lesson of Hobbs
and Tocqueville can be boiled down to a brief but chilling dictum: concentrated
power, whether of a Leviathan, a benevolent despotism, or a superpower, is
impossible without the support of a complicitous citizenry that willingly signs
on to the covenant, or acquiesces, or clicks the ‘mute button.’
-Sheldon S. Wolin, Democracy Incorporated: Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism
Deutschland uber allies,’ ‘long live democracy,’ ‘long live the Tsar and
slavery,’ ‘ten thousand tent cloths, guaranteed according to specifications,’
‘hundred pounds of bacon,’ ‘coffee substitute, immediate delivery’…dividends
are rising - proletarians falling, and with each one there sinks a fighter of
the future, a soldier of the revolution, a savior of humanity from the yoke of
capitalism, into the grave.
Luxemburg, “The Junius Pamphlet,” The Rosa Luxemburg Reader
now must be done is that with full consciousness all the forces of the
proletariat should be concentrated in an attack on the very foundations of
capitalist society…there, step by step, we must seize the means of power from
the rulers and take them into our own hands…In the form that I depict it, the process
may seem rather more tedious than one had imagined it at first. It is healthy,
I think, that we should be perfectly clear as to all the difficulties and
complications of this revolution. For I hope that, as in my own case, so in
yours also, the description of the difficulties of the accumulating tasks will
paralyze neither your zeal nor your energy.
Luxemburg, “Our Program and the Political Situation,” The Rosa Luxemburg Reader
the milieu of the 1990s version of “liberalism,” I suspended teaching at the
college level and activism to pursue a doctorate degree. By “liberalism,” I
refer to Sheldon Wolin’s definition of the new liberalism which sidelines
“secularism and rationalism” and social democracy in order “to seek validation
for liberal anticommunism abroad and at home.”
There are cracks in this “newest” Empire’s totalizing structure
new liberalism that distances itself from “‘the Left’ and populist democracy to
celebrate a new, more clear-eyed elite…committed to Cold War, lukewarm or
indifferent toward social democracy, and increasingly unreceptive to
equalitarian ideals.” The new liberalism that could schedule discussions and
readings focused on the usual Leftist theorist - aside from Marx and Engels,
Lenin, Fanon, Althusser, Gramsci, Lukacs, Benjamin, Adorno, Guevara, and an
assortment of other, predominantly male thinkers, Lacan, Derrida, Foucault, and
Girard, but rarely, if at all, link these discussions to the gentrification
process, for example, taking place intensely at that time in Chicago - which
was familiar to certain faculty since such faculty were new property owners and
granted by the city the right to “rehab” old buildings and homes where once poor
Blacks lived in poverty.
new liberalism that did not mention the thinker and Marxist scholar, Rosa
Luxemburg, at least not in the classes in which I sat or in the discussions to
which I was privy, and rarely offers her work for consideration now as we face
the totalizing agenda of the capitalist project.
recent years, a friend suggested I look into Luxemburg. Read Luxemburg! I said I would do so, but there was never time,
until earlier this year. I chanced to hear a KPFA interview in which Professor
Hudis, one of the editors of The Rosa
Luxemburg Reader (2004)[1]
and The Letters of Rosa Luxemburg
spoke about the work and life of this remarkable woman.
right this woman was in her analysis of analysis of the Left’s betrayal of
Marxism, of the workers’ movements. Luxemburg’s analysis is certainly relevant
today, and yet, for the last 70 years, Luxemburg has been “assassinated” and
all that she represented thrown aside again by the Left, at least in the U.S. But,
then, the liberals make some of the best warriors in support of totalitarian
in the town of Zamosc in what is now Poland, under Russian occupation, Luxemburg experienced
the capitalist’s trickle-down theory of the Tsar and the neighboring empires of
Franz Joseph (Austrian-Hungarian) and Kaiser Wilhelm II (Germany) - the
spectacle of inequalities.
subject of the Tsar and a “Slav” born in a region of Slavic people, far beneath
civilized Europe, Luxemburg was attuned to the rising of the working class and
of the Social Democratic party in both in Austria
and in Germany
where, she became a member of the SPD of Germany after fleeing the Polish
authorities for her activism. For Luxemburg, the struggle was everywhere
workers were and so too was what she called the “barbaric cause.”
was not surprising that this Polish, Jewish woman had a different take on
capitalism and repression that, in turn, represented a challenge to not only
the capitalist but to the socialists as well.
