This lust toward repression had a material base
in the society as faith-based marketing and faith-based centers
of capital accumulation benefited from the business of selling
counter-revolutionary ideals of individualism and greed. These
religious zealots in the USA found a common mission with fundamentalists
everywhere whether they called themselves Muslim, Hindu, or Jewish
fundamentalists. The one common denominator of these fundamentalists
was the burning desire to control the bodies and the lives of
women. Hence, even while there are disagreements between (say)
Islamic and Christian fundamentalists, they both agree that women
should not have control over their lives. Homophobia of an aggressive
type also flowed from the same fountain of religious and sexual
intolerance. At the height of the Civil Rights revolution, leaders
such as Huey Newton and the Black Panther Party noted that gays
and lesbians were the most oppressed in US society. Behind the
language and discourse of compassionate conservatism, a dangerous
brand of persecution was orchestrated by the Christian fundamentalists
who branded homosexuality ‘as a disease and condemns it as a threat
to the family, the health of the nation and Christianity.’, (Christian
Fascism page 96). Ignorance and persecution affected the social
and spiritual health of the society as homosexuals were castigated
as the purveyors of sin and disease.
Obama’s campaign for change had joined the wave
of the movement for peace at a moment when the US capitalist class
was embarking on a strategy to extend the war against the peoples
of Iraq to a wider war against the people of Iran. It was the
genius of the Obama campaign to fiercely oppose the planned attacks
on Iran as well as to merge itself with the growing multi–national,
multi-cultural, and broad-based movement to oppose war, racism
and repression. It was here that the Obama campaign was learning
from the lessons of the Civil Rights movement while understanding
that the multi racial and broad based movement was necessary to
oppose counter revolution.

During the 2008 election campaign, the crisis of
capitalism (which was at that time being called the sub prime
crisis), brought out millions who were eager to see change. Senior
citizens who lost their pensions were very active. Home owners
who were losing their homes were searching for support from the
government. It was in the black communities devastated by unemployment,
the absence of health care, the prison like conditions of many
communities, along with the actual extension of the private and
public prison system where the Obama campaign received its greatest
support. Youths of all races and all classes were the motor of
this call for change. They were trapped in an educational system
rooted in eugenics and built on the ‘culture of despair.’ It
was an educational system suited for robots and was not geared
to produce critical citizens. The response of the ordinary workers,
farmers, soldiers and cultural artists to Obama campaign was that
many of the working peoples were looking for spaces of hope, spaces
of truth and spaces of peace.
Deepening of the capitalist crisis and the
end of the Wall Street Boom
While the full blown eugenics drive remain hidden
behind the walls of research laboratories, in the midst of the
campaign for the election of the Presidency of the United States,
the full implications of counter-revolution had been becoming
clearer to the citizens. By the time of the elections, the majority
of the citizens had opposed the intervention in Iraq. But far
more concrete for the people was the evidence of the link between
the debacle in Iraq and the financial crisis of capitalism.
The End of the Wall Street
is the appropriate title of one of the many exposures of the financial
fictions that had been conceived to maintain the US capitalist
system at the top of the international system. Less than fifteen
years earlier James B. Stewart of the Wall Street Journal had
written on the extent of fraud and corruption on Wall Street in
his book, The Den of Thieves. However, the same
public relations machinery of the neo-conservatives had been set
in motion to blur the memory of the theft of billions by the junk
bond experts. By the early twenty first century the Junk bond
experts had been replaced by the derivatives managers and those
who conjured new instruments called collateral debt obligations
and credit default swaps. Michael Lewis’ exposition on the End
of Wall Street was but one of the many that have been coming
from the mainstream press on the schemes to transfer wealth from
the unorganized working classes to the capitalist class in the
USA. What Lewis and so many of the commentators have failed to
do is to spell out the real impact of the end of the dollar as
the currency of world trade.

