Rittenhouse for President…?!
an awfully scary thought, imagining the “America '' that
Trump’s 100 million-plus cult members most
European Americans are wishing for. The US of A they long for, yearn
for, pray to their Nordic Viking baby Jesus for...and are apparently
quite willing to die for… is a scary place for everyone who
isn’t a card carrying Trumpster.
good ole days of white vigilantism…
Somehow, someway, most White folks believe they have some inherent,
inalienable authority to kill a minority.
Rittenhouse for President…?!
thought is ingrained in their little minds that, as a White person
you can question, interrogate, play judge, jury, and yes executioner
- if need be. After all, in say 1961, in the Anywhere USA, most White
folks had the legal authority to treat Blacks, Mexicans, Asians, and
Native Americans as 4th class citizens.
are many White folks so delusional? Because they are in deliberate
denial of History 101, which suggest Black Americans, and other
Americans of color, our forefathers provided the blood, sweat, tears,
land, and resources to construct this decadent empire, damn near
overnight - therefore we
earned our
piece of the rock, pie, empire...whatever. We people of color built
this nation, and yet, still in the 21st century - we’ve
virtually “No
rights which the white man is bound to respect.”
Because as Black people we are, as we’ve always been “guilty,''
“morally bankrupt” and intellectually “incompetent”
until proven White folks. That job title or credential
of any type means very little to most white folks - you’re
nonetheless branded as incapable, inept, inexpert, unable, unfit, and
unqualified...until little Ms. Karen deems you otherwise. Guilty and
incompetent until proven otherwise.
Rittenhouse for President…?! Welcome to America of the 21st
three-man lynch mob down in Georgia had either the arrogance
or ignorance
believe it was logical in the only court which matters in America,
White court of public opinion to
hunt down young Mr. Arbury, as if it were 1954 and this “boy”
was on the wrong side of town chasing White virgin princesses, and
these Junior Klansmen were in essence, because they are White men,
deputized to stop and seize him. Yes, believe it, it’s just
kinda an obvious unspoken rule that, of course, this thug had no
legit business in that snow-white enclave.
where’s your papers?”
the umpteenth time: The Confederacy
isn’t a long-dead historical geo-location but a present-day
contemporary coast-to-coast heartfelt mindset and mentality based on
white supremacy and nationalism - and it is entrenched in the very
fabric of European American culture.
Black folks, particularly men, watch so much mindless TV we don’t
really know nor understand eternal White minority rule is the
“company line” of which White folks believe and
inherently abide by, alas they both dream and pray for. If they can
avert Democracy by instituting coast-to-coast
voter suppression,
i.e., financial
taxation without political representation,
they’ll never have to share power.
you say Apartheid?
the McMichaels, and William Bryan, the third defendant charged with
Arbery’s murder, are one and all cast from the same old mold.
They harbor a foul belief that equates their whiteness
with permission to arm themselves and dole out law and order as
they define it, by any means they deem necessary.
disobeyed a White man’s orders - that used to get a Black
person hung or shot.
not going to offer my perspective in the upcoming year on the pitiful
plight of my people without hammering home this point: Black America
should be formally bringing our situation in front of the United
Nations, familiarizing the world with the reality there are over 100
million Trump cult members who will wage genocide against Americans
of color,
again, one
more time.
Again! Again!
not a question of
Trump’s stormtroopers people make Kyle Rittenhouse a folk hero,
along with Timothy Mcvey, George Zimmerman and Bernard Goetz (Google
if you must) they will use him as a rallying symbol to instigate and
carry-out a civil war against Americans of color - recall they’ve
already showed their ability to bomb Black churches, assassinate
leaders, hand out measle infested blankets to freezing natives,
interject unsuspecting Black folks with a disease, pull Japanese
Americans out of their homes and businesses and lock them in
internment camps…
you imagine what a Trumpian-led government would do if at-war
Chin? Every Asian looking or sounding individual would be at the
mercy of merciless “patriots.''
Rittenhouse for President…?!
believe mainstream White America has no lofty notions of living side
by side with people of color, people who worship a different god, who
speak a different language… they can’t be converted,
don’t want any of your high n’ mighty diversity and
integration. Instead, they are telling you and me, virtually every
day with their words and deeds, that they want to live in an
all-White nation.
guess starry-eyed liberals and impractical progressives believe they
can somehow convenience White nationalist, show them or even make
them “like” people of color. MSNBC coco-puffs believe
they can somehow force, via legislation
Make America White Again believers
send their kids to racially mixed schools, teach them our version of
US History, make them accept us as neighbors, bosses, in-laws…
it’s just so naïve, so delusional on our part.
can the “Left” be so disconnected from reality? You can
not legislate nor mandate sister and brotherhood. Most of White
America wants nothing to do with unity
is a bad word.
our gullibility and naiveness results from our 2nd class public
education? Is it because most Americans of color live in segregated
communities, and we just don’t have enough “hands-on,”
“first-hand” knowledge of White folks to understand and
accept the reality of… they don’t like us?
Rittenhouse for President…?!
it seems the “Left's” game plan is to force Trump’s
21st century Confederacy, all the millions and millions of them to
accept Blacks by shaming them , somehow manipulating them to like,
or docilely accept
Harris as President, Stacy Abrahams her VP. Obama on the Supreme
telling you - they won’t go quietly into the good night. Nobody
who’s ever had power gives power away. Black Americans have
never had genuine power… we don’t get it, it’s
that simple.
America’s fairytale agenda, our simple Romper
pre- school game plan, or lack-off a plan altogether - merely
illustrates just how unaware of “who” and ‘what”
kind of polar bear we are poking and prodding… we are
justice and equality from a segment of US society which prides itself
on their meanness and cruelty.
Rittenhouse for President…?!
American culture hasn’t matured and does not desire to progress
to the point of coexistence
with other humans. Believe it!
it really “progress” if a cannibal uses a knife and fork?