extensive complaint seeking federal prosecution of American officials
who ordered, authorized, approved or committed war crimes is currently
being prepared. While the complaint is in preparation, the Steering
Committee of the Justice Robert H. Jackson Conference is issuing
this preliminary memorandum setting forth several of the points
to be presented more extensively in the complaint itself. Such points
include the acts of torture and abuse which constitute war crimes,
the high level individuals of the American Government who ordered,
authorized, or approved these acts plus some of the lower level
officials who committed them, and the warnings of illegality and
immorality given to the culpable American officials - as news of
their secret actions slowly began to percolate within the Executive
branch - by persons ranging from FBI officials on the ground, to
other executive investigative personnel on the ground, to military
Judge Advocates General, to general counsels of the armed services.
These warnings of illegality and immorality given by knowledgeable
and experienced persons were ignored by the small group of high
Executive officers who were determined that America would torture
and abuse its prisoners and who had the decision-making power to
secretly require this to be done.
note that the information in this preliminary memorandum on criminal
acts, officials who authorized them or carried them out, and warnings
of criminality and illegality which were ignored, has become available
in the last four years in a host of investigatory books, investigatory
articles, initially secret government memoranda which have now been
publicly released, internal governmental investigations, statements
of present and former governmental officials and generals (e.g.,
Dick Cheney and Antonio Taguba), investigatory television programs,
legal complaints and other legal documents, transcripts of interviews,
congressional hearings and congressional reports (such as the recent
report of the Senate Armed services’ Committees).
the books which extensively detail the matters written of here are
Jane Mayer’s The Dark Side, Philippe Sands’ The Torture
Team, Jack Goldsmith’s The Terror Presidency (Goldsmith
is a former head of the Office of Legal Counsel), and Steven Wax’s
Kafka Comes To America.
are a large number of “standard” acts of torture and abuse that
were committed on the order or authorization of this country’s highest
officials. What the public generally does not realize is that these
acts were not committed in isolation, one from the other. Instead
they were committed in combination, with up to ten or fifteen being
perpetrated on a single detainee.
were the acts isolated from each other in time. Rather, many detainees
were subjected to combinations of tortures for weeks and months
in a row. One detainee was tortured by combinations for 54 straight
days without let up. Others were tortured by combinations for several
weeks in a row. The torture of sensory deprivation by isolating
a detainee in a single small room, sometimes with black-out goggles
over his eyes and sound-stopping plugs for his ears, and sometimes
with the prisoner being kept in a tiny slot the size of a coffin,
was carried on for years with regard to some prisoners, with the
prisoners also being subjected to other tortures during this period.
torture is illegal whether the victim is innocent or guilty, many
of the prisoners upon whom torture was practiced proved to be innocent
- estimates of the innocent run up to 50 percent and higher.
acts of torture and abuse that were regularly practiced on order
or authorization of this country’s highest officials included:
Beatings Prisoners were severely and regularly beaten with
clubs, rifles and fists. They were beaten to the point that
bones were broken, ribs were fractured, and prisoners sometimes
were killed.
is already known that at least two prisoners, one now known
to be falsely accused, were beaten to death at Bagram Air Force
Base in Afghanistan, that a third savagely beaten prisoner,
Manadel al-Jamadi, died, within one hour of entering Abu Ghraib,
because of beatings that fractured six ribs and then being hung
by the arms, with his arms secured behind him (not over
his head) in the so-called “Palestinian hanging” position. It
is Jamadi’s corpse, packed in ice, with a grinning female American
soldier named Sabrina Harman giving the thumbs up sign, that
is in the infamous photograph from Abu Ghraib.

