day now, the Bush Pirates will attempt to shatter history, itself.
The United States intends to demonstrate to the world that it
is fatal to resist American global supremacy. The U.S. will
rain thousands of rockets, tens of thousands of bombs, and millions
of artillery projectiles on the people of Iraq and its Chicago-sized
capital city, Baghdad. Since U.S. military supremacy is already
a globally understood fact, this "Mother
of All War Shows" is actually a display of will.
wrote on January 30:
The real
show is in the show, itself. The people who created George
Bush's ridiculous War Face are not just playing crazy
to gain transient advantage over Frenchmen and Russians. They
are Hell-bent on proving to the natives (all of us)
that they are capable of unimaginable destruction. We must
see it to believe it
The Event's
choreographers conceived it as the greatest psychological warfare
operation since Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and with the same purpose:
to reorder the world for generations to come.
This may
be the last pre-Event commentary from .
Since there is no doubt that Shock and Awe will, in fact, forever
alter global consciousness, it is important that we avail ourselves
of these moments before the cataclysm to state a fact that is
obvious to most people on Earth: Next week, or the week after,
the American people as a whole will be rightfully judged guilty
of premeditated crimes against human civilization.
We do not
say this for rhetorical effect, nor are we referring to any
religious notions of collective guilt. The criminal enterprise
on which the United States is embarked - the ghastly equivalent
of a live-fire, multi-megaton Fourth of July celebration of
the New American Century - is the end product of a society shaped
by genocide and slavery. White America sees the world through
the eyes of the mass murderer and slaveholder. Were it not so,
there would not exist the grotesque disconnect between white
American public opinion and the opinions of mankind, shared
generally by Black America. Bush would not be possible.
The Black,
brown and red victims of American racism have indicted the U.S.
on innumerable occasions. Frederick Douglass' 1852
Fourth of July Address is appropriate to the present twilight
hour, soon to flash in flesh carbonizing horror. Douglass spoke
to the criminality of American society from the perspective
of the slave. Imagine the Arab and Muslim citizens of our world,
as they await The Event that is designed to herald American
To him...
your boasted liberty [is] an unholy license; your national
greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty
and heartless; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow
mock; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings,
with all your religious parade and solemnity, are to him mere
bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy - a thin
veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages.
There is not a nation of the earth guilty of practices more
shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States
at this very hour.
Note that
Douglass' address was an indictment of the American people,
meaning white people. His was a perfectly sane assessment of
a mad, criminal minded white society, that is only episodically
and cosmetically capable of recognizing the humanness of other
peoples. The American legacy is revealed as monstrous.
It is also
important that Douglass was addressing an anti-slavery
crowd in Rochester, New York, white people who believed they
were not part of the societal problem. Douglass demanded that
they examine the very character of the Republic.
The white
American invents savages and brutes for his own profit and pleasure.
It has always been so. Native Americans could surely have destroyed
the Plymouth and Jamestown settlements at first landing but,
for their own reasons, made no serious attempt before it was
too late. The English arrived with criminal intent - and brought
wives and children to form new societies predicated on successful
plunder. To justify the murderous enterprise, Indians who had
initially cooperated with the squatters were transmogrified
into "savages" deserving displacement and death. The
relentlessly refreshed lie of Indian savagery became a truth
in the minds of white Americans, a fact to be acted upon
by every succeeding generation of whites. The settlers became
a singular people confronting the great "frontier"
- a euphemism for centuries of genocidal campaigns against a
darker, "savage" people marked for extinction.
The necessity
of genocide was the operative, working assumption of the expanding
American nation. "Manifest Destiny" was born at Plymouth
Rock and Jamestown, later to fall (to paraphrase Malcolm) like
a rock on Mexico, the Philippines, Haiti, Nicaragua, etc. Little
children were taught that the American project was inherently
good, Godly, and that those who got in the way were "evil-doers"
or just plain subhuman, to be gloriously eliminated. The lie
is central to white American identity, embraced by waves of
European settlers who never saw a red person.
this: during the entire course of westward expansion, no white
civilian caravan large enough to qualify as a "wagon train"
ever fell victim to Indians. Not one. The sole wagon train massacre
occurred on September 11, 1857, when Utah Mormons took
captive 140 California-bound migrants from Arkansas and executed
every person above the age of six. Local Indians played an auxiliary
role to Brigham Young's militia, which disarmed the travelers
before methodically putting all but the very youngest to death
at Mountain
Meadow. The seventeen orphans were then distributed among
Mormon families.
