in the late hours of Saturday night the call will come in. Philbert
(not his real name) like many of his Christian lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender and queer (LGBTQ) buddies wait anxiously for the call
in order to know the time and place of the van pickup, and where
it�ll drop them off to a safe and secluded place for Sunday worship.
week�s worship service was in Montego Bay, just 50 miles from Negril�s
Grand Lido, one of the flagship resorts in Jamaica, where Philbert
works the night shift at the bar. This week Philbert hopes
for a closer worshipping space, perhaps a safe space in Gales
Valley, just 40 miles from work.
Every Sunday Philbert and his
friends have to worship in a different space. 67.
�My experience as a gay man
living in Jamaica is one which is marked by periodic incidences
of abuse, both verbal and physical. I have lost count of the number
of times I have been verbally abused, called �battyman,� �chi�chi,�
�sodomite,� �dirty battybwoy,� �an unnamed gay man shares on the
Jamaican Forum of Lesbians, All-Sexuals and Gays (J-Flag) in 2003.
When Jamaica�s
leading gay rights activist, Brian Williamson, was murdered in his
home in June 2004, multiple knife wounds savagely mutilated his
body. A Human Rights Watch researcher witnessed the crime, reporting
a crowd gathered after the killing, rejoicing and saying, �Battyman
[Jamaican slang for homosexual], he get killed!� Others celebrated
Williamson�s murder, laughing and calling out, �Let�s get them one
at a time,� �That�s what you get for sin,� and �Let�s kill all of
them.� Some sang, �Boom bye bye,� a line from renowned Jamaican
reggae artist Buju Banton�s then popular anti-gay song about killing
and burning gay men. (Banton has a long history of advocating the
killing of LGBTQ people in his lyrics, yet he was nominated for
a Grammy in 2009 for his album �Rasta Got Soul�).
In 2005 a gay man was harassed
at the beach, and a mob pursued him. To avoid the homophobic wrath
of the mob he ran into the sea and drowned.
In 2007 a pastor�s church was
attacked by an angry mob on Easter Sunday because of the presence
of people accused of being homosexuals were at a funeral service
he performed earlier in the week.
in November 2008, Rev. Richard Johnson, one of the leading Anglican
priests on the island, was found nude and stabbed 25 times, in the
rectory of St. Jude�s Anglican Church in Kingston, because he was
thought to be gay.
Homophobia is so intense in
Jamaica and goes unchallenged that people who speculate about who�s
LGBTQ, can easily plot to kill them, and unabashedly announce their
intent with impunity, because the police won�t protect Jamaica�s
LGBTQ citizens from mob led murders and violence; they instead incite
the country�s homophobic frenzy by either being present and inactive
during these assaults or by following and watching them all the
In 2010 nothing has changed.
So when the van arrives on Sunday morning before the island has
risen, Philbert and friends stealthy pack into it and off they go.
Community Church
(MCC) provides most of the vans, helping these underground Christians
find sacred space. Sunshine Cathedral (MCC), in Ft.
Lauderdale, FL, has chartered a Sunshine Cathedral
mission Church in Jamaica. The mission Church is active in several
cities in Jamaica
and has monthly island-wide meetings at changing locations.
Jamaican LGBTQ Christians welcomes
MCC�s outreach ministry to them, but the church is viewed by many
of the islanders as an abomination.

In a letter to the editor of
the �Jamaica Observer� titled, �Wilson�s homosexual theology ain�t right.� JM Fletcher
of St. Andrew expressed his outrage:
�I note with interest an article
written by an American lesbian preacher Nancy Wilson, who is bent
on crusading and promoting her chosen lifestyle. My concern about
homosexuals is that if allowed to run unchecked they move from
their outward recruitment drive to deliberate thrust of their
lifestyle on the rest of us. This can be seen in how they are
moving into every segment of the community - even the church -
to try to perpetuate their lifestyle.� Fletcher states.
�If Ms Wilson is an American,
why is she so desperate to start a foundation for homosexuality
in other countries? She cares nothing for the culture of other
nations? She might ask us soon to allow a man to marry a pig!
Because from a Christian perspective, what would be the difference?
Both are an abomination to God, yet homosexuality happens and
bestiality too - if one is made legal, so should the other, and
the homosexual church can allow for a man to marry a dog - if
he finds the companionship of a dog preferable to that of humans...
For the pastors claiming to be Christians who are approving of
such churches, I repeat, they are not of God.�
Reverend Elder Nancy Wilson is unquestionably a woman of God, and
was the first pastor of MCC, Boston
in the 70�s. Rev. Wilson is now the Presiding Elder and Moderator
of the Universal Fellowship of MCC, a global denomination with now
300 churches in 28 countries. Founded by Troy Perry, an excommunicated
gay Pentecostal minister, MCC is a radically inclusive church opened
to all people, regardless of theological background, gender, sexual
orientation, race, ethnicity, age, or ability, and is a leading
force in the development of queer theology. (In the 80�s MCC saved
my life, welcoming me as a member of MCC, NYC).
In April 2008, Cambridge City
Councilor Ken Reeves, the son of Jamaican immigrants, traveled to
Kingston, Jamaica
to join Wilson and Rev. Pat Bumgartner of MCC, NYC in a demonstration
denouncing violence against LGBTQ citizens on the island. And in
June of that year Reeves put together the panel, �Jamaica: Yes, Problems - A Visit to Homophobia,�
held at Christ Episcopal Church in Harvard Square, to seek out solutions.
in a country with no federal hate crime bill, police enforcement
and church to protect LGBTQ Jamaicans solutions can�t be found.
So in the meantime, Philbert
and his friends wait anxiously for the call on Saturday night to
be told where their sacred space will be. And when the van arrives
on Sunday morning before the island has risen Philbert and friends
stealthy pack into it and off they go.
Editorial Board member, the Rev. Irene Monroe, is a religion columnist,
theologian, and public speaker. She is the Coordinator of the African�American
Roundtable of the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies in Religion
and Ministry (CLGS) at the Pacific School of Religion.
A native of Brooklyn, Rev. Monroe
is a graduate from Wellesley College and Union Theological Seminary
at Columbia University, and served as a pastor at an African�American
church before coming to Harvard Divinity School for her doctorate
as a Ford Fellow. She was recently named to MSNBC�s list of 10 Black Women You Should Know. Reverend Monroe is the author of Let Your Light Shine Like a Rainbow Always: Meditations on Bible
Prayers for Not�So�Everyday Moments. As an African�American
feminist theologian, she speaks for a sector of society that is
frequently invisible. Her website
Click here
to contact the Rev. Monroe.
