First Annual Message to Congress, Dec. 3, 1861
declaration that Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker
had survived the recall election last week was barely
an echo in the statehouse halls when the chorus
of right-wing pundits and right-wing politicians
declared that the working class is dead and so are
their unions.
Lots of them do the bidding
of Corporate America without knowing much about
why they do it.
question about it, the election was between the
interests of Labor and Capital, plain and simple.
Working people lost. As has been noted over and
over since the election of Ronald Reagan to the
White House in 1980, a sizable portion of the working
class has voted to stick closely to the ruling elite,
perhaps feeling that a few crumbs will fall from
their table for them and their families.
matter that they vote with the 1 percent, as we
saw in the Walker
recall election. Little more than half the working
class and middle class electorate voted to keep
as governor, even though he promised that he would
strip them of their right to collective bargaining,
if they ever again got around to forming unions.
There are many reasons for their departure from
sanity and the rest of the working class will just
have to deal with it.
was time for the right wing pundit, Charles Krauthammer,
to crow and crow he did: “Tuesday, June 5, 2012,
will be remembered as the beginning of the long
decline of the public-sector union. It will follow,
and parallel, the shrinking of private-sector unions,
now down to less than 7 percent of American workers.
The abject failure of the unions to recall Wisconsin
Gov. Scott Walker - the first such failure in U.S.
history - marks the Icarus
moment of government-union power. Wax wings melted,
there’s nowhere to go but down.”
To say they wanted to defeat
“workers” might give the actual working
class and middle class workers an idea that they
are under attack by the ruling elite.
always the pundits and the right-wing politicians
follow the lead of the corporations, which pull
their strings. They can deny that Corporate America
pulls their strings, but one has to discover where
all those strings run among the 1 percent. For those
who do the bidding of the 1 percent, if the strings
were made visible, the whole place would look like
an explosion in a spaghetti factory. It’s everywhere.
Lots of them do the bidding of Corporate America
without knowing much about why they do it. They
just know that that’s where their money comes from.
they always talk in terms of “unions,” rather than
workers. They make unions out to be some invisible
entity that has nothing to do with the workers on
the job. They have to refer to defeating the “unions,”
for, to say they wanted to defeat “workers” might
give the actual working class and middle class workers
an idea that they are under attack by the ruling
fact, they are. They have been under attack for
decades and it always has been in terms of “defeating
the powerful unions.” As in the Wisconsin
recall election, the money ruled. Of course, it
was not just the money that counted, but it surely
tipped the balance in favor of Walker, his mentors,
the Koch brothers of Koch Industries, and all the
others who have poured hundreds of millions into
the U.S.
political system, since the Republican Supreme Court
decided the Citizens United case, in which
money is free speech. And, since corporations are
now people, they have as much right to exercise
their “free speech” in the form of the limitless
money that has polluted American democracy. It is
going to be next to impossible for the 99 percent
to exercise their constitutional rights.
floodgates have been opened and the tiny moneyed
class has been on a shopping spree, buying up the
Congress and the state legislatures, politician
by politician. They even write the legislation and
give the boilerplate to their minions, for introduction
into the legislative process. Few politicians escape
the cycle of corruption. Those who do are not long
in office. They either are driven out by a challenger
who will do the bidding of his or her handlers,
or they decline to run for reelection, citing the
impossibility of making any meaningful changes in
the system.
Jesse Kelly has declared
his philosophy over the past few years, included
reducing the minimum wage, and then eliminating
even right-wing pundits have an explanation for
the militancy of the French workers, who put a stop
to Walker-like actions of government without hesitation,
whenever a Walker rears its ugly head. And, in France,
unions represent about 8 percent of the workers,
just a point above the percentage of American workers
in private sector unions. When a strike is called,
French workers don’t sit at their desks or stand
in front of their assembly line machinery, or stand
at office building windows to watch other workers
stand up for the rights of all workers. Rightly,
they join in to protect the national living standard.
If there is a strike, they, too, join it.
is the difference? Mainly, the difference is in
understanding how the political system works and
knowledge of politics and knowing when a politician
is blowing smoke. They will not
be fooled by political rhetoric, at least not all
the time. Part of that is being raised in
a climate (families, schools, on the job) in which
people understand how their lives are affected by
politics and the actions of politicians and legislatures.
