Yesterday, at our faculty lunch table, I
was marveling at the fact that a person as stupid and incompetent
as George Bush has
regularly shown himself to be, could appear so personable, charming
and even intelligent as he was when speaking about (and to) the
Boston Red Sox before the White House news media. (Even
discounting for the possible aid of speech writers, Bush really
wasn’t half bad.) A colleague responded with a remark that
triggered a thought: what we were seeing is an example
of Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences. There
is not just one form of intelligence, as psychologists have long
claimed. There are many kinds, says Gardner
in a now widely accepted view. There is verbal/logical
intelligence (the kind lawyers need), musical intelligence, kinetic
or physical/athletic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence,
artistic intelligence, and so forth. A person can have
one kind in high degree and be deficient, or even wholly lacking,
in others.
Upon reflection, it is obvious that this
is the story of Bush. His
amiable, good old boy persona reflects a certain kind of interpersonal
intelligence, sometimes in high degree. But he is totally
lacking in the kind of analytical, logical, thoughtful intelligence
needed by a leader, much less a President. Americans, often
being fools who vote for the more personally attractive guy,
elected Bush twice. They have learned to rue the day they
did so, since he lacks the kind of intelligence that is more
needed for a presidency.
This is relevant in the 2008 campaign. I
shall concede biases in what I am about to write, biases in some ways
inconsistent with my generally highly anti-elitist views (a foolish
consistency being the hobgoblin of small minds, I think Emerson
said). Obama seems to have shown tremendous interpersonal
and organizational intelligence in this campaign. Not yet
fully plumbed, many pundits say, is his analytical intelligence
in the form of substantive ideas, plans, programs, etc. I
find it hard, however, to doubt his analytical intelligence. Here
is why (and here comes a bias that in a way is inconsistent with
my generally anti-elitist views): Obama was President of
- was the top guy on - the Harvard Law Review. In my day,
anyone who was President of the Harvard Law Review inevitably
was hugely bright as an analytical, verbal/logical matter, possibly
(or probably) was even a genius. Until somebody tells me
it was different in Obama’s day (about 20 or 25 years later),
I have to believe that the same still held true then (and now
too I would imagine). So I don’t have any doubts about
Obama’s analytical intelligence, the kind a President needs.
Hillary Clinton presents an interesting
contrast. Her
interpersonal intelligence, at least in her public persona,
does not seem all that high, shall we say? One hears that
people she works closely with adore her, but publicly she is
far less appealing. What about her analytical, verbal/logical
ability? Well, I once interviewed a tremendously bright
Harvard law professor who had met her and was deeply impressed
with her brightness (albeit very put off by her inconsistency,
which perhaps even amounted to dishonesty). And an enormously
accomplished and intelligent former student of mine who was a
high official in Bill Clinton’s administration said he is the
smartest guy this person ever met. But, you know, I nonetheless
doubt that the Clintons
are as smart as a verbal/logical, analytical matter. And
here is my partly horribly elitist reason for the doubt. If
the Clintons were so smart, how come they weren’t on the Yale Law
Journal? Law reviews after all, especially in those days,
were populated by the best - let’s even say it, the smartest
- students.