Strikes Peroneal strikes are a specific form of savage beating,
consisting of blows to the soft tissue and nerves just above
the knee. The falsely accused prisoner beaten to death at Bagram
had been given so many peroneal strikes that a coroner testified
that his leg tissue had “basically been pulpified.”
Deprivation Though the matter is not widely understood by
the public, the effects of sleep deprivation are extremely serious.
In addition to becoming weary, a person’s electrolyte balance
changes, a mental haze forms, balance evaporates and the prisoner
wants only one thing in the world: to be allowed to sleep. The
person becomes delusional, and it has been known since the Middle
Ages that sleep deprivation produces false confessions because
the prisoner will say anything to be allowed to sleep. An American
Bar Association Report has said that “It has been known since
1500 at least that deprivation of sleep is the most effective
torture and certain to produce any confession desired.”
(Emphasis added.)
reportedly were prisoners who were deprived of sleep for a dozen
days, and other prisoners deprived of sleep for 96 hours in
a row. Still other prisoners were intermittently deprived of
sleep for three months. One prisoner, while being subjected
to numerous other tortures as well, was allowed to sleep no
more than a total of four hours a day for 54 straight days.
The water torture, now called waterboarding, has been
a torture since the Spanish Inquisition. It was used by the
Americans to torture Filipinos after the Spanish American War;
it was used by the Nazi Gestapo; Japanese officers committed
it upon Americans and were executed for their acts after World
War II; it was used by the French in Algiers, by Pol Pot’s Khmer
Rouge, and by Latin American dictatorships such as Chile and
Argentina. It has been used on prisoners held by the Americans,
sometimes at the apparently express command of George Bush.
Some of the Americans’ prisoners have been waterboarded many
is not simulated drowning. It is actual slow drowning.
It usually produces panic and hysteria. A number of Americans,
including Americans who did waterboarding of prisoners, underwent
waterboardings themselves to see what it was like: some lasted
as few as five second before they broke and none lasted more
than ten or fifteen seconds. When waterboarding prisoners, American
torturers would sometimes deliberately bring them to the brink
of death.
is so awful that, to avoid this unlawful act being seen, the
CIA lied to the 9/11 Commission and to federal Judge Brinkema
by falsely telling them it had no videotapes of the waterboarding
of prisoners. The CIA then further obstructed justice by destroying
the tapes rather than allowing them to be seen even by officials
in the three branches of the federal government.
By The Arms A highly excruciating “stress position” torture
used on many prisoners, sometimes every day for two to three
months, is hanging them by their arms, often or usually on tiptoe,
for up to eight hours at a stretch. The prisoners’ wrists and
arms are shackled while they hang. Excruciating pain arises
because ankles double in size, blisters erupt, skin “tenses,”
and shackles cut through the skin of the ankles and wrists.
the version of hanging by the arms known as “Palestinian hangings,”
the arms are not stretched directly above the head, but are
instead stretched behind the body.

A Prisoner’s Head Into Concrete Walls In this torture a
towel is wrapped around a prisoner’s neck and is then used to
propel the prisoner head first into a concrete wall. Subsequently,
instead of using a towel, the CIA used a plastic strip around
the neck like a dog collar, with the strip being attached to
a lead so that the torturer could have better leverage in propelling
the prisoner head first into a concrete wall.
torture was so fraught with risk of serious injury to or death
of a prisoner that the CIA kept a doctor on hand at all times
to guard against death or crippling injury. The physician was,
of course, violating medical ethics by assisting in the perpetration
of torture.
“Stress Positions” And Electric Shocks Hanging prisoners
by their arms with only their toes touching the ground, and
“Palestinian hangings,” were only two of the “stress positions”
used as tortures. Prisoners were also chained to walls in a
way that forced them to maintain a painful crouch. They were
chained to the floor in the same way or in a fetal position
with hands and feet chained, and were kept naked and forced
to defecate and urinate on themselves. They were hung by the
arms with their feet on a drum through which electric shocks
were applied to their feet; the shocks would cause the feet
to “dance” so that the prisoners’ full weight was on their arms,
excruciatingly. They were hung by their arms with their feet
and legs in water.

Of Hot And Cold Prisoners were subjected to extremes of
hot and cold. Cells would be kept at over 100 degrees, and then
switched to freezing temperatures with air conditioners going
full blast. Cold water would repeatedly be thrown on prisoners
who were being kept in frigid temperatures for up to a month.
At least one prisoner is known to have frozen to death after
he was left in a freezing cell, wet and naked. (There has been
no accounting of the number of prisoners who were killed by
American torture, though estimates run to several dozen. Nor
has the prisoner who froze to death ever been identified. He
just “disappeared from the face of the earth,” and the CIA supervisor
of his torture was reportedly promoted.)
Cages, Hoods And Duct Tape, Lack Of Medical Care And Food, Torture
By Continuous Strobe Lights And Continuous Noise, And Other
Tortures Prisoners were kept in tiny slot-like cells and
in small boxes that were like coffins. They were kept hooded
and with duct tape over their mouths. Their wounds were left
untreated, and they were denied medical care and pain killers.
They were denied food. They were threatened by vicious dogs.
They were threatened with death, with being buried alive, and
their families were threatened. Their cells were flooded with
continuous, never ending light, including strobe lights, and
they were subjected to never-ceasing loud music. At other times
they were kept in pitch dark.
Detainees Prisoners known as “ghost detainees” were kept
“off the books,” so that nobody, including their families, would
know they were in custody, to avoid any oversight by Congress,
the courts, and the International Red Cross, and to avoid any
knowledge on the part of the media or public. Keeping prisoners
“off the books” in this way is in itself a war crime, and was
done to facilitate torture of prisoners.
For Torture Infamously, prisoners were “rendered” to other
countries for torture. Men were kidnapped off the street, hooded,
shackled, sedated by anal suppositories or syringe injections,
dressed in jump suits, and flown by private Gulfstream jets
(registered to dummy corporations) to countries such as Egypt,
Syria and Uzbekistan to be tortured at the behest of the CIA.
These persons were “disappeared,” as had occurred in Chile under
Pinochet. Torture practiced by one of the countries they were
given to, Egypt, was long known to include beatings with metal
rods and whips, being suspended from ceilings or door frames,
electric shocks, and dousing with cold water. The CIA was able
to give questions to Egyptian torturers in the morning and get
answers by the evening. In Syria, it was known, torture included
electric shocks, “pulling out fingernails, freezing cells, forcing
objects into the rectum” and “hyper-extending the spine” to
fracture or near fracture. Uzbekistan has long engaged in boiling
people - they are placed in water which is raised to boiling
is not yet known how many people were kidnapped and rendered to
other countries for torture, but confirmed cases range from a low
of 117 to at least 150. Every rendition to torture was approved
by the CIA’s General Counsel, and rendition for torture excited
and was personally encouraged by George W. Bush, who wanted to brag
about it publicly but was unable to because some of the participating
governments were fearful that their own populations might learn
what they were doing.