In the New York Times one can find
a blow by blow account of the crisis of capitalism in an account
of “10 weeks of financial turmoil.” When the US government was
forced in November 2008 to inject more than US $45 billion into
Citigroup, the largest financial services organization in the
world, it became clearer to millions that the crisis of capitalism
was not simply a cyclical downturn but a fundamental shock to
the old forms of US financial hegemony. This author would like
to commend this blow by blow account in so far as the bare details
of the gymnastics to save the entire financial system was played
out from the fall of Lehman Brothers in September to the massive
intervention to save Citigroup at the end of November. The stark
reality of the depth of the economic crisis of capitalism was
being laid bare before the citizens as the Treasury rushed through
the Troubled Assets Recovery Program, only to retreat
in less than six weeks to seek other band aid measures to save
capitalism. What was becoming clear was that the cascading economic
crisis could bring down the global system of capitalism. Henry
Paulson, the Treasury Secretary, exposed the intellectual shallowness
of a class that had bullied peoples all over the world about the
virtues of capitalist globalization and the power of financial
markets. Paulson turned to Japanese and Chinese capitalists to
save US capitalism but it was only the Japanese who would place
their national interests after the interests of the United States.
Capitalism was in danger and what was previously called a housing
crisis was spreading to the ‘so called real economy.’
When this became clearer to the competitors of
the USA in Western Europe, the Central Bankers assured the Bush
administration that the European capitalists would work to save
US capitalism to ensure that the entire system would not collapse.
This assurance was followed by the convening of the meeting of
the group of 20 in Washington on
15. At this meeting the question of the restructuring of international
capitalism was on the table but the Bush administration as a lame
duck administration was not willing to admit to the citizens of
the world that the old neo-liberal ideas of market fundamentalism
was dead. Whether the US leaders would explain the realities to
the US citizens, French leaders were already embarking on an international
campaign to establish a new international financial system where
the center of international finance would be in Western Europe.
The Chinese and the Brazilians were hesitant and were consulting
on other alternatives to ensure that the Euro was not the principal
beneficiary of the removal of the dollar as the currency of world
Would the decline of US capitalism be managed with
a new global financial architecture to save capitalism? Or would
the USA seek to maintain military hegemony in order to attempt
the recovery and reconstitution of the old hegemonic form of US
capitalism and imperialism? Although Obama had won the elections
and was respected all around the world, the leaders of the different
regions of capitalism were not willing to allow the USA to be
the decisive factor in the future of the international political
economy. In most parts of the world there were frantic efforts
to seal the end of dollar hegemony. In the words of Henry Liu,
The regional impact of the international
capitalist crisis
The incoming Obama administration is faced with
reality that “the world economy is faced with crises more serious
than any in history.”
It is this multi-layered crisis emanating from
the counter-revolutionary period that faced the new President
and the transition of a candidate that had campaigned on the basis
of change. Yet, in the midst of the news of decline and bank failures,
Obama turned to the very same architects of the neo-liberal deregulation
to be managers of the end of the dollar hegemony. Younger readers
will not remember that when the Den of Thieves were
most active in the period of Ronald Reagan, Robert Rubin was making
his way up the ladder at Goldman Sachs. From Goldman Sachs, Rubin
graduated to becoming the Secretary of the Treasury under the
neo-liberal administration of William Jefferson Clinton. Robert
Rubin has shown his clout with the conservative forces by his
survival within the Citigroup and the speed with which the Bush
administration was willing to provide billions to keep Citigroup
alive. Robert Rubin had left his job as Treasury Secretary under
Bill Clinton to Citigroup. He was of the chief supporter of the
de-regulation of the financial services industry. After the capitalist
depression the US congress had passed the Glass Steagall Act that
separated investment banking from commercial banking. This Act
was meant to hinder the levels of speculation that culminated
in the 1929 crash. Under the leadership of Robert Rubin and conservative
neo-liberal legislators, the US Congress repealed the Glass Steagall
Act in 1999.

The economic team of Timothy Geithner, Lawrence
Summers and Robert Rubin represented one wing of the same forces
that had strengthened the concentration and centralization of
capital over the past twenty-five years. Moreover, Geithner and
Henry Paulson had been weaned in the racist climate of the Dartmouth
Review during the Reagan revolution when Dienesh Desouza
was one of the principal spokesperson of counter revolutionary
multi-culturalism. Geithner (Treasury Secretary Designate under
Obama) had begun his stewardship in the service of empire under
Henry Kissinger at Kissinger Associates and became associated
with Lawrence Summers.
