George Bush presided at
a wake this week. White American Manifest Destiny is dead, rotting
ignominiously somewhere in Iraq. Neither Bush nor the corpse knows
it yet, but the stench is pervasive and unmistakable.
The zombie still has lots
of thrashing around to do – some death-force to expend – but cold
cadaverous hands cannot grip the globe with terror much longer. Incantations
will not resurrect him.
“We're changing the world.” Bush
offered variations on the mantra five times during his session with
the servile corporate press, April 13. Bush and his Pirates have
been vowing to remake the world since at least 1992, when Bush Sr.
Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney and Under-Secretary Paul Wolfowitz
drew up a strategy to “establish
and protect a new order" that
would deter “potential competitors from even aspiring to a larger
regional or global role." During the eight years of the Clinton
presidency the expanding cabal refined their Plan for global U.S.
hegemony, formalizing their conspiracy through the Project for the New American Century, in 1997. The Plan to “change the world” by
enslaving it became the defining foreign policy doctrine of the United
States the minute George Bush walked into the White House, in 2000.
The Bush men were consumed by the prospect of world conquest, compared
to which al Qaida seemed less then a fly, a mere gnat, unworthy of
diligent monitoring.
The Plan has come utterly
undone in Iraq, in full view of a wired planet. Yet George Bush behaves
as if nationalistic bombast will forestall the inevitable exit. Incapable
of perceiving Iraqis as human beings, Bush conjures demons. “They
seek to intimidate America into panic and retreat, and to set free
nations against each other,” said the President. But when a force
cannot stay, it must retreat. The U.S. cannot remain in Iraq.
The magnitude of what has
transpired since the U.S. invasion is not yet fully understood, even
by much of the Left. The Bush men have already been defeated. What
is unfolding is a terminal debacle, a crack in history. Bush made
it so, and perversely confirmed the epochal nature of events when
he told reporters, Tuesday, “Now is the time, and Iraq is the place.”
Imperial overreach
Corporate media fog and
flatulence, and the fixating horror of televised war cannot obscure
the fundamental fact: The Pirates have failed, having bet everything
on a swift takeover of Iraq and its transformation into a corporate “model” for
the entire region, a springboard for further conquest and corporate
colonization. The Plan envisioned that:
the U.S. military and its corporate camp followers were fully
embedded on the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers,
the whole of the Eurasian land mass would be open to American
projection. Syria would swing wide the gates to Damascus,
lest they be knocked down. Jubilant Iranians would sing Farsi
in praise of Coca-Cola over Ayatollahs, while contributing
their crude to the U.S.-controlled mix. Saudi Arabia would
from princely rot, ridding the U.S. of fat royal skimmers
of profits rightfully belonging to people of Aramco. ( , June
19, 2003.)
The Plan assumed the
Shock and Awe of “The Mother of All War Shows” (the title
of our pre-war, January
30, 2003 Cover Story) would cow the entire planet,
making the world “malleable, ready for reshaping in the not-yet-defined
New Order.”
What New Order?
Even the “Coalition of the Bribed” is crumbling.
On August
28 of last
year, just four months after the fall of Baghdad, it was clear
to that “The Pirates Have Already Lost Iraq.”
purpose of the U.S. occupation is to achieve “transformation” – the key word in every
Pirate script. Iraq must be made safe for a U.S. corporate makeover,
a shining “example” to the rest of the region of what Dallas-type
development can do. Yet that goal is far beyond the horizon, since
the U.S. military cannot protect itself at present troop levels,
and has no reserves to call upon. U.S. commanders need hundreds of
thousands more troops simply to defend themselves and oil pumps and
pipelines at the current level of Iraqi resistance. Too late, the
corporate media now begin an urgent discussion of the need to “transform” the
U.S. military into a force fit for occupation – raising the specter
of a draft. “Transformation” appears to be working in reverse.
was eight months ago. U.S. reserve units have since been
effectively “drafted” – and
still there are not enough troops to meet the “force protection” requirements
of the casualty-averse U.S. military. There never will
be. It
is too late for a formal draft,
which in any event would destroy the domestic social base
of the Pirate enterprise. Mercenaries, who do not rate “force
protection” and
whose deaths
don’t show up on “American” casualty
lists, comprise the second largest “coalition” cohort. Their
growing presence is another admission of U.S. failure.