the Executive has made every effort to keep renditions secret, information
has leaked out. Thus it is already known, for example, that at least
seven of the persons who were rendered and tortured were innocent.
(Sometimes mistaken identity was involved, as when an innocent “rendee”
had the same Arab name as a possible culprit (much like two Americans
might both be named George Thomas.) Federal judges such as David
Trager and T.S. Ellis, III refused to allow cases brought by innocent
but tortured persons to proceed against the federal government,
lest the government be forced to disclose information it desires
to keep secret. Such torture-promoting decisions may constitute
war crimes in themselves under principles applied against Nazi judges
and lawyers at Nuremberg in the Alstotter case.
foregoing acts, singly and in combination, violate numerous international
treaties and domestic statutes. In particular they violate Common
Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions, the Convention Against Torture
and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment,
the federal War Crimes Act, and the federal Antitorture Statute.
These laws outlaw torture, other war crimes, breaches of Common
Article 3, cruelty, infliction of serious physical or mental pain,
degrading or inhumane treatment, death threats against the prisoner
or his relatives, violence against prisoners or abuse of prisoners,
other similar conduct, or grave breaches of Geneva Conventions rules
that bar such acts.
punishments provided for violation of the federal laws range up
to life imprisonment, and execution if the tortured prisoner was
killed. These are serious penalties for serious acts, showing the
seriousness with which this country has regarded torture and abuse
of prisoners prior to the Bush administration. Nor can there be
any legitimate dispute that laws against torture and abuse
have been violated - wholesale.
persons already known to be responsible for ordering, authorizing
or carrying out the torture and abuse which constitute war crimes
include government officials and politicians who ordered these actions,
CIA officials who committed the actions, and lawyers (who sometimes
were also officials and/or politicians) who carried out the bidding
of the politicians and CIA by creating false, professionally incompetent
memoranda claiming that acts of torture were legal. The lawyers
acted in the “tradition” of the lawyers and judges who were convicted
at Nuremberg because they aided the commission of war crimes, or,
as has been said, in the “tradition” of mob lawyers who invent justifications
for the unlawful actions of the mob.

government officials and politicians who are guilty of war crimes,
and violations of both international law and domestic statutes,
include George Bush, Dick Cheney, Alberto Gonzales, David Addington,
Tim Flanigan, Lewis Libby, Condoleeza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, Douglas
Feith, Stephen Cambone, John Ashcroft, Michael Chertoff, Michael
Dunlavey, Geoffrey Miller, and to a lesser extent, because he sometimes
tried to stop the torture in which he was complicit, Colin Powell.
Gonzales, Addington, Flanigan, Feith, Dunlavey, Libby, Ashcroft
and Chertoff are lawyers as well as officials and/or politicians.
The CIA officials who are guilty of war crimes include George Tenet,
Cofer Black, James Pavitt, Scott Muller and John Rizzo (who are
lawyers), David Becker, and a woman whose name is classified and
who is therefore publicly identified only as a spiky-haired, red-headed
person who, as head of the CIA’s Al Qaeda unit, insisted on and
for no apparent reason flew abroad to see the waterboarding of a
prisoner. (She also was a CIA briefer of George Bush). The lawyers
who are guilty of war crimes, as well as those named above, include
Jay Bybee, John Yoo, Jim Haynes, Robert Delahunty, Patrick Philbin,
Steven Bradbury, Diane Beaver, Mary Walker and to a somewhat lesser
extent, because he at least withdrew the professionally incompetent
memo of August 1, 2002 authorizing war crimes, Jack Goldsmith. (Goldsmith
did not withdraw the torture memo because he was in disagreement
with the kind of actions it approved, but because he was appalled
by its professional incompetence. He did not disagree with
the recommended actions, and did not withdraw the second memo of
August 1, 2002, which listed specifically authorized techniques
of torture. Rationalizing his action regarding the second memo,
he claimed, among other things, that he did not know if the techniques
- which included waterboarding - were torture. Also, he authored
a memo unlawfully authorizing prisoners to be removed from Iraq
for interrogation in other countries, where they were tortured,
and he participated extensively in authorizing illegal wiretapping.)
ordering of torture and abuse of prisoners was part of a larger
view of Executive prerogative held by several leading actors, especially
Dick Cheney and David Addington. Both of them propounded their view
since at least the 1980s. And, when Executive officials showed compunctions
about continuing to carry out those views during the administration
of G.W. Bush, the very powerful Cheney would vigorously oppose
such “backsliding,” while the large, physically imposing Addington,
who was known to speak as the voice of the powerful Cheney (his
boss), would aggressively browbeat those who had qualms about what
was being done.
view of Executive authority imposed by Cheney and Addington, carried
out by a group of powerful acolytes who were officials and/or lawyers,
and approved by George W. Bush, was that the Executive was all powerful.
The Executive could break the laws of the United States, as with
the FISA law and laws against torture. The Executive could secretly
and bindingly opine, through the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) of
the Department of Justice, that Congress and the laws of the United
States could not stop the Executive from doing whatever it wished,
as was exemplified in secret OLC memos, including memos falsely
authorizing torture and abuse of prisoners. The Executive could
even announce that parts of U.S. laws would be ignored, as with
scores or hundreds of signing statements. The Executive could refuse
to tell Congress what it was doing and could, indeed, even hide
its actions from the leaders of Congressional committees with jurisdiction
over those actions. The Executive was, in short, all powerful and
Congress was merely a cipher.
now widely recognized, this Cheney/Addington view - signed onto
by their acolytes, by George Bush, and at least partly endorsed
publicly by some individuals whom George Bush has appointed to the
Supreme Court - was an attempted constitutional revolution. It
was, moreover, an attempted constitutional revolution which succeeded
for several years (at least partly because the so-called mass
media went along with it).

