crisis in U.S. public education is beginning
to read like something out of the theater of the absurd.
they are getting rid of summer school.
Associated Press
reported Sunday: “Across the country, districts are cutting summer
school because it’s just too expensive to keep. The cuts started
when the recession began and have worsened, affecting more children
and more essential programs that help struggling students.” A
survey found that over one third of the school districts in the
country are looking at cutting out summer school starting this fall.
And who are the students who will be hit hardest by this move? “Experts
say studies show summer break tends to widen the achievement gap
between poor students and their more affluent peers whose parents
can more easily afford things like educational vacations, camps
and sports teams,” said AP.

people generally think summer is a great time for kids to be kids,
a time for something different, a time for all kinds of exploration
and enrichment,’’ Ron Fairchild, chief executive officer of the
National Summer Learning Association, told the news agency. ‘‘Our
mythology about summer learning really runs counter to the reality
of what this really is like for kids in low-income communities and
for their families when this faucet of public support shuts off.’’
same day this news was broadcast, the New York Times magazine
ran a lengthy front page article about the ongoing efforts to confront
the teachers unions and pictured classroom instructors as the impediment
to improving the quality of education. At the same time, ironically,
the cartoonist Jeff Danziger drew a classroom where two heavies
are dragging a teacher out the door while proclaiming: “Good news,
we figured out what was costing so much about public education.”
In the background, someone is hooking up a video monitor.
remains a mystery to me that an administration that can spend millions
of dollars to bribe states into facilitating its quite controversial
school “reform” programs can’t come up with the resources to stave
off the pending mass layoffs of teachers. It can’t be that the White
House has adopted the reactionaries’ tactic of starving public education
until it falls to privatization. Education Secretary Arne Duncan
appears to be genuinely alarmed at the economic crisis in public
cuts come even as President Barack Obama and Education Secretary
Arne Duncan call for longer school days and shorter summer breaks,”
observed AP. “But in many states, districts cutting summer
school outnumber those using stimulus money to expand their offerings.”
“At a time when we need to work harder to close achievement gaps
and prepare every child for college and career, cutting summer school
is the wrong way to go,’’ Duncan told reporters. “These kids need
more time, not less.”
question that arises in my mind is, why, at this point in time,
go after the teachers unions and appear impotent in the face of
the school budget slashers and the Neanderthals on Capitol Hill?
is legislation before Congress to provide some emergency funding
to diminish the impact of the teacher layoffs - now projected to
be as many as 300,000 - but it’s not getting much media attention.
While in New York last week, Duncan
issued a plea for Congress to act but that hardly rated any mention
in the major media, overshadowed as it was by the ongoing controversy
about charter schools. The Administration can hardly be said to
be building public support for Congressional action and it’s clear
at least some of the Republicans will oppose it. Some politicians
can become virtual Chicken Littles when it comes to the Federal
budget deficit and church mice when the subject is the future of
the risk of repeating myself I have to ask: why is it that the richest,
most powerful nation on the planet, one that produces more and more
billionaires each year and can spend one million dollars each on
the soldiers it sends off to war, can’t afford to educate its kids?
no mistake about it, a campaign is underway to radically alter the
country’s educational system - from kindergarten to graduate school
- as surely as there is a coordinated effort to diminish or eliminate
Medicare and Social Security. Starving schools is part of it. Right
now, we’re being softened up for the kill.

have been keeping close watch on the states’ problems and now the
chief economist of one of the country’s largest banks is weighing
in,” said San Francisco television KGO report David Louie. He interviewed
John Silvia, chief economist at Wells Fargo, who he says warned
that “more pain is ahead.” It is time, Silva told Louie, for state
and local government to live within its means. He then went on to
talk about the sacrifices needed, observing that: “You think about
the cost of educating a student at university compared to the tuition
they’re paying. There’s a huge subsidy there.”
Since when was paying for public education a subsidy? Well, it’s
easy to see where this is going. Lower income and minority students
are already be priced out of the system by escalating tuition and
the opportunities provided by the alternative community college
system are being sharply curtailed.
going to have to look at state benefits for pubic workers. We’re
going to have to look at retiree benefits,” said the banker. “How
generous are these? Can these benefits be here in the 21st century?”
prominent California educators had something more worthy
and relevant to say about the outlook for the next 100 years. Writing
in the San Francisco Chronicle, Henry T. Yang chancellor
of UC Santa Barbara, and chair of the Association of American Universities,
and David Marshall, executive dean of the College of Letters and
Science and dean of Humanities and Fine Arts at UC Santa Barbara,
wrote, “If public education has been an engine of class mobility,
helping to create a middle class, then it benefits the public more
than it benefits individuals. Public
education provides the educated workforce that is vital to the state’s
economy, and it produces graduates with the creativity to sustain
and renew California’s economic competitiveness. A UC liberal arts education
prepares students to be citizens in 21st-century global California.”
elected leaders would do well to remember [George] Washington’s words about ‘a flourishing state of the arts and sciences.’
In today’s knowledge-based economy, the threat to the University
of California and the state’s Master Plan for Higher Education is a threat
to California’s prosperity
and reputation. At a time when California’s economic future depends on producing more college graduates
and better-educated citizens, the state must invest in public education.
As Washington knew, both
democracy and prosperity depend on it.”
should be clear: education per se is not threatened. What
is being undermined is the democratic concept of equal education,
the idea that all children should start off on equal footing. Schools
will continue to exist and quality instruction provided; the danger
is that it will increasingly be available to those who can afford
to pay for it and restricted for those who cannot. What the deficit
hawks and some of the “reformers” are saying is: we can no longer
afford to give quality education to all of y’all. Editorial Board member
Carl Bloice is a writer in San
Francisco, a member of the National Coordinating Committee of
the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism
and formerly worked for a healthcare union. Click here
to contact Mr. Bloice.
