Today it’s arming
teachers in Tennessee and banning abortions, nationwide;
only God knows what’s next, or how far
their meanness will go.
Black people to the back of the jet?
What’s next? I believe I have an idea:
They’ll go low: gutter low, snake belly low.
And re-segregate transportation, re-segregate
hospitality, and lodging, and resegregate
housing… for a start.
They want to be able to purchase,
online from Sam’s Club, personal
tanks for home protection. They want to
be able to “stop and frisk” people of color on
a White person’s whim because they’ve got a
gut feeling those boys aren’t up to any good
and shouldn’t be in this neighborhood.
Governor Abbott and the Texas Klan want
to have the authority to demand Latino
people’s papers today; tomorrow we will see a return to
“Sundown” towns across MAGA Land. Watch.
MAGA will try to forcibly integrate the
NBA and WNBA, and if that doesn’t fly, they
will try to outlaw basketball.
I ponder if NFL owners would return to
barring Blacks from playing in the league.
There are a few who are considering it today.
Yes, I wholeheartedly believe White
men, MAGA men, would have no problem, in the
year of our maker, 2024 to demand a
77-year-old Black woman give up her seat on a
subway or bus seat for them, none whatsoever.
Remember, in their deaden eyes, women of color
aren’t ladies worthy of the respect accorded
them, they are simply, merely the females of
the inferior species.
Schools, stores, hospitals, cemeteries,
and campgrounds
MAGA folks don’t want to rub shoulders
with Black and Brown folks in any of these
situations and activities. They don’t desire
to shop at the same grocery store as Costco
with Americans of color, they don’t. They most
definitely don’t want to share a hospital room
with Mexican Americans or Asian Americans.
They don’t want to be buried next to Arab
Americans and they don’t want to drive 700
miles to Yosemite, hike a trail, and encounter
a Black family hiking along the trail also.
My daughter and I just hiked one of
Colorado’s more fabled trails, The Hanging
Lake Trail, and we were the only Black folks
we encountered, it is, let us say, interesting
to watch the reactions of some of the folks
along the way. Some are so friendly, and some
are so crappy. It’s akin to being at
Disneyland and having to sit next to someone
Black on a ride. I’ve seen some just pass on
their ride after a 57-minute wait.
These reactions aren’t unimaginable
because this is the America White people,
specifically White men, handcrafted and
maintained from 1619 until, well, right
here and now. And let’s be honest, it’s not
like that still today only because they were
forced/coerced to evolve.
I’d like to say I’m shocked by their
xenophobic contempt and animosity for others,
but I’m not. It’s simple: millions upon
millions, upon millions of Make America White
Great Again cult members do not like Black and Brown people. That’s
it, it’s that simple.
White Flight has created two, three,
maybe 4, or more different and deliberately
segregated Americas. MAGA-minded White folks,
the card-carrying type to the casual
in-the-closet sympathizer, both do not want to
rub elbows or mix and mingle with Black folks
and it’s not a new thing, it’s a return to
their parents and grandparents’ mentality, and
societal outlook.
Please note, that I use return with
reluctance because I don’t think this racist,
sexist, and elitist mindset ever disappeared,
it was merely swept under the rug.
MAGA would outlaw interracial marriages
- and this is a big one. I think they’ll try
to outlaw interracial dating if they can. Look
no further than the “Goon Squad” in
Mississippi where a band of local law
enforcement members beat and tortured two
Black men for fraternizing with a White gal.
That form of barbarity is as All-American as
Coke, Hot Dogs, and Corvettes.
Gay people will be shoved back into the
attic and closet in MAGA states. No holding
hands or kissing in public.
The banning of hairstyles, clothing,
and movies. The burning of books.
Tell me it’s un-phathomable for them,
yes those people, to introduce burning women
at the stake for attempting to have an abortion. Let us be blunt; they are tons of MAGA men who haven’t
kissed a woman in years, if not in life and
they are pissed because they aren’t the type
of man any enlightened woman would want -
40-year-old angry virgins.
MSNBC, CNN, NPR, LA Times, and
San Francisco Chronicle, go down the list of powerhouse media operations that
Lord Trump detests; they’d all be silenced if
MAGA had their way.
Beyonce would be jailed for taking over by “crossing over”
into the hallowed land of Country n’ Western
music, while they would outlaw and ban rap
music. And I’m very serious about this one,
this form of expression is not acceptable to
our former masters and they’d like to put a
halt to it now if not yesterday!
Snoop, Queen Latifa, Dr Dre, Ice Tee, LL Cool J, yes, even
all the ol’ school cats would be imprisoned.
Sure, you can chuckle, roll your eyes, and dismiss my
observations as those of an aging and ever
more angry Black relic, but you and I know,
little to nothing is beyond the realm of what
diabolical alterations to life MAGA would ram
down our throats.
Tragically I just don’t think mainstream Americans of color understand and
grasp the deepness and complexity of the
shallow, simpleminded hate that is harbored
for us by so, so many. If you just stroll
through US History it’s clear to see where we
are headed if the MAGA cult has their dreams
come true.