regard to torture and abuse, the unlawful ordering and authorization
of war crimes proceeded on two parallel but intimately related tracks.
One was the civilian track involving the Department of Justice,
the CIA and the White House. The other was the Department of Defense
track. John Yoo of the OLC was a major point of commonality for
both tracks, because his memoranda authorizing torture formed the
basis of the false, incompetent and identical legal positions of
both tracks.
all times the false legal memoranda by civilian lawyers such as
Yoo and Steven Bradbury, and by military lawyers such as Diane Beaver,
and Mary Walker, were kept as secret as possible. So too the actions
of torture and abuse carried out both before and after the false
memos were issued. The memos and actions were hidden not just from
the public, but also from Congress and, startlingly, from many,
perhaps even most, lawyers in the Executive branch who ordinarily
would be expected to vet and opine on the memos and actions. (Thus,
DOD kept only a single copy of a memo from John Yoo providing it
with the same unlawful advice he previously gave the CIA - advice
DOD then parroted in its own memo - and that single copy was kept
locked in the safe of the General Counsel of the Air Force, Mary
memos and actions were kept as secret as possible because the Executive
Branch actors knew that if word of their authorizing memos and their
actions ever became public, there would be a vast outcry among the
public, in Congress and in the media, and at least part if not all
of the attempted constitutional revolution would be jeopardized.
Such an outcry is, indeed, precisely what happened, with increasing
vigor, after the secrecy began to fail and unlawful memoranda and
actions began to become public.
this day, however, it remains true that an unknown (perhaps large)
number of the memos remain secret. (For instance, on a related subject,
memos authorizing the NSA to violate the FISA laws enacted by Congress
remain secret.) They were kept such a “close hold” (in the culprits’
own terminology) that Addington would not even allow the NSA’s own
lawyers to see them when they asked to do so - that is to say, the
lawyers for the agency being told to violate the law were not allowed
to see - and comment on - the memos authorizing the illegality.
But public pressure has caused some of the unlawful memoranda to
be declassified and thereby become public, or has resulted in a
significant amount becoming known about memos which remain classified.
So a fair amount is now known about false, professionally incompetent
memos by which the Executive Branch actors sought to secretly work
a constitutional revolution. (There are persons who consider their
efforts to have been treason. The Jackson Committee presently takes
no position one way or the other on this claim.)
attempted constitutional revolution seems to have begun with a secret
decision, shortly after 9/11, that was sought by the CIA. This decision,
also sought by George Bush and signed by him on September 17, 2001,
secretly gave the CIA power - contrary to Congressional prohibition
- to murder or seize people all over the world.
in January 2002, Dick Cheney’s office wrote a memorandum saying
that the Geneva Conventions are “quaint” and are inapplicable to
the war. This memo implemented views propounded by Douglas Feith,
views Feith had been vigorously arguing since the 1980s. The January
2002 memo was signed by Alberto Gonzales, then the White House Counsel,
but was actually written by Cheney’s attorney, David Addington.
On February 7, 2002 George Bush then stated that the United States
was not bound by the Geneva Conventions.