Inverted totalitarianism encourages “political disengagement rather than mass mobilization”
Germany, Luxemburg confronts the “crisis of Marxism”[3]
by writing a challenge to SPD’s Eduard Berstein’s series of articles (“Problems
of Socialism,” Neue Zeit, 1897-98) in
which he, according to Luxemburg, “tends to counsel the renunciation of the
social transformation, the final goal of Social Democracy, and, inversely, to
make social reforms, which are the means
of the class struggle, into its end” (The
Luxemburg Reader). Socialist goals could be accomplished by “evolutionary
means” (Richard Wolin, Dissent).
Socialists in droves “accustomed themselves to the requirements of bourgeois
electoral party politics. Marxism’s revolutionary thrust seemed but a distant
memory” as World War 1 approached.
1908, Luxemburg recognized that “what lay ahead was not the final struggle for
liberation which she so hoped and longed for, but a great blood-bath of
peoples, for which she was prepared, but which she feared and loathed.”[4]
ten years later, when the Bismarckian Reich dissolved, the Hohenzollern dynasty
abdicated, and Wilhelm II fled to Holland, and the Revolution in Germany was
underway, Luxemburg screamed a warning of an impending disaster, not that of
the approaching danger for herself and her comrades in the struggle, but for
the murder of the people’s struggle itself. She foresaw what came to fruition.
Instead of the masses “rising to the heights of heroism in the cause of their
own emancipation,” they were “deluded, humiliated, and dragged to the
slaughter-house for the most barbaric cause” - war!
as Luxemburg predicted, by January 1919,[5] several
months after the end of the World War I, former SPD president and now head of
the German government, Friedrich Ebert, ordered the German Supreme Army Command
and the Freikorps, to crush dissent within
the Fatherland.
news reached in every corner of the new Weimar society. Cheers
went up! Certainly one person cheering Luxemburg’s death would have been Benito
Mussolini, the one-time leader of the Italian Socialist Party and editor of the
Journalists and cartoonists to the “out-and-out defenders of capitalist
profits” to self-proclaimed Left “revolutionaries”
who collected crumbs for the poor proletarian to the capitalist themselves,
cheered![7] This
is capitalism in its most instructive role as educator of the masses!
“Bloody Rosa,” that “modern Fury,” is
dead! Long live Order!
never happens once, but repeatedly!
young Rosa Luxemburg would have had a front row seat from which to observe the
year between July 1888 to April 1989, Vienna,
the Empire’s capital, witnessed some of the most spectacular displays of
nobility and wealthy for the world to see and partake. “Vienna’s Chinese Wall” that insulated the
city “would sink away before a series of progressive spectacles” announced to
the press.[8] In
Vienna, the
world’s model city, the construction of the buildings on the Ringstrasse,
including the new Court Theatre was near completion. Come promenade on the Ringstrasse, celebrate the Emperor’s birthday and
his reign on the throne, and hear Wagner’s The Ring in our grand Court Theatre!
For the Emperor and for many
residents, the government was creating something new!
you were of the wealthy, or a member of the bourgeois class or artisan class
and you lived near Ringstrasse , “four kilometers…[that] stood forever on the
verge of a crescendo…[with] its park-like malls…flower-scented…where the
Parliament and City Hall, the Imperial Museums, the University, the Court
Opera, the Bourse, a teaming with pointed arches, towers, pillars, loggias,
with vista after sculptured vista in neo-Gothic, neo-Renaissance, neo-Baroque”
- all new, barely weathered,” in the Empire’s and the world’s model city, Vienna,
then you were fortunate.
does it happen that the interest of the capitalists becomes the
interest of the poor and working classes, of the activists and
leadership on the Left?
Vienna was a beloved city, where the “accomplishment” of
the “gesture” was more significant than the “accomplishment” of success. The Gesture was supreme.[9] And
why not? This is capitalism again as the grand master of instruction! If you
were the young Sigmund Freud, you invested in a “good address,” Maria
Theresienstrasse near the Ringstrasse, even if the rent was beyond your means
and there were fewer and fewer to no patients ringing your doorbell.[10] Or
if Gustav Klimt, you sweated out murals, “prestigious hackwork,” you neither
imagined nor believed in. When your gift should have been one molded in gold,
yours was a silver ring or a silver heart-shaped trinket, and you felt
humiliated because you were close but
not quite.
