Sep 16, 2010 - Issue 393
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In Memory of Ron Walters... - By Lenora M. Jennings and James Jennings, PhD - Editorial Board

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Our four children never knew Ron Walters. But, hopefully, the imprint of Ron�s soul and heart will be with them, and their own children, forever.

One day, Ron visited our home, along with Gus Newport and Gary Hatcher, when they were all in Cambridge at the same time, decades ago, and during the height of the struggle to defeat apartheid in South Africa. We are blessed that Ron and his colleagues visited our household and children.

Using Ron as a model, who was a friend and colleague, we have tried to show our own children that social justice is the calling of true intellectuals, but especially Black, Latino and other intellectuals of color. Years after Ron�s visit to our home, as our children proceeded through high schools and colleges, and then graduate schools, Ron was always an important reference point for reminding them that they have much to offer and contribute in improving communities and societies.

Ron�s work and commitment helped us to remind our own children that the most critical question for them is: what are you offering, to improve humanity, and the quality of life for all people? And, how will you utilize your intellectual training and skills to pursue such? Thank you, Ron.

Click here to send a condolence message to the family of Ron Walters. Editorial Board Member, James Jennings, PhD is a professor of urban and environmental policy and planning at Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts US. Click here to contact Dr. Jennings.

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Executive Editor:
David A. Love, JD
Managing Editor:
Nancy Littlefield, MBA
Peter Gamble
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