Bush's pirates danced in the darkness with their symbiont, Osama,
last week. At bin Laden's taped invitation, the ghouls from Washington
and the Wahabis staged a party to celebrate the coming Apocalypse.
Condoleezza and Colin, Osama and several of his wives, bumping and
grinding toward chaos.
the immediate term, bin Laden and Bush both seek to plunge the world
into utter disorder, the better to reshape the rubble. Bin Laden
longs to be High Priest of an Islamic theocracy, which requires
the destruction of the current global scheme of things. As we wrote
in last week's commentary Osama
is Calling... , the Bush men's goal is "to break down every
impediment to their ability to impose the terms of relations among
pirate class are creating the conditions in which they can convert
U.S. power directly into capital. Thus, the war against Iraq.
Every obstacle to unlimited freedom of American action must be

and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld declare the United Nations
"irrelevant," because they desire to make it so. War lust
does not allow for much foreplay, so Colin Powell serves as a tall
brown jar of Vaseline.
Elliott watches as the icon tumbles.
the mighty have fallen. Colin Powell's once sterling reputation
as an isolated moderate in a hawkish administration has fallen
with a sickening thud. He will now be forever known as the front-man
for what could become one of the most heinous acts in recorded
history - the wanton slaughter of thousands of innocent Iraqi
citizens. If this ill-conceived "shock and awe" operation
goes forward, you can add another title to the Secretary of State's
resume - War Criminal. The International Court in The Hague is
just itching to get its hands on some very prominent public figures
who have been instrumental in perpetrating some of the world's
worst atrocities. Two of these men are Ariel Sharon and Henry
Kissinger. If this "war" goes forward, you can add Powell's
name to the list.
This is a man who only two years ago was universally
hailed as a genuine American hero - an African-American who could
have made a legitimate run for the presidency. All of that is
finished now, and his credibility and reputation are in tatters.
Much of the "evidence" he presented before the UN Security
Council that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction
has been refuted by Dr. Hans Blix's weapons inspection team. The
audiotape, allegedly from Osama bin Laden, which Powell purported
to contain a so-called "nexus" between Al-Qaida and
Saddam Hussein turned out to be anything but that. In fact the
speaker on the tape made it very clear that he had no "warm
and fuzzy" feelings for the embattled Iraqi leader but was
instead delivering a message to the country's Muslim population.
Powell now looks like an incompetent fool after his very public
exclamations about what the tape would show. Is someone feeding
him bad information? I wouldn't doubt it. Back in 2000, many thought
that the principal reason Bush engaged in an elaborate courtship
for Powell was to lend instant credibility to his fledgling administration.
It seems that other agendas were at work as well. If Bush wins
again in 2004, who better to run in 2008 than his little brother
who is currently the governor of Florida - Jeb Bush. Powell might
at one time have been a strong candidate for the 2008 race, but
not now.
Harry Belafonte took a lot of heat for negative
statements he made about Powell last year. As time goes on it
has become apparent that he was absolutely right. All Powell can
now look forward to is slinking off into the sunset when the hawks
in this administration determine that he is no longer a viable
asset and hope that the International Court doesn't come calling.
It will be a sad end for such an accomplished person with whom
I share a Jamaican heritage.
should remember that Powell came to national, living room prominence
making warlike faces and saying fierce words about Saddam Hussein
at daily, televised press briefings during the Gulf War, 12 years
ago. But that's Rumsfeld's job now, isn't it? Or is Rumsfeld Secretary
of State, too? Whither, Powell? To wither on the vine? Or headed
for The Hague?
what about the Bush family's constant companion of the last two
decades, Condoleezza Rice? Has her otherwise alienated existence
prepared her for the judgment of international tribunals? At age
48, Rice may live to see her day in court.
Billock has been around long enough to carry history in his pocket.