To inspire confidence in the very forces that precipitated
this crisis, the transition team of Obama named insiders such
as Larry Summers and Timothy Geithner to top positions in the
Treasury and the National Economic Council. By naming Lawrence
Summers to be his chief economic adviser, Obama exposed the weakness
of a politician who had to turn to the same forces that believed
that Africans are inferior. This was the same Summers who in 1991
proposed a memo to the World Bank to the effect that the market
value of the lives of persons such as Barack Obama was lower than
the market value of the lives of Europeans. This same Summers
graduated from his position as an insider for the Clinton administration
to becoming the President of Harvard University. From Harvard,
Summers exposed his contempt for women when he opined that “innate
differences between men and women might be one reason fewer women
succeed in science and math careers.” As President of Harvard,
Lawrence Summers also “questioned how much of a role discrimination
plays in the dearth of female professors in science and engineering
at elite universities.” He was later forced to step down by activists
who opposed the sexism and racism of this economic adviser for
Barack Obama.

Why would Barack Obama, as the agent of change,
choose these forces as his economic team? Was this to offer confidence
to capitalists internationally? Was Obama trapped inside the capitalist
class or was he being a chess player giving these forces room
to further expose their own greed and incompetence? It is the
view of this author that Obama is at the moment trapped by the
political class in Washington who conspired with the fraudsters
on Wall Street to take risks to the point of enriching themselves
and their clients. While US political scientists waxed on patron
client relations in the Third World, future studies on Freddie
Mac and Fannie mae will reveal one of the most profound cases
of patronage in capitalist societies. Obama on his own (and with
the current composition of his economic team) cannot break the
feedback loop of corruption, capital accumulation and risk without
the active mobilization of the working peoples. The first level
of struggle is between the oppressed and the oppressors but there
is an on going struggle within the ranks of the oppressor.
The intensity of the struggles between different
factions of the US capitalist class meant that the debate on the
choice of the economic team was compounded by the infighting between
factions of the ruling class. Newspapers, television commentators
and a new team of commentators emerged in all of the media asking
why Lehman Brothers was allowed to fail. It was not clear which
faction of the capitalist class was behind the new editorials
that called for regulation of derivatives and credit default swaps.
Was it Warren Buffet who had warned that these schemes were laying
the foundations for a ‘financial tsunami?
Whatever the differences between the factions of
the rulers, the management of the crisis cannot be left to Barack
Obama and the capitalist classes, there must be a revived political
force rooted in the revolutionary traditions of the society to
ensure that the crisis does not degenerate into new forms of militarism
and racism. The problem for these folks is that the rest of the
world is not waiting for this internal struggle to be resolved
on behalf on one section of the bourgeoisie or another. There
are efforts afoot to break the hegemony of the Anglo-Saxon financial
system. There are a number of initiatives.
The European
Dimension of the Struggle Against US Capitalism
First, there is the Initiative of the European Union for the EU to be
the principal beneficiary of the decline of US imperialism. At
the core of this struggle between the Euro and the dollar (the
foremost competition of global capitalism today) are the French
capitalist classes. Because of the US military occupation of Germany,
the German capitalist class is far more reticent about a frontal
challenge to the dollar at this historical moment. The French
want the Russians in on their plan to be a center against the
dollar. Spain is hesitating while Germany is not as bold as France,
but for this boldness to become a reality, the French will have
to challenge the US militarily and remove the US influence in
the Mediterranean.
This will mean that France will make deals with Turkey, Saudi Arabia and
the North African states for these countries to come under a European
military umbrella. President Sarkozy of France is now working
overtime to establish this "Union for the Mediterranean"
which would only be "complementing and enriching" to
existing EU structures France is seeking cultural, political
and ideological leadership within the European Union while leading
the challenge against the United States. The planning by France
is breathtaking, but it will be up to Africans to checkmate this
one. Temporarily, the German capitalist class is also hesitating
because of the dependence on Russia for energy. Having been invaded
twice by European armies in the last century under differing German
leadership, the political leadership in Russia is opposed to any
scheme that will strengthen European capital. This means that
temporarily, Russia would stick to a dead Breton Woods system
so that the European capitalists inside the EU are not the beneficiaries
of the US financial crash.

