I have said many times, and believe with all my heart,
the coalition
that can have the greatest impact in the struggle for human
dignity here in America is that of the Negro and the forces
of labor, because their fortunes are so closely intertwined.” – Dr.
Martin Luther King, Jr. in a letter to the Amalgamated
Laundry Workers, January 1962.
are demanding that this city will respect the dignity of
So often we overlook the work and the significance of those
who are not in professional jobs, of those who are not in
the so-called big jobs. But let me say to you tonight that
whenever you are engaged in work that serves humanity and
is for the building of humanity, it has dignity and it has
worth.” – Dr.
King, addressing striking sanitation workers in Memphis,
April 3, 1968, the night before his assassination.
years after Dr. King’s death, Black labor confronts the living
embodiment of what the civil rights leader called “the
triple evils” – racism, economic exploitation, and militarism.
His name is George Bush.
“Most analyses say
that this guy is beatable,” said Bill Lucy, President of the Coalition
of Black Trade Unionists at a meeting of CBTU leadership
in Orlando, last week. “The question is, can we put together
a game plan to do that?”
in September 1972 Lucy – then and now Secretary-Treasurer of AFSCME, the
public employees union – joined with four other Black labor
leaders to found the CBTU. They were outraged that AFL-CIO
President George Meany had all but ensured the re-election
of Richard Nixon by failing to back Democratic challenger George
McGovern. Meany’s insistence on labor “neutrality” in the
race – a position arrived at without consultation with African
American unionists – would “almost certainly result in four
more years of favored treatment for the rich and powerful;
continued unemployment; frozen wages; high prices; appointment
of additional members of the U.S. Supreme Court who are conservative
and insensitive to the rights of workers, minorities, and the
poor; more repression and restriction of civil liberties; and
the reversal or total neglect of civil rights," the CBTU
founders warned.

hindsight, Richard Nixon’s White House looks like a liberal club compared to the
piratical Bush regime. As Lucy’s CBTU executive council and
chapter presidents gathered in Orlando to plan electoral strategy
and celebrate the birthday of Dr. King, Bush stuck a “finger
in the eye” of Blacks and Democrats by circumventing Congress
to appoint racist Mississippi Judge Charles
Pickering to the federal appellate bench. The day before,
Bush wooed Black preachers in New Orleans with promises of faith-based
funding and provoked angry demonstrations in
Atlanta when he intruded on King’s gravesite to lay a wreath,
then headed across town to picked up a $1.3 million check from
rich Republicans. Bush seemed malevolently energized by King
Week, whirling around the South like a confederate Tasmanian
Devil, trashing King’s legacy at every stop.
With just a 50 percent
overall rating, Bush seems vulnerable in November. According
to a CBS/New
York Times poll, Bush remains the choice of 56 percent
of white voters, but only 17 percent of African Americans approve
of his performance – a figure that is almost certainly overstated.
Nevertheless, AFL-CIO leadership is committed to a 16-state “battleground” strategy
that complicates the CBTU’s task of mobilizing its nationwide
Black constituency. This year, the flow of union money will
be dictated by an electoral
vote wish-list that does not match the geography of Black
America: Arkansas, Florida, Iowa,
Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire,
New Mexico, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Washington
and Wisconsin.
Democratic Party hasn’t garnered a majority of white votes since Lyndon Johnson’s
landslide victory over Barry Goldwater in 1964. Yet the very
weakness of the Party among whites – coupled with data that
indicate white union households and new Hispanic voters may
hold the key to victory – makes the logic of “the map” irresistible
to AFL-CIO strategists. It’s a done deal, one that appeared
to have been accepted as a fait accompli by Bill Lucy and other
CBTU leaders gathered at Orlando’s Royal Plaza Hotel on Dr.
King’s weekend.
The Wal-Martization
of America
is a key battleground state, “the scene of the crime – the biggest voting rights
crime in history,” as AFL-CIO President John Sweeney puts it.
