Elena Kagan�s Senate nomination hearings to be the next
Supreme Court Justice, I admit to being somewhat surprised
when Senator Kyle saw her clerkship with Justice Thurgood
Marshall as an opening to define her as being a potentially
�activist judge.� Although conservatives had often made
that charge, they had not been explicit in naming Justices
they believed acted in that manner. Although Senator Dick
Durbin strongly defended Marshall�s
legacy, his role as a judge who understood the impact of
the law on people should be emphasized.
first met Thurgood Marshall in 1959 when he was a special
guest at the Race Relations Institute at Fisk
University. As a former NAAC Youth
Council leader growing up in Kansas,
I was enthralled by his exploits that he shared with us,
especially the triumph of Brown v. Board of Education of
Topeka, Kansas. But I will never forget his vivid description
of the �massive resistance� movement then underway where
Southerners were openly defying the dictate of the highest
Court in the land to integrate educational institutions.
seems that the �activist judges� on the Warren
Court had destroyed Plessey V. Ferguson (1896) which allowed
racial segregation on the basis of a �separate but equal�
standard. Marshall and his colleagues had exploded the myth
that racial separatism could be done with equality in America and as such, upset
the social frame of reference in the South and other places.
So, the angst of modern conservatives can be traced all
the way back to the Supreme Court decision in Brown and
it suggests to us the kind of America they wanted to preserve.
Rand Paul, the current Republican candidate for Senator
of Kentucky said it plainly that the First Amendment right
to free association in the Constitution trumps others, which
gives private establishments the right to decide whom they
want to serve.
other problem they have with Justice Marshall is his unrelenting
criticism of the growing conservatism of the Court that
challenged the recent victories of the Civil Rights movement.
The 1978 Bakke case found racial set-asides unconstitutional
and his dissent asserted that �bringing the Negro into the
mainstream of American life should be a state interest of
the highest order� and cautioned that failing to do so would
forever make America a divided society. When Nixon-appointed
Chief Justice Warren Burger made a speech elevating the
rights of victims as a new conservative direction of the
court in February of 1981, Marshall struck back in a brilliant
speech that May, �The Sword and the Robe,� in which he talked
about the role of judging in humanistic terms, saying at
one point: �We have seen what happens when the courts have
permitted themselves to be moved by prevailing political
pressures and have deferred to the mob rather than interpret
the Constitution, � naming Dred Scott, Plessey and others.
role in opposition to this movement earned him the status
of �the great dissenter,� as he fought a furious battle
to keep the legacy of civil rights alive with more than
150 dissenting opinions. The coming of conservative governments,
beginning with Ronald Reagan however, presented such a challenge
to the legacy of civil rights that he often spoke out publicly,
saying in a 1989 interview that, �I wouldn�t do the job
of dogcatcher for Ronald Reagan.� In another place he said
about George (H. W.) Bush, that, ��if you can�t say something
good about a dead person, don�t say it. Well, I consider
him dead.�
the Rehnquist Court came about, Marshall
was still fighting, because this �activist court� struck
down equality in minority contracting in Richmond v. Croson in 1989. In doing so, it voided
the precedent of the Fullilove case (1980) which held establishing
the minority set-aside program was a constitutional exercise
of Congressional power. After Marshall retired, in the 2003
Michigan cases the Court was �activists� in virtually eliminating
Affirmative Action by voiding the precedent of Weber (1979)
which found that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 did not prevent
employers from favoring women and minorities.
delicious irony here is that Justice Sandra Day O�Connor
was a leader in striking down some of these past precedents
that upheld the legacy of civil rights, but when Justice
Marshall retired in 1992, she confirmed the fact that his
role - and by inference other justices - on the High Court
was not just to mechanically interpret the Constitution,
but in doing so to bring about justice. In a moving tribute
to him, she said in part: �His was the eye of a lawyer who
saw the deepest wounds in the social fabric and used law
to heal them. His was the ear of a counselor who understood
the vulnerabilities of the accused and established safeguards
for their protection. He was the mouth of a man who knew
the anguish of the silenced and gave them a voice.� He was
an activist for justice, but then, this is what Supreme
Court JUSTICES should be. Editorial
Board member, Dr. Ron
Walters, PhD is a Political Analyst, Author and Professor
Emeritus of Government and Politics at the University of Maryland, College Park. One of his latest books is:
The Price of Racial Reconciliation (The Politics of Race and Ethnicity)
of Michigan Press)
Click here
to contact Dr. Walters.