Now, I can think of lots of answers to the
question I just asked, especially the following three answers. Everyone admitted
to the Yale Law School is very smart. Maybe Bill
and Hillary were concerned with other things, in particular politics
and do-goodism, rather than with academics or getting on the
Law Journal. And it is true that there are lots of lawyers
who later do very well, and are very smart, but who weren’t on
the law review. (This is perhaps especially so when a person
has to work his or her way through law school.)
Yet, despite these good reasons in opposition,
the nagging partly elitist doubt still won’t down, and still less will it down when
one considers how competitive Bill and Hillary are said to be. Of
course, in Hillary’s case, there also are other reasons to doubt
her logical intelligence, although one could also say that there
were other factors at play too. The other reasons for doubt
include: The mess she made of health care circa 1994. Her
vote for an Iraq war and the complete unwillingness to concede
error. The overconfidence going into the campaign and the
failure to understand the quality of the
competition. The
flip flopping on positions. I am even told - is it true? I
find it hard to believe - that she failed the D.C. bar exam the
first time. In those days (I don’t know about today), that
bar exam was regarded as one of the easier ones to pass. If
she did flunk it, how in hell did that happen? It wasn’t
the New York or California bar exam you know, which are hard exams. Did
she not study? Did she study but fail? If she didn’t
study, what does that say in a number of ways? If she studied
but failed, what does that say?
And when all is said and done, it remains true that the one
time Bill and Hillary were in an environment where everybody
might be thought pretty smart, at the Yale Law School,
they didn’t stack up so well against the competition. Maybe
it should be no surprise that Hillary has been outmaneuvered
by a guy who did stack up well against similar competition at
So, there you have it. I think the Democratic candidates’ performance
in law school and on the bar says something about abilities one
needs to be President. We have seen, after all, the disasters
wrought by a President who lacks those abilities. My view
is partly elitist and contrary to my general anti-elitist feelings,
but I fear it is right nonetheless.

I keep saying the view is only partly elitist. For,
to bring up a thought triggered by a lunch table conversation
it is also true that my view can be thought to posit that, despite
their high LSAT scores and college grades, not everyone at the Yale Law School,
or other “elite” law schools, is necessarily all that smart. I do think
that high college grades and stratospheric LSAT scores do not necessarily
mean that someone is especially bright, even in an analytical,
logical/verbal way, and that thought is highly anti-elitist
- and totally contrary to the conventional wisdom. (Imagine
- saying that not everyone at the “elite” Yale Law School is
all that smart, when the joke is, as was also said at our lunch
table, that people who can’t get into the Yale Law School go
to Harvard Law School.) So, there is an anti-elitist side
to a view which in another way is elitist.
All of this stuff about what might be shown
by an experience in higher education brings up John McCain. I am told -
again, is it true? - that he was pretty close to anchor man in
his class. (I believe - correct me if I’m wrong - that
anchor man is the term for last in the class at Annapolis, and that goat is the word for last in the class at West
Point. (George Pickett, appointed to West
Point by Abraham Lincoln - if you can believe that - was,
I think, the goat in his class at the Point.)) Does his
class standing (if what I was told is true) say anything about
McCain’s level of intellectual intelligence, his analytical intelligence
(or his mathematical/scientific/technological intelligence, since
it was the Naval Academy)? Well, I don’t know, though
to be consistent about it, I’d have to guess yes, although
one might also think his class standing was in good part a result
of his being, apparently, a screw-off. More recently, though,
his really stupid involvement in the Keating Five scandal, his
very recent flip flopping on the Iraq war and torture when there was no good reason
for the flip flopping, and, most of all, his view that we should
be ready for a 100 years war, cast serious doubt on his smarts. Can
he really be serious about the 100 year war stuff? Is he

You know, Bill Maher made a hugely perceptive
comment about McCain the other night. Pointing out that McCain’s grandfather
and father were each famous admirals (and McCain started out
in the Navy), Maher said that a problem with McCain is that he
regards war as the natural state of affairs. I was delighted
to hear that said by someone with a public voice which is heard
widely. For I myself have been saying for some time that
one of the major problems with our generation, McCain’s and mine,
is that we grew up with nearly continuous war, and many of our
generation came to believe that war is inevitable and to be expected. Such
a view is disastrous; and it is unintelligent because it will
make disastrous war more likely and wreck the country in the
process. Yet it is the view held by McCain, so it is hard
to think him intelligent or fit to be President.

