interests of the government are not the same as your interests.
Zinn, �History, War, and Resistance� Speech, 2008
[1] called our attention to the unknown
Black women thinkers and doers whose desk were a kitchen table
and whose podiums were a kitchen chair. Black women, young and
old, daughters, mothers, aunts, and grandmothers, earned their
credentials at these tables. Then,
the flow of challenges was confronted with intense debate and
focused movement. Today, the less credentialed control the dialogue.
Just go with the flow we heard in the late 1980s and during
the 1990s. What can you do? Go with the flow!
one offered an explanation or description about where we
were headed if we joined the flow.
Join the flow of things�
grandmother, who died in 1987, presided at one of these kitchen
tables, earning the right to sit at her podium. While it had taken
her several years after Dr. Martin Luther King�s death for her
to catch up with him, and while she eventually referred to Negroes
as Black people, I know she knew the government.
The government doesn�t tell you everything.
The government lies.
flow from one regime to the next, easily. The current Head of
State, thought by many on the Right to be a not-so-discreet socialist
and by many on the Left to be a closet progressive, certainly
moved with that flow back in the 80s. Kitchen table thinkers
and activists see the direction of this movement. Activist for
Medicare for All, Dr. Margaret Flowers, commenting on the passing
of the health bill, said it succinctly: �The Democratic Party
has now moved so far to the right that they have just passed a
republican health bill.�
that�s not what the Head of State articulated when the House voted
in favor of this health bill:
at a time when the pundits said it was no longer possible, we
rose above the weight of our politics. We pushed back on the undue
influence of special interests. We didn�t give in to mistrust
or to cynicism or to fear. Instead, we proved that we are still
a people capable of doing big things and tackling our biggest
challenges. We proved that this government - a government of the
people and by the people - still works for the people�
70% of the people want Single Payer or Medicare for all.
Government took Single Payer, the public option off the table
where debaters didn�t include Single Payer supporters. If my grandmother
were alive, she would have been rejected and told to stay at her
kitchen table, among the woman kind!
didn�t rise above the weight of politics: government
played politics to feed taxpayers� money to insurance companies.
We proved that this government - a government of the
people and by the People - still works for the people?
tables have been replaced by the desk at the Oval Office and the
artificially credentialed lobbyists speak as one voice: go with
the upward flow of capital.
to Dr. Flowers, 23 million of the American uninsured will remain
uninsured 9 years from now! Major tenets of the health care bill
will not kick in until 2014, and, in the meantime, 180, 000 people
will die because of a lack of insurance or adequate insurance.
Currently, 800 Americans die weekly because they can�t afford
health care insurance. Will the fate of those 23 million Americans
be that of the 800 who die weekly from government indifference?
Potter, former CIGNA vice president, declares �Obamacare will
move millions of uninsured to underinsured, making them vulnerable
to serious illness costs, the main cause of personal bankruptcies.�
No Obamacare provision, Potter argues, will protect these citizens
from losing their homes (qtd. in Stephen Lendman�s �The Insurance
Giant Wellpoint Wrote Obama�s Health Care Bill�).
funded by AIG, didn�t listen to the people. He never came
to the kitchen table where the people sit, debate, worry, strategize
survival, and where they know, as they stare at bills, the government
doesn�t care about them. And that�s those with kitchen tables!
Others sleeping in cardboard boxes with the ground for a table
know, too, that this government doesn�t care about them.