Yet Mormons
are not called savages.
We can say
with certainty that few
readers - although a remarkably well-educated assemblage - have
ever heard of Mountain Meadow. The event does not serve as a
useful fact in the American narrative. Yet the Indian wagon
train massacres that never happened are replayed over and over
again in the national consciousness because they were and remain
useful to the ongoing American enterprise. The truth has
no place in the national saga - not as long as there are new
Indians to invent and destroy.
in plain sight
To accommodate
slavery, white America constructed a domestic edifice of unreality
in which it still resides. With Native Americans marked for
death and removal, importation of African labor began in English-speaking
America at Jamestown in 1619. Soon, Black slaves were everywhere
in the colonies, including pre-Revolutionary War New York City,
where Blacks at one point comprised 30 percent of the population.
As late as 1820, Blacks accounted for 23 percent of the nation.
The median
American slave owning household included five Blacks and a white
family on relatively small acreage. Outside of the Sea Islands
of Georgia and South Carolina, most
had close,
daily contact with their masters. This was due in no small
part to racial concentrations: slave percentages ranged from
an average of 50% in the Deep South to between 20% and 33%
in the Upper South. Therefore, close contact was inevitable.
Slaves worked
in the fields, on the roads, in white houses, in factories,
on railroad and ship crews. Blacks were ubiquitous, walking,
talking, singing, working, aging, growing, dancing, sulking,
fighting, fleeing, playing, dying all around white people all
of white people's lives.
Yet commerce,
comfort and privilege dictated that Black people were not fully
human, despite the living evidence to the contrary directly
in front of white people's faces from cradle to grave. Whites
perfected an alternative world of shared imaginings, in which
each lie reinforced and confirmed the other. White people told
each other the same lies and acted upon the exchanges as if
each other's lies were true. Their conversations, rooted in
mutual lunacy, made sense - that is, they conformed to a carefully
constructed, circular logic that began and ended with white
supremacy. Whatever violated this logic was non-fact.
If an individual
were found to live in such a "perfect" fantasy of
the mind, he would be diagnosed as deeply psychotic. But in
America, the inmates run the asylum. Until very recently, high
school history books taught that mental illness put John Brown
on the path to Harper's Ferry, where he would be hanged for
inciting insurrection among the slaves. Confederate President
Jefferson Davis? Well, he was a "man of his times."
Mary Chestnut,
the prominent diarist of the southern ruling class who was featured
heavily in the PBS series, The Civil War, wrote, "Ours
is a monstrous system. Any lady is ready to tell you who is
the father of all the mulatto children in every household but
her own. Those, she seems to think, dropped from the clouds."
The diarist
- whose commentary is otherwise credible enough for the great
American Civil War story - is telling us that white women could
not see their husbands' features in their housekeepers' children's
Americans know full well that white Americans are, in the mass,
crazy. The white supremacist fantasy is integral to the American
identity, and remains intact.
White people
hide facts like drunks conceal bottles. They are known to kill
fact-bringers, while elevating racial liars to the highest offices.
They want to be told that they are sane and good and kind when
all the evidence proves them to be delusional and cruel and
grasping - as surely most must suspect, at least every now and
then, under life's ceaseless onslaught of recalcitrant facts.
When carefully
hidden facts nevertheless leap out to pierce the delusion, American
whites retreat temporarily into innocence. If only they had
known the harm that they were doing, or was being done in their
name. We are so... naïve, trusting, optimistic, innocent,
they say, feigning contrition while waiting for the moment to
reassume character. Trent Lott, racist? We didn't know. A million
African Americans in jail? How could that have happened? Hundreds
of thousands of Iraqi children dead because water systems were
purposely targeted by the U.S. in the first Gulf War? We thought
that was anti-American propaganda. Oh, my.
Mass Murder
know more about the crime that is about to be committed in the
Middle East than Germans ever knew about the conduct of their
government in World War Two. They are less innocent of what
is going to be done in their name and with their consent than
any population in the history of armed aggression on the planet
Earth. The facts of Shock and Awe have been presented to the
public in great detail, in the form of Pentagon releases regurgitated
by media household names. Americans know what a city of five
million looks like. They have seen what two airplanes acting
as missiles can do to an urban landscape, and can imagine as
well as the next human what 800 cruise missiles, thousands of
dumber missiles, many thousands more smart and conventional
bombs, and an unlimited number of artillery shells can do to
a teeming metropolis. It does not faze them.