French daily, Liberation summed up the view from Paris:
Sunni guerilla war continues, some of the Shi'ia are in rebellion,
the Provisional Iraqi
Authority is powerless, the country's reconstruction
compromised by the lack of security, and GIs coming home in sinister
body bags are ever more numerous. They are no longer even pretending
to try
to win "the hearts and minds" of a populace that Bush was
supposed to want to liberate, and they have allowed themselves to
be dragged into a true guerilla war….
worst is not certain. However, what is sure is that Bush has no
solution to the Iraqi problem.
He is the problem.
The leftist French
newspaper, in fact, understates the case, as if the personality
of George Bush
is at issue, rather than the future of world order. Iraq was the lynchpin in the Bush Pirate’s lunge for
global hegemony, a “crusade” which was to begin with the
overthrow of the straw man, Saddam Hussein, and culminate
in a glorious, U.S.-imposed “New
Order.” Despite the abject failure of The Plan, the Pirates
see no option but to “stay
the course” - a guarantee
of even more colossal defeats. Bush told the White House
press (inverting the
meaning of the word “free”), “A free Iraq
will change the world.” It is precisely because the Bush
men have staked the entire global imperial enterprise on
Iraq that we must ask, “Will
a U.S.-free Iraq change the world?” The answer is yes – profoundly
Lost control
Reality is composed
of things in motion. The Pirates understand this, in a degenerate
They sprang at the “opportunity” (September 11, but any excuse would
have sufficed) to set in motion a world conquest, at the time and
place of their choosing: Iraq. The Plan failed, but other forces
have now been set in motion, forces beyond the control of the initiator
of the aggression. “It'll change the world,” Bush insisted for the
fourth time on Tuesday, reading the direction of events, backwards.
Pirates should be careful what they wish for.
The projected June
30 transition to Iraqi “sovereignty” is nonsense, signifying
nothing worthy of the term (see Jonathan Schell, “Phantom
Sovereign”). The date
serves mainly to illuminate the stupendous U.S. failure
to create a politically significant comprador class willing
to wear the American
The Nation’s Naomi
Klein encapsulates the Americans' supremely arrogant and racist
”transition” scheme:
“The United States will
maintain its military and corporate presence through fourteen enduring
military bases and the largest US Embassy in the world. It will hold
on to authority over Iraq's armed forces, its security and economic
policy and the design of its core infrastructure – but the Iraqis
can deal with their decrepit hospitals all by themselves.”
U.S. corporate media
pretend there is “power” for the Iraqis somewhere in that formula – but
that doesn’t matter anymore, as events have overtaken and made
irrelevant the Bush men’s Potemkin transition structures. None
of the Pirates have any idea to whom they will be handing
over the chimera of sovereignty;
the United Nations special envoy has called for the dismissal of the entire, hand-picked Governing Council
on June 30 in favor
of a “technocrat” body; and a number of council members
have already resigned or signaled their intention to
do so.
The U.S. has irreversibly
lost control of events in Iraq. No amount of collective
punishment of cities, Phoenix-type assassination programs,
or reshuffling of
the dwindling number of puppets, can change that. Iraqis – Arab
Iraqis, certainly – are experiencing a national renewal,
forged in opposition to
the United States. The Washington Post noted the sea
change, on Tuesday, in an article titled, “Fallujah Gains Mythic
"What is striking
is how much has changed in a week – a week," said Wamid Nadhmi,
a political science professor at Baghdad University. "No
one can talk about the Sunni Triangle anymore.
No one can seriously talk
about Sunni-Shiite fragmentation or civil war.