He writes:
had previously read your comments on Condoleezza Rice and found
them to be the most honest and forthright available.
white veterans of our navy in WW2 remember the unfair method of
assigning African-Americans to officers' mess duties despite their
qualifications in other fields of endeavor. The present situation
has not changed too much. Our military forces are composed of
the nation's working class poor, and our minorities. It will amaze
future generations that a small cabal surrounding this President
have entangled us in a perpetual war with Islam's billion-plus
do not think those that want this war against Islam will be deterred
by any number of demonstrations. A good example of this hypocrisy
was when Colin Powell expressed admiration for the 30,000 young
people demonstrating in Tehran opposing the death sentence imposed
on an academic. Powell commented on this, "The leaders in
Iran had better start to listen to their citizens." Millions
demonstrated in the U.S. and the Bush cabal did not hear them.
Tony Blair has not heard the millions in the U.K. either.
this reminds me of a popular ditty when England was gunning down
the Zulus in Africa: "We care not how many Zulus they have
got; we have the Gatling gun and they have not." Using a
bit of poetic plagiarism I can update that to what our present
leaders think: "We care not how many demonstrators the peace
activists have got; we have our fingers on the triggers and they
do not."
week was notable for tapes - Osama's and the duct variety - and
color-coded states of confusion. Brother Rueben Smith proposes that
terror alerts be made ethno-specific.
that the White House and Homeland Security (right) issue their
alerts in colors, may I offer the Black community's color code
for extreme danger: white, the color that has caused terror in
the Black world for years. Terror has long been a part of the
Black experience. Those good Americans who are so concerned about
the rights of everyone but Blacks in the good old USA are nothing
more than Satan's posse.
is passing bills that do not help working and poor people; terror
is faith-based; terror is Leave No Child Behind but putting a
Negro in the Education Department that has nothing to say. These
so-called New Black Leaders are nothing more than the sellouts
(2000 version) of Reconstruction. They say the same thing over
and over: everything is forgiven, it's a new day, etc. If this
is true, why is racism raising its ugly head? Real Black people
need to check these fools Now. Real Black is not about skin color,
but state of mind.
is, by definition, difficult to describe, and harder still to grasp
as policy. As Gertrude F. Treadway reminds us, we're not the first
to note that criminals thrive in a chaotic environment.
again for your illuminating commentaries. I always concur with
them. It is also odd, I guess, that I just finished reading an
analysis of Bob Woodward's book on George Bush. The critique was
by Georgie Anne Geyer. She alludes constantly to the "pirates"
in the Bush administration and their "chaos theory"
of government. Thank God, for the intelligent people in this country
who are able to see beyond what seems obvious (George Bush's stupidity)
to the real strategies planned by this cabal.
took a very long time for Hard Right racists to overcome their visceral
revulsion to direct contact with Blacks. However, now that the Bush
crowd has tasted the political benefits of "compassionate conservatism,"
their Black front men and women are working overtime.
E. Fowler of Dayton, Ohio, looks forward to showing the Republicans
what a real rainbow looks like.
doubt we are seeing just how brainwashed people of color (I hesitate
to call this type "Black") can become complicit pawns
in the game of global white supremacy and American imperialism.
The likes of Condi Rice, Colin Powell, Clarence Thomas, et. al.
are part of the overclass and its political arm, the WMP, White
Man's Party (a.k.a. GOP). However, let us not be fooled into thinking
that the Democratic Party is our alternative - No! We need a peoples'
party, a party of the working class majority and people of color
- with those people in positions of leadership. Maybe then the
masses will find the motivation to act!
Cobb writes from Hendersonville, Tennessee. Like the rest of us,
he watched the White House accept the charges when Osama called.