This is serious business, the
business of keeping the masses of working class as spectators and keeping the
spectators glued to the glitter!
you could not look too closely at the
new, for the buildings of the Ringstrasse, already crumbling. They were! The
“Parthenon-like palace” of Parliament had huge chunks of concrete fall outside
while inside, “the behavior of its deputies” became “ever more abrasive and
you lived in the margins, the Ottakring, west of Ringstrasse, then you would
have known something of crumbling buildings.
you were a resident of the “largest proletarian district,” steeped in
“poverty.” Children and adults died of starvation and froze to death, and if
fortunate in this world within a world, suffered from malnutrition and rented a
bed, like the ten million co-residents not lucky enough to live in a two-room
flat for one or more families, with “peeling doors” and “dank corridors.” But
here, the residents were fiercely loyal - to the Emperor of all emperors, Franz
Joseph. Votive posters with the Emperor’s image made by school children hung in
ever abode in the Ottakring. But this poverty, barely noticed on any average
day was certainly invisible during the days of the spectacle.
…Vienna itself, its
presence, narcotized the poor past their troubles. The very tenements in which
they slept were embossed with flourishes outside. Each window had its corniced
dignity - never mind the dank bedding that hung out of it each morning for
fresh air. The plaster goddess supporting a fake balcony ignored the laundry
drooping from her stucco limb; she only looked at the monarchy’s birthday
banner that already glittered from the flagstaff.
is the year of 1888, and Vienna
and the world celebrated the monarch’s 40th year as Emperor and his 58th
birthday! In Vienna, the poor and working class cheered happily as the bourgeoisie
“promenaded” on Ringstrasse - all hoping to get a glimpse of the Emperor, minor heads of regions,
archdukes, grand dukes, princes, and “miscellaneous highnesses,” and capitalist
financiers, and, of course, the notorious Wilhelm II of Germany, (Prussian
Reich), a significant competitor to Joseph, intended to outshine all of them
and Vienna itself.[11] (“Nation was beginning to mean nationalism,” in 1888).
the Empire was the world then and Vienna
the place to be if you lived in the world.
cheered from “windows, roofs, sidewalks” as the stately procession passed by
them. They listened as bands played music to anthems “both Empires had in
common,” “God protect our Emperor” for Austria and “Deutschland uber Allies,”
for the Prussian Reich.
the Imperial Palace, the invited nobility and wealthy
waltzed on parquet floor, some covered by Oriental rugs, with champagne flowing
under chandeliers.
Fight no longer for revolution but for the capitalists’ “just” cause
eighty-eight was the year of “fashion.” Fashion “became commerce, professional,
created, cannily merchandized, widely broadcast, tensely practiced.” The
Emperors of the Reich and of the whole Empire were regal and adorned with many
embroidered epaulettes. Wilhelm, “his renowned slow swagger” and splendid
“uniform of his Austrian regiment,” dazzled.
There was so much dazzle that few
noticed the Danube
was something old there, something constituting “a menace.”
of its wild arms near the [Wiener] Prater [Park] had become pestilential swamps
that badly needed cleaning up. They had already infected parts of the city’s
water supply. Typhoid cases were reported here and there toward the end of
Then there were those bodies!
the Danube - human bodies![12] Eighteen
eighty-eight Vienna,
the model city of the Empire, had more suicides per capita “than most European
cities.” These suicides were reported in the papers - not like today, when our
government keeps hush on the number of suicides committed by returning vets
alone! These deaths were reported, but life went on!
poor and working class found relief in the Danube,
but there was a “particularly high incidence” of suicide “among the upper
bourgeoisie.” [13] Then
there was also just the middle class always trying to find themselves,
“individually since, unlike other classes, they couldn’t do so collectively.”
much as the Emperor tried, in this year, mid-1888 to mid 1889, not everyone was
as jubilant about the Empire’s and Vienna’s
“progress” as the Emperor.[14]
But a few residents of Vienna
gathered at the Western Railways terminal to greet Georg von Schonerer, leader
of the “zealot anti-Semitic pan-German Party.” Not many, a few, but then you do
not need but a few! Among this few who listened to Schonerer were customs
inspector Alois Hitler, and his wife Klara, “who had just become pregnant.” (Adolf
would learn how to form a party and to put on spectacles of his own, too).
opposition to the “nervous splendor” on display in Vienna,
that model city of the Empire, one wealthy resident “living comfortably in his
father’s apartment” near the Ringstrasse, was Dr. Viktor Adler, born in Prague, Bohemia, now the Czech Republic.
