I am writing this commentary
on an airplane. Several points will be made, each with relative
brevity - at least for me.
1. Let me start with Obama’s
appointments, and what some of them might portend for the economy
or foreign policy.
Now, I think that all but
the most partisan Republicans would hope that Obama succeeds in
efforts to fix the economy and stop wars. But, to an extent I
think too great, he has appointed people with a record of failure.
In the economic realm he has appointed, for example, Summers and
Geithner. Was this wise? True,
Summers has long been considered the genius of geniuses (regardless
of my dubiety about this), and Geithner too is regarded as very
smart. But if my recollection is correct, Summers, in his prior
incarnation under Billy Boy, was important in doing away with
the Glass-Steagall Act, and put the kibosh on greater regulation
of derivatives. Destroying Glass-Steagall meant commercial banks
and investment banks could merge, just as they were one before
the Great Depression, and then the commercial banks could be dragged
down by their investment bank sides when the stock market collapsed,
as happened in the Great Depression (before Glass-Steagall) and
has now been repeated (after the repeal of Glass-Steagall). And
as for putting the kibosh on regulation of derivatives - is it
really necessary to say anything about the economic disaster this
As for Geithner, he was a
major player in the great disaster wrought by Henry Paulson’s
view of what should be done. Need anything else be said?
In the foreign field, it is
said that Obama is going to appoint, as the head of his National
Intelligence Council, a man who is claimed to be heavily
anti-Israel and very pro-Chinese-government-repression. If these
claims are true, stay tuned for more disaster in the Middle East
and in our relations in the Far East.
people say, Obama will control what his underlings do, instead
of being controlled by what they think and what they therefore
tell him. This is a nice theory. But, as a person who has headed
an institution for 20 years and who also reads a lot of history,
I can tell you it is only partly true. The person at the top will
often be influenced heavily by what his advisers think, especially
if the advisers are smart. This is only the more true where the
head man or woman is at the helm of a large organization and therefore
cannot know most of the everyday details which so significantly
determine the strength or weaknesses of policies, and sometimes
is not even much of an expert regarding the policies. And when
the advisers have a history of bad judgment and serious mistakes,
like Summers, then it does not matter if they have IQs of 180
or 200 or twice as high as Einstein’s. Rather, they are likely
to keep making the same kinds of mistakes because, perhaps sad
to say, people’s fundamental attitudes and beliefs usually do
not change much. Rather, most people are guilty of what Einstein
himself described as insanity: they keep doing the things which
failed before in the expectation that the results will change.
2. Another example of the above
relates to the banks like CitiBank, perhaps Bank Of America, and
others, and to the auto companies as well.
Although there is now the
beginning of some talk about the government possibly nationalizing
the big banks, the administration has for a while seemed fixed
on continuing to pour money into these entities and the auto companies,
while keeping them private and under the same management, on the
theory that they are too big to be allowed to fail. This “philosophy”
is usually hogwash. The reason is itself philosophical, I suppose,
but not untrue for that.

