are alarms being raised about the integrity of the
computerized voting system that the country has moved
toward at a rapid pace.
have shown that the systems can be hacked and all
traces of the hacking can be programmed to disappear
after the hack has done its work. But nobody
seems to be listening, at least, not very attentively.
a democratic republic, people tend to rely on the
democracy part, which means that all of the participants
in a given election need to feel secure that their
votes count. More importantly, they need to feel secure
that the votes count exactly as they were cast.
Those who are familiar with
the use of computers know how easy it can be for experts
to manipulate the machines
a long time, the American electorate used paper ballots
to cast their votes and that method lasted over the
generations. Then, along came mechanical methods of
“pulling the lever” in the voting booth and the machine
counted the ballots. In the computer era, we have
moved along to touch-screen machines, which count
the votes without either a mechanical number or a
paper ballot.
lies the problem. In the
early days of the touch-screen voting machines, there
was no record of the votes, except the totals for
the various candidates. The inner workings of the
machines were proprietary, which means that the manufacturer
did not need to reveal how the machines worked, even
to the election officials, who just had to take the
word of the company that the machines gave true results
for each elective office.
know now that this just was not true. There were,
and are, myriad ways that the machines can be manipulated.
Rick Holmes, opinion editor at MetroWest
Daily News in Framingham,
Mass., asked in a recent column
“…Can an election be fixed? The answer to that is
an easy yes.” He explained that machines could be
set so that Candidate A starts off the voting with
10 extra votes. Or, every tenth vote for Candidate
B can be cast for Candidate A. Those who are familiar
with the use of computers know how easy it can be
for experts to manipulate the machines.
just one example that Holmes cites: “Internet voting,
touted by some as the next modernization on the way,
is even more vulnerable. When the District
of Columbia invited hackers to test the security of
an online voting test run in 2010, it took less than
two days for a team from University of Michigan to break in and throw
the mayor’s race to Master Control Pro, with HAL 9000
elected council chairman. For good measure, they made
the election office computers sing the Michigan
fight song.”
Americans expect to retain the semblance of democracy
that now exists, these problems are going to have
to be addressed immediately. Preferably, before the
election this fall. There is plenty of evidence that voting machines
have been tampered with, and it is not known how many
elected public officials are serving today, having
been defeated in the actual voting. And, we are not
speaking about the 2000 election in Florida,
in which the U.S. Supreme Court granted the office
of the presidency to George W. Bush.
Do not leave
the polling place until your right to vote has been
we have today in the U.S. is “voting irregularities,”
the same kinds of problems that developing countries
have and which the “international community” tries
to minimize by sending in election monitors. It doesn’t
make the elections perfect to have foreigners peering
over your shoulder, so to speak, to ensure valid elections,
but it makes them less likely to be stolen outright.
the direction in which the U.S.
is headed is to remove every last shred of guaranteed
integrity in the electoral process, especially the
voting, itself. It’s one thing to have thugs from
one party or another harassing or threatening voters
(killing them in many elections), or stuffing the
ballot boxes (when we had them), or otherwise keeping
them from exercising their franchise; it’s another
to have a system of elections based on machines that
are under the control of private companies, with the
results tabulated by those same companies and election
officials and voters kept in the dark about the process.
what takes the cake in the U.S.
electoral process is the hysteria, by Republicans,
over alleged voter fraud and the subsequent passage
of laws in various places to force photo voter identification
cards. For many, even though they have voted for decades,
in every election, it was difficult or impossible
to get a government photo ID. And, where there is
a charge for such an ID, as much as $20 or $50, many
poor or elderly simply cannot afford to buy one.
It’s easy to see why millions
have given up on the exercise of their franchise
of the great hoaxes perpetrated by a political party,
this time the Republicans, was the accusation that
ACORN, one of the oldest grass roots community organizations
in the country, was perpetrating voter fraud. That
accusation, prompted by a phony “news crew” working
for a now-deceased right-wing trickster, raised enough
hysteria in Congress and the mass media to cause them
to lose their funding. For decades, ACORN was the
champion of the poor and inner city Americans, in
everything from housing, to education, to voter registration.
