over, Oprah
to sender
Cynthia McKinney's loss resonated deeply among Blacks and progressives
- and thrilled the opposition, a segment of which appears to scour the
Internet in search of sites to rant at. This is strange behavior. Although
publishers have spent many decades in electronic and print media, the
find-the-enemy-and-scream syndrome continues to amaze us. Someone should
do a paper on the subject.
A dilemma
arises, however, from a set of hostile and often mean spirited writers
who, nevertheless, manage to touch on interesting points - if only by
accident. These are puzzling types, the kind who should know they don't
belong in the conversation, but who chime in anyway. Occasionally, these
people skirt the edges of sense closely enough that we feel compelled
to share their letters with you.
save that (short) list for the latter part of this column. First, letters
from our writers in-their-right-minds.
Nelson brought to our attention events that he believes contributed
to Rep. McKinney's defeat, August 20.
like to make sure you are aware that the Cynthia McKinney campaign
was, in fact, sabotaged. I received an email from her campaign describing
how Labor Union headquarters were ransacked the night before the election.
The burglars stole 31 phones which were to be used to get out the
vote; replacement phones did not arrive until late afternoon, near
the close of the polls. Moreover, keys to 10 campaign vans disappeared
the morning of the election, preventing campaign workers from canvassing
neighborhoods and transporting voters to the booths. Does not this
warrant an investigation?
replied that Watergate also began as a "third-rate burglary."
Call the law, by all means. It would, however, have required much more
than ten vans and some phones to reverse the solid white tide, reinforced
by a disaffected 30% of African American voters. Vastly more political
vigilance is necessary, if the Hard Right is to be prevented from sneaking
into the house, as it did in 4th district of Georgia.
few of our most articulate writers insist on anonymity, which is irritating.
However, in the interest of the free flow of thought, we allow them
to keep the veil.
thank you for your article about the Hard Right attack on Cynthia
McKinney. Finally someone has noticed that the whole situation, while
trying to appear like it was about what she SAYS, was really about
how she VOTES liberally on issues, especially on issues of concern
to the whole economic spectrum of black voters (social security, prescription
drugs, the environment, affirmative action, economic issues, and the
America-Israel situation). One local alternative paper endorsed Majette
after saying that they agreed with McKinney on (almost) every single
issue that she has voted on over the past several years. Also there
were Majette signs every couple of blocks, and a concerted TV ad campaign.
How did a political unknown get that much money?
thing about it, those Majette signs have now come down. The Hard Right,
and their 35,000 voters that effectively decided a race that was won
by 20,000 votes may win this one outright. I believe they are going
to cross right back over to their own side in November and, helped
along by a disenfranchised working class black vote who might stay
away (only hurting other vulnerable democrats in statewide contests),
they could win a majority democrat district, which would be a shame,
but a brilliant strategy. For whatever it's worth, I am a black middle
class voter in DeKalb county's 4th district.
We bet half of the county recognizes this person's distinctive voice.
magic was working in Bourbon, Missouri, enthralling Leona Heitsch.
was the only person, outside of [Congresswoman Barbara] Lee in California
who stood up to Bush and his right wing cabal. This is one left
wing WASP from Missouri who was championing McKinney and sooo
disgusted with the machinations that took her out of the House. She
is so good. I contributed to her election campaign and wish I could
have done more. She needs to stay in the public eye and I wonder if
Oprah or somebody couldn't help her set up her own political talk
show. Cynthia just can't shut up. She may be the only one with
the courage to speak up and save this country, and the whole world
from the greedy oil conglomerate Bush represents.
Sr. writes from Savannah, Georgia. His is an historical perspective.
again the tricks of slavery have tricked us again. Because a white
man says he does not like the honest and direct outspokenness of Ms.
McKinney, some weak minded pawn jumps at the opportunity to please
"Massa". When will we as a people realize that we will never
be treated as or looked upon as equals by the small minded racists
of this country? Once we come to that realization, we will stop being
pawns in destroying our own race. We still have the slave mentality
that kept us in bondage well after slavery ended. Some of us are still
slaves because we still have that overwhelming desire to please "massa"
at the cost of our brothers and sisters.
have been too many people, black and white, that have paid the ultimate
price to finally end slavery. The modern day slavery we face is no
different than that of the past. The tools of the game are the same;
divide and conquer, treat some better than others and lie to all of
us. Cynthia McKinney, will be alright, she will survive! We must encourage,
support and stand with her in this war. Just as
stated earlier, she is not the last black leader that will come under
such an attack. We must see things as they really are and not as the
"magicians" desire us to. Ms. Mckinney, Stay Strong, Stay
Safe, Stay Black!