When institutions have gone
dramatically downhill, and only the more so when they have gone
dramatically downhill because of horribly mistaken and inept management
- which is the story of the banks for about a decade and the auto
companies since the early ’70s - you are far more likely to resolve
the situation successfully by getting rid of them and starting
over with new institutions and new, competent management. We need
new banks, and new auto companies, with new managements. Only
in this way do you get people who are not devotees of, are not
ridden with, the ways of thinking and the habits that caused failure
in the first place. (So, you see, the point being made here is
the same as the one made with regard to Summers and Geithner).
The auto companies have been an off and on disaster for over 30
years, the huge, now crippled banks have been a budding disaster
for ten years. If you want to succeed, get rid of them, get rid
of their managements, and start over with new, competent banks
and auto manufacturers under new, hopefully competent managements.
(For those who like sports,
I note the obvious analogy that, the vast preponderance of the
time, a football or basketball coach who is a bust one time is
a bust again - and again, and again. The exceptions - Bill Belichick,
Pete Carroll when he went from the pros to college - are exceptions.)
3. There is a theory floating
about that one of the reasons for our regulatory difficulties is
that, once Glass-Steagall was vaporized - significantly at the behest
of Sanford Weill, who wanted to create the financial colossus that
is now semi-expiring because its investment banking arm has brought
it down - the various regulatory agencies lost control, as it were,
because each of them had only a partial vision of the institutions
it was regulating. For instance, the SEC knew from nothing about
commercial banks, and the Federal Reserve knew from nothing about
investment banks. According to this theory, the solution is to have
a super-regulatory agency that regulates all aspects of the financial
All that a super-regulatory agency will accomplish is to insure
that one day the institutions will all go down at the same time,
in a reprise of today. Antitrust professors and lawyers of my
generation, particularly those who write favorably about or represent
huge mega companies, like to proclaim - without evidence - that
bigness is not badness. Like hell it’s not. When institutions
of any type get too big they are going to go downhill. There are
reasons, which I and others have argued elsewhere, but the reasons
need not be plumbed here. Here all that matters is the regularly
observable fact. And when we get one huge regulatory body, regulating
huge, Sandy Weillish, created-by-greed-and-more-greed financial
supermarkets, the huge agency and the financial supermarkets will
one day fail and carry down the whole economy, just as the
supermarkets have done now. A much better idea is to divide up
those supermarkets into human-sized institutions, each devoted
to one field instead of all fields, and then have human sized
regulatory bodies which each focus on one type of financial institution.
When failures occur in smaller institutions, they do not take
down the entire economy (notwithstanding the contrary bovine
defecation which claims they do because of interlinkage).
4. The Wall Street Journal reported
on Wednesday about a hedge fund manager named James Simons (who,
I believe, was the hedge fund guy who made a cool 1.7 billion
dollars a few years ago, in 2005 or 2006, I think). Simons had
advised Stony Brook to put money into Madoff. But in 2003, it
seems, Simons began “voicing concerns about Mr. Madoff, according
to people familiar with the situation.” He urged Stony Brook “to
pull out all of its money,” and though Stony Brook did not pull
out all of it, his urgings led it to reduce the amount
it had with Madoff.

The Journal goes on
to say “It isn’t clear exactly what bothered Mr. Simons” about
Madoff. But during “a routine exam” of Simons’ hedge fund, the
SEC got fund employees’ emails that “expressed worries about Mr.
Madoff. ‘We at Renaissance have totally independent evidence
that Madoff’s executions are highly unusual; one employee wrote.’”
(Emphasis added.)
So, Simons - the 1.7 billion
dollar man, no less, one of Wall Street’s most successful
investors - was worried about Madoff (but as far as one knows,
did not notify the SEC), the SEC got hold of emails from fund
employees expressing concern, with one email saying that the fund
had “totally independent evidence” that something wasn’t kosher,
and the SEC did nothing. This, if true - and I’ll bet it
is true because the Journal is damn good on factual reporting
even if its editorial pages are appalling - is still more evidence
that the SEC is a co-cause with Madoff himself of the horrible
events that have occurred and of the devastation wreaked on so
many lives.
But maybe the Simons revelation
isn’t even the half of it when it comes to new revelations. In
a recent story New York Magazine claims the SEC looked
at Madoff’s books when it was investigating Bienes and Avellino - which was 1992. “Bernie showed
the SEC his books and maintained that he could return any money
requested,” though many customers then decided to leave their
money with him, says NYM.
though it looked at his books - probably cooked ones - if the
NYM claim is correct (as I suspect it is precisely because the
SEC did publicly announce in the WSJ of December 1, 1992 that
there was no evidence of fraud, an announcement that makes it
logical to think the SEC might have looked at the books), the
SEC did nothing. Why didn’t it demand to see the securities Madoff
claimed to have? Why didn’t it investigate whether the purchases
and sales that he claimed to have taken place in the past had
in fact occurred? Why didn’t it especially do such things because
it had started the investigation fearing a massive fraud, as was
reported by the Wall Street Journal on December 1, 1992?
Why did it just take Madoff’s word for everything? One assumes
all this was because Madoff had so ardently and lengthily ingratiated
himself with the SEC over the years, but who knows? What we can
say is that the SEC looked at Madoff’s books but did nothing,
and this at a time when the Bienes and Avellino accounts apparently were only about one-half of one percent
of what the SEC’s horrendous negligence allowed the fraud to become
if Madoff’s claim about its size, when he was arrested, is correct.
The SEC’s horrendous negligence was thus a co-cause of about 49.5
billion dollars being lost to fraud if, as said, Madoff, when
arrested, was correct about the size of the fraud.

Columnist, Lawrence R. Velvel, JD, is the Dean of Massachusetts School of Law.
He is the author of Blogs From the Liberal Standpoint: 2004-2005
(Doukathsan Press, 2006). Click here
to contact Dean Velvel, or you may, post your comment on his website,