Like a lot of people, I often wonder:
Do these people meet?
The words of a party’s platform
and the declarations of its candidate don’t mean much
in the real world of political wheeling and dealing.
Serendipity does not quite describe
what happened the day the Democratic Party convention
opened. It looked more like collusion or perhaps just
a well-executed campaign maneuver. There was the ubiquitous
David Brooks in the New York Times openly challenging
President Obama to come out forthrightly for “Simpson-Bowles”
in his acceptance speech. He was referring to a set
of proposals made by the co-chairs of a deficit reduction
panel appointed by the President two years ago that
called for cuts in Social Security, Medicare, and
other safety-net programs and for tax “reforms” that
would actually reduce tax rates for the well-to-do
and large corporations. That same morning editors
of the London-based Financial Times called
for more “middle-class sacrifice,” asserting that
“Only by demonstrating his backing for long-term reform
can Mr. Obama make the case for fresh steps to help
revive the US
economy. It is good politics and good economics. Endorsing
the Bowles-Simpson recommendations would place Mr.
Obama on the high ground for this election - and afterwards.”
Meanwhile the ultimate in “Simpson-Bowles”
chutzpah appeared on the opinion page of the Wall
Street Journal, wherein so-called centrist Democrats
Patrick Caddell and Douglas Schoen, operatives in
the Carter and Clinton Administrations, respectively,
called up the President to “change direction - immediately
and decisively,” and “embrace the findings of the
2010 Simpson-Bowles deficit-reduction commission and
make it clear that he too has a plan to revitalize
the U.S. economy, reduce the deficit, reform entitlements
and spur economic growth through a fairer and leaner
tax system.” (The commission itself made no “findings,”
never came to agreement and adjourned without ever
voting on anything.)
Why this coordinated waving of the
“Simpson-Bowles” banner on the eve of Obama’s acceptance
My hunch is that some people have decided
that there is a good chance the President will win
reelection and their aim is be able to claim the election,
in part, as a mandate for going after Social Security,
Medicare and Medicaid, “afterwards” under the cover
of “compromise.” Brooks would seem to be supporting
this conjecture when he writes, “A landslide or ‘mandate
election’ in November is unlikely because neither
party enjoys a clear advantage. Most fundamentally,
any solution to the nation’s fiscal crisis is going
to require compromise. No matter who is in charge,
taxes will have to go up and entitlements will have
to be scaled back. The math doesn’t work any other
I guess it was inevitable that “Simpson-Bowles”
would find its way into former President Bill Clinton’s
nominating speech but it only rated a mention. He
praised Obama for offering what he called a “reasonable’
and “balanced” plan” for deficit reduction as “the
kind” contained in the “approach” of the “bipartisan
commission” that he said was “better” than the Republican’s
plan. That is an understatement. What Mitt Romney
and Paul Ryan propose to do to seniors, patients and
poor kids is truly horrendous.
The President said, “No American
should ever have to spend their golden years at the
mercy of insurance companies.
Clinton, to his credit, also used
the occasion to do something practically nobody in
his party’s leadership has had the sense - or courage
- to do. He laid out what the threat to alter Medicaid
actually entails. “They also want to block grant Medicaid
and cut it by a third over the coming decade,” he
said. “Of course, that will hurt poor kids, but that’s
not all. Almost two-thirds of Medicaid is spent on
nursing home care for seniors and on people with disabilities,
including kids from middle class families, with special
needs like Down syndrome or autism. I don’t know how
those families are going to deal with it. We can’t
let it happen.”
The Financial Times editorial
didn’t sit too well with some of the paper’s U.S.
readers. A Colorado doctor, Ron
Forthofer, responded that Obama’s endorsement of “Simpson-Bowles”
“would be using a bipartisan commission as cover to
satisfy the demands of the financial sector and so-called
fiscal hawks for deficit reduction without inflicting
much pain on the US
oligarchy.” And Reba Shimansky of New York wrote, “Bowles-Simpson is the document of two very wealthy
rightwingers, Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson, and
it expresses their point of view. Bowles-Simpson is
a prescription for downsizing government while lowering
the marginal tax rate, cutting corporation taxes,
Medicare, Medicaid and cost of living adjustments
for social security” adding, “It is a not a bipartisan
approach to reducing the deficit. Liberals refer to
it as the catfood commission because if its proposals
were implemented that is all most Americans could
afford to purchase.”
Brooks is simply wrong. The Ryan plan
is not to “cut spending and restructure entitlements,”
it’s to restructure spending and cut entitlements.
The restructuring involves more money for the military
and lower allocations for education and nutrition
aid for those with low incomes; the cuts called for
involve Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Repeating
what has become their mantra over the past couple
of years, the editors of the Washington Post
said September 5 that taxes must rise and “entitlements
will have to be scaled back.”
He specifically promised
not to slash those programs in exchange for tax cuts.
“We’re saddled with monster deficits,
and the Republicans refuse to let this president do
the brave thing Bill Clinton did, and get us more
revenue,” New York Times columnist Gail Collins
wrote last week. True. And that’s where “Simpson-Bowles”
comes in. The money has to come from somewhere but
rather than raise taxes on those who have been making
out like bandits the past couple of decades the aim
is to take it from sick people, seniors and poor kids
and make life even more precarious for the million
of working people who have lost so much and are still
losing out amid the ongoing economic crisis.