Orlando is a bright spot for Democrats on the politically roiling
peninsula. Though the town is famous for the racist-founded
Disney empire, Orlando’s pro-union Democratic mayor, Buddy
Dyer gave Sweeney the Key to the City and welcomed a boisterous,
labor-heavy Martin Luther King parade
and voter drive, on Saturday.

a dark specter hung over the marchers on Orlando’s streets
and the CBTU meeting room back at the hotel. Seventy thousand
southern California
union grocery workers had passed the hundred-day mark of a strike
and lockout, many having exhausted their health benefits
as of January 1. "I've never seen anything like this in
19 years," said United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW)
spokesperson Ellen Andreder, in California. "This is probably
the biggest strike – in terms of numbers and locations – in
the history of the labor movement. The Teamsters and other
unions see a direct link: no industry would be immune [from
cuts in benefits] if they get away with it here.” Supermarket
earnings rose 91 percent over the past five years, said Andreder,
yet Safeway and Kroger are determined to gut union health benefits
and establish a two-tier system of hiring.
In San Francisco,
the area Labor Council announced a boycott
of Safeway in solidarity with UFCW strikers. “These grocery
workers are not striking over $5 to $15 a week in health-insurance
premiums, like the supermarkets claim,” said council Secretary-Treasurer
Walter L. Johnson. “Current employees would have to pay $95
a week out of a $12 an hour salary for healthcare by the third
year of the contract. Safeway is trying to basically eliminate
healthcare for new hires – going back on its commitment to
provide good union jobs in our communities – even though it
continues to make huge profits.”
knows where the anti-union pressures are coming from. “This strike is a
Wal-Mart strike,” said Willie L. Baker, Jr., UFCW International
Vice President and field operations chief, addressing fellow
CBTU leaders in Orlando. “It’s really about how Americans finance
health care. Will it be every man for himself?”

is the twisted face of capitalism in George Bush’s America, the looming corporate
presence whose name packs as much fear and loathing as did
Birmingham police chief Eugene “Bull” Connor in Dr. King’s
day. Wal-Mart, the world’s largest corporation, is implacably
anti-union, pays less than $10 an hour, provides virtually
no benefits, and plans to build 40 “super-centers” in California
over the next five years, selling groceries alongside products
from every low wage corner of the planet. Just as Bush personifies
Dr. King’s “triple evils,” Wal-Mart is the giant, box-shaped
beast that has brought the global “Rush to the Bottom” into
America’s small towns, suburbs and inner cities.
dominates U.S. retailing on a scale that is “hard to absorb,” writes Charles Fishman in the December issue of the
trade magazine, Fast
sold $244.5 billion worth of goods last year. It sells in
three months what number-two
retailer Home Depot sells in a year. And in its own category
of general merchandise and groceries, Wal-Mart no longer
has any real rivals. It does more business than Target, Sears,
Kmart, J.C. Penney, Safeway, and Kroger combined. ‘Clearly,’ says
Edward Fox, head of Southern Methodist University's J.C.
Penney Center for Retailing Excellence, ‘Wal-Mart is more
powerful than any retailer has ever been.’ It is, in fact,
so big and so furtively powerful as to have become an entirely
different order of corporate being.”
gargantuan size and merciless business methods compel competitors
and vendor companies to become “shadow versions of Wal-Mart
itself,” writes Fishman.
relentlessly lowers the bar for labor-management relations,
wreaking havoc
far beyond its own shelves. “The shipping strike was a Wal-Mart
strike,” said UFCW vice president Baker, seated with his CBTU
colleagues around a large, rectangular table in the Orlando
hotel meeting room. Shipping companies provoked recent actions
on West Coast docks largely because of intense pressure from
Wal-Mart, which had repeatedly “complained that shipping rates
were too high,” said Baker.