Polls tell
us some things, and conceal others. Anti-war activists peer
into the contradictory numbers - responses to prejudiced questions
based on false premises - and find slim, silver linings of peace
sentiment. The Bush men come to opposite conclusions, or rely
on a public change of heart if American casualties are
kept to a minimum.
The Pirates
know their fellow Americans well. What the polling data consistently
show is that white Americans are afraid of getting hurt. They
would much rather have company when the time comes to wreck
Iraq. They worry about being the sole targets of retaliation,
and would prefer that a peanut gallery of foreigners cheer "our"
guys into battle. However, white America does not give a
damn for Iraqi lives.
A Zogby/Atlanta
Journal-Constitution survey released in February reveals the
murderous intent of most white American males and at least a
third of their wives, daughters, mothers, and sisters. The pollsters
asked: "Would you support or oppose a war against Iraq
if it meant thousands of Iraqi civilian casualties?" A
solid majority of white men answered in the affirmative, as
did more than a third of white women. Only seven percent of
African Americans favored a war that would kill thousands. (See
favor peace, whites opt for war,
February 13.)
who were nearly as warlike as whites when asked the general,
pro- con- question (60 percent of Hispanics and 62 percent of
whites said yes to war), balked when presented with the prospect
of a bloodbath. Only 16 percent of Latinos favored a war that
would kill thousands of Iraqi civilians.
The best
that can be said for the white American public is that it is
split between those who harbor a depraved indifference
to human life, and those who may be decent human beings.
the "decent" white cohort is likely to be half mirage,
a masquerade of false innocence and feigned ignorance straining
to appear to be decent. As of last week, according to Zogby,
white support for the general prospect of war remained at 62
percent, while only 19 percent of African Americans said yes
to the general question - down four points from February.
It is obvious
that many of the "decent" people are shamming. In
the interim between the February and March Zogby polls, the
Bush men distributed to pliant media vivid and detailed descriptions
of the full dimensions of Shock and Awe, including possible
use of the 21,000-pound MOAB ("Mother of all Bombs,"
or "daisy-cutter") anti-personnel weapon, the biggest
conventional bomb in the U.S. arsenal. MOAB's explosive force
"looks and feels" like Hiroshima, said a CNN reporter
invited by the Pentagon to cover the very public detonation
of the device, in Florida.
The American
people know that thousands of Iraqi civilians will be fried,
decapitated, carbonized, smothered, and otherwise snuffed out
in the first days of the war. They have been made aware that
Iraqi civilian infrastructure - such as water and electricity
- will be targeted. They have been informed that up to two million
refugees will be forced from their homes. Shock and Awe is psychological
warfare on the grandest scale. It is the purpose of the U.S.
that the entire world bear witness to unimaginable destruction.
"That's the whole point,"
wrote in January. "The War Party wants the world
to know that there is no escape from the raging superpower."
sheer size of this has never been seen before, never been contemplated
before," said an unnamed Defense Department official, describing
U.S. attack plans. Shock and Awe author Harlan Ullman bragged
that the effect of the strategy developed by his group for the
Pentagon will be "rather like the nuclear weapons at Hiroshima."
The Bush
regime spoon-feeds the entire war scenario to the corporate
media, refreshing the 24-hour news cycle at regular intervals
with blood curdling new angles and sidebars. Those Americans
who claim not to know what is in store for Iraq, are lying.
The pro-war majority is comprised mainly of (overwhelmingly
white) people who are eager to kill Iraqi civilians,
and a smaller group who know full well that thousands of innocents
will die, pretend to wish it were not so, but give Bush their
blessing, anyway.
These people
are racists, pure and simple. If not, they are misanthropes,
people who have a general hatred for other humans. However,
we do not need to make such a leap, because white American racism
fits the behavioral pattern, perfectly. Were the United States
not a racist society, the impending public crucifixion of Iraq
would be unthinkable.
and people are one
To white
America, Iraqis - or Arabs in general ("Sand niggers,"
in redneck-speak), or Iranians (same difference), or Africans
("niggers" by a hundred names), or the Vietnamese
"gooks" and the "Japs" of bygone days -
are just Indians. White Americans find it easy to kill such
people, a rather basic definition of racism.
