from nothing leaves nothing…Don’t you remember I told you
that I’m a soldier in the war on poverty…Nothing from nothing
leaves nothing…”
United States of America is now in a period of not only deepening
economic poverty plaguing the masses of Black, Brown, Red, White,
and Yellow peoples but has plummeted to new lows with respect
to another kind of poverty--- the poverty of the mind. Of
course this impoverished mental state is constantly fanned, aided
and abetted by the government, politicians and their allies in the
corporate media who consistently play the nefarious role in and
of the dumbing down of the peoples of this nation. The situation
has become utterly pathetic and simultaneously extremely dangerous.

long as the majority of people are successfully kept in a dumbed
down mental state they / we are easily manipulated. As the above
mentioned song goes: “Nothing from nothing leaves nothing,”
and keeping the masses of people at the very lowest possible
intellectual common denominator serves to ensure that “nothing”
of critical thought and analysis takes root as there is little or
“nothing” of substance for such thought and analysis to take root
in. Indeed, “nothing from nothing leaves nothing.” This must
be addressed and reversed.
your writer has had many in-depth conversations with various politically
conscious persons throughout differing parts of this nation. The
gist of these conversations has been about the critical, unpopular,
and absolutely correct stance that just a few of us took
in opposition to the dangerous Obama / Biden sham, the lot of Black
America, and the precarious precipice on which this nation as
a whole is now sitting.
recurring theme in most of these conversations has been the horrific
lack of critical thought and analysis being demonstrated by many
so called progressives and those on the left who have consciously
chosen to replace critical thought and analysis with a cowardly
and absurdly ridiculous version of the herd mentality and Obama
fake’s hope, shamelessly abdicating their responsibility
to the peoples of this nation and world, and even to themselves.
These discussions / conversations have also focused on the sterling
example of ongoing commitment and struggle of the 2008 U.S.
Presidential candidate of the Green Party, Cynthia McKinney; and
what we as committed political activists are, can, and should be
doing to ignite (or reignite) critical thinking in this nation
in preparation for the inevitable coming conflicts and concomitant
government repression that will surely accompany it.
the politically conscious in this country it is generally known
and understood that, as a political comrade of mine succinctly and
correctly put it, Barack Obama is supported by Wall Street and the
corporate media precisely because he represents for them a form
of “urban uprising insurance” to shield and protect their
avaricious corporate interests. Thus, with a supposed brother
in the White House the most reprehensible forms of corporate blood
sucking and military aggression impacting Black, White, Brown, Red,
and Yellow peoples is expected to be able to be carried out with
relative ease. In fact, there is no “change
we can believe in” but rather for the Obama / Biden clique it is
change they can “deceive in.” “Nothing from nothing
leaves nothing…”
and change mean absolutely “nothing” if they are not actualized
(i.e. made to be real) on behalf of the interests of everyday
Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow peoples of this nation and
world. “Nothing from nothing leaves nothing…..”
is universal single payer health care for the peoples of this nation?!!
Notwithstanding the never ending phony rhetoric, and for anyone
who might have missed it, the Obama / Biden regime is solidly in
the pockets of the vampiric corporate insurance companies. These
corporate vampires want to continue to make profit from the
health needs and lives of everyday people. Meanwhile people are
losing their jobs, homes, etc., and any real possibility of a decent
standard of living. Change we can believe in? Hardly!

what of the widening wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the dangerous
ongoing U.S. destabilizing activities against the governments of
both Iran and Pakistan?!! What of the insane and unacceptable apartheid
Zionist influence and control over the U.S. Government including
the White House and the Congress; at the expense of the peoples
of the United States and the world?!!
without reason is a fool’s gold. It is a cruel and well manipulated
hoax. This is the so called hope of the Obama /Biden clique.
we do have hope. We always have; long before there
was a corporate Barack Obama brand thrust into our faces by the
despicable corporate media. Our hope however, is an actualized
one, based upon the needs and economic and political interests of
everyday Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow peoples; not
those of the corporate blood sucking corporate / military elite!
It is based upon the process of critical thought and an analysis
of reality, not the dismissing of it.
these perilous times we must hold on tightly to our political
principles, stay strong in the knowledge that our protracted
political struggle will ultimately prevail, and carry on
in networking, organizing, agitating, and educating.
On, Stay Strong, and Carry On. Onward my brothers and sisters! Onward…..!!!

BlackCommentator.com Editorial Board Member, Larry Pinkney, is a veteran
of the Black Panther Party, the former Minister of Interior of the
Republic of New Africa, a former political prisoner and the only
American to have successfully self-authored his civil/political
rights case to the United Nations under the International Covenant
on Civil and Political Rights. In connection with his political organizing activities in
opposition to voter suppression, etc., Pinkney was interviewed in
1988 on the nationally televised PBS NewsHour, formerly known as
The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour. For more about Larry Pinkney
see the book, Saying No to Power: Autobiography of a 20th Century Activist and
Thinker, by William Mandel
[Introduction by Howard Zinn]. (Click here
to read excerpts from the book). Click here
to contact Mr. Pinkney. |