were early indications that corporate media coverage of Barack Obama’s
candidacy would be squirm-inducing, putting on display the elite
(mainly white) press corps’ murky ideas about race much more than
any straightforward reckoning of black Americans’ situation or what
an Obama presidency might mean for their concerns.
were sometimes embarrassingly frank about how they interpreted Obama’s
blackness and what they hoped his success might mean. “No history
of Jim Crow, no history of anger, no history of slavery,” declared
NBC’s Chris Matthews (1/21/07). “All the bad stuff in our history
ain’t there with this guy.” “For many white Americans, it’s a twofer,”
opined the New Republic (2/5/07). “Elect Obama, and you not only
dethrone George W. Bush, you dethrone [Al] Sharpton, too.” (See Extra!, 3–4/07.)
to find parallels for the “stuff” they did like, journalists turned
to fiction, as when Jonathan Alter (Newsweek, 10/27/08) alleged
that voters “decided they liked Obama when he reminded them more
of Will Smith than Jesse Jackson,” or when CNN (6/22/08) told viewers
that Michelle Obama “wants to appear to be Claire Huxtable and not
Angela Davis.”
fondest hope seemed to be that an Obama victory (if not his strong
candidacy alone) would absolve us of any need to talk about racism
any more. Newsweek’s Howard Fineman (5/14/08) wrote that, in announcing
his run for office, Obama was making a statement: that his candidacy
would be the exclamation point at the end of our four-century-long
argument over the role of African-Americans in our society. By electing
a mixed-race man of evident brilliance, moderate mien and welcoming
smile, we would finally cease seeing each other through color-coded

not clear if Fineman meant Obama said that exactly, or if it was
just implied by the way he “radiat[ed] uplift and glorious possibility.”
Alas, he continued: “Well, that argument did not end. He and we
were naive to think it would.”
course, “we” didn’t all imagine that a nonwhite man running for
president would mean an end to racism; that belief seems endemic
only in a press corps with a myopic understanding of how racial
inequality works.
Fineman lamented, “far from eliminating racial thinking from politics,”
Obama’s campaign actually drew attention to the subject - in part
because Obama let the Finemans of the world down by having a “message”
that was “race-aware, if not race-based.”
like many pundits, seemed to think that acknowledging the distinct
experiences faced by people of color is tantamount to claiming these
differences trump all other factors in life. Talking about race
equals harping about race, and, well, that’s being racist, isn’t
it? The goal is to be “post- racial,” which seems to mean maintaining
that racial differences have no impact, all evidence to the contrary

some, last November 4 saw the disappearance of racial inequity in
America (“Promised Land: Obama’s Rise Fulfills King’s Dream” - Oklahoman
headline, 1/19/09), and with it the need for any countervailing
columnist Jonah Goldberg (Chicago Tribune, 1/22/09) suggested that
“opponents of racial quotas and other champions of colorblindness
on the right should be popping champagne,” not to mention “rubbing
Barack Obama in [the] faces” of all those foreign “finger-waggers
eager to lecture…America about race and tolerance.”
those who don’t see racial inequity playing out every day in disparate
joblessness, incarceration or mortality rates, the presence of a
brown-skinned man in the White House means there’s no more structural
work to be done; those struggling from now on have no excuse.
the very least, the black guy winning proved that there are no more
voting rights concerns. USA Today (1/9/09) wondered whether the
whole Voting Rights Act should be junked “now that a black man has
won the presidency.” And for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s
Jim Wooten (1/20/09), the Obama victory “plainly” meant that “the
political system that discriminated and the people who designed
it are dead and gone.”
Obama victory was credited with the existence of a demographic of
“successful” blacks, as illustrated by a magazine (Uptown) that
launched in 2004 (“Magazine for Age of Obama,” New York Daily News,
1/19/09). And the hiring of an African-American to coach the Yale
football team was “particularly significant in light of both the
election of Obama as the nation’s first black president and in the
consistently meager numbers of black head coaches at the top level
of college football,” according to the New York Times (1/8/09) -
though the particular relevance of the former is kind of hard to