This “different order
of corporate being” poisons the social environment, obliterating
civilized standards of business conduct towards competitors,
vendors, consumers and – most devastatingly, workers. The infection
spreads like a virus in a packed boardroom, both compelling
and emboldening Safeway and Kroger to savage their own employees. “If
Safeway has its way, children will go without medical care,
families will be forced into poverty, and people will be moved
from work to welfare for their health care protection,” warns
the UFCW’s
website. "The company is asking for such dramatic
takeaways that if they win, workers will lose everywhere.”
Poll watching
is critical

is George Bush’s kind of company, the behemoth at the import end
of the domestic disinvestment loop that begins with the export of
U.S. jobs to the low wage world. From points south and west
across the Pacific the retail monster sucks up merchandise
for sale to families that formerly made such goods. Ultimately,
the abominable engine wipes the landscape clean of all competitors
and impoverishes its own customers. While Wal-Mart and its
corporate protégés lock their employees (literally)
into abject impotence, the Bush regime seals the door shut
through its war on the public safety net. The Bush/Wal-Mart
vision of America is labor locked in a box.
to this scenario historical racism and the ever-present threat
of back stabbing
by delusional white workers, and you will have arrived at the
diabolical dilemma faced by the guiding members of the Coalition
of Black Trade Unionists, in Orlando. Said Willie Baker, of
the grocery workers union: “Everybody is looking at UFCW in
California. It’s a helluva war for us…and this is a
war.” (To donate to the war chest online, click
activist Cecelie E. Counts is Director of the AFL-CIO’s Department of
Civil, Human and Women’s Rights – and a get-out-the-vote dynamo.
The 16 strategic “battleground states” map has enough color
in it to keep Counts busy through November. She noted that
all the targeted states “have substantial minorities” with
the exception of Maine and New Hampshire. Plus, Counts wants
to expand the conventional base of African American activism. “I
would hope that you would be recruiting, frankly, Black people
with an accent. Reach out to the Black Latinos in our community.”
in the room took seriously the Republicans’ announced goal
to win 25 percent of the African American vote. The reincarnated
Dixiecrats of
the GOP specialize in keeping the largest possible number of
Blacks away from the polls. “It’s going to be absolutely
critical that we be poll watchers,” said Counts. “With John
Ashcroft in charge, it’s ludicrous to expect the Justice Department
to counter voter suppression.”
Diggs and Dorothy Townsend are also part of the AFL-CIO’s
elections machinery. Voices
for Working Families is one of three so-called 527 outfits
that will receive tens of millions in “soft” funding this elections
cycle. Diggs and Townsend believe that sophisticated polling
techniques will help to spend the money smartly. “Our polls
show that issues move our communities,” said Diggs in his presentation
to the CBTU. Townsend assured the labor leaders that “We can
tell on any given day what the issue is in the community. My
students can challenge any pollster in the United States.”

is in order, here. Republicans have attempted to push forward
their own set of “Black” issues tailored to African American “social
conservatives” who oppose abortion, gay marriage and other
issues that motivate similarly self-identified whites. However,
such issues have never caused significant numbers of Blacks
to cross over to the Republicans. As University of Maryland
political scientist Ron Walters told the Atlanta
Journal-Constitution: “If you look at black people's lives,
there are a lot of real problems," he said. "Gay
marriage is not one of them. I can just see a black father
coming home unemployed saying, 'I voted to stop gay marriage… Sorry
you don't have any food.'" Jobs continue to be the overarching
issue in Black America, and for good reason. A Republicons.org analysis
shows “the number of unemployed African-Americans
rose from 1.27 million in December 2000 to nearly 1.7 million
in December 2003 – the rate jumped from 7.6% to 10.3% (a 2.7%
real Republican Black “outreach” program this election year
is quite simple: Bush spends public money on faith-based
programs to lure the morally-challenged segment of the Black
clergy to the GOP camp, as he did in a highly publicized
visit to New Orleans on King’s birthday. Miami’s Bishop Victor
T. Curry, an indefatigable activist and radio station manager (WMBM-AM)
drove half the night to Orlando to confer with Black labor.
