arrogance and stupidity of the United States military was
obvious from the very beginning of the Iraq war. When soldiers
from the 507th Maintenance Company were attacked on March
23rd the Pentagon wouldn’t publicly respond to reports that
Americans had been killed and captured. Someone forgot to
tell Donald Rumsfeld that journalists in the rest of the
world don’t bow down to the U.S. government and that their
work is accessible to Americans. While our government declined
to comment and CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN and Fox went along with
the charade, families of the POWs saw their loved ones on
foreign language television. Claude and Eunice Johnson were
caring for their granddaughter whose mother, Shoshana Johnson,
was stationed in Iraq. The Johnsons were watching the Spanish
language network Telemundo when they saw footage confirming
that their
child was among the captured.
December 18th, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced
that Johnson would be a special guest at the New Years Eve
celebration in Times Square to help ring in 2004. Johnson
is a good choice and deserves the honor, but I was once again
put off by the rote declarations of support for our invasion
of Iraq and other military interventions. Johnson expressed
thanks for support of the troops while Mayor Bloomberg droned
on that the Iraq war started on September 11th.
thinking person was disgusted by the discrepancy in attention
and compensation given to Johnson’s more famous comrade,
Jessica Lynch. We were told that Lynch fired her weapon at
the enemy. That was not true. We were told that she had been
shot and stabbed. Neither assertion was true. Then we were
told she was rescued after a fierce fire fight. Needless
to say, that wasn’t
true either.

Johnson was shot in both ankles and did fire her weapon.
By now we all know who got the million dollar book deal,
a made for television movie and $700 more per month in disability
benefits. The father of one of those killed on March
23rd called Lynch a “profiteer” for making money when his
son was killed. How can I forget, but Lynch is also known
for posing nude for her fellow soldiers. We have the generosity
of Larry Flynt to thank for keeping the photos under
wraps, which is more than Lynch could do for herself.
was torn when I saw Mayor Bloomberg’s press conference. Given
what Shoshana Johnson endured I feel uncomfortable being
critical of her actions or statements. I suppose she should
say whatever she likes. But it is time for the propaganda
surrounding this war to end. Soldiers are not fighting for
our freedom in Iraq. They are fighting for American economic
and political hegemony in that region.
is a racket. It always has been.
It is possibly
the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most
vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It
is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars
and the losses in lives.
racket is best described, I believe, as something that
is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only
a small “inside” group knows what it is about. It is
conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense
of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.
are the words of Smedley
Butler. Butler retired from the United States Marine
Corps with the rank of Major General. He fought for American
interests in Haiti, Mexico and China. He also described himself
as a “gangster
for capitalism.” Butler wrote about wars in other parts
of the world but his statements ring true for Iraq as well.
Shoshana Johnson was captured and more than 400 Americans
have been killed to make Iraq safe for the military industrial
complex, represented in this instance by Bechtel and Halliburton.
Halliburton has been accused of over charging for fuel delivered
to Iraq. Vice President Cheney is the former CEO of Halliburton.
Yes, war is indeed a racket.
Johnson was recently discharged she said that she didn’t
regret her military career. I find it very difficult
to believe that she is telling the truth. A mere $500 per
month is not enough money to justify being shot in both ankles,
held prisoner, and suffer post traumatic stress. In my latest
fantasy I hear Iraq war veterans say the following. “I got
screwed. I was sent on a fool’s errand and I’m mad. I wish
I had taken out college loans instead of believing that stupid
commercial that said I would be an army of one. If I had
it to do over again I wouldn’t go.”

recently watched a CNN story about soldiers wounded in Iraq. Luis
Calderon became a quadriplegic when the Army deemed it
necessary that he and his tank unit knock down a wall because
it displayed a picture of Saddam Hussein. The wall fell,
but in the wrong direction. It struck Calderon’s tank and
broke his neck in the process. As I watched this heartbreaking
story I waited and hoped that Calderon, his wife or his parents
would say, “He is paralyzed so that Saddam’s picture could
be removed. He lost the use of his body over a picture? I
hate Bush and the rest of his greedy cronies!”
no one said anything like that. We will get the usual propaganda
about brave soldiers enduring hardships, sounding like characters
in bad war movies insisting that the doctor look after their
friend first. But I don’t want to hear any more lies. I
don’t want to hear a lie coming from Shoshana Johnson any
more than I want to hear it coming from George W. Bush. Unfortunately,
the truth can be uncomfortable and lies can be easy.
Most of us find it
difficult to acknowledge that we have been had, by the government
or anyone else. It would have to be painful for Shoshana Johnson
to admit that she got a raw deal when she joined the military
expecting to be a cook but ended up as a wounded prisoner of
war. But another member of her unit, Lori
Piestewa, was even less fortunate. Piestewa was part of
the same attacked convoy and died when her humvee collided
with another. Piestewa, the first Native American woman to
die in combat, had two pre-school aged children. Shoshana Johnson
could have had it worse. She could have been Lori Piestewa.
Freedom Rider column appears weekly in
. Ms.
Kimberley is a freelance writer living in New York City. She
can be reached via e-Mail at [email protected]. You can read more
of Ms. Kimberley's writings at http://freedomrider.blogspot.com/