


Before you read further, keep in mind, that some of my dearest friends are Caucasians. Yet it’s my assertion that “White supremacy,” in the pursuit of total domination, control, and power, is the toxic glue that holds Trump’s klan sheet white America together, and keeps them politically on the same lordly page. Not Jimmy Graham’s Christianity, not laissez faire “cutthroat” capitalism, nor the love of one’s democratic country patriotism.

This aspiration is the “how” and “why” behind mainstream White America’s damn-near blind and monolithic support for the despicable, unscrupulous, and ignoble Donald Trump. It is why their representatives in the US Congress got in line behind a man with the mentality of a caveman, who helped plot the January 6th seditious mutiny, Mike Johnson. This audacious power they seek to maintain is the primary motivating factor explaining why they won’t even entertain the notion of legitimate gun control.

3rd-class Americans must be kept in their place.

I argue most of White America, the “Make America Great/1957 White Again” base, those good, decent baby Jesus lovin’, God-fearing real, authentic US patriots would vote for US President the sinister Russian tyrant Vladimir Putin before they would vote for Vice President Kamala Harris.

They’d support “Tricky Dick” Richard Nixon if he were still alive. Same for the 1861 Confederacy’s only President, Jefferson Davis. George Wallace, sure. I’d submit Adolf Hitler could garner 50% of the mainstream Republican base’s support in 2024.

How,” and “Why?”

“Control” and “dominance” (power) thriving within both American and global society trumps all other elements of a civilized civilization - up to and including brotherhood, liberty, justice, freedom, sisterhood, equality, decency, and honor.

It appears, and perhaps I’m being a tad cynical, but I don’t believe I am - their internal racial/tribal creed rejects any high-minded, goody-two-shoes notion that “I’m my brother/sister’s keeper.” I think the average White guy contemptuously sneers and scoffs at the idea of “One for all, all for one.’

Survival of the fittest… and richest” is the rule of the day, and the man with the most riches makes the rules. Think Lord of The Flies, the old 1950s Black n’ White flick.

Every man for himself” - you bet. Any social safety nets designed to not let the everyday little person fall through the cracks is rejected. FDR’s “New Deal” - despised MLK’s “Dream...,” no interest in, and LBJ’s “Great Society” - no way. Every man for himself.

The civilized thought of “women and children first “ was rejected on the RMS Titanic in 1912, imagine how that idea would play out in 2024. You don’t want to be on a Carnival or Royal Caribbean floating city and have a leak with all those Trump cult followers on board.

In my opinion, as a people with shared WASP values, and a shared WASP culture - mainstream White Americans laugh at the concept of “TEAM USA. Together, Everyone Accomplishes More” A slightly racially integrated America in circa 1972 saw the first strategic steps in abandoning the far too Black and Brown working class - the “American Dream” was dismissed so the virtually snow-white investor class could live like “fat cats.” White flight and the abandonment of cities, sabotaging the public school system with academic mediocrity, remains the widely embraced goal.

Of course, in a pre-integrated America, these rules of engagement mattered more, and were, to a degree, adhered to, but since Obama… compromise, give and take, accommodation, middle ground, and modus vivendi have been rejected. The threat of living under the leadership, alas, rule of a Black person, is akin to the sky falling.

The MAGA nightmare: Asian boss, Arab principal at kid’s school, Latino American neighbors, Black in-laws, and gay co-workers. It’s all too much for the Klan.

Ask most White people what they think of the United Nations, as I did last week, and they almost all told me they hate the UN. In essence, yes, they hate the world. They see it as a collection of “shithole countries,” led by people of a lesser God.

As we speak, the global coalition of peoples, requesting the established powers around the world, to halt the bloody Middle Eastern madness, has no relevance or respect at their roundtable of power, none. No matter if the peoples of the world say cease and hammer out a peaceful coexistence, they won’t. They could, but they won’t.

White people, led by White men, want preeminence, via power, audacious and overwhelming power - by any barbaric and archaic means they deem appropriate. The AR-15 and 5000 nuclear bombs make that point. They will never have too many of either.

Here, in this divided and extremely combustible nation, White men want their guns to protect their lofty, and arguably undeserved status in society. They’re locked and cocked, just going to Costco. They see all other subgroups as well-armed, genetically inclined, born criminals - undeniably inferiors who are envious of White guy’s high n’ mighty place atop all.

They also recognize their stranglehold on power as being “imperil” and “vulnerable” - and I think they’re correct.

White America has always feared the aristocratic crown/big federal government, (see civil war) and that was enhanced by the election of Bill Clinton because he was thought to be willing to use the military to put down the White revolt great White hope Ronnie “666” Ray-Gun started. Good old boys and Rednecks, those who brand themselves as the only legitimate and hard-working Americans, didn’t trust the Commie-Pinko Negro-Lover Clinton. Hence, the growth of the National Rifle Association, and the rebirth of White vigilantes camouflaged as 1776 patriotic militias.

By the 1990s White folks could see Push had come to shove - Americans of color, led by Black Americans, wanted their blood-soaked liberty, equality, and land back. We no longer were brainwashed, we now wanted our well-earned piece of the American Pie. Far too many of us were “uppity,” didn’t know our assigned place, and were damn proud of it.

Yet another reason for the average White dude to purchase his own personal automatic bazooka.

In my summation, White folks, primarily men, harbor very little shame or guilt for “how” they rigged society, pimped, exploited, and excluded everyone, because, as far as they are concerned, we aren’t really human. Nonetheless, they are full of well-earned and justifiable paranoia today. They know that we know that they knowingly lied, cheated, and stole to manipulate their illicit stranglehold on privilege and power. And yet, they don’t really give a damn because they simply just want to win.

Both morality and politics are irrelevant at this point.

It’s all about society-wide control and dominance. Call it White supremacy.

Today, the “Make America Great/1957 White Again” revolt represents the high point in this White backlash movement to restructure America, but now it has a distinct mean, nasty retribution and vengeance feel to it.

BlackCommentator.com Columnist, Desi

Cortez, who also writes for

BlackAthlete.com & NegusWhoRead.com,

was hatched in the heart of Dixie, circa

1961, at the dawning of the age of

Aquarius, the by-product of four dynamic

individuals, Raised in South-Central LA,

the 213. At age 14 transplanted to the

base of the Rockies, Denver. Still a Mile-

Hi. Sat at the foot of scholars for many,

many moons, emerging with a desire and

direction… if not a sheep-skin.

Meandered thru life; gone a-lot places,

done a-lot of things, raised a man-cub

into an officer n' gentleman, a "man's

man." Produced a beautiful baby-girl

with my lover/woman/soul-mate… aired

my "little" mind on the airwaves and

wrote some stuff along the way.

Wordsmith behind America's Ten Months

Pregnant . . . Ready To Blow!: Even

Trump Can't "Make America White

Again." A New, More Inclusive, Diverse

21st Century America - Love It . . . Or

Get The Hell Out!. Contact Mr. Cortez

and BC.

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