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June 19, 2008 - Issue 282
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Cover Story: Cynthia McKinney's Call to Action in Support of Bush Impeachment
Political Cartoon: Oil Addicted
Political Strategy: What Are We Going To Do? Part 3 - Change at the Federal Level
Black radicals and the Crisis of Black leadership - The African World
If You Support the Pro Apartheid Zionist Barack Obama... - Keeping it Real
From the Perspective of the Betrayed: An Organizing Strategy - Represent Our Resistance
Breaking Down the Far Right’s Attacks on Michelle Obama - Color of Law
Arrests for War Resistance Increase Again - Justice Watch
Demanding the Resignation of EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson
Political Cartoon: Poverty
Biracial is the New Black - From the Fringe

Obama and McCain on Immigration: Life vs. Death

I’d Rather See a Sermon Than Hear One - Between the Lines
The Continuing Impact of White Supremacy - Worrill’s World
Art: John Henrik Clark - Documentary Photography
The Liberation Schools and the Oakland Community School - BlackCommentator In Struggle Spotlight
Quote to Ponder: "Up You Mighty Race,.." - Marcus Garvey
Killing the Messengers - Poetic Black Fusion - Spoken Word Poetry
Juneteenth: Free At Last?
Resident Evil 5: A Travesty on All Counts - Student Writers’ Corner
Political Cartoon: Cost of Oil Vs the Cost of Food