May 26, 2009, a potentially historic human rights trial will take
place in a federal court in New York. At issue: What did Royal
Dutch/Shell, the multinational oil giant, do in Nigeria?
The case is over a decade in the making. The suit,
filed by the Center
for Constitutional Rights (CCR) and EarthRights
International, claims that Shell Oil and Brian Anderson—who
was the managing director of Shell Nigeria—were complicit in the
commission of human rights violations in that country. Specifically,
the suit seeks to hold Shell accountable for summary executions,
crimes against humanity, torture, inhuman treatment and the arbitrary
arrest and detention of Nigerians. The plaintiffs in the case allege that the corporation
had a hand in the November 1995 hangings of Ken Saro-Wiwa and eight
other human rights activists by Nigeria’s then-ruling military junta.
These leaders were non-violently protesting against Shell’s abusive
practices in the Ogoni region in the Niger River Delta, including
the trail of environmental devastation the corporation has left
in its wake. They are known collectively as the Ogoni Nine.

Saro-Wiwa, who with the other activists was convicted
and hanged on trumped-up murder charges, demanded a cleanup of Shell’s
hundreds of oil spills throughout the region. In addition, and
perhaps more poignantly—because wherever there is oil there are
monied interests to protect and poor people to potentially exploit—they
were pushing for a greater share of oil revenues to the Ogoni people.
Presently, nearly 85% of the oil revenues are in the hands of a
mere 1% of the Nigerian population, in a country where, according
to the African Development Bank, over 70% of people live on less
than US$1 a day.
Environmental devastation
The once-fertile Niger Delta region was known as
the breadbasket of Nigeria. According to an independent team of
Nigerian, American and British scientists, the region is “one of
the world’s most severely impacted ecosystems,” and “one of the
10 most important wetlands and marine ecosystems in the world.
Millions of people depend on the Delta’s natural resources for survival,
including the poor in many other West African countries who rely
on the migratory fish from the Delta.” For the people in the region,
who rely on subsistence farming and fishing, Shell’s drilling, deforestation
and other activities have created poverty.
Further, the World Bank says that gas-flaring in
Nigeria—the process by which an oil company burns off the excess
natural gas caused by oil drilling—has created more greenhouse gas
emissions than in the rest of sub-Saharan Africa combined. And
an estimated 1.5 million tons of oil have
spilled into the Niger Delta over the past 50 years—the equivalent
of one Exxon Valdez spill every year. The environmental degradation
has created health problems in the region. Dr. Owens Wiwa, brother
of Ken Saro-Wiwa who was detained and beaten by the Nigerian military,
said that the people in the area have a high incidence of asthma,
cancer and bronchitis. He also made note of “some bizarre skin diseases
and a high level of miscarriages, which is quite different from
other areas in Nigeria that are not producing oil.”
Shell and the military
Forty percent of Nigeria’s oil goes to the U.S.,
and Shell is a major player in Nigeria. For the more than 50 years
Shell has engaged in oil production in Nigeria, human rights groups
note, the corporation has worked closely with the Nigerian government
to suppress local opposition to its presence there. In the early
1990s, when Saro-Wiwa’s human rights group MOSOP
(The Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People) was formed,
Shell asked for armed assistance against local protestors, and armed
and financed Nigerian soldiers. There was a reign of terror, in
which the Nigerian military, with help from Shell according to human
rights groups, falsely arrested, beat, raped and tortured people.
After Shell requested military backup to build an oil pipeline in
Ogoni, one woman who protested the bulldozing of her crops was shot
by Nigerian soldiers and lost her arm.