Adler was organizing. “Few of the workers on whose behalf Adler was framing a
program saw themselves as the masses unified by the need to revolt.” Adler was
forming the Social Democratic Party of Austria.
there in 1888 was the 17-year-old Rosa Luxemburg, who had not become “narcotized”
by the spectacle.
your affectionate anxiety about me you definitely take too tragic a view of my
relocation [from the Wronke fortress to the Breslau
prison]. After all, the likes of us are constantly living ‘one step at a time,’
and you know, I take all the twists and turns of fate with the necessary
cheerful equanimity. I have already settled in here quite well, my boxes of
books arrived from Wronke today, and so my two cells here will be looking just
as homelike and comfortable as were my quarters there… (Letter to Sophie
Liebknecht, Breslau, August 2, 1917, The
Letters of Rosa Luxemburg).
I can
get by with the material [that I have] for the introduction, and I thank you
many times over for what I have received. (Letter to Louise Kautsky, [Breslau,]
May 28, 1918)
are corresponding, and she has promised to send me books from his library… (Letter
to Clara Zetlin, Breslau, June 1918).
her work to see justice in the world and for her opposition to war (World War
I), Rosa Luxemburg (as a member of the SPD of Germany and later of the
Spartacus League) spent a good deal of time in prison where her confinement in
a cell not only linked her to confined communities of the poor, the working
class, the floating dead in the Danube and other rivers in the so-called civilized
world but also to the sacrificial mechanism that sustains the survival of
capitalism’s spectacle. The poor conditions of the prisons she entered were not
the point: Reform or revolution!
“Home,” for Luxemburg, was not located among the participants or audience of
the spectacle; “comfort” could not be achieved by celebrating “progress” and
then waiting and waiting, quietly and patiently for the trickling down of
crumbs. I take all the twists and turns
of fate with the necessary cheerful equanimity… Reform or revolution! Luxemburg
saw and understood more from “below” than she ever could from “above.”
could not be achieved by celebrating “progress” and then waiting and
waiting, quietly and patiently for the trickling down of crumbs
Luxemburg came to realize, is the “barbaric cause” for which the whole of
capitalism’s spectacle either offers the festival of “hero” worshipping or the
“blood-bath” of people. War, she writes in “The Junius Pamphlet,” “is not only
a grandiose murder, but the suicide of the European working class” Initiated by
Austria and Germany, the present war, (WWI), “supporting Turkey and the
Hapsburg monarchy, and strengthening Germany’s military autocracy is a second
burial of the March revolutionists [1848], and of the national progress of the
German people” (The Rosa Luxemburg Reader).
the gestures of those absurdities of social relations are millions and millions
of people beckoning toward enslavement to and annihilation by capitalism.
Resistance is confronted head-on with well-oiled “weapons” - yesterday’s
bayonet and today’s drones and always prisons.
confinement of thinkers and activists, of communities of the poor, the working
classes, and the floating dead in the Danube and other rivers all represent not
only what is socially marginalized but also what is actually the real material
existence of the majority of the world’s population, contrary and, at the same
time, essentially essential to the establishment of order for the capitalist
classes. Here are sites of resistance, Karl Marx tells us, but in this pivotal
period when workers in Russia
and Germany and other
locations throughout Europe take to the
streets and the capitalist are reveling up for war, regime change and the
procurement of resources for expansion and profits, where is the socialist’s
and pontificating.
