With regards to Senator Barack Obama clinching the
Democratic Presidential nomination, the names of certain potential
V.P candidates have been circulated by the mainstream press.
Never mind the presumed “psychic-ability” of these pundits,
most shocking is the stark disability of the half-baked talking
heads to recognize black politicians as viable vice-presidents
for Senator Obama. If Condoleezza Rice is widely acknowledged
as a possible running mate for Senator McCain, then why wouldn’t
“post-racial America”
– of which Obama speaks lucidly - entertain the concept of being
administrated by two black people?

seems as though Senator Obama is only inspiring and feasible
when his campaign is joined at the hip of a white candidate.
Peeling back the layers of the neo-liberal embrace of Obama’s
candidacy reveals this disquieting truth. Senator Obama’s campaign
was only “kick-started” at the turn of Senators’ Ted Kennedy
and John Kerry’s endorsement of it. The hypocrisy and mendacity
of many Obama supporters was revealed with the emergence of
Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wright. Those who had cheered along with his
cry for “hope” and “change” then began to question if Senator
Obama had to do more to appease their perspective of America, vis-à-vis Race, Retaliation and Religion.
the massive support of Obama’s candidacy by white liberals,
the question has been raised as to whether the Illinois Senator
solely kindles the role of “the black friend” within the confines
of his support group. Just as “white flight” became a phenomenon
in the 20th century, what would happen to the millions of northern
and southern white supporters of Obama if, indeed, he made
the decision to choose a Black male or female as his running
is predictable that those fans would – at the drop of a hat
– simultaneously fabricate excuses for why Senator McCain might
be much more dependable in his political-proposals. It is reminiscent
of the laws of “old” which declared it illegal for Blacks to
gather without a white-mediator or intermediary. The very existence
of black unity and fellowship was considered a threat and an
impending revolution. Furthermore, the persistent-refusal of
television journalists to admit black-political accomplishment
is rendered valid with the realization that there were more
Black Senators in the 1870s than there are now.
addition to a subliminal nullification of black-achievement,
the mainstream press has also spit on the grave of Sojourner
truth, with the disqualification of Black Women as legitimate
and organic females. Certain talk show hosts, such as Chris
Matthews from MSNBC, are habitual in their fractured interpretation
of female support behind Obama. To hear Matthews tell it, Senator
Obama is having immense trouble in the “Women’s department”
- never mind the constant reminder that Black women voted disproportionately
for Obama in the primary.

insinuation that black Women are of an insignificant status
is heard loud and clear. Within the ranks of politics and beyond,
black women have always been subjected to the castigation and
consternation of American life. Acclaimed Scholar and Princeton
Professor, Cornel West, wrote eloquently about this unsettling
conundrum in his 1993 classic, Race
black female sexuality; he wrote “the dominant myth of black
female sexual prowess constitutes black women as desirable sexual
partners – yet the central role of the ideology of white female
beauty, attenuates the expected conclusion.” In clear
comprehension of this truth, one is left to wonder how the masterful
and irreducible presence of Fannie Lou Hamer at the 1964 Democratic
National Convention counts as void.
regards to the intensified demonization of Michelle LaVaughn
Robinson Obama in this presidential campaign, it is highly essential
to underline the culpability of Senator Obama in the attack
on his wife. Speaking at a fundraiser in Jacksonville,
the Illinois Senator was careless in lending credence to those
who mis-characterize his wife as “feisty.” He spoke of the Republican
Party’s willingness to propagate untruths, saying, “We know
what kind of campaign they’re going to run. They’re going to
try to make you afraid; they’re going to try to make you afraid
of me. He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name.
And did I mention he’s black? He’s got a feisty wife.”

Obama has undergone some of the most unfathomably vitriolic
and diabolic circumstances imaginable, and yet her armor of
elegance has remained unscathed. In the midst of terror, she
has fought back with courage, righteousness and “self-truthfulness.”
Her political philosophies have posed an unprecedented level
of threat and suspicion for those who view community control
and black nationalism as troublesome. Michelle’s presence is
widely-viewed as a thorn in Obama’s rose.
Senator Obama has been incompetent in defense of his wife, it
is incumbent upon progressives to protect the dignity of such
a fearless warrior. Her role is especially prominent, as she
can function as an unofficial Vice-President. The reported neutralizing
of Michelle Obama must not take place, as our future very well
depends upon it!
BlackCommentator.com Guest Student Commentator, Tolu
Olorunda, is an 18-year-old local activist/writer and a Nigerian
immigrant. Click here
to reach Tolu Olorunda.