Allee thinks well of this publication and is therefore, by definition,
extremely intelligent. She is also a decisive personality:
partner sent me Mr. Ford's letter beginning "Fight on, Sister
McKinney." I had to stop in the middle of reading it and subscribe.
I haven't read such right-on, directly spoken truth for a very long
time. Thank you very much. What a treasure
Ford and co-publisher Peter Gamble are appreciative.
also good to know that those who disrespect the sensibilities and dignity
of Black folk are not welcome in the presence of Bob Anderson, of Earlsboro,
Kennedy's book is not worth reading and certainly not worth buying.
However, individuals of Kennedy's mentality must be monitored to let
the Black world know who among the Black race are traitors. Kennedy
ought to try writing a book on character; I bet he would discover
that he has none.
from the margins
that the sane, progressive people have had their say, let's deal with
the problem writers.
publication believes that readers should be treated with respect. Each
email is accepted as an outstretched hand of greeting; good intentions
are assumed as a given, and we are secure enough in our presentation
to accept criticism. An important part of our mission is to provoke
debate among Blacks and progressives.
is both unseemly and unwise to edit out all negative response; serious
politics is not a love fest.
what do you do with someone like R. Jones?
just don't get it! Why is it so difficult to understand why, and that,
Cynthia lost? It reminds me a lot of those loyal Confederates - after
all these years - they still can't accept the fact that they were
your rhetoric is unmatched by empirical data to support your claims.
For example, give me some statistical demographics of the voting patterns
in the Fourth District and show how it impacted the outcome of the
has just made it almost certain that his letter won't be published,
not because he disagrees with us, but because he does not address the
issues discussed.
commentary, "Cynthia McKinney's Honorable Defeat," was concerned
with the general behavior of the district's Black and white vote, and
the scope and source of challenger Denise Majette's African American
support. Majette won one mostly Black precinct, and our research indicates
she could not have picked up more than 30% of the total Black vote.
This, and the widely accepted figure of around 90% white support for
Majette, is all the data necessary to make our point: that Majette was
not backed by a majority of even the Black "middle class,"
and her victory is essentially a white electoral triumph. Complex questions
flow from these conclusions, but the factual basis is simple.
data provided is not enough for R. Jones, who wants to talk about something
else. He clearly revels in the rightwing victory, cackling on about
how "the voters emphatically expressed themselves and we'll just
have to learn to live with the results," before snidely wishing
McKinney well.
is not a person you want to spend time with, if you are the kind of
reader we think you are. We have made you aware of Mr. Jones' existence,
only as a means of explaining why you won't see his type of letter in
our e-Mailbox. (This is a one-time exercise.)
Cook represents a slightly different problem. Responding to a Guest
Commentary by Dr. A. Chika Onyeani, Cook begins his letter as if with
compassion for the people of Africa:
hope that you will read this article to its writer when those 11,000,000
Zimbabweans starve because of what is going to happen there. They
have taken the land from those who will produce [the whites] and given
it to those who don't know how to. Because of the accompanying hunger
the wild life of Zimbabwe may be completely destroyed from poaching
for food. Like Zaire's [he means Zambia's] refusal to accept the 500,000
tons of our genetically altered farm products, we are going to see
a horrible cost of life due to the arrogance of the leadership in
those African countries.
drops the words "those African countries" in the same way
that others mouth the phrase, "you/those people." Then, the
punch line:
Ghana threw off the yolk of colonialism its economy was 4 times greater
then that of South Korea. Now its economy is 1/24 of South Korea.
I wonder if you will have the courage to report on the results of
this "return" of land in say a year.
don't entertain the opinions and racist subtexts of those who yearn
for a return to colonialism. We don't believe our readers care what
they think, either. No assemblage of "facts," no amount of
repetitive crimes by leaders or usurpers in Africa or the Diaspora can
legitimize white minority rule, privilege or ill-gotten property. You
won't hear from Cook and his ilk in these pages, again.
exercise is over.
we don't publish all of the mail. We have too much respect for you to
do that.

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