The Russians are watching this bold move by France
very carefully. In order to wean support from China, the President
of France traveled to China to seek an EU/Chinese alliance to
confront and weaken Anglo-American financial hegemony. Ever the
long term planners, the Chinese made no commitments, except to
demand of France not to entertain the Tibetan leadership. Pumped
up by its own history, the President of France went on to defy
the Chinese by meeting the Tibetan Spiritual leader.
Slowly, the Russians have been working with the
Chinese to build the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. This is
the military/political/economic alliance that would place the
Russian and the Chinese in a position to be independent of both
the European Union and the United States. The medium term plan
of the SCO is for Russia and China to develop trading relations
independent of both the Euro and the dollar until that moment
when the Chinese financial institutions can compete with the institutions
of the Europeans, the British and the United States. The contemporary
political leadership in Russia is monitoring the incoming Obama
administration very closely to see if the cold war views of the
neo-conservatives will also dominate Barack Obama.
In the backyard of the USA
Secondly, there is the Latin American effort to
become independent of US military and economic domination. Led
by the financial moguls of Brazil, the capitalist class of Brazil
want to benefit from the anti-imperialist work of the World Social
forum to build a Third world alliance around Brazil, Russia, India,
China and South Africa. One of the principal problems for the
Brazilian capitalist classes is that they want to carry forward
this leadership of the group of five without fundamental transformation
of the traditions of racial genocide in Brazil against the indigenous
peoples and the African descendants.
Latin American dimension of the new anti- imperialism is to be
found around the leadership of Venezuela and Cuba in the Bolivarian
Alternative for Latin America and the Caribbean (ALBA). This is
where the potential for revolutionary breakthroughs exist if the
election of Obama inspires democratic breakthroughs in Venezuela
and Cuba where the mass of the workers and farmers become stronger
politically. It is this alliance between the Venezuelans and
the Cubans that is building a tactical alliance with Brazil to
build the Bank of the South. The revolutionary forces within the
United States have a vested interest in this Bank of the South
in so far as it is in the interest of the progressive forces to
move beyond the IMF and Breton Woods Institution to the point
where there is a new International Bank for Reparations and Reconstruction.
In an effort to displace the American Enterprise Institute and
the Heritage Foundation the New America Foundation is supporting
the Obama administration to engage with Hugo Chavez and the Venezuelan
revolution. Ultimately, it will be in the interest of the New
America Foundation to reconnect with the progressive forces in
the USA that have been working in the World Social Forum.
The explicit goal of the Bank of the South is to
dethrone the dollar as the dominant currency of Latin America
so that dollar hegemony does not drain surpluses from Latin America
to the United States. In the past ten years, the democratization
processes has isolated the neo-liberal and neo-conservative forces
in Latin America who were aligned to the conservative forces in
the United States. After fifty years of seeking to isolate Cuba,
it is the United States that is now isolated in Latin America.
Disparate elements as varied as the farm lobby, the entertainment
and hotel industry and children of Cuban exiles are working hard
to end the blockade against Cuba. As a politician from Cuba Barack
Obama was always aware that it was the black liberation movement
that was the most decisive antidote to conservative plans for
a military invasion of Cuba. The question of ending the blockade
of Cuba is one area where the Obama leadership can be assured
that there will be a strong constituency for change in the United
States. When the leading capitalist papers in the USA began to
call for normalization with Venezuela, it was because of the clarity
of the weakness of the military option for the USA to maintain
hegemony at this moment.

But unfortunately for the present ruling class
in the USA, decline and nationalization of capital in the USA
provide a demonstration effect for those social forces in Brazil,
Chile and Argentina who are proposing more aggressive state intervention
in the economy. This will have severe consequences for US financial
institutions in the region. When the cocaine cartel makes a calculation
that they will no longer support the dollar, then we know that
there is a shift in financial power. It is one of the tasks of
the progressive intellectual in the USA to call on the Justice
Department of an Obama administration to expose the banks that
are at the forefront of the money laundering for the cocaine cartels
in Mexico and Latin America.