is a telling comment in one of Luxemburg’s earliest letters, dated July 17,
1891, after she escaped from the authorities in Poland
and arrived in Switzerland
to begin work on her dissertation. On a visit to Mornex, France,
she encounters Russian revolutionary, Georgy Plekhanov:
won’t go there again because Plekhanov is too highly developed for me, or more
exactly, is too highly educated. What can a conversation with me offer him? He
knows everything better than I do, and such original, ‘spontaneous’ ideas, you
know, I can’t come up with them, and to tell you the truth I don’t even
consider them of very great value. At the Axelrods I observed Plekhanov from
the corner, [and] simply to watch the way he talks, how he moves, and to
observe his face - that was extraordinarily pleasant for me. But to go to Mornex,
and to sit in the corner and admire him, that just won’t do. (Letters of Rosa Luxemburg)
not long after Luxemburg did make her acquaintance with the Father of Russian
Marxism and a centralist, and a supporter of the Entente in World
War I:
I did
some real bawling and made myself a mass of new enemies. Plekhanov and Axelrod
(and with them, Gurvich, Martov, et. al) are the most pathetic things the
Russian revolution has to offer. (Letter to Clara Zetkin, [Friedenau,], Letters, June 4, 1907)
As were other “socialist” leaders such Bernstein and Karl
Kautsky, by then, Plekhanov were, themselves, steeped in gesturing, waving
white flags and calling for the masses of workers to fight no longer for
revolution but for the capitalists’ “just” cause.
at the beginning of a struggle, philosophers and theorists look to science,
they will “see in poverty nothing but poverty, without seeing in it the
revolutionary subversive side, which will overthrow the old society” (Marx,
“The Poverty of Philosophy,” 1847). This was not the fate of Rosa Luxemburg for
whom the contradictions of the waltzing society could be found in the bare
walls and locked door of her cell - without a Kautsky or Plekhanov in sight!
in her prison cell, Luxemburg asks “How does
it happen?” Long before the philosopher Michel Foucault echoed the same
question, insisting that we must ask “how does it happen” and not just ask “who
exercises power?” How does it happen that the interest of the capitalists
becomes the interest of the poor and working classes, of the activists and
leadership on the Left?
The plaster goddess supporting a fake balcony ignored the laundry drooping from her stucco limb
witnessed worker uprisings in Poland,
Russia, and Germany. She
witnessed conference after conference in which socialist leaders played
politics with the existing power. In prison, the most valuable reading material
she ever received, more valuable than the books smuggled to her, were the
letters from friends who once stood beside her before the war but who now began to doubt the validity of the
struggle for justice and equality.
still serving time in Wronke, responded to a letter written by Mathilde Wurm while
“the anger…stirred up” by the friend’s letter was “still fresh”: “[D]earest
Tilde…your letter made me hopping mad, because every line in…shows how very
much you are again under the spell of your milieu” (Letters of Rosa Luxemburg).
crybaby tone, this ‘oh dear’ and ‘woe is me’ about the ‘disappointments’ you’ve
experienced - attributing to others, instead of just looking at the mirror to
see all the wretchedness of humanity in its most striking likeness! And in your
mouth ‘we’ now means the froggy denizens of the swamp [i.e., the centrists]
with whom you now associate, whereas earlier, when you were with me, ‘we’ meant
in company with me…
suppose, in your melancholy way, that you are ‘too little of an adventure-goer’
for my taste…Generally speaking, all of you are not ‘goers’ but ‘creepers.’ It
is not a difference of degree, but of substance. …[y]ou-all’s peevish,
sourpuss, cowardly, and half-hearted way of being was never so foreign and so
hateful to me as now. You suggest that ‘adventure-going’ would indeed be
suitable for you-all, but one merely gets put ‘in the hole’ for that, and is
then ‘of little use.’ Oh, you miserable pettifogging souls, who would certainly
be ready for a bit of ‘heroism,” but only for cash, for at least three moldy
cooper pennies, because you first have to see ‘something of use’ lying on the
store counter. And as for you people the simple statement of honorable and
straightforward men…It’s lucky that world history up to now was not made by
people like all of you, because otherwise we would have had no Reformation and
would probably still be sitting under the ancien
regime. As for me, in recent times I, who certainly was never soft, have
become hard as polished steel and from now on will neither politically nor in
personal relations make even the slightest concession.