a point contemporaneous or near in time to these events, a so-called
“War Council” of lawyers came into existence. This “War Council”
consisted of David Addington, John Yoo, Jim Haynes, Alberto Gonzales,
and Tim Flanigan. These five lawyers met in secret, with their views
and resulting memos, written by Yoo, being kept from other lawyers
and numerous officials in the Executive Branch.
early problem arose because members of the CIA were very worried
about actions they were taking against prisoners. From low levels
to high, from on-the ground CIA perpetrators of torture to high
CIA officials in Washington, there was knowledge that what the CIA
was doing - the torture and abuse of prisoners - constituted war
crimes for which CIA personnel could be prosecuted. CIA personnel
wanted a “golden shield,” a “get out of jail free card,” that would
protect them against prosecutions. It was hoped that an authorizing
legal opinion from the Office of Legal Counsel of the Department
of Justice would serve this purpose because the OLC opines on legal
matters for the Executive Branch. Thus John Yoo of the War Council
and the OLC wrote two opinions on August 1, 2002.
of the opinions became known as “the torture memo.” It was a long
document purporting to legally justify torture. The other
was a memo listing approved techniques of torture, such as
the techniques listed above. The second memo remains classified
to this day, but much about what it approved has become publicly
known, including that it authorized waterboarding.
work had input from and was signed by the head of OLC, Jay Bybee.
For his actions as head of OLC, Bybee was rewarded with a federal
appellate judgeship. He was nominated and confirmed before any information
relating to torture became public.
first memo - the “torture memo” - has become infamous, for three
reasons in particular. One is its definition of torture as requiring
the pain associated with organ failure or death, a definition that
was preposterous and one that was taken, remarkably, from the entirely
different context of a public health statute defining when a person
must be treated.
second particular reason for the torture memo’s infamy was that
Yoo falsely said there was no torture if the torturer’s intent was
to obtain information rather than inflict pain. Since torturers
who seek to obtain intelligence always want to gather information,
and the torture is only a means to that end rather than an end in
itself, no torturer could ever be guilty of torture under Yoo’s
“principle” because every torturer’s primary goal is to obtain information.
Presto: John Yoo, as if by magic, converted the worst tortures,
e.g., waterboarding, into nontorture.

final particular reason, and the one which fully carried out the
attempted constitutional putsch, was that Yoo’s torture memo said
the President, as Commander-in-Chief, could do anything at all he
wants with regard to so-called national security, and Congress can
do absolutely nothing to stop him. All power is his (and, one day,
hers). No power is Congress’. If the President wants to torture,
murder, or start wars, as Commander-in-Chief he can do it, and Congress
has no say about anything.
barbaric view of torture, and the Executive hegemony, implemented
in Yoo’s memo were stated dramatically a few years later when Yoo
said publicly that if the president wanted to try to force a prisoner
to talk by crushing the testicles of the prisoner’s child,
no treaty could stop this and, depending on why the president wanted
to do it, neither could any congressional law stop the president
from crushing the child’s testicles.
memo was secret for years, and the administration, from the president
on down to soldiers and CIA officers who tortured people at Guantanamo,
Abu Ghraib, Bagram and in CIA “black holes” around the world, acted
in accordance with Yoo’s secret revolutionary principles. When the
memo became public years after Yoo issued it, it became reviled
by some of the nation’s leading lawyers as professionally inept,
even as the single most incompetent piece of legal analysis some
had ever seen. It had, as a reporter said, the veneer of legal scholarship:
long, densely written paragraphs, a plethora of citations. But the
veneer was a fraud. It ignored the cases and points contrary to
- devastating to - its revolutionary principles, including the leading
case in the field, Youngstown Sheet & Tube v. Sawyer
(the famous Steel Seizure Case), and could provide no true authority
for its secretly adopted positions.
professionally inept was Yoo’s torture memo that it was later withdrawn
by Bybee’s replacement as head of OLC, Jack Goldsmith (even though
Goldsmith hated to do this because, among other reasons, he was
a good friend of Yoo’s). But the second memo of August 1, 2001,
the memo which listed the approved techniques of torture,
was never withdrawn. That OLC memo remains on the books,
remains operative, remains secret even though much of what it approved
(including waterboarding) has nonetheless become known, and continues
to unlawfully seek to justify war crimes.
of the reasons it remains on the books is that Cheney, Addington,
Gonzales and CIA officials have been very worried that their exposure
to war crime prosecutions would increase if it were withdrawn by
OLC, and extensive pressure was exerted to compel it not
to be withdrawn. This is the same reason, we note, that Cheney and
Addington have conspired with others to exert overwhelming pressure
to compel Congressional enactment of laws putatively granting immunity
to war criminals in American courts. Such laws are the self-protective
product of a conspiracy to manipulate the law so as to try to immunize
from federal prosecution those who organized and ran a conspiracy
to commit war crimes.
the civilian torture track was taking place, a parallel torture
track likewise was proceeding in the Department of Defense.
February of 2002, Army Reserve Major General Michael Dunlavey, an
intelligence specialist who was a judge in civilian life, was appointed
to be the first head of interrogation at Guantanamo, where torture
and abuse were in progress. Thereafter Dunlavey flew to Washington
every week to brief Rumsfeld personally on intelligence being obtained
at Guantanamo, and said in a sworn statement that “I got my marching
orders directly from the President of the United States.”
comment about where he got his marching orders cannot be considered
surprising. Although George Bush deliberately lied to the American
people and media by claiming in public that the U.S. does not engage
in torture, it has long been plain that he knew what was being done.
The torture and abuse were discussed at meetings of the so-called
Principals Committee, where George Tenet presented graphic details
of interrogations to a Committee which included some of Bush’s highest
associates, including Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, Don Rumsfeld,
John Ashcroft, and Dick Cheney. (At times John Yoo was also at Principals
Committee meetings to brief members.) Bush knew of and approved
these meetings, at which Tenet would brief the members of the Principals
Committee on the specific details of the torture and abuse that
were taking place. And in September 2006, after years of (then still
continuing) torture, Bush publicly admitted that for years the US
had been holding secret (off the books) prisoners at so-called “black
sites” (in countries like Poland, Romania and Thailand), and had
subjected these secret prisoners to “an alternative set of procedures,”
that is, to torture and abuse.

