of the first things I noticed when George W. Bush campaigned
for the presidency was his obvious love of putting black
people in photo opportunities. How better to prove the compatibility
of conservatism and compassion than with a healthy dose of
contented black faces. I always imagined his advance team
into their cell phones anxiously awaiting reconnaissance
for campaign events. “No black people? Find another place!” My
suspicions were proven correct on Thanksgiving when our President
pulled off yet another propaganda coup by flying to Iraq
for Thanksgiving dinner with the troops.
of us who believe this President is dangerous are at a disadvantage
in part because of his mastery of imagery. It makes the Reagan
days look amateurish by comparison. For example, the average
person, regardless of race, would be thrilled to meet a sitting
president. It doesn’t help matters any that he is at ease
and seems to genuinely enjoy meeting people. In Iraq he really
stuck it to us by getting misty
eyed. The photo op almost always works and leaves us looking
like nit-picking sore losers who hate poor Dubya. The pain
seemed never to end because the supposedly liberal media were
still head over heels the day after the Thanksgiving flight
to Baghdad. On the CBS news coverage of the President dishing
out turkey, the three G.I.-on-the-street interviews were all
with black troops. They said they were amazed to be with the
President, that his presence was a morale boost, that it may
not matter to others - a message to yours truly and friends
- but that the visit mattered to the

Republican love of diversity and inclusion for political expediency
is not restricted to the President. Congress loves to get in
on the act. In order to gain passage of the disastrous Medicare
Bill black faces were needed to express support. The new legislation
will privatize an entitlement program, make a fortune for drug
companies, and do nothing to lower the cost of prescription
drugs for the elderly poor. The Republicans know it stinks
because they made sure that the provisions will go into effect
after the next election. The obvious shortcomings made it all
the more important to have people of color expressing support
at a press conference. The Republicans left no stone unturned.
Representatives of Native American and Latino communities along
with the National
Medical Association and National
Black Chamber of Commerce fit the bill quite nicely. Senate
Majority Leader Bill Frist and phony Democrat John Breaux extolled
the virtues of the bill to the “underserved and minorities.”
again the right wing were allowed to bemoan the existence of
disparities without addressing the role their policies play
in causing them. The National Medical Association, a one hundred
year old organization representing black physicians and other
health professionals, bills itself as the “conscience of American
medicine.” I don’t know how the “conscience” allows itself to sleep
at night, but the group does acknowledge, “the benefit currently
proposed must be further expanded.” One wonders why they support
the bill at all. Was it worthwhile to ruin the reputation of
a respected organization? I hope the NMA got more out of it
than the thrill of a news conference spotlight.
Alford, CEO of the Black Chamber of Commerce, proclaimed that
he had never had a physical until he joined the military and
that he suffers from diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart
disease. He never explained how the bill would help seniors
with similar health problems. More than likely he neglected
to do so because he couldn’t substantiate such a claim. Nevertheless
the Chamber supports the legislation “100%.”

am hesitant to criticize a soldier far from home who has a
chance to pose for a photo with the President of the United
States. However, I am more than a little disappointed with
prominent physicians and business leaders who are co-opted
by the most retrograde elements of our political leadership.
It is particularly annoying when some of those providing window
dressing have already had their photo op day in the sun.
Republicans express the worst kind of cynicism by using black
faces as a cover for their policies. They know that black people,
even those who want to meet a President, are not going to vote
for them. Colin, Condi and turkey on Thanksgiving won’t change
minds in voting booths. The Democratic nominee, whoever that
is, will get at least 90% of the black vote and Republicans
know it.
photo op of color is for the benefit of white, fence sitting,
wanna be moderate voters. America acknowledges its guilt in
the treatment of blacks but in the most bizarre fashion. The
logic, such as it is, goes like this. Black people are treated
badly, which is a bad thing. Therefore, anyone in the presence
of a critical mass of black people can’t be one of the bad
people. Bush has to be a moderate. After all, he likes being
around black people.
always wonder how the mistreatment of black people is explained
in this twisted logic. Who is doing the mistreating? Perhaps
the culprits are aliens from space. It certainly isn’t any
of the millions of Americans who allay their concerns by accepting
claims of compassion from the obviously uncompassionate. If
it all seems insane you are correct. Racism makes Americans
crazy and prone to be deceived over and over again. The President
went to dinner in Iraq. How nice. So the war must be good.
Never mind that Iraqis are killing Americans. If Bush cried
over the stuffing and gravy it all must be OK.

do we have to look forward to in the future? The announcement
that Congress will fund a National
Museum of African-American History and Culture should have
made me happy. Instead all I saw was an election year ribbon
cutting with grateful black people. When I hear Republicans
expressing a desire for “racial healing” I get nervous.
What will happen next
year at the Republican convention? Will every speaker be black
instead of every other speaker as at the 2000 convention? If
I turn on my television and see Aretha Franklin and Chaka
Khan I don’t know what I will do. Maybe that will finally push
me over the edge and send me to a nation that doesn’t rely on
imagery to make me feel good.
Freedom Rider column appears weekly in
. Ms.
Kimberley is a freelance writer living in New York City. She
can be reached via e-Mail at [email protected]. You can read more
of Ms. Kimberley's writings at http://freedomrider.blogspot.com/