after Transparency International took its turn trying to
beat the Haitian
government’s credibility senseless, the so-called independent
voices of the US press stepped in to deliver a few more uncritical
yet fatal blows. The message of these
so-called independent voices was uncannily similar and nearly
indistinguishable: Amiot Metayer was a demon created by the devil President
Jean-Bertrand Aristide. The underlying theme was that the
Haitian government deserves to fall because it has brought violence
on itself through its own actions. Never mind that the violence
against the government is being led by Jean Tatoune, a former
member of the CIA-inspired Front for Advancement and Progress
in Haiti or FRAPH, who has a history of betrayal where Metayer
is concerned. On
October 12th, novelist Amy Wilentz wrote in the Los Angeles
Times, “At the end of September, a thug from one of Haiti's
notorious shantytowns was murdered, his body left for the flies,
both his eyes shot out by whoever did the deed. By all accounts,
Amiot Metayer was not a good man, but the future of Haiti may
turn on his assassination.”
add more of her famous artistic license Wilentz continues, “Metayer's
killing is in the grand style, down to the shot-out eyes, signifying
perhaps that he had seen too much. That's the Haitian street
interpretation, in any case.” This last sentence, despite its
disclaimer, was clearly written to give credence to the opposition
charge that Aristide had killed Meteyer in order to silence
tag-team bullies in a one-sided brawl, Jane Regan then took
her turn in an article published in The Christian Science Monitor
on October 16 entitled, “ Former Haitian allies become enemies:
Weeks of protest have followed the killing of a government
opponent.” Echoing Wilentz and the opposition’s accusation
against the Haitian government, Regan wrote, “Metayer’s pro-government ‘Cannibal
Army’ gang, some of whose members are armed, used to harass
Aristide-opposition marches. Now, convinced that the strongman
was eliminated because he had become a nuisance, the ‘Army’ has
turned on Aristide and has kept Haiti's fourth-largest city
shut for more than three weeks with violent protests and burning
Regan took her turn on the mat, long-time Aristide opponent,
novelist Herb Gold, followed with an article in the San Francisco
Chronicle on October 19th entitled, “Haiti is the tragedy you
can dance to: Iraq and Afghanistan should take note of the
Caribbean's failed experiment in nation-building.” Having
recovered from his hard work, sitting on the veranda of the
Oloffson Hotel in Port au Prince, Herb Gold wrote, “When I
left Haiti a few weeks ago, news came of the anonymous but
unusually precise execution of a thug named Amiot Metayer,
leader of the pro-President Aristide gang called the Cannibal
Army. One bullet to the heart, one in each eye.” Smelling
blood and moving in for the kill Gold continued, “Under other
Haitian regimes, the president's personal enforcers have been
called Cagoulards, Tonton Macoutes, Attachés, and now for the
ex-saintly priest Aristide, the poetically named Chimères,
or chimeras. Metayer was an elite case, a megathug…”
giving nearly the same spin on events in Haiti, these articles
have more in common than meets the eye. One would find it
hard to believe they could not manage a single quote
representing the views and opinions of the hundreds of thousands
of Aristide supporters in Haiti. Given Wilentz, Regan and Gold’s
rendition of the truth, these people no longer exist. It is
probably too much to ask given that the voices in support of
Lavalas have been absent from corporate media coverage of events
in Haiti for quite sometime now. As was the case in Venezuela,
the strength of the opposition to the government is exaggerated
while pro-government support is at best, understated, and at
worst, not mentioned at all.
the most glaring omission on their part is any attempt to explain
who Amiot Metayer really was. Was he just “not a good man” as
Wilentz would have us believe? Was Metayer merely a “strongman” enforcer
for Aristide and a “megathug”, as Regan and Gold have claimed?
As usual, the context is missing because Metayer’s real history
is inconvenient to their one-dimensional message. It may be
inconvenient for these worthy scribes to put a human face on
Amiot Metayer, but his personal history must be told to fully
understand the impact of his murder. It also contributes to
understanding who would have the most to gain by killing him.
was a native son of the coastal township of Gonaives in Haiti.
He grew up in a slum known as Raboteau. He was no saint in
his personal life, few of us are, and it was said he would
drink too much when stress got the better of him. He could
be hardheaded and self-serving but no one who knew him questioned
that he believed in putting the interests of Haiti’s poor majority
ahead of the wealthy elite and their golfing buddies in Washington
joined the growing movement calling for the ouster of the Duvalier
regime at about the same time as his friend from a rival neighborhood, Jean
Pierre, a.k.a. “Jean Tatoune.” Metayer’s
lessons were hard won over the years he struggled, first against
the Duvalier regime as a youth, and later as an adult against
the military dictatorship that overthrew Aristide in September
Metayer sacrificed much following Haiti’s last military coup.