importantly, today�s vote answers the prayers of every American
who has hoped deeply for something to be done about a health care
system that works for insurance companies, but not for ordinary
�ordinary people� now means, and in a State moving with the flow
toward fascism, it may well mean corporate persons, then the insurance
companies� prayers were answered. The insurance companies had
their turn to cash in on the Obama giveaways to wealthy elite.
vote is not a victory for any one party-it�s a victory for them.
It�s a victory for the American people. And it�s a victory for
common sense�
a victory for corporate minded Americans. They are not all on
the Right nor are they all wealthy elites or all white.
a collective of money-conscious people, status-climbers, power-hungry
people, moving-with-the-flow people, this country has yet to witness
a �victory for common sense� that truly benefits all of the people.
Ranks of the poor and poor working class are growing while Forbes
lists new millionaires to the ranks of the wealthy elite -
in a democracy!
is no doubt grinning from ear to ear right now, and he has, for
the time being, solidified his strength as a can-do president.
He can engage in two wars at the same time and still get the Nobel
Peace Prize. And he can sell an insurance policy to an unwilling
populace, writes Paul Barrow (�The Health Care Bill and Fascism�).
guy can�t lie! �Black� guy isn�t government!
Rev. Jesse Jackson, keynote speaker at the Left Forum, rightly
condemned the State of the powerful against the people but urged
that the attendees stick to the Democratic Party. Certainly the
Democrats have nothing whatsoever to do with trashing the concerns
of the poor and working class people! The Democrats aren�t giving
the wealth and the resources of this and every U.S.
colony state to the wealthy 1%. Flow with the Democrats,
the Black leaders say!
on the Left hailed Rep. Dennis Kucinich as a true dissenter,
above, shall we use Obama�s words, the weight of politics.
For months, Kucinich said no to the health care bill that, to
use journalist Stephen Lendman�s words forces coverage on consumers,
assesses penalties for noncompliance, empowers the IRS to collect
them, protects corporate profits, rations care, and dumps millions
of Americans (insured and millions left uninsured) in the scrap
heap to fend for themselves.
Obama calls Kucinich for a conference, and the latter can�t speak
on leaving that table. The next day, he has the voice of the Party:
Defend Obama! Defend the health care bill!
Forward with the flow of things! Save the Party! Save
the politics of a government for military and corporate ventures!
Save the State and the people will follow!
lies when it needs to and it needs to all the time. And why not
when they can count on Progressive and Left friends to cover up
the scam for them? �As Obama likes to say,� writes Tariq Ali,
��We are all God�s children,� and �This is God�s vision.� If sonorous
banality and armour-plated hypocrisy are the hallmarks of this
Presidential style, that does not make it less functional for
the task of servicing and repairing the imperial institutions
over which Obama and Clinton preside� (�The President of Can�t,�
New Left Review 61, January-February 2010).

is this �God�s vision�: a government flowing in the blood of the
dying and murdered?
Article 25 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), Stephen
Lendman writes, applies to U.S. citizens too. According to
UDHR, Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate
for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including
food, clothing, housing and medical care...
He continues: Article 12 of the 1966 International Covenant on Economic, Social
& Cultural Rights (ICESCR) states:
The State Parties to the present Covenant recognize the right of everyone to
the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and
mental health (including universally ensuring) medical service
and medical attention in the event of sickness... government(s)
must ensure all citizens have (affordable) access to basic health
don�t sit at Obama�s table! When the people look at the window
where Obama presides at the table, they see a blurring of humans
and pigs. Remember George Orwell�s Animal Farm? No
offense to actual pigs - but pigs sit at his table!
We aren�t
pigs willing to go with the flow!
should pledge and
take action with Physicians for a National Health Program (Margaret
Flowers) to continue the work �for the only equitable, financially
responsible and humane remedy for our health care mess: single-payer
national health insurance, an expanded and improved Medicare for
thousand doctors at Physicians for a National Health Program support
single-payer national health insurance. Get back to the kitchen
table! A human rights violation was pushed forward last week and
signed by the inhuman entity (corporate greed) that believes in
just going with the flow! Visit
or call (312) 782-6006. Editorial Board member, Lenore Jean Daniels, PhD,
has been a writer for over thirty years of commentary, resistance
criticism and cultural theory, and short stories with a Marxist
sensibility to the impact of cultural narrative violence and its
antithesis, resistance narratives. With entrenched dedication
to justice and equality, she has served as a coordinator of student
and community resistance projects that encourage the Black Feminist
idea of an equalitarian community and facilitator of student-teacher
communities behind the walls of academia for the last twenty years.
Dr. Daniels holds a PhD in Modern American Literatures, with a
specialty in Cultural Theory (race, gender, class narratives)
from Loyola University,
Chicago. Click here
to contact Dr. Daniels.

Barbara Chrsitian, Perspectives on Black Women Writers,
(New York: Teachers College of Columbia University, 1997).