often think of Sister Charshee McIntyre who had great impact
of all of us in the Black Liberation Movement. I miss her
dearly. I miss the late night talks,
advice, and consultation. I
am sure that many other activists,
scholars and leaders in our movement also miss her. Sister
Charshee, like Queen Mother Moore, was one of the
Queen Mothers of our movement.
Saturday, May 15, 1999, the African Liberation Movement
worldwide learned of the passing into eternity, in New
York, of our great Queen / Sister / Mother, Dr. Charshee
Charlotte Lawrence McIntyre.
Sister Charshee was not a household name in the African
Community, in this country, she was one of our leading behind-the-scenes
scholars, leaders, organizers, and activists, who worked
tirelessly for the liberation of African and Native American
people. Sister Charshee had indigenous, Native American,
lineage in her family.
Charshee had battled with the effects of Lupus and other
illnesses for over twenty years. Even though she was often
in severe pain, she continued to travel to important movement
meetings, keep a busy lecture schedule, researched vigorously,
worked as a professor of Humanities and Chair of the English
Language Studies Program at the SUNY Old Westbury.
Sister McIntyre was the first woman President of the African
Heritage Studies Association, founded by our recent ancestor,
Dr. John Henrik Clarke. She served on the Executive Board
for many years and used this position to help mentor numerous
young researchers and scholars in their development.
attended her Celebration of Life on Friday, May 21, 1999
at the St. James Presbyterian Church in Harlem, New York. More than
a thousand people from all walks of life attended and participated
in the celebration, including her husband of 41 years, renown
instrumentalist, Dr. Makanda McIntyre and her two �perfect
sons,� as she called them, Kheil and Kaijee.
esteemed colleague and friend, the late Dr. Jacob Carruthers,
who worked closely with Sister Charshee over the years,
was not able to attend the celebration but wrote a beautiful
and succinct statement that I was able to present to the
Jake, as we call him, wrote, �In behalf of the Temple
of the African Community of Chicago and the Kemetic Institute,
I wish to make our tribute on the occasion of the transition
of our beloved Sister and fellow worker. Dr. Charshee Charlotte
Lawrence-McIntyre, Maa Kheru (The Voice is True).
Sister Charshee was our Chief, a selfless leader in our
movement who contributed mightily, spiritually, and materially
to our projects.�
Brother Jake expressed that �Dr. Charshee McIntyre�s specialty
was promoting good will, friendship, love, and unity among
the various organizations and personalities in our movement.
In this regard, she was without peer. She promoted us all,
often remaining in the background, although her spirit was
always at the forefront.�
concluding, Brother Jake made this profound point. �Charshee
always exuded the qualities of African Womanhood: an obedient
daughter; a caring sister; a devoted wife; and a loving
mother. Whatever the measure, she set the standard.�
of Sister Charshee�s great scholarly contributions was her
book, Criminalizing
A Race: Free Blacks During Slavery. Given the white
supremacy assault of the Criminal Justice System on African
people in this country, I think it would be a fitting tribute
to Charshee to read or re-read this most important book.
our everyday conversations in the African Community in America,
the issue of African males and the disproportionate number
of them imprisoned in America�s
jails is frequently discussed. Most of these discussions
center around the current problems of drugs, youth violence,
poor education, lack of economic opportunities, poor family
life, and lack of proper racial identity and cultural direction.
Often, the missing aspect of these discussions is the historical
context of the foundation of the white supremacy Criminal
Justice System and its multi-million dollar Prison Industrial

McIntyre�s book is a rare and profound African-centered
analysis of the structural design of this nation that has
produced the disproportionate number of imprisoned Africans
in America, particularly African in America males. Without a clear
historical understanding of the continuous and growing trend
of the incarceration of African in America
males, we will not be able to counteract this long standing
white supremacy public policy of this country. Charshee�s
book helps us understand this issue.
key revelation in Dr. McIntyre�s book is her explanation
of the development of America�s prison system and its immediate impact
on Africans in America.
She points our, �To distinguish
the prisons from earlier jails and to suggest the essence
of what the institution should be doing these do-gooders
coined a new name, penitentiaries, implying that prisoners would be taught to be penitent regarding their
this connection, Dr. McIntyre asserted, �These do-gooders
created penitentiaries for the reformation of deviants.�
They considered free Africans in America
a natural population for these new institutions that began
imprisoning African in America
males as far back as 1790.
of us in the National Black United Front / NBUF, and other
Black Movement organizations, have truly missed Sister Charshee.
Her spirit is guiding our work and she would be particularly
proud of our work in the Reparations Movement. Sister Charshee
was a strong advocate of Reparations for African people.
Let us continue to lift up the spirit of Sister Charshee
and the millions of our other ancestors who contributed
so much. Hotep!
Columnist, Conrad
W. Worrill, PhD, is the National Chairman Emeritus of the
National Black United Front (NBUF).
Click here
to contact Dr. Worrill.