being “post-racial” involves pretending race/ethnicity doesn’t affect
opportunity, acting “post-racial” means renouncing any measure aimed
at ensuring that. Post-election, Obama was called upon to follow
through on his “promise” in this regard in early decisions on appointments
and policy.
New York Times (1/15/09) gave the New Republic’s Jeffrey Rosen space
to put some questions to new attorney general Eric Holder, including:
“Do you agree with Mr. Obama’s implication that the Supreme Court
needs someone who will side with the powerless rather than the powerful?
What if the best nominee happens to be a white male?”
L.A. Times editorial page (12/28/08) lauded Obama’s cabinet picks,
in so doing matter-of-factly contrasting the hiring goals of “quality”
and “identity politics” - in this context meaning the hiring of
anyone who is not a white man; Obama, it declared, “has succeeded
on both levels.”
could also prove himself to be the right sort of black leader -
the kind who places responsibility for black people’s problems largely
with black people themselves - with an embrace of the Bush administration’s
No Child Left Behind law. USA Today (1/6/09) draped the case in
appropriately patronizing tones with the cringe-worthy “How to Turn
Obama’s Success Into Gains for Black Boys”:
can see the message on brick wall murals in inner cities: Yes we
can. You can hear it in the music of Black Eyed Peas’ frontman
Yes we can.
can imagine hearing it pass the lips of thousands of black mothers,
perhaps after awakening their sons early to complete homework before
they head off to school, just as President-elect Barack Obama’s
mother did: Yes you can.
mothers encouraging their children? Just imagine!
idea that, in the Age of Obama, a little early morning encouragement
is all that separates black Americans from socio-economic success
was abetted even by less unctuous reporting; in the midst of a fairly
thoughtful, 8,000-word piece (New York Times, 8/10/08) on complexities
in black political leadership, for instance, one is jarred to read
that, now that “legal barriers no longer exist,” the “inequities
in the society are subtler - inferior schools, an absence of employers,
a dearth of affordable housing - and the remedies more elusive.”
discriminatory treatment in education, employment and housing are
deemed “subtle,” little wonder that calls for institutional change
are heard as strident and outmoded.
journalists’ desire to “not see” racism as an obstacle led them
to downplay the historical significance of Obama’s election. Finding
“all the hoopla” unseemly, press critic Howard Kurtz scoffed (Washington
Post, 1/20/09), “It is hard to envision this level of intensity
if John McCain were taking the oath of office.”
is indeed unlikely that McCain would have been heralded as the first
black president in United States history; that’s true. Nor would
he have been greeted with the overwhelming relief of those who wanted
above all to see the back of a Republican White House that has brought
endless war and economic havoc.

are probably a number of multi-layered reasons many people - including,
yes, some in the media - greeted the Obama victory with some measure
of satisfaction. But when rich white pundits start suggesting that
“there’s a lot of advantages to being black. Black is in” (Larry
King, 1/21/09), all you can do is laugh.
the Obama presidency moves forward, we should expect continued awkwardness:
chin-stroking on how his “loping stride” and “fondness for pickup
basketball” make for “a new White House iconography” (Washington
Post, 1/19/09), and contentless verbiage a la Joe Klein (Time, 2/2/09):
“He came to us as the ultimate outsider in a nation of outsiders
- the son of an African visitor and a white woman from Kansas -
and he has turned us inside out.”
unlikely to abate is elite media’s recourse to a litmus, usefully
vague and changeable, as to whether Obama is performing like the
approved sort of black politician, who is, in Howard Fineman’s words
(Newsweek, 1/24/09), “shaped but not limited by [his] heritage.”
line between being “shaped” and being “limited,” of course, will
continue to be defined, and vigorously policed, by the elite white
press corps.
commentary originally appeared in]
Guest Commentator, Janine
Jackson, is FAIR's program director and a frequent contributor
to FAIR's magazine, Extra!. She co-edited The FAIR Reader: An
Extra! Review of Press and Politics in the '90s (Westview Press).
And she co-hosts and produces FAIR's syndicated radio show CounterSpin--a
weekly program of media criticism airing on more than 150 stations
around the country. She has testified to the Senate Communications
Subcommittee on budget reauthorization for the Corporation for Public
Broadcasting and has appeared on ABC's Nightline, CNBC's Inside
Business and CNN Headline News, among other outlets. Jackson is
a graduate of Sarah Lawrence College and has an M.A. in sociology
from the New School for Social Research. Click here
to contact Ms. Jackson. |