the discussions about what to do to fix up the economic mess left
by George Bush, I have come to understand why it happened when I
hear the unimaginably ignorant proposals put forth by many Republicans.
wonder what planet someone could come from who says, for example,
“just let the auto companies go into bankruptcy and work themselves
out of their financial problems without government assistance.”
Just what will the market for automobiles be doing while American
auto companies are in bankruptcy -- that‘s right, gaining the market
share they left behind, so if they could possibly recover, there
would little auto industry left that the Asian and European firms
did not own.
if that wasn’t enough, now we hear them suggesting that the government
should just let the banks fail that are in trouble Are they crazy?
The viability of the big banks (they are really banking systems
because of the variety of services they offer and the outreach of
their networks) are central to the capital markets for firms and
the credit system for businesses and consumers, and if they fail,
the entire economy -- including much of the international economy
-- could come tumbling down As bad as things are now, the entire
American economy is not involved, since many banks and other financial
institutions are still solvent and operating.

we hear, “Just don’s give AIG the money.” I’ve never heard anything
so stupid. If you Google AIG, you can readily see that the scope
of its insurance activities covers many of the largest and most
well endowed companies in the world and if they are not insured,
they are opened up to immeasurable risks which, in turn, affects
evaluations of their credulity in the market place. It is a little
like the difference between a person having a credit score of 720
or 500, if you are well insured against risks, you are perceived
to be in good shape. I agree with Newt Gingrich that is we now
have a set of institutions that are too big to fail, that they should
be broken up, but where was he and his people when the path to monopoly
capitalism was paved with the fortunes of their friends?
lack of creative ideas are substituted with simplistic formulas
that would put the country in worse shape than before. Let’s face
it, Republicans have not had good ideas for 30 years. I remember
when David
Stockman, President Reagan’s Director of Office of Management and
Budget, authored Reaganomics which was labeled “Voodoo Economics,”
a description that gave Voodoo a bad name. It was the source of
“trickle down” economics, practiced by most Reagan’s successors
except Bush 41 who was thrown out because he violated his pledge
not to raise taxes. The idea has been to let the rich escape paying
high taxes and they would spur economic growth, employ everyone
and make us all rich. It didn’t work.
I know is that this is no time for pure capitalism of letting every
tub sink or swim on its own bottom as though governmental institutions
played no role in helping to guide monetary or fiscal policy and
is the insurer of last resort. This is a raw and ultimately crude
understanding of how to manage an economy which says run it into
the tank and let the economy correct its own way out. Sophisticated
economic managers understand that economies must have a balance
of both private public management, since both sets of interests
must be protected.

am in Kansas at this writing, reading that in the most Republican
State in the Union, the State legislature is coming to the end
of its session and neither the House nor Senate has passed an expansion
of SCHIP the program that insures the health of poor children.
This, despite the fact that the national government passed the bill
providing extra resources to the states and there is additional
money in the Stimulus Package. Are they just mean-spirited and
anti-humanitarian? Remember, every tub on its own bottom.
would think that people would rise up and vote against legislators
who act in this fashion but first, they are mostly unaware of what
is going on, and second, there is mass economic ignorance of how
the economy works and the responsibility of government to provide
a balance to society. Many in the public take their cues from conservative
talk radio jocks who are also economically challenged, then pass
on the ignorance to their families and friends.
challenge the proposals set forth by President Obama, but don’t
really have any good alternatives But the real sources of such
ignorance may be party and race, since some people don’t want to
follow the leadership of the President because that would legitimize
him and his programs and some people just cannot bring themselves
to submit themselves to the leadership of a Black man, especially
in matters that are the most important that the country has faced
in nearly 80 years. But since he is in power and has a deep and
experienced economic team I think they should have their chance
as others have, rather than following the known chaos that results
when everyone knows best. Editorial Board member Dr. Ron Walters is the Distinguished Leadership Scholar,
Director of the African American Leadership Center and Professor
of Government and Politics at the University of Maryland College
Park. His latest book is: The Price of Racial Reconciliation (The Politics of Race
and Ethnicity) (Rowman and Littlefield). Click here
to contact Dr. Walters. |