There is little of that in the U.S., especially since the
people have been brainwashed into believing that
they have the same interests as the ruling elite.
They actually believe that. And, just because there
are a few individuals who occasionally are brought
out of poverty or the working class and into the
heady company of the very rich, they think that
every American can do the same…and, they’re next.
out that carrot is what keeps most American workers
in line. Even as they are being abused for decades
of their working lives, they have been propagandized
to think that unions really are the enemy and Corporate
America is really their friend and, possibly, the
savior of themselves and their families. So far,
that has not worked out too well, but it partly
explains why a little more than half the voters
decided that Walker
was better than the “unions” and they voted for
more of the same for the remainder of the young
governor’s term.
Walker voters, therefore, should have been more than satisfied with
the Republican who ran in this week’s special election
for the Congressional seat of Gabrielle Giffords,
who resigned after taking a year to recuperate from
an assassination attempt. Jesse Kelly, a 31-year-old
Iraq War veteran who works for his father’s construction
company, has declared his philosophy over the past
few years, included reducing the minimum wage, and
then eliminating it. That’s for starters. He also
thinks that corporate taxes should be eliminated
altogether, would not provide much support for Medicare
or Social Security, and he rails against government
and government spending like a junior Grover Norquist.
One of his campaign posters shows him in desert
camo, with an assault
rifle across his front. The message, written bold
across the ad, is “send a warrior to Congress.”
The country and its economy
cannot survive this gaping inequality.
lost to Giffords two years ago and, he lost by a comfortable margin
in this week’s election against Giffords’
staffer, Ron Barber, who also was injured in the
attempt on Giffords’ life.
It will be interesting to see what spin the Republican
Right Wingers put on it, especially since Krauthammer
declared the Wisconsin vote to be organized labor’s
meaning that it lost and will not recover from the
defeat. At least Kelly went directly after workers,
without euphemistically saying he was going after
those powerful unions, as do others on the right.
If he had his way, Kelly would render all workers
powerless in the workplace, first by reducing them
to real wage slavery. His handlers have declared
during the recent campaign that he has matured,
indicating that he no longer engages in name-calling
and bravado.
his railing against government is typically Republican,
typically hypocritical. His father’s construction
company, for which he works, reportedly gets the
vast majority of its contracts from government,
some $60 million at this time. He is quoted in the
local press as having said, paraphrasing here: Somebody
is going to get those contracts. Why shouldn’t it
be us?
speaking, the Kelly family operation is like Corporate
America in microcosm: While fighting to reduce the
size of government (especially the elimination of
wage and benefit standards, environmental laws and
regulations, occupational safety and health laws,
and more), they are busy constructing their own
pipeline into government coffers. And the money
that they draw off is from one source…the working
stiff, the taxpayer, the people who spend every
penny they get in their local economy…the people
who have kept the economy going.
largesse is coming to an end and this is not something
that the likes of Krauthammer and Kelly and the
rest of Corporate America want to hear, not when
they look at the final result of their handiwork
over the past half-century. The economic chickens
are coming home to roost. The disparity in wealth
between the 1 percent and the 99 percent stands
in stark contrast to the celebration of the stock
market’s continued existence. The country and its
economy cannot survive this gaping inequality.
unappetizing as it might be to those on the right,
the self-described “patriots,” American workers
must take a page from the French workers’ book,
become more sophisticated about their politics and
their economy, understand thoroughly where their
interests lie, and vote with their fellow workers,
not with those who have a strong hand on their paychecks
and any other wealth they might have under their
mattresses, or invested in that mythical American
Dream, their home.
is the time for solidarity among the 99 percent.

Funiciello, is a
labor organizer and former union organizer. His
union work started when he became a local president
of The Newspaper Guild in the early 1970s. He was
a reporter for 14 years for newspapers in
New York
State. In
addition to labor work, he is organizing family
farmers as they struggle to stay on the land under
enormous pressure from factory food producers and
land developers. Click here
to contact
Mr. Funiciello.