writes of recalling Wurm’s “gallery” of heroes and of experiencing “a fit of
depression”: “the sweet-spoken Haase, Dittmann with his lovely beard and lovely
Reichstag speeches, and the wavering, misguided shepherd Kautsky, who your Emmo[15]
follows loyally, of course, over hill and dale, the magnificent Arthur
[Stadthagen].” Luxemburg writes that she would rather serve years in “the cave
at Alexanderplatz…in an eleven square meter cell,” on “an iron bunk,” than
“‘fight’ beside your heroes.”
you had enough of my New Year’s greeting yet?”
see you remain a human being. To be
human is the main thing, above all else. And that means: to be firm and clear
and cheerful, yes, cheerful in spite
of everything and anything, because howling is the business of the weak…The
world is so beautiful, with all its horrors, and would be even more beautiful
if there were no weaklings and cowards in it.
is how it happens, Luxemburg exclaims:
Deutschland uber allies,’ ‘long live democracy,’ ‘long live the Tsar and
slavery,’ ‘ten thousand tent cloths, guaranteed according to specifications,’
‘hundred pounds of bacon,’ ‘coffee substitute, immediate delivery’…dividends
are rising - proletarians falling, and with each one there sinks a fighter of
the future, a soldier of the revolution, a savior of humanity from the yoke of
capitalism, into the grave. (“The Junius Pamphlet,” The Rosa Luxemburg Reader)
No one dare stand alone! The language
of liberation is outdated, as one former colleague told me. “Class struggle” is
a forbidden term! Those in poverty are those at fault; “weaklings and cowards”
are unpatriotic! We are all Americans; all of us are in the struggle against
terrorism! Elections, elections, election are coming in November! Remember the
“terrorists” want what we have! They want to crush democracy and take away our
freedoms! Globalization is an expression of progress and U.S.
One person cheering Luxemburg’s death would have been Benito Mussolini
totalitarianism!” Seventy years after Rosa Luxemburg’s assassination, and now
we are witnesses to the spectacle of a totalizing project that, according to
Sheldon S. Wolin,[16]
wields “total power without appearing to” - that is, so long as the dissidents
remain “ineffectual.” Inverted totalitarianism encourages “political
disengagement rather than mass mobilization.” Citizens, no longer “the source
of governmental power,” have been displaced by the “electorate” process. In
between the spectacle of “shock and awe,” the world bares witness to a
spectacle of managed democracy via corporate high-tech gadgetry. Wolin: “during
the intervals between elections the political existence of the citizenry is relegated
to a shadow-citizenship of virtual participation. Instead of participating in
power, the virtual citizen is invited to have ‘opinions’: measurable responses
to questions predesigned to elicit them.”
totalitarianism” is “resolutely capitalist,” he explains, and certainly “no
friend of the working classes, and, of course, viscerally antisocialist.”
Charismatic leaders need not apply! In our totalizing system, “the leader is
not the architect of the system but its product.”
is under control! Democracy is managed, for the United States has mastered the
science of management “democracy” without appearing to suppress it. Any
problem, Wolin continues, from health care to political crisis to faith is
managed, that is, “subjected to control, predictability, and cost-effectiveness
in the delivery of the product.”
a result, even voters are
made as predictable as consumers; a university is nearly as rationalized in its
structure as a corporation; a corporate structure is as hierarchical in its
chain of command as the military. The regime ideology is capitalism, which is
virtually as undisputed as Nazi doctrine was in 1930s Germany.
around the Ringstrasse waltz the bourgeois class, the intelligentsia, and the
union leadership behind the capitalists, while the body count in Afghanistan,
Iraq, Pakistan, Palestine and here at home, rises. Hurray for liberalism! For
“American interests” and Israeli “peace settlements.” Hurray for the crusaders
of democracy - and soaring profits! Hurray for the expansion of presidential
authority and the sacrificing of Habeas Corpus and the Bill of Rights in the
name of freedom! Elections, elections, elections are coming in November!
the gestures will not suffice today. Do not look too closely. The spirit of the
revolution Rosa Luxemburg envisioned is at hand! Fighters are raising “an
attack on the very foundation of capitalist society.”[17]But
there are cracks in this “newest” Empire’s totalizing structure too, and the
“prison” cell doors of the many everywhere are rattling! Editorial
Board member and Columnist, Lenore Jean Daniels, PhD, has a Doctorate in Modern
American Literature/Cultural Theory. Click here to contact Dr. Daniels.