can thus be no doubt that George Bush knew what was occurring all
the while nor can there be surprise that Dunlavey swore his marching
orders, at Guantanamo, where torture was regularly practiced, came
directly from Bush.
Colonel Diane Beaver, a lawyer, was also at Guantanamo. She was
commissioned to write a memorandum justifying the torture techniques
being practiced there, she willingly complied, and she later was
promoted to the Pentagon’s Office of General Counsel. (The techniques
she approved at Guantanamo were part of a list drawn up there by
Lt. Col. Jerald Phifer.) Beaver placed no limits on the use of techniques,
and did not address the legality of using them in combination and
over time, as was the actual practice. Her views were used as a
legal basis for torturing and abusing prisoners, specifically including
a prisoner who was tortured and abused for 54 straight days.
also discussed torture with several lawyers/executive officials
who visited Guantanamo and personally observed tortured prisoners
on September 26, 2002. Those lawyers/executive officials included
several of the most culpable of the executive culprits; they included
Addington, Haynes, Gonzales, Chertoff, Philbin, Rizzo, and Goldsmith,
as well as a Chertoff aide named Alice Fisher. The lawyers knew
about the prisoner who was undergoing 54 straight days of torture,
and wanted to know what the military was doing with regard to “managing”
Beaver was doing her work at Guantanamo, John Yoo wrote another
torture memo, this one for DOD. The final version was dated March
14, 2003, but DOD had a draft at least as early as late January
2003. Yoo’s memo for DOD largely parroted his torture memo of August
1, 2002. It rendered Guantanamo a law-free torture zone for military
interrogators, and suggested that even acts such as gouging out
a prisoner’s eyes or “dousing him with scalding water [or] corrosive
acid” could be lawful. Yoo’s memo served as the template for a memo
on permissible torture being drafted by a Pentagon working group
chaired by Air Force General Counsel Mary Walker. As noted earlier,
the Pentagon kept only one copy of Yoo’s memo seeking to justify
horrendous violations of law; the copy was kept locked in Walker’s
to Yoo’s memos for the CIA and the DOD, torture and abuse of prisoners
continued, with tortures being used in combinations and for extended
periods of time on individual prisoners. People in the CIA who were
perpetrating or authorizing the tortures remained worried despite
the “golden shield,” “get out of jail free cards” that had been
issued by Yoo, however. They remained worried particularly because
of the effects of the use of tortures in combination, which Yoo
had not covered. They demanded new, broader attempted “golden shields,”
golden shields that would cover combinations of tortures.

2005 Stephen Bradbury was appointed head of OLC on a probationary
basis. That is, he was made interim head, with promotion to the
prestigious position of permanent head, a position he coveted, being
dependent on performance that satisfied his political masters, Gonzales,
Cheney and Addington. Bradbury thereupon wrote legal memoranda justifying
and seeking to legalize torture, including tortures undertaken
in wholesale combinations. His desire for appointment as permanent
head of OLC was then realized.
is claimed by apologists that war criminal culprits should not be
prosecuted because they thought what they were doing was lawful.
That claim simply cannot be sustained. No person, at least no person
of sufficient intelligence to have risen to a responsible level
of American government, can reasonably fail to know that the imposition
of torture is unlawful and that the imposition of horrible pain
and fear by beatings, waterboarding, stringing people up by the
arms for hours and days on end, etc., are torture.
it was precisely the culprits’ knowledge that what they were doing
was illegal torture which caused CIA officers to demand “golden
shields” in order to try to escape future prosecutions by pointing
to memos authorizing them to commit crimes and giving the President
unfettered power to authorize crimes.
this, with the existence of unlawful torture being obvious to any
sensate person, the false legal memos cannot enable the culprits
to escape prosecution. The Nuremberg principles set their face against
any argument that one can be excused on the ground that he or she
was merely following transparently illegal orders, as here.
is also the important fact that, when they ultimately found out
what was going on, a host of persons in the Executive Branch, including
both knowledgeable and experienced lawyers as well as laymen, told
the culpable actors that what they were writing or doing was illegal,
could lead to prosecutions, and must stop. But wishing to continue
the torture and abuse, the culpable Executive actors deliberately
ignored these warnings, and even threatened and verbally abused
those who issued them, in order to try to prevent the warnings from
is often publicly pretended by the Executive culprits and their
apologists, that all the advice they received was in favor of torture.
To the contrary. We have here a situation in which they received
extensive advice - which they deliberately chose to ignore
- that what they were doing was illegal and could lead to prosecutions.
Such advice came from knowledgeable and experienced persons including
FBI agents, agents and officials of other investigative bodies,
general counsels of the military services, the Judge Advocates General
of the armed services, and State Department officials and lawyers.

