week was supposed to be a landmark occasion in the evolution
of contemporary African American thought. A
new release on the life and death of an American success
and race tragedy, published by Viking (Penguin Group) and
written by author, columnist, scholar Manning Marable, called
X: A Life of Reinvention, sought to refine and re-clarify
the life of most of one of the most polarizing figures of
the 20th Century, El Malik Shabazz - forever to be known
as simply Malcolm X.
got my copy first thing Monday and am halfway through this
500 page, highly researched, thoroughly annotated and citation-riddled
book. This book, for sure, is going to be one of the most
provocative and controversial writings of a 20th century
freedom movement figure ever written. Even more provocative
and controversial than Ralph Abernathy�s And
the Walls Came Tumbling Down: An Autobiography and
it�s revelations of the sexual escapades of Martin Luther
King, Jr. and his inner circle, Manning delved into areas
that sought to challenge the dominant radical black manhood
figure of the last century. New revelations of Malcolm�s
assassination, challenges to some of Malcolm�s account of
his own life and the most controversial allegation of Malcolm�s
possible experimentation with homosexuality will be points
of intense public debate at best, and at worse, a hostile
book tour most certainly would have given an insight into
the author�s ten years of intense research, observations,
rationalizations and motivations around these new revelations.
His firsthand account would be most central in challenging
our long held ideas about Malcolm and the events that defined
(and ended) his life. But all that�s not to be. On the eve
of the release of what certainly will be considered his
most defining work, Manning Marable died of complications
from pneumonia, at the age of 60. Certainly, a tragic occasion
for such a brilliant brother on the eve of his most provocative
work. Marable�s writings were provocative in life. This
last writing is a discussion that is consistent with his
rich scholarship and full writing career.
first began reading Manning as a fellow columnist in the
1990s. Whenever his column ran, somewhere in the country
it was next to mine as syndicated columnists with the NNPA.
first book of his I read, How
Capitalism Underdeveloped Black America, Updat: Problems
in Race, Political Economy, and Society (South End Press
Classics Series) (1983), was a provocative expos�
on how economic subjugation in America works and
how the absence of capital in black communities suppressed
the development of our communities. His book, Black
Leadership (1998) looked at the black leadership
strata in America, and rationalized the need for them all
to exist. His weekly columns were a running commentary on
the complexities of the black Diaspora and the realities
of America�s racial construct.
wasn�t writing the mundane things other columnists were
writing. His writings were deeper, more intellectually combative,
where you wrestled with yourself to grasp his point of view
and, many times, came upon revelations that you hadn�t bothered
to see. This Malcolm book is going to cause many to wrestle
with what they thought they knew about Malcolm and what
they will refuse to believe about Malcolm. Still, it will
be an intellectual confrontation as only Manning Marable
(and a few others) can wage. The deep end of the pool is
reserved for good swimmers. The deep end of the intellectual
pool is reserved for good (deep) thinkers.
fact that it took him ten years to write the Malcolm book
was a demonstration of his willingness to work through,
and try to resolve, the intellectual conflicts that surrounded
any discussions around the life of Malcolm X and touch the
third rail, often taboo, but whispered topics that gave
rise to these conflicts. Provocative thought gives rise
to provocative resolution. Anything worth studying is worth
discussing - even debating. A black President was once a
provocative intellectual engagement for many of us, but
Barack Obama�s presidency still represents a resolution
of a once very provocative debate. You just have to be willing
to �go there� intellectually. Manning Marable wasn�t afraid
to �go there.�

debate around Malcolm
X: A Life of Reinvention is going to be a charged,
intense debate that challenges our previously held (read:
Alex Haley) thoughts. The shame of it all is the man that
caused us to �go there� won�t be there to frame the conversation
� conversation which surely will be a fitting tribute to
the ultimate �radical� race intellectual.
Manning Marable, and his provocative scholarship, will be
sorely missed. We�ve lost a true radical thinker and articulator
of the African American experience in America.
Click here
to send a message of condolence to the Marable family.
Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad, is a national columnist, managing
director of the Urban Issues Forum
and author of Saving The Race: Empowerment Through Wisdom.
His Website is
Click here
to contact Dr. Samad.