In 1994, the military blocked Saro-Wiwa and other
Ogoni leaders from attending a gathering. Four Ogoni chiefs were
subsequently killed at the gathering, and the military blamed Saro-Wiwa
and MOSOP for the killings. The Ogoni Nine were arrested, and, the
military raided 60 Ogoni towns, beating and arresting hundreds of
suspected MOSOP members.
As one Nigerian military official wrote in a memorandum:
“Shell operations still impossible unless ruthless military operations
are undertaken for smooth economic activities to commence.” The
Ogoni Nine bore the full brunt of that ruthlessness— with a sham,
kangaroo trial, presided over by a shady, ruthless military regime,
and with Shell attempting to bribe two men
to testify against Saro-Wiwa, as the plaintiffs allege. Saro-Wiwa
said the following in his closing statement at trial:
military dictatorship holds down oil producing areas such as Ogoni
by military decrees and the threat or actual use of physical violence
so that Shell can wage its ecological war without hindrance… This
cozy, if criminal, relationship was perceived to be rudely disrupted
by the non-violent struggle of the Ogoni people under MOSOP. The
allies decided to bloody the Ogoni in order to stop their example
from spreading through the oil-rich Niger Delta.
Ken Saro-Wiwa, Jr. speaks out
14 years after his father’s hanging execution, Ken Saro-Wiwa, Jr.,
a plaintiff in the lawsuit, recently reflected on his father’s death
and the struggle for justice in Nigeria:
It was a pretty dark time, and you felt as if the world had collapsed. We put
all pressure on the Nigerian government, and Shell was washing
its hands. It felt that no one was willing to take responsibility
for the horrendous injustice. My father was hanged for a crime
he didn’t commit. The company was complicit in my father’s execution,
and they washed their hands. It seemed like a shot in the dark.
It is painful that no one wants to face up to what they did.
Saro-Wiwa, Jr. noted that Nigeria is an oil rich country whose people
feel they are not benefitting from all of these rich resources,
that everything the government does is for the benefit of transnational
corporations and in the interests of Big Oil. As a result, people
on the ground are protesting these conditions:
There is a lack of democracy in their country, and people are taking things
into their own hands. As people take things into their own hands,
it will create more instability, things will become more difficult.
We must create a system that is fair.
Shell responds to the allegations
It is true that Nigerian Gen. Sani Abacha, the brutal
and corrupt military dictator at the time, died in 1998. But the
people of Nigeria’s Ogoni region still suffer. And observers would
suggest that Shell, still an oil powerhouse in that country, cannot
shake off the executions of the Ogoni Nine, despite all of the best
greenwashing and public relations strategies that money can buy.
In response to the suit filed against the corporation, Shell spokesman
Stan Mays provided me with the following written statement:
- The
allegations made in the complaints against Royal Dutch/Shell concerning
the 1995 executions of Ken Saro-Wiwa and his eight fellow Ogonis
are false and without merit. Shell in no way encouraged or advocated
any act of violence against them or their fellow Ogonis. We believe
that the evidence will show clearly that Shell was not responsible
for these tragic events.
- The
executions in 1995 of Ken Saro-Wiwa and his eight fellow Ogonis
were tragic events that were carried out by the Nigerian government
in power at the time.
Shell attempted to persuade that government to grant clemency;
to our deep regret, that appeal – and the appeals of many others
– went unheard, and we were shocked and saddened when we heard
the news.
- Shell
remains committed to reconciliation, peace and return to normality
in Ogoni land.
on notice
the question that arises is, why bring the current lawsuit in a
U.S. court? Well, although the alleged crimes did not take place
on U.S. soil, Shell does substantial business in the U.S. Moreover,
the plaintiffs filed the case under the Alien Tort Statute, a 1789
law which allows lawsuits in U.S. courts for international violations
of human rights. In addition, the Torture Victim Prevention Act
allows a plaintiff to seek damages for extrajudicial killing or
torture, regardless of where it occurs in the world. The suit was
also brought under the laws of New York, and international laws.
“The case is significant because people doing business in the U.S.
have to follow U.S. law, which includes human rights violations,”
says Jennie Green of the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR),
attorney for the plaintiffs. “These are universally recognized
laws. This is more than a mere tort, it is something that is universally
recognized. Shell should have known better.”

what appears to be a “shell game,” Green noted that Shell has spent
years dragging its feet; fighting the case on the grounds that it
did not belong in the U.S.; attempting, without success, to petition
the Supreme Court, and claiming that the Netherlands-based parent
company Royal Dutch/Shell had nothing to do with the case, but rather
that Shell Nigeria was the proper defendant.
these troubled times in America— when the nation’s underbelly is
exposed for all the world to see—matters of corporate corruption
and malfeasance, and environmental devastation are on the minds
of many. If the plaintiffs in Wiwa v. Shell are victorious, this would be the first time that
a multinational corporation is held liable in a U.S. court for human
rights violations overseas. CCR’s Green believes that these days,
a U.S. jury is more likely to believe that a corporation and its
officers are capable of such corruption that they would harm individuals
in this manner. “Here in the U.S. the message has been brought
home,” said Ken Saro-Wiwa, Jr. “Corporations have to be held accountable,
and it is difficult for sovereign nations to hold them accountable
because of the fluidity of capital. There is a gap between global
capital and systems of law.”

this is a time when transnational corporations are being put on
notice. A clear signal is being sent to them that the world is
no longer their oyster. Neocolonialism is over. They cannot run
roughshod over the world for the sake of the almighty profit, conducting
business around the globe without regard for U.S. law and the law
of nations. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is presently
investigating Shell for engaging in graft in Nigeria, a violation
the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. In February, the Halliburton
spinoff KBR admitted to paying bribes
to secure contracts related to the construction of a liquefied natural
gas facility in Nigeria. Halliburton and KBR agreed to pay fines
of over $579 million, the largest fine ever in a U.S. corruption
case. And the notorious U.S. military contractor Blackwater (now called
Xe), has been sued in the U.S., and some of its employee-mercenaries federally indicted
for firing upon and killing unarmed civilians in Baghdad
in 2007.
a federal judge in New York has paved the way for South African
plaintiffs to pursue lawsuits against GM, Ford, Daimler, and IBM
“for aiding and abetting torture ... extrajudicial
killing, and apartheid.”
I asked him about his thoughts regarding Shell, the struggles of
the Niger Delta and the upcoming trial, Ken Saro-Wiwa, Jr. said
that “When you look at what is happening in the world, there is
no justice.” At the same time, he emphasized that “Gandhi said
that good always triumphs over evil in the end.” Indeed, these
words will be put to the test again very soon.

BlackCommentator.com Editorial Board member David A. Love, JD is a journalist
and human rights advocate based in Philadelphia, and a contributor
to the Progressive Media Project, McClatchy-Tribune News Service,
In These Times and Philadelphia Independent Media Center. He contributed to the book, States of Confinement: Policing, Detention, and Prisons (St. Martin's Press, 2000). Love is a former Amnesty
International UK spokesperson, organized the first national police
brutality conference as a staff member with the Center for Constitutional
Rights, and served as a law clerk to two Black federal judges. He
blogs at davidalove.com, Daily
Kos, and Open Salon. Click here to contact Mr. Love. |