following were among the verbal or written warnings, and facts constituting
warnings, given to the Executive culprits:
an extensive 40-page memo of January 11, 2002, the Legal Adviser
to the State Department, William Howard Taft IV, warned that
the Geneva Conventions certainly did apply to the war and that
Bush’s claim that the enemy was not covered by the Conventions
could subject him to prosecution for war crimes.
agents were interrogating a prisoner named Abu Zubayda in early
2002, were using traditional methods of questioning, not torture,
and were getting excellent information. But because George Bush
wanted the “tough guy CIA” to take the lead, the FBI agents
were replaced by a CIA team headed by a CIA contract officer
named James Mitchell. The CIA team engaged in torture, the FBI
unsuccessfully tried to persuade the CIA not to do so, and Zubayda
stopped talking.
by what they were seeing, and fearful that they would be implicated,
the FBI agents left Guantanamo. FBI Director Mueller then barred
FBI agents from participating in coercive CIA interrogations,
a warning-fact well known to many in the Executive.
Counterterrorist Center (CTC) of the CIA was headed by Cofer
Black and was the terrorist-fighting operation of the CIA. R.
Scott Shumate was its chief operational psychologist from 2001-2003.
He reported directly to Black. He spoke out against the CIA’s
use of torture and abuse, and left the CIA because of this disagreement
with the use of torture.

Air Force Colonel Steve Kleinman, who had had years of experience
with interrogations, was posted to Iraq in the fall of 2003
to help advise on interrogations there. He objected to the torture
and cruelty he saw there, and pointed out that interrogators
were obliged to follow the Geneva Conventions. His views were
rejected by the commanding officer of his special unit and by
other officers. Torture was instead specifically approved, Kleinman
was shunned, and he was physically threatened.
approximately October/November 2002 an FBI agent named Jim Clemente
(who had a law degree and had been a prosecutor), and other
FBI agents, observed horrendous torture and abuse of a prisoner
at Guantanamo. One of the agents accused the military of criminal
behavior. Clemente and colleagues urged Lt. Col. Phifer to stop
the torture, but Phifer (who had created the Guantanamo list
of torture techniques) was “enraged” by this advice and told
the FBI personnel to “Lead, follow, or get the fuck out of the
then contacted the head of the FBI’s national security law section
in Washington, Marion Bowman, warning that actions in violation
of antitorture law were being taken and could lead to prosecutions
and convictions. Bowman in turn called lawyers in Jim Haynes’
office in DOD and expressed concern. He never heard back from
the DOD lawyers or from their boss, Haynes.
the late summer of 2002, the CIA sent a senior intelligence
analyst to Guantanamo to observe and report on what was going
on. (Now retired, he “declined to be identified.”) In a top
secret, detailed report, he estimated that one-third of the
detainees had no connection to terrorism and said the United
States was committing war crimes at Guantanamo.
report, “written by a tough and highly experienced CIA analyst
whose career had been spent fighting terrorists,” alarmed Condoleezza
Rice’s lawyer, John Bellinger, and retired four star General
John Gordon, a terrorism expert on the National Security Council
who was also a former Deputy Director of the CIA. But their
concern, stoked by the experienced CIA analyst’s report, was
flatly rejected and ignored by Addington, Flanigan and Gonzales.
Nor was there subsequently an interest in their concern in Rumsfeld’s
office, which likewise ignored the concern and the report underlying
Criminal Investigative Task Force (CITF) of DOD, headed by Col.
Brittain Mallow, investigated what was going on at Guantanamo,
and became alarmed in approximately the summer of 2002. It raised
questions about potentially criminal mistreatment of prisoners.
In a meeting, Mallow told Haynes that interrogation tactics
being used at Guantanamo could be illegal. Haynes and DOD ignored
CITF’s concerns, telling CITF that it (CITF) had no say in the
matter. Haynes’ willingness to ignore CITF was stoked by statements
of John Yoo and Michael Chertoff.
Brant was the head of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service
(NCIS). He learned from NCIS personnel on the ground at Guantanamo,
especially an NCIS psychologist named Michael Gelles, and from
Brittain Mallow, that torture and abuse were taking place at
Guantanamo. Brant knew such actions were unlawful regardless
of contrary legal advice from Jim Haynes’ Office of General
Counsel in the Pentagon, and he would not permit NCIS personnel
to participate in the torture and abuse. His bottom line was
“it just ain’t right.” “It was pretty basic, black and white
to me,” he said. “I didn’t know or care what the rules were
that had been set by the Department of Defense at that point.
We were going to do what was morally, ethically and legally
conveyed his concern to Army leaders, who had command authority
over the military interrogators at Guantanamo, but they did
not care. He also conveyed his concern to the Air Force. But
it too did not care. He found nobody who cared until he spoke
to the General Counsel of the Navy, Alberto Mora, on December
17, 2002 and told him what had been going on. (Mora was deeply
upset by what he was told. His subsequent actions are discussed

