


You tell me, but sometimes the MAGA Majority, i.e., “mainstream” White America, pathetically the majority of the rank and file WASP population, is so aggressive, so very “over the top” and venomous towards Joe Biden, not at times, but 24/7, 8 days a week, that it just seems like it’s either a contrived, manufactured act, or, they hate him for something more ominous than his obvious transgression, that of being a Democratic President.

I hear this sweet symphony of conspiratorial paranoia! MAGA, the patriotic choir singing the hymn of “Make America Great Again,” seems to have an extra verse when it comes to their loathing of Joe Biden. Is it just because he’s a full-fledged, card-carrying Democrat?

MAGA, the bastion of “mainstream” White America, which seems to be perpetually trapped in a time warp from the 1950s, can’t just oppose Biden’s policies like normal people. Instead, they’ve turned their ire into an around-the-clock performance, a melodrama of disdain that could rival any daytime soap opera. These folks aren’t just occasionally miffed at Biden; no, they’re in a perpetual state of outrage, It’s almost as if their hatred is less about his political alignment and more about something deeper, something… ominously sinister.

Now you may not dig this, but dig this: Biden is not merely a Democratic President; he’s a sacrificial lamb taking the hits meant for his predecessor, Barack Obama, America’s first Black President. Biden’s real crime, in the eyes of the righteous Right, is his role as Obama’s sidekick, thereby lending him the credibility and legitimacy that “should” have been reserved for someone more, well, let’s say traditionally American.

Now, some of you might think, “Surely, this is just some elaborate circus act.” But trust me, the venom they spit isn’t rehearsed; it’s as natural as breathing. They hate Joe not just for his policies but for something far more insidious in their worldview: he had the audacity to serve as Vice President to Obama. That’s a sin that simply can’t be washed away, not even with the blood, sweat, and tears of American democracy.

Not my circus, not my monkeys.

In the “real” court of White public opinion, Biden stands accused - no, guilty - of the ultimate betrayal: lending comfort and aid to the enemy. Yes, Biden’s crime, in this fevered narrative, is nothing short of sacrilege. He’s a traitor to his race for daring to support and stand by a Black man.

It’s like a twisted Shakespearean drama, only with more political jargon and fewer poetic soliloquies.

Can it be that it was so long-ago that we’ve forgotten, but there’s a reason why the “Right” despises Biden. Let’s take a stroll down memory lane. Biden is apparently a good ol’ fashioned “negro lover,” a term that historically painted white folks as race traitors for daring to show empathy or solidarity with Black people.

And in the 21st-century American Confederacy, which lies conveniently just fifteen minutes outside every major city (because geography bends for bigotry), Biden is derogatorily called a “Nigger lover.” It’s not about the economy, stupid, nor global issues, nor even the sanctity of American democracy. It’s all about race, the omnipresent puppeteer pulling the strings of this grand theatrical production.

Not all MAGA folks are knuckle-dragging, xenophobic dimwits, but, boy, do the dimwitted xenophobes sure love their MAGA hats! Their collective delusion is that Biden’s association with Obama led to the sky falling. Now only a white savior can rescue them from the impending doom of “Black rule.”

Have them tell it, Biden sold-out White America, and quite simply, betrayed the White male establishment and the rank n’ file’s “best” interests. Sent White America down this dark road, of Diversity, equality and inclusion, where now, only a White supremacist can save them from Black rule, Rwanda, South Africa, MAGA believes they will be next to succumb to Black rule. I know, I know. I know it sounds far too conspiratorial for many, but I’d point out America doesn’t look like this out of coincidence, chance or happenstance, it’s semi-segregated and unequal by design.

The prevailing wisdom among these folks is that if Biden hadn’t hitched his wagon to Obama, more White folks would have stayed home in 2008 and 2012. America would have been spared the “indignity” of a Black president, and so they hate him. It’s that Romper Room simple.

BlackCommentator.com Columnist, Desi

Cortez, who also writes for

BlackAthlete.com & NegusWhoRead.com,

was hatched in the heart of Dixie, circa

1961, at the dawning of the age of

Aquarius, the by-product of four dynamic

individuals, Raised in South-Central LA,

the 213. At age 14 transplanted to the

base of the Rockies, Denver. Still a Mile-

Hi. Sat at the foot of scholars for many,

many moons, emerging with a desire and

direction… if not a sheep-skin.

Meandered thru life; gone a-lot places,

done a-lot of things, raised a man-cub

into an officer n' gentleman, a "man's

man." Produced a beautiful baby-girl

with my lover/woman/soul-mate… aired

my "little" mind on the airwaves and

wrote some stuff along the way.

Wordsmith behind America's Ten Months

Pregnant . . . Ready To Blow!: Even

Trump Can't "Make America White

Again." A New, More Inclusive, Diverse

21st Century America - Love It . . . Or

Get The Hell Out!. Contact Mr. Cortez

and BC.