He dropped out of law school because of his determination that
democracy and Aristide should return to Haiti. He built clandestine
networks of supporters who would plaster Gonaives with the president’s
photo when such a simple act of resistance could easily get you
tortured and killed. Metayer was also one of the pioneers of “flash
demonstrations” against the dictatorship where hundreds, and
sometimes thousands, of Lavalas supporters would appear out of
nowhere to protest for five minutes and then disappear before
the military and their henchmen arrived on the scene. According
to Brian Concannon, who works for the Bureau des Avocats Internationaux,
a group of lawyers helping Haitian victims and the judiciary prosecute
human rights cases, “In Gonaives, especially later in the coup,
they would light tires and run. The soldiers would come and
put it out, but not before a black cloud of resistance rose above
the Gonaives plain, visible for miles.”
one of Metayer’s greatest weaknesses was his loyalty to his friend
Jean Tatoune even after the first in a long list of personal
betrayals. Tatoune informed the military of his friend’s whereabouts
and the strategy being used to organize resistance against the
dictatorship. Tatoune’s betrayal led to one of the Haitian military’s
most infamous crimes during their rule, the Raboteau
Massacre. Jean Tatoune was rewarded with a new car and money,
and finally with a position in the CIA-inspired death squad the
Front for Advancement and Progress in Haiti or FRAPH.
the now famous Raboteau trial, Colin Granderson, who headed the
joint United Nations/Organization of American States' mission
monitoring human rights, testified that by early 1994, the repression
had forced the resistance to stop making public protests everywhere,
except in Raboteau. The military took vengeance against Metayer
by arresting his father and brother and trashing the family’s
house. They beat one of his sisters, who was eight months pregnant,
so viciously her body expelled the small, bloodied corpse of
her unborn child. Afterwards, the US embassy offered Metayer’s
family political exile far from their homeland as they have done
with so many key militants of Lavalas before and since. While
he encouraged his family to go and the US government resettled
them in the mid-western United States, Amiot Metayer refused
to leave and stayed behind to continue the struggle.
people of the Raboteau neighborhood in Gonaives still recount
how Metayer was forced to live in hiding after Tatoune’s betrayal.
They tell how he survived for a time by sleeping in makeshift
hammocks that hung under the toilet in the small space above
the excrement at the bottom of larger outhouses. Half dead
and feverish from being bitten by rats and insects, he would
later regroup to create a network of small fishing boats off
the coast where he would live and continue to organize the
always remained loyal to his people after Aristide’s return
in 1994: he remained in the neighborhood, living in his parent’s
very modest home in Raboteau. He did not wear expensive clothes
or drive flashy cars. He found jobs for the poor youth of
Raboteau, helped the sick out with medical bills and made sure
that people had enough to eat. For this reason many people
in Raboteau continue to mourn his passing and hold him in high
esteem, including those who disapproved of some of his tactics.
Some say he was too heavy-handed in responding to the opposition
but others, who share his fears, ask what could you expect
from a man who suffered so much under the Cedras dictatorship?
This situation intensified following pipe-bombings and
drive-by shootings, which were widely ignored by the international
community, during the last presidential elections. After the
elections, the political atmosphere was polluted even further
when the Democratic Convergence openly called for the return
of the Haitian military as part of its platform. As one observer
noted, “In their mad rush for power they had become
so hateful they would return the same military to power that
has historically been responsible for so much death and suffering
in Haiti, as long as it serves the purpose of destroying President
Aristide’s legacy. The one incontestable achievement of President
Aristide is that he abolished those
predators. And what of the poor who suffered so much at the
hands of the military? Can you not understand how frightened
they must be that the same military who raped their mothers,
sisters and daughters is being asked to return to power by
the opposition in Haiti? Can we not understand how the brutal
murder of 7,000 of their own people, at the hands of the
same military, frightens them to their core, making them increasingly
angry and defiant? Is this really so difficult to understand
as events unfold in Haiti today?”
was the reason, according to Haitian officials, that president
Aristide met with Metayer’s family in the national palace to
pay his condolences. It was to recognize a man who is considered
a hero by many in the struggle for democracy in Haiti. Wilentz,
Regan and Gold went for straight-up demonization and omitted
any reference to Metayer’s history. This myopic approach to
journalism only served to bolster charges by the opposition
that Aristide’s meeting was only intended to buy Metayer’s
family off and keep them quiet. After reading the words of
this cacophonous trio wouldn’t you tend to believe the opposition
claim that this was the only motive behind the president’s
meeting with the family of his alleged victim?
is the other important but widely ignored context to Metayer’s
killing? Just three days before his murder, President Aristide
assured the people of Haiti, and the international community,
that new elections were possible. A press release dated September
19, 2003 confirms this: “President Jean-Bertrand Aristide held
a press conference this morning reiterating that local and
parliamentary elections will be held this year. This comes
a day after the new US Ambassador to Haiti, James B. Foley,
presented his credentials to President Jean-Bertrand Aristide
at Haiti's National Palace.” Calling for elections that the
opposition is sure to lose is dangerous business in Haiti.
Part 3
Bush Administration’s End Game for Haiti
Pina is a documentary filmmaker and freelance journalist
who has been working and living in Haiti for the past three
years. He has been covering events in Haiti for the past
decade and produced a documentary film entitled "Haiti: Harvest
of Hope". Mr. Pina is also the Haiti Special Correspondent
for the Flashpoints radio program on the Pacifica Network's
flagship station KPFA in Berkeley CA.