The occupation cannot talk about small bands of
resistance. Now it is a popular rebellion
and it has spread."
popular response – of
Shiite and Sunni giving aid, shelter to refugees and even volunteers
to the fight – has pushed fears of an Iraqi civil war to the background.
The fighters in Fallujah are said to include Mahdi Army militiamen
loyal to the radical cleric Moqtada Sadr.
Killing Sadr will not improve
the U.S. position – indeed, there is no scenario rooted in Iraqi
realities that can extricate the Bush men from their failure and
its global ramifications.
The UN cannot save the Project
for a New American Century’s plan from ruin – even if the Iraqis
acquiesced to UN supervision, which is problematic given the world
body’s collaboration with U.S. persecution of Iraq since 1991. In
any event, the United Nations was (and remains) on the Bush men’s
liquidation list, as an impediment to American global rule. Any success
for the UN represents a defeat for the Pirates.
Former National Security
Advisor Zbignew Brezinski speaks
of “generalized hatred” against the U.S. in the Arab world. Such
hatreds can only increase with Bush’s total capitulation, the day
after his “Change the World” speech, to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel
Sharon’s West Bank annexation plan. Yet the administration’s favorite
think-tankers persist in putting forward fantasies of an “Arab solution” to
the American quandary in Iraq. They are hallucinating – cognitively
damaged minds. Arabs will not save The Plan; no one can.
Brits recoil at
U.S. behavior
At the beginning of this
commentary we said White American Manifest Destiny is dead, having
gasped its last deep breath in Iraq. More than a defeat for the Bush
cabal, the Iraqi fiasco has exposed America’s glaring unfitness to
play a leading role in a modernizing world. Its armed forces, in
particular, drawn from a population that has been reared in a continental
bubble of ignorance and white supremacist delusion, are incapable
of treating non-whites as people.
The blooming of Iraqi
national solidarity is in part a result of American racism
and, at times,
barbarism. Among the soldiers are men who revel in
ripping Korans,
who used sniper rifles to murder women
and children in Fallujah, and whose commanders have refused from
the beginning of the occupation to even record the deaths of
the Iraqi civilians
whom they purport to protect.
Even the British,
who former UN Ambassador Andrew Young once said “invented racism,” are
appalled and alarmed at American behavior in Iraq – conduct
that threatens the lives of British soldiers in charge
of the southern part of the
country. The UK
Telegraph reported the comments
of a “senior
Army officer.”
from his base in southern Iraq, the officer said: "My view and the view of
the British chain of command is that the Americans' use of violence
is not proportionate and is over-responsive to the threat they are
facing. They don't see the Iraqi people the way we see them. They
view them as untermenschen [German for “sub-human”].
They are not concerned about the Iraqi loss
of life in the way the British are.
Their attitude towards the Iraqis is tragic, it's awful.
"The US troops view
things in very simplistic terms. It seems hard for them to reconcile
subtleties between who supports what and who doesn't in Iraq. It's
easier for their soldiers to group all Iraqis as the bad guys. As
far as they are concerned Iraq is bandit country and everybody is
out to kill them."
American racial warfare
was horrifically successful against Native Americans, Mexicans, Filipinos
and many other victims of Manifest Destiny – but was defeated, at
terrible cost, by the Vietnamese. The Iraqis are thwarting them again.
The American worldview, stunted and deformed by racism, does not
prepare the nation to interact with non-white populations without
reverting to type. Thus, the American military is a blunt instrument
with limited uses. Only its machines make the US a military superpower.
The human resources of the United States, civilian and military,
are patently unfit to rule the globe. This elemental fact will become
more obvious with every deployment – even to Americans.
The U.S. can punish darker
nations and peoples, but it cannot exercise lasting authority over
them. Unless it learns to coexist with others on the planet, it will
be shunned and eclipsed.
The Bush Plan for global
conquest was doomed from the start, based as it was on peculiarly
American delusions that are organic to the nation’s hyper-racist
history. John Kerry doesn’t have a plan for Iraq. Good.