following is the first part of an ongoing Color of Law series.
Gordon Gecko had a long run of it, but now the party
is over. I’m talking, of course, about the character in the film
Wall Street, that conniving titan of finance who would sell his
mother for a buck and a quarter, and there is scant evidence that
he had not already accomplished that goal. “Greed is good,” he declared.
Gecko began to have his heyday in the Reagan era.
That’s when the “conventional wisdom,” fueled by greed, began to
call for a supply-side economic policy in which financial benefits
would be bestowed upon the wealthy and businesses in the form of
tax cuts. And as the theory goes, the benefits would “trickle down”
to the common folk. In reality, the result was more like “trickle
Another hallmark of the Reagan era, which was perfected
in the Clinton and Bush years, was the deregulation of the financial
markets and other industries. Over the years, these
policies were bought and paid for to the tune of $5 billion in contributions, given by Wall Street to Democratic and Republican politicians
alike, to keep the government out of the gambling casinos, I mean
financial markets. This led to the proliferation of exotic financial
instruments called derivatives, which have turned out to be a little
more than a high-tech, blue chip hustle. Unregulated, unmonitored,
and getting their money’s worth, the banks were able to engage in
predatory lending, sucking homeowners - particularly homeowners
of color - into unconscionable subprime mortgages. When applied
to the environment and food and safety standards, deregulation has
resulted in salmonella- and rat-infested peanuts, E-coli tainted
beef and climate change.

Meanwhile, as the media - deregulated, conglomerated
and with fewer diverse voices (thank you, President Clinton) - provided
us with empty calories for our entertainment, many of us did not
realize what was taking place right under our noses: the most dramatic
upward redistribution
of wealth in history, and a level of income inequality which makes democracy
unsustainable. The land of opportunity became the most unequal,
top-heavy society in the West.
Since the 1980s, when much of the New Deal regulatory
framework has given way to the best unbridled capitalism money could
buy, society has steered its best and brightest into the whole Wall
Street thing. As the nation’s infrastructure began to crumble and
its students fell behind the rest of the developed world in math
and science, everyone, including yours truly in a former life, wanted
a job shuffling paper and moving numbers around but not creating
anything tangible, not building anything of much use to society.

With the adoration of the rich and famous, and the
glorification of wealth as a virtue, came the vilification of the
poor and the stigmatization of poverty. This gave birth to the concept
of the welfare queen, the fictional Black woman on welfare who has
six children, wears a mink coat and drives a Cadillac. The typical
welfare recipient is White, but never mind. What a worthy scapegoat,
no doubt created in some conservative think tank. And what better
justification for taking from the poor (unworthy as they are, living
off the government dole), and giving to the rich (needy as they
are, and unable to live the American dream)? It was “reverse Robin
Hood”, as Jesse Jackson aptly described it, which culminated in
the passage of welfare reform by President Clinton and a Republican
A Dickensian treatment of the poor was in full fashion.
Poverty became a moral failing, an issue of genetics. “Are there
no debtors’ prisons? No poor houses?” Well, given that American
capitalism never was meant to employ everyone (for more information,
see slavery), and given that many of the good blue collar and even
white collar jobs have been sent overseas, what do you do with that
surplus population, as Dickens called it? It seems no accident that
the prison boom, the war on drugs, and draconian prison sentencing
came at a time when there were no jobs to be found in the inner
cities. The “land of the free” has the world’s largest prison population,
even more than China, which is a police state and has over four
times the population of the U.S. Prisons are one of America’s primary
forms of social control, and there is profit in the warehousing
of Black, Brown, and poor bodies.
And as all of this was going on, the people at the
top were having a big party at our expense. There has been very
little mention of the plight of the poor, although their ranks rose
under Bush. In America, over
41 million people were poor as of 2005. Further, 18
percent of children live in poverty, and 1
in 50 children is homeless. With the collapse of the financial system, how
can you scapegoat the poor when everyone is either poor or has real
potential to join its ranks? This time around, the anger is directed
towards the real culprits: the people who, like the robber barons
of old, actually stole the money and brought us to where we are

It is cathartic to watch the spectacle of bank executives
hauled before Congress to explain themselves. What got these people
in trouble was not merely their obscenely immense wealth or the
manner in which they earned or stole that wealth. Rather, in the
midst of all the destruction they left in their path, the broken
lives and stolen futures, these individuals still wanted to be rewarded
for their failure, for being the special people they think they
are. With their pernicious sense of entitlement, the robber barons
looked at the rest of society with contempt, as if they are superior
to the regular everyday chumps at the bottom of the pyramid scheme.
In a moment of clarity, everyday people have identified
the real problem - unfettered capitalism. The robber barons have
replaced the welfare queens, and so we have come full circle. This
time around, the public refused to fall for the okeedoke and allow
themselves to be distracted
by some straw man or scapegoat. The Right’s early contention - that
Black and Latino homeowners brought the financial system down with
mortgages they could not afford - did not hold water. So, is this
a sign of political maturity for the common folk, a new populism?
Perhaps, but it is too early to tell. The test will come in how
society responds to the crisis, learns the lessons of history, and
constructs an economic system that seeks fairness, equity and justice.
Heaven forbid we become more like those so-called “socialist” Europeans,
with their universal healthcare, lower levels of inequality, lower
poverty rates and higher educational standards. In the meantime,
it will probably get worse before it gets better. But no one said
it would be a pretty sight.
here to read any of the commentaries
in this series. Editorial Board member David A. Love, JD is a lawyer
and journalist based in Philadelphia, and a contributor to the Progressive
Media Project, McClatchy-Tribune
News Service, In These Times and
Philadelphia Independent
Media Center. He contributed to the book, States of Confinement: Policing, Detention, and Prisons
(St. Martin's Press, 2000). Love is a former Amnesty International
UK spokesperson, organized the first national police brutality conference
as a staff member with the Center for Constitutional Rights, and
served as a law clerk to two Black federal judges. His blog is Click
here to contact Mr. Love.