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Cover Story: Lincoln and Race: Not So Simple
should remember that it was Lincoln and the Republicans (in a Congress
without advocates for a southern route) who championed the
transcontinental railroad that with Federal support lead to the rise of
the national railroad barons, progenitors of the corporatist Romney.
Political Cartoon - Secesssion By Chuck Siler, Carrollton TX
Who Rules?
$46 million pot of advertising money magically appeared, dwarfing the
mere $8 million that was raised by supporters of labeling, and the
result is old news.
World Climate Change Gathering Awaits Obama Response
This may be the last great opportunity for the United States to avoid permanently falling behind China.
Walmart’s Black Friday and “Convict Leasing” of the 99%
Criminalize Black life and the business of maintaining racial segregation codes has gone global.
They Still Hang Black Women in America...
Rice was simply summarizing the information provided to her from the
experts and authorities on the horrific matter, there’s a growing
chorus of good ol’ boys who’ve no qualms about pronouncing her, in
essence, a “dumb-ass colored girl”.
Fixing Up America - By Larry Matthews
We know whose liberty and opportunity we’re talking about and it’s not the Americans on the margins.
One Is A Hundred
Walmart protestor, who courageously stands for justice in his or her
workplace, stands for 100 who are too intimidated to do the same.
Political Cartoon - Help Out Then Get Out By Eric Garcia, Chicago IL
Dr. King Can Help Build the Palestinian Nonviolent Resistance Movement
Palestinians are sick and tired, echoing the days of the Jim Crow South or South African apartheid.
Petition to US White House and State Department: Condemn Israeli Aggression in Gaza
than taking a stand against Israeli’s onslaught and issuing an
unambiguous demand for an end to the bloodshed, the Obama
administration has condemned alleged Palestinian terrorism, repeating
the dishonest line that this violent attack is merely in defense of
Israel (a position reinforced by the one-sided coverage of the
corporate news media).
Defending the Indefensible
America collectively, can no longer make genuine claim to being in
opposition to the systemic injustices, tyranny, and ravages of the U.S.
Empire at home and abroad while simultaneously supporting the head of
the Empire - for to do so would not only be hypocritical but also a
vain attempt to defend the indefensible.
AP’s Discouraging “Homophobia” is Discouraging
Part of our liberation is in our strength to call out acts of homophobia.
Understanding the History of Haiti
For three centuries the crime of being Black was punished by torture, rape, and murder.
Is Eric Holder Being Punked by Two County Sheriffs?
There have always been penalties for doing your job too well in Buffalo government.
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