Black Commentator is consistently on target and drives straight
to the heart of the matter in its reporting on Bush and his pirate
crew. Brilliant commentary! Keep up the good fight and may God
rain down his blessings for your effort.
the confusion of bin Laden-Bush disorder, Osama's first call got
routed to the irrepressible Maddie Bee. She handled it:
Hello! Who is it? Oh, it's you, Osama. I should have known. When
the Bushistas get in trouble they drag you out of your cave.
ex-brother Colon the Powerful claimed not to have heard your tape,
as did "never-know-nothin'" Ari the Flusher. Osama we
just don't believe their lies. Didn't you hand over that tape
to the CIA so Bushistas could scoop Al-Jazeera? Sure you did.
Osama, come on now - how 'bout layin' low next time around so
these fools can't use you to terrify us! Thank you, man. Try to
stay in that cave!
has a large readership in Austin, Texas. Suspecting that the city
might be a hotbed of insurrection, we followed the swirling currents
of Austin's radicalism to the source: Larry Piltz.
written before, and each issue reinforces my admiration for your
work at Black Commentator. Your writing is filled with acumen
and courage. It'd be nice if the TV networks and major dailies
picked up these traits. Thanks again for insight and analysis
that goes straight to the center of the problem. The only thing
I could possibly add to your discussion of the pirate agenda is
that, in the end, the chaos will swallow up its perpetrators.
Hopefully, enough of the rest of us will be around to appreciate
that particular irony.
In case you hadn't heard about Colin Powell's
participation in the cover-up of the My Lai massacre in Vietnam,
which clinched his status as an up-and-coming good ol' boy with
a bullet, here is a section I copied from Disinformation.com.
A Google search using the words, Colin Powell My Lai, brings up
a bunch more information. (If your amazing cartoonist took this
on as a project, maybe Colin Powell could be made to resemble
Alfred E. Neuman of Mad Magazine saying, "What, My Lai?")
My Lai massacre: On March 16, 1968, US soldiers from the Americal
Division slaughtered 347 civilians - primarily old men, women,
children, and babies - in the Vietnamese village of My Lai 4 (pronounced,
very appropriately, as "me lie"). The grunts also engaged
in torture and rape of the villagers.
six months later, a soldier in the 11th Light Infantry Brigade
- known among the men as "the Butcher's Brigade" - wrote
a letter telling of widespread killing and torturing of Vietnamese
civilians by entire units of the US military (he did not specifically
refer to My Lai). The letter was sent to the general in charge
of 'Nam and trickled down the chain of command to Major Colin
Powell, a deputy assistant chief of staff at the Americal Division,
who was charged with investigating the matter and formulating
a response.
a desultory check - which consisted mainly of investigating the
soldier who wrote the letter, rather than his allegations - Powell
reported that everything was hunky-dory. There may be some "isolated
incidents" by individual bad seeds, but there were no widespread
atrocities. He wrote: "In direct refutation of this portrayal
is the fact that relations between Americal soldiers and the Vietnamese
people are excellent." The matter was closed.
this day, we might not know about the carnage at My Lai if it
hadn't been for another solider who later wisely sent a letter
to his Congressman. (Twenty-five years later Powell gave an interview
in which he not only failed to condemn the massacre but seemed
to excuse it.)
at wit:
a checklist of various subjects covered in Black Commentator,
I've tried to coin phrases appropriate for each political topic.
vouchers - divide and conquer
Faith-based bribery - daze and confuse
Anti-diversity actions - shuck and jive
The terror war - binge and purge
Deficit spending - I've got mine, and now I've got yours
Homeland security - duck, cover, and pray our president was Danny
Colin Powell - What, My Lai?
Black conservatives - reverse minstrel shows
Tax cuts for the wealthy - that great sucking sound
Environment degradation - federal policy!
Armageddon - Bush's guilty pleasure
lot of those could be interchangeable, unfortunately.
that we allowed Mr. Piltz all the space he needed to lavish praise
on The Black Commentator. Let this be a lesson to all those who
might correspond with
in the future.
Adams, of Atlanta, has also scoped our vain streak.
