have been asked many times a variation of the same question: “Why
do Africans wait until it is too late?” For most Westerners, Africa
is hunger, war, despotism, AIDS and poverty - full of Africans who
are either helpless victims, or who choose to sit on their hands,
only lifting them up to accept Western handouts.
there’s another side of Africa, the one that pushes back. This side
is comprised of political and social organizations and activists,
school teacher organizations, journalists, and health professionals,
as well as women, worker and youth organizations that patiently
chip away at Africa’s problems, usually with no funding, media coverage,
or national and international recognition to speak of.

Africans work against great odds to prevent famine, war, human rights
abuse, the spread of AIDS, and a host of other urgent issues. When
tragedy strikes, they work hard to ameliorate the effect. But even
when they aren’t facing political persecution, they are under-funded
and without the protection that comes with media coverage. They
are the unseen, under-supported and unrecognized pillars of African
I was in South Africa last summer, attending a conference, the Center
for Civil Studies at Kwazulu Natal University organized a Durban
Reality Tour to counter the “be happy, don’t worry” tourist tours
of beaches, cultural dances, and national wildlife parks. We went
to one village where we found little children with discolored feet
because of playing barefoot in contaminated fields – chemicals having
seeped into their playfields from nearby factories owned by the
new black elite. The reality tour took us to visit with shack dwellers
living in fields after being forcefully evicted from their homes
by the South African government.
Abahlali baseMjondolo, the South African shack dwellers’ movement
that has been at the forefront of organizing the residents against
evictions. The work of Abahlali baseMjondolo is all the more complex
because the poor from neighboring Zimbabwe and Mozambique also trickle
into the poor settlements to compete for already scarce resources.
South Africans attacked other Africans in poor townships and settlements
in May 2008, killing over 50 immigrants, Abahlali baseMjondolo rose
to the defense of the African immigrants. They declared, “A human
being cannot be illegal.”
the rest of the world this past July was celebrating Mandela’s birthday,
giving millions of dollars to pet causes and celebrating the fall
of apartheid, Abahlali baseMjondolo trudged on fighting evictions
and xenophobia, under-funded and unrecognized.
there is the AFRICA 15% NOW! Campaign that is pushing African governments
to commit at least 15% of their annual budget to health issues.
In a continent where thousands of Africans die daily from preventable
and treatable diseases, this is an urgent and worthy campaign. If
they are successful in making African governments take responsibility
for the health of their citizens, instead of leaving it to international
NGOs, millions of lives over generations will be saved. Yet in the
West, the AFRICA 15% NOW! Campaign is absent from any discussions
on the short- or long-term solutions to the health crisis.
in Kenya, women from Kibera, the slum worst hit by the political
violence following the flawed elections earlier this year, formed
an organization to deal with police and ethnic violence. The organization,
Kibera Women for Peace and Fairness, has over the last few months,
evolved to deal with issues of AIDS, violence against women, and
other social justice issues.
there are several U.S. based organizations such as TransAfrica and
Africa Action that work shoulder to shoulder with these courageous
African NGOs. These organizations have been involved in practically
every issue affecting the continent, from AIDS drugs patents that
benefit pharmaceutical companies at the expense of the dying to
the crises in Zimbabwe, Darfur, and the Congo.

an Obama presidency on the horizon, activists in the United States
and Africa have formed, Resist-AFRICOM. The U.S. African Command
Center seeks to coordinate U.S. military operations in Africa but
the activists see this as a further militarization of U.S.-Africa
relations. Better equal trade than more guns and bombs.
the question isn’t whether Africans sit on their hands waiting for
Western handouts. Rather, the question is why it is much easier
for us to listen to philanthropists talk about what is wrong with
Africa rather than the serious and dedicated political activists
on the ground. Why are we not helping those who are helping themselves?
love glossy packages that promise big bangs and super solutions.
the Bill Gates Initiative, the Alliance for a Green Revolution in
Africa that promises super seeds for super plants to end famine
in Africa. A simpler and more long-lasting solution lies
in organic African farming, growing more food crops over cash crops,
the diversification of African agriculture, and the depoliticization
of food and other basic human necessities.
point is that every little bit of support counts and it can come
in many forms – moral solidarity, awareness-raising, or financial
support. But this help should not be afraid of the Africa
that pushes back - or come at the expense of long-term solutions.
One helping hand should not kill dreams with the other.

Guest Commentator, Mukoma Wa Ngugi, is a writer and political analyst,
the author of Hurling
Words Consciousness (AWP, poems 2006), a Foreign Policy in Focus
contributor, where this commentary first appeared, and a political
columnist for the BBC Focus on Africa Magazine. Click here
to reach Mukoma Wa Ngugi. |