F. Kennedy Jr., environmentalist and son of the late
senator, and Greg Palast,
investigative reporter, had to say about the ACORN
debacle, in October 2008, on
GOP activist Jack Abramoff and his fellow convict,
Congressman Bob Ney, wrote the most sinister provisions
of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) which Congress
passed in 2002 creating a series of diabolically cunning
new voting impediments. HAVA, for example, allows
state voting officials to purge tens of thousands
of voters from the polls using algorithms and voter
ID requirements that disproportionately disenfranchise
black, Hispanic and minority voters, and other Democratic
demographics including senior citizens and young people.”
2004, highly organized GOP tacticians helped disenfranchise
no less than 2.7 million American voters. Almost a
million of them were African Americans. The U.S. Election
Assistance Commission has found black voters were
nine times more likely to have their votes discarded
than white voters and that over one-third of the million
provisional ballots cast in 2004 - ballots handed
disproportionately to African Americans - were never
counted but simply thrown into dumpsters.
a technique known as ‘caging’ RNC operatives send
millions of first class letters to black voters across
the country marked ‘do not forward.’ Republican operatives
armed with lists then invade black precincts on Election
Day to challenge those voters whose letters were returned
to the RNC because the voter was not home to sign
when the mail arrived. That tactic deliberately targets
black voters, resurrecting Old Dixie’s Jim Crow procedures
designed to rid the lists of black voters and create
long lines in black precincts.”
may sound familiar, but not because it is a recitation
of historical fact. That kind of thing happened historically,
of course, but it has happened in recent elections,
as well, and it is likely to keep happening. For example,
not enough voting machines, so long lines snake out
of polling places, especially where there are lots
of black and other minority voters and especially
where they may tend to vote for Democrats. Ever since
Reconstruction, black voters have had difficulty (sometimes
endangering their lives) trying to cast a ballot in
a free election. Now, vote suppression is happening
in many places in the country.
political system, itself, may be the reason that fewer
than half of eligible voters even bother to go to
the polls in recent decades. They don’t feel that
voting for one or the other party will make a difference
in their lives. Add to that negative attitude about
democracy in the U.S.
the intentional problems that have been created (purges
of hundreds or thousands of names from the rolls and
photo ID laws) for voters and it’s easy to see why
millions have given up on the exercise of their franchise.
Call 1-866-OUR-VOTE for assistance
though we know that voting itself does not prove that
we live in a democracy, refusing to vote should not
be the end of a citizen’s attempt to participate in
the democratic structure that remains in America.
And even though one of the most dynamic organizations
dedicated to participation in democracy, ACORN, was
cynically destroyed by right-wing elements of government
and Corporate America, it remains for the people to
find a way to make democracy work. It will not happen
by waiting for “leaders” from those two sectors of
the nation.
to do? First, in elections, how about paper ballots for presidential elections
and those for the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives
for starters? The Election Defense Alliance
has suggested such a radical solution. They can be
found at
Secondly, vote! Even though it may seem irrelevant
to you, demand the right to vote in the face
of all odds. Do not leave the polling place until
your right to vote has been honored. Anyone who has
trouble voting should call 1-866-OUR-VOTE for assistance...immediately.
If the election officials or poll watchers do not
know the law, the group at this phone number will
assist them.
the broken system that we have is a long-term project,
but it has to start somewhere. Exercising your franchise
to vote is a good starting point. Voting may not suddenly
bring us a crop of high quality candidates, but our
involvement in the entire process will surely improve
the lot of them.
in the choice over whether we use the private-company-owned
touch-screen voting machines or paper ballots, we
don’t want to be answering the question of the wag
who was observing America
at the polls in recent years, by asking, “Which candidate
did your machine vote for?”
Funiciello, is a
labor organizer and former union organizer. His union
work started when he became a local president of The
Newspaper Guild in the early 1970s. He was a reporter
for 14 years for newspapers in
New York
State. In
addition to labor work, he is organizing family farmers
as they struggle to stay on the land under enormous
pressure from factory food producers and land developers.
Click here
to contact
Mr. Funiciello. |