You are Bad... to the Bone! You go
Great Toon by Khalil Bendib and the Analysis "Osama is Calling"
was most incisive." In fact it may have been incisive enough
to induce a media blitz of ersatz explanations from the Ministry
of Truth.
Powell? He appears to be dancing in the Uptown Cabaret. But, does
he really have a percentage of the house or a chip in the game?
He better have a chip in the game considering what he's giving
Powell laid out some bald faced, bare assed world-class bull for
the Bush Junta that day. However, the world media (especially
on line) chewed up his offering like a school of ravenous bull-shredding
piranha in 18 hours, and atomized it in 36 hours.
be able to lie in front of the world when many discerning people
know you are lying is not something most of us could do without
showing some feeling of embarrassment. Among the power elite the
ability to Bald Face Lie and Prevaricate is a much-admired trait
and thus the admiration reinforces this ritual ass baring tendency
among those who would strive to join them. Who would have ever
thought that General Powell could become a Grotesque Gatsbyesque
Goebbelsian Crier for The Addled Emperor Dubyus II.
Adams' analysis verges on the psychiatric - a job for
resident clinical psychologist/psychotherapist, Dr. Alvin Walker,
PhD, PD, PC.
of new visitors were referred to our pages through massive Internet
posting of Dr. Walker's February 6 piece, "'Shrub'
Bush's Pathological Focus On Saddam Hussein."
Bush's developmentally immature and regressive obsession with
Mr. Hussein seems to be part of an unfolding Oedipal drama. For
him, the goal is to "defeat" the idealized father who
"Shrub" was never able to measure up to and in whose
footsteps "Shrub" seems to have assiduously sought to
tread by defeating and destroying Mr. Hussein, someone his father
was unable to vanquish. In this fashion, Mr. Bush hopes to win
the Oedipal battle....
so we are left with foreign policy as psychodrama, as well as
service to Israel and, as Nelson Mandela has pointed out, US oil
interests and the military industrial complex.
that the market value of Dr. Walker's advice is far higher than
that of the publishers of
Susan Balmer wrote to him, directly.
Dr. Walker:
Thank you so much for trying to explain Bush's motivations. I
haven't read any of his biographies so I really don't' know what
drives him. My own opinion is that he is a very "evil"
man who tries to masquerade as being god's appointed servant.
His mission is to bring peace to the world by waging unending
war? The few times I've been able to listen to him talk, I feel
that he is insincere - he has a vacant, hateful, arrogant look
in his eyes. He is no more a religious person than I don't know
what. It doesn't matter at this point because we are going to
proceed with this massacre in Iraq with or without anyone's approval.
Memphis, Randall Cook engaged Dr. Walker to discuss the intersection
of criminality, lack of human empathy, and U.S. foreign policy.
Dr. Walker:
There is only one very serious problem with your hypothesis concerning
the DubYa's mental problems:
has never, ever called any of the shots in any action since he
has been appointed President by the far right criminals in the
"Supreme" Court. He is simply a spokesman. He has no
intelligence and the Repubs know it. They never wanted a true
thinker in the White House... well, except for the criminal in
the Vice President's office.
entire domestic and foreign policy of the United States is being
run by unknown individuals that are perpetrating a very short
term plan to make themselves, and a small group of others, very,
very wealthy. That is all there is to it. If you look at every
action they are doing in the terms of a simple five-year scam
designed to make a few people rich, all will become clear.
know that their actions are going to destroy the lives of millions
of people. But this, to them, is totally beside the point and
of no concern. They do not care at all about the rest of us.
is the ultimate organized crime; the ultimate mob.
largest circulation newspaper in Kentucky reprinted our January
2 commentary "De-funding
the Right Rev. Dr. Greedygut: Faith-based bribery's sleazy constituency."
Through the enlightened editorship of the Louisville Courier-Journal,
we are privileged to meet Barbara Anderson.
read the article in my local paper (Courier-Journal). I agree
with it 100%. Keep up the good work and the heat on Bushie.

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