challenge will be to defeat Romney while building a movement that is
based on reversing the priorities of the militarists so that the
society can make a break with the power of the financial aristocracy
and the traditions of racial genocide.The
US society is at a crossroads. A massive debt, a devalued dollar and
the unchecked political and economic power of the banks threaten the
entire humanity as these financial aristocrats feed the fuel of war
to maintain their power. Two weeks before the election the US
military and the Israeli Defense forces are carrying out largest-ever
joint US-Israeli military exercise in preparation for war against the
people of Iran. In the midst of this economic crisis, the
worse since 1933, comes another electoral contest. The
election is itself being fought like a war with the air war, the
ground war and the war against women and the poor. According to Newt
Gingrich, formerly a candidate for the presidency from the Republican
Party, this will be the most important elections in the United States
since 1860.
November 6 citizens of the United States will vote in national
elections. By law, these elections for the president of the United
States are held every four years on the Tuesday after the first
Monday in November. Since 1845, this has been the day designated for
holding U.S. presidential and congressional elections. At the time
when Congress made this decision, African Americans were
enslaved. They were excluded from this form of democracy
by which a population chooses an individual to hold public office.
The elections of 1860 brought Abraham, Lincoln to the presidency and
the Southern states (the Confederacy) seceded leading to a massive
war between the states. It was only after that war when Africans in
the United States were recognized as citizens and were allowed to
vote after the passing of the 14th amendment. This
year, the contest is between the sitting President, Barack Obama, a
candidate for the Democratic Party and Mitt Romney, the candidate for
the Republican Party. That Obama is a descendant of Africans is of
tremendous importance, but is no more important that the office which
he holds. Obama is the president of the United States and at the same
identified by the media as an African American.
contradiction has posed real questions for radicals and activists
inside the United States. Aware of the contradiction between the
history of enslavement and the power of the office of the president,
there are those from the ranks of the anti capitalist forces who have
argued that it does not matter who holds the office of the President.
The argument from this section of the progressives holds that the
United States is an imperialist state that acts in the interest of
finance capital. One commentator from the ‘left’ even described
Obama as the more ‘effective evil.’ Other sections of the peace
and justice forces have worked consistently to oppose militarism
abroad and to work for social injustice at home. Out of the pedantic
work of this section arose the Occupy Wall Street movement that
brought into clear focus the political power and undemocratic nature
of the top one per cent of the population.
is this contradiction of the disrespect and open racism of the
Republicans that calls for clarity from radicals and activists.The
Republican Party has mobilized on the basis of overt racism. This
racism has taken many forms but the most brazen has been the numerous
efforts to roll back the Voting Rights Act of 1965 in order to
disenfranchise millions of Black and Latino voters. This unashamed
reflex of white supremacy was best expressed in the disrespect
displayed by Mitt Romney towards Barack Obama during the second
debate. It is this contradiction of the disrespect and open racism of
the Republicans that calls for clarity from radicals and activists.
In our contribution this week we argue that all those who have the
opportunity to vote on November 6, must go out to vote to defeat the
Romney candidacy. The contradictions of the expanded militarism and
drone strikes, unemployment, underemployment, environmental
degradation, and the tenuous nature of the dollar as the currency of
world trade cannot be solved by the Democratic Party.
challenge will be to defeat Romney while building a movement that is
based on reversing the priorities of the militarists so that the
society can make a break with the power of the financial aristocracy
and the traditions of racial genocide.
World is watching
every corner of the world there is interest in the forthcoming
presidential elections in the United States. As the corporate media
pronounce on the so called surge of Mitt Romney and the possibility
of his emergence as the victor, so the concern rises in all parts of
the world. This writer has been called and contacted from friends and
associates in Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean.
The question posed, why is Romney winning? There is fear that the
belligerent pronouncements of Mitt Romney will take the world back to
the prolonged tensions of the cold war. In an earlier debate, Romney
had identified Russia as the number one political foe of the United
States. This statement by Romney and his open embrace of the Prime
Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu had endeared him to the
neo-conservative forces that had launched the Wars against the
peoples of Afghanistan and Iran. One billionaire, Sheldon Adleson has
contributed millions to the campaign of the Republican Party and has
promised to spend one hundred million dollars to defeat Barack Obama.
Sheldon Adleson, the Koch brothers, Karl Rove Rush Limbaugh are not
satisfied with the covert war being waged against Iran and the drone
strikes ordered by the Obama administration. These militarists along
with the Republican candidate are stoking the fires of all out war.