The Republicans’ “main goal is to come into the Black
church and take over. Bush is trying to pick us off one by
one,” said the Bishop. Faith-based bribery is taking its
AFL-CIO’s Cecelie
Counts agreed, with a passion: “We’ve got to step on these
people like roaches. We have to educate our own communities,
because nobody else is going to do this for us.” Otherwise,
said Counts, sounding more like the anti-apartheid activist
of her previous life, “We’ll have our own Mobutus.”
has its echoes in U.S. policy towards would-be Haitian immigrants. “The
treatment of Haitians can only be understood through the lens
of colonial history and racism,” said Dave Glaser, national
coordinator of the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees
International union (HERE),
and a main mover in the recent, cross-country Immigrant
Workers Freedom Ride. Glaser is also comfortable with labor’s
strategic electoral map. “We will register immigrant workers
where they are most under attack, that is, in Arizona and Florida.”
labor practice
white-haired and somewhat weary AFL-CIO President John Sweeney
spoke of the
pain of knowing “deep in your heart that your employer is plotting
right now to send your work and your livelihood overseas.” Hundreds
of Black trade unionists at the MLK 75th Birthday Awards Dinner
knew exactly what Sweeney meant. The 20 percent of African
Americans who belong to union families, heavily concentrated
in the disintegrating manufacturing sector, have paid a disproportionate
price for the bipartisan Clinton-Bush jobs exportation program.
Americans, a people libeled for centuries as shiftless and
lazy, are in
reality “joiners” – the ethnic group most enthusiastic to join
unions and to put in the long, unpaid hours necessary to keep
their unions strong. The men and women of the Coalition of
Black Trade Unionists do double duty – standing in the forefront
of labor while also having to guard Black flanks against racist
duplicity from within the House of Labor. Having paid a heavy
surcharge to enter the House as equals, Blacks understood Sweeney
when he said that “our research shows 45 million American workers
would join our unions if they had a chance.” African Americans
went through hell and high water for that chance.
mostly Black Royal Plaza Hotel crowd included many who remembered
when guns won
out over butter in the Sixties, as the War on Poverty became
a domestic victim of the Vietnam War. They found nothing radical
whatsoever in Sweeney’s statement that Bush and his crew have
turned “warfare into a profit center, and Iraqi ‘reconstruction’ into
a revenue stream.” Blacks are well acquainted with Dixiecrat
morality and the infinite capacity of racists to debase national
purposes. Slavery was a great “profit center” draped in religion,
civilization and Manifest Destiny. White supremacy remains
largely unreconstructed. Sweeney was preaching to a righteous
it’s tough being
the Black spine of a movement whose weakest links are white;
to be constantly depended on to stand tall and do the right
thing, while resources are unfailingly diverted to shore up
weak white union households too deluded or stupid to respond
correctly to the words of the old labor song, “Which side are
you on?”
President Bill Lucy spoke the unadorned truth when he told
an Orlando community
meeting: “If we let the debate assume that there are differences
between black and white workers, we are all doomed. Working-class
blacks and working-class whites have more in common with each
other than they do with rich people.”
Americans have always understood the logic of unionism. False
is a mass white problem. This election year, many tens of millions
of dollars will be spent in the attempt to disabuse the white
working class of its delusions. It’s not fair – call it an “unfair
labor practice” – but Black unionists will adjust to the strategic “map” and
its money grid, simply because they are men and women of superior
intelligence who have their “eyes on the prize” and are informed
by a unique history. More than any other sector of Americans – including
other African Americans – Black labor understands the nature
of the hybrid, corporate/racist beast, and that we are now
engaged in a life and death struggle.
a young man rose to leave the CBTU executive meeting on Saturday,
he remarked: “In
1987 Time Magazine asked the question, ‘Where have all the
Black leaders gone?’” He paused, then turned to the big table
that dominated the room. “Well, they’re here today.”