


I spent the holidays in the Dominican Republic - sun, sand, and an eclectic parade of humanity. Among the cast of beachside philosophers I encountered: A French bred woman who might’ve stepped out of a classic Film noir flick, a retired Canadian Mountie who sweat maple syrup, whose  tall tales outlasted the beach firepit, and a few rugged gents from Nova Scotia who’d clearly wrestled moose for sport. We discussed the critical issues of our time: Black hockey players (rare as unicorns), Sasquatch (allegedly less rare), and the Titanic’s dead (still very dead). But remarkably, there was one subject that united us faster than cheap piña coladas at an all-inclusive swim-up pool bar: Donald Trump.

Here’s what we concluded: the man’s a paradox. Predictably unpredictable. How? Simple - he’s soulless. No heart, just a “value meter” spinning like a slot machine in Vegas. No brain, just a 1967 Montgomery Ward cash register  ka-ching-ing its way through chaos, pinging every time he smells a deal. The consensus? He delights in cruelty, gleefully weaponizing borders, and turning children into pawns in some hellish 4D chess game of xenophobia.

Something dark and diabolical this way comes.

Worse yet, Trump’s cruelty isn’t accidental; it’s calculated. He wields suffering like an artist wields a brush, creating a masterpiece of misery: Muslim bans, family separations, voter suppression, and a coast-to-coast “Papers, Please!” policy. These aren’t policies; they’re flaming arrows pointing to a dystopian America. A U-turn back to segregation so sharp it could slice a dime. Let’s not sugarcoat it: MAGA’s mission is as subtle as a bullhorn. They yearn for their whitewashed, monochrome, mythical 1950s utopia - a place where dissenters were silenced, erased, or deported faster than you can say “cultural genocide.”

Yes, silenced, deleted, exiled. In short, eliminated.

The real question isn’t if they’ll stoop low - it’s how low. Will detention centers be rebranded as “re-education camps”? Checkpoints dividing communities like bad dystopian fanfiction? Or perhaps they’ll rewrite the Constitution into a weapon of suppression, a 240-year-old parchment turned into a cudgel for authoritarianism. Every gerrymandered district, every racist dog whistle, every police-state proposal screams: “How far can we push this?”

Will they dust off segregationist policies, slap on some Orwellian doublespeak, and sell it as “progress”? Or will they invent new depths of indignity, wielding the full weight of government to crush multicultural democracy under its heel?

And let’s not forget the enablers. Trump didn’t strongarm his way into power. No, his itty-bitty, ketchup-stained hands were kissed and crowned by pocket women - those white women who’ve turned codependency into an Olympic sport. Alongside them, the “wannabe” men of color, lost and miseducated, suffering from Stockholm Syndrome so advanced it deserves its own DSM category.

Let’s be clear: this isn’t about sound governance. It’s about unraveling civil rights with the finesse of a drunk toddler unraveling Christmas lights - wrapped in the flag and sold as “greatness.” But their greatness smells suspiciously like Hitler’s supremacy and Jefferson Davis’s nationalism. If MAGA succeeds, tomorrow’s history books will tell of a second Reconstruction - but in reverse.

The challenge? Stopping this uncivilized nightmare in its tracks. The fight isn’t just for policy; it’s for the soul of democracy. And I don’t foresee MAGA playing nice. Violence, cruelty, and meanness aren’t just their methods - they’re their ethos.

Based in an all-inclusive Hyatt fortress in Punta Cana - a luxurious bubble wrapped in a thin veil of paradise - we ventured out nearly every day, only to be struck, again and again, by the harsh reality surrounding us. The poverty was suffocating, the neglect blatant, and the exploitation shameless. People, land, and resources - all bled dry. It was European imperialism 2.0 and America’s globalized manifest destiny, stripped of its polite facade, raw and naked as the day it was born.

I’ve been around the Caribbean  - Tobago, Costa Rica, St. Croix, Jamaica, the Bahamas, and more - and it’s always the same story on loop: Take, take, take and take some more. Maybe toss back just enough crumbs to pacify and placate the “little people.” And when they’re not looking, grab seconds.

It hit me like a tropical cocktail to the face: the widespread, crushing poverty and systemic misery of these so-called paradises is exactly what MAGA would salivate over for Chocolate Cities across America. They’d relish replicating the same neglect, the same exploitation, the same “you’re-on-your-own” ethos. The same blind eye Spain turns to the Dominican Republic, MAGA would turn toward Black and Brown communities. They've pimped and exploited us, and now there’s no place for us in their America, the country they built on their land with our blood sweat and tears. “All-Inclusive” Oppression: Lessons from the Dominican Republic.

Picture it: stripping Democratic-run municipalities of autonomy, gutting public resources, and leaving millions at the mercy of a federal government run by a tyrannical madman whose only discernible skill is sowing chaos. Sound familiar? It should. The Dominican Republic has its president; we’ve got ours - a wannabe emperor presiding over a nation that’s no longer united, if it ever truly was.

MAGA’s vision is eerily clear: chocolate cities left to rot, their potential stifled, their voices silenced. All under the guise of “saving” America, which - let’s be honest - means saving it for them.

Chocolate Cities and the Caribbean Cry: A Shared Destiny of Neglect.

BlackCommentator.com Columnist, Desi

Cortez, who also writes for

BlackAthlete.com & NegusWhoRead.com,

was hatched in the heart of Dixie, circa

1961, at the dawning of the age of

Aquarius, the by-product of four dynamic

individuals, Raised in South-Central LA,

the 213. At age 14 transplanted to the

base of the Rockies, Denver. Still a Mile-

Hi. Sat at the foot of scholars for many,

many moons, emerging with a desire and

direction… if not a sheep-skin.

Meandered thru life; gone a-lot places,

done a-lot of things, raised a man-cub

into an officer n' gentleman, a "man's

man." Produced a beautiful baby-girl

with my lover/woman/soul-mate… aired

my "little" mind on the airwaves and

wrote some stuff along the way.

Wordsmith behind America's Ten Months

Pregnant . . . Ready To Blow!: Even

Trump Can't "Make America White

Again." A New, More Inclusive, Diverse

21st Century America - Love It . . . Or

Get The Hell Out!. Contact Mr. Cortez

and BC.