This militarism is consistent with those who believe that a full
scale war will pull the United States out of the depression.
companies, Wall Street bankers, journalists from the main stream and
many who pretended to be Liberals now vow that Obama must be a one
term President. Even the so called liberal mayor of New York, the
billionaire Bloomberg has organized his own super PAC to influence
the election. Bloomberg’s rationale, he wants to ensure that
Elizabeth Warren does not win the Senate seat in
Massachusetts. Elizabeth Warren is a vigorous supporter of
Consumer Protection legislation to rein in the power of Wall Street
bankers and billionaires such as the Bloombergs.
Woodward is another ‘liberal’ who has written a book which was to
serve as part of the campaign against the incumbent President. His
book, The Price of Politics, was launched to
coincide with the last three months of the electoral campaign. The
principal argument of the book is that Barack Obama has been
indecisive and has not taken charge of the challenge of dealing with
the debt limit crisis and that Obama was as partisan and dogmatic as
John Boehner, Speaker of the House of Representative.
the country to the extreme right
from the print and television media such as Bob Woodward and Tom
Brokaw have been campaigning for Wall Street while appearing to be
objective and neutral. These commentators appealed to the mainstream
of US society to remind them that Obama did not come from the
mainstream. These pundits were the more sophisticated representatives
of a tide in US politics that had been expressed by the Tea
Party. For one year, the reality of the economic pressures
on the youth and poor had given birth to the transnational Occupy
Wall Street Movement. These same pundits mocked the Occupy movement
to charge that it was a leaderless movement, when it was this
character of self organization that made this movement a force to
challenge the right wing turn of the Tea Party and their corporate
of the contradiction between the history of enslavement and the power
of the office of the president, there are those from the ranks of the
anti capitalist forces who have argued that it does not matter who
holds the office of the President.Up
to the time of the first Presidential debates in early October, the
pressures from the corporate media had been to push the society so
far to the conservative side of politics that whoever won the
elections, the Wall Street magnates would benefit. Despite spending
nearly a billion dollars through direct contributions to Romney and
the Super PACs, the far right had become disillusioned with Mitt
Romney and planned to shift resources to Senate and Congressional
races so that if and when Obama won, his hands would be tied by
Congress. After the disappointing performance of Obama in the first
debate, the media that began to write about the surge of Mitt Romney,
and pointed to his good ‘poll numbers.’ In this psychological
warfare against the US citizens the corporate media were in cahoots
with the big spenders in the campaign. As long as the race for the
presidency appeared close, there would be millions spent on
advertising. The media had a vested interest in perpetrating the idea
that Romney was a possible winner. The advertising dollars provided a
windfall for TV stations all over the country.
other area where there was broad agreement from a vast array of media
pundits was that four more years of having a black man in the White
House was dangerous. The crudest manifestation of this racist
formulation had been presented by the Tea party with posters saying
“Take Back Our Country,” and “Put the White
Back in the White House.” Newt Gingrich, one of the contestants for
the Republican Party (before he was defeated by Mitt Romney) had
placed his own stamp on this racist rhetoric by labeling Barack Obama
the ‘first food stamp president.” Where Ronald Reagan had
utilized the code words, ‘welfare queens’ to disparage, Black
voters, the Tea Party fuelled the political power of the
conservatives in state legislatures all over the country who were
working to roll back the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Voter ID
legislation and other impediments were invoked and challenged the
Department of Justice. The fact that the Obama team controlled the
executive branch was one obstacle in this massive effort to
disenfranchise black and brown voters.
drive at disenfranchisement is inspired by the long term fear of the
Republican Party in relation to the demographic changes in the
society. The Latino population is the fastest growing section of the
population and by 2016 the growth of this population will shift the
dynamic of political power away from the conservatives.
Romney supports the far right position on immigration and called for
Immigrants to self deport, even while claiming that his father was an
immigrant who had been born in Mexico. After winning the Republican
nomination, Romney unveiled an ad that touted his immigrant roots.
This was after taking a hard core anti immigrant position during the
primaries vowing to veto the DREAM Act –a measure that
would give immigrants a path to legalization as long they meet a
strict set of criteria, including graduating from a U.S. high school,
going to college or serving in the military, and staying out of
trouble with police.