Morello, the General Counsel of the Army, was long aware of
and deeply concerned about what had been going on. He had in
his office a DOD collection of pertinent documents, including,
among other items in the DOD paper trail, Diane Beaver’s memo,
a document by which Rumsfeld, upon Haynes’ recommendation, gave
the green light to torture and abuse, and a memo from Jim Clemente
of the FBI warning that the renditions could be considered a
criminal conspiracy in violation of American law. When Mora
came to him after learning what was taking place from Brant,
Morello informed Mora that “We tried to stop it,” but couldn’t.
His concerns had been ignored. He had been “told to shut up.”
Mora went to speak to Morello about what he had learned from
Brant, Morello showed Mora the DOD paper trail that was in his
possession. But he was so nervous that he made Mora promise
not to tell where he had seen the documents. The documents had,
of course, been “closely held,” with numerous DOD personnel
and lawyers being kept out of the process lest they learn about
and object to what was being done. Such close holding and efforts
to limit paper trails were a modus operandi of Haynes.
was horrified by what he read in the paper trail in Morello’s
office. He took his concerns to Gordon England, then Secretary
of the Navy and later Deputy Secretary of Defense. Then, with
England’s approval, he met with Haynes on December 20th, three
days after Brant had come to him.
warned Haynes that the DOD paper trail permitted torture. In
the next three weeks, Mora’s warnings against torture and abuse
were also put before several of the Pentagon’s top officials,
including Deputy Secretary of Defense Wolfowitz, Jane Dalton,
who was the legal advisor to the Joint Chiefs, and Secretary
Rumsfeld. Mora’s warnings were unheeded, and torture and abuse
continued at Guantanamo.
weeks after first meeting with Haynes on December 20, 2002,
Mora met with him again on January 9, 2003, to once again warn
against the torture and abuse, which were continuing. Mora warned
Haynes that criminal charges could be filed against administration
officials. Haynes rejected Mora’s views. When he later mentioned
Mora’s views to Rumsfeld, Rumsfeld too rejected them.

warned Haynes yet again on January 15, 2003. Acting contrary to
Haynes’ aversion to paper trails, on January 15th Mora gave him
an unsigned draft memorandum saying that what was occurring at
Guantanamo was “at a minimum cruel and unusual treatment, and,
at worst, torture.” Mora said he would sign the memo that afternoon
- thereby making it an official document for and permanently available
in the DOD’s historical files - unless the unlawful interrogation
techniques were suspended.
called Mora by the end of the day on January 15, 2003 to tell
him that the illegal techniques had been suspended. One
week later, however, Mora was shown a draft of an 81-page memo
from John Yoo, which was subsequently finalized in March 2003.
Mora was shown the draft by Mary Walker, head of the Pentagon
working group that was drafting a DOD memo, based on Yoo’s work,
that authorized torture. Appalled by the barbarism and professional
incompetence of Yoo’s draft, a few days after reading the draft
Mora sent an email to Mary Walker warning that Yoo’s memo was
erroneous and dangerous.

wrote back that she disagreed with Mora’s warning and she believed
Haynes did too. Subsequently, Mora again confronted Haynes, telling
him that the draft report being prepared by Walker’s working group
was “deeply flawed” and should be locked up and “never let out
to see the light of day again.”
warnings were all ignored. The torture and abuse continued.
Judge Advocates General of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines
are the country’s top uniformed legal officers. They were appointed
to be part of Mary Walker’s working group. All four of them
were appalled at what they were seeing, and each wrote a memo
of dissent to torture and abuse. Their memos warned not just
that what was being approved was contrary to the legal and moral
training American servicemen have always received, and not just
that there would be international criticism, but also that interrogators
and the chain of command were being put at risk of criminal
prosecutions abroad.
views and warnings of America’s top uniformed legal officers were
sum, far from American officials and lawyers authorizing or engaging
in torture because it was lawful, they authorized and engaged in
it because they wanted to, they kept their actions secret from interested
officials for as long as they could lest there be strong opposition
to the torture and abuse they were perpetrating, they deliberately
ignored repeated warnings that the torture and abuse were illegal
and could lead to prosecutions, and they ignored these warnings
even when they came from high level civilian and military officers.

Columnist, Lawrence R. Velvel, JD, is the Dean of Massachusetts
School of Law. He is the author of Blogs From the Liberal Standpoint: 2004-2005 (Doukathsan
Press, 2006). Click here
to contact Dean Velvel, or you may, post your comment on his website,
VelvelOnNationalAffairs.com. |