Let me turn briefly to a different subject,
one the Presidential candidates have not been discussing, but
which is highly important: the
selection of federal Justices and judges. Without getting
deeply into it, I’ve noticed that sometimes I say I’ll write
in more depth about something later, but never get around to
it. Well I do plan to write more on this later, and hope
I do get to it, perhaps as near term as within a week or two.
In the meanwhile, let me say this: as extensively discussed
by Jan Greenburg in her recent book and at a full day conference
at the Massachusetts School of Law (MSL), the reactionary right
has succeeded in creating, or is no more than a whisker away
from creating, the Supreme Court that it wants. There are
four hard line conservatives, and one middleman who is often
conservative. Another conservative appointment or two and
it’s all over for the next 20 to 40 years. As said about
abortion by one of Harry Blackmun’s Supreme Court clerks (quoted
in a recent biography of Blackmun), decisions will be made “‘once
and for all by some right wing minority’” of the electorate.
The candidates, however, aren’t talking about the Supreme Court
or the lower federal courts, but they damn well should be and
the public ought to insist on it. There is no question
that the right to abortion (er, choice) is at stake. Of
crucial importance to the country, also at stake is the question
of Presidential power, i.e., the question whether the President
will have the authority to be - and will indeed be - the kind
of all powerful, monarchical official the farmers feared, while
Congress continues to be a mere cipher and the courts do zip. And,
finally, also at stake will be the rights of the small man, whom
the current screw-the-small-guy-five don’t care about, and questions
of the power of willing states to protect the environment against
degradation by big companies who buy off Washington (and lots
of state capitals too).

Screwing the small guy brings up another
brief point. Bush
and the Republicans are against a bailout for the small people
who have been hurt badly by the subprime mess fostered, for awhile
to their enormous profit, by huge commercial banks, huge investment
banks, mortgage brokers, and other big business types. The
Bushies think that helping the small guy will represent moral
hazard, will encourage people in future to buy what they can’t
afford, to live beyond their means. Well, let’s accept
what these paragons of mendacity say; let’s forget that big businesses
defrauded small guys, defrauded investors, cooperated in illegality,
repeatedly urged small people to take out mortgages the banks
knew were unaffordable and, in the case of ARMs, just plain crazy. Let’s
forget all that devastating culpability - which the Administration,
Congress and the Supreme Court will doubtlessly find ways to
ignore or protect - -and just focus on the moral hazard of giving
the small guy a break despite his unfortunate behavior. Tell
me, how is this moral hazard different from the moral hazard
of bailing out Chrysler, which was bailed out only to fall flat
on its face again later? How is it different from bailing
out the savings and loan industry? How is it different
from bailing out the railroads in the 1960s? For that matter,
how is it different from helping out - by giving them scores
of billions over the years - some of the worst governments in
the world, like Pakistan’s, or Egypt’s, or Saudi Arabia’s, or
These questions answer themselves, of course. There is
no difference. Except one. These bailouts and help
outs were for the benefit of the rich and powerful. The
homeowners’ debacle deals with the small guy, who is neither
rich nor powerful. To steal from Karl Marx, but
to do so with regard to the top dogs, not the bottom ones, “Wealthy
and powerful of the world unite. You have nothing
to lose, and scores of millions of people to screw over with
your hypocrisy.”

A last point - a question really. What is Michael Bloomberg’s
game? He says he will not run for President (which is very
likely wise in view of Obama’s popularity), but thinks an independent
candidate could win and will support someone who says and does
what he considers the right things. Is he setting the stage
to support the candidate, if there is one, of Gerald Rafshoon’s
independent group? Is he hoping this group will run an
independent candidate who is bound to lose but who will set the
stage for a winning Bloomberg candidacy in 2012 (like the Republicans
with Fremont in 1856 and then Lincoln in 1860)? Is he possibly
even aiming for a vice presidential nomination on a major ticket
now, and then a run for the presidency in four years, when he
is 64, or eight years, when he is 73? Will he support some
non-Rafshoon-group independent candidate if a highly worthwhile
one throws his or her hat into the ring (which is unlikely)? Is
he aiming for a cabinet position? Should he simply be taken
at his word? (Take a pol at his word? - even one with the
good qualities that Bloomberg has?)
Well, I have no idea. Does anyone? columnist Lawrence
R. Velvel, JD, is the Dean of Massachusetts
School of Law. Click
here to contact Dean Velvel, or you may, post your comment
on his website,