– racism and sexism
ad which touted Romney’s Mormon links reminded voters of the deep
racism of the organization to which Romney belongs, the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Mitt Romney is an elder in this
religious organization and up to 1978 black people were regarded as
second class citizens in this organization.Brigham
Young one of the key architects of Mormonism in the United States had
described black people as cursed with dark skin as punishment for
Cain’s murder of his brother. This curse of Cain is held by
conservative racists all over the United States and had been
mobilized as part of the pro-slavery arguments. This same line of
argument is carried to Africa today by Christian fundamentalists who
work in cahoots with the US military that supports the US Africa
Young had written in 1852 that “Any man having one drop of the seed
of Cane in him cannot hold the priesthood.” Young deemed
black-white intermarriage so sinful that he suggested that a man
could atone for it only by having “his head cut off” and spilling
“his blood upon the ground.” Other Mormon leaders convinced
themselves that the pre-existent spirits of black people had sinned
in heaven by supporting Lucifer in his rebellion against God. From
this line of reasoning among the Mormons, One could then see that
Barack Obama as a child of an inter racial relationship was the
product of a sinful relationship.
That Obama is a descendant of Africans is of tremendous importance, but is no more important that the office which he holds.From
such a background it was not difficult to see Romney in actions when
in the second Presidential debate he more or less told Barack Obama
to be silent. The sexism and racism of Romney was on clear display
during the second Presidential debates when he was short and rude to
the female moderator and basically told Obama to wait his turn to
speak. The only overt manifestation of this racism that was missing
was the words ‘shut up boy.’ Where the words were missing, the
body language and gestures of Mitt Romney spoke volumes to what was
going on in his head. The Children of Romney, brought up in a
household of privilege could not bear watching the debate and Tagg
Romney, 42, confessed during a radio interview that he felt like
storming the stage and throwing a punch at President Obama during the
second debate on October 16. This disrespect of Mitt Romney was so
blatant that the main stream media editorialized,
you don't do that with a female moderator. It's problematic.
Secondly, you don't run over the president of the United States.
Whether that president's a Republican or whether that president is a
Democrat. There are independent voters who believe that a president should
be treated with deference because he is the commander in chief.”
War against Women
centuries, the racism and sexism had held back the creative
possibilities of the United States. In this campaign, this racism and
sexism has taken the form of an unprecedented campaign against the
rights of women. Throughout the world of the Tea party there have
been initiatives to criminalize abortion. The most recent iteration
of the debate on the rights of women took place this week when a
candidate for Senate in the State of Indiana, Richard E.
Mourdock, said in a Tuesday night debate that pregnancy is “something
that God intended to happen” even if it is the result of rape. This
statement reinforced the opposition of another conservative candidate
in the state of Missouri, Tod Akin who tin response to a question
whether abortion should be permitted in the case of incest or rape
told a television station that,
seems to me, from what I understand from doctors, that’s really
rare, if it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to
shut that whole thing down. But let’s assume that maybe that didn’t
work or something: I think there should be some punishment, but the
punishment ought to be of the rapist, and not attacking the child.”
Richard Mourdock and Todd Akin forgot that rape is not a women’s
issue, but a crime issue. However, the conservatives who are against
abortion among white women are so strident that in the state of
Virginia the conservative Tea party leaders proposed a law
that women seeking abortions in Virginia would have to
undergo an invasive ultrasound scan first - a move supposedly
designed to inform the women about the dangers of abortion.
initiatives by the conservative forces have led to the view that this
election is also a war against women. In the words of David Plouffe,
potentially, abortion will be criminalized and women will be denied
contraceptive services.
war against women has included the efforts to cut off funding for
Planned Parenthood, the aggressive anti abortion debates, the
opposition to equal pay for women. All of this was topped by the
statement of Mitt Romney that when he was Governor of Massachusetts
he requested “binders full of women,” in order to find women who
could serve in his government.
cliff or nationalizing the banks
is on the question of the war and the economy where the voices of the
left are needed. The corporate media and the mainstream academics
have been debating the possibilities of a ‘fiscal cliff’ if the
US government does not take drastic measures to rein in the federal
debt. Readers of Pambazuka will remember that in 2011 during the debt
ceiling debate, both Congress and the presidency postponed real
actions to deal with the US debt. The fiscal cliff that is now in
vogue refers to the fact that by January 2013, if
no agreement is reached, a variety of taxes, affecting all Americans,
will increase significantly on Jan. 1. The government will begin to
make deep cuts to domestic and defense spending. Many economists from
the conservative side argue that increasing taxes on the rich will
deepen the recession.