[1] Editors, Peter Hudis and Kevin B.
[2] Editors Georg Adler, Peter Hudis,
and Annelies Laschitza. Note: Words in “bold” print appear as such in this
[3] See Richard Wolin’s Roots of
Fascism,” Dissent, Vol. 42, Issue #1,
Winter, 1995).
[4] Paul Frolich, Rosa Luxemburg: Ideas in Action, Pluto
Press, London,
trans., Joanna Hoorweg, 1939.
[5] In this same month, Adolf Hitler
joins “a small group of anti-Semitic crackpot extremists [who] founded the
German Workers Party” to fight and destroy Slavs, Jews, Marxism, liberalism,
and the Versailles treaty, writes Bertram Gross., Friendly Fascism” The New Face of Power in America. It should also be noted
that those who murdered Luxemburg later went on to join the Nazi Party, see Gordon
Craig’s Germany: 1866-1945, Oxford Press, 1978.
[6] In 1914, Luxemburg has no idea
when she writes Karl Moor asking that he “send a request to the editors” of Avanti!
that the editor, Mussolini has made a “sharp” turn to the right, as the
editors of the Letters state. After
his expulsion from the Socialist Party in November 1914, he will begin to form
a fascist party in Italy.
See Gross,: After Luxemburg’s death, “as paeans of praise for Mussolini arose
throughout Western capitalism, Mussolini consolidated his rule, purging
anti-Fascists from the government service, winning decree power from the
legislature, and passing election laws favorable to himself and his
conservative, liberal, and Catholic allies.”
[8] Frederic Morton, Nervous Splendor: Vienna, 1888/1889, Penguin Press, 1979.
[10] Morton: When Freud was made Head
of the Department of Neurology at the Pediatric Institute in 1888, his staff
consisted of one student, and the “’department’ occupied corners here and there
in whatever space happened to be free.”
Equipment was nonexistent and the penniless patients meant his “salary amounted
to zero.” But he had printed visiting cards with that prestigious address.
[11] See Gordon Craig’s Germany: 1866-1945, Oxford Press, 1978. Kaiser
Wilhelm II “came to power when he was barely thirty years old” in 1888, after
the death of his father. His accomplishments were more than gesture: He added
new taxes on liquor and sugar, according to Craig, and increased the tariff on
grain. In addition, Wilhelm II “lengthened the legislative period from three to
five years, with a consequent diminution of the electorate’s influence on the
political process.” These were not “widely popular” accomplishments. Late in
the year 1889, he decided to completely destroy the “Social Democratic party by
passing a new Socialist Law that would not have a limited term…but would be
[12] Morton: An Albert Last, “owner of
the first large lending library in Vienna,
“attending the monarch’s birthday celebration, “scaled the bridge rail and
jumped into the river. He survived, barely. The newspapers were full of these
reports of suicides. For example, a woman boarding a train in Budapest leaped to her death from the
speeding train. “It seemed,” writes Frederic Morton, as if these people tried
to overcome an uncontrollably failing life with a controlled, willed, carefully
shaped death.”
[13] See Morton. Even the
progressive-minded Crown Prince of the Empire, Rudolf, would enter a suicide
pact with the very young Mary Vetsera, not his wife, Princess Stephanie of Austria, or
formal mistress, in January, 1889. But in the years before, the Crown Prince secretly and anonymously publishes
articles he writes in the Wiener Tagblatt
(leading newspaper) in order to “budge the Monarchy from its friendship with
Wilhelm, that bumptious reactionary,” and above all, “to encourage everything
that might modernize and liberalize Austria.”
[14] See Morton: Even the Crown
Prince, whose horse-driven cabby was often witnessed by the average citizen
speeding through the town in violation of “traffic regulations,” mused about
how the rich would promenade around a monumental fountain in the Ringstrasse
with their “poodles” mincing “across those million-gulden lawns” while the poor
crowded into “dilapidated public clinics.”
[15] See Letters:
Nickname for Mathilde’s husband, Emmanuel.
[16] Democracy Incorporated: Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted
Totalitarianism, Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford, 2008.
[17] Luxemburg, “Our Program and the
Political Situation,” The Rosa Luxemburg