberate step backward towards a country where the lynchings of Black people is more likely.

 Failure to Compromise

President already tried sitting down with Republicans, who then chose to obstruct anything he tried to accomplish.
 Curriculum Surgery

During this current climate of so-called educational reform very little discussion has taken place regarding the continued racism and white supremacy of American public school curriculums.

Animated Political Cartoon - Explosive Employment By Mark Fiore, San Francisco CA

Art: Dance With Me By Margaret Warfield, Atlanta GA

Quote to Ponder:  "Ignorance is a cure for nothing. - W.E.B. Du Bois

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is published every Thursday
Executive Editor:
David A. Love, JD
Managing Editor:
Nancy Littlefield, MBA
Peter Gamble