Japanese and Chinese Dimensions
Thirdly, the weak link in this chain of capitalist
decline and attempt at recomposition is the Japanese capitalist
class. After 60 years of political subservience to the US capitalist
system and suffering from US military occupation, the Japanese
capitalist class is frightened by the possibility of a lengthy
depression. The peace movement in Japan has been emboldened to
oppose military occupation and there is now a movement for greater
democratization in Japan. The Japanese capitalist class is trapped
by its past colonial relations with the other capitalists in Asia
and some other Asians are calling on Japan to apologize for the
war crimes committed during World War II. As long as the decline
in the USA accelerates, Japan will have to develop closer relations
with China. The Chinese, who are weaker financially, have a more
powerful political system. Slowly it is becoming clearer that
the Chinese form of state management of the banking and financial
system is superior to the old Wall Street model. Can progressive
workers and trade unionists in the United States learn from this
form of state management while infusing the older traditions of
political accountability and worker engagement to this model of
economic management? Will the Obama Presidency inspire the US
society to move from the ideas of the consumer led society that
supports the capitalists in China who seek to maximize profits
regardless of the human and environmental costs? After thirty
years of rapid economic transformation, the Chinese economy is
also at a crossroad, either a path towards greater capital accumulation
and heightened exploitation or a path towards realizing the goals
of socialist transformation.
It is the Chinese then, who will be the deciders
in this unfolding crisis of world capitalism. If the current political
leadership in the USA prevails in keeping the Chinese in the dollar
hegemony bracket, then the US capitalists can fend off the
challenge from France and Germany. Unfortunately, in the
week when Citibank was being bailed out, Henry Paulson traveled
to China where the US learnt from the head of the Chinese Investment
corporation that the Chinese would no longer be supporting the
dollar and would be mobilizing their resources for an internal
stimulus to support the rebuilding of those parts of China that
had been devastated by the earthquake.
When one reads the Paulson summary of the discussion
with the Chinese leaders, it is clear how “desperate the US financial
capitalist class is to keep China playing the game.” US capitalists
are more scared now that China largest investor has said no more
money to US banks. That cuts off a major source of capital
for them. Coupled with the fact that Middle East oil money
is also slowing down, because of the falling price of oil, it
means the US banks have no place else to go but the US government
for money. Here was an unprecedented situation where business
persons in the real economy were calling for more state intervention
for the revival of US capitalism.
Whatever the outcome of the relations between China
and the USA, the British pound is nearly finished as an international
currency. All of these outcomes will not be determined at the
level of finance but at the level of politics. Chinese workers
and the Chinese ruling party will have something to say about
the future of investments in the USA. Temporarily, the Chinese
capitalist class is closely integrated with the US capitalist
class, but the internal struggles inside of China have intensified
in the face of new manifestations by Chinese workers. If the
Chinese capitalist class wins against the workers and crushes
other forces, then Geithner and Paulson will have a new lease
of life. The IMF will survive and the US can lend themselves money
denominated in dollars because there is no challenge to the
IMF and the World Bank. But this will be a medium term postponement. The
fall of the dollar has taken on its own life and cannot be halted
to save the Breton Woods system. In the short term Barack Obama
has aligned with the Geitner faction of the financial experts
but it is the task of the working class movement an dthe progressive
forces to oppose this Geitner/Summers faction of the Obama administration
The Middle East and African Dimensions
The Middle East and Africa are the weakest link
in the chain of international capitalism. This weakness has made
this area the scene of the most intense competition between the
European Union, China and the United States. In order to weaken
the USA, France has proposed a Mediterranean Union to break the
power of the United States in the Middle East. The objective
of France is to win the oil producing states of this region so
that the sale of petroleum on the world market is denominated
in Euros instead of dollars. Temporarily, it is not in the interest
of Russia and China to support the denomination of the sale of
oil in dollars and the cold war between the Euro and the dollar
is most intense in the Middle East. France is seeking to benefit
from the struggles for self determination in Palestine to challenge
the USA in the Arab World.