The final moments of the
convention revealed to what extent the full court
press to make endorsement of “Simpson-Bowles” an objective
of the Obama-Biden campaign succeeded. In his acceptance
speech the Vice-President mentioned it in passing.
In his address Obama avoided the term but said, “Now,
I’m still eager to reach an agreement based on the
principles of my bipartisan debt commission. No party
has a monopoly on wisdom. No democracy works without
compromise. I want to get this done, and we can get
it done.”
That’s mealy-mouthed. If he means the
principle that revenue increases should be accompanied
by spending cuts that’s one thing. If he means he
is open to taking a meat axe to Medicare, Social Security
in return for making the very rich pay taxes at rates
they once did, that’s another ball of wax. In his
speech he pledged not to do the latter but his bow
to “Simpson-Bowles” is not at all reassuring.
Digby at the Campaign for America’s Future wrote after the President’s speech,
“There’s a lot of wriggle room in there, and quite
a few straw men, but if you read it literally, he
specifically promised not to slash those programs
in exchange for tax cuts. What he didn’t do was promise
not to cut those programs in exchange for tax hikes
--- which is what the Democrats are seeking. He won’t
agree to tax cuts for millionaires. That’s a good
thing. But will he agree to cuts if the Republicans
agree to raise some taxes? We don’t know.”
“Mitt Romney must not become president,”
Adam Green, head of the Progressive Change Campaign
Committee, tweeted right after Obama concluded his
speech. “But it’s unacceptable for a Democratic president
to pull the wool over supporters’ eyes by talking
blandly about a ‘bipartisan commission’ that actually
proposed extreme cuts to Social Security and Medicare
benefits -- and lowering corporate tax rates.”
Simpson-Bowles “offers draconian austerity
for the many and even more tax breaks for the wealthy
few,” says Richard (RJ) Eskow of the Campaign for
Future. “No wonder Simpson and Bowles keep praising
Paul Ryan to the skies: Simpson/Bowles and Romney/Ryan
differ only in emphasis.”
The Ryan plan is not to “cut
spending and restructure entitlements,” it’s to restructure
spending and cut entitlements.
“While voucherizing Medicare will presumably
save the government money (at least up front) and
balance its books, it’ll do so on the backs of most
American seniors,” writes American Prospect co-editor
Harold Meyerson. “Obama’s value of citizenship won’t
permit that, and it’s on this battlefield that the
Democrats will fight this fall.” One hopes. But a
lot of us would feel a lot better if the Administration
stopped sending out mixed messages.
David Brooks didn’t like Obama’s speech
at all and that’s good news. “The Obama speech offered
some important if familiar hints of big policy ideas,”
he wrote. “There was a vague hint of a major tax reform.
There was a vague promise to accept an agreement based
on the principle of the Simpson-Bowles committee on
deficit reduction. But it’s hard to be enthusiastic
about President Obama truly championing initiatives
that get no more than a sentence or a clause.”
Likewise, the editors at Washington
Post - prone as they are to counsel austerity
for working people –were disappointed as well. “He
vowed, ‘I will never turn Medicare into a voucher,’
but he gave his audience no indication that his solution
- controlling health care costs - might involve sacrifice
on the part of seniors, they wrote the morning after
the President’s speech. “He promised ‘responsible
steps to strengthen’ Social Security, which he has
neglected throughout his first term. As to which steps
those might be, not a word.”
Hardly a speaker at either the Republican
or Democratic conventions could step away from the
microphone without referring at least once to the
“American dream” (which used to mean owning your own
single family house) and ascribing so many different
and conflicting attributes to it as to render the
term meaningless. On the eve of the confab in Charlotte,
the Financial Times’chief foreign affairs commentator,
Gideon Rachman, warned Obama to “be careful not to
tread on the American dream,” and went on to inform
us that “The idea of the ‘land of opportunity’, where
an individual is free to make his own way, remains
inspiring - far more inspiring to most Americans than
the notion of a social safety net.” He could be right
but I’m certain he didn’t poll people in my neighborhood.
The Democratic Party platform says
the Romney-Paul Republican budget plan to give seniors
coupons for health care “would end Medicare as we
know it.” And, it pledges a new Obama Administration
“will not ask seniors to pay thousands of dollars
more every year while they watch the value of their
Medicare benefits evaporate. “It further pledges to
“find a solution to protect Social Security for future
generations” and to “block Republican efforts to subject
Americans’ guaranteed retirement income to the whims
of the stock market through privatization.” The President
said, “No American should ever have to spend their
golden years at the mercy of insurance companies.
They should retire with the care and the dignity they
have earned. Yes, we will reform and strengthen Medicare
for the long haul, but we’ll do it by reducing the
cost of health care, not by asking seniors to pay
thousands of dollars more. And we will keep the promise
of Social Security by taking the responsible steps
to strengthen it, not by turning it over to Wall Street.”
The argument will be made that the
words of a party’s platform and the declarations of
its candidate don’t mean much in the real world of
political wheeling and dealing. Often that’s true
and it’s why one of the most important challenges
facing progressives, seniors and labor in this election
period is acting to secure a guarantee that such promises
are kept, that digging our way out of capitalism’s
latest crisis (far from over) is not premised on preserving
present class inequities while undermining the security
and economic well-being of working people on the job
or in retirement. Editorial Board member
and Columnist, Carl Bloice, is a writer in San Francisco, a member of the National Coordinating Committee of
the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and
Socialism and formerly worked for
a healthcare union. Click here
to contact Mr. Bloice. |