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They Still Hang Black Women in America...


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We’re deemed lacking, and it goes far beyond our current condition.

Joe Watkins, MSNBC’s in-house go-to Conservative “House-Negro…” is apparently blind to or ignorant of both the historical and contemporary nature of US race relations, because my head spun around like the little girl in the Exorcist listening to this clown tap-dance and tip toe away - with white gloves, cane n’ top hat - the obvious angry White guy racial slights and innuendos being tossed around by Republican TEA Party top-cats like John McCain and Senator Lindsey Graham.


Both have elicited the wrath of the Right for being, dig this... “soft on Negroes,” and both are attempting to regain the love of the GOP Grand Pooh Bahs like Rush Limbaugh... by lynching US Ambassador Susan Rice. Painting n’ tainting the woman as no lady, but as a feeble-minded bimbo.


Stanford and Oxford educated Rhodes Scholar... and a guy like McCain, who barely marched out of West Point, with a military career that is a collection of contradictions, has the audacity to call Rice “unqualified” and question her character and competence.


Yes, they still do hang Black women in America.


Despite the conformations from every intelligence agency embroiled in this Benghazi Black witch-hunt, although Rice was simply summarizing the information provided to her from the experts and authorities on the horrific matter, there’s a growing chorus of good ol’ boys who’ve no qualms about pronouncing her, in essence, a “dumb-ass colored girl,” a “Sapphire” who lied to the American people to save her main-man, Obama...


Joe Watkins, despite doing what can only be defined as politically prostituting his mild verbal ability was still unable to provide cover, offer some legitimate rhyme, reason n’ rational to minimize, and ultimately justify the “code words” his political pimps are tossing around...


I thought to myself, “this cat has got to ask himself how long he can defend the disciples of Archie Bunker, who speak of and “to” Black women in a tone, feel, flavor and manner of yesteryear...”

A yesteryear Watkins and other Black Conservatives damn well know existed, where it was a given, a given I say, to depict and define the entire race of Black people as dumb, lazy, ignorant, amoral, having no values nor character… except for, of course, Conde Rice and Judge Clarence Thomas.


It’s ludicrous in my eyes to even debate or argue the point. The “Right” in this nation regards Blacks, and most other Americans-of-Color as 2nd class, inferior by our very inherent nature, to either be pitied or despised, but either way, we’re deemed lacking, and it goes far beyond our current condition. As far as the folks McCain and Graham are trying to appease n’ please with their veiled redneck rhetoric, those angry White people believe Blacks should be grateful for slavery and thankful we were allowed to stay here after the War of Northern Aggression…



Although Rice was simply summarizing the information provided to her from the experts and authorities on the horrific matter, there’s a growing chorus of good ol’ boys who’ve no qualms about pronouncing her, in essence, a “dumb-ass colored girl”

So when you Google “Michelle Obama”... and pictures of monkeys, Wookies and Planet of the Apes characters pop-up and predominate the results, it’s neither wonder nor surprise, If you can zip-lock the lips of White liberals for a moment, you’ll hear and see millions, upon millions, upon millions of Evangelistic Right-wing Fanatics, Good OlBoys, Wall Street Aristocrats, White Trailer park Trash residents, and card-carrying Klan and Skinhead members whose combined number is obviously in the millions... who see Black people as only slightly more then King Louie and the boys in Disneys Jungle Book.


I wanna be a man, mancub

And stroll right into town

And be just like the other men

I'm tired of monkeyin' around!


Oh, oobee doo

I wanna be like you

I wanna walk like you

Talk like you, too

You'll see it's true

An ape like me

Can learn to be humen too?


Gee, I love that movie, but probably not for the reasons Pat Buchanan and Glen Beck do.


Susan Rice and Michelle Obama are fair-game for the GOP pundits and politicians. Lord knows Rush has kicked the Clinton women and others below the panty-line, but they have even less respect for women-of-color.


These “gentlemen” are who n’ what I envisioned as the “make n’ model” of the man who, in 1952, had no qualms about demanding a middle-aged Black-women with her groceries give up her seat on the bus to him…

Need I say more? Columnist, Desi Cortez, was hatched in the heart of Dixie, circa 1961, at the dawning of the age of Aquarius, the by-product of four dynamic individuals, Raised in South-Central LA, the 213, at age 14 transplanted to the base of the Rockies, Denver. Still a Mile-Hi. Sat at the feet of scholars for many, many moons, emerging with a desire and direction… if not a sheep-skin. Meandered thru life; gone a-lot places, done a-lot of things, raised a man-cub into a good, strong man, produced a beautiful baby-girl with my lover/woman/soul-mate… aired my mind on the airwaves and wrote some stuff along the way. Click here to contact Mr. Cortez.

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Nov 29, 2012 - Issue 496
is published every Thursday
Est. April 5, 2002
Executive Editor:
David A. Love, JD
Managing Editor:
Nancy Littlefield, MBA
Peter Gamble