“fiscal cliff” is the formulation coined by the corporate media
to highlight a series of tax and fiscal measures now scheduled to
take place automatically on or just after January 1. These include:
expiration of the Bush tax cuts first enacted in 2001 and extended
in 2010 for two years. Taxes would rise across-the-board, both for
low- and middle-income families and the wealthy.
across-the-board spending cut, imposed by the debt-ceiling bill
passed by Congress and signed by Obama in August 2011, which begins
to hit in January 2013, totaling $1 trillion over ten years.
expiration of the payroll tax cut, enacted in December 2010 and
extended through 2012, which would amount to a 3.1 percent increase
in taxes on every American worker.
expiration of extended unemployment benefits, adopted during the
economic slump that followed the 2008 crash.
chief executives of 15 of the biggest U.S. financial companies warned
in a letter to President Barack Obama and Congress that failure to
head off the "fiscal cliff" could lead to a sharp rise in
interest rates, a downgrade of America's credit rating and a
recession. The letter was signed by 15 CEOs of banks, brokerages and
insurance companies and by the head of the Financial Services Forum,
the industry lobby. Among the signatories are Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP
Morgan Chase; Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs; Michael Corbat,
the newly installed CEO of Citibank; John Stumpf, CEO of Wells Fargo;
and Brian Moynihan, CEO of Bank of America. JPMorgan Chase
CEO Jamie Dimon said he will "do whatever it takes" to
persuade Congress to find a way to prevent massive spending cuts and
tax increases from automatically taking effect at the beginning of
next year.
Sachs has made it clear that it wants to see the Obama administration
debate on the fiscal cliff and the intervention of the CEO’s was
designed to foreclose discussion on alternatives that would hold the
financial barons accountable.
The election is itself being fought like a war with the air war, the ground war and the war against women and the poor.These
bankers have organized so that whoever occupies the White House after
January 1, the ‘austerity’ program of big capital will be
implemented. The corporate media and the bankers are pushing the
society to accept a cut in social services so that the government
will cut Medicare, Medicaid and other social programs. Language
about “concrete steps to restore the United States’
long-term fiscal footing” and “legislation that truly restores
the nation’s long-term fiscal soundness” are designed to divert
attention from the fact that the top one per cent are the ones who
have benefited from the financial crisis.
challenges for the peace Movement
the so called Foreign policy debate what was striking was the level
of unanimity among the two candidates. The US military is
overstretched. There are overt and covert wars in Iraq, Afghanistan,
Syria, Pakistan, Palestine, Mali, Libya, Somalia and Central Africa.
This week the US military and the Israelis have embarked on a major
military exercise. Thus far, the peace movement and the rank and file
soldiers have been the main deterrent to full scale war against Iran.
This election is taking place when the triggers of open warfare are
great. Sections of the Republican Party have embarked on bashing
China as a prelude to the kind of propaganda that can lay the
foundation for military action. US military maneuvers in the South
China Sea and the sable rattling of sections of the US foreign policy
establishment are meant to plunge the US into war, regardless of who
wins the election. There is no doubt that Mitt Romney will be a
willing ally of the militarists but Barack Obama can only resist the
militarists if there is a robust peace and justice movement
every locality, individuals and local organizing committees have been
finding their own modest way to engage the process of raising
questions that are central to the concerns of the oppressed. It is
from the ranks of the most oppressed sections of the US population
and from the prison reform movement as a whole, where the links
between militarism abroad and the prison industrial complex have been
made. It is this cross-section of the society that continues to raise
the question of the war, racism and sexism.
writer is opposed to Mitt Romney and the Republicans. This opposition
to Romney does not mean a blanket endorsement of the alternative. The
most important task of the moment is to act against the further
entrenchment of the neo-conservative (some would say neo-fascist)
forces. This writer is again recalling the activism of Harriet Tubman
and Frederick Douglass in another era. Their campaign against slavery
did not say to Abraham Lincoln that they were against him. They
campaigned to the point where their plan for ending slavery
precipitated a major split among the rulers.
US is approaching a similar situation where the riling class cannot
rule in the old ways. In my book on the 2008 electoral process, I
called this a revolutionary era.
is no timetable for revolution.
elections in the USA form once component of the struggles to advance
Peace, environmental justice and health for all. The initiative is in
the hands of those who will mobilize to defeat Romney and to hold
Obama accountable.
mobilization for the elections must be part of a call for the
creation of the pre conditions for organizing African Americans,
women, oppressed immigrant groups, gays and lesbians, Latino/Latina,
First Nation peoples, poor whites, the unemployed, and all peace
loving peoples.

Editorial Board member and
Columnist, Dr. Horace Campbell,
PhD, is Professor of African American Studies and Political Science
at Syracuse
University in Syracuse
New York. He is
the author
Obama and Twenty-first Century Politics: A Revolutionary Moment in
the USA, and
a contributing author to
Awakening: The Emerging revolutions.
He is currently a
Visiting Professor in the Department of International Relations at
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
His website is
Click here
to contact Dr. Campbell.