Farsighted sections of the US capitalist class
are watching the unfolding of the French call for a Mediterranean
Union with dread to the point where the diplomatic activities
of the USA are most intense in this region. The USA is now prepared
to support Libya to become the President of the General Assembly
of the UN in the next session over the objection of many American
From the tactics of the Obama administration, two
facts have emerged. Firstly, the elevation of Hilary Clinton to
become the Secretary of State is bound up with the struggle between
the USA and the EU in the Middle East. It is the calculation of
a section of the US capitalist class that it is the Clinton faction
of the Democratic Party that can win concessions from the Israeli
lobby in the USA when the USA diminishes its relationship with
Israel in order to compete with the European Union and China in
the Middle East. Conservative militarists in the state of Israel
who profited from the Bush fixation with military might overreach
themselves as they extended the occupation of the Palestinian
lands. A brutal military incursion into the Gaza strip brought
out the fact that the Obama Administration had to come up with
a changed policy that supports peace in all parts of the Middle
The second aspect of this chess game is for the
Obama administration to bring back the Iranians as allies of the
USA. This will require deft political games in Iran and the United
States and the basic outlines of this plan is being developed
as an alternative to the neoconservative option which was to destroy
Iran and weaken Iran economically and politically. The urgency
of this rapprochement with Iran has been heightened by the instability
generated in the aftermath of the Israeli incursions in Gaza.
One positive outcome of this war and the arrogance of the Israeli
Prime Minister in his boast on how he ordered George Bush to Vote
in the Security Council is that the book by The Israel Lobby
and U.S. Foreign Policy, by John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt
can be openly discussed in the period after the Bush administration.

In terms of real resources, both human and material,
it turns out that the Europeans, the Chinese and the US covet
the wealth of Africa. The long history of plunder and exploitation
is now being compounded by the competition between imperial states.
African workers, poor farmers and traders watched the campaign
of Obama while continuing their search for new levers of control
over their resources. They have the assets (in the ground) gold,
copper, oil, cobalt, uranium and coltan. They do not have the
leverage to turn these assists into real power because their societies
are kept divided and weak. But the same crisis that is forcing
the banks in the US to come under regulation will force an exposure
of the African capitalists who have sent their money to foreign
banks. The de-legitimization of the financial services industry
along with then weakening of the International Monetary Fund opens
a small window for those social forces in Africa who have been
opposed to the Washington consensus. These forces are now seeking
an international alliance with the working class movement globally.
Will the International Labor become more important than the IMF
under Barack Obama? This question will be resolved to the extent
that the new Labor Secretary becomes a force to support the rights
of workers and trade unionists not only in the United States and
in the Americas but globally.
It is in Africa where the USA seeks to entrench
its imperial domination and is planning to mobilize the African
descendants in the USA to support the goals of US capitalists
in Africa. The plan for the formation of the US Africa Command
is but the most overt indication of the forward planning of USA
in Africa. It is on the question of Africa where the anti racist
and anti imperialist tradition of the black liberation movement
requires an understanding of the positive and negative consequences
of the election of Barack Obama.
The last force in this global struggle is the Indian
capitalist class. The dream of the Indian capitalist class to
become a super power means that the Indian capitalists see themselves
as independent of the European Union, the Shanghai Cooperation
organization and the Brazil, Cuba, Venezuela force. One of the
dangers of this class is their vision of military strength and
the rise of the ultra-conservative forces inside India. During
the counter–revolution period of George Bush, the Hindu fundamentalists
had used the war on Terror to build up hysteria to place India
on a war footing. In the recent attacks on Mumbai, the Indian
ruling classes have sought to use this outrage to build up the
militaristic call for war with Pakistan. War between Pakistan
and India is at the front of a very delicate international situation
that could engulf the USA, China and Russia, complicating the
failed efforts of imperialism to dominate the peoples of Afghanistan.
Under the Bush and the conservatives the nationalists in India
were being supported in order for India to emerge as a strategic
counter weight to Chinese economic and political influence. It
is in the interests of the Obama administration to work with democratic
forces in India
1, Part
3 of this series) Guest Commentator, Dr. Horace Campbell,
PhD, is Professor of African American Studies and Political Science
at Syracuse
University in Syracuse New York. His book, Rasta
and Resistance: From Marcus Garvey to Walter Rodney
is going through its fifth edition. He is also
the author of Reclaiming
Zimbabwe: The Exhaustion of the Patriarchal Model of Liberation
and is currently working on a book on Obama and 21st
Century Politics. He has contributed to many other edited books, most
recently, “From Regional Military de-stabilization to Military
Cooperation and Peace in South Africa” in Peace and Security in Southern Africa (State and Democracy Series)
, edited by Ibbo Mandaza. He has published numerous
articles in scholarly journals and is currently writing a book
on the Wars against the Angolan peoples. Click here
to contact Dr. Campbell.