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March 12, 2009 - Issue 315
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Cover Story: International Women’s Day and Black America - The African World By Bill Fletcher, Jr.
Art: Shirley Chisholm By Kadir Nelson
Chris and Rihanna: From Cute Couple to Somber Statistics By Jamala Rogers
The U.S. Attacks and Incarcerates Its "Race" Problem! - Represent Our Resistance - By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels, PhD
Now the Robber Barons Replace the Welfare Queens (and Rightly So) - Color of Law By David A. Love, JD
Unemployment, the Absence of Universal Health Care, & Continued War - Keeping it Real - By Larry Pinkney
Political Cartoon: Shovel Ready Project By Mark Hurwitt

Women’s History Month - The Legacy of Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm By Congresswomen Barbara Lee

America’s Union Workers Need a Pay Cut: Congressional GOP - Solidarity America - By John Funiciello
Can Hip-Hop Save an Illiterate Generation? - The Substance of Truth - By Tolu Olorunda
The LAPD Deputy Chief Who Made the "Hard Sell" of "Trust" - Between the Lines By Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD
Don’t Forget the Sharpsville Massacre and Reparations - Worrill’s World - By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill, PhD
Political Cartoon: International Womens Day By Jiho, France
Liberians Fear Deportation From the U.S. - A Plea to President Obama By Nunu Kidane
Maureen Dowd on Michelle Obama or Who’s Afraid of Thunder and Lightning? By Dr. Horace Campbell, PhD
Quote to Ponder: "I want history to remember me ..." - Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm
Political Cartoon: Domestic Worker - International Womens Day By Angel Boligan, El Universal, Mexico City