We reject
the argument offered by many on the white Left, now as during
the Vietnam War, that the broad masses of white Americans are
innocent dupes of the lying corporate media. The media certainly
do lie, but the dupes are most often willing consumers. 's
publishers are veterans of the corporate media, former network
correspondents. The hundreds thousands of human cogs in the
corporate media machine are made up of "normal," mostly
white, middle class Americans. They share a common, white American
worldview, shot through with native racism. (A worldview that
many non-whites in corporate media attempt mightily to assimilate.)
The people
who create the "news" neither need nor get top office
supervision as they go about the daily business of constructing
false realities. White Americans have lived in a warped and
artificial bubble of their own self-serving creation since they
killed their first "red savage" and whipped their
first "nigger brute." On issues of race, the homogeneity
of the American media predates corporate conglomerization. Mexican
bus crashes are only news on the weekend. Deaths in the ghetto
must come in multiples to make the cut.
With very
little executive intervention, media operatives choose the truths
that are comfortable to them, and discard the rest. White Americans,
in and outside of media, build their peculiar discourse around
facts and fantasies of convenience. They believe what they want
to believe.
They want
to believe that killing Iraqis will make them safe. They also
must believe that they are justified in sanctioning the
coming carnage - after all, are they not a kind and generous
As this
commentary is being written, CNN reports that 72 percent of
Americans believe that Saddam Hussein "had something to
do with" the events of September 11. Did the corporate
media drum this idea into their passive, innocent heads? If
so, what mojo have Black Americans been working to immunize
themselves from the corporate spellbinders? And why does the
corporate magic seem to work only on white Americans, while
bouncing ineffectively off the skulls of Europeans, Asians,
Africans, Australians, Latin Americans, even most Canadians
- in a world inundated with hard and soft American propaganda,
and in which there is little advantage in opposing the United
In fact,
the U.S. corporate media found themselves unable to vouch for
the Bush-Powell linkage of Saddam Hussein and Al Qaida. The
corporate press were obliged and eager to megaphone every repetition
of the baseless charge by the President, the Secretary of State
and the rest of the regime's newsmakers. The world's media did
likewise, in covering the biggest story on the planet. But the
major American media players did not build a case for this,
the wildest of the Bush men's tales, if only because there was
nothing to build a case around.
Bush reckoned
correctly that his kind of Americans would, in the end, choose
of their own volition to believe his lies, because the Bush-Powell
lie is all that is available to justify the mass murder that
a majority of white Americans are intent on committing. Bush
knows his people. Black America knows them, too.
agrees that white Americans suffer from "false consciousness"
- but of the most acute, pathological kind. Let us be clear
about the roots and severity of the mental disorder. Too many
white people of good will have for far too long offered mitigating
explanations for mass white American outrages that would serve
just as well to absolve Germans under Hitler, their (initially)
elected leader: they were afraid, insecure, psychologically
wounded, gullible, ignorant, provincial.
Americans have heard all the permutations of apology for homicidal
racism. The images that utterly defeat every exculpatory analysis,
the scenes that are more searing to the soul than any medieval
rendition of Hell, are the photos of white American families
at lynchings. They laugh. They bring their children, and picnic
baskets. They greet neighbors and kinfolk among the thousands
who have been brought together for the festivities. Some have
driven many miles to join in the camaraderie of shared experience,
a bonding. The focal point of the gathering cooks on a pyre
of hastily gathered planks and branches, mouth agape, eyes gouged
out, extremities disintegrating like charcoal.
Was he guilty
of the crime? Who? says the young woman, tipsy from the contents
of her paper cup. Oh, the nigger? I guess so. What was his name?
Uh, Sammy something, I heard. Did he have children? Hell, I
don't know, what's the difference? Why you askin'?
The people
who achieved their national identity through centuries of mass
murder, the theft of a continent, and the enslavement of millions
are impatient to impose their piratical diktat on the globe.
Maybe next week. "The Bush cabal," we wrote back in
January, "devoutly believe they are at a Hiroshima-like
juncture in history - that they have at their disposal the means
to start the world over in an apocalyptic spasm of swift and
terrifying violence."
Black America's
problem is the entire planet's affliction, now.
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